
PewPewPewHey guys00:19
PewPewPewSince my off provblem of all ppas working being the backports, beta pbackports experimtal and such workingt besides those ones, and no one giving an anseer, 9i decided to reinstall00:20
Gsportgo go go blue systems00:21
PewPewPewbut i noticed the install bug with dual/multi monitors still happens00:21
PewPewPewwhere the panels get missed up and the only thing on the onael if you are loucky is activits00:22
PewPewPewso you have to rm 0-rf !!/.kde and go00:22
PewPewPewAnjy fix on a featuyre innnstall cd? its nnaoying plusd i happens on firswt boot00:22
PewPewPewmajor typos sorry00:23
PewPewPewbut yohyu got the point00:23
amichairwill kde #324470 hotfix be released quickly (as some distros have done), or only with 4.11.2?01:39
ubottuKDE bug 324470 in widget-taskbar "Minimize/maximize by clicking taskbar entries requires double click." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32447001:39
JMichaelXman i've been having a nighmarish evening with k/ubuntu....01:50
JMichaelXi installed 12.04 on a dell vostro 1000, for a friend, but there was no audio.  then i installed 13.04, but no audio. finally got audio working, by adding a line to alsa-base.conf, but no audio from the headphones jack, at all01:53
JMichaelXi also have an inspiron 1501, and thought,  oh well, i'll give that to my friend instead. 13.04 live cd worked fine. installed to HD, rebooted.... kernel crash.01:55
JMichaelXso then, i installed 12.04. live CD worked, installed to HD. rebooted, all still worked (except wifi). did tons of updates, rebooted.... kernel crash at bottup, every time01:56
JMichaelXbasically, no combination works01:59
JMichaelXif the think didn't lock up, maybe i could troubleshoot02:01
JMichaelXit appears that issues with the broadcom wifi driver are related to these kernel lockups... anyone know what the deal is?02:09
QwertyKbAre packages for Plasma Active 4 available?04:51
crystallineIs Kubuntu the #2 ubuntu distro? (ignoring mint)05:32
valoriemint isn't an ubuntu distro, strictly speaking05:40
valoriecrystalline: do you mean historically? by popularity, or what?05:40
crystallinevalorie: number of users, or more importantly, the amount of developer manpower05:41
valorieI would guess we have the largest volunteer devel team05:41
valoriefrom what I've seen at UDS, in lists, in IRC, etc.05:42
crystallineI remember seeing kde performing great in games with compo off... is it better on now?05:42
valorieI get great performance, but am not a gamer05:43
crystallinebefore on was a big hit, if it's tiny these days... well i'm already opening the amd64 torrent lol05:43
crystallineI do 3D work too, cad/maya/blender, linux seems to perfer that stuff05:43
valorieit's hard to measure numbers of users05:43
valoriewe often lead in the polls, but that really only measures "how many users see the polls"05:44
crystallineIt's easy fishing for number of users by having a standard system that anonymously calls home with a unique hash05:44
crystallinecanonical says they don't know the exact number... but that amazon plugin lets them get a rough number05:45
valoriesure, but we don't have the amazon plugin05:45
crystallinethe stock browser... have the search and homepage default to a kubuntu page, count unique hits, bam05:46
valorieAmarok has one for the cart, but users have to know to turn in on.....05:46
valorieand there are ubuntu Amarok users as well, so.....05:46
crystallinelots of kde software users on non-kde distros05:47
tsimpsonwe do have popcon, but it's opt-in: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/main/metapackages/by_inst 05:47
crystallinei'm using quassel and kate on everything lol05:47
valorieit would be cool to know, just for promo purposes, but really -- what do we need figures for?05:51
crystallineHow well is 13.10 working? pretty much bug free or a mess?05:56
mybadgood morning05:57
mybadcould someone please help me?05:58
crystallinewith wot05:58
mybadminutes before the muon updater came up and wanted to install 4.11.1 in many apps05:59
mybadi remember there was no cross on ksysguard, so i made the cross. didn't think that much, it wanted to remove kubuntu-desktop. just thought it won't make any problems somehow06:00
mybadbut now kde isn't starting anymore06:00
mybadkubuntu 13.04 logo screen comes and then just a black screen06:00
mybadtty1 comes up so i hope it won't be a big problem :)06:01
