
themanwithnofaceblazemore: ok thanks00:00
dicedingusCan anyone else gives some pointers on what might prevent a new installation from connecting to secure wifi networks?00:01
energizerAdam_Dymitruk: my keys didnt work, so i wrote a script to edit the appropriate file on hotkey press00:01
energizerAdam_Dymitruk: it was in /sys/class/backlight/intel.../brightness00:02
moarcoresWhich ubuntu 13.10 is most stable? it appears to have my usb problem patched in the new kernel00:04
Rad-jrib: 13.04 ubuntu, yes00:05
jribRad-: output of « echo $PATH; ls -l ~/bin »?00:06
tierra_alguien q me pueda ayudar00:06
tierra_sobre un problema con el audio00:07
wilee-nileemoarcores, #ubuntu+1 is the 13.10 channel00:07
jrib!13.10 | moarcores00:08
ubottumoarcores: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:08
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wilee-nilee!es | tierra_00:09
ubottutierra_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:09
Rad-jrib:  let me paste bin one sec00:09
TeamRocket1233cJust curious, what'll be happening with the derivatives when 14.04 comes around, assuming the distro will be on Mir completely by then?00:12
jribTeamRocket1233c: ask the derivatives?00:12
TeamRocket1233cOne of my buds on dA worries that Mir will end up being adopted across the board by then.00:13
moarcoresAll the desktops I know are adopting wayland... and it's already somewhat done00:14
TeamRocket1233cHowever the main Unity spin is adopting Mir.00:14
Rad-jrib: http://pastebin.com/AVvYV18x00:15
wilee-nilee!ot | TeamRocket1233c moarcores00:15
ubottuTeamRocket1233c moarcores: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:15
themanwithnofaceblazemore: hey it didn't work i got it for a smaller amount of time but same dev cryptswap1 not ready thing... ;\00:16
themanwithnofaceblazemore: should i uncomment the crytpttab line?00:17
jribRad-: pastebin your ~/.profile00:17
Rad-jrib: no point. i have a .bash_profile so profile isn't read00:19
jribRad-: this is your issue.  Grab the stanza that adds ~/bin to path and copy it over.00:19
themanwithnofacehey guys i'm getting the "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or is not present" error when i startup 13.0400:21
themanwithnofacewould this be safe to try? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2164313&p=12740244#post12740244 ?00:22
c_smiththemanwithnoface, not gonna say it's the best solution, but I usually ignore that message. never has impacted my system00:23
c_smiththemanwithnoface, but that looks safe enough to try, your link00:23
oknowmy ISP has apparently been hacked by chinese . The notorious hn.kd.ny.adsl is being supplied by the DHCP as the gateway.The ISP has been contacted but in the mean time please advice  or point where to seek help00:24
c_smiththemanwithnoface, though if you look 2 posts down,00:24
c_smiththemanwithnoface, you'll see the issue could simply be timing issues before the swap partition is mounted00:25
c_smithand as such can be ignored.00:25
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c_smiththemanwithnoface, try swapon -s first to see if it's mounting correctly, pastebin it and link it if you're not sure.00:26
Rad-also ubuntu+vbox guest utils is funky =\00:26
Rad-doesn't resize properly00:26
Rad-at all00:26
oknowmy ISP has apparently been hacked by chinese . The notorious hn.kd.ny.adsl is being supplied by the DHCP as the gateway.The ISP has been contacted but in the mean time please advice  or point where to seek help00:26
c_smithoknow, be patient, if someone knows anything about your issue, they'll get to you, don't keep rapidly reposting.00:27
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AcidRain2012is perl installed by default on ubuntu/00:30
dr_willisyes AcidRain201200:31
dr_willisand on most distros00:31
Levi__what is the topic00:33
reisioLevi__: /topic00:33
dr_willisubuntu support. ;-)00:34
histo!perl | AcidRain201200:34
histo!info perl | AcidRain201200:34
ubottuAcidRain2012: perl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.14.2-21 (raring), package size 3619 kB, installed size 11357 kB00:34
Levi__oh thanks00:34
c_smithdr_willis, what about active perl? :P jk00:34
dr_willisc_smith:  its inactive00:34
c_smithdr_willis, I know, I was kidding00:34
dr_willis!info rexx00:35
ubottuPackage rexx does not exist in raring00:35
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dr_willisi prefer rexx  ;-)00:35
c_smithanyway, should probably take those kinds of shenanigans to #ubuntu-offtopic, eh?00:36
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worrowI have a success story to tell and someone needs to add it to the fix page somewhere00:38
reisioworrow: :)00:38
Levi__worrow tell it00:38
worrowThere have been numerous cases of ubuntu and brightness hotkeys not working right?00:38
Levi__i think yah00:39
reisionumerous, that's a fancy word00:39
worrowI have found the solution 100% fix00:39
reisioI believe you have for your particular situation :)00:39
worrowI was running kernel or similar 3.8.something00:39
SonikkuAmericaworrow: Pray tell!00:39
worrowWell there is a stable release of linux kernel 3.1100:40
reveldevelanyone have success getting todo.sh running?00:40
worrowvery easy, download the new 3.11 kernels (there are 3 parts to install)00:40
dr_willisworrow:  post it at askubuntu.com00:41
dr_willisyou could post your whole question, with pc make and details. and the answer you used, so others can find it easier00:42
Levi__so worrow what does this new kernal fix00:42
worrowthats the instructions for the update. I'm not good at putting together fixes. I'm running Asus K55A brand new 2 wees ago and my brightness would not change at all and tried everything out there. I figured I might try the new kernel and voila00:42
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dr_willisbut upgradeing to a new kernel - is a bit of a extreme fix. :) hopefully the bug fixs make the way down the kenrnel tree eventually00:43
worrowWell it has alot of changes, I am still fairly newbish. I would assume it must have some underlying changes not listed as it did not show that t was a fix for those sorts of things00:43
dr_willissearch askubuntu.com for that make pc. see if others have similer issues.. if so mention your fix as an answer00:44
Levi__worrow what do you use to turn up the brightness do you use you keyboard or do you use the slider in ubunut00:44
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AcidRain2012what is command to run synaptic?00:44
worrowkernel install was easy, download the 3 parts and install in order by open with software centre. after all 3 are done restart to allow changes to install. boots up and good to go.00:44
kostkonAcidRain2012, sudo synaptic00:44
worrowTook me less time then all those terminal attempts listed00:44
AcidRain2012synaptic not found00:45
dr_willisactually it should be  'gksueo synaotic'00:45
kostkonAcidRain2012, sudo apt-get install synaptic00:45
dr_willisAcidRain2012:  so insstall it. ;)00:45
dr_willis'gksudo synaptic' to run synaptic with root rights00:45
worrowwhere do i go to write up the fix or even email ubuntu team about it solving the brightness issue00:45
reisioworrow: if it's a remotely common issue, there'll be an item on launchpad.net for it already00:46
dr_willis!bug | worrow00:46
ubottuworrow: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:46
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AcidRain2012wow. synatpic made life so easy00:46
worrowmy bug was reported by many already00:46
dr_willisworrow:  i imagine thers allready similer questgions and alternative fixs mentioned at askubuntu.com aso00:46
worrownow I have no bugs00:46
dr_willisproblem is - you are now using a unsupported kernel. ;)00:47
dr_willisso if it does get fixxed  in the official kernels. you wont notice it00:47
worrowbrb checking askubuntu to post solution00:47
PewpI asked this yesterday and was not able to get an answer, so I will ask again. All my other ppas waork, except the 4 kubuntu/kde ppas I installed, that I was using perfect before reinstall. Apt/spkg just doesnt see the packagfes00:58
PewpBut my other ppas work.00:58
PewpIve tried removing the ppas, apt-get update, rebooting, adding the backports ppa, updating, and still no change00:59
PewpThis is very odd, and i would00:59
Pewprather not reinstall to fix00:59
daftykinsthird party PPAs?00:59
Pewpdaftykins: official kubuntu ppas01:00
PewpNo one in the kubuntu channel ever answers, itsa always dead01:00
PewpSo i asked here last night, got one idea, and it did nothing01:00
wilee-nileePewp, Probably a bit late now maybe, but there is ppa-purge it removes the ppa's and their packages returning you back to a previous state.01:01
dr_willissynaptic has a filter button to show what packages are  avilable from a specific source/ppa01:01
PewpYa i know01:01
dr_willissee if they are in fact enabled01:01
PewpBut it has not added ANY paclkagfes01:01
Pewpso purge is point;less01:01
PewpBut im well familiar with purge and y-ppa-manager01:01
PewpThey should be, they are in the roighjt sdir, i user add-apt-repositoryt01:02
Pewpi have no paclages install from this ppa thoiughy sadly01:02
wilee-nilee!who | Pewp01:02
Pewploemme try install ing y-ppa-manager01:02
ubottuPewp: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:02
histoPewp: contact the ppa owner and see perhaps the version numbers of packages in there are older.01:02
Pewponlyu one person is talking to me01:02
Pewphisto: no they are not01:03
wilee-nileePewp, Two did and cut the attitude.01:03
Pewpthese are official kubuntu ppas01:03
Pewpthe first 4 loisted01:03
Pewpnot the staging01:03
wilee-nilee!attitude  Pewp01:03
Pewpstop giving me bot crap, no offense01:03
dr_willissynaptic lets you browse that specific ppa to see what packages are there you could install.01:03
wilee-nilee!attitude | Pewp01:03
ubottuPewp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:03
Pewpim this close from ignoring ubottu as the noise is annoying everytime it spealking01:03
Pewp./ignore ubuntu ALL01:04
PewpI have no problem typing ypour niclk01:04
Pewpbut dont claim i have an attitude when i dont01:04
PewpIm answering simjpole querstions i have already given the info to01:04
PewpLike, noi packagfes actually being installed01:04
worrowwell my solution was posted in a reply. How do I go about writing a blog in askubuntu that is not via reply to oter thread?01:05
PewpI am not a newbie, i comre here as a last result only01:05
dr_willisworrow:  askubuntu.com has where you post a question, then post answers, and a way to put comments on the question/answers01:05
Pewpwilee-nilee: so anything real to offer, or you just keep bombaring me with obottu? :P01:05
Pewpcause this makes zero sense01:06
Pewplets see if the y-ppa-manager ppa works01:07
Pewpall the other do beside kubuntu and kde01:08
histo!enter | Pewp01:08
ubottuPewp: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:08
Pewppoh please01:08
OerHeksPewp, are you on raring or saucy ?01:08
Pewpit was two lines01:08
Pewpmore ignore for ubottu01:08
PewpOerHeks: `raring, the ppas doent support 13.1001:08
OerHeksPewp, for raring there is just 1 package updated > https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=raring they are working on saucy now01:08
Pewpas they are backports type01:08
AcidRain2012FINALLY!!! i got to chmod the folders i was wanting to without accidentally chmoding my "/" :D01:09
Pewpuh there much more in thre beta backports and exterimental snd such for 13.0401:09
AcidRain2012it was not at the cost of all of my servers though that im annoyingly having to resetup01:09
histoAcidRain2012: nice. I found some ways online you could repair it but it's not worth the headache vs. reinstalling01:09
AcidRain2012histo, lol. to late now man. lol01:09
Pewpfor instance, in beta-backports, apps like caligra the office suite, do not showup01:10
histoAcidRain2012: basically you'd have to get the permissions out of a package manager to see what the defaults are and apply them with a custom bash script.01:10
Pewpeven thoiugh they did oiion prior install01:10
AcidRain2012im going to copy all permissions on my comp, and create a bash file to automatically reset permissions01:10
AcidRain2012oh... nvm. cant use terminal when u mess up like that :/01:10
Pewpit takes me 15min to install but its a pain01:10
dr_willisAcidRain2012:  makes me wonder how you are manageing to mess them up  in the first place. ;)01:10
Pewpyaz i could keep my home dir, but i dont want to in case something is conflicting01:10
AcidRain2012histo, it wouldnt let me use terminal :P01:10
histoAcidRain2012: you can mount the fs on a live cd and repair that way01:10
AcidRain2012oh ya01:11
AcidRain2012good point01:11
AcidRain2012lol. dr_willis i dont even wanna talk about it01:11
histoAcidRain2012: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/permissions-repair-tool01:11
AcidRain2012yall should have seen the expression on my face when i accidentally hit the enter key though01:11
PewpOerHeks: and what do ya know, the ppa for y-ppa-mkanager and my ppads work fine01:12
Pewpit makes NO sense01:12
histoAcidRain2012: we've all been there.01:12
AcidRain2012histo, i feel sry for any soul who travels that path01:12
CoburnJust got sound working on my PowerPC Mac Mini G401:12
histoAcidRain2012: that one link looks like they are working ona  tool01:13
CoburnNeeded to unblacklist snd-aoa01:13
PewpKubuntu and KDE ppas stiull not working01:13
Pewphavent tried the kde-neon ppa01:13
Pewpgtk2, wow this old sauce01:13
AcidRain2012histo, i wish them the best of luck. that was the worst experience ever.01:13
AcidRain2012histo, if you seen sex drive, the movie, at the end when the dad finds out the older brother is gay, and he flips the table over. that was me with my computer. lol01:14
histoAcidRain2012: happens quite often with people learning cli01:14
histoAcidRain2012: lol01:14
Pewpwb OerHeks01:14
Pewpim not sure where to start troubleshooting. the y-ppap-manager ppa works mint01:15
AcidRain2012cool. only 8 more servers to configure01:15
worrowis there any way to get intelHD 4000 driver on ubuntu?01:16
AcidRain2012i will say, this is my fastest manual recovery time yet01:16
themanwithnofacec_smith: hey you there?  swapon -s isnt showing anyhting? sorry late reply01:16
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AcidRain2012i have this horrible fuz sound in the background01:16
scxWhat is equivalent of gnome-default-applications-properties in Ubuntu/Unity?01:17
xubuntu_Hello, I need some help - I have a windows 8 laptop, and I wanted to dual-boot with Kubuntu, however the EFI was causing a lot of problems so I followed some guides on the internet (using easybcd) but now I can't boot either - it just says "Windows failed to start - The boot configuration data file doesn't contain valid information for an operating system", does anyone have any idea how to get it working again?01:17
daftykinsxubuntu_: you'll need to ask in ##windows to fix the 8 install01:18
bbtechI can't seem to remount a partition with different options. I'm trying to turn on acl. Can someone please take a look and tell me what I'm missing? http://pastebin.com/PQc6vfn201:18
xubuntu_How do I get there?01:19
xubuntu_oh wait, thanks01:19
xubuntu_got it01:19
scx1. How to change default application in latest 1) Ubuntu 2) Kubuntu?01:19
raubxubuntu_: cool01:19
AcidRain2012a box just popped up asking me to install some windows sound thing, something about python. didnt give me the option to install it right then so i clicked off of it. now i have this loud annoying fuzz/static sound in the background01:19
dr_willisscx:  checked askubuntu.com yet? they most likely have a guide or 2 on doing it.01:20
AcidRain2012ooo. i got it to go away :D not sure how01:20
worrowI hae intelHD 4000 card but under driver is says unknown, how can i figure out what driver is there?01:20
histoworrow: lspci -k01:20
daftykinsyour driver will be 'intel' :>01:20
dr_willisworrow:  under what exactly i it saying driver 'unknown' ?01:20
=== Aaron is now known as Guest50991
worrowdr_willis,  settings, details overview01:21
dr_williscant say ive ever looked there. ;)01:21
dr_willisthe x logs will say what driver it is using also  i belive01:22
scxDoes Unity use just gnome-default-applications-properties or own app?01:22
dr_willisscx:  i thought it used the gnome parts for that01:22
scxdr_willis: ok, thanks01:22
dr_willissince its using nautilus as its file manager and so forth01:22
worrowin the terminal it says vga compatible controller driver is i915. is that right for the intelHD 4000 or is there a better one?01:22
dr_willisunity is a shell on top of gnome-301:23
dr_willisworrow:  i imagine its right if thats what it decided to use.01:23
dr_willisintel tends to be rather problem free - except in a few weird cases  ;001:23
dr_willisat least problem free when ompared to the disasters people often have with ati and nvidia ;)01:24
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worrowis there upgrades to the i915 kernel?01:24
histoworrow: what problem are you experiencing?01:24
histo!ot > sean_01:25
ubottusean_, please see my private message01:25
worrowisto no problem, just would like it to list a driver in the overview it bothers me. lol01:25
sean_Lol, sorry01:25
worrowhisto,  also like being up to date01:25
dr_willisworrow:  file a bug report.  and with ubuntu you do your apt-get update/upgrade once a week or so.. and you are up to date01:26
worrowdr_willis,  i always do. I just fixed a bightness hotkey bug by latest stable kernel 3.1101:26
dr_willisand here i thought the odd # kenrnel versions were considered Unstable. ;)01:27
bbtechI can't seem to remount a partition with different options. I'm trying to turn on acl. Can someone please take a look and tell me what I'm missing? http://pastebin.com/PQc6vfn201:27
dr_willisor have they changed that01:27
worrowdr_willis,  not in my case01:27
worrow3.11 kernel is pimping.01:28
dr_willisyour use of the term  'stable and unstable' may not be what the kernel devs are using the same terms to mean01:28
histo!latest | worrow01:29
ubottuworrow: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:29
worrowsuppose it depends on system use.01:29
wilee-nileenor pimping a negative01:29
dr_willisthe kernel devs actually have a definition of what they do for their 'stable' ernel and the unstable kernel is what im saying01:29
worrowubottu, latest kernel 3.11 was a fix for me.01:30
ubottuworrow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
dr_willisunless they changed things. any odd number kernel was to be considered 'unstable'01:30
dr_williswhich is a testing type branch of the kernel01:30
worrowthey advertised 3.11 a stable release on a big bold button on their site.01:30
dr_willisperhaps they have gotten away form the even/odd number scheme then01:31
histoworrow: please lose the windows mentality that you need the latest stuff. They are usually only bug fixes for certain people in the updates and won't provide anything new to you.01:31
worrowhisto,  I'm not a windows user, I hate windows. But I don't always see latest and greatest.01:32
histoworrow: then I'm confused by your question?01:33
AcidRain20127 more servers :D01:33
worrowhisto,  I just want my driver to show in my system. I'm long time or was long time mac user. Bought brand new windows 8 laptop and immediaely wiped it. I despise windows. Hackintoshes are too unstable to consider and linux is so friendly and easy to mess with01:34
histoworrow: driver to show where?01:34
histoworrow: lspci -k  will show you the kernel module in use01:34
histoworrow: and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log will show you which driver it used for the screen01:35
delinquentmehow to check installed programs via apt-get ?01:35
delinquentmeI want to see what kind of programs with names like libusb are installed01:35
honestlyapt-cache search libusb01:35
histodelinquentme: dpkg -l libusb01:36
honestlyor that. me, I just use aptitude.01:36
delinquentmehisto, how to add wildcards at front and end ? dpkg -l *libusb*01:37
histodelinquentme: yeap01:37
histodelinquentme: ii is installed rc is removed but configuration files are left behind etc...01:38
cellofellowI've been having this problem. http://askubuntu.com/questions/336830/new-login-keychain-created-at-each-login01:38
delinquentmewhat are all these outputs on the top about?01:38
cellofellow(I'd comment on the AskUbuntu question but I don't have enough rep.)01:39
AcidRain2012how do i mount my internal hdd?01:40
AcidRain2012its not listed in fdisk -l01:40
histodelinquentme: describes each field01:40
williangliaohello guys01:40
AcidRain2012lemme restart01:40
histodelinquentme: the | is a pointer down01:40
AcidRain2012might fix it01:41
uronuanyone know how to pushd a samba server shared folder?01:42
uronuanyone knows how to pushd a samba server shared folder?01:42
reveldeveldr_willis, any help with todo.txt resources or guides? #todotxtapp is a ghost town and the online how-tos (incl forums) have got me a bit confused...01:42
reveldeveldr_please :-)01:43
dr_willisreveldevel:  ive never neve heard of 'todo.txt'01:43
delinquentmeany idea on what this output from $ dmesg means ? main process (808) killed by TERM signal01:44
dr_willissounds like a  rather poor /gimmicky name for a program ;)01:44
jribreveldevel: what's your actual question?01:44
reveldeveldr_willis, aw. todo.sh is a bash program that manipulates a todo.txt file from the cmd line01:44
dr_willisdelinquentme:  process 808 (whatevver that was, got set the 'TERMinate' single.  and quit.01:44
phedoh god my first comment as a dude who has used linux since 1996 - ubuntu people, do you even use your own system?01:45
dr_willisreveldevel:  cant say ive ever needed it.01:45
somsipreveldevel: what is the query?01:45
jribphed: do you have a support question?01:46
reveldeveljrib, i seem to have trouble calling the program and ensuring that .cfg and ~.bashrc files are correctly edited and in the proper directories01:46
jribreveldevel: you need to give details01:46
delinquentmeIf I installed a package called minicom which was being used to edit routing between USBs ... how can I remove it so that the system is as it was pre minicom install?01:46
reveldeveldr_willis, http://todotxt.com/01:46
phedjrib: no, more of a general culture problem01:46
jribphed: ok, but this channel is for technical support with the ubuntu OS01:46
cellofellowAnyone know why a new Login keyring is being created at every login?01:46
jrib!ot | phed01:46
ubottuphed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:46
dr_willisdelinquentme:  sudo apt-get purge packagename01:47
somsipreveldevel: the docs are pretty good on this. HAve you worked through https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide01:47
reveldeveljrib, somsip, let me figure out where to start01:47
wilee-nileephed, You a professor at the uni01:47
dr_williscellofellow:  first guess would be some file or directory in the users home. somehow got owned by root. so the user cant writge the changes to it01:47
phedjrib: is there any support in there?01:47
jribphed: "there"?01:48
reveldevelsomsip, yes; i have it open now01:48
cellofellowdr_willis: do you know where the keyring files are?01:48
phedjrib: are there any support in #ubuntu-offtopic01:48
delinquentmedr_willis, is there a way to findout what killed a given PIS ?01:48
jribphed: with few exceptions (see !guidelines), -offtopic is for anything that isn't ubuntu support related.  So I suppose you could ask for support with something that doesn't have a more appropriate channel01:49
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:49
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dr_williscellofellow:  not really looked into it in ages. I bet askubuntu.com lists where they are at exactly01:49
dr_willisdelinquentme:  not that ive noticed.  #bash may be able to tell you if its possible01:50
reveldeveljrib, i have downloaded the todo.txt_cli-2.9.tar.gz; unpacked it; moved the THREE files from Downloads to /usr/local/bin01:50
dr_willisreveldevel:  if its just for your own user. you may want to put them in  /home/yourusername/bin01:51
cellofellowdr_willis: found the keyrings, in .local/share/keyrings if you care, but they're all owned by me.01:52
reveldeveldr_willis, for all users if possible01:52
cellofellowbrb, gonna drop to a console01:54
phedjrib: ok, i see. i don't want to crowd up here, but 1) what is the name of the channel for those who do the windowmanager 2) how can i get a "cpu-meter/process" sort of view fast?01:54
AcidRain2012how do i get terminal to cd as root? >_>01:54
reveldeveldr_willis, i am primary and usually only user but would like to be able to demo it with a guest account. if that uses MY todo.txt (~revdev/Dropbox/todo/todo.txt then for single user only01:54
AcidRain2012su - invalid password01:54
AcidRain2012im using the root password though01:54
jribphed: this channel is appropriate for those kinds of questions01:54
jribphed: well, you can ask window manager questions here anyway01:55
jrib!root | AcidRain201201:55
ubottuAcidRain2012: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:55
AcidRain2012jrib, im trying to...01:55
AcidRain2012cd into a drive thats not mine01:55
jribAcidRain2012: you're trying to what?01:55
phedjrib: i'm habing random lockup issues with the window manager - and sadly switching out of the window manager to diagnose it causes it to resolve01:55
phedjrib: ie ctrl-shift-1 in order to switch to term causes the problem to cease01:56
jribphed: you mean ctrl-alt-f1?01:56
phedoh sorry, obviously01:56
jribphed: hand then when you come back (ctrl-alt-f7), your gui is no longer hanging?01:57
phedjrib: new machine, so the kb layout tricked me. i beg for the day they do actually standardize the qwerty01:57
jribphed: weird.  Haven't seen that.  If no one here knows, you might try later or try one of: the forums, mailing list, or askubuntu01:57
jribreveldevel: you haven't asked a question yet01:58
jribAcidRain2012: so did you sort out your issue by reading ubottu's link?01:59
reveldeveljrib, when the levee breaks...  ;-)01:59
phedjrib: one concern, i'm running 12.10 - is an upgrade advisable?02:00
AcidRain2012jrib, no i didnt02:00
jribphed: it's a good idea02:00
jrib!upgrade | phed02:00
ubottuphed: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:00
* phed has regretted an upgrade before, but it was way more complex than this machine02:00
jribAcidRain2012: why not?02:00
phedjrib: any idea of what timespan that upgrade would .. span?02:01
AcidRain2012well its apparent that i cant login as root. i also cannot cd as root02:01
AcidRain2012cd with sudo*02:01
dr_williscd with sudo. is a bit pointless02:01
jribphed: depends on how much you've installed.  I think it gives an estimate before asking you if you want to bail (don't quote me on that though)02:01
phedwhat you mean by "cd as root"02:01
dr_willisif you need a root shell 'sudo -s'   or 'sudo -i' and then go to town02:01
phedeg does "cd /home/someuser" not work or "cd /" not work02:02
AcidRain2012phed, changed to cd with sudo02:02
jribAcidRain2012: what do you actually want to do?  You can get a root prompt with « sudo -i » but why don't you say what you actually want to do after you cd?02:02
AcidRain2012i want to cd to /media/AcidShower/02:02
phed"sudo cd /" will not cause any action, since it rusn another shell that will not modify your current shell02:02
jribAcidRain2012: then I guess your problems are solved.02:02
phed"sudo cd /" will just cause a new instance chdir to / - but return to your original setting02:03
AcidRain2012jrib, thx for being not-so-difficult this time ;)02:03
=== gcx494 is now known as gcx
jribAcidRain2012: not sure what you mean02:04
phedAcidRain2012: you cannot cause a new process to change the directory for you - unless that process changes your CWD-variable, and that can be done without an SU02:04
reveldeveljrib, i have my executables still in a folder (/usr/local/bin/todo/txt.txt_cli-2.9). is it correct to say i need to get them out of that file and place them directly in /usr/local/bin  ?02:05
phedAcidRain2012: if you do manage to change your cwd, short for current work directory, (ie. what is printed when you run "pwd"), you will end up in a directory where "ls" will return a "access denied" message. even typing cd .. will yield that. so you have to type somethign like "cd /" to get back in a sane environment02:06
jribreveldevel: yes, that is correct.  There's only one executable though... todo.sh02:06
AcidRain2012phed, thx for info02:06
reveldeveljrib, ok, right. then there is todo.cfg and todo_completion02:07
somsipreveldevel: this is all covered in the installation guide...02:07
phedAcidRain2012: it is better if you explain what you are trying to achieve instead of that immediate problem02:07
jribreveldevel: todo.cfg is an example config file and todo_completion is for you to setup completion.  See the quick start guide somsip has pointed you to02:07
AcidRain2012phed, im done. thx man. i was changing permissions but i just wanted to be in that directory so i could use the tab key so i didnt have to type "/" character incase i accidentally hit enter again and changed all permissions on my disk ;p02:08
phedAcidRain2012: haha ok, keep your tongue straight as we say02:09
phedAcidRain2012: one trick i use is to type # when i make long stuff02:10
reveldevelsomsip, thanks, and true, that they are. but i am confused as there are windows/cygwin instructions and some not inconsequential gaps in my working knowledge here...02:10
reveldeveljrib, example, you say?02:10
phedAcidRain2012: eg.: phed$ # ls -l02:10
phedAcidRain2012: that way I know that an accidental enter won't launch the dreaded ls -l onto my system02:11
AcidRain2012lol. i wish it was ls -l02:11
phedAcidRain2012: just prefix with # and you know it will never run02:12
phed(this uh "self-invented" trick saved my ass probably twice)02:12
AlexandreMBMHello! My "question about CUPS filter": http://goo.gl/XQHn9402:14
AcidRain2012phed, good idea man. im doing this everytime now. no matter what command i enter. i cant let that happen gain :/02:14
=== River_Rat is now known as RiverRat
phedAcidRain2012: Haha ok, let this be known as the great phedvention manevour or somethign02:15
AcidRain2012hmmm... i cant seem to get ssh to follow sym link02:15
AcidRain2012lol. ill tell terminal to give credit to u each time a command is prefixed with #02:15
somsipreveldevel: what step are you on? What have you done and succeeded in doing?02:16
reveldevelsomsip, i have downloaded the .zip, unzipped, moved to /home/revdev/bin02:19
reveldevelsomsip, chmod +x to make executable02:19
somsipreveldevel: but you want this to be availabel for all users?02:19
reveldevelsomsip, and i now see that there are some slightly different files in the /home/usr/bin rather than /usr/local/bin02:19
reveldevelsomsip, ...which is why i shifted gears away from avail to all users02:20
reveldevelsomsip, will all users be manipulating MY todo.txt file?02:20
somsipreveldevel: no - and slow down. Let's get this working first02:20
somsipreveldevel: post the result of 'echo $PATH'02:21
reveldevelsomsip, thanks :-)   run from which directory, or does it matter?02:21
somsipreveldevel: just follow the instructions and I'll try to be complete in what I ask for02:21
Rad-can i apt-get a deb or do i have to dpkg02:23
somsipreveldevel: sudo dpkg -i package.deb02:23
reveldevelsomsip, /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games02:23
somsipRad ^^ (ignore that reveldevel )02:23
reveldevelsomsip, 10-402:23
Rad-so i have to use dpkg. thanks02:23
somsipRad-: yes02:23
somsipI'm going to recommend you move the todo.sh to /usr/local/bin to save you a step, ok? Do you know how to do that?02:24
somsipreveldevel: ^^02:24
reisiothough you might want to keep the actual script in ~/ somewhere02:25
reveldevelsomsip, yes. only that file? will we move the other later/to a diff place?02:25
somsipreveldevel: I'll get you sorted. Just move todo.sh to /usr/local/bin.02:25
reveldevelreisio, @me? working the KISS angle with somsip ;-)02:26
reveldevelsomsip, done.02:27
somsipreveldevel: next 'cd && mkdir .todo' which will create a dfirectory to put the todo.cfg in02:27
reisioreveldevel: you trickster you02:27
somsipreveldevel: actually, ignore that. mc the todo.cfg to ~/.todo.cfg instead02:29
reveldevelsomsip, ok. do this in my current /usr/local/bin directory?02:29
wood_quinn_Does anyone here use irssi or weechat with an OTR plugin?02:30
reveldevelsomsip, mv && mkdir todo.cfg ~./todo.cfg02:30
somsipreveldevel: go to where todo.cfg is saved and 'mv todo.cfg ~/.todo.cfg'02:30
sysop3231hello all. im a programmer, just moved to ubuntu desktop. i love it. can anyone point me to a code editor that is 100% easy to theme? i tried geany, which is nice, but the colorscheme system is AWFUL. im an older fellow, and i need a darker editor. if you can point me to one that starts out that way, that would be nice, or something that realizes it is 2013, and is clickably themable. i appreciate it. thank you.02:30
wood_quinn_I would like to know if they are compatible with Pidgin's.02:30
wood_quinn_sysop3231: You can use a terminal emulator and vim :D02:31
reisiosysop3231: just run 'xcalib -i -a' (after installing xcalib) :)02:32
reveldevelsomsip, done02:32
SinnerNyxI'm trying to run "sudo apt-get install npm". Then I get a whole bunch of lines that have the following form "npm : Depends: [packagename here] but it is not going to be installed"02:33
SinnerNyxThe last line is E: unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.02:33
SinnerNyxI ran dpkg --get-selections | grep hold02:33
somsipreveldevel: now a test. type 'todo.sh' and you should see 'Usage...'02:33
SinnerNyxbut that returns nothing.02:33
wood_quinn_SinnerNyx: Have you ever run "apt-get update" ?02:34
SinnerNyxwood_quinn_: About a dozen times since I've had this problem.02:34
SinnerNyxwood_quinn_: No change02:34
reveldevelsomsip, this works from several test directories02:34
SinnerNyxI'm using the chris lea PPA. Could the PPA be broken?02:35
somsipreveldevel: now 'todo.sh -d ~/.todo.cfg ls' and you should see '1 Test' if I remember rightly, or 'No todo' possibly02:35
reveldevelsomsip, that pulls up my todo.txt file from dropbox :-)02:36
somsipreveldevel: explain what dropbox has to do with this02:36
reveldevelsomsip, it does not pull up '1 test' or 'no todo'; it pulls up my todo.txt file (and presumably allows editing)02:37
somsipreveldevel: so was your todo.cfg one you used before? Not the one from the zip? And if you think this will allow you to edit, you have the wrong idea of how todo-cli works02:38
reveldevelsomsip, the todo.cfg is the one i used/edited before; yes the one from the zip. (You are quite possibly more right than you know; however, I have tested and was able to edit one task)02:41
reveldevelsomsip, i ran: todo.sh pri 61 a02:41
reveldeveland it prioritized line/task 61 to A and colored it yellow02:41
somsipreveldevel: ok - do you want to finish getting this to a state where it is easier to use?02:42
reveldevelsomsip, yes, please!02:42
somsipreveldevel: 'cd && echo >> .bash_aliases && echo '# Todo.sh' >> .bash_aliases'02:42
reveldevelsomsip, where >> equals consecutive commands?02:45
somsipreveldevel: adds a blank line and a comment line to the end of .bash_aliases file. More to come when you've done that one02:45
