
ali1234andrzejr: works perfectly except for one thing00:01
ali1234it still doesn't detect all the small icons00:02
ali1234did you mean to put box->is_small = (box->pixbuf_h <= ICON_SIZE && box->pixbuf_w <= ICON_SIZE);00:02
ali1234even that wouldn't completely work as the sound menu icon is 24x2200:03
ali1234anyway, alignment is perfect now00:03
ali1234it even makes the buttons fill the whole panel when there's one row, even if single row mode isn't turned on00:05
ali1234i couldn't figure out how to do that :)00:05
andrzejrhmm.. sound menu icon works here (is "small")00:06
ali1234try with ubuntu-mono-light or -dark - the icon there is a different size00:06
ali1234i dunno why they decided to make is a different size to the others :|00:07
ali1234bluetooth is also not square in that icon set00:07
andrzejrI'll change the condition to w <= 24 && h <= 24, can't allow more wiggle room or the layout will break00:07
ali1234it seems to crop the icons anyway, if they are bigger00:08
ali1234i tried changing ICON_SIZE a few times to see what would happen00:08
ali1234for small icons, it doesn't care the real pixbuf size, i think - unless that's what you changed to fix the layout00:08
andrzejrI want "really big" icons (like load monitor) to be laid out separately. The question is where to put the threshold.00:10
ali1234yeah true00:11
ali123424px is enough anyway as long as they don't change the icons again00:11
ali1234unrelated: did mousewheel on the sound icon (not the menu) ever work?00:12
ali1234it's broken in the indicator currently i think, so i can't test it00:12
andrzejrI wish the icons were scalable, btw.00:12
ali1234maybe that will happen with unity 800:17
Unit193ali1234: Yes it did, works for me right now.00:18
ali1234hmm ok, must be the indicator then00:18
andrzejrscroll event doesn't get to the button, some issue with my Gtk code00:20
andrzejrheh.. I've broken the layout of icon+label indicators on 13.0400:25
ali1234which indicator has both?00:25
=== ElderDryas is now known as drc
andrzejrali1234, session (icon+username)00:42
eco2geekFor the artwork team: what's the meaning of the dots in the default 13.10 wallpaper, please?04:18
Unit19313.10  1 dot, 3 dots, dot higher 1 so it'd be different than the dot.04:19
eco2geekOh, as in 1-3 1-0 S?04:23
Unit193The Xubuntu release version, yeah.04:29
Unit193(You can't have a dot for zero, of course.)04:29
eco2geeklooks like it's got a line for the "1" and a little "o" for zero - followed by a stylized "S"04:30
eco2geekof course it'd be nice to have a version without the dots, but c'est la vie04:31
Unit193...We may not be looking at the same image.04:32
Unit193http://temp.knome.fi/.expwall/wallpaper-saucy-omnicolor-blueish.png more or less, but could be a different color?04:34
Unit193https://www.dropbox.com/s/1enbx25mklupdgr/bg.png?m is mine.04:35
eco2geekthis one - http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Xubuntu-13-10-Alpha-2-Saucy-Salamander-Officially-Released-Screenshot-Tour-371185-2.jpg?137482227304:37
Unit193Aha, 13.04, it was Raring's wallpaper.04:38
eco2geekAh, gotcha. Beta 1 doesn't have the final wallpaper in it then04:39
Unit193Not sure if what I linked will be final, but it's a mockup (would be blue, not red.)04:40
eco2geekwell beta 1's color scheme looks very nice -- good luck with development04:43
Unit193Thanks, good luck with using it? ;)04:43
eco2geekthat's what i like about the *buntu family - easy to use. of course i have some strong opinions about look n feel04:45
eco2geekbut who's going to listen to me anyway :-)04:45
Unit193I did, but that doesn't count.04:46
eco2geekjust consider making a version without the dots :-)05:00
Unit193knome: Yer dots smell funny.  Too large to do a dotless one as well?05:01
knomeUnit193, i can surely at least export versions without the dots.06:04
Unit193Yep, but ISO size.06:05
knomewe're at about 800MB, and our "target" is 1GB...06:07
knomesure, we can fit that in06:07
