
slangasekScottK: so there's a python-cinderclient upload in raring-proposed which, according to bug #1191848, seems to have been intended for -backports?00:31
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1191848 in raring-backports "please backport cinderclient 1.0.4 to raring" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119184800:31
darkxstwould it be ok to upload https://launchpad.net/bugs/1219188? do I need to do a Ffe for that?01:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219188 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Add support for separate background on lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]01:22
ScottKslangasek: I'm away from an appropriate computer, would you please reject and reupload to backports?01:22
=== jbicha is now known as Guest92324
slangasekScottK: done03:51
ScottKThanks.  Just now got to my computer to look in on it.03:51
slangasekScottK: well, it seems my upload didn't take anyway, because it's older than the version in the archive.  Is the upload target for backports still the same?04:04
slangasekI mean, the same as the rest of Ubuntu uploads04:04
ScottKYes, just foo-backports for release.04:04
slangasekhmm, that's what I had04:04
slangasekok, that upload was *really* broken04:05
slangasekit was an upload of 1.0.3, in response to a request for backporting 1.0.4.  And saucy now has
* slangasek washes his hands of this mess04:05
ScottKI'll take a look at it.  Thanks.04:06
ScottKThat was not fun.04:59
ScottKEnded up uploading both a fix to 1.0.5 in saucy and having to fish 1.0.4 out of LP (and fix it as well).05:00
ScottKOne more time, with the epoch ...05:08
thotzis it possible to upload blender in saucy or am I too late? I have made a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blender/+bug/122038410:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220384 in blender (Ubuntu) "FFe: Blender to version 2.86a" [Undecided,New]10:52
smartboyhwthotz, fix https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blender/2.68a-3 's build failure:P10:54
thotzsmartboyhw: that's my problem. I can't do such things.11:02
smartboyhwthotz, why?11:02
thotznot enough knowledge. maybe wrong channel here, last time I asked to get gimp 2.8.6 in saucy that was in ubuntu-devel.11:05
thotzbut i read about ffes11:05
smartboyhwthotz, now that it's in -proposed, it doesn't need an FFe. You just need to make it build.11:10
thotzsmartboyhw: ok i understand. I removed ffe from the bug.11:13
thotzsmartboyhw: but the build thing, but I think blender 2.68a should be in Saucy. I'm a simple bug triager and I like to test new things. I simply have no time for more. but thank you!11:21
darkxstwould it be ok to upload https://launchpad.net/bugs/1219188? do I need to do a Ffe for that?18:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219188 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Add support for separate background on lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]18:01
darkxst^ Laney, stgraber ?18:01
stgraberdarkxst: you'd need a FFe18:02
darkxststgraber, ok, updated bug18:15
loolthere seems to be something wrong with this package build: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android/20130905-0ubuntu4/+build/4943178 it's been running for 2 hours and stopped making progress; previous builds on the same buildd took 45mn21:26
loolI'm tempted to try this Cancel build button21:28
stgraberlool: I'll wait till :45 see if it's just some horribly slow I/Os on that final dpkg-deb call, if not, I'll cancel, disable that buildd and have it restarted somewhere else21:28
stgraberinfinity: ^ (stuck on lamiak)21:29
elmoit finished21:29
elmo2013-09-07 19:41:59+0000 [-] Returning build status: OK21:30
elmoI've no idea why launchpad's claiming it's still building21:30
stgraberso unless we've got some of the LP guys around (wgrant?) I guess our best bet is to cancel the build and have it rebuilt (and waste 45min of buildd time...)21:31
lool(or cjwatson perhaps)21:32
loolwould be nice to preserve the broken build somehow, to allow investigation21:33
loolnot sure whether upload an ubuntu5 would be any better than cancelling the build on that respect?21:33
stgraberwell, between what elmo said above, the build log (that I believe is now always kept) and the fact that it's clearly currently in state BUILDING in LP, I don't think we'd loose any debugging data by cancel+rebuild21:34
stgraber(and that'd save myself an android re-upload)21:34
loolok, lets do it then21:35
