
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
AlanBellmorning all07:52
moodoomorning AlanBell :)07:55
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:08
mungbeanpopey: nice, i will look at that. android sync is a good feature i miss that rainy would give me again though with tomdroid (hopefully)08:13
mungbeany'all been reading this one today? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/05/nsa-gchq-encryption-codes-security08:18
AlanBellNSA have always been into that kinda thing08:19
AlanBellthey had key escrow and differential workfactor stuff when it was export restricted08:20
AlanBellso everyone else had 64bits to crack, but the NSA had a 24bit headstart08:20
mungbeanhowver it is not sufficient to say, yay AES is secure, if it gets backdoored. how confident are we of truecrypt?08:21
AlanBell"Differential Workfactor Cryptography" is the thing to look up, it isn't a big secret08:27
dwatkinsI'm more concerned that the servers themselves are compromised, and how the various security organisations send my data to themselves.08:27
dwatkinsIf they can get their hooks into hotmail etc. then someone else can, or someone else can snoop their own traffic.08:27
AlanBelland hasn't really been done since the export restrictions got lifted08:27
mungbeani didn't realise that the man in a bag was related to this http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/08/codebreaker-death/08:27
DJonesThis is so true https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/9309_10151637981802602_517729414_n.jpg08:27
dwatkinsAlanBell: the first hit on Google for that phrase is blocked by my employer's firewall ;)08:28
directhexdamnit. when did i buy minecraft?09:17
bigcalmdirecthex: before it was full price is my guess09:24
bigcalmI bought it in beta for €10 I think09:25
bigcalmOr was it still alpha at that price?09:25
directhexi think 2010 or 201109:25
mungbeani've still never played it09:25
directhexeither way, mojang support won't help me without the original purchase confirmation transaction number09:25
bigcalmOch, what have you done?09:26
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
directhexbigcalm, they're replacing usernames with email addresses, but if the migration errors out, you're basically stuffed09:27
bigcalmdirecthex: :O09:28
bigcalmSo that there can be more than one with the same screen name?09:28
directhexbigcalm, so you have one account for all your mojang games. i dunno.09:29
bigcalmThey make other games?09:30
moodoomungbean: they are just idiots.09:32
directhexaha, I made it work, by clicking "import" after logging in with my mojang account, rather than "Migrate" separately09:34
mungbeani'm amazed people complied with the dancing. this is the state of broken britain09:34
directhexand to answer the question, "Since 30 January, 2011" is the age of the account :D09:34
directhexmungbean, high unemployment, people desperate for jobs09:35
mungbeanbut really, if you have a moment to consider it, if they ask you to do a dance for the interview, the work culture is gonna make you quit the next day anyway09:36
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday, and happy Fight Procrastination Day! :-D09:36
mungbean"He said the dance had been part of team building exercises, although these were not part of its official recruitment process which would normally include a more formal interview.09:37
diddledanI procrastinate over whether to fight procrastination09:37
bigcalmI've just migrated my account: 10 November, 201009:37
DJonesmungbean: There was an interview with the bloke on radio 4 yesterday, he said he'd sent out about 200 applications & only got 7 replies so was really pleased with getting one from currys, he was supposed to have 5 minutes to talk about his interests so he went out and printed photo's that he takes through a telescope of night sky/astronimical things, and then was just asked to dance09:40
Laneythat's that09:41
mungbeansurely you would have the balls to say "i'm sorry, thats not on the job description"09:41
directhexmungbean, principles are great! note: you will starve without income09:41
mungbeansure, but would you survive in a job where they humiliate you before you even get the role?09:42
DJonesI think in the economic climate, people are desperate, and wouldn't do something that might stop them getting a job09:42