knomejust not sure if it's the thing we want to do ;)06:07
* Unit193 prefers 800.06:08
knomebut that's just an arbitrary number06:08
knomegoing, say, 820, isn't making us technically oversized06:08
olbihi guys, I found this: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/lightdm-session-locker-light-locker.html06:12
olbimaybe we could add this to Xubuntu 13.10? :)06:12
knomeolbi, feature freeze.06:13
Unit193And some xubuntu members where involved in making that. :P06:14
olbigood to hear that :)06:15
Noskcajmicahg, mr_pouit: Would either of you be able to give me testimonials for MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU08:07
NoskcajOr anyone?08:07
Noskcajbug 122142609:22
ubottubug 1221426 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "incorrect mimetype in defaults.list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122142609:23
ochosimeh, i still seem to have the reboot-bug (just kicks me to the greeter)12:23
elfynvidia works fine for me in 13.10 SuperLag - using nouveau atm but was using the nvidia one for a while12:41
ochosielfy: you don't have any issues rebooting in saucy, right?12:42
elfyfraid not ochosi 12:43
ochosi(and you also have xfce4-session_4.10.1-1ubuntu1 ?)12:43
elfywell - actually12:43
elfynot sure not checked lately - 2 secs ... 12:43
elfyochosi: reboots fine - Installed: 4.10.1-1ubuntu1 for xfce4-session12:47
ochosielfy: could you check the output of "cat .cache/upstart/startxfce4.log | grep systemd" ?12:48
elfyno result12:48
ochosii get a systemd error12:49
ochosiso maybe that's a result of upgrading or something12:49
elfyI'll boot one of the vms - update that and have a look 12:50
ochosithanks, that'd be great12:50
elfyis this a machine you did 13.04 to 13.10 upgrade on?12:50
elfyif so I'll look at lappy 12:51
elfyok - last thing laptop did was an upgrade test - I'll look there first12:51
elfylol - vm doesn't even have .cache/upstart12:56
elfyI'll update that then ... 12:57
elfyyes it does - fail reading12:58
elfylaptop reboots fine - no systemd in startxfce4log12:58
brainwashlooks like the package systemd-shim does not get pulled in when doing an upgrade to 13.10 -> missing dependency?13:00
ochosibrainwash: installing that fixes it for you?13:02
brainwashI didn't try yet13:02
elfymy laptop was a 13.04-13.10 upgrade 32bit 13:03
brainwashdon't want my pc to suddenly shutdown my session, in case installing the package does fix the issue :)13:03
ochosii installed the package, installation alone doesn't do anything wonky ;)13:03
ochosielfy: do you have that package installed?13:04
elfyochosi: you want me to redo with a 64bit - fine by me13:04
ochosilet's dig a bit more before sending you through the pains of doing an upgrade test13:04
ochosiwe might need that in the end anyway maybe, to confirm whatever we found uot13:05
ochosihm, i didn't have the package13:05
elfywell it's no pain - apart from running unetbootin a couple of times13:05
ochosiso maybe brainwash is right13:05
elfyochosi: but do you have 64bit - if you do I should do the test - then we know it's more than you 213:05
elfyassuming brainwash is on 64bit13:06
ochosii'm on 64bit13:06
elfyok - well I didn't check reboot with 64bit 13:06
ochosii can test as soon as my upload of a file finishes13:07
ochosi(few mins)13:07
elfyand it's quicker to do it with a real machine than vm - happy to do it if you want me to 13:07
brainwashcannot test it just now either13:07
ochosielfy: sure, just give me 5 more mins13:08
elfyok - vm updated - that's all working ok - but that's not an upgrade13:13
brainwashtaking this image as reference http://i1.wp.com/www.smdavis.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/greybird-firefox.png the X button on my firefox tabs appears to be twice as big13:14
brainwashafter upgrading to 13.1013:14
elfymines always been bigger than that 13:14
ochosiok folks i just tested13:14
elfyno change? 13:14
ochosiand a reboot later things are fixed13:15