mybadwhen i type startx into console only a black screen is coming06:02
mybadwould maybe sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop help?06:05
mybador sudo dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop06:05
mybaddon't wanna make a mistake again06:05
mybadit was working like a charm06:06
mybadsomeone awake?06:15
valoriemybad, reinstalling kubuntu-desktop would surely help06:16
valoriereconfiguring it if it was removed won't help06:16
mybadhi valorie. so is this the only choice? could it do any harm or that i have to reconfigure the desktop settings?06:23
valorieIt cannot hurt06:24
valorieif it says that kubuntu-desktop is already installed06:24
mybadi will give it a try06:24
valoriethen you can reconfigure06:24
valorieyou can even say 'install --reinstall'06:24
mybaddoes it make any difference?06:26
mybadsry, do u mean "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop"?06:27
valoriethe --reinstall part will make it reinstall even if it is already installed06:28
valorieand yes, that would be correct06:28
mybadok, i understand06:28
mybadthanx for ur help06:28
QwertyKbYou can also remove kubuntu-desktop then install it, should add in the missing packages06:29
valorieit can cause a panicky feeling when everything disappears06:29
QwertyKb(Though I have no idea what your actual probllem is)06:29
valorieit's happened to me06:29
valorieIRC helps!06:29
mybadlike first sudo purge kubuntu-desktop?06:29
mybador sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop06:30
mybador better autoremove06:31
mybadso it has happened to u before valorie? so i assume just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop is the choice?06:32
mybadbut i think kubuntu-desktop is already removed06:33
mybadso long dolphin -v tells me 4.11.106:33
valorieI messed up an install or upgrade a couple of years ago06:33
valorieIRC was very helpful, if just to remind me that someone cared06:34
QwertyKbvalorie: Removing kubuntu-desktop will never remove its dependencies, u nless you used aptitude06:34
valorieright, kub-desktop is a meta-package06:35
mybadas i can remember it also made changes to other packages but i just clicked ok on it and went away from the desktop. when i came there, i clicked on install updates and wanted to have a reboot06:36
valorieI wasn't saying I had the identical situation, just that everything was messed up, and I didn't want to panic, I wanted to fix it06:36
valorieit's always good to read the messages rather than just clicking OK, but it's sorta too late to do that now!06:37
mybadyeah sure, i always do that but i had never problems before with kde updates before06:38
mybadso i wasn't that sceptical. i'm very new to linux but i really love it and don't miss anything from windows except the gaming part but i don't play that much so it's ok06:40
valoriewell, our packagers are awesome06:42
valoriebut not Godlike06:42
valoriemistakes sometimes creep in06:42
valorieanyway, reading the info teaches more about the system and how it works06:42
mybadfeel a little bit sad that i didn't switch earlier to linux. already tried it a few times but my wifi stick wasn't compatible at this time and din't feel the need to switch, although i was pretty interested in this system.06:47
mybadthe installing kubuntu in may this year and i completely switched.06:48
valoriethis isn't religion, though -- it's tools to help you accomplish what you want06:51
valorieif you had something that worked before, that's fine06:51
valorieI'm still learning, and i'm a grandma06:52
mybadbut this even works better for me, except of this problem now... 06:58
valoriewell, linux on the desktop has gotten a lot better in the last 10 years or so06:59
valoriewhich is how long I've been using it06:59
mybadsudo apt get install kubuntu-desktop told me 0,0,0,0 " sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop tells me 81 to remove with 2.723 mb"?07:04
valoriethat's a lot to remove07:04
valorieinstall --reinstall sounds better to me07:05
mybadnow i made sudo apt-get install --reinstall07:05
mybadit loaded a few thing07:05
valoriedo you know about up-arrow?07:05
mybadtyped startx but still black screen07:05
valorieso you don't have to re-type all the time?07:05
mybadyeah, i already know07:06
valorieyou might have to restart KDE again, once it finished installing07:07
mybadhow can i do this?07:08
valoriesudo reboot07:09
mybadah, ok thank u. just made i8t manually before07:09
lordievaderGood morning.07:12
