
manchickenapachelogger: Did you see my post on Trello?02:06
ScottKshadeslayer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2013-September/001714.html05:21
QwertyKbIs plasma active 4 available for 13.10 or 13.04?06:03
valoriewe're only in beta 1 for 13.1006:10
valorieso there is no 'release'06:10
QwertyKbvalorie: I am aware, but I was referring to the version of plasma active in the 13.10 repos or ppa for 13.0406:14
valorieI can only tell ya what I know, which is what i found06:15
QwertyKbok 😊06:20
lordievaderGood morning.07:12
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
OdurHello. A regression has sneaked in to kde-runtime 4.11.1. There is a patch available. http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=11733110:12
smartboyhwOdur, has it been merged into upstream?10:12
* smartboyhw is now more wary of patches:P10:12
smartboyhwOdur, has the patch been merged upstream?10:13
Odursmartboyhw: Will be official in 4.11.210:13
smartboyhwOdur, OK, what's the patch name?10:13
Odura moment10:13
smartboyhwOdur, thank you:)10:14
Oduryou're welcome :)10:14
smartboyhw^ Nobody have objections pulling the patch in?10:14
OdurIt's annoying to have to double-click in the task manager :)10:15
smartboyhwRiddell, yofel shadeslayer: You OK pulling the patch in? I want a prior approval10:20
yofelsmartboyhw: ack10:22
smartboyhwyofel, thanks:)10:22
yofelI have to run though, so won't upload10:22
smartboyhwyofel, sure10:23
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer : Patch in the ~kubuntu-packagers kde-runtime branch, waiting for upload10:32
Odursmartboyhw: Good work :)10:32
smartboyhwOdur, thank you:)10:32
smartboyhwBTW: Time to investigate where the hell did solid/control/networkmanagement.cpp gone in 4.11-.-10:33
smartboyhwIt's breaking plasma builds-.-10:33
smartboyhw*Plasma Active10:33
Kalidarni've noticed with the ppa updates today task manager seems to require you to double click on an application to switch/minimize it10:35
smartboyhwRiddell, you'd better restart the kde-workspace build in 4.11.110:35
Kalidarnis this a bug?10:35
smartboyhwKalidarn, yeah, we're fixing10:35
smartboyhwWill push a fix very soon10:35
Kalidarnah kay :)10:35
smartboyhwHmm, solid/control/networkmanagement isn't in list-missing of kde-workspace -.-10:36
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.1 saucy/archive raring/backports 4.11.0 precise/ninjas | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support | 13.10 Beta 1 released
smartboyhwKalidarn, Odur: Fix uploading for raring10:46
smartboyhwFor Saucy, I need somebody to upload it for me10:46
Odursmartboyhw:  Wonderful. Thank you10:47
OdurI think I'll stay at this channel :)10:48
smartboyhwOdur, great:)10:48
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion digikam 3.4.010:49
smartboyhw^ Sigh, need to file an FFe later:(10:49
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.1 saucy/archive raring/backports precise/backports | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support | 13.10 Beta 1 released
Kalidarnyay smartboyhw 11:03
BluesKaj'Morning all11:33
smartboyhwkubotu: newpackage kqoauth 0.9711:50
smartboyhw(We will want it for Digikam)11:50
yofelsmartboyhw: solid networkmanagement headers are in networkmanagement now, and not shipped12:11
yofelyou'll have to get those through binary NEW12:11
yofelit was removed from kde-workspace in 4.11 and copied into the NM applet as that was the only user12:12
shadeslayerScottK: awesome !12:13
yofelsmartboyhw: btw. I already made a todo bug for digikam yesterday........12:13
* yofel looks at kde-runtime12:16
smartboyhwyofel, -.-12:26
smartboyhwyofel, binary NEW?12:26
yofelif you need those make a new file called networkmanagement-dev or plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dev and put them there12:27
smartboyhwyofel, BTW, if a software has a debian/ folder itself, what TODO if I want to package it?12:27
yofelyou might need an FFe for that12:27
* smartboyhw hates FFe(s) -.-:P12:27
yofelyou could put it into the PA4 FFE maybe as that's why you need it12:28
yofelhm, if it already has a debian folder in the upstream source then I would delete that and repack the source12:29
* yofel gone again12:39
Odursmartboyhw: The new kde-runtime works perfectly13:07
smartboyhwOdur, great:)13:17
smartboyhwBetter upload digiKam without kQOAuth, will wait until upstream removes the debian dir.13:24
smartboyhwHmm, why do I always get 404 in pbuilder-dist -.-13:56
smartboyhw(And that's only for SOME packages, not all)13:56
shrinivasanhello all14:42
shrinivasani need some guide on how to test the kubuntu saucy14:42
smartboyhwHello shrinivasan 14:42
smartboyhwshrinivasan, a guide?14:43
shrinivasani am running testdrive-gtk14:43
shrinivasanand downloading it14:43
shrinivasansmartboyhw: hi14:43
shrinivasanwhat to test14:43