ochosiso it was the missing package13:15
brainwashhooray :)13:15
elfyok - I'll not do more than13:15
ochosibrainwash: my tab-close is exactly that size13:15
brainwashochosi: really strange13:15
ochosielfy: well being able to confirm that the package is missing would be cool but not 100% necessary maybe13:15
ochosinot sure why it's missing on an upgrade anyway...13:15
ochosibrainwash: screenshot?13:16
elfyochosi: well I'll do an upgrade then I can confirm properly13:16
ochosibrainwash: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09062013-031617pm.php13:16
ochosielfy: great, then we get a proper bugreport13:16
elfyochosi: 13:16
elfysigh ... 13:16
elfyochosi: yep :)13:16
ochosithat's a different icon theme13:17
ochosiso no wonder those icons are different (incl the close-button) :)13:17
elfyI just use whatever is default 13:17
elfyoh 13:17
elfyhang on I use faenza icons lol13:17
ochosiyup, i know13:17
ochosii recognized it13:17
elfywhat is the default icon theme :)13:18
brainwash^ screenshot of firefox13:19
ochosiin all fairness, that's not ff but aurora13:19
ochosiso it might also be a problem with these nightly builds13:19
elfymine looks more or less the same now13:19
brainwashit's the same firefox/package I was using before upgrading to 13.1013:19
ochosiso there's an icon inheritance bug or something13:20
brainwashmaybe some sort of touch-enabled behavior did kick in13:21
ochosimeh, what the heck, the 16px folder is empty13:21
ochosimr_pouit: what did you upload there!!13:21
ochosiso sorry, half my baed13:21
ochosibut it'll get fixed13:21
* ochosi knocks on wood13:22
ochosi(it's already fixed in git, just a matter of uploading)13:22
brainwashto be honest I kinda start to like these bigger buttons :)13:22
brainwashochosi: that's great13:23
ochosithen never update the icon-package again ;)13:23
elfyok - installing 13.04 now 13:23
brainwashso "systemd-services" only recommends systemd or systemd-shim13:26
brainwashand usually recommended packages are installed by default, or?13:28
ochosiso maybe we don't treat recommends as depends anymore13:28
elfysynaptic here has consider recommended as dependencies as false 13:31
elfyand I don't fiddle13:31
ochosiali1234: by the way, i'm pushing a new meta icon-theme at the moment that is designed towards Orion (elementary-xfce-darker), will land in xubuntu-artwork in a few minutes and then i hope mr_pouit updates the package soon13:31
ochosialso, the latest indicator-changes from you guys really fixed positioning here13:32
ochosiawesome work!13:32
elfyochosi: so assuming it all fails for me here after the upgrade I'll do a bug report - but what package shall I report against13:53
SuperLagI'm thinking about upgrading to 13.10b1, my only concern is Nvidia drivers. Any of you guys hear of issues with the latest beta and Nvidia stuff?13:54
elfybecasue systemd-shim won't be installed13:54
elfySuperLag: not heard or seen anything - works ok with nouveau and nvidia-current for me - or did 13:55
SuperLagI have a bunch of 3rd-party stuff too, but none of it is crucial for $DAYJOB, and I can wait for it. :)13:56
elfyregardless of that I would check that it works for you with the live session first - I'd not install a beta if it was my only machine 13:57
SuperLagI've had it running in VM for quite awhile. It's great.14:01
ochosielfy: i'd report it against xfce4-session, it should pull in both14:03
ochosiapart from the logout issue i dont see any real blockers ahead so far14:03
elfyokey doke14:03
elfywell I don't like the indicator-sound issue14:03
elfynor the not being able to logout properly issue14:04
ochosielfy: yeah, i agree, we should keep a list of these issues somewhere14:06
SuperLagI just noticed a cosmetic bug in the updater.14:08
elfyochosi: agreed - that is somewhere tangible - my head, your head, knome's head shouldn't count 14:08
SuperLagit says it's upgrading to 13.0414:08
SuperLagrather than 13.1014:08
