
iUnifyOvenWerks1:  No luck with those suggestions, encrypting home, not installing updates, etc.... still no video w my Radeon hybrid graphics card.  Monitor is on and off after successful install still.... ah, man... I don't know what to do00:04
holsteiniUnify: force vesa00:42
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:42
holsteiniUnify: do you get to a desktop from the live CD?00:43
iUnifyhey i have tried00:49
holsteiniUnify: how do you get to the desktop from the live CD?00:50
iUnifyi get the desktop.  no clue but its perfect o usb00:50
holsteiniUnify: live, you mean.. a USB wont fix the issue, nor create it00:50
iUnifyi just mean i download the file and put it on a usb and install.  it works off usb - says it installs but wont work.00:51
iUnifyIn the past it did on 2 occasions - which i did nothing differently, but that was a bit ago.00:51
iUnifyI thought it was due to my hybrid graphics card, radeon00:52
iUnifyIdeally I wouild like studio and ubuntu 1300:52
holsteiniUnify: its *definitely* due to youre grahpics hardware00:53
holsteiniUnify: you would like to use ubuntu 13.0400:53
holsteiniUnify: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu00:53
holsteiniUnify: what do you mean by "in the past, it did on 2 occasions"00:53
iUnifyYes, but allll those apps for recording audio.00:53
holsteinwhat did what00:53
holsteiniUnify: the apps are *all* all in the default ubuntu repositories00:54
iUnifyIts not easy keeping track in ubuntu.  Using both would b ideal.00:54
holsteinthe apps are all in most major distro's repositories00:54
holsteiniUnify: you will not be using both.. the are the *same*00:54
holsteinyou can dual boot them if you like.. but they are the same00:54
iUnifyThe way they are organized in studio, i love that.  the way ubuntu is otherwise i love.00:55
holsteiniUnify: you can elaborate as to what you are having trouble "keeping track" of00:55
holsteiniUnify: organized in the menu?00:55
iUnifyYes.  BUT, it really doesnt matter until i can get either / or working for me.00:55
holsteiniUnify: regardless, im just stating facts.. what do you mean by "in the past it did on 2 occasions".. what did what?00:56
iUnifyI could just use ubuntu00:56
holsteiniUnify: im just stating, you dont need to troubleshoot both00:56
holsteinthey are the same00:56
holsteinthe same hardware support.. same access to the same kernels.. packages.. firmware00:56
iUnifyok so in the past ubuntu installed successfully without video issues00:56
holsteiniUnify: unless it was version 13.04 (assuming that is what you are talking about) its irrelavant00:57
iUnifybut the only one that ever ever worked was ubuntu `1.04.100:57
holsteiniUnify: you are (from what i read) assuming that this is somehow relating to ubuntu vs ubuntustudio.. but, its actually ubuntu 12.04 vs ubuntu 13.0400:57
holsteiniUnify: what would i do? if ubuntu 12.04 works, out of the box, on your hardware, consider using it00:57
holsteinwe have an ubuntustudio 12.o4 version00:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:58
iUnifyNo,.... sorry. Let me be more cleR00:58
holstein^^ that is what i refer to to get drivers working for proprietary devices like that00:58
iUnifyNothing works right now.  Period.  No ubuntu of any sort.00:59
holsteinright.. no 13.0400:59
holsteinand they wont.. since they are *all* the same00:59
holsteinits not like, you will find a version of ubuntu that will support your hardware better.. that is my point00:59
iUnifyIn the past Ubuntu 12.04.2 worked  2 times but amidst a million video issues - same one.00:59
holsteinwhat would i do? vesa00:59
iUnifyWhat is vesa?01:00
holsteinsometimes, (like when i had the *same* issue on different hardware in 12.04) i used vesa driver01:01
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x01:01
iUnifyok BUT how do i effect this change when i cant get into see the screen to do it - changes are to the usb oinly01:02
holsteinwhat do i do? i use a knoppix live CD.. i get to a desktop, i configure.. i grab the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and customize it with the vesa driver01:03
holsteiniUnify: i do not understand what you mean by "in usb only"01:03
holsteiniUnify: are you installing to usb? are you talkinb about on a live CD?01:03
iUnifyI have installed studio right now.01:03
iUnifyBut when I boot the screen just turns on and off. ... but I know the OS installed successfully.01:04
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:04