shrinivasanand how to14:43
shrinivasanmanually or automated?14:43
smartboyhwshrinivasan, it's manual.14:43
shrinivasansmartboyhw: do we have any tracker/wiki to document the test cases and results?14:43
smartboyhwshrinivasan, iso.qa.ubuntu.com14:44
shrinivasanchecking it14:44
shrinivasanwhat should we test?14:46
smartboyhwshrinivasan, daily14:47
smartboyhwAlpha 1 and Alpha 2 and Beta 1 are released:P14:47
shrinivasanhope all the tests were run against alpha1,2 and beta114:48
shrinivasando we need to run the tests again for daily?14:48
smartboyhwshrinivasan, well, I don't think anyone will have time to run the tests *daily*14:48
smartboyhwDaily images will be produced every day, yes, but don't test it everyday14:49
smartboyhwshrinivasan, normally, when we really call for testing is when we are about to release 14:49
shrinivasanso we are yet to receive this call. right?14:49
shrinivasanfound http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds/53013/testcases14:49
shrinivasanare these only the test cases?14:50
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yes, we will call before the release of Beta 2. And yes, these are the testcases14:50
shrinivasanwill do the testing14:52
shrinivasananyhow, the testdrive is downloading the daily pack14:52
smartboyhwshrinivasan, sure14:53
shrinivasanhope it wont download the entire stuff next time, when beta 2 released14:53
smartboyhwshrinivasan, it won't.14:53
smartboyhwIt uses a tool called zsync14:53
smartboyhwWhich syncs the contents of the ISO instead of downloading it in full.14:53
shrinivasanwhat are the other ways we can contribute to kubuntu?14:57
smartboyhwshrinivasan, a lot. Packaging, development, documentation, translation. blah blah blah14:57
shrinivasanwill check for them too14:57
shrinivasani am new to c/c++14:58
shrinivasanbut have some experience in python14:58
smartboyhwshrinivasan, good:)14:58
shrinivasanwill check for any python dev options14:58
shrinivasanI see the kubuntu installer has no images 14:58
smartboyhwI think we can get somebody to mentor you in development, probably Riddell or apachelogger (I'm no coder, just a packager and tester)14:58
shrinivasanof relevant topics14:58
shrinivasanwhere ubntu installer has14:59
shrinivasanis it by plan ?14:59
smartboyhwshrinivasan, why do we have no images?14:59
shrinivasanin ubuntu installer,, it will show the big images of14:59
smartboyhwshrinivasan, we do have a slideshow14:59
smartboyhwshrinivasan, we have that14:59
shrinivasanbut kubuntu installer14:59
smartboyhwI don't think we want them too complicated, so our graphics are limited;P15:00
shrinivasanis not having those kind of nice images15:00
shrinivasansmartboyhw: what do have to know to do that?15:00
smartboyhwshrinivasan, well, you learn it over time.15:01
smartboyhwI, for one, learn it over time15:01
smartboyhwFrom Jan till now I think15:01
shrinivasanthats is the way15:01
shrinivasancan we package python based applications too?15:02
smartboyhwshrinivasan, I do suggest you to have a read of Debian New Maintainer's guide and Ubuntu Packaging Guide. And of course, you can package Python-based applications.15:02
smartboyhwKDE packages are less Python-centric though15:02
shrinivasanwill read them too15:02
shrinivasanthanks for the guidance smartboyhw15:15
ScottKyofel: No need to repack to get rid of an upstream debian dir.  In source format 3 they are ignored.15:19
smartboyhwScottK, ooh, interesting15:19
smartboyhwDamn, upstream now released a 0.98 just for the deletion of the debian/ folder-.-15:22
smartboyhwWell. that's good at least, they follow Debian instructions:P15:24
smartboyhw(And they still keep a version with the debian/ folder in another branch. Good practice.)15:24
smartboyhwScottK, yofel: I presume that a package should NOT install things into lib64 right?15:28
smartboyhwusr/lib64 I mean15:28
smartboyhwWell, no it seems15:34
* smartboyhw wonders how to do it with qmake15:37
smartboyhwdamn, qmake is much hell difficult to work on then Cmake or autoreconf15:54
Riddellwelcome along shrinivasan 16:02
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1222133] Kwin regression slipped in KDE 4.11.1 - Taskbar minimize/maximize @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1222133 (by Sergio Callegari)16:53
ScottKI've just uploaded what I hope is a fixed pykde4 to my PPA (kitterman).  Once it builds, assuming it does, would someone on saucy please check and see if the pykde related badness we've been seeing is resolved.17:28
ScottKRiddell: ^^^17:28
ScottKMeh.  FTBFS. Nevermind.19:00
NoskcajCan someone make kde-workspace and kubrick rebuild on amd64?22:05
yofelwhy kde-workspace?22:06
Noskcajyofel, The builld crashed22:10
yofelNoskcaj: retried22:12
shadeslayeryofel: you didn't upload 4.11.1 for precise?23:49

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