reveldevelsomsip, type exactly as transcribed above? i am trying to decipher the command02:47
somsipreveldevel: my patience is wearing thin. copy from between the quotes and paste it02:47
reveldevelsomsip, hope i'm not wearing you out. thanks again for the help :-)02:48
somsipreveldevel: so i've used all single quotes which may be confusing. but paste everything excpet the first ' and the last '02:48
reveldevelsomsip, done. i got no output and no errors02:49
somsipreveldevel: next 'echo "alias todo='todo.sh -d ~/.todo.cfg" >> .bash_aliases && echo "export TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION=ls" >> .bash_aliases'02:50
phedhmm, where can i read more about the idea behind the desktop?02:51
reisio"the desktop", or Ubuntu's?02:51
phedI'm really struggling with the overall idea. At the same time, I do hate that MS Word don't explain the style concept anywhere in full.02:51
phedUnity, which i believe is the ubuntu desktop02:51
phedwhich is why i am here02:52
reisioah yes02:52
phedalso, desktop metaphore is a concept I could deride - clearly unity does not follow that02:52
reisioIIRC, besides being ultimately based off Mac OS's, it comes from the Ubuntu Netbook Remix derivative02:52
reisiowhich wanted to maximize efficiency for small screens02:52
reisiophed: sure it does02:52
reveldevelsomsip, done; no output; no errors02:52
Impossibleis eurooffice open source>> anyone knoiw02:53
reisiojust not the most traditional interpretation of it02:53
somsipreveldevel: next '. .bash_aliases'02:53
reisioImpossible: never heard of it02:53
Impossiblethe website doesnt say much ugh02:53
reisiowhich website?02:53
phedsince upon isntall it is full of default icons, all the interesting ones are stacked below the fold ...02:53
reisiosays free & open source02:54
reisioit also says it's LibreOffice :p02:54
phedi can unlock icons, but i have no idea how to access the application i remove02:54
Impossibleall i see is Libreoffice and apache open office derivative02:54
reisiowhich would guarantee it's open source02:54
reisioyou can't make a closed source derivative of OpenOffice or LibreOffice, really02:54
reisioOracle could, but nobody'd use it02:54
phedeg. i prefer if i had one icon for Libre instead of 302:54
reveldevelsomsip, http://pastebin.com/UZRwE3a002:54
phedclick one, see three new aspect-icons02:55
phedthat would be good02:55
wilee-nileelarry has enough money anyway02:55
reisioor well, I guess they already gave Apache all the IP?02:55
reisioso maybe they couldn't even :p02:55
Impossiblea program can be commerical and open source corect.>?02:55
somsipreveldevel: looks like you pasted a ' in there by mistake. 'nano .bash_aliases' and scroll to the bottom of the file02:56
reisiobut you can't not distribute the source code of a GPL licensed application02:56
reisionot without violating the license02:56
reisiowhich would open you up to litigation02:56
phedbut if you paid for a piece of software, and you get nothing but a binary compilation of an open source product - you were ripped off.02:56
phedin many jurisdictions, you would have a reason to sue02:56
reisionot even Microsoft has bothered to wait and see if they got sued02:56
Impossiblei see i see02:56
reisioevery time they're caught violating the GPL, they open source :p02:57
somsipreveldevel: pastebin the contents of .bash_aliases too02:57
Impossibledo you guys still use windows02:57
phedreisio: you can of course redistribuite the soruce code of a gpl app02:58
wilee-nileeI started on open source but use it for word02:58
reisiophed: hrmm?02:58
phedreisio | but you can't not distribute the source code of a GPL licensed application02:59
reveldevelsomsip, http://pastebin.com/YXFgkMFA03:00
phedreisio: oh, you mean03:00
reisiophed: English is fun :p03:00
reveldevelsomsip, i believe i see the offending " ' "03:00
phed"you can't not distribute the source code of a GPL licensed application without declaring the license"03:00
somsipreveldevel: add a ' to the edit of line 5, after .todo.cfg03:00
reisiono I mean03:00
phedreisio: but that is valid for any sourcecode anyway03:00
reisiothe entire purpose of the GPL is to guarantee the source code will be available03:00
reisioyou cannot NOT distribute it03:00
somsipreveldevel: then save the file. Can you see how to do that from in nano?03:01
reisiowhereas technically "open source" means nothing but "hey you can look at it, maybe, if you can find it"03:01
somsipreveldevel: CTRL O then CTRL X03:01
phedreisio: you can OF COURSE distribute the source code03:01
reisiophed: you are misreading my statement03:01
phedreisio: that's the whole point of it03:01
phedreisio: in my terms, the sourcecode obviously includes the license03:02
reveldevelsomsip, yep, done, thanks03:02
somsipreveldevel: and can you now '. .bash_aliases' ok?03:02
phedreisio: non-open-source code is even harsher about not including the license03:02
cjaewhat is a good gui app to crop an mp3 into a ringtone?03:02
reveldevelsomsip, no output; no errors03:02
reisiophed: we're on the same page, you're just misreading my statements :p03:03
cjaeit can stay mp3 just need to crop beginning and end03:03
somsipreveldevel: now type 'todo' and it should do the same as when you did 'todo.sh -d ~/.todo.cfg ls'03:03
kostkoncjae, audacity03:03
reisiocjae: audacity03:03
reisiokostkon: ! :p03:03
cjaereisio: easy?03:03
reisiocjae: yeah03:03
phedreisio: it's ok. i ack'ed it03:03
cjaecoo thanks03:03
reveldevelsomsip, yep03:03
reisio15 dudes in #audacity03:03
phedreisio: point is that oss code is not special in that regard03:04
somsipreveldevel: so this has made 'todo' and alias for 'todo.sh -d ~/.todo.cfg' and means if you don't add an action (add, ls, delete) it assumes 'ls' for list03:04
reisioin what regard?03:04
phedreisio: eg if you google and find some code - you can't freely copy that03:04
phedreisio: even if it is undeclared, you cannot copy it03:04
reisioyou can't assume its license, indeed, not without asking for trouble03:05
reisiobut 'open source' isn't a license03:05
phedreisio: so there's nothing special about oss code in that regard03:05
reisioin what regard?03:05
phedin regard of sharing03:05
somsipreveldevel: in the docs, the suggest using 't' for the alias instead of 'todo' but now you know how to use nano to edit it if you want to later. Just remember to '. .bash_aliases' after editing to get it to take effect03:05
phedreisio: share/redistribute03:06
phedeven "public domain" have to be declared03:06
phedlet's move this to #-offtopic03:07
reisionothing has to be declared, the burden is on the copier :p03:07
lid6j86nothing has to be, but probably should be03:08
reisiolid6j86: 'cept for marshmallows, they're required03:08
phedreisio: this belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic but I can't invite you. If a piece of code is public domain, yet not declared as such, it is not copiable. Even if the original source was public domain, and the new copy is unchanged.03:08
reveldevelsomsip, ok, i see that. i now have an orphan file left over in /home/revdev/bin called todo_completion. it is a script and the top reads "source-this-script"03:09
reisiothere's nothing to stop you but a court system, which would only come into play after you copied it :p03:09
reisioand if I were interested in this conversation, I wouldn't only be replying to you03:10
somsipreveldevel: step 4 on https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide03:10
somsipreveldevel: use the 'system wid' step, not the 'or' step just because it is easier03:11
cjaerighto n they even have a ringtone tutorial....win03:13
waglewhich of the jillion commands do I look at to find out why apache2 got installed (according to a dependency from another package)?03:14
somsipreveldevel: but you also need to do the 'If you define an alias...' step, which would be 'complete -F _todo todo' for what you've just done03:14
reisiowagle: look into disabling apt 'recommends'03:14
phedoboy, ok i should not upgrade - since i risk damaging encrypted accounts on this machine03:15
reveldevelsomsip, right, step 4 complete. i am not clear on the .bashrc bit, though03:15
waglereisio: I'm more wanting to do it again, so looking at an image of the previous system03:15
somsipreveldevel: that is the 'or' step I recommend that you didn't do03:16
waglei forgot why i had it installed03:17
reveldevelsomsip, i skipped the 4.b step but ran the "complete -F _todo t"03:19
reisiowagle: should be a log in /var/ somewhere03:19
reisiofind /var/ -name 'apt'03:19
somsipreveldevel: oh god :( look what I told you to do 5 mins ago...03:19
reveldevelsomsip, unless I missed something, i followed your instructions. i ran the system wide NOT the -or- (4.b) option03:21
somsipreveldevel: yeah, you missed something:  which would be 'complete -F _todo todo' for what you've just done03:21
waglereisio: cool, thanks03:21
reveldevelsomsip, 'i skipped the 4.b step but ran the "complete -F _todo t"' (although i see you said "...-F _todo todo" whereas i ran just "..t")03:23
reveldevelsomsip, let me try the correct command03:24
cjaeso audicity make my computer go nuts and freezes steady03:24
reveldevelsomsip, done; no output, no errors03:25
somsipreveldevel: so now can you 'todo a{tab}' and it expands to 'todo add'?03:26
kellmoo69hello all03:26
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:27
reveldevelsomsip, no; it reads: todo abash: completion: function `_todo' not found03:27
kellmoo69good evening over her ;)03:27
kellmoo69over here03:27
somsipreveldevel: did you 'sudo cp todo_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/todo' ?03:28
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: good evening :p03:28
lotuspsychjecjae: this isnt the place for comercials03:28
reveldevelsomsip, yes; just checked the list of commands i have run03:29
kellmoo69Newbie Ubuntu user - I have a question to ask03:29
somsipreveldevel: so you're done. But please, for sanity's sake, learn how to follow instructions properly03:29
PedroBRAnyone can help me?03:29
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: shoot your question03:29
lotuspsychje!ask | PedroBR03:30
ubottuPedroBR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:30
cjaesorry just everytime i try to do something, seems there is a better online solution, gets annoying03:30
histoPedroBR: ask03:30
fungoatXChat open but not in the Launcher. Anyone seen that before?03:31
reisiocjae: it's not as fun, but if you assume there's a better known, documented solution by default... :)03:31
PedroBROkay, sorry. Well i have a netbook (Acer aspire one D250) and i dont know which system ill install03:31
kellmoo69@lotuspsychje - okay new install ubuntu desktop version and I noticed 2 partitions called "file system" both different sizes.  is this normal?03:31
lotuspsychjePedroBR: i have an acer aspire one netbook, and running ubuntu 13.04 64bit03:31
reveldevelsomsip, well, apart from the "completion function '_todo' not found"03:32
reveldevelsomsip, but you've got me out of the woods, and for that, i am most grateful03:32
PedroBRI tried ubuntu 13.04 32bits here, but its too slow :/03:32
reveldevelsomsip, so Thank You!03:32
somsipreveldevel: well, everything I just walked you through is on the page I gave you. But it's done. And I need to work now. Good luck03:32
lotuspsychjePedroBR: what are your system specs?03:32
NedsFlamHey guys. I just made a bootable usb for ubuntu...and I tried to use it on another computer that has windows installed so that I could install ubuntu. However the computer is not able to actually boot from the flash drive03:33
NedsFlamit says something fails when it trys03:33
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: did you install ubuntu, and checked partitions afterwards? or are you still in the partition screen in install?03:33
=== MartinS is now known as Guest96638
chockeyNedsFlam: Something?03:34
NedsFlamchockey: I am about to try it over again03:34
NedsFlamchockey: I'll tell you in a moment, sorry03:34
PedroBRProcessor Atom 1.6 ghz (N270). 2gb RAM. Intel GMA 950 video03:34
kellmoo69install completed03:34
kellmoo69and yup i used auto config partitions03:35
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: your partitions might be coreect then, one hd and one swap03:35
kellmoo69and thus noticed both have almost identical folders03:35
lotuspsychjePedroBR: what was 'slow' exactly in 13.04?03:35
kellmoo69ah okay03:35
sysop3231this is a dumb question - my fonts on my default bootstrap setup look different. for example, here is the heading fonts from bootstrap: http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/base-css.html#typography and here is mine, built from the example: http://snag.gy/uYmT4.jpg03:35
sysop3231 why are my fonts so much different? is this because of ubuntu and apache2?03:35
sysop3231did i not install the required fonts when i set up ubuntu web server?03:36
RiverRatIf I am installing Ubuntu server 12.04.3 and select configure the network it asks for an interface and I select it but it doesn't seem to stick and won't let me set the parameters manually.  Any suggestions?03:36
histoSushiDude: wjat03:37
histosysop3231: what?03:37
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: did you install wifi driver, what chipset?03:37
PedroBRlotuspsychje, well, the system itself...Unity, Firefox, if i open some tabs...03:37
RiverRatlotuspsychje: It isn't noticing the wireless card.  It is the wired driver that I am trying to use.03:37
kellmoo69question - should there be a partition created by default to be dedicated for the user files?03:37
lotuspsychjePedroBR: hmm, you might wanna try 12.04 lets, or if that slows down, xubuntu or lubuntu03:38
RiverRatIt is an ancient Toshiba laptop I'm trying to revive.03:38
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: chipset of the eth card?03:38
lotuspsychje!info xubuntu-desktop | PedroBR03:38
ubottuPedroBR: xubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.165 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 43 kB03:38
RiverRatlotuspsychje: Intel 82557 Ethernet pro 10003:39
lotuspsychjePedroBR: try installing this, and you will be able to login to xubuntu, just to try system speeds are better03:39
histo!font | sysop323103:39
ubottusysop3231: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/03:39
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: any driver shows in 'additional drivers' mate?03:39
kellmoo69The home folder as an example, should this be located in a separate partition?03:39
PedroBRlotuspsychje, Okay, thank you! I will try 13.04 again (at moment i have mint mate 15), and if keep slow, i will try this03:40
lotuspsychjePedroBR: good luck!03:40
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: maybe you still got left-overs from your previous Os?03:40
lotuspsychje!info gparted | kellmoo6903:41
ubottukellmoo69: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.1-2 (raring), package size 531 kB, installed size 1840 kB03:41
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: try that package to check all your partitions03:41
kellmoo69Dual boot windows 7 and Ubuntu03:42
RiverRatlotuspsychje: No.  Like I said, it is an ancient Toshiba.  It might not be able to deal with this new Ubuntu.03:42
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: ubuntu got many drivers already, i sugest you try 13.04 and come back to chat03:42
RiverRatlotuspsychje: Well the IRDA driver but I've never set up an infrared driver.03:43
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: ah then your win partition will show too03:43
RiverRatlotuspsychje: I couldn't find a 32bit 13.04 version.  Should I look again?03:44
slaveohello guys03:45
slaveoany one could help me pleaz03:46
droopWy can my new user access my admin folders? i logged in as user1 and can access my pictures directories on my admin account03:46
histoslaveo: ask03:47
histodroop: what are the perms of the other users folder?03:47
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: yes look again, its there :p03:47
RiverRatlotuspsychje: Ok, thanks.  I'll be a while to download and burn another.  :)03:48
lotuspsychjeRiverRat: you can use an usb stick aswell if you like03:48
slaveohi histo  i 've just installed bearshare.exe v8 on my ubuntu but i faced this error msg the program bearshare.exe has encountered a serious problem03:49
droophisto: owner create and delete, group access files, and others access files03:50
histodroop: then change them03:51
histoslaveo: what network does bearshare connect to?03:52
histo!p2p | slaveo03:52
ubottuslaveo: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:52
uronuhow to install fonts like tahoma, san serif, arial and consolas?03:53
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slaveosorry im new user for linux thats why i asked03:54
histo!fonts | uronu03:56
ubottuuronu: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/03:56
slaveois it possible to run bearshare on wine and which one is compatible03:56
histoslaveo: yeah I would stick with one of the apps in the software center vs. running a windows app in wine03:56
calwigdoes ubuntu have desktop widgets?03:56
kellmoo69here is my partition info according to GParted...Partitions are /dev/sda1 (system reserved) with mount point = /media/system reserved. Next is /dev/sda2 with mount point = /media/249aa93blahblah.  Next is Unallocated. Next is /dev/sda4 (extended). Next is /dev/sda5 (ext4). Next, /dev/sda7 (ext4) with mount point = media/5000blahblahblah. Next is another Unallocated. Next is /dev/sda6...03:56
kellmoo69...(linux-swap). Last is /dev/sda3 (my laptops hidden recovery software drive)03:56
slaveook histo thanks03:57
histocalwig: there are many different widget apps you can use03:57
histokellmoo69: what's the problem?03:58
BaukbahHello newbie question here: What's different between 12.04 LTS and 13.04 for server03:58
histo!lts | Baukbah03:59
ubottuBaukbah: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)03:59
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
Baukbahalso can I install latest stable builds on 12.04 LTS (for example I want mongodb but latest version)03:59
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: /media will be your windows partition03:59
Baukbahbecause old versions have old packages03:59
Baukbahhisto: my real question is the second question04:00
histo!latest | Baukbah04:00
ubottuBaukbah: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:00
IamTrying[   67.119758] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: ERROR Transfer event TRB DMA ptr not part of current TD - How can i get ride from this problem???04:00
histo!ppa > Baukbah04:00
ubottuBaukbah, please see my private message04:00
calwighisto, can these widgets access a proxy?04:00
histocalwig: don't know you have to check and see. I dont' run any04:01
kellmoo69Ah okay so all looks normal than from what you can see? I thought I might be missing a partition for all my data separate from the other partitions04:01
calwighisto, ok thx04:01
BaukbahI know PPAs but I want use Ubuntu's repos for my stuff04:01
histokellmoo69: ubuntu by default doesn't create a seperate /home04:01
histoBaukbah: then if it's not in backports no04:01
histoBaukbah: or you can build yourself and make a deb with checkinstall04:01
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: seems normal to me04:01
kellmoo69would you recommend that I do setup another partition for /home ?04:02
histo!seperatehome | kellmoo6904:02
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: but i wouls use ubuntu on your entire drive and loose win7 once and for good :p04:02
histo!separatehome | kellmoo6904:03
ubottukellmoo69: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving04:03
kellmoo69it doesn't sound like it is necessary so because I am new to Linux/Ubuntu I'll just keep things the way they are :)04:04
kellmoo69Thank you for answering my question04:04
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: thats wise, enjoy your new ubuntu system04:04
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: if you need any good advice come back to chat ok04:05
kellmoo69I am so impressed with Ubuntu, it has all of my drivers installed...try that Microshaft lol04:05
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: thats why i recommend single install ubuntu, not dualboot04:06
kellmoo69My next goal is to switch my windows server (NAS) over to Ubuntu Server04:06
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: there are so many nice packages on ubuntu to replace your win life04:06
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: thats recommended for sure also04:07
lotuspsychje!server > kellmoo6904:07
ubottukellmoo69, please see my private message04:07
histokellmoo69: no gui in ubuntu server so beware.04:07
histo!manual | kellmoo6904:07
ubottukellmoo69: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:07
kellmoo69Now that I have tested Ubuntu and have found it very user friendly, I will reinstall, this time no windows!04:07
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: good decision!04:08
kellmoo69@lotuspsychje Thanks again for your great help04:09
kellmoo69and everyone else04:09
lotuspsychjekellmoo69: no problem ; ) come again here, and all others will help you aswell04:10
kellmoo69night all04:10
SinnerNyxI'm trying to run "sudo apt-get install npm". Then I get a whole bunch of lines that have the following form "npm : Depends: [packagename here] but it is not going to be installed"04:10
histo!info npm04:10
SinnerNyxI ran apt-get update, but I'm still getting the same problem.04:10
lotuspsychje!info npm04:10
ubottunpm (source: npm): package manager for Node.js. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.4~dfsg-2 (raring), package size 334 kB, installed size 1092 kB04:10
histoSinnerNyx: what package is not being installed?04:10
SinnerNyxAlot of packages I'll list them out. one sec04:10
IamTryinghttp://i.imgur.com/HigircB.png - How do i stop this flooding?04:11
IamTryingMachine is crashing over and over04:11
histoSinnerNyx: aptitude why-not npm04:11
SinnerNyxnodejs, node-node-uuid, node-request, node-mkdirp, node-minimatch, node-semver, node-ini, node-graceful-fs, node-abbrev, node-nopt, node-fstream, node-rimraf, node-tar, node-which04:12
SinnerNyxhisto: one moment04:12
SinnerNyxnodejs Conflicts npm :S04:12
SinnerNyxWhat does that mean?04:12
SinnerNyxI thought npm relies on nodejs?04:12
lotuspsychjeIamTrying: on wich ubuntu version are you, and when does this error happen?04:12
somsipSinnerNyx: what version of nodejs installed? From the PPA or from the official repo?04:13
SinnerNyxI believe it installed from the PPA. Where could I check that?04:13
histoSinnerNyx: there's your problem04:13
SinnerNyxI mean I did add the PPA, and then I installed nodejs04:13
somsipSinnerNyx: check the version of nodejs...04:13
histoSinnerNyx: dpkg -l nodejs04:13
somsipSinnerNyx: so you've done nothing from the official repo? PPA worked fine here for me but see !PPA04:14
SinnerNyxnodejs 0.10.18-1chl i386..04:14
somsipSinnerNyx: current version as of this morning I think04:14
SinnerNyxsomsip: I have two almost identical machines (as in I run the same lines on both of them almost simultaneously) except one is 32-bit and the other 64. The 32 bit ran fine with no problems. My 64-bit machine gave me this issue.04:15
nerdtronwew..too much happening in the xubuntu channel.. i might as well hang out a bit here :)04:15
AlexandreMBMHello! Can anyone help me? My question: http://goo.gl/XQHn9404:15
somsipSinnerNyx: if this is the 64 bit, why is it a i386 package?04:15
histo!ppa | SinnerNyx04:15
ubottuSinnerNyx: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:15
SinnerNyxsomsip, good question. I assume there is no 64-bit build, and x86 code runs in x64 ya?04:15
histoSinnerNyx: read the WARNING04:16
somsipSinnerNyx: the smae command recommended by histo for me gives: 0.10.18-1chl1~precise104:16
SinnerNyxhisto: I understand the risks, I'm not demanding that you solve my problems, only that you help me to troubleshoot them if you can.04:16
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html04:17
histoSinnerNyx: the ppa version of nodejs is probably the issue04:17
SinnerNyxhisto: seems like the wrong version is being installed. How would I remove a PPA after running add-ppa-repository04:17
SinnerNyxI want to try installing the regular ubuntu build, and seeing if it gives me the same version information04:18
Ben64SinnerNyx: the bot just gave you info on how to remove a ppa...04:18
SinnerNyxBen64, sorry, I didn't want to pollute one of my two images with ppa-purge if that was avoidable. I guess I have no choice though.04:19
whiptailppa-purge is more akin to clean not pollute04:19
SinnerNyxI want to keep my two server images as close to exactly the same as possible.04:19
Ben64what whiptail said04:20
SinnerNyxwhiptail: I only meant that it's unnecessary software, that I have no reason to install on one machine over the other. I'm not saying that it's a bad program, or in any way underhanded.04:20
whiptailSinnerNyx, in that case you could remove it when youre done with it04:21
SinnerNyxwhiptail: fair enough.04:21
xmetaloops ... forgot i was here ... watching the game atm04:21
histo!ppapurge | SinnerNyx04:23
ubottuSinnerNyx: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html04:23
serv-adminHey all. So I tried to turn automatic login on and it will not let me. Is there something else I have to do?04:23
SinnerNyxhisto: yup, just ran that. checking the version04:23
serv-adminI literally cannot toggle the switch.04:24
SinnerNyxnow it gives me nodejs 0.6.19~dfsg1 i38604:24
SinnerNyxso it was installing it from the PPA, I suppose.04:24
histoSinnerNyx: now apt-get install npm04:24
SinnerNyxThe current stable version of nodejs is v0.10.18. Is the ubuntu repository not being updated?04:25
histo!latest | SinnerNyx04:26
ubottuSinnerNyx: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:26
histo!info nodejs | SinnerNyx04:26
ubottuSinnerNyx: nodejs (source: nodejs): Node.js event-based server-side javascript engine. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.19~dfsg1-5ubuntu1 (raring), package size 767 kB, installed size 2537 kB04:26
SinnerNyxhisto, you've been very helpful. Thank you. Also to everyone else here in #ubuntu.04:27
SinnerNyxTurns out I'm an idiot04:29
SinnerNyxif you install nodejs from the PPA, npm is already included.04:30
SinnerNyxThat's why it wouldn't install04:30
Baukbahchange the last command with this: sudo apt-get install nodejs=0.10.18-1chl1~precise104:33
Baukbahinstalls 0.10.1804:34
SinnerNyxBaukbah: Thanks for the advice, but installing from the ppa gave me 0.10.1804:35
Nick1234567890who's in here04:35
Nick1234567890talk you04:35
technmomI just got here04:35
whiptailnot me04:35
SinnerNyxinterestingly enough, my 32bit box is reporting amd64 architecture, while my x64 box is reporting i386...04:35
SinnerNyxI wonder why that is.04:35
Tzion_Petter"Still hung. Over." replied the KKK member being asked about the condition of the nigger over his 2 way radio.04:36
IamTryingHow do i black list xhci_hcd ? this is flooding my system and crashing04:36
IamTryingHow can i black list "xhci_hcd" and use "ehci_hcd" ? Please? Its crashing my system for this.04:38
zykotick9SinnerNyx: while it easy for a 64bit CPU to use either 32 or 64 bit, i don't think a 32bit cpu is capable of booting a 64bit kernel... are you sure you don't have your boxes mixed up?04:47
SinnerNyxzykotick9: I'm wondering that exact thing. How would I be able to check which linux is going?04:48
zykotick9SinnerNyx: you can use "cat /proc/cpuinfo" to see the cpu info seen by the kernel.  to see "which linux", do you mean distro or architecture wise?04:49
SinnerNyxarchitecture of course. Sorry about being unclear.04:49
Anonynimityhey, I have an interesting question...04:50
zykotick9SinnerNyx: "uname -a" shows kernel info, while "dpkg --print-architecture" will show userland.04:50
AlexandreMBMAnonynimity, what?04:50
Anonynimitydoes anyone know of any software programs that will help delete someone from the internet?04:50
Anonynimityno really, I know there are software programs that do this...04:51
whiptailAnonynimity, Do you mean help gain privacy04:51
Anonynimityno whiptail.04:51
SinnerNyxVery strange. I don't understand how it could have beeen reversed like this...04:51
Anonynimityto remove all personal public and private data about a person from the internet04:51
Anonynimityanyone? please help me...04:58
wilee-nileeAnonynimity, This is ubuntu support that is not a topic here.04:58
Anonynimitywhere would I go?04:58
Anonynimitythe reason I ask about software is I'm on an ubuntu machine.04:58
Anonynimityso... that said, I think it's appropriate to ask for software suggestions for the ubuntu os in an ubuntu chat room...04:59
wilee-nileeAnonynimity, from the ubuntu repos yes.04:59
Anonynimityok, any suggestions on which repo would have a program like this?05:00
xmetalthat sounds like hacking to me05:00
xmetal(even IF if could be done)05:00
Anonynimityroflmao... @ hacking05:00
dfcnvtHow do I get around the script that included sudo in it and I need it to sudo the script?05:07
qinAnonynimity: take the blue pill... or was it red one?05:09
Anonynimityqin, I have my reasons.05:09
pfox__im on a fresh install of 13.04 ubuntu-gnome .. install the ricotz/testing and gnome3 ppas... rebooted and i can't get the login prompt to appear.. the x display starts but then it just hangs.. these errors are in my dmesg: http://ix.io/7SL05:10
pfox__note that they repeat.. that happened when i kill'd gnome-session (which usually triggers a restart)05:10
qindfcnvt: start script with sudo, and use sudo in script; or run script as root with no sudo05:10
Impossiblehow do i add a program to my desktop that doesnt show up on applications05:12
Impossiblei can open it in terminal05:13
dfcnvtqin: Nope, it doesn't work. I su it and became a root. Tried to run a script, it appeared the same message, "Please run this script as an ordinary user. It will acquire root privileges as it needs them via "sudo"."05:15
zykotick9!ppa > pfox__ be sure to read to warning about unsupported in #debian.  the answer, might be use ppa purge to remove those repos.  does it work?  fixed.  i assume it worked prior to adding those ppas?05:16
ubottupfox__, please see my private message05:16
zykotick9s/#debian/#ubuntu/  sorry my bad!05:17
magboGreetings, gentlemen. Does 12.04 lts install on a USB stick w/o any tweaks?05:17
whiptailYes it does05:17
Monsucogenerally, I've had little trouble getting it to run from USB05:18
zykotick9magbo: install to a USB, or use a USB for install?  either way - yes ;)05:18
dfcnvtAh, nevermind I got it working. Thanks anyway.05:18
magbozykotick9: having a live image booted and picking a plugged ssd/usb stick in that gui menu then operating on the chosen target as a persistent (not live) environment.05:19
xmetalhmm i have never used (and ubuntu may be a distro i tryt again) LTS's ... i am curious "what would be the best version (number wise) to get"05:19
dfcnvtI didn't paid attention to the question it's asking, ie: y for yes.05:19
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)05:19
xmetalwill LTS versions get updated packages (say updated VLC versions, just as an example) ? (if the repo "database" is refreshed/updated, of course)05:20
xmetalor am i misunderstanding LTS ?05:20
zykotick9magbo: i MUCH prefer proper installs onto usb, then using any Live(w persistent) thing.  ya, even grub should be cool with installing onto USB (that used to be a problem!)05:21
failmenthey all, is anyone interested in helping me with a wireless networking issue? :)05:21
zykotick9failment: just ask the "real" question, and find out ;)05:22
magbofailment: DATAA ;) If it's about broadcom 4313 I should be able to help :D05:23
xmetalthe only "issue" i have with some distros (I can not say how loosely i am saying "issue" here) is that to get the most updated packages... you have to do a full install every 6 months or so05:23
failmentzykotick9 i'll take your advice. connection to my wireless network sporadically stops working. signal strength is good. connection works fine 100% on my windows laptop :/05:23
magbofailment: lspci | grep -i network05:24
magboxmetal: no. Only security updates.05:25
magbo^about VLC05:25
lotuspsychjeis there a safer remote control program like teamviewer for ubuntu?05:25
zykotick9failment: one more try ;)  this time DON'T include my nick (makes you look like i'm talking/helping you direction, which i'm certainly not yet).  BUT include the following info, that card it is, that driver (if you know), and if it ever worked = in a question to the channel...  best of luck BTW05:25
failmentmagbo: it's not broadom. it's intel05:25
whiptaillotuspsychje, remmina?05:25
failmentmagbo: it's Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] to be exact05:25
xmetalwell .. that does make sense to me still05:25
lotuspsychjewhiptail: never heard of it mate, lemme lookup tnx05:25
magbofailment: just paste the output of the command I asked you to perform please.05:26
xmetalsecuity updates for the "older" version (aka LTS version)05:26
failmentmagbo: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)05:26
xmetali ususally wait every 2 or 3 versions THEN update05:26
magboxmetal: it's not "older" it's LTS.05:26
xmetal*upgrade i should say05:26
xmetalwell .. symantecs :P ... i mean 12.04 has been "out longer" than say 13.04 ... older in that sense05:27
lotuspsychje!info remmina > lotuspsychje05:27
magbofailment: ok, I don't know a thing about this Wireless controller, you should troubleshoot your problem and share the details. Are you familiar with doing that?05:27
lotuspsychjewhiptail: tnx mate looking nicely05:28
zykotick9failment: can i get one more piece of info?  could you run "lspci -vnvn | grep -i 3945ABG" and give me the pciid, it'll look like [168c:001c].  i just want that piece.05:28
dfcnvtI'm using top program and I typed, "T" to sort the time but I'm unable to sort it in reverse...05:28
dr_willisdfcnvt:  try shift t >05:28
* dr_willis seem to recall that.. 05:29
dr_willisdfcnvt:  check out htop also. its more awsomer. :005:29
dfcnvtdr_willis: I think I got it.05:29
dfcnvt..Alright, i'll use that.05:29
failmentzykotick9: [8086:4222]05:29
dfcnvt:p aye, it look cool.05:29
magbofailment: please use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide; you may get some insight about your chip here (please note that it's wiki of another Linux distro, so precise instructions are distro-specific): https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup05:30
dfcnvtdr_willis: It doesn't reverse... instead, it just pop up left menu to select for sort.05:30
magboif you still have any problems, you may proceed to asking here providing sufficient information (via paste.ubuntu.com)05:31
failmentcool. it works most of the time, but seemingly randomly it disconnects05:31
zykotick9failment: that's odd, i'd expect that to work OOTB in supported ubuntu versions.  FYI this is debian's output (remember ubuntu will typically have BETTER hardware support then debian, due to newer package versions of basically... everything.  anyways:  [8086:4222] is 'PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection' from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel modules 'ata_generic', 'snd-hda-intel', 'iwl3945' in wheezy.05:31
magbofailment: have you looked into dmesg?05:32
