
pfox__ahoy hoy04:57
pfox__so im on a recent 13.04 install.. i went from just having the gnome3 ppa added to adding ricotz/testing and gnome3-staging04:57
pfox__when my system boots up.. it looks like wayland/login or wahtever starts and a (new?) background wallpaper is displayed04:58
pfox__but it hangs.. no login prompt apeears, etc04:58
pfox__im on tty1 right now :/04:58
pfox__killing gnome-shell will cause me to "switch back" to the x display.. but still no login popping up..05:02
pfox__dmesg has a bunch of error msgs..05:03
pfox__this is what's in my dmesg: http://ix.io/7SL05:11
pfox__any help would be greatly appreciated..05:11
darkxstpfox__, how did you upgrade?08:24
darkxstif you used apt-get did you do a dist-upgrade?08:24
arpuricotz,  gnome-boxes works for me!10:29
arputhx a lot10:29
arpuany plans to inculde other 3.9 packages? (gedit-plugins, totem, emapthy)10:30
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pfox__darkxst: yes12:49
pfox__i ended up having to change to lightdm12:50
pfox__the particular dmesg issue was with gdm running telepathy and apparmor denying some actions it was trying to perform12:50
pfox__so i disabled usr.lib.telepathy in apparmor, and that changed the dmesg output, but still no login12:50
pfox__anyways. lightdm :(12:50
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ZoiaguyverOhh looks like gnome is coming along nicely with the Software center, http://en.eladalfassa.com/2013/09/gnome-software/16:01
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bjsniderthat looks kind of ugly to me18:35
bjsnideralso does the same things as ubuntu software center18:35
bjsniderthe thing between ubuntu and gnome is both sides have to go out and reinvent the wheel18:40
Maple__> <3 integration18:41
jbichasoftware-center will likely be ported to qt in the future; when that happens gnome-software may look a lot better19:03
jbichaon the other hand, GNOME likely won't support installing proprietary apps19:04
bjsniderthought software-center was qt already19:56
petersaintsIs there anyway to get GNOME Control Center 3.8 on Ubuntu 13.10? I think that besides a PPA with the next version of GNOME, and the staging one, another PPA should be available with packages that are heldback on default Ubuntu (such as the GNOME Control Center). Also, in the PPAs Nautilus should be built with tracker support.21:01
jbichapetersaints: I think that the GNOME3 PPA will stay at 3.8 for 13.10 and there will be a separate PPA for 3.1021:54
jbichaanybody can make their own PPA with nautilus built with tracker; I don't think we're willing to try to fork nautilus in the GNOME3 PPA21:56
jbichasince that would mean that we'd have to make sure the PPA version number was always slightly higher than the one in the regular repositories21:57
jbichaone possible outcome is that Ubuntu Desktop will look a lot more like the mobile interface in 14.10 and use their new file manager by default21:58
jbichadarkxst: maybe you should get release team approval for bug 1219188?22:28
ubot5bug 1219188 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Add support for separate background on lock screen" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121918822:28
petersaintsjbicha: Ok. I get your point about Nautilus. Also I can just rebuild the package from source with another flag if I need that feature. But could you at least add the Gnome Control Center 3.8? So that Privacy, Notifications and Search options can be configured?22:51

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