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution01:04
iUnifyHow do I enter these commands under these circumstances?01:04
holsteiniUnify: there is a recovery kernel mode01:04
holstein^^ those are 3 potential ways to do as i said01:04
holsteinalso, you can put the xorg.conf in place using a live CD01:05
iUnifyok.... i have this laptop01:05
holsteinthe same knoppix live CD01:05
iUnifyits my friends01:05
iUnifyand mine01:05
holsteiniUnify: ownership will not influence performance01:05
iUnifywith ubuntu, can u walk me through right quick man?  Ive been at the forever and if i know what i am doing once i can rinse and repeat.01:05
holsteiniUnify: this is *exactly* what i do01:05
holsteinload the knoppix live CD01:05
holsteinconfigure desktop01:06
holsteincopy xorg.conf01:06
holsteinreplace the driver portion with vesa01:06
holsteinthen, i *know* that that configuration will work01:06
holsteinotherwise, you can try..01:06
iUnifywhat is knopix/01:07
holsteiniUnify: if you dont know what knoppix is, or want to download another live CD.. you can wait for me to paste the next link im getting for you01:08
iUnifyok i truly appreciate your help i hope i understand to get it orking01:08
holsteinalso, be sure you let amd know that you are having issues using thier product in the OS you are choosing to use01:08
holsteiniUnify: you can try something this simple and see01:10
inahdhey guys, i just installed amsynth on ubuntustudio... when i used it on AVlinux there were crazy banks available, i wonder how i can find them again?01:10
holsteinadd that to a file named /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:10
holsteininahd: load up the avlinux live CD and make note of "those crazy banks"01:10
holsteininahd: ask in #opensourcemusicians01:11
holsteininahd: elaborate here, and maybe a volunteer can help01:11
iUnifyholstein: ok, i am a beginner here ... to some degree.... step 1, run tht command?  step 2, how do I find that file? in studio?01:11
inahdmaybe  can copy them from wherever they are in avlinux01:11
holsteiniUnify: i gave no commands01:11
iUnifyin the paste ubuntu01:11
holsteiniUnify: you make that file..01:11
holsteiniUnify: that will be the text of the file.. that is a simple xorg.conf.. it may not work01:12
iUnifythat is all ovr my head01:12
holsteiniUnify: sure01:12
holsteiniUnify: but, if you want to use hardware in linux that is not supported by the vendor, you need to support it on your own01:12
holsteiniUnify: it is not a waste of time or resources to make a knoppix live CD..01:12
holsteiniUnify: or, puppy linux01:13
holsteinpuppy lets you choose vesa at boot.. then, you can navigate to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and force vesa01:13
holsteiniUnify: you said, you tried nomodeset?01:13
iUnifyNo, I got you, I agree.. .I'm just lost here is all, man.  I need a bit of step by step slower explaination as i am unable to get it tis way.  like.  first... do this .. .specifically.  i feel like an ass, dont wanna be a PITA - just really wanna get thisthing working.   Yes nomodeset did not work01:14
holsteiniUnify: you can also refer to the link i gave, and see about installing a proprietary driver from the recovery kernel01:15
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:15
holsteiniUnify: you can try identifying what hardware you have from that prompt at least, and searching for it01:16
iUnifydone it01:16
iUnifyRadeon driver 6600 m series i believe01:16
iUnifyhybrid graphcs01:16
holsteiniUnify: you cant "believe".. you just need to find out for certain01:16
iUnifyfound the hybrid and raden askubuntu links..  ive been doing this for months.  online researching asking people on forums01:17
iUnifyyes true01:17
holsteiniUnify: is it?01:17
iUnifyone sec here01:17
holsteiniUnify: are you in the recovery kernel?01:17
holsteindid you install a proprietary driver?01:17
iUnifyno i am on live usb01:17
iUnifyive done nothing01:17
holsteiniUnify: try the recovery kernel, and installing the driver01:17
iUnifyat the moment01:17
holsteinif you have "broken" anything with other guides, you might want to fresh install and do that01:18
iUnifyok i have freah install01:18
iUnifyhow to get recovery kernal?01:18
holsteinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode iUnify01:19
iUnifyi can not get to that screeen01:20
holsteiniUnify: elaboarate please01:20
iUnifythe screen turns on and off right after boot01:20
