
submanI've just installed samba and get now use it from another computer and look at the contents of a directory, but that user cannot write to that directory.  should that user be added to the group 'sambashare'?00:11
submanIn the end, I wanted to create a 'shared directory' on my server where everyone on my local network can exchange files there.00:14
qman__subman, you need to set the file permissions such that the user in question has write access00:26
submanThe user or the group00:27
qman__you can set up a group to own the files and add that user to the group, or just make that user own the files, but they need filesystem-level write access00:27
submanqman__, I have added the user to the 'sambashare' group and then changed the owner of the directory to that group00:27
qman__subman, you also need to grant group write permission00:28
qman__chmod -R g+w /path/to/your/share00:28
qman__if it still doesn't work, you may have the share set to read-only in samba00:28
qman__and will need to change it00:28
submanpermissions there now:  drwxr-xr-x00:28
qman__that permission will prevent writing by members of the group00:29
zuladam_g: +100:32
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twoface88anyone uses ubuntu-server in highload production services?05:51
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OS-8259Hello, I try to make the 12.04.3 dist-upgrade, and get stuck on "Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86+.bin"; apt-get seems locked running this command "30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober"08:19
OS-825910filesystems script was blocking the upgrade process, just killed it; seems ok08:29
msafiHow can I know what I'll install when I type apt-get install diakonos?10:13
gesermsafi: add -s (simulate)10:30
msafigeser, That's cool to know. It doesn't tell me what diakonos is though?10:31
geserah, that's "apt-cache show diakonos"10:31
msafigeser, cool. Thanks a lot!10:32
jargonhow come when i edit my .bashrc and .bash_aliases, and then run `exec bash` i can use my aliases at the cli. but when i logout and login again it's gone and i have to run `exec bash` again to be able to use my aliases?11:49
diegonathi guys... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/AvahiBoot where can i find this page? I cannot find instruction about how to do it!12:45
GeorgeJHello folks!13:09
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GeorgeJI want to create an ubuntu server image for a VM. What's the recommended way of cleaning up the instalation before creatig the image? Also, I need to run dpkg-reonfigure openssh-server, to regenerate the ssh keys. What's a nice way of doing this?13:11
GeorgeJI basically just want to prepare an instalation for cloning.13:11
sarighey one all, remote tired .. have an issue, need a sounding board pls13:20
sarigubunto server 12. two disks, /dev/sda /dev/sdb, sda is the root primary, sdb is a store drive. sdb was mounted on /srv/share. Just recovered from a power outage, reboot the server and now /srv/share contains the root file system ??? so if i mv /srv/share/bin/grep to /srv/share/bin/bugger and do an ls on /bin/ I see bugger and no grep ... very confusing .. any thoughts ?13:20
* sarig labels ??13:21
tarvidWant to try Ubuntu+LXC+Docker. What is the best base to install?13:30
sariga little quiet in here today ;-)13:32
tarvidlooking for a little wisdom myself13:33
* sarig sorting it with blkid13:41
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diegonathi all.... I have got a problem with MAAS but I m not sure how to troubleshoot it. Basically, I set up a MAAS environment and I added one node. However, now I cannot add any other nodes. If you I power up a machine (virtual), it does boot but it doesnt come out in the web control panel. Any idea??14:34
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Lequtixanyone alive in here?14:57
* sarig sorted Phew ... blkid nailed the drives by uuid14:58
Lequtixhow are you sarig?14:58
sarigyou mean .. someone else is actualy typing :-)14:58
sariggood buddy14:58
Lequtixi think today will be boring for me...  i don't want to start new projects on fridays14:58
sarigjust had a remote server puck / onto a samba mount not nice14:59
sarigahh .. for me chuking in elsa14:59
Lequtixi don't understand14:59
sarigelsa ?14:59
Lequtixelsa is a womans name?14:59
sarigfed up with alienvault it's got a tad bloated15:00
Lequtixi've never see that because i don't have use for it15:01
Lequtixi only have 1 or 2 servers15:01
sarigdude i use anything ;-015:01
sarighave dual pII's still running15:02