dfcnvtAnybody have an idea how to monitor what is currently executing and running?05:32
xubuntu1310Uhh, I think gparted ruined one of my partitions.. i selected a swap to delete, then checked... and now it says  it can't find superblock05:33
failmentmago: nope, don't know what that is05:33
zykotick9dfcnvt: if you like terminal, check out top (and the MUCH improved htop)05:33
failmentmagbo: i'm still reading the wiki you sent05:33
dfcnvtzykotick9: I am currently using it... but I couldn't figure out how to paid close attention to what is currently actively running.05:33
magbofailment: cool. It should mention reading dmesg.05:33
dfcnvtCPU sort would be the one?05:33
magboAnyway, I have a bucket of thumbdrives to pick from a shop, cya gentlemen and zykotick9, you're awesome!05:34
zykotick9dfcnvt: you can sort by the different categories, FYI i typically turn off the showing of threads in htops options, cuts down on a lot of clutter.05:34
magbozykotick9: We lack people like you in ArchLinux community :)05:34
dfcnvtI have a script that is downloading a heavy load of different type of setting/program.. It doesn't very much show me more information of what's going on in the background.05:34
Andrea_AveaHi guys! newbie here with Ubuntu! question....... i have 2 hard drives one is windows 7 and one is Ubuntu Server 12.04. when i hooked up the two hard drives, only one is booting up. there's no splash screen for me to pick which OS i am going to use. please advise if this is possible05:35
dfcnvtzykotick9: what command that disabled the thread of it?05:35
zykotick9magbo: don't get OT ;)  or pull me into it.  (fyi, i'm not an arch fan, sorry)05:35
dfcnvtAssuming it's d?05:35
zykotick9dfcnvt: htop's has an options screen.05:35
whiptailAndrea_Avea, do you have a bios quick boot menu option05:36
xmetali'd assume you need to install grub to the MBR of the first hdd05:36
dfcnvtzykotick9: I see it, just pressing F2 to set up.05:37
Apachezoh noes, Palo Alto är antisemitiska =)05:37
ApachezPalo Alto Networks Customer Support has identified an issue where all devices using the â&#128;&#156;Israelâ&#128;&#157; time zone will incorrectly change their clocks on September 8th at 02:00:00 from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. At the present time we have a workaround for this issue. The workaround is to change from the â&#128;&#156;Israelâ&#128;&#157; time zone to the â&#128;&#156;Europe/Athensâ&#128;&#157; time zone while Palo Alto Ne05:37
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : yes. when i installed Ubuntu Server grub2 has been installed05:37
zykotick9dfcnvt: then "Display options"  then select "Hide kernel threads" and/or "Hide userland threads"05:38
failmentApachez: there's an ISP called Palo Alto Networks that isn't in the US?05:38
whiptailAndrea_Avea, some machines have an option to select which device to boot from with a key like F8, if you don't want to mess with configs id go that route selecting the primary slave or whatever your second hard drive is05:38
Snowiehowdy all. is there a similar simple way to use xbox360 controller for the desktop gui as there is here05:39
dr_willisSnowie:  i imagine a lot of the same things from the archlinux wiki could apply to most linux disrtos.05:40
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : i just have two sata ports.  sata1 and sata2. whichever hard drive is connected to sata1 bios is reading it first.05:40
dr_willisSnowie:  check askubuntu.com to see if theres some ubuntu specific info on doing it05:41
whiptailAndrea_Avea, which os boots up05:42
dfcnvtzykotick9: In Active Columns, what do you have in your custom list?05:42
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : the one connected to sata1 port05:42
whiptailAndrea_Avea, yes, windows 7 or Ubuntu05:42
xmetali agre ... i understand what distro's room i am in now, though so many issue can be "cross-distro" if you ask me .. some helpers can seem picky05:43
xmetalif say someone isn't using the distro the room is for05:43
xmetalagree too05:43
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
bucharimHi there05:46
bucharimI just want to install 13.04 desktop version 32bit05:46
bucharimto my notebook via wubi.exe05:46
bucharimbut I kept stucks on the status while installation need to download torrent file for ubuntu iso05:47
bucharimis there any chance I can skip that steps?05:47
xmetali almost used wubi to try to install mint on other laptop, but gave up05:47
bucharimwhat happened?05:47
xmetal(that laptop is having hardware issues.. and wubi was a "last resort" method)05:47
dr_willisbucharim:  i would suggest giving up on wubi.05:48
bucharimso you're suggesting me to install it from DVD/CD rite?05:48
xmetali wanted to see how elightenmint or lxde on that laptop05:48
xmetal(old hardware)05:48
xmetalhow those DE's DID on that laptop *05:48
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : i am back. sorry05:49
dfcnvtI'm trying to figure out the usefulness in htop for active columns.. So far, I reduce to this, "PID, USER, PERCENT_CPU, PERCENT_MEM, TIME, Command"05:49
whiptailAndrea_Avea, if in ubuntu try sudo update-grub05:49
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : what's your answer? i missed it05:49
dr_willisbucharim:  wubi is fragile. easialy breaks.. and basically is  being phased out05:49
whiptailAndrea_Avea, I asked about which os started first windows or ubuntu05:49
xmetalas i said i wouldn't want to use wubi, but it was a last resort05:49
xmetalfor me anyway05:49
xmetalon THAT PC05:49
Artemis3xmetal, try lubuntu and bodhi linux for each, with a thumbdrive you can test them live without deleting anything05:49
Andrea_Aveawhiptail : when i connected win7 on sata1 port and on sata2 is Ubuntu, win7 booted up and vice versa05:51
xmetalok,. i am confused05:52
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Artemis3xmetal, also, about LTS getting updated packages, yes indeed, with PPAs :)05:54
dfcnvtCool, it showed me which program is currently on the cpu core. (note: i have 8 core cpu)05:57
xmetali am honest i am not sure how picky it is, though wouldn't grub on the MBR of the first HDD "be able to see" the other OS (Win7) on the other hdd?05:58
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xmetali think my "multi hdd setup" has Mint and Slackware on the same hdd though05:58
xmetalthe other hdd i use for data05:58
xmetalhmm .. suddenly got the munchies06:00
crshbdnctheya chaps06:00
crshbdnctdoes anyone know if it is possible to use X only in 13.10 with free drivers? i.e. how to enable X as the default session?06:01
dr_willisX  as a session? clarify what you mean06:03
dr_willis13.10 starts up X for the gui.06:03
dongxinquit hav06:03
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
paulkonwhat's the standard way to handle DoS?06:09
statykhow can I remove an empty windows partition and add the space to my linux or extended partition06:09
crshbdnctdr_willis: it doesnt start up Mir or XMir by default?06:09
nerdtronpaulkon, can't you block the IP?06:09
histopaulkon: drop packets from them06:09
whiptailstatyk, delete it in gparted06:10
dr_williscrshbdnct:  it depends on the specific release/variant and your hardware. the mir wiki page details this. and  13.10 support is in #ubuntu+1  On my nvidia system  it does not use xmir by default06:10
paulkonyeah, but is there a recommended program for doing that or should I check all packets myself06:10
paulkonlike a firewall06:10
histo!ufw | paulkon06:10
ubottupaulkon: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo06:10
yigalu fn wan a firewall ufw06:11
dongxin_Can you see my words?06:12
yigaldongxin_: no06:12
yigaldongxin_: not at all06:12
paulkonso after X requests within Y timespan I just issue ufw with the culprit's IP and I can block it. is that the simplest way?06:12
yigaldongxin_: what encoding are you using?06:12
xmetalno we cant06:12
* xmetal sighs06:12
paulkonthx though06:13
crshbdnctdr_willis: on my hardware it does start it by default. is there a way to tell it not to?06:13
yigalpaulkon: possibly it depends on the ruleset06:14
yigalpaulkon: as far as I can tell as ufw is following iptables rules the first rule wines over anything else added06:14
zykotick9paulkon: depending on the service(s) you are running, i'd STRONGLY suggest you look into fail2ban, which can automatically firewall block people trying to "break in" to various services automatically - it' very handy.06:15
yigalfail2ban is a nice piece of software just be careful not to ban yourself :)06:15
yigaldongxin_: fasdfsdfucskdfkU06:15
yigaldongxin_: remove everything other than c f k u U06:16
paulkonzykotick9: whoa, this is exactly it!06:16
paulkonsweet, I can use this to block the ip across the entire cluster then too06:17
yigaldongxin_: I understand you don't understand, that is what is unfortunate06:18
IdleOneyigal: mind your language please06:19
dongxin_are you chiese?06:20
IdleOne!cn | dongxin_06:20
ubottudongxin_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:20
yigalIdleOne: ty sir06:20
yigaldongxin_: I'm sorry sir I can't speak Chinese, and can't assist you06:21
NedsFlamHey all. I am trying to install xserver-xorg-video-dummy but it fails to install saying that I have unmet dependencies and it is unable to correct the problems. That I have broken packages06:21
NedsFlamWhat should I do?06:21
yigalNedsFlam: give us a pastie06:22
yigalNedsFlam: of the broken stuff06:22
dongxin_why can you read Chinese?06:22
NedsFlamyigal: "the broken stuff" I don't understand. Do you want the output from the terminal?06:22
yigalNedsFlam: yes06:23
NedsFlamyigal: ok hold on06:23
yigalNedsFlam: that's the only way we'll be able to provide support06:23
yigalNedsFlam: cool06:23
The-CompilerHi! I'm trying to compile my own minimal kernel, but now my USB keyboard and mouse don't work in X. They work perfectly fine in the TTY. In my Xorg.0.log I only see something related to the mouse: 'config/udev: Adding input device HP HP USB Laser Mouse (/dev/input/mouse0)' / 'No input driver specified, ignoring this device.'06:23
IdleOne!google | yigal06:24
ubottuyigal: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:24
NedsFlamyigal: pastebin.com/zN0qTT4i06:24
IdleOne!guidelines | yigal Please read the guidelines to avoid any more issues06:24
ubottuyigal Please read the guidelines to avoid any more issues: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:24
dongxin_Oh, the original is the use of Google06:26
NedsFlamyigal: did you get that?06:26
ubottudongxin_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».06:27
IdleOneNedsFlam: have you ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:27
NedsFlamidleone: no06:28
dongxin_sorry,I don't know.06:28
IdleOneNedsFlam: you probably have some packages being held back, try running that command06:28
NedsFlamIdleOne: thanks06:28
NedsFlamIdleOne: it didn't work06:30
NedsFlamIdleOne: i ran the upgrade. the install for the new package failed though06:30
IdleOneNedsFlam: that is vague, how did it not work?06:30
NedsFlamIdleOne: in the same way that it failed in the paste I sent earlier06:31
IdleOneNedsFlam: pastebin the new output please06:31
zykotick9NedsFlam: using paste.ubuntu.com will get at least, 2 more eyes looking at it ;)06:31
NedsFlamIdleOne: pastebin.com/kaRBL8RK06:31
NedsFlamzykotick9: too late x)06:32
IdleOneNedsFlam: I need the output of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:32
NedsFlamIdleOne: it ran just fine06:32
IdleOnedid it install anything when you ran that?06:32
NedsFlamIdleOne: yes06:32
NedsFlamIdleOne: want the output?06:33
NedsFlamIdleOne: paste.ubuntu.com/606927506:34
IdleOneNedsFlam: ok, try sudo apt-get -f install06:35
IdleOnethe -f attempts to fix any broken packages06:35
NedsFlam0 newly installed, etc. 0 everything06:35
zykotick9IdleOne: is anything broken?  that dist-upgrade looks complete to me?06:35
dongxinNedsFlam, ..06:35
NedsFlamdongxin: yes?06:35
IdleOnezykotick9: looks good to me too but the -f wont hurt anything so worth a shot06:35
theoremif I am having a problem with the installer, can I ask questions here for Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop ?06:36
NedsFlamIdleOne: Should I try to run it again? The install?06:36
IdleOneNedsFlam: first try sudo apt-get -f install06:36
IdleOneSee if that fixes anything/completes without errors06:36
NedsFlamIdleOne: nothing06:36
theoremI have gone through a debug mode install to capture as much information as possible.06:36
zykotick9NedsFlam: i still don't know what's wrong... your first paste i wouldn't go to, and that dist-upgrade is successful.  what are you doing?06:37
NedsFlamzykotick9: why wouldn't you go to it? Want me to paste it in the ubuntu paste?06:38
The-Compilerhm, problem solved, I had CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV disabled :)06:38
zykotick9NedsFlam: if you want me to see it.  pastebin.com is not a site i'll vist.06:38
NedsFlamzykotick9: paste.ubuntu.com/606927906:39
zykotick9NedsFlam: what is xserver-xorg-video-dummy for?  i've never used it.06:40
NedsFlamzykotick9: booting ubuntu without a monitor06:40
zykotick9NedsFlam: what's the output of "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-dummy"?06:41
NedsFlamzykotick9: paste.ubuntu.com/606928306:42
zykotick9NedsFlam: ummm, that's coming from default precise (supported LTS)... i got nothing... i'd check for bugs on launchpad (if i where you, i haven't/won't).  best of luck.06:43
NedsFlamzykotick9: thanksanyway06:44
zykotick9NedsFlam: sorry...06:44
NedsFlamzykotick9: its fine man lol. I'll figure something out06:44
zykotick9NedsFlam: fyi/sidenote why i don't go to pastebin.com is well explained in a debian dpkg factoid: <dpkg> pastebin.com mangles input, takes forever to load, often makes us enter a CAPTCHA to see your paste and fills the screen with ads.  Please use a different site, like http://paste.debian.net/06:46
zykotick9NedsFlam: just substitue http://paste.ubuntu.com/ here ;)06:47
NedsFlamzykotick9: Ill keep that in mind06:49
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=== abandon is now known as Nock
NuSueyare the open source drivers for amd/ati really so good? with the other additional drivers I couldn't use my hybrid card .. now I can use the normal card + output from the internal :o woo06:54
theoreminstyead of downloading the minimal installation, how can I use a command line installer to install the live CD ?   there seems to be some problem mounting my destination drive06:55
dr_willistheorem:  im not sure you can do  it that way.06:55
theoremonly for installation purposes, I can easily use cfdisk and mke2fs on it, so there must be something wrong with the installer.06:56
theoremdr_willis: I have logs of this stuff, not sure why it's failing.06:56
dr_willispartion, and format them as you want, and ive rarely had issues  with them  not mounting.. unless its trying to mount somting you allready got mounted06:56
dr_willisid partion, format, and get them set, then reboot the installer cd. and then see if it is ok with you just assigning mount points to the filesystmes. and not even formating them06:57
theoremdr_willis: yeah, I tried that it still can;t mount for some reason.06:57
theoremerror is this :06:58
dr_willisperhaps check the forums and askubuntu.com also, there maybe a known issue06:58
theoremthe attempt to mount a filesystem with type ext4 failed06:58
theoremshitty error message06:58
theoremyeah, already have06:59
theoremfollowed those directions -- removed a bunch of packages ... but I didn;t know if that was the problkem to begin with06:59
Nockcan you see my words?07:03
n0psyes can you see mine?07:04
n0psha ok07:04
Nockn0ps, where are you?07:05
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
afreenhey frnds07:08
afreeni have one quesry07:08
zykotick9Nock: it doesn't matter where n0ps is... keeping this many people in one channel, means people "need" to say on one topic, ubuntu support.  the ops are kept very busy here.  it's no place for "chit-chat", feel free in #ubuntu-offtopic however.07:08
afreenhelp me07:08
aeon-ltdafreen: just ask in one line, in the future don't flood07:08
zykotick9afreen: all on one line - ask a question.07:08
n0pscan i get a cloak07:08
zykotick9!cloak | n0ps07:09
ubottun0ps: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.07:09
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
n0pssweet thanks.07:09
afreeni am trying to paste the images or charts from libreoffice to thunderbird07:09
n0psis there any way to delete old nicks or change the password if i have forgotten in>07:09
afreenbut in thunderbird , paste optin is greyed in07:10
zykotick9n0ps: for freenode questions, ask in #freenode ;)07:10
n0psk. thanks again07:10
afreenany one suggest me hw to to enable that paste option in thunderbird fr images07:10
afreenplzzz help07:10
afreeni m in deadline07:11
afreenany clue or hint07:11
afreeni m trying last 15 days07:11
afreenbt i didnt get07:11
wilee-nileeafreen, Generally you have to have images in an attachment.07:12
afreenno i have images in libreoffice impress slides i m directly ciopy from impress slides to thunderbird07:13
wilee-nileeafreen, A copy and paste with a jpg here just shows the file name a drag and drop shows the picture.07:13
afreeni dnt wan tany attachment07:13
afreenno i also tried drag and drop07:14
afreenbt its nt working07:14
wilee-nileeafreen, what is the image type?07:14
roninnwhy is bash tilde expanded to home directory in ubuntu07:15
roninn~/ -> /home/07:16
aeon-ltdroninn: because that's what it's short for07:17
roninnbut it's not used to be earlier times?07:17
zykotick9roninn: s/ubuntu/unix_like_environments/  -> ~ is pretty standard at this point...07:17
wilee-nileeafreen, there is a thunderbird channel listed here. https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC07:17
aeon-ltdroninn: i think in every unix based os it is07:17
aeon-ltdroninn: just tried it now in osx07:18
dr_willis~ for home has been standard shortcut for like. err decades?07:18
aeon-ltddr_willis: roninn the first true 'old school' nix user?07:20
dr_willisi used sun workstations back in the 80's  ;)07:21
dr_willisand minix and cpm a bit. ;P07:21
roninnaeon-ltd, I haven't used Linux too much yes ;)07:21
OxymoronDoes someone use monodevelop here?07:30
afreenlisten friends, i have designed libreoffice impress slides use charts on it07:30
afreenwhen i tried to copy paste in thunderbird07:31
afreenso that paste option in thunderbird is diabled07:31
sqlnoobAny idea why my slider is not clickable. I've to select the slider button and then use it to navigate. I just can't make a click to change the slider position. Any idea?07:32
dr_willissqlnoob:  in what app?07:33
sqlnoobit happens in totem & volume control07:33
sqlnoobNot sure if the issue is system-wide07:34
nathanbzwhoa 12.04 php update ?07:42
nathanbzanyone know to what version07:42
wilee-nileeafreen, Have you tried to copy and paste anything else, I suspect it is the image type.07:42
afreendear, i have design slide in libre office impress in this is used charts07:43
afreenthat chart i m trying to copy paste07:43
afreenit is copy frm impress slide bt nt pasting in thunderbird07:44
IamTryingHow can i black list "xhci_hcd" and use "ehci_hcd" ? Why is it flooding my system and crashing my system??? Does 13.04 64-bit has fixed this issue?07:44
wilee-nileeright, you say the paste is disabled are you sure have you tried any others pastes, maybe the one your using just does not.07:44
IamTryingWhat will happen if i go from 12.04 to 13.04 with my encoders/decoders compatibility ?? Is the xhci_hcd bug removed in 13.04 ??07:46
jwuorinenWhy does XChat freeze when opening channel list? Tried to google it with no luck..07:46
wilee-nileeI doubt thunderbird has the code to use that image, if it's from impress07:47
zykotick9jwuorinen: try using alis ("/msg ubottu alis" for details) instead of list.07:48
zykotick9jwuorinen: sidenote: use *foo* which is weird for me, it's not like grep ;)07:49
wilee-nileejwuorinen, try #xchat maybe07:50
jwuorinenOkay, thanks, I'll look into it :)07:51
IamTryingWhy Ubuntu crashing while using OpenVPN Access server for IPSec tunnel?07:53
IamTryingOK - Using 13.04 with cross finger. Hope it does not start dependency drama for all my encoder/decoders from 12.0407:58
Dr_Willis_what encoder/decoderx are you talking about?07:59
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
IamTryingDr_Willis_, x264 encoder/ffmpeg decoder and faac / faad codecs07:59
IamTryingDr_Willis_, vp8 and opus07:59
Dr_Willis_IamTrying:  i dont see why there should be any problems with them at all08:00
IamTryingDr_Willis_, i want to install 13.04 64-bit for my embedded machine. so that i can support the hardware drivers but i need to upgrade my remix ubuntu with 13.0408:01
IamTryingDr_Willis_, i need to keep my encoder/decoders same version as it was in 12.0408:01
Dr_Willis_IamTrying:  versions differnacne may be a big issue. but i dont see why the vesions would matter.08:01
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ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:01
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
Dr_Willis_it will want to upgrade to the latest in the new release08:02
IamTryingDr_Willis_, but if i do all the encoder/decoder to latest release then all my 100 old encoder/decoders will not work08:03
IamTryingDr_Willis_, i have to keep 13.04 but with my remix ubuntu on it08:03
Ben64why not just use the newer kernel in 12.04?08:03
Dr_Willis_i dont quite get how you are using the term 'all my 100 old encoder/decoders'  that dosent make much sence to me IamTrying08:03
IamTryingBen64, did not worked tried with 3.808:04
Ben64then why would 13.04 work08:04
Dr_Willis_ffmpeg reencodew the video or whatever.. it shouldent really matter the ffmpeg version08:04
zykotick9to whoever just posted the !pinning factoid, if you use or require pinning, i'd personally say, you are using the wrong package strategy...08:04
IamTryingDr_Willis_, i have embedded hardware with remix ubuntu 100 users (Government, Hospital, Train station, Airport users)08:04
IamTryingDr_Willis_, in those enterprise i am using my 100 boxes of remix ubuntu08:04
Dr_Willis_I think you need to clarify a bit more.. and im not sure that 'ubuntu remix' is a supported disrto by this channel if thats what you mean by 'remis x buntu'08:05
Dr_Willis_i still dont see what using a newer ffmpeg would matter.08:05
Ben64and if you don't want to mess with 100 boxes, LTS seems like the best solution08:06
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
IamTryingDr_Willis_, customers are over VPN some are in another country some has lan network only, some is more restricted. All of them upgrading is a mess with my remix ubuntu encoder/decoder.08:07
MKCoinis there a separate channel to discuss Mir?08:08
MonkeyDustMKCoin  #ubuntu-mir, 70 people there08:08
MKCointhank you.08:08
Dr_Willis_IamTrying:  it seems like you are just tossing in the term 'encoder/decoder' at random here..   what exactly do you mean by 'remix ubuntu encoder/decoder'08:09
Dr_Willis_perhaps someone else has a beter guess what IamTrying  is meaning08:09
Dr_Willis_it is 3 am here. ;)08:09
IamTryingDr_Willis_, Remix Ubuntu means like my own operating system of Ubuntu in a my way.08:10
IamTryingDr_Willis_, like DJ/Remix different face of Ubuntu08:10
Dr_Willis_i think you would be beeter off saying 'my customized ubuntu'  then.08:11
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
Dr_Willis_its still not clear what you customized.08:11
IamTryingDr_Willis_, Embedded VPN in Chrome08:11
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
IamTryingDr_Willis_, so that the box can break any network and do multi-media08:12
ikoniahow does this relate to supported ubuntu releases ?08:14
ikoniaas I read this is a custom ubuntu spin08:14
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=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
IamTryingikonia, it is, cause before remix i am using Original Ubuntu official live CD's 12.04 and 13.0408:16
dr_willisso if i start with an 12.04  setp and remove 90% of it and install my own custome stuff... it should be supported here?  then again. the actual question you are asking is rather vague.08:17
dr_willisi think there may be a bit of a language barrier going on08:17
ikoniaIamTrying: yes...then you remix/mod it08:17
ikoniaIamTrying: hence "not supported releases"08:18
IamTryingdr_willis, no that is not what happening, here the question is asked for official 12.04 and 13.04 cause i have 2 PC one with not touched08:18
IamTryingikonia, I respect and follow the rules/regulation sir.08:18
ikoniaIamTrying: hang on, you've from 200 remix machines having this problem, to "I say this isn't supported" now you're saying it's on "non-remix" machines08:19
IamTryingThis USB issue is still exist in 13.04 Fresh copy crashing my system.08:19
dr_willisperhaps you shoudl re-original  question. with out all the extra clutter?08:19
dr_willisre-ask the original question. ;)08:19
IamTrying13.04 original fresh copy from ubuntu site downloaded and installed - but crashing in 77" inch large LCD Sony screen.08:19
IamTrying^ real Ubuntu issue (nothing with remix or so)08:20
killerI manually added some man page to /usr/share/man/man1 ,now how can i update mandb (to update man pages)08:21
roninnif I want to give a user permissions to a directory /usr/local/bin, do I give them by chowning the dir root:user and then chmod 77508:22
IamTryingikonia,  Why Ubuntu change the stable version also? Is it like known issue? 12.04 was stable but then it puts in the website new kernels on it. Is this normal?08:23
ikonia"website new kernels" ? change the stable version of what ?08:23
IamTrying12.04 long time ago i downloaded it had kernel 3.2 and now the same url or same website linking to 3.8 or so08:23
cfhowlettIamTrying, 12.4.3 you mean?08:24
Ben64then download 12.04.0 iso and try that08:24
Ben64cfhowlett: you're missing a 008:24
dr_willisroninn:  a user really shouldent have or need write permissions to the system directories08:24
IamTryingcfhowlett, yes the one with kernel08:24
cfhowlettIamTrying, the 12.04 is available.  get it.  or use the latest point release: 12.04.308:25
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ikoniaIamTrying: 12.04 is long term support, and one of the things that ubuntu (rightly/wrongly) are trying to do is maintain that better which includes bring the kernel up to date with the current distribution08:25
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IamTryingOK - cfhowlett08:25
dr_willisthe old kernels are all still in the repos however arent they? ive not noticed them being removed08:26
IamTryingikonia, 12.04 is very weired from official website of ubuntu i got few months ago old kernel and now its no where available08:26
kimdaHello. I have setup kvm on Debian with a Ubuntu 12.04 vm. This morning I could not connect to the kvm client (ping/ssh). After I connected to the host machine and then went via ssh to the client I could connect again and also ping the client. Any ideas what could be causing this?08:26
ikoniaIamTrying: there is nothing wierd about it, look at the versions 12.04, 12.04.1, 12.04.2, 12.04.308:26
ikoniaIamTrying: they are different/later releases08:26
srirangHi all08:26
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging08:26
srirangI am trying to setup wifi hotspot on my ubuntu laptop so that my macbook can connect to it08:27
killerI need to update man pages in ubuntu as i have added some of my own in /usr/share/man/man108:27
IamTryingikonia, OK thank you, what i noticed since yesterday, the kernel is no where available it was stable one i downloaded once the iso from official website and i dont get it any more.08:27
roninndr_willis, not normally yes, but if I want to give the permissions to only one user, should I put chown user:root, or what would be the best way, at least with only chmod it would not be possible since then I would need to change it to 75708:27
srirangI create a hotspot from the Network Connections in Settings dialog.08:27
ikoniaIamTrying: because it's been updated08:27
IamTryingikonia, but that update is completely the update of USB crash08:27
srirangMy macbook can see the wireless network, but when I try to connect it asks me for a WPA username and password08:27
srirangwhere as the hotspot is setup to use the simple WPE password08:28
IamTryingikonia, since then all the USB is crashing but it never ever crashed like that08:28
srirangHow can I fix this?08:28
IamTryingand i cant get that kernel anymore !!! how weired08:28
Ben64IamTrying: yes you can...08:28
ikoniaIamTrying: 1.) stop randomly blaming things unless you KNOW that kernel is the problem 2.) try to actually debug/fix the problem rather than blindly looking for things to blame08:29
blazemorekiller: mandb08:29
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dr_willisHmm. all the past kernel/versions are still in the repos i thought. Or am i misstaken?08:29
IamTryingikonia, WRONG - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1207612 - this was working in
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1207612 in linux (Ubuntu) "046d:0825 Using webcam fills log with xhci_hcd errors" [Medium,Fix released]08:29
ikoniaIamTrying: what am I wrong about ?08:30
IamTryingikonia,  no the link is wrong referencing to latest kernel08:30
Ben64IamTrying: if you're so sure its the kernel, download an earlier image of 12.04, or install the old kernel08:30
cfhowlettIamTrying, that bug report is for ubuntu 13.10 NOT 12.0408:30
dr_willis'fix released' there should be a round of  updates that fix the issue08:30
ikoniaIamTrying: what are you talking about ??? you're last sentence makes no sense to anything I've said08:30
IamTryingikonia,  that issue was working in kernel and people are referencing to move to latest08:30
ikoniaIamTrying: what issue ???08:31
blazemoreIamTrying: I thought yesterday you updated your kernel from the mainline PPA?08:31
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:31
ikoniathis all smells of untruth08:31
IamTryingblazemore, i did and the bug continues, then i went back to old kernel which worked but again that has nvidia graphics problem then again i need to compile kernel to have xhci_hcd as moduler08:32
IamTryingblazemore, its a night mare problem xhci_hcd08:32
IamTrying3.2.0.17-generic works great with this xhci_hcd08:32
ikoniathis is random08:32
ikoniaand talk of compling a kernel is pointless at this time08:32
Ben64IamTrying: if you're so sure its the kernel, download an earlier image of 12.04, or install the old kernel. arguing here does no good08:32
Ben64roninn: you never need to give a normal user those permissions08:37
kolamanhi all, is ubuntu 13.04 gnome based or still using unity ?08:37
dr_williskolaman:  unity is a shell for gnome.. so yes to both parts08:38
dr_willisits gnome based and using unity. ;)08:38
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Mondayis there an app which easily allows you to setup keyboard hotkeys?08:49
blazemoreMonday: Do you mean like recordable macros? Could you give an example?08:49
dr_willishotkeys to do what function? gnome has some feature for that08:49
MondayLubuntu doesn't have any08:50
blazemore!lubuntu | Monday08:50
ubottuMonday: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.08:50
Mondayblazemore, u know08:50
dr_willis!info devilspie08:51
ubottudevilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 112 kB08:51
Mondayblazemore, the ops are on both channels, so i rather ask this channel than a channel with only 50 people who rarely talk08:52
reisiorarely? Or well donely? :p08:53
ObrienDaveoh jeez, and I thought my sense of humor was dry LOL08:54
ObrienDaveno, o'reilley08:55
nerdtron!info | nerdtron08:55
ubottu'nerdtron' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable08:55
dr_willis!info bash | nerdtron08:56
ubottunerdtron: bash (source: bash): GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.2-5ubuntu3 (raring), package size 603 kB, installed size 1388 kB08:56
nerdtronI'm new to this special feature of irc08:56
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:56
LinuxGold!info zsh | LinuxGold08:57
ubottuLinuxGold: zsh (source: zsh): shell with lots of features. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.0-2ubuntu3 (raring), package size 4663 kB, installed size 11507 kB08:57
dr_willisgotta love descriptions that are not real descriptive ;)08:57
dr_willis!info fish08:57
ubottufish (source: fish): friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23.1+20120106.git8b407a3-1 (raring), package size 729 kB, installed size 2423 kB08:57
ObrienDavereal descriptive ;)08:57
dr_willisso zsh has lots of features.. but fish is friendly!08:58
ObrienDaveall in 5 words or less08:58
=== Guest87332 is now known as xtriz1
blazemoreHi jrgiffor109:00
abrkni'm struggling with understanding monit. some of my monitored processes show as "Timeout" even though the pidfiles exist and the corresponding process ids exist. what is causing this? what exactly is timing out?09:00
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xtriz1i am installing ubuntu from minimum packages, now what should i install to get unity as my desktop09:13
iceroot_xtriz1: ubuntu-desktop09:15
iceroot_xtriz1: which will result in the same as the desktop installation09:15
xtriz1iceroot_, but current in my desktop i have unity but in that ubuntu-desktop is not installed in the synaptic package manager.09:15
iceroot_xtriz1: a normal desktop installation has "ubuntu-desktop" installed09:16
xtriz1so i got bit confused what should i install09:16
xtriz1xtriz1, i have the  ubuntu 13.04 installed.09:16
iceroot_xtriz1: ii  ubuntu-desktop                       1.299                   amd64                   The Ubuntu desktop system09:17
iceroot_xtriz1: that is a default 13.04 installation09:17
MonkeyDustxtriz1  what desktop do you have now, if not unity?09:17
xtriz1MonkeyDust, right now i am on unity.09:17
xtriz1it seems somthing wrong with my desktop than.09:17
iceroot_xtriz1: dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop09:18
iceroot_xtriz1: is the line starting with ii?09:18
xtriz1iceroot_, no package found matching ubuntu-desktop.09:19
xtriz1i have installed cinnamon so it might due to that ?09:19
MonkeyDustxtriz1  you have what you want, so what is the issue?09:19
xtriz1i have unity as well as cinnamon.09:19
iceroot_xtriz1: then you are not using ubuntu09:19
xtriz1iceroot_, i am not using cinnamon just installed to check how it looks.09:20
xtriz1should i remove it ?09:20
iceroot_xtriz1: what is the output of cat /etc/issue09:20
xtriz1MonkeyDust, i was confused as i am doing a minimal installation and wated to installed unity so was confused which package to select.09:20
xtriz1ubuntu 13.04 \n \l09:20
MonkeyDustxtriz1  but you say you already are in unity09:21
iceroot_xtriz1: on the system you have unity installed "dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop" is telling you there is no package with that name?09:21
ObrienDavextriz1==> unity installs by default09:21
xtriz1MonkeyDust, i am in unity on my destkop doing mininal install on laptop.09:21
MonkeyDustxtriz1  yes, so why do you want to install unity again?09:21
ObrienDavehe wants to install it on the laptop09:22
xtriz1MonkeyDust, i am install unity on my laptop, right now doing minimal install on laptop.09:22