holsteiniUnify: if you cant, then you cant.. then, we cant help01:20
holsteinif you elaborate as to what *exactly* is going on.. then we can help01:20
iUnifyWell, I can hit Shift F201:20
holsteiniUnify: do you see grub?01:21
iUnifyAnd I go to GNU GRUB01:21
holsteiniUnify: what would i do? install 12.04.. and install the ati driver01:21
holsteiniUnify: the recovery kernel is in that grub list01:21
holsteinboot the machine and tap shift01:21
iUnifyC for command line01:21
iUnifysame screen ok01:22
iUnifytry ubuntu01:22
iUnifyinstall ubuntu, oem install, check for defects01:22
holsteiniUnify: please remove *all* usb sticks and cd's01:22
holsteiniUnify: that is the live CD booting, friend01:22
holsteiniUnify: you will remove those, then,01:23
holsteinWait until the BIOS has finished loading, or has almost finished. (During this time you will probably see a logo of your computer manufacturer.)01:23
holsteinQuickly press and hold the Shift key, which will bring up the GNU GRUB menu. (If you see the Ubuntu logo, you've missed the point where you can enter the GRUB menu.)01:23
iUnifyenter to boot os, e to edit commNDS BEFORE booting and c for command line01:23
holsteiniUnify: please remove the USB or cd for the live environment01:23
iUnifyOK, got you, sorry man, I forgot about th USB.... this is what I mean, a bit slow with it yet.... thank you so much.  doing so now.01:23
iUnifyok no go01:24
holsteinyou need to identify what is doing what, and why01:24
iUnifyacreen is on and off01:24
holsteinstop saying "cant" and "wont".. and just read and make it happen01:24
iUnifybefore the menu comes up01:24
holsteiniUnify: reboot and hold shift01:24
iUnifysame with pressing F4 for recovery01:24
holsteiniUnify: f4 is your system01:24
holsteiniUnify: has *nothing* to do with ubuntu01:25
iUnifyI shall again but i just did th shift one as well.01:25
holsteinf4 will be the recovery for the machine01:25
holsteiniUnify: you may not have installed ubuntu properly01:25
holsteiniUnify: this is what i would do... download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.04.3/release/ubuntustudio-12.04.3-dvd-i386.iso01:26
iUnifyi cN TRY again but i have done it 500 times01:26
holsteinfrom http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.04.3/release/01:26
holsteiniUnify: sure.. and im saying, you might not have ubuntu installed properly01:26
iUnifyokay, i would like 13, should i not just do that?01:26
holsteinso, you will do this *one* time01:26
holsteininstall 12.0401:26
holsteintry it live, and install it from the live desktop01:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:26
holstein^^ them, you refer to that for installing a proprietary driver for your card01:27
holsteinyou come here if you have any questions01:27
iUnifyone quick one to start, why 12 and not 13?01:27
iUnifyCuriosity as I'd have liked the newest version.01:28
holsteiniUnify: 12.04 and not 13.0401:28
holsteiniUnify: the ".04" is *quite* important.. there is no "12" or "13"01:28
holsteiniUnify: 12.04 is what i suggested01:28
iUnifyYes, why 12.04 rathr than 12.10 or 13.04?01:29
holsteiniUnify: use 13.04 if you want.. and another volunteer can assist you.. you can try #ubuntu01:29
holsteinwhy did i suggest 12.04? because i think you have a better chance of getting it to work, assuming the information you have given me is correct01:30
iUnifyNo, no, curious though, why would you suggest that rather than 13.04?  I'm following your advice to the best of my ability and as I've said I am sincrely grateful for it- been going mad - just curious is all.01:30
iUnifySo I know what I'm doing, you know... Its helpful to understand why.01:30
iUnifythanks so much, i will be back with an updat, you can be SURE of that!  :)01:31
holsteiniUnify: good luck01:31
iUnifyOh I use 64bit01:32
iUnifyIs that the correct link then?01:32
iUnifyand thanks01:32
holsteinthats why i gave th other link01:32
iUnifyah ok, idnt realize that.  thanka01:33
holsteiniUnify: how much ram do you have?01:33
iUnifyalso i will just be able to update to 13.04 if this works, corrct?01:34
SonikkuAmericaiUnify: You'll have to go through 12.10 first01:43
iUnifyyeh i have an hour on this donlod01:43
iUnifyholstein: i have reviewed your notes and one thing is confusing me, sorry... i just dont get how to use the guide to you have given for the drivers to enter commands when i can not01:46
iUnifyget to the command line after an install....01:46