directhexto be picky you need options to pick from09:42
DJonesFrom the sound of it 200 applications with virtually no response doesn't give you many options09:43
mungbeansums up my opinion of the many jerks i've met in dixons09:43
mungbeani've only been insulted by staff in dixons/pcw and richer sounds.09:43
* Laney snuggles richer sounds09:44
dwatkinsI have a friend used to work for Dixon's support line, he hated it, couldn't wait to get out and do a comp-sci degree.09:44
directhexRS have very high customer satisfaction09:45
mungbeani told him i would never return to the store09:46
* bigcalm can has TV stick!09:53
bigcalmThe printed manual is tiny with tiny print :D09:56
bigcalmLooks like it's been written in Engrish, most amusing :)09:56
popeydirecthex: how do you find out when you bought minecraft?10:00
bigcalmpopey: migrate your account and they then tell you10:01
popeyoh, my email10:01
davmor2Morning all10:02
moodoodwatkins: I worked for dixons pc service call for 5 years10:05
Laneythe tech guys?10:05
moodooLaney: no this was before then, I started at the beginning when it was pc plus, then again that was about 15/20 years ago lol10:06
davmor2moodoo: man you're old :D  Morning mucka :)10:07
moodoodavmor2: yeah i know :p morning chap10:07
davmor2moodoo: go pick on czajkowski it makes you feel younger knowing you can still dodge flying objects :D10:08
LaneyI know someone who worked at TTG on lenton lane10:08
Laneythey shut that office and now he works for them from home10:08
Laneynot sure I could stomach walking people through windows system restore all day every day10:09
mungbeanwindows give sme physical pain10:09
moodoodavmor2: i would never do such a thing, i respect czajkowski :p10:09
moodoomungbean: no it doesn't :p10:10
davmor2moodoo: did your nose just break your monitor?10:10
czajkowskibah need to figure out which cable to use to get my presnetion to appear on the big screen an everything is apple :(10:10
moodoodavmor2: shush10:10
czajkowskiso not a good start to the day10:10
mungbeanusing MS windows gives me a painful know in my stomach10:10
* czajkowski sends davmor2 and moodoo to the naughty step, not today! 10:10
moodooczajkowski: I'm behaving today it's that davmor2 that's causing all the issues10:11
davmor2moodoo: definitely through the screen now ;)10:11
czajkowskiI've a display port but cannot seem to fugure out which one that mirrrors up to10:11
davmor2czajkowski: does it not have a hdmi lead?10:13
czajkowskiI've a HDMi convertor10:13
davmor2czajkowski: does the projectory type thing have a hdmi lead, if so plug in the converter and then plug the lead into the converter done10:15
czajkowskiyeah just It refuses to show up on the connection10:16
czajkowskiAnyone any idea how to make an imported .pdf into google doc go into presentation mode?10:30
* bigcalm returns from testing the android tv stick - works really well10:31
bigcalmMight consider EoP though. Streaming videos with MediaHousePro from mediatomb can be a little jerky. Time will tell10:33
bigcalmI really need to get a magic controller though10:33
popeyczajkowski: can you not just do it locally, not via gdoc?10:33
bigcalmpopey: what's the remote you recommend?10:34
popeyF10 iirc10:34
czajkowskipopey: the issue is this:  I cannot get my laptop to connect to the big TV for some godly reason.  so I thought plan B, convert to .pdf and upload to google doc so I could present it that way10:34
popeymele f1010:34
* bigcalm googles10:34
popeyczajkowski: make it a pdf, put on a usb stick or email to co-worker, use their laptop10:34
AlanBellczajkowski: can you convert to ppt and upload, then gdocs knows it is a presentation10:34
popeyor that10:35
czajkowskiyup tried that and google docs wont read it :(10:35
czajkowskiI'm gonna have w weekend of filing bugs on LO10:36
czajkowskinow have to hear about if only I'd had a mac discussion10:36
czajkowskimay i fact slap someone :(10:37
popeyczajkowski: a ppt, not an odt?10:37
davmor2czajkowski: did you try that or did you just save it as LO default odp?  you need to save it as PPT10:37
popeyI recall you complained it wouldn't recognise odp, but it should work with ppt10:37
czajkowskiI've one saved as a ODP which google doc doesnt support so I saved it as a .ppt and that uploads but the image cannot be read10:37
davmor2czajkowski: try different ages on PPT too10:38
