
TeamRocket1233cA little curious what'll be happening with you guys and Mir come 14.04.00:14
Unit193TeamRocket1233c: Nothing set in stone, we may look at it again for 14.04 but what we want is something very stable and compatible.00:15
TeamRocket1233cSo most likely Wayland.00:25
Unit193TeamRocket1233c: Xfce has no plans right now to support Mir or Wayland, so not likely for 14.04.00:27
TeamRocket1233cSo you're just going to stick to X until it dies, basically.00:31
Unit193First Xfce has to make it to GTK3 which it's in the process of, then to (most likely) wayland.00:32
TeamRocket1233cThat's cool.00:33
Unit193Note, I'm not an Xfce dev.00:33
TeamRocket1233cJust curious what'll happen to the derivatives with the main distro supposedly switching toMir.00:33
TeamRocket1233c*to Mir.00:33
Unit193Kubuntu goes to Wayland, Ubuntu Gnome goes to wayland, Lubuntu (LXDE-qt) goes to wayland in some time, Edubuntu is just Ubuntu with learning tools, Studio is also Xfce.  Who knows though.   I think you'll get the same response re: Xfce in #xfce00:35
TeamRocket1233cAnd this is 14.04 so..00:36
TeamRocket1233cI know 13.10 can still have X no prob, heck, I set up X and MATE on a 13.10 minimal install.00:36
TeamRocket1233cIn Vbox, but still.00:37
Unit193If you'd like, we can carry on over in #xubuntu-offtopic.  xMir still uses X itself.00:37
bbtechI can't seem to remount a partition with different options. I'm trying to turn on acl. Can someone please take a look and tell me what I'm missing? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PQc6vfn201:32
bbtechI just made the mount command verbose and it looks like it is reading the correct settings... http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PQc6vfn201:36
* bbtech is confused01:36
nerdtronbbtech, mount -o remount acl01:58
bbtechnerdtron: I tried that as well. I've concluded that I don't have to specify acl in the mount options. It must be built in by default or something.01:59
nerdtronput acl first before default02:00
bbtechnerdtron: yeah, tried that too02:00
bbtechlol, we think alike02:01
nerdtronor remove default and define the mount options explicitly like acl, rw, relatime, errors=remount-ro02:01
bbtechyeah, I simplified it down to rw,acl and still couldn't get it to show up02:01
bbtechtried rebooting too02:02
nerdtronwaht version of ubuntu?02:02
bbtechbut I'm able to use acl to protect files so it must be on by default02:02
bbtechdebian 702:02
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!02:02
bbtechyeah, I've just confirmed that my acl rules are working so acl must be automatically on without the need for the acl option on the partition.02:10
bbtechCan't find anything in the man or online stating that though02:10
xubuntu636So... I guess the biggest question I have is this: what would I miss switching from Mint 15 Cinnamon to Xubuntu.03:13
Unit193I'd give a guess the biggest thing you'd lose is Cinnamon, because you'd be using Xfce.03:15
Unit193What are you using in Mint?03:15
xubuntu456Hello... I was the one who just asked about the Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon to Xubuntu change. I didn't get any answers... could anyone who replied please reply back again? Thanks.03:20
Unit193[23:15:08] < Unit193> I'd give a guess the biggest thing you'd lose is Cinnamon, because you'd be using Xfce. [23:15:25] < Unit193> What are you using in Mint?03:21
Unit193I don't use mint, so trying to compare the two doesn't work with me. :P03:21
xubuntu456Basically... I'll be using this laptop (HP/Compaq 8710P) as a Plex Media Server and MAYBE as a web browser on occasion.\03:23
xubuntu456I was wanting an OS that uses low resources because of Plex constantly running. The misses loves using Plex all the time and I just don't have the time to set up additional stuff in Xubuntu unless it is worth the low resource usage.03:25
Unit193Alright, well I can say firefox works fine for me, and others use chrom(e,ium), as well as other browsers.  Xubuntu doesn't market itself as "lightweight", though it's not heavy on resource usage.03:28