MonkeyDustah, two machines09:22
xtriz1yeah. ok selecting ubuntu-desktop in synaptic and updating my ubuntu on my desktop.09:22
PinchMeHi all, staff suggested asking here for ubuntu project cloak. I'm pinchme at launchpad, so i suppose the cloak should reflect that.09:25
DJonesPinchMe: The normal place to ask about that will be in #ubuntu-irc09:26
SmokingFreakgood morning09:32
nerdtronSmokingFreak, good evening09:36
MonkeyDusttimeanddate.com ;)09:38
MondayRichard Stallman Talks About Ubuntu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP8CNp-vksc09:40
Ben64Monday:  not on topic here09:41
roninndo you know what this is actually doing http://codepad.org/znMQJnDB09:49
ObrienDaveseems like the code is checking for the latest version of bash09:51
roninnto run /etc/bash_completion09:52
gvoroninn and runs /etc/bash_completion which turns on some useful completion tricks.09:53
blazemoreHi Guest2563210:00
Guest25632if someone wants to install linux over a 50+ PCs in a computer lab, then what is the proper method? installing one by one? or is there any proper way to do it?10:01
Guest25632blazemore, hi10:01
blazemoreGuest25632: Are the PCs identical?10:01
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Guest25632blazemore, some are identical and some are not10:02
gvoGuest25632: This is a little dated but may give you a place to start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro10:04
Guest25632gvo, thanks, let me look at it10:05
blazemoreGuest25632: This is also a little outdated but may be useful http://askubuntu.com/questions/5938/how-can-i-do-mass-installs-on-multiple-computers10:05
Guest25632blazemore, thanks10:06
nukleuzHi. Anyone knows which package I need to compile a C-program using SDL?10:29
zimbohow can in install web-mode for emacs in ubuntu - can it be installed via apt?10:30
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
bugtraqhello evry body10:33
blazemorenukleuz: Are you getting an error when you try to compile?10:33
elacheche_anishey guys, I hav serious probleme here.. I can't run many binarys in the /bin folder.. I tryed file /bin/mkdir and I have this msg /bin/mkdir: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), corrupted program header size, corrupted section header size10:33
blazemoreelacheche_anis: what is the output of the command    grep SELINUX /etc/sysconfig/selinux10:34
blazemoreelacheche_anis: What happens when you try to run /bin/mkdir10:35
elacheche_anisblazemore, grep is like mkdir, I have the same error for many commands → bash: /bin/grep: cannot execute binary file10:35
blazemoreelacheche_anis: What Ubuntu version are you using?10:36
elacheche_anisblazemore, bash: /bin/mkdir: cannot execute binary file10:36
elacheche_anisDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS"10:36
FloodBot1elacheche_anis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
blazemoreelacheche_anis: What's the output of "uname -p" ?10:36
blazemoreWhen did it start doing this? or is it a clean install?10:37
elacheche_anisblazemore, this morning all the system was Ok, I don't know what happend10:38
MACscri have a bridge setup on my ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS server, but I have no idea why. Any suggestions on how I should look into it? I shouldnt have any sort of virtualization running10:38
MACscror even installed10:38
elacheche_anisI'm using the system since May 201310:38
blazemoreWhat's the output of md5sum /bin/mkdir10:38
nerdtronMACscr, like libvirtd or bridge utils or virtual box installed/10:39
blazemoreAlso somebody: should that be the same on all up-to-date 12.04 64-bit systems or was that a pointless question10:39
MACscrnerdtron: i guess there could be some bridge tools installed, but i dont know why10:39
nerdtronMACscr, any program you last installed may have a dependency on the package bridge-utils10:40
elacheche_anisblazemore, 788f202f9c281c81f80961478572deb310:40
elacheche_anisblazemore, what can I do?!10:42
siva_how to install ip messenger in ubuntu10:44
blazemoresiva_: What is ip messenger?10:44
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Guest24521which is used to communicate hosts within a lan environment10:44
blazemore!info g2ipmsg10:45
ubottug2ipmsg (source: g2ipmsg): IP messenger clone for GNOME2 environments. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6+dfsg-1.1 (raring), package size 281 kB, installed size 808 kB10:45
afreenhow to use clipboard in ubuntu 12.04 desktop10:45
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blazemoreafreen: Copy things to the clipboard, then the next time you paste, that thing will be inserted10:46
MonkeyDustafreen  use glipper to see what's on the clipboard10:46
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ASHER1I syndicate the following:10:48
ubottudreker: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:48
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elacheche_anisblazemore, I fix it.. I copied, mkdir, grep, touch, chmod from an other server (x64).. But I need to find out why I had that problem.. any idea?10:54
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intellectusI'm using lxde desktop and it won't allow me to drag the desktop icons.  How to move them?10:55
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sandrishey guys11:05
sandriscan anyone tell me what i need to type in terminal to install the scanner driver i have downloaded to my documents folder11:06
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cfhowlettsandris, usually it's sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb11:08
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sandrisgetting error  sudo dpkg -i debscangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb11:12
sandrisdpkg: error processing debscangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb (--install):11:12
sandris cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:12
sandrisErrors were encountered while processing:11:12
sandris debscangearmp-mg2100series-1.80-1-deb11:12
FloodBot1sandris: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:12
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sandrissorry man11:13
jribsandris: are you sure that file exists in your current directory?11:14
sandrisyes the file is saved in my documents folder and this is exact name of the folder.11:14
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voltagexhey, if I have two partitions on a flash drive, will the livecd boot system look on both partitions for the path specified in the persistence-path parameter?11:15
sandrisapologies if i sound dumb but just a starer with pinguy and linux so don't know a lot of it yet11:15
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=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
runing_frogerI got problem connected with fvwm. I'm using fvwm to run rdekstop on startup. In my config file in /home/user/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc I added comand : exec rdesktop xx.xx.xx.xx, so when I start fvwm it auto start rdesktrop. My problem is that whole desktop is bigger than this window  with  rdesktop, and when I scroll the screen I can lose the rdesktop window and I need "search" for it. Is there any option to start fvwm with specific resolution?11:16
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Luyinruning_froger: you can give rdesktop the option -g size-in-%-of-monitor-resolution11:22
runing_frogerI dont wanna edit rdesktop options11:23
runing_frogerI rather need solution for fvwm (window manager)11:23
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runing_frogerto change fvwm resolutions11:23
runing_frogerto be the same as rdesktop window11:24
runing_frogerit can be done manualy11:24
runing_frogerin config file11:24
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Luyinruning_froger: I don't know about that, sorry11:28
mkokshey, I did apt-get install libapache2-mod-python but I have no mod_python.load in /etc/apache2/mods-available.. why?11:29
jribmkoks: you sure you want to use mod python?11:31
mkoksjrib is there other choice if I want to use python for web?11:32
mkoksjrib and why not?11:32
jribmkoks: I would suggest asking #python but I believe most use mod_wsgi or fastcgi11:33
jribmkoks: http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2010/06/modpython-project-is-now-officially.html11:33
thanigaihello everyone , when play a mp3 or movie sometimes sound output is like robot voice , how can i resolve this issue.11:33
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mkoksjrib thank you for your answers, I will use mod_wsgi11:35
blazemorethanigai: What Ubuntu version are you using? And what is the model of your laptop/motherboard/sound-card?11:36
thanigaiblazemore 12.03  intel mother board  sir11:37
blazemorethanigai: What is the output of "cat /etc/issue" ?11:38
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thanigaiblazemore: Linux Mint 15 Olivia \n \l11:38
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:38
blazemorethanigai: But as a stopgap measure, running "sudo alsa force-reload" will fix it temporarily when it happens11:39
thanigaiblazemore: ok thank you sir11:39
blazemoreHello Nullvoid11:39
namespaceCan somebody do me a favor and visit http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/ to tell me if it gives them a 403 error? (That's the page for the moonlight project, not malicious, swear.)11:40
blazemorenamespace: Yes 403 permission error11:40
namespaceNot sure exactly how to proceed then.11:40
Nullvoidim trying to reinstall mysql-server but i get this http://pastebin.com/g9KmTm83 i have been googling but i cant figure out why it doesnt work ... http://pastebin.com/g9KmTm83 could please some one help me11:40
auronandacenamespace: isn't moonlight abandoned (no longer developed)?11:41
namespaceI can't find moonlight in the repos, so I guess I have to compile it from source or something? (How do you even package a firefox plugin?)11:41
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namespaceDoesn't matter.11:41
blazemorenamespace: What Ubuntu version?11:41
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blazemorenamespace: http://mokeke.sytes.net/downloads/linux/Novell_Moonlight/11:42
jribnamespace: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight11:42
namespaceLove you guys, thanks.11:42
herbaliserhi i have a question about webmin, i have scheduled a backup using filesystem backup and selected to send mail what is webmin using to send the mail.11:43
jrib!webmin | herbaliser11:43
ubottuherbaliser: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:43
blazemoreherbaliser: It uses sendmail, but we don't support webmin in here at all11:44
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herbaliserok tnx11:44
mkokschecked out some of the tutorials about using wsgi on ubuntu for python web development.. omg, it looks so sophisticated. Maybe someone can recommend some good tutorials?11:46
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:46
voltagexmkoks: try #python11:46
voltagexhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/1159464 sigh11:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1159464 in casper (Ubuntu) "make persistent storage pathnames fully configurable" [Wishlist,New]11:47
Marleneehow i setup vhost on my VPS11:50
blazemoreMarlenee: ask #apache11:50
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punzillaI require help with my  python  - I'm getting dependency issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/6070101/12:03
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:03
blazemorepunzilla: Can you please paste the full command you ran, and the full output?12:04
punzillaI'm running Ubuntu 13.10, when I try to install packages it ends with an error.12:05
punzillaI've tried typing in sudo apt-get install -f12:05
punzillathough there is too much text that appears.12:05
jribpunzilla: give background details.  How did you get to this state?12:05
blazemorepunzilla: We don't support Ubuntu 13.10 until it's release12:06
blazemorepunzilla: Please read the topic of this channel to see the versions of Ubuntu that are supported12:07
punzillayeah sure, apologies. Thanks.12:07
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m4kWho developed the ubuntu tour on web site12:09
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m4kWho made the ubuntu online tour12:12
santhoshhai i want to change my kernel version from 3.8 to 3.5  it is poodible or not12:13
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DJonesm4k: I'd be tempted to try asking that in #ubuntu-website or maybe #ubuntu-community-team I can't really think of anywhere else that would be able to answer that12:14
gordonjcpm4k: the Ubuntu Online Tour team, there are about 30 people in it12:14
gordonjcpm4k: why?12:14
m4kJust know it beautiful ;-)12:15
Luyinsanthosh: why do you want to downgrade your kernel?12:15
m4ksanthosh: try to install first 3.5 then remove 3.8 header file then reboot system12:16
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m4ksanthosh: take ur own risk12:17
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[504]hi AaaA12:24
[504]hi AaronDCampbell12:24
[504]hi aawords12:25
[504]hi aboutdreault12:25
viddyI see a pattern here12:25
[504]hi |_ocke212:25
viddyI think you'll spend quite some time saying hi to everyone seperately12:26
ikoniayou don't need to say "hi" to everyone, there are too many people for that in the channel.12:26
Wiz_KeeDhey guys12:26
intel_inhello everyone .12:26
Wiz_KeeDhow is it possible that i do gem install bla, and when i do sudo apt-get install gem it says it's to the newest version :\12:26
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
lotuspsychje!info gem12:27
ubottugem (source: gem): Graphics Environment for Multimedia - Pure Data library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.93.3-5ubuntu2 (raring), package size 1315 kB, installed size 4130 kB12:27
[504]=) i writen for fun12:27
Wiz_KeeDso it's something else12:27
Hodapplotuspsychje: ever used it?12:27
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
intel_inwe have 2 ubuntu machines. 11.04 . internet was working very well on those for last 9 months. , they have no internet connection. sometime connection comes, sometime goes for hours.12:28
lotuspsychjeHodapp: no sorry mate, just was curious about package details12:28
intel_inany suggestions ?12:28
lotuspsychje!eol | intel_in12:28
ubottuintel_in: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:28
lotuspsychjeintel_in: we recommend you install one of the ubuntu versions in topic mate12:28
Wiz_KeeD!info mailcatcher12:29
ubottuPackage mailcatcher does not exist in raring12:29
intel_inubottu-  I have 1 windows machine which connects well on internet, but my ubuntu machines cannot. without internet connection, i dont know how can i do upgrade , thank you12:30
ubottuintel_in: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:30
=== dean|away is now known as dean
intel_inlotuspsychje , can u please suggest something.12:31
m4kintel_in: ubottu not a person it is a machine12:31
intel_inthanks m4k :)12:32
cfhowlettintel_in, download the latest ubuntu ISO, make a boot USB, install12:32
intel_incfhowlett, that the best solution of course, but i want to know why internet stopped working on 11.04 ubuntu machine.12:32
intel_inwhile windows machine are having internet connection from same router.12:33
cfhowlettintel_in, could be lots of things, but as it's end of life, we won't be supporting here.  sorry.12:33
=== jack is now known as Guest2752
ASHER1I syndicate the following:12:45
ubottuNock: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:45
ASHER1I syndicate the following:12:46
gordonjcpwow, a !list from someone who isn't Italian!12:47
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
blazemoreWhat is ASHER1 ?12:47
gordonjcpblazemore: looks botlike12:47
simpleuserHi there. Since i added a ppa for php5.4, i get this warning : "PHP Warning:  Module 'mcrypt' already loaded" Any idea?12:48
blazemoresimpleuser: If it's not causing problems ignore it, it's only a warning12:48
simpleuserblazemore, yeah sure... But it's annoying.12:48
blazemoresimpleuser: Your php script is importing a module twice, presumably12:49
enkiduhello. Anyone have idea, why I have capture stream only on primary soundcard, even while in cable is attached to secondary one?12:49
jribgordonjcp: #ubuntu history in the making12:49
simpleuserblazemore, it tells me anytime. Anytime i use php (when i save a php file, sublime-text gives me the warning, when i use php app/console in Symfony2, it tells me the warning...)12:50
gordonjcpjrib: indeed12:52
gordonjcpjrib: I've pretty much banned most of Italy from one channel I'm in, because it's just !list !list !list !list !list all the time12:52
blazemoresimpleuser: What's the output of the command "ls /etc/php5/conf.d | grep mcrypt" ?12:52
Impossiblecan i ask a lubuntu questin here?12:52
cfhowlettImpossible, yes.  ask12:52
Impossiblei have a dual display bug12:52
simpleuserblazemore, "20-mcrypt.ini" and "mcrypt.ini"12:53
m4kimpossible. U ask12:53
Impossibleso on my screen i have the same icons twice, like the other smaller notebook display is in the bigger display12:53
blazemoresimpleuser: mv /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.extra12:53
Impossiblei try to make the netbook book into my bigger screen everytime i turn it on12:54
Impossiblebut it displays like the netbook screen and my monitor12:54
simpleuserblazemore, i reload the apache server?12:54
blazemoresimpleuser: After you move that file, yes then restart apache12:54
simpleuserblazemore, Huraaaa! It seems to be working! Thanks so much :)12:55
blazemoreNo problem simpleuser12:55
abrkn\what causes monit to display status "timeout"?12:58
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:58
uhelpHow do I tell Ubuntu to NEVER USE 802.11n?12:59
abrkn\(12.04) Monit acknowledges that my process is running (shows cpu usage, etc), but the status is "Timeout". The monit only has check process x with pidfile y start program = stop program =. what exactly is timing out?12:59
uhelp(I am running 12.04.2 on a Lenovo W530)13:00
blazemoreuhelp: http://technosopher.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/wireless-slow-flaky-crashing-router-intel-6300-6205-5100-6300-chipse/13:00
blazemoreabrkn\: have you tried unmonitoring the service and then monitoring it again?13:01
abrkn\blazemore: trying now13:01
abrkn\blazemore: now it's in running. what caused it to enter timeout?13:02
blazemoreabrkn\: I don't know, I found that suggestion on a mailing list archive here https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/monit-general/2012-01/msg00002.html13:02
abrkn\weird. i hope it remains stable, getting so many emails13:02
uhelpblazemore: thank you ... looking now13:02
=== Nach0z is now known as nach0z
ASHER1I syndicate the following:13:06
ubottuAlex_brent: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:06
ASHER1I syndicate the following:13:06
ubottuDJones: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:06
blazemore@...telecomitalia.it ;)13:07
gordonjcpDJones: thank you13:07
=== Marlenee_u is now known as Marlenee_
=== Marlenee_ is now known as Marlenee
DJonesgordonjcp: I saw it before, but didn't connect it with the !list requests13:09
gordonjcpDJones: it's not just me, right?  There really *is* a disproportionate amount of !list-s from IP addresses in Italy, isn't there?13:10
DJonesgordonjcp: pm ok?13:10
gordonjcpDJones: sure13:11
gordonjcpDJones: also it's more of a conversation for #u-ot, I guess13:11
BenyaminLHeeed: hei13:12
Craig910NSA knows your every little secret13:16
DJonesProbably best for discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic13:16
sarighello all .. slight issue any thoughts ?13:17
sarigubunto server 12. two disks, /dev/sda /dev/sdb, sda is the root primary, sdb is a store drive. sdb was mounted on /srv/share. we had a power outage, reboot the server and now /srv/share contains the root file system ??? so if i mv /srv/share/bin/grep to /srv/share/bin/bugger and do an ls on /bin/ I see bugger and no grep ... very confusing .. any thoughts ?13:17
ubottusarig,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:17
* sarig Doougghhhh thx13:18
ubottuluis-cavour: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:22
dinesh__ i am developing a project for detecting malware in linux but i am confused with the concepts of malware and viruses13:25
ubottuvdinesh__,: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:26
dinesh__ i am developing a project for detecting malware in linux but i am confused with the concepts of malware and viruses13:27
cfhowlettdinesh__, an irc channel isn't the place to get educated on so vast a topic.  consult your local tech book section13:27
dinesh__how can i access taskstructure of a process13:28
cfhowlettdinesh__, dude.  if you don't know the basic concepts of of malware and visruses, maybe you're not ready to develop anything just yet.13:29
Aquawordhi, can i somehow set power management for my laptop? my cpu vent is always spinning (loud a bit)13:39
ubottufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html13:39
cfhowlettAquaword, you should find power management options in your system settings ... not sure exactly as I'm on Xubuntu so a bit different ...13:40
Aquawordempty page13:40
Aquawordfound some info on ubuntu.com, thx13:41
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Bil2>&1 /dev/null13:43
pagiosis this installed for ubuntu?13:44
pagiosor from source?13:44
blazemorepagios: Not from source, or dpkg wouldn't know about them13:45
pagiosi see13:45
Bilblazemore stick to being a learner13:45
blazemoreBil: Sorry?13:45
phunyguyBil: are you being helpful?13:46
pagiosUnpacking php5 (from .../php5_5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8_all.deb) ...13:46
Bilblazemore if you cant differ from source an package managers13:46
pagiosProcessing triggers for man-db ...13:46
pagiosSegmentation fault13:46
pagiosSetting up php5-common (5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8) ...13:46
pagiosSetting up php5-cgi (5.3.10-1ubuntu3.8) ...13:46
FloodBot1pagios: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:46
blazemoreBil: You're right, I have no idea what I'm talking about13:46
pagioswhat is this error? http://apaste.info/NXJJ13:47
blazemorepagios: Can you try running "sudo apt-get update" first?13:48
Bilblazemore I misread you and pagios conv13:48
phunyguypagios, when is the last time you did a `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`?13:48
blazemoreBil: I know you did :)13:48
pagiosi am running arm13:48
pagiosno dist-upgrade.13:48
phunyguypagios: I don't follow.13:49
SupYoshiHello in need of some help with Ubuntu Server 12.4 and OpenVPN. I went to the OpenVPN channel, and Ive everythign set up correctly. However I still cannot ping my server with the LAN address of it.13:49
phunyguywhy can't you dist-upgrade ?13:49
jjavaholiccan't get the correct brightness set for desktop in compiz13:49
=== 1JTAAUKK0 is now known as ag_
pagioseven with apt-get update i get the same error blazemore13:49
SupYoshiIP forwarding is enabled and working indeed. but unfortunality its not working as it seems to be.13:49
jjavaholicbefore playing around with nvidia: http://imageshack.us/a/img716/9331/yyvo.png13:49
SupYoshiAnd the people in OpenVPN are blaming Ubuntu :P13:49
jjavaholicafter: http://imageshack.us/a/img69/4640/gls9.png13:49
blazemoreSupYoshi: Well it's not an openvpn problem so they're right13:50
SupYoshiblazemore, hai :D13:50
blazemoreSupYoshi: If you can't even get an internet connection to it, OpenVPN won't work13:50
jjavaholicand what my background wallpaper should look like: http://wallpapers.wallbase.cc/rozne/wallpaper-2263889.jpg13:50
SupYoshiAh I can do that ;)13:50
blazemoreSupYoshi: You said you can't ping the server?13:50
jjavaholichelp needed13:50
SupYoshiI can connect from outside to my OpenVPN server, I get an IP.. (VPN tunnel iP)13:50
SupYoshiAnd I can even access network shares on the IP with the VPN tunnel IP13:50
blazemoreAh OK so the VPN is working13:50
Bilyou cant ping a vpn unless connected as the route doesent exist13:51
SupYoshiHowever I enabled IP forwarding so I can access other services on the interal LAN.13:51
blazemoreYou need to set up a route for that interface I think13:51
SupYoshiand ping the server from the interal lan address.13:51
blazemorepagios: wget rory.sh/fixpackages; sh fixpackages13:51
SupYoshiI think I have done that blazemore inside of the server.conf of openvpn?13:51
grumbelIs there any way to (auto)mount a device from command line the way Nautilus/Thunar do it? (i.e. the device ending up in /media/{user}/{disk} without manually mkdir/rmdir'ing around13:51
blazemoreSupYoshi: Can you please pastebin the output of the "route" command?13:51
phunyguypagios: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:51
phunyguypagios: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:52
pagiosits an arm machine compatible on that ubuntu only13:52
pagiosi cant upgrade c13:52
Bilgrumbel yes /etc/fstab13:52
phunyguypagios that isn't upgrading you to the next release13:52
SupYoshiblazemore: push "route"13:52
blazemore!arm | phunyguy13:52
ubottuphunyguy: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.13:52
SupYoshiive got that inside my OpenVPN conf.13:52
grumbelBil: that's not the way Nautilus/Thunar does it13:52
blazemorepagios: ^ sorry phunyguy13:53
dns42hey folks13:53
phunyguyall good.13:53
dns42is it possible to define an alternative for a shell session, not system-wide?13:53
Bilgrumbel It is and its the way Linux does it13:53
grumbelBil: no13:53
blazemoreI'm still getting used to the way weechat chooses the first tab completion, it differs from irssi and often catches me out.13:53
grumbelNautilus doesn't touch fstab13:53
phunyguyahh, quassel picks by last active. :)13:53
Administrator_how to open the iBus application13:54
blazemoreWhat do you mean by alternative for a shell session dns42 ? Could you rephrase or give an example?13:54
Bilgrumbel try Arch or Gentoo learn how an OS works then come back13:54
SupYoshiblazemore, can you help me in a few minutes? Im brb :) thnx13:54
phunyguy!arm | pagios13:54
blazemoreAdministrator_: ibus-daemon13:54
ubottupagios: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.13:54
blazemoreBil: That's not constructive at all13:54
Bilblazemore maybe not but he seemed like a troll13:55
jjavaholichow can I sort the dimness on my desktop: http://imageshack.us/a/img716/9331/yyvo.png13:55
phunyguy!guidelines | Bil13:55
ubottuBil: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:55
=== 17WACIBFA is now known as n30n
phunyguyhave a read, bud.13:55
phunyguypagios, stop that.13:55
blazemorepagios: Please ask in #ubuntu-arm13:56
phunyguypagios: have you asked in #ubuntu-arm ?13:56
grumbelBil: I know how the OS works, I want to know how Nautilus/Thunar work13:56
pagiosblazemore: thanks will do13:56
blazemoregrumbel: It will use its own logic to mount the volumes, I suppose you could look at the source code if you were massively interested13:56
guilhermekfe_does anyone knows where I could possibly get server's monitoring historic? I have a project, and I would like to test if my forecasting algorithm works for this scenario as well13:56
ASHER1I syndicate the following:13:56
ubottuAdministrator_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:56
=== n30n is now known as xahi
blazemoreDJones: ASHER113:57
DJonesblazemore: Thanks13:57
phunyguy!fuse | grumbel13:57
ubottugrumbel: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems13:57
grumbelblazemore: I don't think it's its own logic, as that logic is shared by Thunar and Nautilus13:57
=== Rarity is now known as Dawn
Bilgrumbel so as I said get under the hood , or learn the basics like fstab , and Ive never looked at the source of Nautilus/Thunar they will get the info from fstab or /proc13:57
=== Dawn is now known as Rarity
blazemoregrumbel: Perhaps I could be more helpful if you explained what you're trying to do?13:58
phunyguyBil that isn't true.13:58
phunyguySee the factoid I posted.13:58
grumbelblazemore: I am trying to mount devices the way Nautilus/Thunar do it13:58
blazemoregrumbel: Take a look at gvfs I think that's the tech they use13:58
phunyguyhe is looking for fuse-related things.  Not something that requires root.13:58
Bilphunguy like I said dont know but how I would do it13:59
blazemoregrumbel: gvfs, udev, fuse, these are technologis to research if you want to understand13:59
phunyguyBil: ok, well that's not what he asked. :)13:59
grumbelblazemore: don't think they use that for mounting disk, that's just for virtual userspace file systems13:59
grumbelblazemore: udiskctl might be the tool I am looking for13:59
phunyguygrumbel: gvfs is used for USB sticks and the like as well.13:59
phunyguyhence not having to have root to mount it.13:59
phunyguy(You need to be part of fuse group)14:00
Bilphunguy yes it was so I gave an answer. Not officially Ubuntu is it?14:00
Administrator_how to open the iBus application14:00
blazemoreAdministrator_: ibus-daemon14:00
phunyguyBil: word of advice, try to be as helpful as possible without sounding mean or condescending.14:00
SupYoshiCould you help me out perhaps? Im sure your having a OpenVPN server with Ubuntu ;) probally haha14:01
SupYoshiBecause Im pretty clueless of what I might be doign wrong.14:01
blazemoreI'm afk 10 minutes SupYoshi write out as much information as you think would be helpful14:01
phunyguySupYoshi: can you please paste your openvpn config minus vital cert stuff?14:01
phunyguy!paste | SupYoshi14:01
ubottuSupYoshi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:01
SupYoshiAlright, blazemore thanks! tyt!14:02
=== Administrator is now known as Guest11539
Guest11539how to open the iBus application14:02
phunyguyGuest11539: ibus-daemon14:02
Guest11539phunyguy, thank you14:03
Bilopen the ibus deamon be more specific please at code level or user?14:03
neyder_hi there14:04
=== thor_ is now known as Szadek
phunyguyneyder_: hello14:05
neyder_phunyguy, :D14:05
phunyguyneyder_: do you have a support question?14:05
bibi23hi, ubuntu shows randomly some black screen each time I use it, after like 30 minutes of use, then it freezes on a black screen, and I can't do anything but reboot, I've followed this tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmZYzaxR_k) but I don't see any "additional drivers" detected, my graphic card is radeon 4670, what can I do?14:06
neyder_phunyguy, not support, buti'm trying to create a custom desktop session with xfce, so i'mhere if i get some questions14:06
phunyguyAsk away, neyder_14:06
neyder_i have to build a install discwith all of the localization and custom session, some extra packages, do you know how to do that (looking at google but, by the way)14:08
Bilthis is why i hate uni students14:09
marloshousei'm curious about root shell (sudo sh)... how come all the up/down arrow ctrl-r command recall stuff doesn't work there?14:09
SupYoshiblazemore, someone on OpenVPN is helping me out a little ;P14:09
Luyinmarloshouse: are you trying to use commands you've used as non-root user before?14:10
marloshouseno, i'm trying to recall command i used when i had sudo sh'd14:10
neyder_marloshouse, better is 'sudo su -l'14:10
marloshouseah ha14:10
Bilmarloshouse to recall the last comand use !! or with sudo sudo !!14:11
marloshouselovely!  not a big deal, but it was bugging me14:11
BilQuestion apart from Debian doing it is there any reason why Ubuntu symlinks /bin/sh to dash instead of bash?14:14
SupYoshiOh well they seem quiet, so blazemore here is my dilemma: Ive got OpenVPN server working ;) I enabled IPV4 forwarding so everything works and is supposed to be able to ping my local network addresses... or atleast my server box. However this is not possible. I got a flow chart of OpeNVPN. Here: http://pekster.sdf.org/misc/serverlan.png Im stuck at Can you ping the Lan ip of the server. I have14:15
SupYoshigiven my clients a route to the server lan.14:15
adacIf i import a openvpn.conf file in gonem network manager which already contains the keys htne the save button remains grey since I do not have specified the path to the keys.14:16
adacdo i always need the key path, even inf the config file does already include all the keys?14:17
BilQuestion apart from Debian doing it is there any reason why Ubuntu symlinks /bin/sh to dash instead of bash?14:17
SupYoshiMy config files are as following: http://pastebin.com/97CBHLVw - server.conf (openvpn) and i have a  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1.14:17
phunyguy!ot | Bil14:18
ubottuBil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:18
SupYoshiHowever still I am unable to ping the SERVER LAN IP from the VPN. Also here is my client log. http://pastebin.com/EgbC0nWA14:18
phunyguyadac: I would say yes, you need the full paths.14:18
Bilphunguy Im asking Ubuntu support14:18
phunyguyBil: that is not a support question.14:18
phunyguyBil: please take it to offtopic.14:18
Bilphunguy why does it symlink to dash instead of bash it breaks alot of bash scripts14:19
BluesKajphunyguy:  seems on topic to me14:19
Bilit is on topic14:20
phunyguyBil: do you need to know how to fix it?14:20
Bilphunguy no I dont but others might14:21
BluesKajBil:  sorry I don't know the answer to your question, tho :(14:21
phunyguyBil: that is why I said take it to offtopic./14:21
BilBlueKaj no worries, thanks for the time.14:22
phunyguywe aren't here to debate why certain shells should be used or not.14:22
hplchi, is there any flavor thats more likely into supporting ATI Radeon 4890?, i cant seem to get it to play along on ubuntu, any reason to why, say, ubuntu studio would be easier to get it running?14:22
viscous123hello everyone. i am new to the linux system.. actually i am beginning to use it today itself... can u all help me with it14:22
honestlysoo... my resolv.conf says it's managed by resolvconf. I want to config a local domain. where do I put the config for that?14:22
Bilphunguy its not offtopic its releated to Ubuntu. Most distos symlink to bash not dash. Just because its not a noob question dont mean you cant answer?14:24
phunyguy!resolvconf | honestly14:24
ubottuhonestly: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution14:24
BluesKajhonestly:  if you have a version 12.10 and above your resolv.conf is managed by kdesudo kate /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head14:24
phunyguyBil: I am not here to argue with you about that, or argue debian/ubuntu design decisions.14:24
phunyguyBil: if you have a specific question regarding something about it that doesn't work, I would be more than happy to help you.14:25
Bilphunguy fair enough we will leave it at that14:25
BluesKajsorry gksudo gedit , honestly14:25
honestlyphunyguy: BluesKaj: awesome, thanks14:25
=== Administrator_ is now known as nock
phunyguyBil: with that being said, there is no reason we can't discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic14:25
incognice dots14:26
bibi23ubuntu shows randomly some black screen each time I use it, after like 30 minutes of use, then it freezes on a black screen, and I can't do anything but reboot, I've followed this tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmZYzaxR_k) but I don't see any "additional drivers" detected, my graphic card is radeon 4670, what can I do?14:26