sarigjust built a monster as well on the cheap (well big enough for me)15:02
Lequtixlike a 56 corvette15:02
sarigso ebay15:02
sarighp zw940015:02
sarig2 x quad core amd = £3615:02
Lequtixthats a good price15:03
sarig32gb ram = $5215:03
sarigthe hp was £5215:03
Lequtixyou gonna make a ProxMox server out of it?15:03
sarigso approx £120 pounds for 2 x quad core, 32Gb ram15:03
sarigcurrently running xen15:03
Lequtixi like proxmox cus it's kvm/openvz and has a web interface.. you don't need windows to manage it15:04
diegonathi all.... I have got a problem with MAAS but I m not sure how to troubleshoot it. Basically, I set up a MAAS environment and I added one node. However, now I cannot add any other nodes. If you I power up a machine (virtual), it does boot but it doesnt come out in the web control panel. Any idea??15:04
sariggoing to get a couple of icybox's and drop in 8 x drives,15:04
Lequtixi'm sorry diegonat i've never setup the private cloud stuff15:04
sarigi stick to openstack personaly buddy15:05
diegonatI think it is something to do with the dns server but im not sure...15:07
* sarig suddenly interested in MAAS15:07
* sarig <-- research15:07
diegonatsarig, thank u15:09
Lequtixso maas takes care of all the sync?15:09
Lequtixand the clustering?15:09
diegonatit takes care of the provision of new machines15:09
Lequtixthis is one subject i haven't really explored15:10
sarigall in one15:10
sarighorizontal and vertical scaling15:11
sarigjust checking viable cross os support15:11
* sarig still loves razor and puppet15:11
Lequtixso your problem is your instances don't show up in the control panel, but the node works fine?15:11
sarigthis though is a pure "ubunto" controlling stack15:12
Lequtixyea when u install ubuntu server you have the option to install maas15:12
Lequtixi've never tried it.. don't have 3 pc's15:12
Lequtixdiegonat.. did you set the fqdn's on the nodes and controller?  and add dns entries for them in either bind or in  /etc/hosts15:13
Lequtixjust so everything can find everything else15:13
diegonatshouldnt maas take care of everything??15:14
Lequtixwell it would be good to double check15:14
Lequtixping the FQDN for each part of your network on all the pc's15:14
Lequtixmake sure they can all resolve each other15:14
Lequtixgo on machine a... ping machine b and c15:14
Lequtixthen ping machine c and a from machine b.  etc15:15
Lequtixuse FQDN15:15
diegonatcannot ping any of them15:15
Lequtixok..  just make /etc/hosts entries for all machines15:15
Lequtixon all machines15:15
Lequtixsee if that helps15:15
Lequtixit will at least take DNS out of the equasion as a problem15:16
Lequtix192.168.1.10 machine1.domain.local machine115:17
Lequtixthats the format15:17
Lequtixput fqdn first.. single name next15:17
Lequtixonce done.. reboot them all15:17
diegonatok im trying15:18
Lequtixif it doesn't fix anything at least we've eliminated DNS as the problem15:18
ScottKzul: Is there an FFe bug for percona-xtrabackup?15:20
zulnot that i know of15:20
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ScottKzul: If you want to add a new package post feature freeze, you need one.15:26
zuleven for universe?15:26
Hammerhead2011-SHi all, persistent routes are killing me in 13.04!15:30
Hammerhead2011-Spost-up /bin/route add -net gw dev eth115:30
Hammerhead2011-Slooks good right?15:30
Hammerhead2011-SI can not get it to stick. I CAN put it in after boot but, that sucks.15:31
Hammerhead2011-Sany help would be greatly appreciated.15:31
Lequtixyou have to put it in /etc/network/interfaces15:32
Lequtixone sec15:32
Hammerhead2011-Shaha I know that :-)15:33
Hammerhead2011-SThat is a snip from the interfaces file15:33
Lequtixi'm just looking for the syntax15:33
Lequtixipost-up /etc/network/scripts/iproute215:34
Lequtixso at the end of your /etc/init/network/interfaces15:34
Lequtixput post-up <command>15:34
Lequtixsorry the i is not supposed to be in there15:35
Lequtixso after all the networking is processed you can execute a command or script15:35
Lequtixin your case, adding a static route15:35
Lequtixdo you have two gateways?15:36
Hammerhead2011-Sare you thinking about /etc/network/interfaces?15:36
Lequtixthe past line in /etc/network/interfaces should be post-up <command>15:37
Hammerhead2011-Sno just one gw. but multiple interfaces on different subnets15:37
ScottKzul: Yes.15:37
Hammerhead2011-Swell one defgw....sorry15:37
Hammerhead2011-Sand that command that I posted is in the /etc/network/interfaces file15:37
Lequtixup route add [-net|-host] <host/net>/<mask> gw <host/IP> dev <Interface>15:40
Lequtixtry that then15:40
Lequtixdrop the POST15:40
Lequtixup route add -net gw dev eth115:41