xubuntu456Annnd... This is why I hate Linux. None of you Linuxfags understand why I'm saying. I know it isn't lightweight but it is lightweight considering the BEST OS (which is Windows 7 FTW) but since none of you fags can comprehend a Plex Server guess i'll be sticking with Windows. Sorry Windows didn't lose my business to Linux on this day.03:31
xubuntu456Thankyou linusfuckers for proving my point.03:36
Unit193!language | xubuntu45603:39
ubottuxubuntu456: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:39
xubuntu456Unit193 you're an idiot.03:39
xubuntu973i'm glad that faggotry is over, right?03:47
SuperLagIs Xubuntu at 13.10b1 as well, or still just the mainline Ubuntu?04:35
Unit193SuperLag: Xubuntu as well.04:36
SuperLagUnit193: you running the beta?04:37
Unit193Nope, only in VM.04:37
SuperLagme too, so far... I'm tempted :)04:37
SuperLagI have plenty of resources for the VM... part of me says just play it safe. Then there's the, "Oh, well it's finally beta. Can't be *that* problematic, right?" :)04:39
Unit193While I upgrade, so it's a one shot deal. :P04:40
SuperLagUnit193: you'll upgrade your host, rather than clean install?04:40
SuperLagis that what you mean?04:40
Unit193SuperLag: Yes, much more effort to reinstall, reconfigure, repatch, rebreak. :P04:40
SuperLagUnit193: you've not encountered issues with upgrades?04:41
SuperLags/issues/major issues :)04:41
Unit193Sure I have, a few, but all fixable.  This install is only from Xubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal - Beta (20110413.2)  though.04:41
SuperLagso a few upgrades, then04:42
Unit193Yep, I wouldn't say any without kinks, but all workable.  One even seemed done in the middle, rebooted half configured.  Still fixable.04:42
SuperLagI'm trying to decide, for my VMs, if I should stick with open-vm-*, or go with the stock VMware Tools, since this is a new version of VMware Workstation (I just upgraded from 9 to 10)04:43
SuperLagThe other thing I'm trying to decide... is if for 13.10, I want to finally go Unity or not. I haven't much liked it, but I've been using the main Ubuntu for VMs, and it's waaaaaay more polished than it used to be.04:44
SuperLagand it's more tweakable than I thought04:44
Unit193Well, I'm biased, but if you want, you can try it and see if it fits your style better.04:45
SuperLagUnit193: yeah, I really like the lean of XFCE04:48
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:57
MonkeytoeI have xubuntu installed on /dev/sdb and windows 8 installed on /dev/sdc. Bios loads the xubuntu drive by default. The xubuntu install does not have an option to boot from the windows drive. How would I go about adding that into grub? I am using xubuntu 13.0404:58
Unit193Uhhh?  Windows 8?  Is this UEFI with 64bit Xubuntu?  Normally I'd say os-prober, but EFI changes things.04:59
xubuntu1310So I hopped on the 13.10 beta and... well since xfce hasn't changed much there doesn't seem to be anything broken... good for light desktop use?05:00
SuperLagwell, the stable version is good for heavy desktop use... and I push it to the max... so I'm going to go out on a limb and say the beta is more than likely just fine05:01
xubuntu1310It doesn't look like much was changed... which emans not much was broken, and hardly anything in the first place.05:01
SuperLagI have a fairly beefy machine though, too... so maybe what I say should be taken with lots of salt. :)05:02
SuperLag32GB of RAM helps a LOT. :)05:02
Unit193xubuntu1310: I'm just going to add "Not Xubuntu's fault if it breaks" ;)05:02
xubuntu1310I made my computer today, FX-6300 and 15GB DDR3-1600 CAS 8 whoooo05:02
Unit193Some Xfce 4.11 stuff was added though.05:02
xubuntu1310Ahha, i found a problem... sound works perfectly but I can't change the volume, my motherboard uses an uncommon high-end-ish via chip instead of the typical realtek, oh well, alsamixer works.05:06
Unit193And pavucontrol doesn't?  Or sound indicator?  Sound indicator is slightly broken.05:07
xubuntu1310ys sound indicator is blank, but sound works fine, i'm using alsa mixer in the meantime05:08
