
=== parallels_ is now known as gizm_
=== gizm_ is now known as gizmo_
MartijnVdS"Ocelittle" - http://i.imgur.com/FycWalC.jpg05:17
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:11
brobostigonmorning arc__09:21
arc__Some reason in windows it keeps asking me to format my partition with ubuntu on09:25
arc__How can it even see the partition09:25
tsimpsonthe OS can see all the partitions09:29
tsimpsonit just won't recognise the filesystem on it and assume it's unformatted09:30
popey\o/ fan fitted10:23
ali1234http://paste.ubuntu.com/6074263/ <- can someone test this on raring please?10:24
ali1234nvm, tested it10:46
ali1234worked as expected, saucy is broken :(10:46
bubuhey guys, can anyone see whats up with this regex? ^stats\.*\.apps.deployments\.*11:00
bubutrying to match stats.bla.apps.deployments.bla11:00
bubunot working :/11:00
penguin42bubu: Is this a grep or perl regexp for a start?11:05
=== HoT|2fC^ is now known as ^aDaM
^aDaMHello all :)11:07
* ^aDaM is officaly a daddy!11:08
ali1234bubu: * means zero or more of the previous character11:09
penguin42adam_: Oh congrats!11:09
ali1234bubu: so your regex matches stats......apps.deployments.........11:10
penguin42bubu: Yeh so depending on your quoting you want to get the . as opposed to \.11:10
ali1234that wont work either11:11
ali1234it will match stats.(anything at all)11:11
bubuso this seems to match stats.bla.apps.deployments.bla in the checker11:11
bububut it doesn't work..11:11
bubuja :/11:11
ali1234can i suggest you do not use regex?11:12
bubuI have to use regex :/11:12
bububecause the code I am using regquire me to feed it a regex11:13
ali1234that doesn't sound like a compelling reason to me11:15
bubuit's for a storage-schema11:15
ali1234that works, tested it11:18
bubuthanks dude11:20
bubustill not working11:20
penguin42bubu: With regexps the trick is to build it up from smaller chunks that work11:21
penguin42bubu: So can you get a really short one that matches say ^stats  to work?11:21
ali1234pattern = ^servers\.www.*\.workers\.busyWorkers$11:23
ali1234look at that, it's a none standard implementation11:23
ali1234regex is supposed to be greedy11:23
ali1234that pattern shouldn't work :/11:23
ali1234never use regex11:24
* penguin42 didn't think that greedyness was that big a problem as long as it was unambiguous because of the ending\11:28
ali1234it depends on the implementation11:31
ali1234the original does not look ahead at all11:32
popeyhmm, pc still making noises11:46
popeycould be gpu fan or psu fan11:49
^aDaMthanks penguin4212:16
^aDaMyou messaged the wrong adam penguin42 lol12:17
^aDaMtagged even12:17
popeydamnit, it was the gpu fan12:22
popeygah, this card is ~2 years old. time flies12:27
penguin42^aDaM: Haha ok12:35
=== virusuy_ is now known as virusuy
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)15:47
penguin42hey bc15:47
ali1234ali12345678: test18:04
arc__Hi all22:37
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
penguin42popey: are those crashes that are captured from segs or something or actually from the type of thing in the bug you ref?23:02
popeypenguin42: i cant parse that23:03
penguin42popey: The X bug you pointed to, would that have caused entries to be gathered against xserver-xorg?23:04
popeypenguin42: scenario is thus:- Machine locks up for a period of seconds. I wait. After some seconds - 10-30 it responds. I may or may not get a popup. Looking in /var/crash I see lots of crashes23:04
popeyall from the same thing23:04
popeythe bug was the result of me going through the apport popup wizard, yes23:04
popeyresulting from one of those crashes23:04
penguin42hmm but X doesn't restart?23:04
popeyGPU lockup, not restart23:05
popeynow happening on both my intel laptop and my desktop23:05
penguin42hmm ok, I wonder how whoopsie gathers that crash log for that and recovers it23:05
popeydidnt happen on my desktop until today because I removed the nvidia card (you saw the pics) and thus reverted to intel onboard video card23:05
popeylooks like it's slowly uploading them23:06
popeyoh, no, it uploaded one a while ago23:06
popeyprobably clever enough not to bother with the rest23:06
* popey sleeps23:07
popeygoing to leave machine on all night with no apps open23:08
penguin42popey: Interesting, never seen it recover from that stuff - but anyway, good night23:08
n1md4evening.  has any one experinced rsync not copying all data before?23:59
n1md4I've not before, but just have now ... any ideas?23:59

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