ochosielfy: i also tend to forget about indicator-sound because i have the gtk3 indicators installed...14:08
brainwashSuperLag: noticed that too14:08
elfyI'm in the less than useful position of being half way between both at the moment ochosi 14:09
ochosielfy: yeah, no worries, indicator-sound should be fixed anyway14:10
elfyindeed - but at the moment it's in my list :)14:11
elfySuperLag: is that bug if you upgrade via net - the 13.10 iso I am upgrading with refers to 13.1014:12
elfyI'd be looking at ppa's and 3rd party sources first14:12
elfyochosi: that's a point - did you upgrade to 13.10 with an iso or via net?14:14
SuperLagOne of the previous steps said it disabled 3rd-party sources.14:14
SuperLagSo I figured that would do the trick. Should I actually remove those packages? or just disable the PPA's?14:14
elfySuperLag: is the 13.04 completely up to date? 14:14
SuperLagit is14:14
elfyI'd boot that - make sure it is up to date and disable them there - then try the upgrade14:15
elfyjust don't update it ... 14:15
elfyochosi: mine rebooted ... 14:24
elfymight have zsynced the image since then redoing it ... 14:31
elfyknome: http://pad.ubuntu.com/duYDbHFs7s14:42
ochosielfy: i upgraded via net15:00
elfyok - I'll do the same then15:00
elfyjust reinstalling 13.04 atm15:01
ochosihm, USC really has become more responsive15:02
elfyI never notice I'm afraid15:04
brainwashpulls way too many dependencies, so I got rid of it15:05
ochosii usually only notice by accident15:05
ochosihm, stupid skype is still unthemed and doesn't use its indicator for some reason15:05
brainwashhow does the application menu hide Thunar.desktop and xfce4-terminal.desktop?15:05
ochosisome *** in my .config prevents it it seems15:05
ochosibrainwash: it doesn't here, both in accessories15:06
ochosihmpf, USC still pops up stupid debconf windows15:06
brainwashochosi: the real ones or just the generic exo ones?15:07
ochosigeneric ones15:11
elfyochosi: not sure this is going to be worth it - running the upgrade via net - it's got systemd-shim in the list of packages to install 15:12
elfybut I can do it if you feel it's can help15:12
ochosihm nah, not sure then15:12
ochosii'm not sure what went wrong here and why the package wasn't installed15:12
ochosimaybe it wasn't on the mirror i used15:12
elfypossible - also - when did you do the upgrade?15:13
brainwashor it's caused by customizing the 13.04 installation (removing/installing packages)15:14
elfyhard to tell 15:14
elfyat least we know what is going on though15:14
brainwashI usually tend to remove many packages and only use what I really need 15:15
brainwashbut it's still a dependency issue, isn't it?15:16
brainwashand upgrading normally pulls the xubuntu meta package15:17
ochosielfy: i upgraded two or three days ago15:19
brainwashme just yesterday15:19
elfywell I get lost looking at dependencies - -shim appears to be a dependant of -services which is a dependant of xfce4-powermanager15:20
brainwashochosi: did you add the gnome 3.8 ppa?15:20
ochosimeh, my vbox+extensions doesn't recognize any usb devices, how is that possible... :'(15:20
ochosibrainwash: nope, should i?15:21
brainwashochosi: no, was just thinking that having gnome 3.8 packages could have somehow prevent systemd-shim from being installed15:21
ochosicould've just as well been some other ppa15:22
brainwashyea, but I would only associate gnome with systemd15:23
ochosii guess ubuntu is one of the few distros that i wouldn't associate with systemd, all the others will get it in the long run i guess15:23
brainwashhopefully one of you will create a bug report addressing this issue, or isn't it worth it? well, it should be :)15:25
elfybrainwash: well it would be better done on with ubuntu-bug with a machine that has the issue - like your's :)15:26
elfythen someone can confirm it - like ochosi who's got a fixed machine - I've not found the bug - and this laptop try is going to install it15:27