mybadas what i can see it seems maybegood morning07:12
mybadbefore i was able to get in grub menu, but didn't chose the recovery mode07:13
mybadno i'm not able to get there again07:13
mybadata4 revalidation failed, ata4 interface fatal error. that doesn't sound that good07:14
mybadnow i'm in recovery mode07:19
mybadshould i use fsck?07:19
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valoriemybad, do you have a recent iso, so you can just reinstall?07:24
valoriethat is much simpler and faster than trying to fix this07:25
mybadu mean a new untouched kubuntu 13.04 iso?07:25
valoriethat would be best, IMO07:26
valorieand fastest07:26
mybadi could download it now and put it on a usb stick later07:26
mybadi assume i shouldn't use a 13.10 iso, as i have 13.04 installed07:27
valorieI'm about to disappear from here, I think07:28
valoriethat's only in beta 107:28
mybadhm are there no other options?07:28
valorie13.04 is great07:28
valorieyes, but they all take time, and knowledge07:28
mybadyeah me, too i have some things to now in rl so there's time to dl it and check back later07:28
mybadi had 13.04 installed when it was still in beta and seemed to work better and better07:29
mybadbut i think this problem shouldn't be too big, all directorys r still there07:30
mybadthanks for ur time valorie :)07:30
mybadhave a nice day07:33
mybad09:28:58] <mybad> yeah me, too i have some things to now in rl so there's time to dl it and check back later07:35
mybad[09:29:29] <mybad> i had 13.04 installed when it was still in beta and seemed to work better and better07:35
mybad[09:30:17] <mybad> but i think this problem shouldn't be too big, all directorys r still there07:35
mybad[09:30:35] <mybad> thanks for ur time valorie 07:35
FloodBotK1mybad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
mybadwill check back later, have a nice day07:35
chaotixhi.  in Kolourpaint, when i attempt to save, nothing happens, no response at all...  any suggestions??  i really need to use kolourpaint right now for something, gimp is too complicated for me, and all the other drawing programs suck, i only use kolourpaint, on windows and on linux08:15
backtanybody know why vuze dont wanna download in ubuntu08:16
chaotixdoes anyone at least know of a drawing program likekolourpaint that has relatively easy to use transparency features?  its the main reason i use it over other paint programs08:22
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chaotixi was able to accomplish my goal with pinta, but it would be nice for the bugs in kolourpaint 4.10.2 were worked out08:29
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KadricBonjour tout le monde10:20
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tolookinthegasswhats the fastest way to fill a drive with data ? 11:30
tolookinthegasswith only a kubuntu install cd 11:30
BluesKaj'Morning all11:33
tsimpsontolookinthegass: what kind of data?11:37
tolookinthegassany kind 11:38
tsimpsonwell you have /dev/zero for a stream of zero bytes11:38
tolookinthegassi just need to fill up all the drive sectors 11:38
tsimpsoncombine with the dd command11:38
tsimpsondd if=/dev/zero of=/the/device11:38
tsimpsonthere's also /dev/urandom for random data, but that will take longer (as the system has to generate random bytes)11:39
tolookinthegasshmm this is quite an old box 11:40
tolookinthegassis there any reason that the partition manager that comes in kubuntu wont 0 out the data for you ?11:41
tsimpsonthere's usually no need to do a full format11:42
tsimpsonand it can be bad for disks to write too often to the same sector11:43
tolookinthegassyes but sometimes you do need a secure wipe and its noteven packaged with wipe :( 11:43
tolookinthegassurgh next time i will just bring gentoo or redhat 11:50
tolookinthegassthe problem with dumbing something down is sometimes you need something basic and its not there like a secure erase and then it turns into a nightmare becouse someone wanted to drop something that every other system disk in history has 11:51
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DragnslcrDid you check the DVD to see if it has the shred package?11:54
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tolookinthegassdont worry i think i have opensuse in here somewhere, its sillyness to mess around in cli for something so simple 11:55
DragnslcrOkay, I guess there isn't a shred package. It might be installed by default11:55