phunyguy!noob | also, Bil14:26
ubottualso, Bil: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:26
BluesKajhonestly:  some say that you have to add the settings to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base as well , it's understandable , but for some reason they've chosen head for the settings14:27
CyberGabberviscous123: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=starting+with+linux14:27
viscous123ohk someone tell me14:27
viscous123I AM A NOOB :/14:27
Bilbut Linux is for people to do what they want, opressing ppl is a bit Windows/MacOs14:27
supercuteboyIm having problems with connecting my 2560x1440 screen with DP. It used to work fine with ubuntu 13. After reinstall it still recognizes correctly but it just black. Some lower resolutions work and some have weird pixel effects. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.14:28
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: what is 'dp'?14:28
supercuteboydisplay port14:29
BluesKajerr display :)14:29
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: what video chip do you use?14:29
supercuteboyintel 400014:29
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:29
DJones +b *!*user@unaffiliated/asher114:29
incogyou fuck up14:29
incoggood job op14:29
supercuteboyfile is empty14:30
bugtraqsalut des francais ici ?,14:30
supercuteboyActionParsnip: file /etc/issue returns "Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l"14:31
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: so it's "Ubuntu 13.04" and not "Ubuntu 13".....14:32
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: is the OS fully updated?14:32
BilFor future refernce do not take any notice of /etc/issue or motd there just plain text files14:32
supercuteboyright ... sorry, installed fresh14:32
supercuteboyActionParsnip: I'm guessing it has to do with the cable or the connections of the screen/laptop14:34
BluesKajsupercuteboy:  what are you connecting to ?14:37
supercuteboydell 2713hm14:38
BluesKajFROM ?14:38
supercuteboylenovo x230i14:38
supercuteboyintel 400014:38
BluesKajwhat's the dell have for graphics?14:39
BilOk and this a support question. Ive used Linux from back before package mangers? What are the most comon questions you get asked, or what categorgy i.e graphics, networks.14:39
blazemoreChat in #ubuntu-offtopic Bil14:39
BluesKajBil:  that's not a support question , no polling pleae14:40
Bilsorry wrong window14:40
BluesKajsupercuteboy:  I mean the graphics card on the dell14:41
kostkonBluesKaj: it,s a monitor14:41
BluesKajor is that amonitor14:41
supercuteboythe dell is the display, not sure what you mean or how to look up the card ?!14:41
TechnicusHello, what is libstartup-notification0-dev ?14:42
BluesKajsorry supercuteboy , i misre14:42
ActionParsnipBil: "Ive used Linux from back before package mangers?14:42
ActionParsnip" is a statement, not a question#14:42
Guest58997hey guys.. any software to manage configs on files.... like to see when the file content is changed and what content got changed.14:43
ActionParsnipsupercuteboy: sudo lshw -C display     do you only see an Intel GPU?14:43
BluesKajdisplayport to what kind of input on the monitor , supercuteboy , dvi, vga?14:43
ActionParsnipGuest58997: you can use tripwire to monitor the files to alert when they change14:43
BilActionParsnip but it ends with ?14:43
ActionParsnipBil: doesnt make it a question14:43
adjilhow  to install pytz in apt-get14:44
phunyguyBil: We would love to chat with you in #ubuntu-offtopic14:44
ActionParsnipBil: "Have I used linux back before package managers?" is a question14:44
Bilit ends a sentance though.14:44
ActionParsnipBil: all sentances are not questions14:44
adjilhow  to install pytz in apt-get? who knows14:44
supercuteboyminiDP to DP. The native resolution that ubuntu still recognizes was once possible ...14:44
Bilyou American action?14:44
blazemoreadjil: "sudo apt-get install pytz" what error does that give?14:45
blazemoreBil: Please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:45
ActionParsnip!info pytz14:45
DJonesBil: Please move the general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic so that this channel can stay with specific support issues14:45
ubottuPackage pytz does not exist in raring14:45
ActionParsnipBil: English, UK14:45
adjilE: Unable to locate package pytz14:45
Guest58997i actualy want to know what content of that file change ... a software which does diff as well and reports14:45
blazemoreadjil: What ubuntu version are you using?14:45
phunyguy!info python-tz | adjil14:45
ubottuadjil: python-tz (source: python-tz): Python version of the Olson timezone database. In component main, is extra. Version 2012c-1 (raring), package size 36 kB, installed size 181 kB14:45
BilI would but I dont want to chat about this its ActionPars14:45
ActionParsnipadjil: seems to be python-tz  maybe14:46
BluesKajsupercuteboy:  sorry not familiar with displayport  configurations and options14:46
blazemoreGuest58997: Make a backup of the file, then allow whatever changes to be made. Then use "diff" to compare the files14:46
ActionParsnipGuest58997: you could copy the files using cron, then compare the MD5 to the standing versions occasionally, different hash = changed file14:46
adjilpython-tz; it works, thanks14:47
blazemoreGuest58997: You could use Puppet to manage all your configurations :)14:47
phunyguyActionParsnip: Guest58997, there is a pacakge called backintime, if you are looking for something that backs up software incrementally, by copying files and hardlinking files that haven't changed.  You can bust that open and look at the enclosed python to see how it works....14:47
Bilrsync ftw for backups!14:47
supercuteboyBluesKaj: Thanks anyways. Any idea on how to check weather the port or the cable is broken, if any. Im going to connect the screen to another computer with duallink DVI to check weather its still of native resolution. (I'm using the screen right now on low res with the same old setup)14:48
phunyguyBil: please stop with the offtopic outburts14:49
supercuteboyBluesKaj: I would really prefer to use a DP cable since a DP to DVI Duallink needs to be an active one for 100 Euro.14:50
BluesKajsupercuteboy:  got a TV with the right connection, or the pc that has capture inputs14:50
XeekkHow do I get a regular ISO of Ubuntu 13.10 Beta 1? Is it only available as daily-build and source? The source dodwnload is ~8GB14:50
=== Xeekk is now known as Xeek
blazemoreXeek: There is no beta for 13.10 ubuntu, only daily builds14:51
Xeekok that makes no sense14:51
phunyguyXeek: #ubuntu+1 may have a better answer14:51
supercuteboyBluesKaj: neither ... the card on my computer has only non mini DP14:51
BuzzerAfter a few times I managed to install 13.04 in UEFI mode alongside my UEFI Windows 8. I can boot into either Windows or Ubuntu using the BIOS boot menu, but the boot manager is missing; by default I just boot into Windows. How can I fix this without breaking anything UEFI related?14:51
XeekWhy is everyone talking about ubuntu beta 1 (saucy14:51
BluesKajblazemore:  there is beta1 , just released14:51
Bilwhat off topic about rsync?14:51
Lequtixmorning guys14:51
phunyguyBil: you aren't being helpful, that's what makes it offtopic.14:52
blazemoreBluesKaj: There's no beta of Ubuntu, only the spins14:52
phunyguyBil: a general rule of thumb is, if you aren't helping, or being helped with what you are saying, then it is offtopic.14:53
Bilphunguy understood14:53
SupYoshiblazemore! are you bacj?14:53
SupYoshiblazemore? :D Did ya read what i asked?14:54
Bilphunguy so I cqan t say ubuntu is trying to be m$?14:54
ATC243750496what's the name of system useing to extract pacage14:58
phunyguyBil: no.14:58
BluesKajblazemore:  beta1 for optin flavours on sept 5th , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule14:58
ATC243750496what's the name of software system useing to extract pacage14:59
Bildefine package?14:59
ATC243750496like extract rar zip14:59
phunyguy!dpkg | ATC24375049614:59
ubottuATC243750496: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.14:59
Billike I said define whqat ark do you want to extract?14:59
phunyguyATC243750496: that depends on your needs.14:59
eXeC001erHow to to say to 'apt-get' that need to do real downloading of packages if i use local repositories (sources.list contains file:///) ?15:00
phunyguysorry ATC243750496, thought you meant something to use to extract something out of a .deb package15:00
BluesKajeXeC001er:  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade15:01
ATC243750496i use ark but i dont know how to devide to many parts15:01
sdgsdgsdgsdgdsgsis there an ubuntu app developers channel15:01
ATC243750496like 500MB each15:01
phunyguyATC243750496: what compression pacakge are you trying to use?15:01
phunyguyActionParsnip: as in, .rar, .tar.gz, etc15:01
kostkonsdgsdgsdgsdgdsgs: #ubuntu-app-devel15:01
eXeC001erBluesKaj: i meant that if i try to do 'apt-get download' it creates symlink to file in my local APT, instead of copy the file to current directory15:02
phunyguysorry bud, meant ATC24375049615:02
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ATC243750496so if cant please let me know the software ubuntu use to extract i am now using fedora and cant find somewhere to devided into parts15:03
ATC243750496fedora kde15:04
varunendraATC243750496, are you trying to extract or compress?15:04
SupaYoshiHey back15:04
ZllortI'm in ubuntu 13.04 and for some reason clicking a link in the ubuntu version of thunderbird opens firefox instead of my default browser chromium when I click a link in a message15:05
ATC243750496how to use ark to compress to 500MB each part15:05
SupaYoshiblazemore: do you have time ?15:05
phunyguyATC243750496: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdeutils/ark/ark.pdf15:06
john_johnKDE was not for me either, time to try xfce15:07
BluesKajeXeC001er:  apt and the package managers all use dpkg , apt-get download creates a deb file in your ~/Downloads file which you can then click on to install ..afaik it's not a symlink15:07
phunyguysorry, ATC243750496, that doc is useless15:07
varunendraATC243750496, I don't know about ark, but the default archiver GUI in Ubuntu gives me the option to split the archive in defined sized parts.15:08
phunyguyvarunendra: I think someone earlier recommended ark, but they may have been misguided.15:08
ATC243750496the ubuntu default decompresssion software is?15:09
varunendraphunyguy, I'm sure ark or any commandline program should have the option to split. I just don't know about it. I use GUI and it works :)15:10
ATC243750496i found no fuction in ark15:10
phunyguyATC243750496: try file-roller15:10
phunyguyATC243750496: it is installed by default15:10
SupaYoshinevermind I got it fixed!15:10
phunyguySupaYoshi: yay!15:10
dns42i know how to change the alternative config for a certain program using update-alternatives. is it possible to temporary change this setting just for one session?15:11
SupaYoshiiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE15:11
SupaYoshiwas the solution!15:11
SupaYoshilawl ;)15:11
phunyguygood. :)15:11
varunendraATC243750496, just right-click the file(s) > select "Compress.." and choose the split size in "Advance options".15:11
varunendrasorry, "Other options"15:12
ocooelHow do I tell what repository a package belongs to in the software centre..?15:14
willdelphia_hi, i have looked through a lot of google without a solution: so here it goes:15:15
willdelphia_all audio and video apps don't work on the new distro of ubuntu i installed two days ago15:15
willdelphia_any idea?15:15
Impossible_in Lubuntu i was able to switch the close min and max to the left side but in xubuntu its not the same, any tips>?15:15
willdelphia_also many things in the software center (if not all at times) come up "NOT FOUND"15:15
ocooelwilldelphia: run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:16
ocooelwilldelphia: Maybe the image or boot media was broken or corrupt.15:16
phunyguywilldelphia_: also enable multiverse repo15:16
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varunendraocooel, you can use "apt-cache show <package name> to see what repository it belongs to. Or Synaptic for GUI. Not sure how to do that in USC.15:17
ATC243750496there is a problem15:18
ATC243750496i cant find where to add compress to ..... extract to..... using file-roller15:18
ocooelvarunendra: Synaptic to the rescue.15:18
ATC243750496after remove ark15:18
varunendraATC243750496, are you using Kubuntu?15:18
ATC243750496kde fedora the same with kde15:19
ATC243750496so just give me some tips15:19
phunyguyATC243750496: unfortunately we cannot control or know what fedora does differently.15:20
kostkonATC243750496: fedora is not supported here15:20
OerHeksATC243750496, try #fedora ?15:20
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ocooelIs there a channel I can go to for discussing software..?15:21
ATC243750496kubuntu also using kde maybe there's some way to make it working in same15:21
ATC243750496so please give me some tips if someone used kubuntu before15:22
phunyguyocooel: depends on the software AND topic15:22
phunyguyATC243750496: unfortunately that's not how it works here15:22
ATC243750496i will ask kde fedora15:22
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phunyguy!alis | ocooel15:23
ubottuocooel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:23
xk05is it me, or is ubuntu pushing out alot of updates, lately? is there a release of some kind in the works?15:24
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kostkonxk05: 12.04.315:24
marloshouseneed a little hep mounting an ntfs drive from a dead pc... done this a dozen times, getting a "/dev/sdb1 doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS..." on this drive... not quite sure why or what else I should be trying.15:24
timothyarnoldYou might try this sudo apt-get install -f15:25
phunyguymarloshouse: do you have ntfs-3g installed?15:25
ocooelphunyguy: Thanks.15:25
xk05kostkon: ok15:25
timothyarnoldthen this sudo apt-get autoclean15:25
rickycwhat is a point release??15:25
marloshousemount is not saying i don't, booting this pc anyhow with its original internal windows drive, so it is mounting that one ok.15:25
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rickycI am confused15:25
xk05normally, i wouldnt ask, but that im seeing alot of kerberos 5 and x.org stuff15:26
phunyguy!ntfs | marloshouse15:26
ubottumarloshouse: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:26
phunyguyxk05: it is normal, since 12.04 is a long term release, they make periodic updates to some packages to stay current15:26
timothyarnoldwilldelphia: try this sudo apt-get autoclean15:27
xk05makes sense15:27
timothyarnoldthen try this.  sudo apt-get install -f15:27
phunyguywilldelphia_: ignore all that. :)15:28
varunendrarickyc, like 12.04.1, 12.04.2,..... are point releases of 12.04. It is an upgraded version of an LTS release whose objective is to offer packages that have been upgraded since the original release.15:29
siva_does any one know how to  install ip messenger in ubuntu15:29
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phunyguyrickyc: you can also opt in to kernel updates for hardware compatibility.15:29
blazemoreWhat version of Ubuntu, Guest49031 ?15:29
phunyguyrickyc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:30
SupaYoshiive got a weird problem... i can access SAMBA shares over VPN but not over LAN?15:30
SupaYoshiI cannot authenciate over the LAN, with the same crediantals as I can over VPN. to the shares?15:30
SupaYoshiAnyone an idea what might be causing this?15:30
phunyguySupaYoshi: what is teh exact error?15:31
blazemoreSupaYoshi: Can you ping the IP of the server on the LAN?15:31
Guest49031ubuntu 13.0415:31
SupaYoshiYeah i can.15:31
SupaYoshiIts something to do with Samba..15:31
phunyguyI am thinking some iptables are messing you up.15:31
SupaYoshii can see the shares.15:31
Guest49031blazemore, actually i am getting some errors ..15:31
blazemoreSupaYoshi: If you look in your samba config, see if its only listening on a particular IP address15:31
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: what OS are the client and servers?15:31
SupaYoshiI will check ;)15:31
SupaYoshiUbuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows 7 and 815:31
SupaYoshiwhere windows is client.15:32
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: on the server, run:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER15:32
SupaYoshiI can also see the shares from the LAN just not authenciate.15:32
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: you can then authenticate as your user using the password you set15:32
SupaYoshiokay! lets see ;)15:32
SupaYoshithat wasnt it...15:33
SupaYoshialso I can authenciate with the USER over VPN15:33
phunyguyyou have to restart samba after that15:33
SupaYoshinot over LAN.15:33
FloodBot1SupaYoshi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
nockPlease don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation15:33
SupaYoshinope same issue.....15:33
phunyguySupaYoshi: check your samba.conf then15:33
SupaYoshilets see the samba config as blazemore suggexted15:34
blazemoreSupaYoshi: If you could pastebin your config I'm sure that'd be useful15:34
SupaYoshialright one sec ;)! tyvm15:34
tmmunqalso, that output of testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf15:34
nockght one sec15:35
nockPlease don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation15:35
SupaYoshiif you want me to uncomment these things, please tell me that grep thing ;P15:35
nockwhat is?15:35
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ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: did you set the smbpasswd for the users: sup4y0sh1 sirmario sirluigi bepke xbmc15:36
Impossiblei get an error when trying to open an external harrddruve15:37
nockphunyguy, yes?15:37
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: sudo smbpasswd -a sup4y0sh115:37
SupaYoshiive set it for myself.15:37
ImpossibleFailed to open directory "Seagate Expansion Drive".15:37
Impossiblehow come?15:37
SupaYoshiand that doesnt work either.15:37
phunyguy!enter | Impossible15:37
ubottuImpossible: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:37
SupaYoshiAnd from the VPN I can login with all accounts let me test.15:37
ActionParsnipImpossible: when you last unplugged it, did you use the safe removal feature in your OS?15:37
phunyguySupaYoshi: maybe your iptables config isn't right.15:37
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: did you also run:  sudo smbpasswd -a sirmario15:37
phunyguyand it is rejecting15:37
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:38
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: when you try and connect, what messages do you get?15:38
Impossiblei dont remember actionparsnip15:38
phunyguylike you can see the shares via mDNS, but you cannot connect because of iptables.15:38
ActionParsnipImpossible: its a concious effort15:38
SupaYoshione second.15:38
Impossiblehow do i safely remove and is it fixable15:38
snoopybbthi people! ubuntu 12.04 on thinkpad x220 here, after usual software upgrade i'm not asked to use fingerprint anymore, password only15:38
ActionParsnipImpossible: sounds like you aren't doing it and abusing your hardware15:38
snoopybbtin the past i used to get asked for fingerprint first, and then for password15:39
snoopybbtwhat happened ?15:39
SupaYoshiI will test once more second, I need to disconnect the share from Windows.. =/15:39
ActionParsnipImpossible: plug it into the Windows PC and run a chkdsk on it so that the data is known to be healty15:39
SupaYoshiAnyone know how to logout shares on Windows without rebooting?15:39
phunyguySupaYoshi: that screenprint is absolutely useless to us.... lol15:39
ActionParsnipImpossible: then in the bottom right you will see a little icon, you can safe remove it there15:39
Impossiblei remember i would use the arrow pointing but then disconnect15:39
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: right click share, disconnect15:39
Impossiblealright thanks15:40
SupaYoshiphunyguy, you guys asked the thing it was saying :P15:40
phunyguySupaYoshi: can you translate?15:40
ActionParsnipSupaYoshi: are the folders you are sharing NTFS based by any chance15:40
SupaYoshiActionParsnip, no no15:41
SupaYoshiLet me just em try to connect over samba, over VPN okay?15:41
N00b_Nickis there anyway to recover info from a HDD after it has been jostled (in the comp case) by a bullet? or is my Reader arm completely thrashed?15:41
SupaYoshiI think this is indeed IP tables related15:41
compdocN00b_Nick, did the bullet hit the drive?15:41
blazemoreWhen /var/log/maillog says "Host unknown (Name server: example.com: host not found)" does that mean it thinks example.com is the nameserver, or that example.com can't be resolved *by* the nameserver?15:42
phunyguyblazemore: the latter15:42
Berengarhey guys - this is my monthly "i updated ubuntu and it broke something" visit ;)15:42
SupaYoshirebooting the system, btw, It could be happened after i added this rule?15:42
SupaYoshiiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE15:42
N00b_Nickthe bullet hit the lower corner of my case... about 5 inches from where the HDD was.15:42
phunyguyN00b_Nick: have you asked in ##hardware ?15:43
SupaYoshithis was to make OpenVPN server working15:43
N00b_Nickthank you15:43
N00b_Nickim new to IRC15:43
phunyguyN00b_Nick: are you registered with chanserv?15:43
phunyguyerr nickserv15:43
nockN00b_Nick, me too15:43
N00b_Nickphuny guy - no im not15:43
Berengarso eh.. how do i go about deleting/renaming a file which i have no permissions to do so? (even as root)15:43
phunyguyyou will have to before you can use ##hardware IIRC15:43
phunyguyN00b_Nick: /msg nickserv help15:44
phunyguyN00b_Nick: /msg nickserv help register ***15:44
N00b_Nickthanks... will that register me as the nickname i have currently?15:45
ATC243750496where is the menu list file locate?15:45
phunyguynock, do you have a support question?15:45
ActionParsnipBerengar: unless the file system holding the data is read only, root will ALWAYS be able to delete15:45
ATC243750496i want to see how it write the menu list15:45
ActionParsnipATC243750496: there isnt one now, Ubuntu doesnt use Grub now, it uses Grub215:45
ATC243750496with right click15:45
phunyguyN00b_Nick: as long as it is available, yes15:45
Berengarthing is, i am trying to update this gnome control center package. but it seems one of the PNG files in the UI folder is so heavily corrupted that it shows up as folder - and the file permissions are locked down to some "23897432894738947" user in the group "23434"15:46
ATC243750496right clik menu15:46
Berengarwhich means i can't even delete it if i run gksu nautilus15:46
MonkeyDustN00b_Nick  like so    /msg nickserv register YOURPASSWORD YOUREMAIL15:46
ActionParsnipATC243750496: the question doesn't make sense15:46
ActionParsnipATC243750496: there is no menu.lst file now15:46
nockphunyguy:what do you mean15:46
N00b_Nickmonkeydust: my pass and email to what? i havent registered to anything15:47
phunyguynock: this is a support channel, and you have been talking, but not making sense, or being useful.15:47
Berengarso yeah, when i try to update it, it exits with a file permission error15:47
MonkeyDustN00b_Nick  your email address and its password15:47
Berengarbecause root can't access it :)15:47
ATC243750496in fedora i have to write a file to add the command to right click menu15:47
phunyguyBerengar: possibly the drive has a bed sector?15:47
ATC243750496to make extract and compress work15:48
ATC243750496but i just dont know the command15:48
Berengarphunyguy SMART doesn't return any error, ran FSCK too, with no errors15:48
N00b_Nickmonkeydust : so the IRC will register my name through an email address?15:48
nockphunyguy, I'm a new to IRC too, and  my english is not very good15:48
ATC243750496so  i just want to see what's ubuntu write15:48
blazemoreATC243750496: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21953/how-to-customize-the-context-menu-in-nautilus15:48
phunyguyATC243750496: fedora is not supported here15:49
ActionParsnipATC243750496: look into nautilus-scripts15:49
ActionParsnipN00b_Nick: the guys in #freenode will help with registering issues15:49
SupaYoshiokay this is odd15:49
N00b_Nickthanks to all....15:49
MonkeyDustN00b_Nick  yes, your existing email address15:49
ATC243750496i just want to know the file-roller command15:50
dpower how can i check if any application is running on a specific port15:50
ATC243750496can some one help me15:50
Berengarphunyguy could just be that i accidentally hit the reset button while ubuntu was still running ^^15:50
ActionParsnipATC243750496: do you want to extract an archive?15:50
MonkeyDustdpower  try lsof, i forget the exact option15:51
ATC243750496both extract and compress15:51
SupaYoshiokay... so I cannot authenciate over LAN but I can over VPN adapter.15:51
ActionParsnipATC243750496: why didnt you just say THAT?15:51
SupaYoshiI think it is IPtables?15:51
dpowerthank you MonkeyDust15:51
ActionParsnipATC243750496: install unp and you can extract everything with one command..unp15:51
Berengari guess my question is, is there any other way to access that corrupted file, so that i can reinstall the package or do i have to do a complete format of the drive?15:51
ActionParsnipBerengar: you could force install the deb file and it may help15:52
blazemoreBerengar: Can you run "sudo touch /forcefsck" and then reboot15:52
ATC243750496if i know the command to make it go to the limiting surface of file-roller i can see it from screen15:53
SupaYoshiblazemore, any idea whats going on? should i post iptables-save/15:53
BerengarActionparsnip the install routine doesn't do me any good, because root can't access the file due to corrupted file permissions15:54
ActionParsnipBerengar: did you try it? just to test15:54
Berengaryeah i did15:54
SupaYoshihow do I delete a rule from iptables?15:54
blazemoreSupaYoshi: Honestly I don't know. You could use something like tcpdump to analyst the actual network traffic15:54
Berengari'll be back in a second ;D15:54
blazemoreSupaYoshi: @your first question, not the delete a rule one15:54
ActionParsnipATC243750496: how do you mean 'limiting surface' ?15:54
ATC243750496i just want to make it like this :click express to and open the file-roller window, click compress to and open ti too15:55
SupaYoshiI wanna delete the MASQ rule and see if it happens ;P15:55
SupaYoshiI added that myself..15:55
SupaYoshiIt might have happened after I did that.15:55
ActionParsnipATC243750496: so you atre missing file roller from your right click menu? Is that the issue?15:56
marloshouseubottu, i think my issue is there's an issue with this ntfs drive i'm trying to mount.  normally i mount my drives just fine, i just plugged this one in temporarily to do some data recovery on it15:56
ATC243750496i just want it to make like ubuntu like but just dont know the command behind cliking15:56
xtrizubuntu will be introducing Mir from next release so will it create probs for other applications to run ?15:56
ActionParsnipATC243750496: then what has that got to do with menu.lst15:56
MonkeyDustxtriz  ask in #ubuntu-mir15:56
ActionParsnipATC243750496: why didnt you just say that it was missing15:56
xtrizMonkeyDust, ok :)15:56
marloshousefdisk -l shows the drive, and shows it as an ntfs vol but it won't mount15:56
ActionParsnipATC243750496: Why have we had all this back and forth when it can be summed up in one concide sentance15:56
ATC243750496maybe i do it a hard way15:56
neredsenvyHow can I mount my USB drive as writable Ubuntu loads it as read only by default. Preventing me from making a bootable stick from it.15:57
blazemoremarloshouse: Do you get an error when you try to mount it?15:57
marloshouseblazemore, yes, "doesn't seem to have a valid ntfs"15:57
marloshouse(it's from a dead win machine)15:57
ActionParsnipATC243750496: why though. Think I've got nothing better to do than mess around while you try and use technical terminaology which you are clearly not versed with and delay getting fixed15:57
blazemoremarloshouse: Do you have access to Windows?15:57
SupaYoshiHow do i remove a line?15:57
marloshousei do... (have to reboot ~yeuch~)15:58
syntaxxI am trying to upgrade my 10.04 to 12.04 LTS but unfortunately I am seeing no new release found after running do-release-upgrade any idea why it is happening?15:58
blazemoreSupaYoshi: In Nano? Ctrl-K. In Vim? :dl15:58
ActionParsnipATC243750496: in future, just use plain language. You will get to what you need faster, rather than trying to use phrases you either don't know or don't understand15:58
SupaYoshino i mean how to open iptables?15:58
neredsenvyHow can I mount my USB drive as writable Ubuntu loads it as read only by default. Preventing me from making a bootable stick from it.15:58
SupaYoshiwhere is it locateD?15:58
blazemoremarloshouse: Check the disk from Windows15:58
blazemoreSupaYoshi: How did you add the rule?15:58
SupaYoshiform the console directly =/15:58
SupaYoshiiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE15:58
ActionParsnipATC243750496: if you install xarchiver and log out then log in, is it there?15:59
SupaYoshiI just wanna remove that =/ Cus people say its bad anyway, and I wanna access my shares again pls .=/15:59
blazemoreSupaYoshi: That didn't actually add the rule in the first place, at least not permanently15:59
SupaYoshii did iptables-save after.15:59
dakotawulfysyntaxx did you check the options in the upgrade  program15:59
blazemoreSupaYoshi: do iptables-save > output15:59
SupaYoshianyway, when i do iptables-save its listed there. =/ and15:59
SupaYoshiI cant access my shares .__.15:59
SupaYoshiHow do i get rid of it?15:59
SupaYoshiokay !15:59
blazemoreSupaYoshi: then edit output, find the line and delete it15:59
blazemoreSupaYoshi: then do sudo iptables-restore < output16:00
ATC243750496let me try16:00
blazemoreI have to go home now SupaYoshi16:00
dakotawulfysyntaxx open up the update manager  then go to settings16:00
dakotawulfysyntaxx then go to updates  tab16:01
syntaxxdakotawulfy, i need the console16:03
syntaxxdakotawulfy, i edit the /etc/update-manager/releases to PROMPT=lts but no use16:03
Berengari hate nickserv16:04
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Berengarokay, so neither the forced fsck nor the forced reinstall after did anything for me16:05
dakotawulfysyntaxx http://askubuntu.com/questions/130677/update-to-12-04-lts16:05
Berengaras before i get the error "unable to move aside `./usr/share/gnome-control-center/ui/datetime/timezone_6.png' to install new version: Operation not permitted"16:05
Berengar....which is due to root not having permissions to change the file16:06
syntaxxdakotawulfy, yes i already run the do-release-upgrade -d option and still i am getting no new releases16:06
Berengari'm open for suggestions not involving a complete reinstall of ubuntu :/16:07
Berengaroh hey wilee-nilee  :D16:09
dakotawulfysyntaxx you might have to upgrade it to 11..10 first then update it agin16:09
dakotawulfysyntaxx upgrade it i mean16:10
SupaYoshiah i think the issue with samba is just me...16:10
SupaYoshiI can access it locally from downstairs... =/16:10
SupaYoshiBut not my own computer xD smh...16:10
syntaxxdakotawulfy, how can i upgrade it to 11? if there are no new releases found?16:10
OerHeksBerengar, if you interupted the installation, with a powerswitch, most likely you need to reinstall, as you don't know what else is missing/corrupted, long road to determin16:10
syntaxxdakotawulfy, i am pretty sure i already upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 until before 13.04 releases16:10
sogeking99Hey guys, I have a Sony Vaio laptop and install ubuntu along side Windows 8. However there is no boot menu showing, it jumps straight to windows and BIOS seems very limited16:10
dakotawulfysyntaxx  did u check the settings under update manager ??16:10
SupaYoshiQuestion regarding Iptables -> I added the following line, but people said its not good and dangerous or as they said. "eww" in the #openvpn channel.16:11
Berengar0erHeks i have the feeling ubuntu just does a bad job at unmounting the HDD somehow. never ran into problems when using my win boot16:11
syntaxxdakotawulfy, i am running ubuntu server not a desktop16:11
Berengari suffer from corrupted files quite often on my ubuntu boot16:11
Berengaralready did a memory and hdd check, but they always come out clean16:12
SupaYoshiAh i got it!16:12
dakotawulfy syntaxx  http://askubuntu.com/questions/154223/cant-upgrade-ubuntu-server-from-10-04-lts-to-12-04-lts16:13
dakotawulfy syntaxx maybe that will help you16:13
Luyinsogeking99: do you know if your computer uses uefi?16:14
syntaxxdakotawulfy, nah i already did that as well16:15
sogeking99Luyin, Yeah Windows 8 does. Not sure if Xbuntu 13.04 does or not.16:15
Luyinsogeking99: ubuntu is known to be a little problematic with that. google for it and check ubuntu.com, there is a link to a manual concerning uefi16:16
SupaYoshiclick to see16:16
dakotawulfy syntaxx ok  not sure then16:17
dakotawulfy syntaxx sorry16:17
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ATC243750496problem sovled after downloaded a script for kde16:19
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marloshouseblazemore, can't read the drives in windows either... my problem is there16:20
ATC243750496another question is what's the file viewer ubuntu used by default name16:20
xtrizcan i use wayland with ubuntu ?16:20
ATC243750496i like that file viewer16:21
ATC243750496but dont know the name16:21
ATC243750496someone know that?16:21
LuyinATC243750496: viewer for what files? pdfs?16:21
ATC243750496folder viewer16:21
Luyinyou mean nautilus?16:22
ATC243750496let me try to install it16:22
dakotawulfyATC243750496 spacefm is cool16:22
ATC243750496how cool it is16:22
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ATC243750496can you describe?16:23
voozeI'm having some small problems with GNOME. I almost ever shut down my computer, but I have to reboot it (or kill the gnome-session) a few times a week, due to it freezing... (INTEL HD 4000 GPU, so its not GFX problem I think) Is there somthing more stable for a "media box" (computer set to TV )??16:23
varunendraATC243750496, the default 'File Manager' for Ubuntu is "Nautilus"16:23
john_johnSo I want to install gtk3 w/out Unity... What's the best options? Cinnamon?16:23
ATC243750496i am installing16:23
BAMbandaIf I run "top" and my %CPU has 90 for id, that's bad right? I'm not running many applications. I have a 1.4ghz dual core toshiba laptop. I just needed a quick work laptop to do some experiemental coding16:24
ATC243750496dakotawulfy how cool the spacefm is16:24
dakotawulfyATC243750496 real cool can easily  set up menus  and tools to me it proficient16:24
wilee-nileesogeking99, Here is a thread on this install to look at to compare how you did this, the UF and the threads author is a good source of help they focus on this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729516:24
varunendraATC243750496, I also just noticed, the File Roller program allows splitting only if I select the output format to be .7z. It gets disabled if I select any other format.16:25
dakotawulfyATC243750496 I love it  think it better then thunar or nautilus16:25