czajkowskipopey: mind if I send you it to see if it's just me being a bit you knw... special :)10:38
bigcalmOh my goodness. The remote has speaker and mic - can be used with Skype!10:38
* bigcalm giggles to himself10:38
bigcalmThink I'm going to have to buy one10:38
popeyyeah, use a windows 95 era ppt10:38
popeybigcalm: the mele f10?10:39
MartijnVdSor pptx?10:39
bigcalmpopey: yes10:39
czajkowskia .pptx works to upload10:39
czajkowskithank you10:40
MartijnVdSczajkowski: np :)10:40
davmor2czajkowski: now does it display in gdocs in presentation mode :D10:41
czajkowskiNo but I can zoom in and fill up the screen10:41
czajkowskiI just need to resolve the connection issue10:42
czajkowskiso maybe plan C is best10:42
czajkowskimail co worker in the meeting and present from there10:42
MartijnVdSczajkowski: google docs has a "convert to gdocs" mode10:42
czajkowskiand then next week present via Vidyo should be easier10:42
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: WHERE>.................10:42
MartijnVdSczajkowski: in the upload dialog10:42
MartijnVdSczajkowski: the one that pops up while uploading10:43
MartijnVdSczajkowski: also, "gear" icon (top right) -> upload settings -> convert to Google Docs10:43
czajkowskithat setting wWAS OFF!10:43
MartijnVdSyou can convert after the fact as well, but I don't know how.. let me have a look at my account10:44
* davmor2 points czajkowski at this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Google-Apps-Dummies-Ryan-Teeter/dp/0470189584 and runs for the hills10:45
czajkowskithat works10:46
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: what was that link in twitter meant to be it got cute short10:47
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: This one? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1717674777/gerry-andersons-gemini-force-one10:48
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: that's the one thanks10:48
bigcalmStandard delivery 7- 23 days10:49
* bigcalm grumbles at another HK import10:49
bigcalmpopey: do you know where your friend got his mele f10 from?10:49
popeyebay i think10:50
popeyask him10:50
bigcalmWho he?10:50
bigcalmOh, on twitter?10:50
popeyask if he still recommends it10:51
bigcalmOh, Will Coke10:51
popeyWill O'Coke10:51
DJonesShock, Horror, El Reg is positive review scandal http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/09/06/ubuntu_13_10_beta_1_review/?page=112:18
MartijnVdSDJones: I'm calling it: they were paid off.12:18
DJonesMust admit, 1st beta release wasn't something that I'd realised was happening today12:20
directhexdoes mir still echo every VT into your graphical display, so logging on in VT1 will paste your credentials into your irc window if it had focus in VT7?12:21
diddledanDJones: didn't it happen yesterday though?12:21
DJonesdiddledan: Could have done, I've not been paying attention12:21
diddledandirecthex: that sounds like a cool bug12:21
directhexdiddledan, AKA the "t-mobile g1" bug12:22
dwatkinsI was also thinking of early Android12:22
directhexdiddledan, where everything you typed on the first android phone was echoed into a root terminal too12:22
dwatkinstype "reboot" and hit return whilst writing a text message, the phone reboots12:22
diddledanthat probably had a purpose at some point for being able to enter commands when you didn't have a console12:23
dwatkinsyeah, testing, I assume12:23
diddledanthey just forgot to disable it :-)12:24
diddledanit's not a bug it's a feature in that case12:24
dwatkinsindeed, diddledan12:28
* bigcalm flops back into the office12:30
* mungbean just ate a massive scoth egg12:30
bigcalmWant to spend the rest of the day playing with my Android on a stick12:30
mungbean411 calories alone12:30
dwatkinsbigcalm: fun times?12:30
bigcalmListening to the latest Goldfrapp album with Spotify via my TV and thus hi-fi is wonderful :)12:30
DJones411 calories? What was it, and Ostrich egg wrapped in 1/2 a pig12:31
bigcalmdwatkins: indeed so, I can really recommend having Android on a stick to make an HD TV a Smart HD TV :D12:31
* mgdm keeps meaning to make his Joggler run Android12:31
mgdmkeep forgetting12:31
mungbeani needed to supplmenet my pasta which had no met. i have gut ache now12:31
bigcalmmgdm: dog slow and painful. But amusing12:31
dwatkinsbigcalm: sounds like fun, might give it a go (I have a Raspberry Pi running XBMC, so I use that for watching tV a lot)12:32
