
=== dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
Hydr0p0nXis libgusb included w/ 12.04.3 ? I don't see it installed01:46
DonkeyHoteibtw, the ceton driver is in the mythbuntu updates repository01:50
Hydr0p0nXawesome :)01:50
Hydr0p0nXanything special i need to do for tuning adapter?01:52
Hydr0p0nXit's a cisco sta1520 if it matters01:52
DonkeyHoteiyes, there is a daemon that needs to run, and it's not in a repository01:53
Hydr0p0nXctntad- sound right?01:55
Hydr0p0nXk, that's what i was getting ready to build01:56
DonkeyHoteithere's no pressing need to have it in a repository, because building it locally just once suffices. the kernel module needs to be rebuilt for each kernel, so the package in the repository is there to automate that01:59
Hydr0p0nXbut, the one i've got has a dependency on libgusb, and libgusb has a dependency on a bunch of glib and gio packages02:01
dmfreytgm4883, hey just updated to .27 RC1, now all my recordings rules are over scheduling recordings03:33
dmfreyupgrade went smooth, btw from mcc03:33
dmfreyare the update servers acting slow right now13:14
dmfreyi keep timing out from one of my machines trying to get updates13:14
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=== dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
=== dahlSTROM|sleep is now known as dahlSTROM
tgm4883dmfrey, I've not seen the over scheduling of recordings, but I watch shows pretty far after they have aired17:49
tgm4883You might want to check if there is a bug report for that17:49
tgm4883the one thing I noticed was that my previously recorded shows don't report the correct length (they report about 10 minutes shorter)17:50
dmfreythey look to have cleaned themselves up17:50
dmfreyprobably just while mythfilldatabase was running after the upgrade17:50
dmfreyis that related to comm flagging?17:50
tgm4883could have been17:50
dmfreyi have noticed that for a while now17:50
tgm4883I don't think so, although I suppose they might need reindexed17:51
dmfreyand when it gets down to like the last minute of a show, the timeline when pressing info usually shows something like 10 minutes left in a show, but the number is at least right17:51
tgm4883I've not noticed that17:51
dmfreybtw, do you know if there is anything going on with the ubuntu us mirror?17:52
dmfreymy ion frontend keeps getting stuck about 50% trying to get the updates17:52
tgm4883dmfrey, have we had this conversation before? I'm having the strangest sensation of dejavu17:54
dmfreyi don't think so17:54
dmfreythis just started for me last night17:54
dmfreyupdated my mbe without issue17:54
dmfreynow the issue is with the fe only box17:54
tgm4883dmfrey, beta 1 for ubuntu was released on Thursday, so they probably pulled some servers to help with that17:55
tgm4883dmfrey, you might want to look at squid-deb-proxy and squid-deb-proxy-client17:55
dmfreyoh, i didn't realize they were coinciding17:55
dmfreyi had that setup before17:55
dmfreybut i think it got disabled when I last upgraded the mbe to lts17:55
dmfreyi don't think i ever reenabled it17:56
dmfreytgm4883, i am getting a lot of access denied messages with squid-deb-proxy18:30
dmfreyi think i found it,ppas aren't added to the squid-deb-proxy  config18:34

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