sogeking99wilee-nilee, Thanks, I've not actually got a clue what UFIE is but I'll read.16:26
wilee-nileesogeking99, This is a oem install of W8?16:27
sogeking99wilee-nilee, No, it's a Sony Vaio laptop16:27
wilee-nileesogeking99, oem means manufacturer IE sony16:28
sogeking99I'm not sure really. My PC has a ton of BIOS options, here the advanced section only has one setting, virtualization.16:29
wilee-nileesogeking99, YOu bought this computer brand new with W8 right?16:29
ZalHi all, my /etc/hosts doesn't seem to be working (never seen anything like this before). I've added " ldap1.mydomain.com" to /etc/hosts, but ping returns "unkown host" still. /etc/nsswitch looks right, as does /etc/host.conf. Any ideas what might be needed?16:31
wilee-nileesageThen sony installed it and it is a uefi computer, it has a built in fast boot and gpt partitioning. THe mistake you probably made was not changing the boot to a legacy boot, I would make a thread at tha UF and wait for that thread author to advise you they are on daily.16:32
UndrWatercan i pull kernel config off of the running install CD?  if so, where do i find it?16:32
wilee-nileesogeking99, see above ^^^^16:32
ZalI've tried googling around, but all I can find so far is people with browser cache issues. I'm not using a browser, so ...16:33
BAMbandaIf I run "top" and my %CPU has 90 for id, that's bad right? I'm not running many applications. I have a 1.4ghz dual core toshiba laptop. I just needed a quick work laptop to do some experiemental coding16:33
sogeking99ok thanks wilee-nilee16:33
zykotick9BAMbanda: id is idle, meaning not doing anything16:34
arklordi have a simple question :16:34
BAMbandazykotick9, so 90 id means there is a lot of computing power available for use?16:35
zykotick9BAMbanda: right, translate it to free ;)16:35
sogeking99wilee-nilee, Do you think boot-repair might do the trick?16:35
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wilee-nileesogeking99, It might, honestly I would stop and wait for the author of that thread or the maker of the bootrepair app to answer a thread you make at the ubuntu forums, this is not a big deal, however you ned help from people who know this best.16:37
sogeking99Ok thanks again.16:38
zykotick9BAMbanda: load is an interesting value to see how busy your CPU is.  1 means 100%, anything less, means the system is working less than full speed.16:38
UndrWaterinstall CD uses efi-stub kernel, yes?16:39
timothyarnoldjoin #chrome16:41
Dev_Antarwhy i always should add  `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` to compile a gtk app ?16:42
MonkeyDustDev_Antar  better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel16:43
SuperLagI forgot to make backups of some of my .desktop files. Is there a way to generate a shell of a .desktop file, something with the bare minimum of required lines?16:44
SuperLagI should get in the habit of putting those in ~/.local/share/applications/ rather than /usr/share/applications/... as that would have helped me to avoid all that mess :)16:44
dylanI'm running ElementaryOS (Which is based on Precise Pangolin) and trying to install cmus.  When I run it, I get an error that there is no output plugin.  I also only have one input plugin, wav.so.  I have tried 3 different versions, different repos, building from source, and installing every lib under the moon.  I cannot get it to work.  PLEASE help16:44
SuperLagdylan: you probably won't get help with that here, as that's not Ubuntu16:44
SuperLagactually... s/probably//16:45
SuperLagjust based on past experience16:45
OerHeksdylan, elementary OS is just a fork with its own issues, join #elementary or take a look at this german page http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/cmus good luck16:47
MonkeyDustdylan  type     /join #elementary16:47
lid6j86i'm trying to set up an irc server using ircd-hybrid.  I've configured everything so that when I get on another computer and type in the web-ip of the server it will connect properly.  I then set up a dyndns name for that computer's ip address.  Now when I try to use the dyndns name given to me, it's not connecting (connection timed out).  what do I need to do?  I'm assuming I need to do some sort of forwarding but I'm not smart enough on networks to kno16:47
lid6j86w what to do next16:47
equalizerBjr Tlm16:47
poiu342hi ... is there a way downloading embedded flash videos? not those from youtube, but embedded in a website and somehow encapaulated, so the standard download tools dont see them.16:48
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OerHekspoiu342, manually check the source from that site, maybe you find the embedded url16:49
BluesKajpoiu342:  you can try wget or curl16:49
MonkeyDustlid6j86  setting up a server, when you're not familiar with networking -- IRC even involves multiple servers16:50
poiu342OerHeks,BluesKay ... i,ve tried this so may times before but it never worked out16:50
poiu342those urls are useless16:50
poiu342or i dont know how to use them16:51
lid6j86MonkeyDust, that's why i'm trying to learn :-)16:51
lid6j86MonkeyDust, in all fairness I have a 90% solution, i'm just having trouble with that last 10%16:51
MonkeyDustlid6j86  tip: first learn networking basics :)16:51
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Zalanyone have any thoughts on how to get my /etc/hosts entries recognized? I've never seen this situation before -- they're just ignored.16:59
SupaYoshiyuck, my own PC is being so mean to me... it wont connect to my SAMBA shares. However same crediantials on my other PC and Laptop work ><16:59
SupaYoshifor the same share. =/16:59
Zal(ubuntu 12.04 LTS)16:59
tgm4883Zal, /etc/hosts should be the first thing it checks. Typo maybe?17:00
SupaYoshiWindows 7 ><17:00
SupaYoshidoes samba only allow 1 user to be logged in at the same time?17:00
Zaltgm4883, checked and re-checked ... it all looks perfect. The OS apparently added an entry for "ubuntu" to /etc/hosts, which is also unrecognized. "localhost" is the only one that works.17:00
Zalit's crazy17:01
SupaYoshidoes anybody understand why I can not connect from my Windows PC to my shares? >< This is my config =[17:03
SupaYoshiblazemore, any windows ideas xD lol17:03
john_johnGuys, my font rendering is awful in chrome. Is that an ubuntu problem or is it chrome? IS there any way to fix it?17:03
wilee-nileejohn_john, Chrome doea its own font have you messed with this in general in ubuntu, or turned off the chrome control of its own?17:05
gilesw_heya all17:06
john_johnwilee-nilee I know that I played around with the fonts in the settings but I had no idea that it would affect chrome. IS there any way to turn it on if I now happened to have turned it off?17:06
gilesw_got a nasty problem where 12.04 isn't bringing up eth0:0 on boot17:07
gilesw_I've tracked it down to the ifstate file17:07
arklordso how do we install something from a tar.gz17:07
arklordi have already extract the tar.gz17:07
arklordbut do not really understand what to do after17:07
arklordeven after watching and reading a quite share of stuff17:07
FloodBot1arklord: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
arklordif that can help:17:07
arklordI'm trying the installation of the last pscx217:07
SuperLagjohn_john: one thing that I've found to *vastly* improve fonts in Ubuntu is to install ttf-mscorefonts-installer17:07
wilee-nileejohn_john, I would return the OS back to where it was, was this just a case of not really knowing what your doing and maybe being a bit to picky.17:07
wilee-nileejust messing around where its not needed basically john_john17:08
SuperLagjohn_john: and that's not really the best way to put it... it's better to say it improves the looks of a lot of sites, in general17:08
SuperLagjohn_john: that's my $.0217:08
john_johnwilee-nilee: I just changed the settings for windows, I never intended to change the fonts in chrome. I've already put it back to default settings. But chrome still has trouble rendering fonts17:09
pgibHello. Anyone know of a good Ubuntu derivative that has almost no GUI at all? Xubuntu is nice, but even XFCE is overkill here. (I'm just making a Linux VM, and will be using the terminal for everything)17:09
pgibBut I would like to have X, basic WM, and a terminal emulator so I can at least copy/paste text, have multiple terms open, etc.17:10
arklordi tried this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/6071212/17:11
SuperLaghmm... why would an icon not *stay* in the Launcher, if you tell set "Lock to launcher" ?17:12
troiii want to install ubuntu 10.04 as a desktop17:12
arklordwhat's that means17:12
pgibmaybe i can just do a non-X ubuntu and install fluxbox or something17:12
john_johnSuperlag: installing ttf mscorefonts solved the problems. THank you my friend17:12
OerHekstroii, ubuntu 10.04 lts desktop is EOL, choose 12.04 lts17:12
wilee-nileetroii, you wont be supported her is all17:12
troiitopic says iti supported17:12
OerHekstroii yes, for server17:12
SuperLagtroii: just do ubuntu-server, and add on from there17:13
troiii want to install it on mydekstop17:13
OerHekstroii good luck, cannot help you there.17:14
arklordgentleman could i have some advices from you?17:14
troiii want to install ubuntu 10.04 server on my desktop and use it everyday17:14
tgm4883troii, why 10.0417:16
blackwind_123hi all , how to use apt-get command to upgrade my VIM...?17:16
troii10.04 is stable and not bloated17:16
tgm4883troii, and also unsupported17:16
ludkillercan't mount my cdrom help17:16
troiitopic says that it is supported17:16
timothyarnoldarklord: what do you need?17:17
tgm4883troii, it says the server version is supported17:17
ludkilleractually can't even boot :/17:17
tgm4883troii, which is command line ony17:17
troiii want to install it17:17
* wilee-nilee hears rebel rebel playing softly in the background, lol17:17
troiiand install X Server on it and use dit17:17
tgm4883troii, so install it then17:17
troiibut i cant17:17
pgibblackwind_123 the same way you would use it to upgrade any package17:17
tgm4883troii, why not?17:17
troiibecause i cant update17:18
tgm4883troii, what?17:18
blackwind_123pgib: new to ubuntu....17:18
tgm4883troii, what do you mean  you can't update?17:18
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wilee-nileetroii, what does uname -a  say17:19
blackwind_123this vim upgrade will be my first upgrade17:19
troiii cant get it to work17:19
ludkillerthis dvd is working on other pc, but when I tru to mount it on ubuntu I can't17:19
tgm4883troii, listen, I'm going to be honest with you, if you can't figure out how to get the server version installed and working to the point you can update and install things, then you probably shouldn't be doing what you are trying to do17:19
troiithen what do i do17:20
tgm4883troii, you install 12.04 (or 13.04)17:20
troiithat is slowing my pc17:20
troiireally bad17:20
tgm4883troii, 12.04 and 13.04 (and 12.10, although I'm unsure why you would install that) are both supported17:20
ludkillerhelp anyone?17:20
tgm4883troii, then either A) upgrade your hardware, B) figure out why it's slowing your pc (maybe you need to install proprietary drivers) or C) install something lighter like Xubuntu17:21
ludkillercannot mount a bootable DVD's17:21
ludkillerit's just weird17:22
wilee-nilee!help | ludkiller17:23
ubottuludkiller: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:23
wilee-nileeludkiller, help goes nowhere17:23
ludkillerI already asked the question17:23
ludkillerI can't mount specific DVD's17:23
wilee-nileeludkiller, right and have some patience17:23
tgm4883ludkiller, yes, what wilee-nilee was trying to get you to understand is you need to wait now17:24
tgm4883although I probably would have went with !patience17:24
ludkillerfair enough17:24
OerHeksludkiller, did you install restricted extras and run the css script for encryption // or do other dvd's play fine?17:24
ludkillerother dvd's mounts fine17:25
tgm4883OerHeks, he said it's a bootable DVD, so it doesn't sound like a video17:25
blackwind_123hi all , how to use apt-get command to upgrade my VIM...?17:25
ludkillerah wait17:25
ludkillerI think I cannot mount dvds , but can mount cds17:25
SolarisBoyblackwind_123: sudo apt-get install vim assuming there were a later version available in the repo's17:25
MonkeyDustblackwind_123  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade17:26
marloshousecan i have two network addresses for one adapter? (say, em1)  one address for dhcp and one for static?17:26
tgm4883marloshouse, yes17:26
ludkillerhe can17:26
SolarisBoymarloshouse: you can attach an alias address17:26
blackwind_123MonkeyDust: SolarisBoy: thank you....17:26
ludkillerI am unable to mount dvds but cds are working fine17:26
ludkillerI guess some hardware defect17:27
evermeanhi i am trying to install ubuntu 13.04 x64 via USB on a machine that has no CD-ROM ... but the installer keeps on trying to mount a cd-rom....any ideas?17:27
OerHeksludkiller, does your player say dvd on the tray?17:27
ludkillerOerHeks, yes17:28
marloshousewhere do i define this second interface?17:28
marloshouse(if not in /etc/network/interfaces)17:28
ludkillerI am trying to install some *censored* os17:28
ludkillerbut this thing doesn't detect dvds17:29
ludkillerOerHeks, might be some hardware fault17:30
wilee-nileeevermean, when?17:30
ludkillershoudn't have buyed hp laptops17:30
evermeanwilee-nilee during the installation17:30
OerHeksludkiller, i don't think it is a hardware fault, you just want to mount an OS in a unknown format, like osX or something like that.17:31
troiiubuntu is bloated17:31
wilee-nileeevermean, You have checked the sum of the ISO? How did you load it to the usb?17:31
pgibtroii, at least regular ubuntu-desktop is. Agreed17:31
ludkillerOerHeks, nope17:32
ludkillerI have tried using a bootable linux distro and Windows 717:32
ludkillerboth dvd's aren't working17:32
ludkilleralthough cd works fine17:32
ludkillereven some random dvd isn't detected17:32
evermeanwilee-nilee, I created the the USB drive using UNetbootin ... I don't really know what you mean by checking the sum?17:33
ludkillerand I tell you hp tech support is dumb as shit ._.17:33
wilee-nilee!md5sum | evermean17:33
ubottuevermean: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:33
IdleOne!language | ludkiller17:33
ubottuludkiller: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:33
troiiinstall Windows first, then Ubuntu17:34
ATC2437504961i just breaked system17:34
wilee-nileeevermean, Ofyen with usb install you have a popup that ask if you want to unmount something it is indicationg the usb are you hitting yes there?17:34
troiiwindows is crap, it deleted my partitions17:34
ATC2437504961is there any way to remove dolphin without breaking kde?17:34
ludkillerIdleOne, ok17:34
iceroot_ATC2437504961: why removing it? ust use something different17:34
mkanyicyrunning ubuntu saucy, no sound on laptop speakers but sound in earphones17:35
ATC2437504961i dont want to keep some software with not using17:35
ludkillerso any other solutions to my problem?17:35
wilee-nilee!saucy | mkanyicy17:35
ubottumkanyicy: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:35
iceroot_ATC2437504961: but its needed for some internal stuff17:35
evermeanwilee-nilee, trying to verify the image sum one moment17:36
MonkeyDustmkanyicy  it's because saucy is not yet ready17:36
ludkillerOerHeks, for the record it doesn't even boot17:36
jenjiskanhey anyone interested in testing a new beta website? PM me if so :P17:36
wilee-nilee!spam | jenjiskan17:37
OerHeksludkiller, so it is a boot issue, not an mount issue17:37
jenjiskanwilee-nilee:  spam? i didn't posted any brand or link17:37
ludkillerOerHeks, both17:38
iceroot_jenjiskan: its offtopic and we are not interested17:38
ludkillercan't boot/mount dvds17:38
jenjiskaniceroot_:  damn this is true sorry so :/17:38
jenjiskani didn't thought about topics sorry i was searching for people like me17:38
ludkillerOerHeks, maybe that laser got out of alignment.17:39
mkanyicyludkiller, can you mount a CD?17:39
ludkillerI moved the laser17:39
ludkillerand it worked17:39
FloodBot1ludkiller: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
ludkillerbest fix ever17:39
OerHeksludkiller, yes, this could point to a hardwarefailure, all you can do now is try booting from an USB device17:39
ludkillerOerHeks, thanks >_>17:40
ludkillerbut I moved the laser and it works17:40
OerHeksoh, you moved it .. could be dirt in the drive17:40
ludkillerheh I wonder17:40
iceroot_ludkiller: YOU MOVED the laser?17:40
ludkillericeroot_, the device that generates it  yes17:41
nylwhat kernel should i use with latest nvidia driver17:41
evermeanwilee-nilee, The checksum of the iso is correct17:41
wilee-nileeevermean, How about that popup question?17:41
ludkillerbest solution ever.17:41
ludkillerty OerHeks  for your time17:42
mkanyicy!enter | ludkiller17:42
ubottuludkiller: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:42
OerHeksludkiller, have fun17:42
evermeanwilee-nilee, The current screen is telling me: Your installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted. This probably means that the CD-ROM was not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again17:42
ludkillermkanyicy, ok sorry17:42
ludkillermkanyicy, and yes it was able to read CDs just like usual17:43
evermeanwilee-nilee, And then I can choose yes or no17:43
evermeanwilee-nilee, Retry mounting the CD-ROM? <--- there is not even a cdrom drive17:43
wilee-nileeevermean, Before that are you seeing a popup asking if you want to unmount anything? Have you chosen yes or no?17:43
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ludkillerty again.17:44
iceroot_ludkiller: again, YOU MOVED the laser by hand? from that drive?17:44
bubaciao a tutti17:44
bubaun piccolo aiuto      se potete17:45
nobodiesi installed ubuntu-desktop using apt and it installed loads of crap with it, is there any way of quickly removing it all?17:45
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:45
evermeanwilee-nilee, The last screen before that was asking about my keyboard layout17:45
timothyarnoldludkiller, i have a silly question. Because no DVD will boot, is the drive you are trying to put the DVD in a CD drive & not a DVD drive?17:46
wilee-nileenobodies, try another desktop, your description meas nothing.17:46
xtrizcan i check mir with ubuntu 13.10 beta release ?17:46
xtrizhi wilee-nilee :)17:46
iceroot_xtriz: #ubuntu+117:47
wilee-nilee!13.10 | xtriz17:47
ubottuxtriz: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:47
evermeanwilee-nilee, There is no question about umount17:47
xtriziceroot_, curious how many channels are there for ubuntu :D17:47
rickycdo ubuntu point releases upgrade the kernel version?17:47
wilee-nileeevermean, What release is this from ubuntu?17:47
evermean13.04 x6417:47
iceroot_rickyc: yes17:48
evermeanwilee-nilee, 13.04 x6417:48
iceroot_rickyc: but only a new installation17:48
evermeanwilee-nilee, server17:48
rickyciceroot_ for new hardware right17:48
iceroot_rickyc: the upgrade itself will use the old kernel as default but you can switch to a newer one (only on lts)17:48
rickyciceroot_ and i see shuttleworth says point releases might include updated apps in furutre?17:49
iceroot_rickyc: i dont know about that17:49
wilee-nileeevermean, Not sure why it is getting stuck there myself, if it were me I would try another usb loader, are you getting to the desktop then running the install?17:49
nobodieswilee-nilee, im using another desktop but i still have 40 games 20 text editors, ubuntu one, and stuff that it installed and didnt remove when i removed ubuntu-desktop17:49
wilee-nileenobodies, Ah the server try #ubuntu-server17:49
nobodiesnobodies, right ok ty17:50
evermeanwilee-nilee, No it starts up and gives me a menu on what to do ... I chose Install Ubuntu17:50
wilee-nileeevermean, This ubuntu with a desktop17:50
evermeanwilee-nilee, ? No its the server edition so i guess there is no desktop environment17:51
wilee-nileeevermean, Ah ou might try #ubuntu-server as well.17:51
evermeanwilee-nilee, OK will give it a try ... thanks for your help17:51
wilee-nileenobodies, The ubuntu desktop is a meta package, you need to know how to remove it in the end.17:52
SuperLagsudo apt-get -d install xubuntu-artwork <-- is this the proper way to only download the packages and *not* install them? because the CLI is saying they'll be installed17:52
SuperLagso the manpage, and the output of this command seem contradictory17:52
rickyciceroot_ how do I check the kernel version in stock 12.04 versus the point releases17:53
SuperLagI'm on Ubuntu. Just trying to get one of the Xubuntu wallpapers from Raring.17:53
rickycno particulr reason im just researching17:53
iceroot_rickyc: 12.04 has 3.2, 3.5 and 3.817:53
rickyciceroot_ thanks!17:55
jhutchinsSuperLag: Try it with something you don't care about installing.  If it doesn't work as you expect, remove the teset package.17:55
wilee-nileeSuperLag, You can just go to the web and find them download and apply.17:58
ahmetoohow do you run ubuntu dual boot with windows 8 on UEFI mode its not working i have to switch between UEFI and legacy to work , windows work on UEFI while ubantu works on legacy, why ubantu didnt upgrade yet17:58
ahmetoois there a new ubantu uefi image we can download17:58
wilee-nilee!details | ahmetoo exact details17:59
ubottuahmetoo exact details: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:59
ahmetoolatest ubantu version18:00
syntaxxI am trying to upgrade my 10.04 to 12.04 LTS but unfortunately I am seeing no new release found after running do-release-upgrade any idea why it is happening?18:00
ahmetooin BIOS i have to switch between UEFI and legacy to work18:00
wilee-nilee!eol | syntaxx notice eol upgrade path18:00
ubottusyntaxx notice eol upgrade path: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:00
OerHeksahmetoo, did you reed the UEFI page ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:01
ahmetoolets see whats up18:01
wilee-nileeahmetoo, You said that, what actually happens in detail if you try the windows boot with legacy?18:01
john_johndon't install gnome 3.8, it's even more dumbed down than unity and all tablet oriented18:01
ahmetoowindows will not boot with legacy18:02
ahmetooi have to switch it to uefi18:02
xtrizas mir will introduced that other DE like cinnamon and xfce will not work right ?18:02
ahmetooits new bios stupid security18:02
wilee-nileejohn_john, That is fud, and not helpful.18:02
john_johnoops wrong channel, sorry wilee-nilee18:02
SuperLagjhutchins: wilee-nilee: contrary to the initial output, it did only download them. No installing.18:02
wilee-nileejohn_john, Not acceptable anywehre it is an opin ion.18:03
ahmetoothe new systems all have uefi mode seems like it18:03
wilee-nileeSuperLag, I figured that would be the case, downloaded where?18:04
john_johnwilee-nilee: you don't have to tell me twice18:04
SuperLagwilee-nilee: it puts the .deb's in /var/cache/apt/archive/18:04
wilee-nileeSuperLag, And now available in the change background right click on the desktop?18:06
wilee-nileeahmetoo, windows 8 oems yes.18:07
SuperLagwilee-nilee: well... if I could get the .deb extracted, but Nautilus is a crash POS18:08
SuperLagI moved from Xubuntu back to mainline Ubuntu for this upgrade. Thus far, Nautilus is my only problem.18:09
flynn_After upgrading Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 My system wants to check for errors every startup and forgets my wireless password every shutdown.  After some research I found that a file "/etc/udev/user.rules' might be to blame, but nothing on what to do in that case.??18:09
syntaxxwilee-nilee, i did everything including the prompt=lts but still the same18:13
SupaYoshiI can connect from commandline net use \\sambaserver\sharename /supayoshi: -> just fine. However in WIndows I cannot see the hsare18:16
SupaYoshior go to it.18:16
=== Companion is now known as companion
mnemochi, is it possible to add a ppa but only get one of the packages from there?18:18
xtrizas mir will introduced that other DE like cinnamon and xfce will not work right ?18:18
ChogyDanxtriz: they will be fine18:19
wilee-nileesyntaxx, What does uname -a show18:19
wilee-nileesyntaxx, Your overall info is not cosistent you say you upgraded to 12.04 then say you cant. run that command so we know e=what your actually running18:21
ChogyDanmnemoc: you could just download that package, instead of adding the ppa18:21
wilee-nileextriz, Ask their developers18:21
ChogyDanmnemoc: if that doesn't work, maybe you could describe what you're trying to do18:21
ntzrmtthihu777hello, what package would I install on *ubuntu 12.04 to enable x11 forwarding over ssh from an arch laptop?18:21
xtrizok :)18:22
syntaxxwilee-nilee, Linux 2.6.32-41-server18:22
wilee-nileesynTax, all the data18:23
syntaxxwilee-nilee, #89-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 27 22:33:31 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:23
mnemocChogyDan: I want to install lxc 0.9.0 on a 12.04 but the only ppa with it includes a lot of other system packages I don't want to touch18:23
mnemocand precise-backports is still at 0.818:23
wilee-nileesyntaxx, Looks like 10.04 I guess, you might ask in #ubuntu-server18:24
mnemocChogyDan: can't get ipv6 working in the containers18:24
CatKillermnemoc: Did you try http://blog.toxa.de/archives/60618:26
CatKillermnemoc: It talks about "lxc.network.ipv6=1234:5678:9abc:def0::1:0" and other stuff that need to be done to the LXC config18:26
CatKillerin order to get IPv6 working18:27
SupaYoshiis it advised to upgrade samba 3.6 to samba 4.0?18:29
SupaYoshiIm facing some Windows 7 issues18:29
SupaYoshiand id like to fix them =/18:29
CatKillerSupaYoshi: Maybe the windows issues aren't related to Samba 3.618:30
CatKillerI'd be surprised if Win7 wasn't compatible with some major samba release18:30
SupaYoshiCatkiller, I suppose your right, but I cannot find out whats wrong xD18:30
CatKillerSupaYoshi: Does it work with a Linux client first of all?18:30
SupaYoshiCatKiller, i think it is, my other Windows 7 devices work flawlesly and htis one has18:30
SupaYoshiTill this morning / yesterday18:30
SupaYoshiAnd I havent changed anything :P18:30
CatKillerSupaYoshi: Sounds like it's not a server thing :p18:30
SupaYoshiCatKiller, :P I dunt wanna reinstall WIndows18:31
SupaYoshiI cant find the error haha18:31
CatKillerSupaYoshi: Windows trouble basically. Try to connect using "\\ipaddress\" in the command prompt18:31
SupaYoshiCatKiller, funny thing18:31
CatKillersee if you can access your Samba root (if it is browseable)18:31
SupaYoshinet use \\HOMESRV\DOWNLOADS /user:sup4y0sh1 works ;)18:31
SupaYoshiwith password...18:31
SupaYoshiHowever... from the GUI it doesnt work ><18:31
SupaYoshiwtf windows..18:31
CatKillereven after trying what I suggested?18:31
CatKillerreplace ipaddress with the server's ip18:32
SupaYoshiWhat do ya mean? :P18:32
CatKilleror netbios name18:32
CatKillerbut try the IP first18:32
CatKillercould be a Netbios resolution issue18:32
SupaYoshi:P I can see the shares on the machine18:32
SupaYoshijust when I login from the GUI , click them18:32
SupaYoshiI cannot login :P18:32
CatKillerLogin failed>?18:33
SupaYoshiHowever same login details work on other windows 7 pc's18:33
SupaYoshiYeah, but funny thing is same login works on other Windows 7 pc's ;P18:33
mnemocCatKiller: i'll give it another read, thanks18:33
CatKillertry copying and pasting the password from notepad into the password prompt18:33
SupaYoshi:P Catkiller already done ><18:33
SupaYoshiits netbios issue...18:34
CatKillertry to use DOMAIN\user18:34
SupaYoshiI can connect to :P but not to //homesrv18:34
CatKillerhow come?18:34
CatKillersure that's why I suggested using the IP :p18:34
CatKillerto test this18:34
SupaYoshi:P alright, so how to fix the netbios ;)18:34
CatKillerMaybe it'll "fix itself"18:34
SupaYoshiThanks! :) hah what a bs. XD stupid this. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr18:34
CatKillerhave you tried rebooting?18:34
SupaYoshi:P really? lawl18:34
SupaYoshiYeah serveral times18:34
SupaYoshiThis is odd too... on //homesrv the share names are uncapitcalised18:35
CatKillermaybe more than one machine resolves //homesrv18:35
SupaYoshiand on // they are in capitcals (like i set it18:35
chaotic_goodhow do18:35
chaotic_goodI search for a package in apt?18:35
CatKillermany things could be wrong18:35
CatKillerbut limited support here18:35
CatKillerI don't know Windows that well18:35
SupaYoshiIn ubuntu i set it too DOWNLOADS for example ;)18:35
SupaYoshiBut its shown as Downloads in //homesrv as it is in DOWNLOADS on //
CatKillerchaotic_good: try "apt-get install pack" and tab18:36
blackwind_123SupaYoshi: try to ping homesvr18:36
CatKillerwhere "pack" is the beginning of your package name18:36
CatKillerit will autocomplete the list of available packages18:36
SupaYoshiAntwoord van bytes=32 tijd<1 ms TTL=6418:36
SupaYoshi;) answers just fine lawl18:36
blazemoreSupaYoshi: I haven't been following so I don't know if this is relevant, but keep in mind that Windows filenames are *not* case sensitive. So on Windows, FOO, Foo and foo are the same filename18:36
CatKillerSo it's not the resolution. When logging in18:36
CatKillertry to specify DOMAIN\User18:37
CatKillerinstead of just User18:37
CatKillerin the username box18:37
CatKillerit does the trick a lot of times in Windows18:37
SupaYoshithere is no domain on the box.18:37
CatKillerdoesn't matter18:37
CatKillerjust use "DOMAIN"18:37
SupaYoshiso isnt there on my pc?18:37
FloodBot1CatKiller: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
CatKillerI've seen this happening many times18:37
SupaYoshioh okay, so my pc name? :D18:37
CatKillerNo, just DOMAIN18:37
SupaYoshiblazemore, i understand.18:37
CatKillerit won't use it18:37
jarvisecho Sougata !!!18:37
SupaYoshiblazemore, its just something with my crappy windows box :P18:37
SupaYoshiinstallation is almost 2 yhrs old18:38
SupaYoshiid like to keep it tat way18:38
SupaYoshinope that wouldnt either18:38
chaotic_goodso you can't search for packages in ubuntu???18:38
blackwind_123SupaYoshi: vintage Windows...!18:38
CatKillerchaotic_good: define "search"?18:38
bazhangchaotic_good, apt-cache search term18:38
CatKillerotherwise you can browse the repositories and search online18:39
CatKilleror using the Software Centre from Ubuntu18:39
bazhang!enter | SupaYoshi18:39
ubottuSupaYoshi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:39
SupaYoshimhm.. wlel i guess i will just use then18:39
SupaYoshifunny this is...18:39
CatKillerSupaYoshi: Wise decision. Do not try to resist the Microsoft force. Work around it, not with it!18:40
CatKillerOn that, good evening/afternoong!18:40
SupaYoshi:D Good evening!18:40
SupaYoshithanks for the help though18:40
jarvisExplorer !!!18:40
SupaYoshiId have never guessed this wouldwork...18:40
jarvisExplorer !!!18:40
bazhangjarvis, stop that18:41
SupaYoshijeezz I really cant believe that this was it... wtf.18:41
bazhangSupaYoshi, use commas, not the enter key18:41
SupaYoshibazhang, i will try to do so... im sorry for troublin ya xD but anyway.. Is there no way to resolve this weird Netbios error? :D lmao... this is just so odd..18:41
SolarisBoyi think the netbios names need to resolve, maybe you can add them /etc/hosts18:42
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jarvishey Explorer accept dude !18:43
bazhang!ot | jarvis18:44
ubottujarvis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:44
SupaYoshiAH!!! AHA!!! EUREKA18:44
SupaYoshiHOMESRV.lan works...18:44
SupaYoshibut \\HOMESRV doesnt... this is the output of my /etc/hosts http://paste.ubuntu.com/6071579/ any idea if this is correcT?18:45
ntzrmtthihu777ok, apparently I misunderstood what x11 forwarding over ssh is, lol. I apparently need the reverse, so if I execute a command, say vlc, on the client, it opens on the server.18:47
SupaYoshiWhats the best program to sync 2 directories ? So that I can sync 2 harddrives (the files on certain directories) Rsync?18:48
ChogyDanSupaYoshi: I think you can use `rsync -Sa` or maybe `cp -a`.  I've used rsync, not cp18:49
rodersHi guys! I have a cam issue with skype 4.2 in ubuntu 12.04. When I look in options--->video devices the cam works fine. But then when i trie the echo test call, the cam icon is not working. Can you help me?18:50
BluesKajSupaYoshi: yes rsync works well here18:51
SupaYoshiwhats the best way to use https on lan and not get that annoying certificate warning :P18:53
SupaYoshiDo i really HAVE to buy a internal SSL certificate?18:53
king_of_klinesself sign18:53
SolarisBoyadd the self signed cert to your local bundle18:54
SolarisBoytrust it18:54
=== baphomet is now known as Guest98551
SolarisBoythe reason your getting the error is browsers dont know/trust self signed - you can manually though18:54
Guest98551does anyone have advice for a PCIe sata card that will work in ubuntu for sure?18:55
ntzrmtthihu777Guest98551: #hardware?18:55
rodersHi guys! I have a cam issue with skype 4.2 in ubuntu 12.04. When I look in options--->video devices the cam works fine. But then when i trie the echo test call, the cam icon is not working. Can you help me? I have looked and googled everywhere to no avail.18:55
Guest98551ntzrmtthihu777, thanks18:55
SolarisBoyi dont think ubuntu will have a problem supporting anything generic as a SATA card (especially a pci one)18:56
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that's pretty low-level18:56
SolarisBoyyou'd probably be more worried if your board supports it afaik18:56
SolarisBoyor should be18:56
Guest98551ntzrmtthihu777, that looks like a general hardware board18:56
justaguyi hate mothers who think "What is this" when they see 2 motherboards laying on my desk and then get angry and put out my server pc18:57
ntzrmtthihu777Guest98551: and you had a general hardware issue. Its never an issue of does ubuntu support some harware, its all about the kernel :P18:58
Guest98551ntzrmtthihu777, true, however this is in part an ubuntu issue.  perhaps it is supported in other distros.18:58
SolarisBoyGuest98551: sata is supported just about everywhere18:59
Guest98551SolarisBoy, this is true.  however the card I tried said it was supported from linux kernel 2.6 forward, however it did not work in ubuntu/debian18:59
ntzrmtthihu777Guest98551: again, its all about the kernel and/or modules for hardware.18:59
SolarisBoyGuest98551: again - i dont think your asking the right question - you should ensure the card will fit your board fine18:59
SolarisBoyother than that - ubuntu should do fine with your new sata card18:59
Guest98551SolarisBoy, except you are wrong because it didn't.19:00
ChogyDanGuest98551: as others are saying, the card should connect fine, but it may still need a driver for the rest of it's functioning19:00
Guest98551ntzrmtthihu777, explain19:00
Guest98551ChogyDan, others seem to have no clue what I am talking about19:00
SolarisBoytime out/ what evidence or error did you get?19:00
SolarisBoythat it "didn't work"19:01
ChogyDanGuest98551: well, just post the specific piece of hardware you are talking about.  It's easier with specifics19:01
Guest98551ChogyDan, hold on.  let me get the link19:01
Filipijust testing19:01
Guest98551SolarisBoy, evidence, card was plugged in, drive plugged in to the card, drive not detected/didn't spin up.  drive is good.19:01
Guest98551that is the card19:02
SolarisBoyand the logs??19:02