holsteiniUnify: we will address proper installation if necessary01:48
holsteiniUnify: you will install 12.04.. you will get to the command line, you will install said driver01:48
holsteiniUnify: dont spend hours at this.. if you dont make headway with this *entire* process in 40 minutes, stop01:49
iUnifyi got ya, but i cant reach command line, after each boot the computer screen turns on and off... this is boots of multiple installations of multiple usbs created multiple oCCaionns  so i know that i cant rech commaND LINE01:49
iUnifyIt ill take an hour to just download the file.01:50
iUnifyan hour more01:50
holsteiniUnify: you must stop saying "cant".. and just figure out how02:08
iUnifyholstein: So I have managed only getting Ubuntu 12,04.2 on my comp.  updating now.  Is there a way to have something compairable to the way the information is organized in the menu in Studio for audio production?  Can I record and use the tools via USB without issue?  How large would it have to be then?  Also I want to say thank you for your help, unbelievably apprecitive!  :D03:10
iUnifyholstein: for example, icons to click in a folder as opposed to the clickble links in the studio menu, which i realize i likely can not also have.03:12
iUnify_holstein: So I have managed only getting Ubuntu 12,04.2 on my comp.  updating now.  Is there a way to have something compairable to the way the information is organized in the menu in Studio for audio production?  Can I record and use the tools via USB without issue?  How large would it have to be then?  Also I want to say thank you for your help, unbelievably apprecitive!  :D  for example, icons to click in a folder as opposed 03:15
holsteiniUnify_: keep in mind this03:23
holsteinall of these projects are open, and nothing is hiding from you, so, in theory, basically anything is possible03:23
holsteiniUnify_: im not sure what you are asking for.. if you can take a screenshot, or show an image03:24
holstein!info kupfer03:24
ubottukupfer (source: kupfer): fast and lightweight desktop summoner/launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0+v208-2 (raring), package size 810 kB, installed size 2862 kB03:24
holstein^^ i use that, its like synapse or gnome-do, so i have little information about or interest in menus03:24
iUnify_holstein: Thanks man, after all the updates I will be checking into that.  Now, last thing... what is it that I need for terminal entries to get all the studio apps in ubuntu?  Sadly i was told this once before but lost the information.03:36
holsteiniUnify_: you installed ubuntustudio03:38
holsteiniUnify_: you have them03:38
iUnify_i installed ubuntu not studio03:38
iUnify_studio did not install03:39
holsteiniUnify_: i linked you ubuntustudio03:39
holsteiniUnify_: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu03:39
iUnify_i explained above.03:39
holsteiniUnify_: ubuntu requires 3d03:39
holsteiniUnify_: you can just install what you like03:39
holsteiniUnify_: sudo apt-get install audacity for example03:39
holsteindont bother with the meta packages03:40
iUnify_yes, there  are man y many programs all of which are not in update ctr03:40
holsteiniUnify_: software center?03:40
holsteiniUnify_: the software center has access to the same repos..03:40
holsteiniUnify_: i do know03:41
holsteiniUnify_: what do you want to know?03:41
iUnify_In studio03:41
holsteiniUnify_: you are not in studio03:41
iUnify_There is an audio production folder03:41
holsteiniUnify_: you are in ubuntu03:41
holsteiniUnify_: you do not need a "production folder"03:41
iUnify_I would like to know how to have all of that.03:41
holsteiniUnify_: if you literally only want to use audacitcy, just install that03:42
holsteiniUnify_: you dont need all of that03:42
holsteiniUnify_: just install what you need03:42
iUnify_i use all of the audio production tools03:42
holsteiniUnify_: then, install them03:42
iUnify_ok thaNKSA03:42
holsteiniUnify_: you can open the package manager of your choice and search "ubunustudio"03:42
iUnify_Damn sorry about caps03:42
holsteinif the software center is not working for you, install synaptic03:42
holsteinapt-cache search ubuntustudio03:43
iUnify_that waa it03:43
holsteinthat will list them03:44
iUnify_perfect ubuntustudio this an that ok thanks.03:44
iUnify_very much03:44
holsteiniUnify_: you do not need most of the meta-packages03:44
holsteiniUnify_: i say that, becuase you can really cause issues by installing things you dont need03:44