diegonatguys on MAAS i have machines' status on commissioning although they are up and running... any idea?15:42
zulScottK/smoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122180715:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221807 in ubuntu "FFE: percona-xtra-backup" [Undecided,New]15:43
ScottKzul: Thanks.15:43
ScottKWould someone from the server team express an opinion on Bug #1218817?15:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1218817 in xen "[FFE] Update to Xen-4.3 in Saucy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121881715:43
Lequtixhey hammerhead..  if you just have interfaces connected to subnets.. but there's nothing beyond that subnet..  you shouldn't need static routes15:44
Lequtixif you do, then you need to use iproute2 and setup for multiple gateways..15:44
Lequtixi have a howto somewhere15:44
Hammerhead2011-SThere are multiple nets on the other side of these interfaces.15:45
Lequtixok check out that howto15:45
Lequtixlinux doesn't do multiple gateways out of the box15:45
Hammerhead2011-SI wonder why I can add them on the commandline but not via the script15:45
Hammerhead2011-Sif I do a #> ip route add via dev eth115:46
Hammerhead2011-Severything works fine15:46
Hammerhead2011-SDon't need multiple GW's just the ability to statically route traffic15:46
Hammerhead2011-Sweird....so weired.15:47
Lequtixthis is where i got the info for u15:48
Lequtixmaybe you have a syntax error or something15:48
Lequtixi know the ip statement has to be AFTER all the interfaces are up15:48
Lequtixso put it at the bottom of the file15:48
zulScottK:  +1 from me it has arm support which is wanted by users15:52
ScottKzul: Please say so in the bug.15:56
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zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-swiftclient/1.6.0/+merge/18435617:34
nobodiesi installed ubuntu-desktop using apt and it installed loads of crap with it, is there any way of quickly removing it all? e.g. i now have 40 games 20 text editors etc.17:50
adam_gzul, https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/saucy/horizon/openstack_auth_min/+merge/18436017:52
evermeanhi i am trying to install ubuntu 13.04 x64 via USB on a machine that has no CD-ROM ... but the installer keeps on trying to mount a cd-rom....any ideas?17:52
zuladam_g:  can you have in the debian/changelog 2013.2~b3-0ubuntu1 please17:53
evermeanIt keep on prompting:  The current screen is telling me: Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again17:54
adam_gzul, shall i just go ahead an release it?17:54
zuladam_g:  b3? sure that will help alot17:54
adam_gzul, id actually like to do some testing to make sure the b3 dashboard is functional out of hte box17:54
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/0.3.2/+merge/18436117:54
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-heatclient/0.2.4/+merge/18436318:11
nobodiesnobody knows the answer to my question?18:19
jkitchennobodies: if you apt-get uninstall ubuntu-desktop it'll tell you there's a bunch of other stuff installed that is no longer needed and tell you how to remove ti18:21
nobodiesjkitchen, it didnt, however i have just found an apt-get remove that someone has written on the forum which contains all the applications it installs18:22
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-glanceclient/0.11.0/+merge/18437018:48
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-neutronclient/2.3.0/+merge/18437619:21
tom[]where should i set env vars for a service?19:53
ikoniain the init script ?19:53
ikoniacould be in the service config file19:54
tom[]for example, mariadb and UMASK_DIR19:55
tom[]i don't want to modify /etc/init.d/mysql, it's like forking19:56
tom[]i mean, forking in the source control sense19:56
tom[]and i don't know a mysql-specific config file for env vars19:56
tom[]i imagined there would a an ubuntu or debian convention for this19:57
adam_gzul, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/horizon/+bug/122190620:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221906 in horizon "Havana-3 Dependency missing: python-troveclient" [Critical,New]20:05
zuladam_g: *grumble*20:11
adam_gzul, packaged: lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/python-troveclient/havana20:56
adam_gzul, ceilometer is busted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer/+bug/122195622:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1221956 in ceilometer "ceilometer 2013.2~b2-0ubuntu4 is uninstallable" [Undecided,New]22:35
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