SolarisBoynothing error related there?19:02
=== Guest98551 is now known as baphomet1
baphomet1SolarisBoy, I was in this board and pasted the output to lspci -vnvn and someone checked with debianbot.  debianbot said there were no kernel entries for it19:02
baphomet1marvell controller19:02
SolarisBoythats a raid card19:02
ntzrmtthihu777Guest98551: as in say skype doesn't detect a webcam; its not an issue with any particular distro/de, its about the the right kernel module being loaded so skype can access it.19:03
baphomet1SolarisBoy, it's not.19:03
SolarisBoySYBA SI-PEX40057 PCI-Express 2.0 x2 Low Profile SATA III (6.0Gb/s) 4-ports RAID Card19:03
SolarisBoyits not?19:03
baphomet1SolarisBoy, apparently I was mistaken19:03
baphomet1at any rate, it didn't work.19:03
SolarisBoywell time out -19:03
SolarisBoyyou have more steps to configure a raid card..19:03
SolarisBoylike entering the RAID bios19:03
baphomet1SolarisBoy, the card does not need to be used as a RAID controller19:04
SolarisBoyk does it need to be disabled as one in that case?19:04
baphomet1The point was to use the card strictly to increase the amount of sata ports on the board19:04
baphomet1don't follow19:04
SolarisBoyhave you perused the RAID bios or configuration of that card if available?19:05
human39hey all -- I got got a new Acer aspire.  I'm wondering if anybody has successfully moved the OEM install of Win8 to a virtualbox guest?19:05
SolarisBoygenerally there are a bunch of options on them..19:05
human39I'd rather run ubuntu as my host os.19:05
baphomet1SolarisBoy, I don't want/need to use it as a RAID card.  just something to increase the number of SATA ports as the board doesn't have enough19:05
SolarisBoyespecially if they are intended to just be used as flat disks and not raid, im sure the controller needs to know that - and pretty sure there should be some BIOS you need to disable it..19:05
SolarisBoy... didn't say you should..19:05
SolarisBoysaid you should check the cards bios if available and ensure it knows that..19:05
ChogyDanbaphomet1: I think he is saying to disable raid, and it may work simpler19:06
justaguyhuman39: no idea how to do that, but if you have a broadcom wifi adapter on that laptop and have problems with that i will help you for sure, i had problems with that too on my acer aspire 7560G19:06
Johnny_Linuxgood job SolarisBoy19:06
baphomet1ChogyDan, RAID is not enabled19:06
SolarisBoy::face palm::19:06
SolarisBoyill brb smokey time19:06
baphomet1SolarisBoy, no need to act like that.  not everyone is a linux  guru19:07
SolarisBoyact like what?19:07
baphomet1"::face palm::"19:07
Johnny_Linuxif most that come here with complaints, would take at least 10 mins of research, there would be less rumors as well as headaches.19:07
bazhangbaphomet1, how is this an ubuntu issue19:07
SolarisBoywell your issue has nothing to do with linux imho19:07
MakuriI think19:07
bazhangbaphomet1, ##hardware19:07
SolarisBoybut ok. sorry you took it badly..19:07
baphomet1does that help?19:08
ChogyDanbazhang: SolarisBoy: should his card work in Ubuntu?  (I don't know much about this)19:08
bazhangbaphomet1, no, and dont poll here19:08
justaguybaphomet1: please keep your caps off19:08
SolarisBoySata is generic and polling sata cards is silly19:08
SolarisBoyits supported bottom line.19:08
baphomet1SolarisBoy, how can you prove it?19:08
SolarisBoymost servers use sata cards19:08
bazhangbaphomet1, its offtopic here, take it to ##hardware19:09
ntzrmtthihu777oh wow, one of these guys? I don't wanna hear it. time to ignore19:09
SolarisBoy::shrugs:: ubuntu + server hardware == works19:09
MakuriMy sound works if i load windows, restart and load ubuntu, but not if i just load ubuntu. It shows Dummy Output in sound19:09
baphomet1bazhang, how is it off-topic?19:09
baphomet1bazhang, if it doesn't work in ubuntu, how is it off topic?19:09
SolarisBoyif there was a issue with sata support we would know19:09
SolarisBoybaphomet1: if you put a Centos os on that drive it still won't work if the underlying hw is nto properly configured..19:09
baphomet1SolarisBoy, this isn't an issue of SATA support.  this is an issue with that specific card and ubuntu19:09
bazhangbaphomet1, its a hardware issue, dont poll the channel any further19:09
SolarisBoyor AIX19:09
SolarisBoydoesn't matter19:09
human39justaguy: I can't find information on what chip the wifi card has.19:09
human39I'll find out as soon as it charges.19:10
SolarisBoythis is an issue of your card is likely in RAID mode and you haven't configured  a vdisk19:10
baphomet1bazhang, I am trying to get assistance and you are being eliteist19:10
SolarisBoynor have you confirmed either or, because you have not been in the bios - who is the elitest?19:10
SupaYoshiSolarisBoy, how can I make my browser trust these on all local machines? :P19:10
SolarisBoyor the dude named baphomet..19:10
Makuriwhy doesn't sound work when i just load ubuntu, but it does if i load windows, restart THEN load ubuntu?19:10
SupaYoshiand make the tbing green :P19:10
SolarisBoytime to smoke - your on ignore fix your won shit genius19:10
ChogyDanbazhang: he just wants a sata expansion card that works with Ubuntu.  It doesn't seem to be a terrible question...19:11
baphomet1ChogyDan, exactly.  everyone in here is acting like cunts19:11
bazhangChogyDan, he can check the hcl19:11
SolarisBoyhe can also read the instructions for the device he bought19:11
bazhanglets move on please19:11
Makuriso people don't know?19:12
ntzrmtthihu777bazhang: was that baph's ignore ip? I don't feel like having him bug me as I did make myself known to him.19:12
bazhangMakuri, open a terminal and type alsamixer , check to see nothing is muted19:12
linuxuz3rMakuri, you dont have audio sound at all?19:12
ejvubuntu + server hardware does not necessarily work; shipped with a pretty fatal mdraid flaw that many users were smitten with, myself included; like all things you must be vigilant during upgrades and migrations and have adequate backups19:12
OerHeksMakuri windows8 ?19:13
BluesKajMakuri:  what does aplay -l show , pastebin it please19:13
calwighow can someone get widgets to go thru a proxy19:13
SolarisBoyejv: on a wide scale it does work19:13
Makuribazhang, I tried times, alsamixer only shows Beep when sound doesn't work19:13
Makurilinuxuz3r: yes19:14
MakuriOerHeks: xp19:14
ejvdepends on the quality of the controls in the environment really; i don't think it quite has the robustness of say RHEL "yet"19:14
BlitzHereHi all19:14
=== Threepwood is now known as Guest42803
BlitzHereI'm planning to buy a laptop next week. I'll be getting a laptop without an OS, and putting Ubuntu on it19:16
BlitzHereI'm looking at this laptop19:16
BlitzHereI'd like to know if Ubuntu does OK with AMD CPUs. What about the GPUs. That particular laptop has a firewall GPU setup19:17
BlitzHereI read this article, here19:17
ejvyes it does "ok"; x86_64 kernels are quite mature. lol19:17
ejvi recommend a system76 with an intel chip, no hassle, known to work with ubuntu19:18
BlitzHerecrossfire GPU setup19:18
SolarisBoyi really want one of those!19:19
BlitzHereejv, if I was in the states, I wouldn't think twice19:19
ejvnot affiliated with them, but i know many ubuntu users who like those products19:19
BlitzHereI'd get the new gazelle professional and be done with it19:20
BlitzHereBut I'm in India19:20
Makurii thought i was talking to 3 people ._. xD19:20
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere: I've never had issue with amd anythiing :P19:20
BlitzHereAnyway, I'm concerned about the GPU, especially because of this line19:21
SolarisBoythat bonobo is pleasant looking19:21
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xtrizwhat are toolkit packages ?19:21
BlitzHereideo hardware acceleration with the Linux AMD driver is not as full featured as other OEMs, but there is some that can be enabled. To get video hardware acceleration (tested on 12.04 Precise Pangolin), you need to add four packages after installing the driver.19:22
BlitzHerentzrmtthihu777: So, no driver issues. Is it a pain to setup?19:23
=== iNeal is now known as Neal__
BlitzHereThe only experience I save with proprietary drivers is when configuring an old Nvidia FX5200. And that involved apt-get install, and nvidia-xconfig...19:24
MRNVwho BlitzHere19:25
ArtanisHow to tell bash where apt-get is?19:25
rodersHi, I am using ubuntu. I have a problem with the cam in skype. It works with cheese, it works in the video devices section, but when making a call the cam icon is not working. Any advice?19:26
rodersHave looked in ubuntu forums, skype forums, everywhere..19:26
blazemoreroders: Can you just clarify what version of Ubuntu you're using, and whether its 32 or 64 bit?19:26
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere: not really. if you have a good internet connection apt-get install fglrx (or whatever the proper one for your card is) will do it.19:26
=== Vivek is now known as Guest63959
rodersblazemore: I use ubuntu 12.04 32 bits and skype 4.2. Cam works with cheese and under skype video devices, but when making a call the cam icon wont show/work.19:27
BlitzHereMRNV: Er, what? Or were you just trying to do a whois on me?19:27
blazemoreroders: That's almost certainly an issue with Skype, not Ubuntu19:28
blazemoreroders: Skype's Linux version is notoriously awful19:28
SolarisBoysho is19:28
lvlephI am having trouble setting the dmask and fmask in fstab. I keep getting the following EXT3-fs (sda2): error: unrecognized mount option "dmask=000" or missing value19:28
ArtanisHow to tell bash where apt-get is???19:28
rodersblazemore: I know, was just wondering if someone would know..19:28
blazemorelvleph: Please can you put your /etc/fstab file on http://paste.ubuntu.com19:29
SolarisBoyArtanis: as in the $PATH variable?19:29
Artanissolarisboy i dont know what that is it says bash: apt-get command not found19:29
lvlephblazemore: all I did was add ",dmask=000,fmask=111" after defaults19:29
blazemorelvleph: What Ubuntu version are you using?19:30
[Gentoo]Artanis: are you doing that as root or user19:30
SolarisBoyArtanis: what version of ubuntu are you using?19:30
blazemorelvleph: Can you just humour me and post it anyway?19:30
MRNVBlitzHere: ... yes, whois:) but your theme are interesting for me, cause I've been owner of thinkpad sometime ago19:31
BlitzHerentzrmtthihu777: Hmm, okay. And what about the claims of bad video acceleration in that Ubuntu help article? They still hold true or is that article old? I intend to play some games on steam...19:31
Artanissolarisboy i think the latest19:31
SolarisBoyArtanis: please try to run "lsb_release -a" - apt-get should be present by default for all users. just want to ensure..19:32
timothyarnoldroders: try this in terminal. sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/skype then put this in the blank editor #!/bin/bash LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype   Then save and close the editor, then in terminal paste this: sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/skype exit skype then try your camera.19:32
SolarisBoyoutput should show your version information19:32
lvlephblazemore: http://pastebin.com/zUBep7Wy19:32
ArtanisLSB Version:    1.3 Distributor ID: CentOS Description:    CentOS release 3.1 (final) Release:        3.1 Codename:       final19:32
SolarisBoyArtanis: thats not ubuntu19:33
SolarisBoyis what i though19:33
jkoudyswhen I was on 12.04, it had some kind of wallet/key manager, so every time I'd unlock my private ssh key, it would save that password and automatically unlock it when I used it until I logged out. I'm on raring now, and it prompts me in the text console each and every time to unlock. When running lots of ssh commands and scp this gets annoying fast - how do I get that key manager thing going again?19:33
SolarisBoyArtanis: for the record thats centos - the package manager is Yum - thats also old as heck19:33
[Gentoo]Artanis: wrong one lol19:33
nosa-jwould anyone be so kind to tell me, the linux command to copy every child folder within a directory, to another direcotory?19:33
nosa-jalso all files as well19:33
SolarisBoynosa-j: cp -r19:34
ChogyDannosa-j: what command have you tried?19:34
nosa-jcp /*19:34
[Gentoo]nosa-j: cp -r19:34
SupaYoshimhm i got one more problem for samba shares...19:34
blazemorenosa-j: the command is "man cp"19:34
[Gentoo]nosa-j: if you dont want the parent folder then cp -r /folder/*19:34
SolarisBoynosa-j: add -r for recursive copy19:34
nosa-jand cp *19:34
SolarisBoycp -r /source/* /dest/ moves all files/subfolders from source to under dest - nosa-j19:34
ChogyDannosa-j: and the -r is typical for other commands as well19:34
lvlephSolarisBoy: copies not moves19:35
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
Artanisso how to fix it??19:35
SolarisBoylvleph: yea my bad19:35
nosa-jright looks like i mastered that now19:35
[Gentoo]Artanis: fix what19:35
[Gentoo]Artanis: youre using centos apparently19:35
[Gentoo]format it19:35
SolarisBoyArtanis: nothing is wrong - your just on a different OS that you thought19:35
bwaynejkoudys: you can read about ssh-agent and gpg-agent setup here. http://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/linux-crypto-sshgpg-agents/19:35
SolarisBoyArtanis: or go to #centos19:35
lvlephblazemore: did you get my link?19:35
=== Aaron is now known as Guest10375
BlitzHereMRNV: I looked at a think pad too actually19:36
blazemorelvleph: Can you tell me the full exact error you get from the command "sudo mount /media/Media" ? If it's multiple lines put it on pastebin19:37
BlitzHereBut I've read somewhere that the track point on the 430 and 530 doesn't work Linux :(19:37
Artanisi looked on the Internet and am I right that yum is apt-get for centos??19:38
reisioArtanis: pretty much19:38
[Gentoo]Artanis: most distros have different package managers19:38
lvlephblazemore how do I pipe an output to pastebinit?19:39
SolarisBoy| pastebinit19:39
roderstimothyarnold: Thanks but it didnt work19:39
SolarisBoyecho "output" | pastebinit posts output to pastebin, returns link on commandline19:39
Ahmed__I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ask this in a support channel since it's only a question driven by curiosity19:39
[Gentoo]| is a pipe19:39
lvlephthanks SolarisBoy didn't think it would be that straightforward19:39
lvlephblazemore: http://pastebin.com/v2yt04Ph19:40
Ahmed__what do the "y"s mean?19:40
Ahmed__and what does it mean when they are "m"s or "n"s?19:40
[Gentoo]means its enabled19:40
[Gentoo]m = module n = disabled19:40
Ahmed__Thanks, based gentoo19:40
SolarisBoyenabled and compiled into the kernel =)19:40
Ahmed__I shall install you one day19:40
nylxserver-xorg-video-intel depends xorg-video-abi-13 you have held broken packages19:41
Ahmed__Isn't solaris like dead?19:41
[Gentoo]make sure you dont use a floppy though19:41
Ahmed__It's still maintained?19:41
Ahmed__Will do!19:41
lvlephI think some people still develop bOS19:42
SolarisBoy? yes19:42
nylany ideas?19:42
ChogyDannyl: pastebin the entire problem, with the command you ran and all output19:42
blazemorelvleph: I think maybe get rid of the "default" and just have the new options19:42
nylxorg crashed19:42
Ahmed__Why pastebin? paste.ubuntu.com doesn't have annoying ads19:42
blazemorePastebin in the generic I guess, it slips into your language19:43
lvlephblazemore: I tried user,auto,dmask=000,fmask=111 and that didn't work either.19:43
MRNVBlitzHere: now I have DELL Precesion 2600  and DELL Latitude E6400 ATG with Xubuntu 12.10 on both, I think both of them a litle better then Lenovo, my IBM model was T40019:43
ChogyDanAhmed__: yeah, I just meant to use a pasting website,  I didn't want them to paste in chat  OO19:43
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=== Ahmed__ is now known as Onani
blazemorelvleph: You still haven't given me the output from "sudo mount /media/Media"19:44
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lvlephbecause it said to look at dmesg | tail which is what I gave you blazemore19:44
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blazemoreFair enough, thanks19:44
lvlephblazemore: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,19:45
lvleph       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:45
lvleph       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:45
lvleph       dmesg | tail  or so19:45
FloodBot1lvleph: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
lvlephI said sorry faster than FloodBot1 could warn me19:45
SupaYoshiive a certain samba user allowed for a share, and he cant connect to it19:46
blazemorelvleph: There aren't actually any errors in dmesg though, that's the odd thing. Unmount it (umount /media/Media) and remount it (sudo mount /media/Media)19:46
lvlephthat is where the error comes from blazemore19:47
lvlephand there are errors in the dmesg19:47
lvlephEXT3-fs (sda2): error: unrecognized mount option "dmask=000" or missing value19:47
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere: sorry, I'm connected via ssh, and I had to close connetion for some other modding.19:47
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
[Gentoo]lvleph: whats in the fstab?19:47
lvlephI just don't know why it thinks that is not an option19:48
lvleph[Gentoo]: http://pastebin.com/zUBep7Wy19:48
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere: I've never had issue with my card, but I don't use a helluva lot of new games. Minecraft works fine, as long as I keep my gpu cool.19:48
blazemorelvleph: Yes but look at the timestamps on them. the most recent one seemed to succeed19:48
lvlephThe most recent was because I needed to mount it and removed the option blazemore19:48
blazemoreGood I thought I was actually going bananas19:49
BlitzHerentzrmtthihu777: Thanks!19:49
nyl_ChogyDan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6071842/19:49
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lvlephblazemore: obviously umask works, but I need different permissions. So this sucks.19:49
[Gentoo]or isnt it in there19:49
ntzrmtthihu777/bin/sh: 1: inxi: not found19:50
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere:  My system, check the card against yours19:50
lvlephwhat [Gentoo] ?19:50
ChogyDannyl_: any idea how this happened?  Why are you trying to install that?19:50
blazemorelvleph: Can you run the command sudo blkid -c /dev/null19:51
ChogyDannyl_: did you ever install an xserver type ppa?19:51
blazemorelvleph: See what it says the UUID of the partition is, make sure it matches up to fstab19:52
Guest8623im not a programmer so writing a script to do this my thing. Could anyone help me to write a curl command to say if www.defcon.org = http status code 200 then email blah@blah.com ? thank you19:52
lvlephblazemore: http://pastebin.com/CJSDCh2C19:52
ikoniaGuest8623: look at the return codes of curl19:52
ChogyDannyl_: you need to remove the ppa following the directions listed.  It should involve ppa-purge19:52
MDesignerhey, which channel has all the ubuntu developer teams hanging around?19:52
nyl_ChogyDan, 14.1 right now19:52
Guest8623i have by using the -I command19:53
blazemoreyes lvleph it's as I thought, the UUID isn't the same.19:53
ntzrmtthihu777BlitzHere: http://sprunge.us/jWWP My system, check the card against yours19:53
ntzrmtthihu777there we go.19:53
ChogyDannyl_: then you should ask in #ubuntu+1.19:53
lvlephwhy does it say sec_type="ext2" blazemore ?19:53
[Gentoo]lvleph: cant you change the permissions of the mount folder19:53
nyl_i installed optimus nvidia drivers19:53
lvleph[Gentoo]: I want it to set certain permissions when new files and folders are created.19:54
blazemorelvleph: sudo sed -i 's/80f2cb76-43f8-40ad-9fa3-92862ce37fac/bcf33aef-ff8d-4d4b-8aa7-9feff3e8cfca/' /etc/fstab19:54
lvlephMy wife is annoyed that I make things and she can't access them.19:54
reisiofirst we should establish if you feel that your wife will actually cease to be annoyed if you fix this :p19:55
lvlephwhy would I do that blazemore ?19:55
lvlephThat doesn't even make sense to do blazemore19:56
Artaniswhen i try to install deluge bit torrent it just hangs19:59
Artanishow to install deluge20:01
[Gentoo]might as well use transmission or something decent20:02
bazhangArtanis, where are you installing it from; paste.ubuntu.com with the errors you get20:02
Artanisno errors it just hangs there20:02
lvlephblazemore: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-750356.html20:02
lvleph[Gentoo]: was on the right track20:03
blazemoreDid I just completely miss the fact it's an ext3 partition?20:03
blazemoreI hereby revoke any years of experience administering Linux systems I have accrued20:03
blazemoreI tend to assume when people have big second drives called "media", that they're ntfs because people dual-boot Windows :)20:04
Johnny_Linuxill back you up blazemore , ive watched you in action, if i ever had a problem, id hunt you down.20:04
lvlephI hate windows20:04
lvlephmy wife uses it to play games so that is why the partition is ext3 blazemore20:05
lvlephthere are drivers for ext3 in winblows now20:05
blazemoreThere are, but they are way suckier than the ntfs drivers in Linux20:05
lvlephOkay, I have another question then20:05
dry[1]hi. Java in my Ubuntu is working on browsers only. All conditions (specs) in related thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217125520:05
lvlephYeah, but she doesn't like windows either20:05
lvlephokay, how do I set default file permissions for a particular partition?20:06
lvlephoh and rsync doesn't like ntfs blazemore20:06
blazemoreYou can just set the permissions of the mountpoint before mounting20:06
BlitzHerentzrmtthihu777: Thanks a lot! That helps!20:07
evermeanAre any officials here?20:07
blazemoreYou don't have to do anything special, it's ext it supports all the UNIX permissions like you'd expect20:07
lvlephso I can have different permissions for folders and files? blazemore20:07
blazemoreask your real question evermean20:07
tgm4883evermean, officials?20:07
evermeanJust wanted to give some feedback about USB installation of Ubuntu Server 13.04 x6420:07
blazemorelvleph: Yes it doesn't matter its external.20:07
guntbertevermean: this is the ubuntu support channel. Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:07
tgm4883evermean, that would probably be better in #ubuntu-server20:08
guntbert!bugs | evermean20:08
ubottuevermean: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:08
blazemoreevermean: If there's a problem or something we can help you file a bug maybe20:08
evermeanNo I just wanted to give you feedback on how I resolved my problem20:08
Artanisok I have an error message now20:09
evermeanIn case that someone else has the same and needs help20:09
jackarganyone know a good free proxy/vpn (easy to install) for ubuntu?20:09
evermeanI was in here before and noone knew the answer20:09
[Gentoo]jackarg: tor20:09
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
BlitzHereI'll do some more research before making the purchase but your vote of confidence helps20:10
evermeanSo I tried to install Ubuntu Server 13.04 x64 on a box that has no CD-ROM20:10
jackarg[Gentoo] a proxy or vpn?20:10
blazemoreevermean: You should make a post on the forum, then someone with the same issue can find it way more easily than trying to go through year-old IRC logs20:11
energizerI dont understand how to recursively copy files, ignoring the directory structure. Help?20:11
evermeanblazemore, good idea i'll do that20:11
energizerElectron: hi20:11
blazemoreenergizer: Ignoring directory structure? You want all files including those in directories, copied out into a new directory of their own?20:12
energizerblazemore: yup20:12
evermeanblazemore, short answer to ubuntu install via usb always use the Startup Dis Creator20:12
evermeanblazemore, nothing else seems to work20:12
blazemoreenergizer: for f in `find /path/to/source -type f`; do cp $f /path/to/destination; done20:12
blazemoreenergizer: There might be a prettier way to do it, but that's what I'd do20:13
rickyccould someone tell me if Canonical is developing "Core Apps" for the Desktop similar to the way they are doing with the Phone? And what will Unity 8 do for desktop, I thouight it was just Phone?20:13
Electronenergizer ask20:13
Artanisretrygrab() failed for:   http://vault.centos.org/3.1/addons/i386/headers/header.info   Executing failover method failover: out of servers to try Error getting file http://vault.centos.org/3.1/addons/i386/headers/header.info [Errno 7] HTTP Error (CannotSendRequest):20:14
energizerthanks blazemore.20:14
Electronhello Artanis20:14
energizerElectron blazemore's answer is what i needed. thanks.20:14
ikoniaElectron: could you join is un #ubuntu-ops for a moment please.20:14
Artanisafter it hangs for 2 minutes it says that error20:14
wilee-nileerickyc, this is support a bit out of our knowledge area.20:15
rickycwilee-nilee where do I find ubuntu news :(20:15
rickycim new to it not sure where to loook aside google20:15
bazhangArtanis, are you on centOS20:15
bazhangrickyc, fridge.ubuntu.com20:16
wilee-nileerickyc, not sure to be honest, kind of in house info really in any empirical sense20:16
Artanisyes bazhang20:17
Electroni have riddle20:17
Artanissolarisboy told me yum was the apt-get20:17
bazhang!ot | Electron20:17
ubottuElectron: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:17
Electronikonia ask20:17
bazhangArtanis, #centos20:17
arklordshoud Install the driver that the intel site show me for my Hd 400020:17
arklordshoud i Install the driver that the intel site show me for my Hd 4000?20:17
Artanisno output20:17
bazhangArtanis, this is not cent os support20:17
bazhangArtanis, go to their channel #centos20:18
ArtanisOh I see20:18
Artanis#centos Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services20:19
ikoniaArtanis: ask in #freenode how to register an account20:19
bazhangArtanis, register  go to #freenode for help with that20:19
IdleOne!register | Artanis20:20
ubottuArtanis: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:20
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest55811
JamoBoxHey, I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 with two monitors. I was wondering if there is a way to only show the system tray on one of the monitors, by default both the monitors have the tray/toolbar options on them which looks inconsistant20:24
chaotic_goodoh theres always a way20:25
JamoBoxright, but my question was aimed more towards the "did anyone know that way" end of things20:25
reisioJamoBox: might talk to the #gnome guys about it, although Unity might nullify their expertise20:25
reisioit's pretty simple to do with Xfce20:26
JamoBoxI have tried various wordings of google searchs but can't see anything relevant20:26
reisioro9: 'lo20:26
JamoBoxreisio: Alright, thanks. and yeah, the whole unity thing is why I tried here first20:26
Artanis « /msg nickserv register baseball94 artanis@gmail.com »20:27
ro9how to remove old kernels piling in boot folder20:28
IdleOneArtanis: there should not be a space or any other symbols before the /20:28
Artanisit still says #centos Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services20:28
ikoniaro9: look up the linux-image-* packages in the package manager and remove then20:28
ArtanisOK thanks idleone20:28
IdleOneyou will also want to change your password now that you have showed it to this channel20:28
ArtanisHow do I do that?20:28
ikoniaArtanis: ask in #freenode for how to do all this -20:29
IdleOneArtanis: you haven't yet registered your nickname because you sent the command to the channel and not the server20:29
ro9ikonia: thanks20:29
ArtanisI have now idleone20:30
IdleOneArtanis: alright, check your email follow the instructions and then you should be able to join #centos.20:30
ArtanisThank you20:30
=== Artanis is now known as Artanis_
path0genHello Yaxel20:34
YaxelIs this where I can find help related to ubuntu?20:34
path0genYes sir20:34
YaxelI'm new to IRC :|20:34
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
YaxelAnd Unix for that matter20:35
timothyarnoldWelcome aboard.20:35
path0genim new on this channel as well20:35
YaxelWell, I recently installed Ubuntu 13.04 and I've been getting these graphical errors20:36
delinquentmeSo If apt-get installs the wrong version of a package ... from command line20:36
delinquentmeis that considered a bug?20:36
guntbertYaxel: just ask your question please20:36
reisiodelinquentme: potentially, sure20:36
IdleOneapt always installs the most recent package available in the repos you have in sources.20:37
chaotic_goodanyone know best way to install vmware tools on ubuntu?20:37
path0gendelinquentme: if you need a lower version to support another package, youll have to do a manual installation. purge the current installation before hand20:37
YaxelSorry, I've been getting repeating lines on startup and nothing works. I tried Alt + SysReq + REISUB too.20:38
wilee-nileedelinquentme, did you specify, and what is the correct in your definition?20:38
ntzrmtthihu777ro9: dpkg --get-selections | grep 'linux-headers|linux-image'20:38
reisiochaotic_good: #vmware?20:38
sig357Hello all, I have a premission issue using NFS. I can only view the content of the share if the folder permission (on the server) is set to 0777, which is not preferred. Any ideas how to allow access while tightning permissions? Thank you20:39
delinquentmepath0gen, sudo apt-get --purge remove libusb-1.0-0-dev ?20:39
delinquentmewilee-nilee, IDK what specify means in this context20:40
path0gensig357: 0777 allows read/write/execute for all - set the permissions to 0444 if you want to allow read access for everyone20:40
delinquentmebasically I'm running a permutation of ubuntu for SBCs called linaro ... and the linaro board installed the ubuntu precise version of a package. ... when there is a more specific version explicitly for linaro20:40
YaxelHow can I change from the Open Source Xorg video drivers to NVidia proprietary ones? It wont't let me in the "Additional Drivers" part of the settings.20:41
sig357I would like to setup rw access to only my client ip address. is this possible?20:41
hydruiddelinquentme: no need to purge, just remove and then dpkg -i correct-package.deb20:41
ro9ntzrmtthihu777: thanks20:41
sig357Or my client user etc.20:41
hydruidsig357: please give additional info, what you're asking doesn't make sense20:42
hydruid!info | sip35720:43
ubottu'sip357' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable20:43
hydruid!details | sip35720:43
ubottusip357: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:43
wilee-nileeYaxel, those wont be supported, just info.20:44
sig357I apologize for not being clear. Basically to access my share I have to enable guest permissions. Is there a way to tighten this permission to only user & group level access and still have the share usable.20:44
hydruidsig357: What kind of share is it?20:45
chaotic_goodwho here is a tmux user?20:46
Yaxelwilee-nilee: By not supported you mean that NVidia is responsible for buxfixes and not the Open Source Community or that it just won't work on the machine at all.20:46
delinquentmehydruid, I've downloaded what seems like the package from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-leb/+source/libusb-1.0/2:1.0.8-4  ... and unzipped it ... but I see no .deb files within ....    what about libusb-1.0-0-dev.install20:46
wilee-nileeYaxel, not supported here, as well not going to follow kernel upgrades requiring a reinstal20:47
hydruidsig357: set the permissions of the mounted nfs volume......problem solved20:47
hydruiddelinquentme: you downloaded the source, not the debian package20:47
wilee-nileeOf the driver Yaxel20:47
hydruiddelinquentme: I thought you had a specific deb you wanted to install that was specific to your machine?20:48
Yaxelwilee-nille: Oh, herp derp. Thanks!20:48
delinquentmehydruid, I has a specific package # ... but I'm trying to locate the .deb package20:49
delinquentmehttp://pkgs.org/ubuntu-13.10/ubuntu-main-i386/libusb-1.0-0_1.0.16-3_i386.deb.html  << this doesn't look reputable20:49
ntzrmtthihu777delinquentme: why not apt-get download libusb?20:50
sig357hydruid: Thank you. I will look into this.20:50
hydruiddelinquentme: if it's a package specific to "linaro" why are you searching the ubuntu packages?20:50
ro9ntzrmtthihu777: i got a list of linux-image-XXX install, then what20:50
hydruiddelinquentme: is it a specific version of an ubuntu package that you need?20:50
delinquentmentzrmtthihu777, it gives me the wrong package number20:50
delinquentmehydruid, its a specific linaro package “libusb-1.0” 2:1.0.8-4 source package in Ubuntu Linaro Evaluation Build20:51
hydruiddelinquentme: please be more specific, does it give you an error, or is it simply installing the wrong version?20:51
ntzrmtthihu777ro9: after that, apt-get remove linux-image-(the one you want to get rid of)20:51
guntbertchaotic_good: just ask your real question20:51
delinquentmehydruid, no error . it installs, however the USBs dont work as they should20:51
ro9ntzrmtthihu777: thanks you very much20:52
hydruiddelinquentme: I see.....so you are trying to locate a specific version of the libusb package that you know will work........correct?20:52
delinquentmehydruid, nailed it20:52
hydruiddelinquentme: what version do you need20:52
valex_how can i change fan speed on ubuntu?20:53
smaudetAny apt-get/dpkg/debhelper gurus in here? I've found a performance bottleneck in the install process (I think), and I want help to try to fix it. When I install some applications, the trigger hicolors is being called, which causes gtk-update-icon-cache --force to be called, which then rebuilds the entire icon cache. Where can I go to edit this trigger so that I can test if the rebuild of the icon cache is the performance bottleneck?20:53
wilee-nileeValex_, you might start with installing lm-sensors20:53
delinquentmehowever when running sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0=2:1.0.8-4   I can has the fails20:54
valex_wilee-nilee, done that, pwmconfig says there are no sensors or smth like that20:54
hydruiddelinquentme: I searched and didn't find a package with that version.....20:55
valex_the amd processor fan is too loud20:55
kenniskragValex_, whats about fancontrol package?20:55
wilee-nileevalex_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto20:55
hydruiddelinquentme: what version of ubuntu does linaro spawn from?20:55
speaker1234how can I find out the currently active window and how to inject keystrokes into an appplication?20:55
hydruiddelinquentme: I think the command would be sudo apt-get install libusb=2:1.0.8-420:56
delinquentmehydruid, precise DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Linaro 12.11"20:56
hydruiddelinquentme: but doesn't matter I don't see a package published with that version...20:56
satmanduAnybody here use ubuntu on a mac laptop?20:57
hydruiddelinquentme: try the packages list here, starting with the newest ones and going back one by one, until you find one that works: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libusb&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all20:57
guntbert!anyone | satmandu20:57
ubottusatmandu: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:57
valex_wilee-nilee, it said something like module-init-tools: unrecognized service20:57
hydruidguntbert: Use Ubuntu.....on mac....you do?20:58
wilee-nileevalex_, on the start of it, it does that check the temps20:58