xubuntu1310Oh my god I forgot i'm running compo on my cpu, no gpu drivers in yet... hardly noticed because of CPU being so quick(3x2-core amd at 4.2GHz), heh, software renderer is multi-threaded05:09
xubuntu1310My motherboard(amd 970) is weird, with one bios setting usb2 does not work but usb3/2 works, with another usb2 works and usb3, but usb3 does not work with 2 stuff... kernel bugs05:13
SuperLagAMD... they still exist? People still use their CPUs? :D05:17
TheSheepSuperLag: --> #xubuntu-offtopic05:17
SuperLagTheSheep: *sigh*... no sense of humor? :)05:19
SuperLagUnit193: what's broken about sound indicator?05:19
Unit193At the very least, can't scroll over the icon anymore, I'm not sure what else as I was distracted when they were talking about it.05:20
=== Hund_ is now known as Hund
xubuntu322xubuntu 12.04 runs perfectly from LiveCD but won't install (I'm trying to replace Bodhi Linux). Any ideas what's wrong?07:20
TheSheepxubuntu322: we could be guessing all day, what's the error message?07:24
=== Joerg is now known as Guest47652
xubuntu322I get a whole page of messages: the screen goes black, covered with white text, and the machine freezes completely. There is something about modprobe in there, that's the only bit I recognise. What should I be looking for?07:26
Guest47652Good morning. I need to have more space in /boot for a update. apt-get clean had no effect.07:26
TheSheepGuest47652: uninstall the old kernels07:27
xubuntu322uninstall Bodhi Linux you mean?07:27
Guest47652Thank You!07:27
TheSheepxubuntu322: no, that was to Guest4765207:28
TheSheepxubuntu322: I don't really know about you, maybe you could try googling those messages07:28
xubuntu322sorry, I mis-read your message07:28
xubuntu322ok thanks for trying to help. I have googled what I could understand but haven't found anything so far.07:29
pmjdebruijnxubuntu322: can you post a screenshot (maybe with a phone07:33
pmjdebruijn)of the messages you see?07:33
angelXubuntuso.... anyone there?07:49
Monkeytoehow can I change a blank disk from GPT to MBR ?08:21
MonkeytoeI am not worried about data retention08:22
pmjdebruijnI'm guessing using gparted would be the easiest08:22
pmjdebruijnor just use cfdisk :)08:23
pmjdebruijnbasically if it's GPT, it's technically not fully blank :D08:24
Monkeytoeso basically just open up gparted, select the drive, then create a new partition table for msdos?08:24
pmjdebruijndd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=1 # will wipe the first megabyte of data on the disk08:24
pmjdebruijnsfdisk -R /dev/sdX # will re-read the partition table (which isn't present yet, but it forces the kernel to discard the old partition table it might have cached)08:25
pmjdebruijncfdisk /dev/sdX # will give you a text based ui to create new partition08:25
pmjdebruijnbut gparted i graphical08:25
Monkeytoeit worked :)08:27
Monkeytoethank you08:27
=== ui_ is now known as Guest25252
kpelHi. I installed some kernel security updates in my Precise box this morning and after rebooting the world went slackware. No graphical login, startx wasn't working.09:54
kpelDid you get a similar problem?09:54
pmjdebruijndid you by any chacne install the 3.8.0 kernel09:57
pmjdebruijnif so, you need to update X11 accordingly IIRC09:57
kpelpmjdebruijn: I'll check in a minute, I kept the default kernel afaik and then let it update itself.10:02
kpelpmjdebruijn: using kernel 3.2.0-5310:02
kpelbut if I try startx I get a version mismatch message about the nvidia modules. This is worrying :(10:03
kpelI installed the nvidia-current-updates-dev package and X says the kernel module version is 304.88 but the nvidia driver component is version 319.3210:04
pmjdebruijnoooh... nvidia :)10:04
kpelshouldn't the dependency be resolved automagically by apt?10:05
kpelnever had a problem with nvidia and xubuntu for years. apt was clever enough to keep everything up to date. Until now.10:06
pmjdebruijnpossibly, I have no experience with that, I avoid nvidia hardware, stick around, maybe someone else knows / has more experience in this area10:06
kpelpmjdebruijn: any idea how to update X11 the right way(tm)?10:06