DragnslcrThe DVD might have the wipe package, if you like that better11:56
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Dragnslcrshred is part of the coreutils package11:57
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CrytoViralHas anyone else experienced a bug with KDE IM where the contacts don't show via Bonjour protocol ?13:26
Roey::cricket::                          ::cricket::13:53
RoeyHeidy, Heidy_ Heidy__.13:55
Roeyheidy________:  bot?13:55
RoeyBluesKaj:  who has joined on with like seven duplicates13:56
smartboyhwikonia, thank you:)14:00
BluesKajdoesn't seem to be working , could be a script /bot14:01
BluesKajthis heidy_____ person is in Columbia , that's what the IP shows 14:03
BluesKajerr Colombia14:03
viphi there14:15
vipI've problem with bluetooth/networking; when I connect to my audio receiver via bluetooth networking stop work (can't ping anything), icon shows I'm connected14:16
vipalso, no dmesg messages about it14:16
vipwhen I disconnect, networking works again14:16
vipit worked for me last time (i suppose 1-2 months ago)14:17
vipany hints?14:17
CrytoViralvip, sounds like a bug with bluetooth if it's producing results like that14:22
vipI've got bt mouse too, it seems not to take over my networking ;)14:23
BluesKajvip:  suggest you use a wired connection to your audio receiver like optical or coax out from your soundcard14:25
CrytoViralvip, It's a very strange result, almost like a hardware conflict ?14:26
vipCrytoViral: but always worked14:28
vipBluesKaj: because of the sound quality?14:28
CrytoViralIs the bluetooth internal, or a USB dongle ?14:28
vipI usually listen directly from audio cd or something, but sometimes I just want stream from my laptop for a while14:29
vipCrytoViral: internal 14:29
BluesKajvip:  amongst other things yes , too many levels of processing IMO , but that's your call14:29
vipI suppose, It recognizes it wrongly, or setups it as audio & network 14:29
CrytoViralvip, Could be something with a hardware switch, has it always worked14:29
vipCrytoViral: BT is always on, wifi too14:30
vipAs I said, I've bt mouse 14:30
CrytoViralSo you always have the BT mouse connected when using wifi ?14:30
vipright now, e.g.14:31
viphmm, it works now (i've done it manually with bluez-test-audio connect <mac>14:33
vipthank you for your help CrytoViral, it seems it work now14:35
CrytoViralI'm not sure I helped haha14:35
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pandev92anyone know, why kde 4.11.1 need two clics for open a minimized application xD?14:59
amichairwill kde #324470 hotfix be released quickly (as some distros have done), or only with 4.11.2?17:05
ubottuKDE bug 324470 in widget-taskbar "Minimize/maximize by clicking taskbar entries requires double click." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32447017:06
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terry333hi peoples18:45
terry333how's gone18:45
terry333you'r searching to download new games film music 18:46
terry333from irc18:46
ubottuterry333: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:46
CrytoViralI wasn't aware people actually used XDCC anymore. 19:23
CrytoViralHow time doesn't move on.19:23
eagles0513875hey guys i have 2 pen drives which are not being picked up in my 13.04 install they are formatted in fat21:30
eagles0513875any ideas why they are not being detected?21:31
eagles0513875even gparted is not picking them up.21:31
valorietry a different USB port?21:33
eagles0513875valorie: yes i did21:34
eagles0513875same issue21:34
valoriebut they are seen on other machines?21:35
CrytoViralformatted in FAT ?21:35
CrytoViralare they like 100mb usb sticks ?21:35
CrytoViraleagles0513875, have you use Win32 imager 21:37
CrytoViralby any chance21:37
eagles0513875valorie: yes on my imac they hare21:37
eagles0513875CrytoViral: fat32 one is 4gb and the other 16gb pen drives21:38
eagles0513875CrytoViral: is it available on linux?21:38
CrytoViralno im just wondering21:38
CrytoViralbecause win32 formatting style is stupendous, any space it doesnt use for the ISO it renders unusable 21:39
eagles0513875:-/ ok 21:39
CrytoViraleagles0513875, what does lsusb output 21:39
CrytoViralwith the usb plugged in21:39
eagles0513875CrytoViral: http://pastebin.com/wyrWg0ia21:43
eagles0513875its like its seeing it but not the full 16gb 21:43
valoriecould it be only partly formatted?21:44
CrytoViraldo, sudo fdisk -l 21:45