holsteiniUnify_: do you use JACK?03:44
holsteinthere is no linux-rt package anymore03:45
holsteini would run "apt-cache search ubuntustudio" and install what i need.. actually, i would just install what i need. JACK, ardour, whatever plugins.. etc03:46
iUnify_hello if i want to dual boot 2 ubuntu distros how do i install the 2nd  differently than the first?04:02
wilee-nileeiUnify_, Differently, what's are your concerns?04:14
iUnify_Wilee-nilee: just got ubuntu working and dont want to mess it up when installing studio.  wanna be sure of how the install will vary as its the 2nd OS not 1st ans wont be usin ntire parttion.04:19
wilee-nileeiUnify_, You want to add it to ubuntu, a or make another partition and new install?04:20
iUnify_new partition and install04:20
iUnify_1tb drive04:20
iUnify_unsure when/where/how to partion it best and also unsure of how much to allot each oS.... UBUNTU will be for downloading/intrnet and everything else low end use and studio obviously for studio purposes.04:21
iUnify_500 500 maybe04:21
wilee-nileeiUnify_, Not a problem, it wont effect the ubuntu install, your only limit is the number of primary partions you can have 4 on a standard drive, or 3 primaries and a extended for logical partitions.04:21
iUnify_ok i only need 2 so that is good04:22
wilee-nileeiUnify_, Do you have a swap tight now?04:22
wilee-nileeiUnify_, Run sudo fdsik -l and pastebin the info.04:23
wilee-nileesudo fdisk -l  actually04:23
iUnify_ icouldnt get my video working EVER and finally ubuntu installed, 12 though so now i am upgrading to 13.04:23
iUnify_in the process of .04 to .1004:24
wilee-nileeiUnify_, This command will tell us exactly what is on the HD now.04:24
iUnify_i should i not wait until everything upgrades?   ive had so many issues in the past04:25
iUnify_it is rather tempermental04:25
wilee-nileeiUnify_, Yeah wait, but I was surised you don't know what a swap is, is all.04:25
iUnify_ah, newbie moatly04:25
wilee-nilee!swap | iUnify_04:26
ubottuiUnify_: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:26
iUnify_i appreciate the help man04:26
wilee-nileeno prob, we are all learning04:26
iUnify_So... I tried installing studio with xforcevesa -- acpi=and it began to load correctly but than i got kernel panic - not syncing05:07
iUnify_fatal exception in intrrupt05:07
iUnify_drum_kms_helper: panic occured, switching back to text console05:08
iUnify_cant even turn my computer off05:13
maini need help bypassing a password on a laptop my friend has given me10:14
ubottumain,: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:17
diana_ich suche ein "APACHE" server. so was wie xampp17:43
MaynardWatersso im trying to configure my samba to give uploaded files from windows machines permission and ownership by my default user18:39
MaynardWatersunder the section for my share I have "guest account = administrator18:39
MaynardWatersadministrator is my default user18:40
MaynardWatersbut when files are uploaded they still are given to nobody18:40
MaynardWatersand no group18:40
OvenWerksMaynardWaters: I don't know... I would think a forum for ubuntu-server might have more answers though18:58
OvenWerksEven #ubuntu should find more answers.19:01
iUnifyGuys I have exhausted every avenue and I cant resolve my issue.  I have spoken with many people here and in forums and whatnot.  I don't know what to do here... I can't get my video working after an install but it wrks off USB and it even installs and the video works on rare occasion.  Last night it messed up on the 12.10 upgrade but i've had 13.04 - it is completly inconsistent.19:54
iUnifyI have been at this for months and now I have to return this second laptop to my frined... i'm basically screwed and I just need an OS running on my laptop at this point.19:54
iUnifyThis entire process has essentially driven me mad.19:55
iUnifyMuch is over my head and nothing seems to work.  If ANYONE can get me opperational I would freaking worship you.19:56
HisaoNakaiiUnify: Eh?20:00
HisaoNakaiVideo not working? O_o20:00
HisaoNakaiiUnify: Did you try asking #ubuntu ?20:01
iUnifyI have done this for dmn near 6 months man20:01
iUnifyits stupid at this point.  EVERY day.20:02
iUnifyI get it working randomly nd it crashes20:02
iUnifyVideo issues... its a freaking mess.20:02
iUnifyGo figure, my luck.20:02
HisaoNakaiiUnify: What hardware is this?20:02
iUnifySamaung 700Z5A laptop20:03
HisaoNakaiI mean cpu and gpu o_o20:04