kpelpmjdebruijn: ok, will do. Thanks for your time.10:07
pmjdebruijnno, disregard my initial comment, that only applies for 3.5.x and 3.8.x10:09
kpelfound some more recent nvidia modules using apt-cache search. Let's see...10:09
kpelnope. didn't work.10:12
kpelsuccess!! had to remove all the older nvidia packages and keep nvidia-319*10:18
kpelbut this is still a bug. the nvidia-319 packages should be a required dependency because of the kernel update. not sure if canonical found out.10:19
pmjdebruijnkpel: I'd recommend to file a bug report descripting the issue with the package versions on launchpad10:20
kpelpmjdebruijn: Ok, will do. Although aving worked for a big company in the past I think I know what will happen to the report ;)10:21
pmjdebruijnover the past years I've had mixed experiences10:21
pmjdebruijnthings do actually get fixed sometimes10:22
pmjdebruijnfiling a good bug report is essential though10:22
pmjdebruijnbut I agree, filing a bug doesn't guarantee a fix :)10:22
kpelpmjdebruijn: yes, we can only hope :)10:24
Axylusafter changing my video resolution, I was forcefully logged out, and when I try to log back in, the screen flashes black and I'm then returned to the log-in window. I haven't used Linux for several years so I'm not sure what to do. is there a log file I can check?10:28
cfhowlettAxylus, I'd suggest you login to the command line for access10:35
Axyluscfhowlett, do you know how I can change my screen resolution from the console?10:46
cfhowlettAxylus, not offhand.10:47
cfhowlettAxylus, I would assume the config file is your /home folder - probably a .hidden file.  Consider logging in via command line and searching by date for a recently modified file.10:48
AxylusI've found it: ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml :)10:49
cfhowlettAxylus, my take?  rename/remove it, log back it and it should reset10:50
Axylusyay, I'm back in10:52
Axylusit seems that xfce4-panel was crashing upon logging in :|10:53
cfhowlettAxylus, stuff happens.  glad you back in action.10:54
SuperLagAnyone here updated to beta 1 yet? Even more specific... anyone here with an Nvidia display adapter updated to b1? How is it going, thus far?12:26
ubottuSuperLag,: Saucy Salamander is the codename for Ubuntu 13.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:27
SuperLagcfhowlett: people in here last night were talking about it12:30
brainwashthere's also #xubuntu-devel12:31
cfhowlettSuperLag, well, as there are dedicated channels, you'll probably find it more fruitful to attempt the conversation there.12:36
SuperLagthanks man12:36
Impossible_hello everyone14:54
Impossible_ive' just installed xubuntu, why is the terminal called. Terminal emulator14:54
GridCubeImpossible_, because its an emulator of a true terminal, the ones you can access by pressing ctrl-alf-F1 to F614:55
GridCubeand f7 contains the graphical instance14:55
Sysiactually tty:s are virtual too14:57
GridCubei never trully understood that14:57
Impossible_oh alright14:58
Impossible_so its a regular terminal14:58
HundHow do I add keyboard shortcuts for window management? Like moving a window to my second screen etc?14:58
Impossible_does anyone else think its xubuntu is like a bit more snappy14:59
Impossible_thank like lubuntu14:59
SysiHund: see window manager settings14:59
cubImpossible_: run on the same machine I haven't noticed any major difference in speed between lubuntu and xubuntu15:00
Impossible_cub: alright :) do you know how to switch the close min and max to the left side15:01
SysiImpossible_: see window manager settings15:01
cubImpossible_: What Sysi said ^ ;)15:02
Impossible_oh THANKS15:02
Impossiblewhy cant i open my external harddrive i get an error15:35
ImpossibleFailed to open directory "Seagate Expansion Drive"15:35
ImpossibleError when getting information for file '/media/ermac/Seagate Expansion Drive/logotwitproj.psd': Input/output error15:35
Impossiblesomeone told me to plug my harddrive to a Windows PC and run a chkdsk on it so that the data is known to be healty,,, is someway i can do the same check in xubuntu?15:48