dwatkinsmungbean: try not eating carbs for a couple months ;)12:32
mungbeandwatkins: i would disappear12:34
* TheOpenSourcerer is delighted it is Friday. Means Pub later :-D Lots of calories in Beer. Good calories I'm sure.12:34
mungbeancannot drink beer anymore :(12:34
mungbeantummy don't like it12:34
* bigcalm is excited for the trip down south to the RAT :D12:37
dwatkinsmungbean: I was hesitant at first, I've found I don't get that mid-afternoon urge to nap anymore ;)12:38
mgdmdwatkins: I keep intending to do that, then failing12:38
dwatkinsmgdm: nap, or give up carbs...?12:38
mgdmdwatkins: the latter :-)12:39
bigcalmIf I had the time, I would nap12:40
bigcalmHave been known to nap at lunch time12:40
davmor2bigcalm: you mean you wake up at some point?12:41
dwatkinsI used to work with someone who took a nap every lunchtime.12:41
directhexmmm a nap sounds lovely12:45
dwatkinsI had a sandwich for lunch, so I do feel like napping today, normally I just have chicken salad and I'm fine.12:47
mungbeannapping is healthy12:48
MartijnVdSnappies are healthy?12:48
diddledanproblem is with me a nap usually lasts a full 4 hours12:48
MartijnVdSsleep more during the night12:51
diddledanI sleep over 8 hours at night as it is12:51
diddledanif left to my own devices I'd sleep upwards of 12 hours a day12:52
diddledanthank god for alarms12:52
MartijnVdSYou're a strange person :P12:52
diddledanI'm on medication :-D12:52
diddledanprobably to combat the strangeness :-p12:53
DJones12 Hours sleep, that would be a wonder to have, weekdays my alarm is set for 7am just in case, normally I wake at 6am and toss & turn for a while before getting up & waking the dog up for an early morning walk12:53
MartijnVdSI couldn't.12:54
diddledanyeah, my alarm goes off at 7 too12:54
MartijnVdSIf I go to bed before 22:00, I wake up at 612:54
TheOpenSourcererMy alarm is set for 06:15am12:54
MartijnVdSafter tossing & turning until 22:0012:54
mungbeanalarm is set for 11.30pm12:54
MartijnVdSif I go to bed after 22:00, I wake up at 612:54
dwatkinsMy alarm goes off at 6:30, I get up sometime between then and 7am, have bacon and eggs then cycle to work. If I leave later than 7:30, I have issues with the pedestrian and dog traffic.12:54
DJonesI need an unpaid intern for envelope stuffing12:56
diddledanI need to outsource my job to china12:59
diddledan(and pocket the profit)12:59
dwatkinsyes, diddledan, because no-one *ever* got accused of defrauding their employer for doing that...13:08
diddledanit was reading about accusations that got me thinking it would be a good idea :-p13:09
dwatkinsI can't believe the bloke that did it got away with it for so long.13:09
andylockranhowdy all13:21
mungbeanBruce Schneier • September 5, 2013 4:35 PM13:22
mungbean"Could the NSA be intercepting downloads of open-source encryption software and silently replacing these with their own versions?"13:22
mungbeanYes, I believe so.13:22
andylockranmd5sum for the win13:23
andylockranbut I guess they've probably got that hacked too13:23
mungbeanconspiracy guys are gonna need bigger hats13:23
andylockransales of tin foil up 400%13:23
DJonesmungbean: tinfoil onesies :)13:24
mungbeana bit scratchie13:24
Monotokosay I've narrowed down a search in MySQL to get me a club officer... with three AND's in my WHERE (club id, year and clubofficerid)13:31
Monotokohow would I get it to bring back two club officers (clubofficerid 1 and 2) without doing another query?13:32
mgdmthat's nowhere near enough information13:32
mgdmwe'd need to know your table structures and the existing query13:32
mgdmand what's wrong with a second query for WHERE id IN (1, 2)?13:32
Monotokomgdm: hang on I will pastebin my query, there's a few tables involved here13:35
Monotokomgdm: IN sounds like the one I was missing: http://pastebin.com/bCGHJWqR13:35
Monotokoat the moment that's bringing me back one email address for the secretary, I want it to bring me back an email address for the secretary and the president13:36
Monotokoyeah IN was the one13:37
Monotokothank you13:37
DJonesDammed devices, I never know which way to turn when something goes 'ding' in the office, is it an email, a text, gtalk, and which device made the bloody noise, sometimes its every device13:53
mungbeani hate the whistle notification that everyone on the train thinks its cool to have13:53
mungbeanalthough yesterday someone had a ringtone like a rape alarm...but it was just a phone call13:54