CrytoViraland tell me the output 21:45
eagles0513875valorie: could be.21:45
eagles0513875CrytoViral: its not even seeing the usb drive21:45
eagles0513875i cannot even mount it21:45
CrytoViralit is seeing the usb drive21:46
eagles0513875fdisk -l doesnt return me anything though 21:46
eagles0513875except the 2tb hard disk i have21:46
CrytoViralsudo fdisk -l 21:46
CrytoViralhmm ok, do you have a windows pc on?21:46
CrytoViralis the issue the same on a windows pc21:46
eagles0513875CrytoViral: i tried on mac osx21:47
eagles0513875that is where i reformatted them21:47
CrytoViralso OSX successfully mounts them and you can access the usb drives21:47
eagles0513875i formatted them on it21:48
CrytoViralout of curiosity 21:48
CrytoViralcan you format one of them ext421:48
eagles0513875on mac no21:49
eagles0513875actually wait a min 21:49
eagles0513875no that wont work actually 21:49
eagles0513875i can still make a bootable pen drive on my imac but its pointless if i cannot then boot it on this system21:49
valorieit would be interesting to see if that pen drive will mount on any other system21:50
valorieif not, the fault will be on the mac21:50
CrytoViralit's the way the software you're using on the mac is formatting the usb21:51
CrytoViralits corrupting the file system21:51
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eagles0513875windows detects the drives as well CrytoViral and valorie21:53
valorieplot thickens, then21:53
CrytoViralare you using the same software on both os's21:53
eagles0513875im using the native formatting methodds on both mac and windows21:53
CrytoViralok nevermind those]21:54
CrytoViralgrab a free partitioning tool for windows21:54
CrytoViraland try that21:54
eagles0513875like what21:54
eagles0513875i have gparted here21:55
eagles0513875CrytoViral: http://pastebin.com/xn4xu1Vy21:58
CrytoViraleagles0513875, anmything free#21:58
eagles0513875CrytoViral: that is from dmesg 21:58
CrytoViralit does see the usb#21:58
CrytoViraljust not the file system 21:59
CrytoViralso i thinkk whatever youre using is corrupting the file system21:59
eagles0513875ok that makes no sense wouldnt windows and mac osx not be able to see it as well21:59
eagles0513875all im using are the built in formatting tools which are included with the respective systems21:59
eagles0513875how can i determine its mount point CrytoViral22:00
CrytoViralits the only thing i can think of, we can try another tool to rule it out 22:00
eagles0513875bah this is frustrating CrytoViral :( 22:03
CrytoVirali cant really understand why it wouldnt detect it22:03
eagles0513875i wonder could it be somethign relating to a kernel issue 22:05
eagles0513875let me try something22:05
ikoniakernel issues ???22:05
ikoniaeagles0513875: what are you actually trying to do 22:05
eagles0513875ikonia: for some reason 13.04 is not detecting my pen drives22:10
eagles0513875yet windows and mac osx detect them just fine22:10
ikoniaeagles0513875: define detecting them, at what level 22:11
eagles0513875ikonia: in other words not mounting them sudo fdisk -l doesnt show it /media doesnt show the device there the first pastbin is showing that the system is detecting it but it seems like it doesnt recognize the file system22:11
ikoniaeagles0513875: ok, so mounting is the problem22:11
ikoniaeagles0513875: first question, what partition table format is on the devices ?22:12
ikoniano, that'a a file system22:12
ikoniare-read the questin22:12
eagles0513875ikonia: they just have a single partition22:12
ikoniano, re-read the question22:12
eagles0513875ikonia: i didnt specify anything as i used the default settings when i reformatted the device using the windows format tool22:13
ikoniaeagles0513875: you must know what partition format you put on the devices22:13
ikoniathis is basic stuff22:13
eagles0513875you mean block size and that sort of stuff?22:13
ikoniais it an msdos partition table, gpt, bsd etc22:14
eagles0513875msdos 22:14
ikoniaok, great22:14
ikoniahow big is the pen drive 22:14
eagles0513875one is 4gb the other 1622:14
ikoniaok, so sane sizes, good22:14
ikoniaclear your syslog, tail it, put one on, do you see anything22:15
ikoniaput one "in" sorry22:15
eagles0513875there is one line im noticing which is suspicious22:16
ikoniafrom a clean syslog ?22:16
eagles0513875yes 22:17
eagles0513875from when i inserted the pen drive22:17
ikoniaso it sees the device, which is good22:18
ikonialooks like it doesn't see it as a disk though22:18
