[06:15] morning all [06:29] hi Kilos [08:04] hiya SilverCode [08:06] hi SilverCode [08:12] theblazehen, whats a lisp [08:12] explain in old peeps english [08:13] Kilos: programming language, once used for AI [08:13] Is said to be a very "eegant [08:13] elegant* language [08:14] AI=artificial intelligence [08:14] yeah [08:14] intelligense [08:14] ai! [08:14] ty [08:14] intelligence* not intelligense [08:15] oh it was right [08:16] yep] [08:45] ai! what a schlep, i joined hi5 years ago to chat to someone for a week and now i keep getting emails so+so has bought your pet for so much, and i cant find how to delete the account [08:45] http://www.accountkiller.com/en/delete-hi5-account [08:45] i looked there but nowhere do i see delete or close [08:45] grrrr [09:03] good morning [09:03] Maaz: coffee on [09:03] * Maaz washes some mugs [09:03] hi charl_ [09:07] hi Kilos [09:07] how's it going [09:07] ok ty and you? [09:07] Coffee's ready for charl_! [09:10] Maaz: thanks [09:10] charl_: No problem [09:11] Kilos: i'm good [09:11] just trying to wake up :) [09:50] whow there were a lot of ubuntu updates recently [09:54] seems like i got a kind of attack on my mail server during the early morning hours http://paste.ubuntu.com/6074167/ [09:56] charl_: you run a mail server? [09:57] theblazehen: yes, for myself [09:57] nice. how much ram minimum? [09:57] i run it on a vps at hetzner with 512mb [09:57] I also want one... [09:57] for a mail server you need practically nothing [09:57] charl_: Got a good guide? [09:57] I never managed to get one working [09:58] apt-get install postfix ? :) [09:58] i have no idea, maybe there are some guides if you search online [09:58] i have been running mail servers for almost 10 years [09:58] ty [09:58] is that what you did? [09:58] i just installed mutt which automatically installs postfix [09:59] and will that give you imap access? [09:59] left everything at the default configuration but make sure your /etc/hostname is set to a FQDN [09:59] ah ok [09:59] no [09:59] ty [09:59] it's not an imap server it's an smtp server [09:59] mutt reads the mail from the local mail file [09:59] ok. How do i get imap then? [09:59] for me it's /var/mail/charl [10:00] many years ago i experimented with dovecot [10:00] ah ok [10:00] but that didn't look like a really good server [10:00] kk [10:00] at a company i was working we ran exim [10:00] ah [10:00] much more solid mail server [10:00] ty [10:00] i don't like throwing open unnecessary ports so i try to keep that to a minimum [10:00] yeah [10:00] smtp i have no choice and postfix seems pretty solid [10:01] ok [10:02] today i'm going to try and get prosody running again [10:03] 0.8 looked pretty good but didn't support ipv6 and i want all services running on my vps to be fully dual-stack [10:03] so i ended up waiting until 0.9 was released which it has now been for a few weeks [10:05] figured out i could configure mutt to read mail from imap at work a couple of months back, works really nicely [10:16] ah ty charl_ [10:17] I'll give it a try again, but if I don't get it right, mind helping? [10:19] theblazehen: sure ping me if you get stuck [10:19] ty [10:19] although i can't be of much use when it comes to imap, just postfix + mutt [10:19] kk [12:16] south africa is in the world-wide trends on twitter right now [12:17] seems to have something to do with rugby though [12:17] wow [12:18] look on any twitter profile page in the worldwide trends box on the left [12:24] boks just beat aus [12:24] 38/12 [12:25] i have no idea about rugby but i assume it was a big victory [12:26] with that score 38 > 12*3 [12:26] yeah first time we beat them in brisbane [12:26] oh in their own country? [12:26] very nice [12:26] pwned :P [12:26] tara is extatic [12:26] we don't really have rugby in europe, only soccer [12:27] however you spell that [12:27] ecstatic [12:27] whew [12:27] whatever [12:27] :) [13:49] hi Vince-0 [13:53] hey Vince-0! [13:58] hi Vince-0 [14:10] hello 0/ [14:10] nuvolari, apologies I was offline, thanks for all the pings ;) [14:12] haai [14:14] I love my new GNU + Linux inside sticker [14:15] kbmonkey: Nice :) [14:15] hi kbmonkey [14:16] hello meneer Kilos [14:17] did you guys enjoy rms [14:17] hey when is the video coming [14:17] i will keep nagging until i get it :) [14:18] video or it didn't happen :P [14:19] charl_: I'm also nagging... Still not happening [14:19] Nag directly: smokestorm2110@gmail.com [14:19] yes Kilos very much [14:20] we got some funnies joined studies, they talk funny stuffs [14:20] lol Kilos [14:20] hehe [14:23] Kilos: Do you approve of " funny stuffs" ? [14:23] like jokes? [14:23] yeah but would be better if i could understand it [14:23] no man AI stuffs [14:23] with lisp [14:24] oh cool [14:24] :D [14:25] who is doing lisp? [14:25] cdh473 [14:25] Was talking about lisp machines [14:27] i need some AI to replace mine [14:27] lol Kilos [14:28] haha [14:28] smokestorm ?! [14:28] lol who is that [14:28] oh that command didnt replace defaults enough to show the panel in kde [14:28] charl_: other friend [14:28] ok [14:29] charl_: one who recorded RMS [14:29] ah cool [14:57] good afternoon [14:58] hi magespawn [15:01] i missed last night [15:01] got a bit caught up in the school AGM [15:14] I see there was a fair amount of activity [15:18] Anyone need something done in python? [15:20] theblazehen: how deo you mean? [15:21] I'm not doing anything much tomorrow, and I have SSH to a VPS, so I wanna code some python [15:23] hehe teach an ibid to braai steak [15:23] hi magespawn [15:23] Kilos: sure [15:29] Hey Kilos [15:54] theblazehen: i'm currently looking at this https://github.com/erindru/m2t [15:54] theblazehen: in relation to this: http://www.openseedbox.com/ [15:54] theblazehen: in particular, this: https://github.com/erindru/m2t/blob/master/m2t/scraper.py [15:55] ok [15:55] check it now [15:55] there is some more info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1680209/how-to-calculate-the-scrape-url-for-a-torrent [15:55] the spec: https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Tracker_.27scrape.27_Convention [15:55] charl_, dont mess his brain now hes busy looking at ibid [15:56] heh [15:57] charl_: yeah? [15:59] what i was thinking is it would be handy to be able to search for torrents via irc [15:59] display the magnet link together with the seeders/leechers [15:59] and total downloaders [15:59] charl: good idea! [16:00] and by torrents i mean legal torrents, that is not of particular concern to me [16:00] Kilos: don't really feel like installing all the ibid dependencies on my system :/ [16:00] charl_: lol :p [16:00] haha [16:01] theblazehen: have you tried virtualenv? [16:01] charl_: nope [16:01] then you don't have to clutter your system with dependencies [16:02] create a virtual environment and destroy it later [16:02] http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/ [16:02] charl_: will it even work for pacman? (arch linux package manager) [16:02] Why not normal chroot anyway? [16:02] that i don't know [16:03] you clever peeps tell me what dependancies and packages must be installed on kde for the konsole to work/show [16:04] weve removed something [16:04] not konsole the panel with launcher sorry [16:05] sorry no idea [16:05] i just installed kubuntu-desktop and everything got automatically installed with it [16:05] there is surely a command that can show what all the panel needs [16:05] yeah thats the prob [16:05] i have to find them manually nmow [16:05] now [16:06] ians kde works but no panel and everything else works from konsole [16:22] what will this command do please [16:22] sudo ./install [16:22] that depends on what you are trying to install [16:22] the usual combination is ./configure make and make install [16:23] oh its not everything in root install [16:23] this looks like something else [16:23] Kilos: if you 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop' it should reinstall the desktop, but should only need to download the missing software [16:23] this will execute the install script in your current working directory [16:23] im trying to get his basic install reinstalled so panel comes back [16:23] i think ive tried that magespawn [16:24] if it gets missing somehow it won't help to try and reinstall it [16:24] unless you first remove everything but i'm still not sure [16:24] Kilos: how did it go missing? [16:25] isn't it already installed but the panel just got removed off the desktop somehow? [16:25] i think if you right-click on the desktop there should be a menu allowing you to add the default panel back [16:25] he was banned from freenode because of open proxy thing so i got himn to remove samba and havp [16:25] and i dunno what else [16:25] i don't know what havp is [16:25] it doesnt show add panel [16:26] very hard to say [16:26] some proxy thing [16:26] if you removed a package that kubuntu-desktop depends on then kubuntu-desktop itself will also have been uninstalled [16:26] its something we removed [16:26] i don't see how this would affect the desktop [16:27] he has the normal screen view but no panel or launcher [16:27] and you can't add a new panel? bizarre [16:27] ai! [16:27] good evening [16:27] Kilos: are we still on that? [16:28] hi inetpro [16:28] how's it going [16:28] hi charl_ [16:28] hi inetpro yeah [16:28] good and yourself, nice and warm in Pretoria today [16:28] yeah [16:28] much better [16:28] Kilos: you didn't follow my advice? [16:29] Kilos: create another user [16:29] hmm... what didnt i follow [16:29] oh i mailed him to try that but havent had feedback on if he did [16:29] lemme try get him [16:31] inetpro: did you go see stallman? [16:31] theblazehen: nope, unfortunately couldn't get away from my work [16:32] inetpro: pity :( It was great [16:33] * inetpro hates wasting time in traffic and away from the office [16:34] a video would be nice [16:34] hi inetpro [16:34] hello magespawn [16:35] how long do you spend in traffic? [16:36] magespawn: half an hour max is all I can take [16:38] yup traffic is not fun, i like driving, but traffic *bleeg* [16:38] * inetpro enjoyed the video of Vint Cerf at Jozihub last night [16:39] that event I wouldn't mind going to [16:39] rms is a bit too controversial for me [16:41] inetpro: waiting for my friend still [16:42] from what i have seen his views are extreme, but he does present them and without sounding like a nutcase [16:43] Vint Cerf Fireside Chat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgqEMSM1Gio [16:43] ty inetpro [16:43] that ^^ was fun watching [16:43] bit long though [16:45] * inetpro wbb [17:10] inetpro: vint cerf! url please! [17:10] :) [17:12] oh sorry only saw it now lol [17:26] OMF! Linux on my router XD [17:32] Maaz: coffee on [17:32] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [17:33] inetpro, sorry he didnt try it. he forgot. gets home and sleeps. we will try tomorrow [17:33] Maaz, coffee please [17:33] Kilos: Sure [17:33] Kilos: np [17:34] much easier to test the basics first :-) [17:36] Coffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos! [17:36] Maaz, danke [17:36] Bitteschön [17:37] Maaz: dankie [17:37] Groot plesier inetpro my vriend [17:37] lol [17:37] now where do we find the rusks? [17:38] ask and yell be directed [17:38] in the oven, freshly baked [17:38] dried [17:38] sigh [17:38] Maaz, rusks please [17:38] behind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos [17:39] doop n ouma doop n ouma [17:40] finally starting to cool down, it was a hell hole here the last two days [17:40] i can breathe again :) [17:42] wish I could press a button and have rusks delivered from the shop now [17:42] yeah hehe [17:43] soon you will be able to [17:43] soon? [17:43] havent they got online pizza deliveries yet [17:43] everything will be done via internet [17:44] Kilos: yes but it takes a while [17:44] no instant food unless you have ratpacks [17:44] the hyperloop is what we need to speed things up [17:45] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperloop [17:46] whew connected to each house [17:46] no more home cooking [17:46] sigh [17:46] :-) [17:56] i go sleep. night all you young vital peeps [17:58] hmm... young vital peeps? [18:11] night Kil [18:12] I expected tab complete to work... [18:40] this one looks really good: http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/ [18:41] i used to use this one instead: http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/ [18:41] ok... [18:41] the nice thing about tornado is that it was one of the first to support websockets [18:41] that interface is not wsgi compatible though [18:41] because you keep an open connection [18:41] what about pyramid? [18:41] yeah [18:42] oh pylons? [18:42] it was created by one of my former colleagues at stanford [18:42] ah nice [18:42] saw a talk at SFD [18:44] a guy called ben bangert [18:44] he was also one of the people behind lex machina [18:44] that's how i know him [18:45] http://www.linkedin.com/in/bbangert [18:46] ah ok [18:46] here's the history http://www.pylonsproject.org/about/history [18:46] the initial version was really poorly documented but the current site looks awesome [18:46] an extreme perfectionist that guy [18:47] ty [18:47] i don't understand what pyramid is though [18:48] it's a web framework\ [18:48] or i mean, how it realtes to pylons, it's new [18:48] reading http://www.pylonsproject.org/about/history [18:48] i mean http://www.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/about [18:48] pyramid = pylons + repoze.bfg [18:49] ah ok [18:49] pylons was a dead end in terms of architecture [18:50] hmmm [18:51] and the Pylons and the BFG teams had been interacting a lot [18:51] so after a beer or two they decided to merge the two projects [18:51] yeah why not, better software for all [18:51] i lost track of what has been happening to the python world, have been out of it somewhat the last few years [18:53] i am a big fan of tornado, was much better than the alternatives (at the time) [18:55] for those that read german: http://www.heise.de/developer/meldung/Python-erreicht-Spitzenwert-bei-Softwarequalitaet-1948541.html [18:55] a link i saw posted to #ccc on ircnet earlier [18:55] basically talks about how python has some of the best quality code [18:58] charl_: nice link! [19:01] ok i'm off [19:01] have a good evening all [20:53] \o/ [20:53] Arch Live USB install fully functional [20:54] Bought an 8Gb flash just for that today [20:54] now I need to find use for it :P [20:55] besides laying in my cubby-hole [20:55] you never know when a friend needs a resqueue [20:55] *resque [20:57] yay nuvolari! [20:57] rescue* [21:00] argh! it didn't look right :P [21:00] thanks theblazehen [21:00] Lol. Night! [21:00] night === n is now known as Guest70870