DJonesDriving home the other night after talking about the MS/Nokia deal, they said they were going to test how annoying the Nokia ringtone was by playing it continuously until 100 people had emailed in to say stop, it went on for about a minute before they either got the 100 emails or got fed up themselves13:56
DJones(On the radio)13:57
popeythat's the dumbest radio stunt ever13:57
popeysurely people will just change the channel13:57
mungbeanwhich station?13:58
mungbeanits precisely the reason i don't even listen to radio13:58
DJonesRadio 413:58
mungbeanand the fact that somebody stole my aerial13:58
diddledanaerial theft?!13:59
mungbeanwow i thought it would be capitalheartcheese fm13:59
diddledanwho would want to steal a wire?13:59
mungbeancar aerial13:59
mungbeanit all started in 1976 when someones aerial broke, so he stole his neighbours13:59
diddledanuse a wire coat hanger13:59
dwatkinsI had a little figure (Gir from Invader Zim) on my aerial, some git stole him :(13:59
DJonesWould a car radio without an ariel be a "wireless".... I know, its bad13:59
mungbeanfast forward to 2013 and i am going to break the chain by not buying or stealing one14:00
mungbeanits  aroof aerial , the thick platic coated kind14:00
mungbeanyou can''t just plop a wire into a slot anymore14:00
diddledanthat's like not forwarding on a chain letter^H^H^H^H^H^Hemail14:00
diddledanyou're gonna die a horrible death now because of it14:00
diddledanor "your crush" is going to do the opposite of the wish you made when you read the countdown from 10 to 1 in textual form14:01
mungbeanmy wife gets annoyed because i can sort of hear radio5 someotimes in good conditions, so if i'm desperate for the arsenal score, i will turn it on and brrrrfuzzzzzzzzzarsenal7...ijiojiojeroije14:01
dwatkinsmungbean: for a moment I thought you meant you could hear Radio 5 without the need for a radio...14:02
dwatkinsit's not unheard-of14:03
=== RadiumCat is now known as HennaKaur
diddledanof course he did14:13
DJonesErk, Listening to a Doctor Who play, first episode is called "Scorpius" and I was wondering where Blake & Tarrent were..Confused.com14:17
bigcalmThat went over my head14:31
DJonesBlakes 7 reference14:32
bigcalmBlake 7 was before my time, but I wonder about checking it out14:33
DJonesYou should do before Microsoft ruin it14:34
DJonesWith their rumoured remake14:34
diddledanmicrosoft doing telly?!14:34
DJonesRumoured anyway http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23712001 Also denied14:35
bigcalm"Gamers will have to pay to take advantage of some features of the Xbox One"14:45
bigcalmI'm surprised that such a statement needs to be made14:46
mungbeanlike the power button?14:46
mungbeani hate stealth costs more than anything14:46
=== HennaKaur is now known as RadiumCat
BigRedSbigcalm: "What? I need to buy the games as well?!"14:49
davmor2mungbean: no this is microsoft not app,  you get the power button for free, but breathing during game play costs per breath14:50
mungbeanafter 300 power cycles then RROD14:50
Laneywow this is an extreme dead leg14:52
Laneymy foot is like set custard14:53
mungbeanmmm custard14:53
davmor2Laney: it's in a coffin on a trampoline trying to drag the rest of you in ?14:53
Laneynow it's recovered a bit14:53
Laneyat the extreme pain whenever it's moved stage14:54
mungbeanmmm cookies15:09
mungbean50p for 5 big ones in sainsbury15:09
diddledanI need cookies now!15:10
mungbeanthey put them near the self serve tills for the weak willed15:10
mungbeanand the hungry15:10
diddledanI'm both15:11
davmor2mungbean: what were you at the time then?15:11
mungbeani expected a time that i would be hungry. i'm rarely weak willed15:11
mungbeanexcept on reddit lately i appear to be getting involved with trolls and wrong people15:12
davmor2mungbean: unless it's cookies it seems :D15:12
mungbeani should just downvote and move on15:12
davmor2mungbean: do what I do, don't look at reddit :D15:14
diddledanI've never even been tempted to regularly read reddit15:14
mungbeani entered a cycle of behaviour since having the baby15:15
mungbeanfeeding the sprog in the dark at 11.30pm requires stimulation so you don't fall asleep15:15
mungbeanafter reading facebook , you need fresh stuff15:15
mungbeanreddit is what you read when all your other stuff dries up15:15
mungbeanand irc is asleep15:16