stgrabercanceling (well, trying to anyway), not sure what'll happen since there's nothing to cancel on the builder side21:37
loolseems to stick in the Cancelling state; can't possibly be long since there's nothing to do?21:37
stgraberyeah... I'll upload another no change rebuild then21:38
loolthanks, sorry for your waster time and bandwidth21:39
stgraberelmo: hey, if you're still around, could you check the status of:21:47
stgraberthose are chromium builds all pretty much at the end of the build process and using the 3 other i386 buildds21:48
stgraberso I'm wondering if we don't have some kind of bigger issues with all our buildds being somehow stuck21:48
stgraberthe chromium builds on the amd64 buildds also appear to be done but still running according to LP...21:49
infinityDoes buildd-manager need a restart perhaps?21:54
infinityelmo: Can you give buildd-manager a restart on alpaca?21:54
infinitystgraber: You didn't need a no-change rebuild for that, it's quite clearly (I think) buildd-manager being stuck, not the buildd.21:56
stgraberinfinity: yeah, it wasn't clear at the time (I hadn't spotted that all the other builds were in the same state)21:56
infinityThat's the failure mode for buildd-manager being stuck.  Build finishes, but never gets reaped.21:56
cjwatsonYeah.  Sorry I didn't get here in time, could have saved you a reupload.21:58
cjwatsonlool: FWIW this failure mode cannot ever have anything to do with the archive21:58
infinityShame I was eating dinner at the time people were cancelling and reuploading.21:58
infinityOh well.21:58
cjwatsonThe cancel will probably not actually happen (even though it claims it's happening)21:58
infinityNow we wait patiently for someone to restart buildd-mangler, or call the emergency number.21:59
infinitycjwatson: It should happen when buildd-manager is restarted and picks up its new state, I'd guess?21:59
stgraberwell, I should have checked /builders before re-uploading, not after. How well, we'll just waste 45min of one i386 builder, it's not the end of the world.21:59
infinityOr maybe it'll reap the SUCCESS build instead.21:59
cjwatsoninfinity: No, neither21:59
cjwatsoninfinity: It isn't actually cancelling because it succeeded - the cancel actually gets ignored22:00
infinitycjwatson: What do you figure will happen?  Fail the builder and cry for help?22:00
cjwatsoninfinity: (But it might be superseded by the time it succeeds)22:00
infinitycjwatson: Want to ring up elmo before it's too late in the UK for that to be a polite thing to do, and we'll get it all unstuck?22:01
cjwatsoninfinity: Could somebody else?  The children are asleep after something of a battle to get them that way and I'm trying to avoid making noise.22:02
infinityI'm just trying to avoid the double-whammy of long distance and roaming charges. :P22:02
loolI can call22:03
loolis it the emergency number, or literally elmo's number that I should call?22:03
infinityWell, given that elmo was here ~30m ago, calling him would probably be sane.22:03
infinityThe emergency number, if you'd prefer not to bug elmo.22:04
infinity(Though he might be the on-call guy anyway)22:04
loolI'll try the emergency one, seems more appropriate22:04
cjwatsonI would use the emergency number.22:04
cjwatsonAssuming this is actually something that can't wait.22:04
infinityIt can't wait until Monday, we seem to have thoroughly buggered all the x86 buildds.22:05
cjwatson(buildd-manager isn't actually totally dead, it's just having its usual problems with certain builds)22:05
infinityYeah, but it's "dead enough".22:05
infinityDid someone remove the 80% rule for PPAs for me?22:05
infinitycjwatson: Was that you?22:05
cjwatsonJust in case people were under the impression that it was actually entirely crashed22:05
cjwatsoninfinity: Yes, I did22:05
infinitycjwatson: Just for non-virt, or for all PPAs?22:06
cjwatsonAcross the board22:06
cjwatsonGiven decent cancellation it provides no real benefit22:06
* infinity nods.22:06
cjwatsonMight as well build things as fast as possible and then occasionally need to cancel when something needs to jump the queue NOW22:06
infinityYeahp, that was my argument too.22:06
infinityThe most efficient use of resources is to be always building.22:06
cjwatson(Also it was a pain to fit that code into wgrant's refactoring, because it meant that dispatch logic depended on things that happened earlier in the same scan22:07
slangasekstgraber: finally figured out the sbsigntool bug, so sbsigntool + shim-signed 1.3 are now uploaded22:10
stgraberslangasek: nice! thanks22:10