eagles0513875that is correct 22:19
eagles0513875if i do a sudo fdisk -l all i see is the 2tb hard disk where the os is installed22:19
ikoniaalso what is device 4 that it disconnects, is that the re-checking of the same device or a different device22:19
ikoniaformat fdisk -l, 22:19
ikoniaforget fdisk -l 22:19
ikoniayou're not at that level yet22:19
eagles0513875thats the thing i dont know what device 4 is22:19
eagles0513875the only thing that i unplugged was the usb device22:20
ikoniathats fine - it's re-scanning the same device22:21
ikoniaso basically it's not detecting it as a hard disk, we need to fix that22:21
ikoniafirst check lsusb, it should be seen there without issue22:21
ikonialook at the udev rules, and grep for mtp-probe, one of those rules is a "catch all" rule for not full identified devices, identify that rule, see what pattern it's matching22:23
ikoniaonce you've done that, create a manual rule providing more detail than the catch all pattern matching so it doesn't get hit with the catch all rule22:23
eagles0513875ikonia: you will need to walk me through this if you dont mind as i have never had to do this before22:24
ikoniaeagles0513875: it's not as hard as it sounds22:24
ikoniagrep the udev rules for mpt-probe, these are all the rules that trigger mpt-probe (which is what your usb device is doing)22:24
ikoniayou'll see the patterns they match eg: 00, 04, 05, aa22:25
ikoniasee what's matching against your device, eg: 004783474 - it would be the "00" that's matching22:25
ikoniathen make a new rule for for a disk, with 004783474 as the identifier22:25
ikoniathat way it matching 004783474 and makes a disk, rather than the "00" of 004783474 and tries to run mpt-probe22:26
ikoniait's basically just pattern matching22:26
eagles0513875ok question for you ikonia last time i used these pen drives on this system everythign worked fine what could have changed in udev since then?22:28
ikoniaa rule update ? device id update ?22:29
eagles0513875ok 22:29
ikonia(at a guess)22:29
ikoniayou may know more / be able to work it out more when you find the udev trigger for it22:29
eagles0513875ok i dont think i found the right thing ikonia22:33
ikonianot found any mpt-probes ?22:33
eagles0513875no there is only one but its in /lib/udev22:34
eagles0513875and is nothing but digits which has to be viewed with od22:34
ikoniawhere are you looking ?22:34
eagles0513875in the above mentioned location. ill be honest and stright forward with you im horrible with regex22:35
ikoniathe rules are in /lib/udev/rules.d22:36
eagles0513875ok i found the file let me check in there :) 22:38
eagles0513875thanks to the arch forums actually22:38
ikoniaa good source of info, just remember arch can do things different22:38
eagles0513875ikonia: i know i did put me in the right direction as to the location of the file22:39
ikoniaits multiple files, just so you know22:39
ikoniathere should be more than 1 rules file22:39
eagles0513875http://paste.ubuntu.com/6076809/ that is one of them22:40
ikoniathats it, you get the idea22:41
eagles0513875that seems to be the only one22:41
eagles0513875and its not finding anything in there for the device22:41
eagles0513875ikonia: these are the other files 22:42
ikonianothing for mtd ?22:42
eagles0513875ikonia: there is but you said mpt22:42
ikoniasorry, typo, mtd22:42
ikonia75-probe-mtd looks a good starter22:43
eagles0513875# do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on update  ACTION!="add", GOTO="mtd_probe_end"  KERNEL=="mtd*ro", IMPORT{program}="mtd_probe $tempnode" KERNEL=="mtd*ro", ENV{MTD_FTL}=="smartmedia", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe -bv sm_ftl"  LABEL="mtd_probe_end" 22:43
ikoniaback shortly, but you get the idea22:43
eagles0513875thats all there is in that file22:43
ikoniaeagles0513875: check others22:43
ikoniabut you get the idea.....22:44
eagles0513875ok ill brb22:44
eagles0513875ikonia: seems it has somethign to do with the partition table22:51
eagles0513875on creating a bootable usb and trying to boot on it im getting a missing operating system error22:52
eagles0513875ikonia: this might be of interest to us Sep  8 00:58:54 EagleEye mtp-probe: checking bus 1, device 7: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-4" Sep  8 00:58:54 EagleEye mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 7 was not an MTP device22:59

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