
darkangelany 1 here know how to debug? i need help03:34
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smaudethello, I'm trying to figure out where to put a couple bugs I found with the rpcbind package? They are both in the upstart-job area, so I don't think it is a Debian level bug, but a Ubuntu package maintainer bug, am I correct? Should I just submit a diff of my file to the mailing list? Do I need to use bzr or can I just use dpkg to generate my diff? (I already have downloaded the official source package, I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS)21:42
smaudetI have patches, so I don't just want to submit a bug, although I'm fine with doing that on launchpad as well.21:43
Noskcajsmaudet, use "ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME"21:54
smaudetNoskcaj: thank you, with regards to submitting my patch what is the fastest way to go about this?21:58
Noskcajattach the patch to the bug.21:59
smaudetNoskcaj: ok thank you22:00
Noskcajno problem22:00
smaudetNoskcaj: how long should this process take? It appears the ubuntu-bug program is buggy - there's a window titled "Collecting Problem Information" that appears to have no insides, and its been nearly 10-20 minutes22:10
smaudetrpcbind is not a large program, as I said I've already download, inspected, and compiled the source, so I should know.22:10
smaudetI will kill the process and try again in another minute, however if this does not work, what would be the next best avenue to take?22:11
penguin42no, it should be nearly instant - maybe 30 seconds22:12
Noskcajsmaudet, if it's not working, try going to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rpcbind/+filebug and attach any logs you think would be used22:12
smaudetpenguin42: just buggy then, worked nearly instantly the second time around22:16
smaudetGreat...ok... so ubuntu-bug worked this time, and then it opened up the wrong browser - I tried copy pasting the url to a different one and it told me invalid oped id transaction - am I going to be able to find the bug I just submitted again?22:18
smaudetI'm already logged in via my correct browser22:19
Noskcajsmaudet, Just try to put up with the different browser long enough to report the issue22:20
smaudet=/ I'm just going to uninstall it and submit again22:21
Noskcajsmaudet, The issue might have been that you haven't set the browser you use as the default22:23
smaudetNoskcaj: yes that is probably an issue, my defaults are all a mess - seperate issue for another time22:24
smaudetNoskcaj: I have like 5 or 6 different files all saying different things and needing to be updated, so its always russian roulette opening a browser22:24
smaudetWhat happens to defaults when the 'best answer' is to 'right click on it in nautilus' - worst answer there could possibly be actually22:25
smaudetThat worked much better, came up as a notification instead :)22:29
smaudetAlthough I still have to figure out how to purge rekonq22:29
Noskcajsmaudet, "sudo apt-get purge reconq" ?22:32
smaudetNoskcaj: ran it, I'd have to submit the bug again to see if the conf went away, but its likely a conf issue outside of the package22:41
smaudetNoskcaj: and thanks for your help, new bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rpcbind/+bug/122227422:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222274 in rpcbind (Ubuntu) "Incorrect upstart-job configuration" [Undecided,New]22:41
smaudetNoskcaj: I have another bug to submit as well though on a different package so I'll see if rekonq went away yet22:42
NoskcajIf you want to try and get them fixed, it helps to see if they still happen on the latest development release. in this case 13.1022:43
smaudetI did check whether the bugs were fixed in the latest branch on launchpad already22:44
smaudetAnd it didn't look like it.22:44
smaudetWill my patches still be usefull?22:44
Noskcajsmaudet, definitely. Just wait for someone add the patch22:44
penguin42smaudet: are the bugs ubuntu only bugs or upstream?22:45
smaudetpenguin42: they are in the upstart configuration, so I believe that is Ubuntu only22:45
smaudetI don't think Debian has upstart-jobs?22:45
smaudetI did look inside the debian/control if that's what you're asking and it recommended that I mail ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com so I think that it is a downstream issue...22:46
smaudetIf you can tell me otherwise I'll push the patch upstream22:46
penguin42ah, if it's actually upstart then yeh it'll be local22:46
smaudetThere actually is a similar bug in Debian, but they are using init.d scripts, so I didn't think it applied22:47
smaudetForgot to put that in the bug report, will edit it.22:48

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