mungbean/r/parenting is the worst....wHYY!?!?15:16
davmor2mungbean: Just read wikipeadia start at A ;)15:16
mungbeanaardvark...yawn...snoooze...woops baby15:17
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
dwatkinsclearly no-one reads Slashdot anymore15:32
bigcalmNot for a very long time in my case :)15:33
funkyHatAnd why would they? ;P15:33
Seeker`funkyHat: to recap on last weeks news15:38
dwatkinsI hadn't opened slashdot in about 6 months until yesterday.15:38
bigcalmAnybody remember the f key overlay cards that were available for the BBC Micro  for different programmes? I'm wondering if there is a template out there for creating ones own overlay for different keyboards15:41
popeydug out desktop, booted it up, whining like a whatsit15:45
popeycpu fan15:45
diddledanI do that15:45
diddledanI'm a whiney git15:46
TheOpenSourcererYay! Nearly beer oclock!16:05
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
=== RadiumCat is now known as biffybean
andylockranbye all - have a good weekend16:54
bigcalm:O how is it 6pm?16:59
MartijnVdSbigcalm: gravity well, curved space-time, etc.17:00
bigcalmThere we go17:00
* bigcalm grumbles17:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
popeyhmm, hardware chaps, the fan in my desktop is busted, and i need a replacement pronto17:09
popeyits one of them17:10
MartijnVdSpopey: does it have to be one of them? as it's a desktop, wouldn't a "normal" CPU/case fan work?17:10
popeyno idea17:11
popeyi dont do hardware17:11
popeylooks like it's Lga1155? thats the chip form factor right?17:11
MartijnVdSpopey: just googled the type number on google image17:11
MartijnVdSah yes17:11
popeyi see some on amazon i can get delivery tomorrow via prime17:11
popeywhich will do17:11
MartijnVdSpopey: I'm liking my replacement for that.. let me find it again17:11
popeyquiet would be nice17:11
popeycheap also good ☻17:12
MartijnVdSpopey: I have http://www.coolermaster.com/product/Detail/cooling/cpu-liquid-cooler/seidon-120m.html17:12
MartijnVdSthat's going to be *quiet*17:12
popeyi had one of them and it didnt fit the case17:13
MartijnVdSpopey: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Akasa-AK-CC7108EP01-Heatsink-Noise-Socket/dp/B008OHNJN6/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1378487619&sr=1-2&keywords=1155+fan  ?17:14
popeysomething like that year17:14
popeygets good reviews17:14
MartijnVdSit looks like a bee or a wasp ;)17:14
MartijnVdSIt looks OK, I don't know if it comes with the paste17:15
diddledanI would hope it does17:15
MartijnVdSdiddledan: it really depends these days17:15
MartijnVdSdiddledan: not including it makes the package cheaper17:16
popey"However the K32 Akasa cooler is a bargain and keeps temps cool, comes with heat paste applied ready."17:17
popeylooks good enough17:18
popeyBoom, ordered17:20
* MartijnVdS ordered a new radio for the car earlier17:21
MartijnVdSdisplay on current one is dead17:21
MartijnVdSwhich makes it a bit hard-ish to use17:21
popeyooh good call17:21
MartijnVdSI ordered this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/AEG-4029-Autoradio-Watt-AUX-IN/dp/B00A7QGDB2 (hm, amazon.de has it for €50 less)17:22
brobostigongood evening everyone,17:38
MartijnVdShi brobostigon17:38
=== pi_ is now known as twinsen_pi
brobostigonhi MartijnVdS17:40
* MartijnVdS listens some more Andy Cato19:01
diddledanI need takeaway19:36
MartijnVdSomg.. this exists: http://www.glastonbridge.co.uk/flash/q.php?i=YES+IT+REALLY+EXISTS20:21
MartijnVdSpopey: web-based QI buzzer :)20:23
MartijnVdSpopey: if someone's obviously wrong, yes20:23
MartijnVdSah, it has an accompanying form: http://www.glastonbridge.co.uk/flash/q2.html20:24
=== GentileBen is now known as irrevarent
popey\o/ Your Amazon.co.uk order of "Akasa AK-CC7117EP01 K32..." has been dispatched21:46
popeyEstimated delivery date: Monday, September 09, 201321:47
=== irrevarent is now known as GentileBen
popeyoh, thats the other thing I ordered21:50
hamitronoh geez, government run organisations are so poorly organised... they've lost all copies of my qualifications and certificates twice now :/21:58
hamitronand licenses21:59
directhexhamitron, non-govt organizations are no better22:11
hamitronsuppose that can be the case, just not experienced larger places of work much22:12
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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