
Noldorinlifeless, fair enough. will have a look, thanks01:25
Noldorinhey jelmer01:29
Noldorinwhat's up with this? http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-remove-revisions/trunk/01:30
Noldorinbazaar is sort of dying, isn't it?13:46
smartboyhwNoldorin, what?13:54
smartboyhwBazaar is still widely used by Ubuntu and other FOSS projects13:54
Noldorinsmartboyhw, evidence is that it's been on the decline for a couple of years now, and development is slowing down, especially w.r.t. plugins, and people are gradually abandoning bzr everywhere14:27
Noldorinit's sad, but it seems to be the case14:27
smartboyhwNoldorin, I like Bazaar myself (it's simplier to use), but I think Canonical's efforts has switched to other aspects, so it makes sense14:28
Noldorinmaybe yeah14:28
Noldorinsmartboyhw, the number of canonical devs working on it has decreased dramatically it seems14:29
Noldorinand outside contributions are virtually nil now14:29
smartboyhwNoldorin, yeah14:31
Noldorinsmartboyhw, personally i'm with you. bazaar's conceptua/semantic model of version control makes a lot more sense than, say, git's14:31
Noldorinbut there are other tradeoffs to be make14:31
Noldorinsmartboyhw, a bzr-like wrapper over git might be a nice way forward actually. even some bzr devs have suggested that in the past, i noticed, on a mailing list14:32
smartboyhwNoldorin, OK14:33
fullermdIt's not dying, it's pining for the fjords.14:35
Noldorinfullermd, who knew bzr was norwegian?14:36
fullermdRemarkable version control system, ain't it?  Lovely UI.14:40
Noldorinspeak sense, you!14:51
=== Lasall42 is now known as Lasall
jelmerhi Noldorin15:14
SurvivorZOK. I have a feature branch w/ 8 commits. All 8 commits are merged into trunk. Now I have 5 more commits, merged into trunk, that should be in the feature branch. I know I can get to b4 the merge via $ bzr branch -rREV_B4_MERGE . newDir, but then how do I cherry pick pull the 5 later changes into the new branch? Everytime I do, it includes the merged feature branch, which makes it a copy of trunk.16:44
SurvivorZrepo=".."; for rev in {21..27}; do echo -n "Rebasing -r$rev from $repo: "; msg=`bzr log --short -c$rev $repo | grep -Ev '^ *[0-9]+ [[:alpha:] ]+' | sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -d '\n'`; echo $msg; bzr merge -c$rev $repo; bzr commit -m"$msg"; done17:14
SurvivorZI just created that to do what i want...17:14
Noldorinjelmer, not to mind. i found your old remove-revision plugin. handy little tool, cheers!22:37
jelmerah, cool22:38
jelmerhope it's useful to you :)22:38
jelmerit's not the most efficient way this could be done, but I guess it sort of works22:38
Noldorinjelmer, yeah, it's an infrequent operation, so as long as it works, i'm happy heh22:39
Noldorinjelmer, hmm. is it possible to have a user-local ignore file for a branch?23:00
Noldorini.e. one that doesn't exist in the actual branch23:00
jelmerNoldorin: in short ,no. see the mailing list for details23:01
fullermdWell, if there isn't one for the branch, you can.23:03
fullermdJust stick a .bzrignore in there and don't add it.23:03
fullermd(and ignore itself, so you don't accidentally do so)23:03
lifelessNoldorin: you can have a user-local global ignores file23:04
Noldorinfullermd, yeah i want them side by side, really23:05
Noldorinlifeless, that's good enough for me, i suppose, yeah :)23:05
fullermdYou could hack up the filesystem so that it alternates which one shows up on any given stat()/open()   ;)23:05
Noldorinfullermd, oh oh, what a superb idea!23:07
Noldorinwell worth my time, no doubt23:07
Noldorinso elegant too23:08
* fullermd is full of such wisdom!23:08
Noldorini bet23:08
Noldorinso i'm trying to update bzr remove-revisions so that it works in the latest bzr now23:13
Noldorinbzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'CHKInventory' object has no attribute '_byid'23:13
Noldorinany ideas how to fix this?23:13
Noldorinbut now i need to figure out what's happened to repository.text_store and repository.control_store23:25
fullermdObviously, they're closed for the weekend.23:28
Noldorinfullermd, closed permanently, i hear23:39
Noldorinfullermd, but i also hear they reopened under new names and formats. perhaps you know more about it? :P23:39
fullermdI don't.  I just dork around with the UI, I stay away from that icky "thoPyn" or whatever that's under the hood.23:40
Noldorinheh i see23:41
jelmerNoldorin: yeah, I think the plugin is specific to an older format23:43
Noldorinjelmer, was hoping i could rewrite it easily… but not proving trivial23:44
Noldorinnot with my knoweledge of the internals at least23:44
jelmerit should be fairly easy - basically just clone the repository revisions but exclude the ones specified23:44
Noldorinthat assumes i know the object model23:53
Noldorinbut still23:53
Noldorinif i invest a little time, you're probably right!23:53

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