brainwashelfy: can you remove systemd-shim?15:28
brainwashremoving it should be possible either I think15:28
elfywhy would I do that?15:29
brainwashif you can remove it easily wihtout removing other (important) packages, then something is wrong15:30
brainwashbecause apparently xfce4-session requires it to restart/shutdown15:30
elfyit's not saying anything other than do I want to :)15:30
brainwashsimulate it then :P15:31
brainwashor are my thoughts plain wrong?15:32
elfywell - what is the problem with you reporting the bug?15:32
brainwashtechnically I'm not affected anymore after installing the package manually15:32
brainwashso the question is: can you remove the package manually or will other packages get removed also?15:33
elfynothing else gets removed15:34
elfyso something is not right somewhere15:34
brainwashwell, this is an issue15:34
brainwashmissing dependency15:34
elfyyep - but as I said ^^ I'm lost looking for it at the moment15:34
brainwashguess I file a bug report later, could be always marked as duplicate if another one already exists :)15:36
elfyI'll do it now 15:39
elfyit's definitely the cause :)15:41
elfyochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/122180915:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1221809 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "systemd-shim removal causes restart to logout" [Undecided,New]15:45
elfyochosi: I subscribed the xubuntu bug team to that now as well 15:53
ochosielfy: thanks!15:59
elfynothing more I can do - shall put the kettle on now 16:01
elfyknome: I'm doing a general post to -dev m/l - you got any problem with me including the Upgrade tests in it?16:22
brainwashelfy: thanks for reporting :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/122180916:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1221809 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "systemd-shim removal causes restart to logout" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:23
elfybrainwash: welcome 16:24
SuperLagelfy: 13.10 is nice. nvidia-current worked fine, as well16:37
elfyI'm sure those who've worked towards it will be pleased to hear that :)16:38
ochosimost def16:39
ochosielfy: well you did too!16:39
ochosithis was one of the most active testing cycles i've seen so far16:39
elfywell I do that :)16:39
elfyand thanks - I'm glad it'd been worth it :)16:40
SuperLagI forgot to make backups of some of my .desktop files. Is there a way to generate a shell of a .desktop file, something with the bare minimum of required lines?16:42
SuperLagI should get in the habit of putting those in ~/.local/share/applications/ rather than /usr/share/applications/... as that would have helped me to avoid all that mess :)16:43
pleia2knome: btw, rt@ubuntu.com hates my lyz@ubuntu.com email address, so if there are updates to the static ticket I need to act on, please let me know :)18:15
elfysigh at sending mails instead of saving them :|19:25
elfypleia2: next time someone does anything with the website - there's a couple of oddities on http://xubuntu.org/contribute/  "and participate discussions" and "Be in contact"19:27
Unit193ochosi: Did you mess with indicators in raring?  Purge systemd-services maybe?19:27
pleia2elfy: can you submit a bug with the edits required? https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website19:30
pleia2elfy: we don't really have a schedule for updates (it's just wordpress, no 'releases' of pages really), but I try to go through bug reports somewhat regularly19:30
elfypleia2: yep of course I can - didn't know it was there :)19:31
elfyoh - I thought I had rights to the wordpress thingy 19:32
elfythough it was a long time ago I last looked at it19:32
pleia2elfy: you should be able to log in to wordpress, but probably not edit pages and things, probably just to review posts19:33
Unit193And draft, but not publish.19:33
elfycan't remember - nor remember even how to :p19:33
elfybug done19:37