iUnifyWhy everything works off USB perfectly is beyond me.  aspci=off froze my whole pc so i couldnt even shut it, nomodeset chnges resolution to 1024x768 and nothing makes video work after boot... though RANDOMLY it just DOES, depending on install.20:04
iUnifyRadeon 6600M Series Hybrid Graphics Card20:05
HisaoNakaiAnd you absolutely need to use ubuntustudio? Try another distro, avlinux, maybe?20:06
FyodorovnaiUnify, I see general problems with using the hybrid graphics, in that there seems to be no support getting it to work fully, the manufactures are to blame  really20:09
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
iUnifyUbuntu N  Studio is what I wanted20:10
iUnifyaudio recording is my thing20:10
HisaoNakaiiUnify: Yeah, and that's what I use, but just throwing things out there.20:10
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
holsteiniUnify: if you can install ubuntu, install it twice, then convert one to ubuntu20:42
holsteinor, just install the ubuntu packages and dont dual boot20:42
iUnifyholstein:  last night i fot 12.04.2 on20:43
iUnifyit upgrded to 12.04.320:43
holsteiniUnify: that is the most recent version20:43
holsteiniUnify: that is just 12.04, upgraded to the recent version20:43
iUnifybut the video did its thing after a successful upgrde to 12.10 and now i cant get 12.04.2 back on again anyway20:43
holsteiniUnify: cant?20:44
iUnifythis is how its been since day 1.20:44
holsteiniUnify: you install the *exact* same way, and dont uprade to 12.0420:44
iUnifyYes, it will not successfully instal again.20:44
iUnifyI did.20:44
holsteiniUnify: what installed then?20:44
iUnifyI do.  and I have.20:44
holsteiniUnify: just plain ubuntu 12.04?20:44
iUnifyBut it only does SOMETIMES.20:44
holsteiniUnify: if so, use it, and convert it to ubuntustudio20:44
holsteiniUnify: *dont* *install* ubuntustudio20:45
iUnifyI know.20:45
holsteiniUnify: the end result will be the same20:45
holsteiniUnify: i dont think you do, if you are wasting months on this20:45
iUnifyUbuntu 12.04.2 that worked SOMETIMES does not work EVERYTIME.  Only RARELY.20:45
holsteiniUnify: you can insatll 12.04? main ubuntu 12.04?20:45
holsteiniUnify: then, thats is not the same case you reported above20:45
iUnifyIt is.  Ubuntu 12.04.2 successfully installs everytime as does every ther distro BUT 12.04.2 is the ONLY one to ever not have a video issue, which is only SOMETIMES, most of the time even that too has a vido issue at boot.20:46
holsteiniUnify: fact.. none of this is ubuntustudio related, specifically, so you can go right to the larger (and more relevant) ubuntu community for the video grahpics driver support issues20:46
holsteinfact: the vesa driver will work with xfce..20:46
holsteiniUnify: what would i do? get a knoppix live cD and test it.. grab the xorg.conf20:47
iUnifyI know we went over this yesterday my friend but it goes over my head.20:47
holsteiniUnify: and, it will.. you are choosing to use hardware that guarantees you windows support.. not linux20:48
holsteinso, you must learn to supprot it20:48
holsteinsupport it20:48
holsteinyou can do that by doing to the larger ubuntu community20:48
iUnifyI am stuck with the hardware I have sadly for the time being and yes I am eager to learn it...20:48
holsteinyou are *never* stuck with anything20:48
holsteinyou can choose to earn to support that hardware, and the vesa driver is a way to do so20:49
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x20:49
iUnifyBoot options uponinstall20:49
holsteinhttp://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html is what i use to aquire xorg.conf files20:49
iUnifydoesnt work20:49
iUnifyalso tried adding other things after the -- but that didnt work.20:49
holsteiniUnify: thats why i suggest using puppy linux or knoppix because you will *know* that it will work20:49
holsteinits not a boot option.20:50
iUnifyone sec looking now20:50
holsteinits not the answer20:50
holsteinits a way to aquire the anwer20:50
iUnifycn i use this on usb or only dvd?20:50
holsteinif i were at the machine, i could try a few things, and get a working setup for it20:50
holsteinim not, so you have to learn to do so20:50
holsteiniUnify: that is a live CD.. you can use it however you like.. unetbootin via USB or a CD.. or literally wahtever20:51
holsteinok.. ihave to run.. please try #ubuntu and troubleshoot main ubuntu wih the graphics driver seperate from ubuntustudio20:52

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