slangasekwhich gives us actual secureboot netboot, as soon as we get a pregenerated tftp-capable grub22:10
infinityslangasek: Say, where's my non-crufty apt? :)22:11
cjwatsonslangasek: (er, yeah, not ignoring you on that, just didn't have bandwidth to think about it at the weekend)22:11
slangasekcjwatson: no problem :)22:11
infinityslangasek: Regarding sbsigntool, is this something we want backported/SRUed?22:11
* cjwatson -> away22:12
* infinity notes that ftpmaster is still running 0.4-0ubuntu2~0.IS.10.04.1, which could explain some curious things I see in publisher logs.22:12
slangasekinfinity: apt> I'll do that later this evening, I really needed to be done with this shim nonsense and now I need to not be at a keyboard for a while :)22:13
stgraberinfinity: yeah, I think we want gnu-efi, sbsigntool, shim and shim-signed SRUed to 12.04 for 12.04.4 (as we clearly missed 12.04.3)22:13
infinitystgraber: Check, and current sbsigntool also tossed in lucid-cat, perhaps?22:13
slangasekinfinity: backported/SRUed> yeah22:13
infinity(since that's what actually signs the bits in the archive)22:13
slangasekinfinity: can't we make lucid-cat obsolete instead? ;)22:14
infinityslangasek: 95% of -cat goes away when we upgrade pepo to precise which is happening Very Soon.22:14
slangasekinfinity: right, so I would Not Worry About Itâ„¢22:14
infinityslangasek: I've been trying to make sure Soyuz reqs are getting SRUed to precise, so we don't need to rely on cat.22:14
infinityWhich reminds me, time for a dpkg SRU for ppc64el.22:15
infinity(And a saucy upload)22:15
slangasekwe want sbsigntool updated in precise as a precondition for SRUing shim itself; the distro's demands on sbsigntool are much more onerous than the archive's22:15
slangasekis ppc64el landed in dpkg upstream?22:15
slangasekanyway, afk now22:16
infinityslangasek: It is, yeah.  jbailey filed the bug a month or two ago, and I think guillem landed it in 1.1722:16
infinityWhich I was going to merge if it ever got to testing, but it's not done so yet. :P22:16
infinityAnyhow, adding a new arch is a 1 or 2 line patch, not worth the full merge just for that.22:16
infinityslangasek: Regarding the "need it SRUed to SRU shim", pretty sure that means you need it updated on pepo too.  Since the signed binary in shim-signed is coming from pepo, not from your machine.22:18
infinityOr is shim special?22:19
infinityOh, shim is special because it's signed by MS, not us.  Derp.22:19
infinityI keep trying to foget that fact and, apparently, succeeding.22:20
stgraberyeah, the sbsigntool issue was when taking a signed binary, detaching the signature and re-attaching the signature to another binary as is done during shim-signed's build to validate MS signed our binary and not something else.22:20
stgrabercurrent sbsigntool would give us a resulting binary that'd be slightly different (extra padding) and would fail the check.22:21
infinityRight, go be AFK better.22:21
infinityfo0bar: Does this mean you're at the other end of the emergency number?22:21
fo0barinfinity: it's whoever's on call for the weekend.  so yes, for this weekend22:22
infinityfo0bar: Shiny.  We need buildd-mangler restarted on alpaca.22:22
infinityfo0bar: That would be buildd-manager on alphecca, if you don't speak fluent infinity. :P22:23
fo0barinfinity: ... we have so many naming schemes, I took at face value that "alpaca" was a valid hostname22:24
fo0barand was updating sshebang to try to find it22:24
infinityfo0bar: Hahaha.  Sorry about that. :)22:24
fo0barinfinity: buildd-manager was hard hung.  killed, starting now22:28
fo0barI haven't handled it in a long time, but it appears to be going through the right motions.  it's doing ppa-resets now22:29
infinityIt seems to be doing some Stuff and Things, yes.22:29
infinityHard to say how happy it is until it's reaped a bunch of these builds.22:29
fo0barinfinity: cool.  I'll be around; lool was just unfortunate enough to call while I was in the shower.  ping me if it doesn't look good22:30
loolfo0bar: thanks for restarting22:31
loolfo0bar: hope you still managed to finish the shower  :-)22:32
stgraberi386 and amd64 look good now22:32
infinityYeah, it's all clearing up.22:32
loolI see android build was somehow recancelled and is running from start again, that's fine22:32
infinitylool: That's a new version.22:32
stgrabermy initial android build got marked superseded, the second one is building now22:32
loolinfinity: oh right, it hadn't even started building22:33

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