ochosiUnit193: no, there was no messing with systemd in raring20:47
ochosihey andrzejr 23:25
ochosithe latest version works great wrt positioning23:26
ochosii started testing/using it today23:26
ochosito me it feels kinda ready23:28
ochosinot much left to do23:29
andrzejrscroll events still don't go through, though23:29
ochosiunless maybe fix the scroll-event23:29
ochosiyeah :)23:29
ochosii sent an email to nick about a release of libxfce4ui a few minutes ago23:29
ochosiwe need it for the next parole-release as well23:29
ochosiafter the scroll-event, the next big thing would be merging the wrapper3 branch to master...23:30
andrzejrthey get all the way through to WrapperPlug so the problem is somewhere in the plugin or libxfce4-panel23:30
ochosiweird, but those signals haven't significantly changed with gtk3 afaik23:30
andrzejrI don't know what's wrong yet23:31
andrzejrre: transparency issue in the panel - panel in 13.10 is transparent (gtk2 part) in 13.04 is not. maybe something was fixed in gtk 3.823:32
ochosihm, i'm on 13.10 and it doesn't work for me23:33
andrzejrwhat part? indicator plugin?23:33
andrzejrthat's because of a workaround we've added to the panel (wrapper)23:34
andrzejrotherwise gtk3 plugins were completely transparent.23:34
ochosiso how is it working for you then?23:34
ochosidid you push out the workaround?23:35
Unit193My panel on raring is transparent. :D23:35
ochosiUnit193: panel transparency isn't the issue, it's gtk2 + gtk3 in a panel + transparency for both23:35
andrzejrochosi, did you fix padding in greybird?23:36
ochosiwell it's the same as trayicons now23:37
ochosiso for me that's fixed23:37
ochosibut better thest it for yourself and tell me whether you're ok with it23:38
andrzejrjust pulled, still zero padding23:38
ochosiyou mean space between the indicators?23:38
andrzejrbutton sizes are same as icon sizes (22px), which makes the layout very tight23:39
ochosi(i didn't add that because it looks weird with the trayicons not having any padding in-between)23:39
andrzejrsystray has its own issues but all other plugins have some padding.23:40
andrzejrindicator plugin also used to have some previously23:41
ochosican you show me a screenshot plz?23:41
andrzejrgreybird in 13.10 looks ok, btw. only git version has this packing issue23:43
ochosithat's odd, cause the 13.10 version doesn't have any special theming applied to the indicators23:43
ochosiso the bg-color should also be wrong23:43
andrzejrbg-color is wrong but spacing is fine23:45
ochosinow i only added a check to set the border-radius to 0 (no roundness) and the fg-color to white23:47
ochosiand personally i don't see a difference23:47
andrzejrwhat's not visible on screenshot is that the hover highlight is exactly the same size as some of the icons (clementine, multiload) or labels.23:51
ochosiso you're comparing launchers to the indicators?23:52
andrzejron the left are other plugins (places and launchers)23:52
andrzejrjust as an example of a correct padding.23:52
andrzejrlook at (no) space between the clock and the clementine indicator, or the multiload one.23:53
ochosiare those rows?23:54
ochositbh i'm a bit confused on what starts and ends where in this screenshot23:54
ochosifwiw, this is how it looks for me: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09072013-015332am.php23:54
ochosi(2 trayicons, 3 indicators, 2 launchers)23:54
andrzejryes, these are rows but with a single row there is still zero padding.23:55
ochosino extra padding between the launchers, they're really next to each other23:55
andrzejrstrange, that's not what I see.23:56
andrzejrwhat gtk version?23:56
ochosiif i add back the borders, the icons get clipped in a 24px panel23:57
ochosieven if i comment out everything, except the colorchanges, i never get a result close to what you have with your launchers in gtk223:59
ochosiare you sure you didn't add spacers in between? :)23:59

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