AxylusImpossible, do you want to check the disc that Xubuntu is running from, or check another disc that has NTFS (Windows) partitions on it?16:04
Axylusoh, I've just seen your previous messages. :) hmm…16:05
Sysithere's fsck16:06
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot16:06
AxylusImpossible, what file system is the affected partition on the disc formatted with?16:08
Impossibleits ntfs16:21
Impossiblei think its the os16:21
Impossiblenot supporting it16:21
Axylusall major Linux distributions come with NTFS support16:21
Impossiblenot sure why16:22
Impossibleshould i mount in terminal16:22
Axylusyou can use ntfsprogs's ntfsck to check the volume for errors, but I don't know whether it can fix them. additionally, if the drive has a mechanical fault, then running any kind of diagnostic software will exacerbate it16:23
Axylusis it new?16:24
Impossibleit was working on lubuntu16:24
Axyluscheck dmesg for errors regarding reading the disc16:25
Axylusif there are any, then the disc probably has a mechanical fault and you'll need to back-up its contents as soon as possible16:26
lnostdalhi guys, i'm playing around with 13.10 ..   it's ok, but quirky when logging out or shutting down ..   anyone else noticing this? ..     i know it's not released or stable yet – just wondering16:43
elfyquirky? what do you mean exactly - and this might be better in another channel16:45
elfy#xubuntu-devel might be better16:48
lnostdalit doesn't actually restart, shutdown or suspend ..    i end up at the screensaver16:48
brainwashlnostdal: you mean the lightdm greeter (login screen)?16:49
lnostdalbrainwash: nope, the xscreensaver16:49
brainwashrestart/shutdown should not trigger xscreensaver16:50
brainwashso head over to #xubuntu-devel16:50
lnostdalnah, it's ok; just wondering ..    i should probably try this from the 13.10 live CD instead of on a system that's been around for a while (many releases) anyway  .... :)16:52
lnostdali'll try the beta that's out now actually16:53
xubuntu337alguem por ai?18:26
xubuntu337portugues br?18:26
ui_!pt | xubuntu33718:28
ubottuxubuntu337: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:28
frowniis xubuntu a minimalist version of ubuntu?19:14
ui_xubuntu is ubuntu without Unity, with XFCE and some default configuration (panel layout, settings, etc.)19:15
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:16
ChogyDanfrowni: lubuntu is more minimalist if that's what you are looking for, AFAIK19:17
frowniok thanx :)19:17
sogeking99Hey guys I just installed xbuntu and I have a really weird problem where the screen is not...aligned right. it's like split 1/3 of the screen on the left is actually what should be the right side.20:08
sogeking99hard to explain20:08
sogeking99and if i scroll the cursor off the screen to the right, it comes back on the other side20:09
ChogyDansogeking99: maybe your monitor is misconfigured?  with the wrong resolution20:10
sogeking99ChogyDan: it's a 1080p laptop. where is the option to change resolution?20:11
ChogyDansogeking99: try settings > display20:12
ChogyDanim still new to xubuntu, so other than that, I won't know, sorry20:14
sogeking99hmm it is set to 1080p.20:14
ChogyDansogeking99: maybe it is a workspace setting20:15
sogeking99it's really strange20:17
vabiHello is there any way to force mailwatcher to automatically stop being so blu after clicking on it?21:46
Taylr0xHi all. Currently running my laptop using my TV (via HDMI cable) as my display output however the audio appears to be coming from the laptop still. Anyone got any idea on how to get the audio to output via the TV using the HDMI cable?21:48
Monkeytoeis it possible to monitor line in with my speakers?22:01
Monkeytoeso any sound going to line in is always played through the speakers?22:01
Viva_NeroMy xubuntu quantal used to show the xubuntu splash on start up and shut down22:20
Viva_Neronow it displays a black screen with some text22:20
Viva_Nerowhat might've cause this change, and how can I restore the splash screen?22:21

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