satmanduubottu: word.  I don't have X enabled on a current EFI/ubuntu install on a MacBookPro3,1.  I want the screen to turn off when idle.20:58
ubottusatmandu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
satmanduhow do I do that?20:58
satmandubasically, when idle, the screen does go blank, but doesn't power off20:59
satmanduis there a command line dpms like way to shut power off to the screen?  I clearly can't use xset...20:59
smaudetsatmandu: don't have X? I didn't think any Ubuntu version didn't use X at all yet.21:00
hydruidsatmandu: http://systembash.com/content/how-to-turn-off-your-monitor-via-command-line-in-ubuntu/21:00
satmanduWell, I don't have X installed, as I'm running the box as a server...21:00
smaudetExcept maybe 13.10, which isn't out of beta21:00
hydruidsatmandu: that link I sent you is exactly what you need21:01
satmanduhydruid: That suggests using xset21:01
satmanduhmmm.  I'll try it21:01
smaudetsatmandu, hydruid: he wants to turn off of his virtual terminals21:02
smaudetI think21:02
smaudetOr he has X installed and doesn't realize it21:02
satmanduI'm on with the virtual terminals... I just want the screen to power off when idle21:02
satmanduI'm _ok_ with the VTs...21:03
satmanduhydruid: the xset script doesn't work.  xset:  unable to open display ":0.0"21:03
hydruidsatmandu: tinker with it....you'll figure it out21:03
satmandudoesn't xset require x to be installed?21:04
satmandusome xserver loaded and working?21:04
smaudetsatmandu: try 'setterm -powerdown 1'21:05
satmanduI'm trying to avoid having any xserver loaded at all.  EFI + linux on these macs is a little weird.  You often don't get the graphics card drivers loaded properly... so I'm trying to avoid using the nouveau or nvidia drivers here...21:05
satmandusmaudet: trying that...21:05
satmandu'sudo vbetool dpms off' doesn't work... just runs vbetool at 100% CPU...21:06
EleanorEllisHi. I want to synchronise a folder on my ubuntu laptop with a windows server at work. I can get folder access to the windows share via samba when I have a network connection but I want to be able to work on local copies of the files when I dont have connectivity and then synchronise when I do have connectivity. I thought of doing this with Unison and mounting the samba share on my laptop but what would happen if the network connection disappeared while21:08
satmandusmaudet: 'setterm -powersave powerdown' gives 'setterm: cannot (un)set powersave mode: Inappropriate ioctl for device' so I don't think that would work...21:08
satmanduthough maybe that tells me it isn't possible without some sort of special display driver loaded... ;-/21:08
smaudetsatmandu: try something else then, not the only setterm command21:09
smaudetI'm not gonna pop into an vte just to test this for you, good luck with setterm21:09
satmandusmaudet: thanks for the help... I think the setterm error definitely tells me where to start poking away with drivers :-)21:10
speaker1234EleanorEllis: you can use a varity of tools21:10
smaudetsatmandu: your welcome21:10
speaker1234isyncd to sync via google drive is the easiest for me21:10
EleanorEllisspeaker1234: Thanks. Do you have any suggestions? My main question is what happens if I have a windows share mounted via samba and the network disappears.21:11
speaker1234the share vanishes21:11
speaker1234it also depends on the sync tool21:11
speaker1234you can loose the other copy21:11
speaker1234you can get a full sync to replace what vanished21:12
EleanorEllisspeaker1234:Would I risk corrupting files on the server?21:12
speaker1234there is no good automatic resync21:12
speaker1234it depends21:13
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speaker1234tell me again your configuration please21:13
=== MrKB2 is now known as MrKB
SupaYoshidoes anybody have experience with truecrypt containers and cloud storage?21:14
SupaYoshiI wonder if the container i upload to for example dropbox or better, copy.com are reuploaded completly each time?21:14
SupaYoshiOr just the changes, so that the upload size retains small format.21:14
SupaYoshiThe answers i get from google are controversial21:15
EleanorEllisspeaker1234: Ubuntu on laptop. Windows server on the remote server. We have an encrypted network connection using Juniper Network Connect but once Network Connect is up, then I have access as if I was on the LAN at work.21:15
wilee-nileeSupaYoshi, dropbox does not have your key what do you think21:17
EleanorEllisspeaker1234: And I don't manage the server so I only have user access to it. Needless to say, our IT department don't support linux so I am on my own. I was quite pleased to get Network Connect to work on Ubuntu so I dont have to run windows just to access the work network.21:17
EleanorEllisspeaker1234: What I mean is I will not be able to install or configure anything on the server21:17
SupaYoshi:P wilee-nilee, yes I do know this ;) hah! But some people say that dropbox is very smart and does this correctly somehow?21:17
wilee-nileeSupaYoshi, all you have to do is check your self and or ask them21:18
boopmsسمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ21:19
rolandj #twrp21:19
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SupaYoshiwilee-nilee, i suppose so yeah . ;) but if somebody knew here, that would be easier. hehe21:20
wilee-nileeSupaYoshi, your going to trust opinions here, hey I gotta bridge for sale ;)21:21
Windyhello, networking question, is there a way to access my windows box with my ubuntu laptop from a different network?21:22
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reisioWindy: so many ways21:23
reisioWindy: look into no-ip, dyndns, etc.21:24
somanIs there something like autohotkey for ubuntu? I nned to check Window is active then get pressed key and programatically press keys21:25
reisiosoman: xdotool, xautomation, autokey21:26
reisioin order of preference21:26
WindyThat's the same thing as using an IP address, right? Does any method using this actually allow proper file sharing, or merely accessing?21:27
Windy@ reisio21:27
reisioWindy: you can do literally anything with an ip address21:28
reisiowhat they actually do is keep your ip from constantly changing on you21:28
reisioyou can technically have one computer broadcast its ever-changing ip to you in a variety of ways21:28
reisiobut that has security implications21:28
Windywhat kind of keywords should I be using to find information on this, or do you have any tutorials I can look at? I literally don't know enough to learn here.21:29
reisiowell for no-ip, dyndns, etc., all the information is on the sites21:30
reisiofor file sharing there are all sorts of options21:30
reisionfs, samba, sshfs (nice and simple)21:30
OerHeksubuntu one :-)21:31
reisioyeah you could use another server21:32
LinuxGoldtrying to figure out to prevent Ubuntu server from turning monitor off21:32
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LinuxGoldI want htop on at all of times21:33
reisioLinuxGold: setterm -blank 0 or something21:33
LinuxGoldthx, checking man setterm21:33
reisioLinuxGold: that'll work until you reboot, there's probably a config file to make it enduring21:33
Windyreisio, I wonder if we have the same definition of "file sharing". I'm talking like Google Docs, where I can edit the file from either computer.21:34
reisioWindy: okay, how about google docs, then?21:34
Windyblender files.21:34
d1gitalgetting missing install CD error on install from thumbdrive (dd'd).  I think I remember having to pass a kernel arg to get this to work.. how do I tell it to install from the usb drive?21:34
Windyand I was using dropbox for a long time, but I have a lot of media files I don't want to deal with copying.21:35
reisioWindy: with copying?21:35
Windyto dropbox. As in, I don't have enough space for it all.21:35
somanreisio: thanks21:36
reisioWindy: okay, so how about google docs21:36
reisioWindy: ubuntu one does 5gb21:37
reisiogoogle drive does...21:37
napscWindy why don't you just setup ssh on Windows box?  Lookup cygwin21:37
reisiohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_online_backup_services http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_hosting_services21:37
reisioor as previously mentioned, you could connect directly to/from your _two_ boxes alone21:37
steve-gbwindy have you tried running a media server?21:38
reisionapsc: well he's got the Ubuntu box already, so he can just use ssh on that21:38
LunitomeI installed gnome-shell on Lubuntu 13.04, but Gnome isn't in the menu when I login in. Is there something else to install?21:38
WindyI want to share all the files. All 155 GB that I have, and more as I get them.21:38
reisioLunitome: lightdm, probs21:39
reisioWindy: yeah definitely not a third party server, then, unless you want to spend loads of cash21:39
Lunitomereisio: ?21:39
reisioWindy: no-ip + ssh is a good start21:39
reisioLunitome: is there something else to install? -> lightdm, probably21:39
napscreisio: right... but i'm under the impression he's using the laptop as the 'client'21:40
Lunitomereisio: so gdm doesnt work? lol21:40
LinuxGoldadded setterm -blank 0 -powerdown 0 -powersave off  /dev/tty$(index) where index (seq 1 6) to rc.local21:40
reisionapsc: doesn't really matter which box is serving21:40
reisioLinuxGold: you cheater :p21:41
reisioLunitome: no it should21:41
reisioLunitome: are you running gdm?21:41
Lunitomereisio: yes21:41
reisioLunitome: and if you log in, what do you get?21:41
napscum, well, i don't play with windows anymore... but i didn't think it came ootb with ssh21:42
CurlyGroganIRC server recommendations? Someone had said "Athene" maybe? is that spelled right?21:42
Lunitomereisio: about 7 or something other things21:42
Taylr0xHi all. Currently running my laptop using my TV (via HDMI cable) as my display output however the audio appears to be coming from the laptop still. Anyone got any idea on how to get the audio to output via the TV using the HDMI cable?21:42
Lunitomereisio: like lubuntu, default, openbox21:42
steve-gbWindy if you want to share all that why dont you setup FTP? then you can use many accounts for sharing21:44
reisioLunitome: default?21:44
Lunitomereisio: loads lxde21:44
Windyreisio: ssh is a good start, is there a good way to get a graphic display?21:45
reisioLunitome: you know you want to abandon lxde, or do you just want to _try_ gnome?21:45
Lunitomereisio: closest thing to "Gnome" is "Gnome/openbox" that doesnt work21:45
reisioWindy: you can mount directories over ssh and use your ordinary GUI file manager on either FS21:45
Windyreisio :O yeah that's what I want.21:45
Lunitomereisio: i want to use gnome normal, if it doesnt work good i could reinstall, i didnt do alot on this install yet21:45
reisionapsc: it doesn't, you'd want a 3rd party sshfs implementation, or the like21:46
reisioWindy: okay :) so set up no-ip/dyndns/whatever, and make sure sshd is running on Ubuntu box21:46
reisioWindy: and use http://code.google.com/p/win-sshfs/ on Windows21:46
reisioWindy: done21:46
reisioLunitome: you could try part of the command to remove lubuntu at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexubuntu21:47
reisioLunitome: and then see if it works, or re-install gnome-shell and see21:47
reisiothere's just some config file tripping your system up somewehre21:48
Lunitome@rei k21:48
reisioI'm afraid I don't know which one :)21:48
Lunitomereisio:  k21:48
Lunitomerei i just installed "gnome-shell" and what it installed21:48
Lunitomereisio: so copy the remove lubuntu command?21:49
reisioLunitome: except for the && sudo bit on the end21:49
reisioor make it && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell if you like21:49
reisioit's a silly and tedious way to fix such a thing21:50
reisiobut I think it may well work :p21:50
zimbois port 631 (ipp) supposed to be open on a default desktop install of ubuntu?21:51
napscreisio: I think we're thinking the same thing.  I said to install cygwin to get ssh on the windows box. that's all.21:51
Lunitomereisio: i just installed gnome-shell and not ubuntugnome or anything else21:51
Lunitomereisio: should it still work?21:51
reisionapsc: :)21:51
reisionapsc: for sshfs?21:52
reisioLunitome: some config you have is predisposed to LXDE, because you had all that stuff installed first21:52
napscyes... i usually just install openSSH on boxes i want to reach.21:53
Lunitomereisio: so mean that its only looking for lxde because config?21:53
Lunitomereisio: im trying the command now21:53
reisiowell, yes21:54
reisiothere're configurations, and there's magic21:54
reisioonly magic doesn't exist :)21:54
zimboport 631 (ipp) - is it supposed to be open by default?21:54
CurlyGroganIRC server recommendations? Someone had said "Athene" maybe? is that spelled right?21:55
Lunitomereisio: lxde is open when im trying the command, is that ok or should i log out?21:55
reisioLunitome: doesn't matter21:56
histozimbo: depends do you have cups installed?21:56
Lunitomerei k21:56
Lunitomereisio: k21:56
zimbohisto: yes21:57
Lunitomereisio: errors21:57
histozimbo: then cups is listening on 631.21:58
Lunitomereisio: http://pastebin.com/vp9fWpsm21:58
histozimbo: open a browser and http://localhost:63121:58
zimbohisto: guess i should have known that, thanks21:58
badassdoes anyone know if the samba configuration option for include supports wildcards?21:59
Windyreisio: thanks for all your help, I'll try this later.21:59
badassI'm trying to get a similar feature of nginx / apache's conf.d21:59
badassinclude /etc/samba/config/*21:59
badasssomething like that21:59
Dr_WillisHmm,, Weird. Downloaded a ubuntu iso file on ubuntu with chrome.. came back and it had opened the iso in winrar.exe that i had  installed via wine.22:00
Dr_Williswonder how it did that. ;)22:00
Lunitomereisio: .-.22:00
histobadass: did you check man smb.conf ?22:01
histobadass: I see support in there for wildcards in several areas22:01
badassdoesn't specify for include though22:01
Lunitomereisio: could you give me the code without those things, there are alot22:02
zimbohisto: yes it's cups - i can see the server running22:03
LunitomeIs reisio online?22:05
LunitomeIs reisio online? or afk?22:07
Mark-PotterLunitome: Message them :)22:07
Mark-PotterHello MileyCyrus22:09
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
MileyCyrusWhy's that when you install a new kernel you have to reinstall nvidia drivers?22:10
zimboMileyCyrus: if it's you i'm super horny and ready for that pussy (just don't tell my wife)22:10
MileyCyrusbad boy zimbo22:10
Tex_Nick!language | zimbo22:11
ubottuzimbo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:11
Dr_WillisMileyCyrus:  did you install the nvidia drivers via the .run drivers from the nvidia site?22:11
MileyCyrusyes, Dr_Willis22:11
Dr_WillisMileyCyrus:  thats why then.22:11
Dr_Willisif you used thepackage manager.. it would do it as needed22:11
MileyCyrusBut, I mean, not installing a new kernel, but when Ubuntu does upgrading22:12
Dr_Willisonly timne ieve ever seen it needed to be done is when the kernel version changes22:12
Dr_Williseach kernel version has to have somthing done via the .run drivers to compile them for that speciric kernel. DKMS handles it automatically if you used the repo drivers22:12
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=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
Lunitomewill ubuntugnome work good on my 512 mb ram?22:16
MileyCyrusAha. The .run drivers let you specify if you want to install DKMS modules22:16
MileyCyrusthank you Dr_Willis22:16
Dr_WillisLunitome:  id stick to Lubuntu if you got that low of ram.22:16
Lunitomeunity ubuntu worked but some slow and chrome crashed alot22:16
LunitomeDr_Willis: k22:17
Dr_Willistrack down more ram would be a HUGE boost to the system preformance.22:17
LunitomeDr_Willis: i like gnome and unity better than lxde22:17
Mark-Potter!language | Mark-Potter22:18
ubottuMark-Potter, please see my private message22:18
chris5000!language | chris500022:19
ubottuchris5000, please see my private message22:19
Mark-Potter(In the future, please use a private message to investigate)22:19
Mark-PotterWhat does that mean please?22:19
gars_33can somebody help me I can't have access to undernet i can't connect to the server22:19
ubottumalus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:20
Mark-Pottergars_33: Is that another irc network22:20
gars_33yes mark-potter22:20
Lunitomelike i would use normal ubuntu if chrome didnt crash on it22:21
LunitomeDr_Willis: ^22:21
LunitomeDr_Willis: so does chrome use the memory like unity does?22:24
LunitomeDr_Willis: so does gnome use the memory like unity does?22:24
OerHeksAny browser needs memory to run, it should not conflict with unity.22:25
Lunitomelike would gnome be better on this comp than unity22:25
OerHeksunity runs on top of gnome322:26
Dr_WillisLunitome:  a browser will use more ram then your desktop i imagine. expecially with more then 1 tab and flash going22:26
Dr_WillisLunitome:  if you want the 'lightest' desktop - run JUST a window manager. like jwm. but then you lose a lot of features you may want22:26
OerHeksDr_Willis, see the chrome <> gnome22:26
Dr_Willisi cant really tell if gnome is heavier or lighter then unity. I dont use low end systems any moar. ;) except for my raspberry pi22:27
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Dr_Willisyour browser will still use moar resources then your desktop form what ive seen22:27
chris5000Dr_Willis: what do you use your pi for?22:28
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Dr_Willischris5000:  znc server, Plex Media player, and XBMC box.22:28
LunitomeDr_Willis: then is there a way to have search in the menu, use super key to open menu, panel on top? on lxde22:28
LunitomeDr_Willis: like in windows 7 search22:29
Dr_WillisLunitome:  never noticed.   you can alwyas use some other docks from the repos if lubuntu cant do it22:29
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UndrWateris there a way to grab the kernel from the running install CD?22:33
jribUndrWater: why do you want to grab the kernel?  What did it ever do to ypou?22:35
OerHeksUndrWater, The running one is loaded from /boot/vmlinuz* AFAIK22:36
sam_ok I need to install nanny parental control and when i compile it ./configure gives this error No package 'pygtk-2.0' found. I download that package and its not working with my structure (using ubuntu 13.04) need help22:36
jribsam_: the software is called "nanny"?22:37
NedsFlamHey all. Is there any way to boot ubuntu without a monitor and retain graphical mode? I plan rmd into it.22:37
sam_Jrib_: yes its a parental control software22:37
UndrWaterjrib: it booted with all hardware intact! :D22:37
Ben64NedsFlam: rmd?22:37
jrib!vnc | NedsFlam22:37
ubottuNedsFlam: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:37
jrib!compile | sam_22:37
ubottusam_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall22:37
NedsFlamben64: remote desktop22:37
jribsam_: you need the right -dev package (see ubottu for more details)22:37
Ben64NedsFlam: then check what ubottu said to you22:38
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sam_Jrib_: https://projects.gnome.org/nanny/22:38
NedsFlamjrib: does vnc allow remote desktop? rather than just ssh?22:39
jribNedsFlam: that is what vnc is22:39
NedsFlamjrib: ah then I missread. Thanks I will continue reading22:39
mizu_no_otoIs there any way to get a Lexmark X7530 printer working?  We're trying to fix my girlfriend's grandmother's computer by putting ubuntu on it, but she's attached to her printer22:40
NedsFlamjrib: but my real issue is an error ubuntu throws when I try to boot it without an operating system22:40
NedsFlamjrib: I mean without a monitor22:40
jribNedsFlam: what error?22:41
NedsFlamjrib: hold plz22:41
sam_Jrib_: I have this line of command and it doesn't work sam@sam:~/Desktop/nanny-2.29.4$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-init-scripts=debian bash: ./autogen.sh: No such file or directory22:43
NedsFlamjrib: I am unable to get the error at the moment as I am doing something else with the computer. I will return later with the error.22:43
NedsFlamthanks anyway22:43
sam_sam@sam:~/Desktop/nanny-2.29.4$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --with-init-scripts=debian bash: ./autogen.sh: No such file or directory22:44
sam_how can i run that command?22:44
mizu_no_otoOr do I need to either buy her a new printer or get it booting into vista by default again?22:44
geirhasam_: ->  [If there isn't autogen.sh try ./configure instead]22:45
jribsam_: I suggest you do not use /usr as your prefix22:45
geirhasam_: That's from nanny's README file22:45
Tex_Nicknot a huge problem, however on 13.04 ... using a rathwer new logitech wireless mouse with new battery ... i have problems resizing windows ... it's kinda difficult to grab hold of a windows edges or corners ... not sure of mouse resolution ... anyone else have a similar problem ?22:45
sam_geirha_: its the readme file from the program so autogen should work22:46
geirhasam_: Depends on how you grabbed the sources22:46
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sam_Jrib_: I don't know how to change my /usr part of command can you tell me the new command?22:47
sam_Jrib_: what are my options for prefix?22:48
geirhasam_: If you grabbed it via the version control system, you use autogen.sh, which creates a configure script that it runs. If you grabbed a tarball, it generally have a configure script already generated, so you run that instead22:48
geirhasam_: --prefix=/usr -> --prefix=/usr/local   Software you install outside the package manager should go in either /usr/local or /opt; to avoid interfering with the package manager22:50
sam_geirha_: I grabed a tarball . I ran configure file and it came up with this requirement missing (pygtk 2.4 - 2.4) the packages I found isn't compatible  with my ubuntu 13.04 structure22:50
geirhasam_: That probably means you have to install the package  python-gtk2-dev22:52
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geirhaas a rule of thumb, whenever the configure script says you're missing some lib foo, you need libfoo-dev. In this case it's a python module, so the package is named python-<libname>-dev22:54
mizu_no_otoSo is there is there any way to get a Lexmark X7530 printer working?22:55
galorinI am having a minor problem with an old PCI  wireless adapter, working as of two days ago, blew up my power supply.  It's a Belkin F5D7000, which uses the b43 module.  Shows up in lspci, the modules are loaded under lsmod, but there's no sign of it in ifconfig or iwconfig.  What have I forgotten to do to get this old bird in the air again?22:55
geirhasam_: Looking at its homepage though, that software is three years old, and doesn't seem to be maintained anymore22:55
LinuxGoldIt's been said that if you play a windows CD backwards, you'll hear satanic chanting...worse still if you play it forwards, it installs windows.22:56
* Mark-Potter would rather take horse manure22:56
histogalorin: firmware?22:57
Mark-PotterPress it into the shape of a disc and use that22:57
histo!bcm | galorin22:57
ubottugalorin: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:57
sam_geirha_: installing that gtk dev package its large package. so you say the software won't work on ubuntu 13.04?22:57
sam_geirha_: do you by any chance know any other parental control software for ubuntu?22:57
geirhasam_: It might work. I'm saying if it doesn't work, or you find a bug, it seems unlikely you'll get any help/fixes22:58
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sam_geirha_: is there anyway to install all package requirement all at once automaticly. now its asking me for python-gtop22:59
geirhasam_: The lack of maintainers is probably why it was removed from the Ubuntu repositories in the first place22:59
geirhasam_: For debian package sources, yes. For arbitrary source code downloaded off the net, no.23:00
OerHekstimekpr, net nanny are discontinued, and http://dansguardian.org/ is also dying, try opendns ?23:00
galorinhisto | Woo! thanks, now I wonder why I had to do that when it was working before I had to swap out a power supply and motherboard.23:04
galorinOh well, it's working now23:05
MKCoinwhat exactly does indicator-application-service do in 12.04? Mine seems to be leaking a bit, I want to restart it but don't want to be forced to restart.23:05
sam_geirha_: To use the parental control, please start up the daemon       how  an i start up the daemon? is that a bug??23:06
dr_willissudo service servicename  start                is one way sam_23:07
sam_command not found :|23:08
dr_williswhat command...23:08
dr_williswhat command are you using exactly23:08
sam_my command was sudo nanny start23:09
dr_willisthat was not the example i gave23:09
dr_willissudo service SERVICENAMEFORYOURSERVICE  start23:09
sam_well I though i should replace service name with my program name23:09
dr_willissudo service sshd start   (for example)23:10
dr_willisand tab completion can work for the service name23:10
dr_willis!info nanny23:10
ubottuPackage nanny does not exist in raring23:10
dr_willis!find nanny23:10
ubottuFile nanny found in amavisd-new, cython, cython-dbg, cython3, cython3-dbg, eric, jython, libpython2.7-stdlib, libpython3.3-stdlib, pychess (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=nanny&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any23:10
OerHeksit is discontinued after 12.10, dr_willis23:11
dr_willisnever hear of a 'nanny service'23:11
geirhasam_: Source code generally does not include init script, so you'll likely have to write one (or an upstart config file) yourself23:12
sam_well is there any parental  control software for linux?23:12
dr_willissam_:  did you search the package manager package listing?23:13
dr_willisI do belive OpenDNS also has such a service at the dns level23:13
dr_willisand ive definatly seen firefox extensions for  parental controls23:13
dr_willisive also seen my 4 yr old grandson get around such things rather quickly... the little rascal..23:14
sam_didn't find one in package manager . open dns wont' be enough for me I need to control surfing time on my computer23:14
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OerHeksnormally you enter net nanny through System > Administration > Parental Control.23:14
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OerHeksNot sure how this behaviour is in 13.0423:15
dr_willisbest parental control ive seen.. Place the PC right in the middle of the liveing room where everyone can see whata anyone else is doing. ;)23:15
sam_nanny won't work they don't upgrade that software for 13.04 going to uninstall it23:15
sam_haha lol yeah thats a good solution but not on laptop.23:16
OerHekstimekpr is dead also23:16
dr_willisglad i dont have to worry about such things with the kids. (got none) :)   i just have to keep the android phone locked down so the grandkid dosent buy  stuff.23:24
MKCoinwhat exactly does indicator-application-service do in 12.04? Mine seems to be leaking CPU a bit, I want to restart it but don't want to be forced to restart.23:25
dr_willisleaking cpu? You mean leaking ram?23:26
dr_willismemory leaks ;)23:26
MKCoinno, I mean using a lot of CPU for no reason. It ... appears to have been caused by my CPU monitor, ironically.23:27
MKCoinyup, that was it, heh.23:27
* Tex_Nick would consider sending his 2 grandkids to dr_willis ... my PC maintenance would much simpler then ;-)23:27
dr_willisgot them all on tablets these days.  :)  no more fighting with windows..23:28
dr_williswife is also basically using her android tablet 90% of the time.. she rarely even touches her laptop23:29
dr_willisnow for a support question..  the   /  key  (and as far as i can tell ONLY the / key) seems to be acting up on my ubuntu box.  seems i have  hit it 3 times to get 2 slashss.   like in   http:// whatever.. im constantly getting  http:/whatever23:32
dr_willisif i  hit the key 3 times however. i seem to get like 5 slashes..23:33
dr_willisthat sound like some sort of software issue or a very weird hardware issue?  not tried a differnt keyboard yet. ;)23:33
smaudetUbuntu 12.04 LTS I'm trying to troubleshoot some startup issues, they aren't major it seems but it is stopping rpcbind from working perhaps? Anyways initctl is being executed in the following manner: 'exec initctl emit --no-wait start-rpcbind ON_BOOT=y', where are these 'event's stored, and any idea what might be going wrong?23:37
Tex_Nickdr_willis : i use3d to do hardware design & development ... modern day keyboards incorporate something called "debounce circuitry" that prevents that at the hardware level (the key switch contacts)23:37
caradactylwhen trying to run virtualbox in ubuntu server i get the error: Failed to open the X11 display.. anyone have any idea whats going on here? i'm very new to this23:38
smaudetTex_Nick, dr_willis: have done similar things myself, I can attest this is the case with keyboards (with controllers in them at least)23:38
smaudetTex_Nick: what was the question?23:38
Tex_Nicksmaudet: dr_willis is having a KB problem ... scroll up23:39
smaudetThat is a very interesting problem: dr_willis, obvious question does it occur in all programs? E.g. if you opened up a virtual terminal and typed '///' what do you get?23:41
Tex_Nickdr_willis : back inthe days of the "radio shack TRS-80" computer ... they neglected to provide KB debounce ... and the result was as you describe ... their only solution was to provide for a software patch/kludge ... whichintroduced a software delay for the KB input ... not used today ... sounds like a bad KB circuit23:43
smaudetTex_Nick: agreed - different keyboard/different programs23:43
smaudetThe other thing I could think of would be some weird equivalent of StickyKeys23:44
SemperAnyone an expert on filesystem permissions?23:45
johnjohn101i'm advanced23:46
SemperDo folder or file permissions take precedence?23:46
smaudetSemper: file23:46
smaudetSemper: folders are files with files in them23:46
Tex_Nicksmaudet: ahhh might software like that might also be something to consider ... also an intermittently stuck key ???23:46
SemperIf I have a folder chmodded to 700, and the files within it at 644 will everyone be able to access it?23:46
smaudetTex_Nick: definitely23:46
SemperIt being the files within the folder.23:47
smaudetSemper: only root can23:47
SemperThought so, weird though.23:47
smaudetSemper: that is only root can read the directory to obtain a listing23:47
SemperI tried opening with the full path on non root and it cannot do it23:47
smaudetSemper: you could always try touching the files inside explicitly, but I dont'think that'd work23:47
smaudetSemper: not really, folder permissions provide access permissions to things inside them, but the file access is still 'first' since if you can read a directory, then you can do whatever you need to on files with write access in that directory23:49
smaudetSemper: as I said, folders are files with files inside them (although I'm not a kernel dev so don't quote me on that)23:49
lgcHi. This is probably an old topic, but I just found out that my touchpad isn't working, either in Ubuntu or in Windows. I noticed that after a live boot. What gives?23:49
SemperKind of a mind screw, mysqldump is dumping the databases is 64423:49
SemperI don't want everyone with access to it.23:50
Semperparent folder is 70023:50
Anonynimityoatmeal on drugs: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html23:50
smaudetSemper: then mysqldump is probbaly running as root, or its users is in the root user group23:50
johnjohn101Semper, i just did this same thing on my system. i can't access my 644 file in my 700 folder owner by root.root23:50
smaudetits user*23:50
Semperjohn_john, I have the folder set as admin:admin23:51
Semperadmin is a non root account23:51
SemperI need the admin account for ssh to perform backups23:51
johnjohn101Semper, so admin user and admin group   so only those users have access to the directory23:51
SemperI thought so.23:51
SemperTotal pita23:52
johnjohn101if you make a user part of the admin group, then they have access to the directory23:52
Semperthat much is ok.23:52
Semperadmin group only has admin for that reason23:52
Semperthough wouldnt they only have access in the admin group if I made it 740 and above23:53
johnjohn101Semper, that is correct. thanks for that23:53
SemperSuch a strange situation23:54
Semperto avoid a password showing in ps23:54
johnjohn101Semper, let me check my directory permissions23:54
Semperi need a config file23:54
Semperwith the config file it needs to be root only23:54
Semperso only root can do the dumps23:54
smaudetSemper: yes, 740 would be correct for admin access23:54
smaudetRWXRWXRWX, UGA23:54
Semperit dumps it for another user to access since you cannot SSH as root23:54
smaudet7 7 7, 111 111 11123:55
smaudeteasy if you know binary23:55
Semperwhile preventing access for all23:55
johnjohn101Semper, you can give user read access to the directory23:55
smaudetActually OGA, not UGA23:55
SemperWell, I only need the admin account with access to them.23:55
smaudetAnd then there's a sticky bit and a directory bit which I never remember what they do /end waffle23:55
johnjohn101chmod +g23:55
SemperSo I needed to check folder @ 700 admin:admin prevents all but root and admin access to the folder and files beneath23:56
CADREHey everyone. Hate to add to the confusion chorus, but I just got Ubuntu installed and now TrueCrypt is giving me installation hell. I've extracted this single file, and now it only wants to run in text editor, which it crashes. What's the deal?23:56
SemperCADRE, isn't it provided as a deb somewhere?23:56
smaudetCADRE: hold your horses: what's wrong with just an Ubuntu install? Where are you installing TC?23:56
smaudetCADRE: if you downloaded a .deb file, you'll want to run that i.e. 'sudo dpkg -i truecrypt.deb'23:57
smaudetYou should just be able to double click it but it sounds like your defaults are messed up23:57
smaudetIf you 'extracted' it anyways23:57
SemperWhich desktop environment are you in CADRE ?23:57
CADREWell I downloaded TrueCrypt, off their site, the standard 64-bit one. Extracted, and now I have truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x6423:58
smaudetCADRE: ah, look for a .bin file, run that23:58
Semperwell, you just need to run it to install via terminal23:58
CADREExtracted to home, that is. As for the distro itself, uname-a says Ubuntu 3.8.023:58
smaudetCADRE: i need to install TC myself actually, I'll see what it is in a sec23:58
CADREBut yes I figured Terminal had something to do with it, but I'm not clear on the commands, a lot of the online stuff gave me commands for various other distros23:58
Sempersmaudet, last time I installed, you extracted it and ran an install script via terminal23:58
SemperCADRE you should have an install.sh or similar23:59
Sempersudo run that and it should install I think23:59
smaudetCADRE: right, well other distros may have it pre-packaged23:59
Semperif you are in the same directory you need to use23:59
smaudetSemper: bad idea to do that23:59
smaudetunless it asks for it23:59
smaudetI'd only sudo install .debs personally23:59
Semperwell I remember that it should23:59
johnjohn101Semper http://www.techrepublic.com/article/linux-file-and-directory-permissions/23:59
Semperif it doesnt need it don't sudo23:59

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