
c_smithI take it this is the place I would go if I had something to discuss Ubuntu Gnome 13.10?03:51
c_smithjust so I know for future reference03:51
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | IamTrying04:08
ubottuIamTrying: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:08
wilee-nileetry that to start with04:08
vanishingIamTrying: what graphics card do you have?04:08
IamTryingwilee-nilee, if i use nomodeset then i can see its working. But then i do not HDMI-1 and VGA-1 working04:08
vanishingnvidia I recon04:08
IamTryingvanishing, GeForce GT 620 Nvidia04:09
wilee-nileeIamTrying, You need to run a update and check the additional drivers04:09
IamTryingvanishing, LiveCD shows Perfectly HDMI-1 and VGA-1 but after installation i did 3 times reboot since then i have black screen.04:09
vanishingIamTrying: yep..do nomodeset, install nvidia driver, generate xorg.conf, reboot without nomodeset :D04:09
IamTryingwilee-nilee, apt-get update and upgrade i also did04:09
wilee-nileeIamTrying, You know where additional drivers are?04:10
vanishingIamTrying: thats not enough, you have to install nvidia-current04:10
vanishingor something similar04:10
IamTryingvanishing, i did that too but no luck ( http://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/295.33/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.33.run&lang=us&type=GeForce )04:10
vanishingno i mean the one in repo04:10
wilee-nileeIamTrying, run software-properties-gtk   and check additional drivers04:10
IamTryingvanishing, i also installed nvidia-current but then it auto matically goes as like nomodeset04:10
vanishingwhere you can install with apt-get or synaptic04:10
IamTryingOK wilee-nilee let me do that one software-pro..gtk04:10
vanishingIamTrying: yea..thats why you have to generate xorg.conf04:11
vanishinglike I said before :D04:11
wilee-nileeIamTrying, I am not real up on graphic drivers so follow vanishing04:11
IamTryingOK - let me try strange and weired LiveCD works perfect but after installing in disk display is doing strange04:11
vanishingif I recall correctly04:12
vanishingthe command you want to run is04:12
vanishingwith sudo04:12
IamTryingvanishing, i will do it now too. there is another strange thing happening 1) nomodeset and booted 2) init 0 3) via SSH i see its rebooting but my Monitors keep showing frozen black screen and the PC stays on04:13
vanishingIamTrying: that might be related or not..04:14
vanishinganyways, try to get graphics working first04:14
IamTryingvanishing, 0) now i am in  nomodeset 1) then installed http://i.imgur.com/5uFlbUV.png 2) tried http://i.imgur.com/yAIskjM.png  (failed) 3) should i reboot and retry?04:19
vanishingIamTrying: erm...image no longer available..04:20
vanishingthe first one04:20
IamTryingvanishing, http://i.imgur.com/5uFIbUV.png04:20
vanishingIamTrying: the second one is just saying, there was no xorg.conf04:20
IamTryingsorry L was "i"04:20
vanishingand xorg-xconfig just created one for you :D04:20
vanishingi mean nvidia-xconfig04:20
vanishingso it should be safe to restart04:21
IamTryingvanishing, so i remove now nomodeset and reboot?04:21
IamTryingvanishing, After doing above. Rebooted and after Bios screen i get this > http://i.imgur.com/s86J2SF.jpg04:23
vanishingIamTrying: something's wrong with the xorg.conf file...04:24
vanishingbut dont panic :D04:24
vanishingcan you ctrl alt f1 and cat out /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:25
vanishinguse pastebin04:25
IamTryingvanishing, Please http://paste.ubuntu.com/6077671/04:26
vanishinggimme 1 min04:29
vanishingit seems ok04:29
vanishingIamTrying: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current04:30
IamTryingvanishing, 1) i did apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current it was ok 2) i did init 6 3) i get same thing http://i.imgur.com/s86J2SF.jpg04:33
vanishingIamTrying: try to add "blacklist nouveau" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf04:34
vanishingand can you also pastebin the output of lsmod04:35
IamTryingvanishing, 1) applied blacklist 2) and rebooted http://paste.ubuntu.com/6077688/04:36
IamTryingvanishing, after reboot it comes again : http://i.imgur.com/s86J2SF.jpg04:37
vanishingIamTrying: nvidia module is not loaded04:38
vanishingIamTrying: if you do sudo modprobe nvidia_current04:39
vanishingfollowed by sudo service lightdm restart04:39
vanishingdo you get low graphics notice?04:39
IamTryingvanishing, # modprobe nvidia_current04:40
IamTryingFATAL: Module nvidia_current not found.04:40
vanishingIamTrying: what if you do sudo modprobe nvidia instead?04:40
IamTryinglibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:791 kmod_module_insert_module: could not find module by name='nvidia_304'04:41
IamTryingERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304': Function not implemented04:41
vanishingthe problem is probably the kernel module wasnt there04:41
IamTryingvanishing, service lightdm restart apply i get this same thing back: http://i.imgur.com/s86J2SF.jpg04:41
vanishingwhich version of nvidia do you have installed?04:42
IamTryingvanishing, nvidia-current amd64 304.88-0ubuntu104:43
vanishingthats it?04:43
IamTryingvanishing, Version: 304.88-0ubuntu1 ?04:44
IamTryingvanishing, but i did 1st ) http://i.imgur.com/5uFIbUV.png04:45
IamTryingthen nvidia-current04:45
IamTryingso it was like 1st installed 310 and then installed 304 ( apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current )04:45
vanishingIamTrying: follow this04:46
vanishingIamTrying: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6077708/04:46
IamTryingWORKS - Oh my god GURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRU thanks a billiooooooooooooooooon GURUUUUU. WOW finally it works back thank you so much, you are Genius.04:50
QwertyKbHi, after installing 13.10 beta, it takes me to a grup prompt.04:57
QwertyKb13.04 works fine04:57
QwertyKbI have noticed though that 13.10 detects my drive as /dev/sdb while 13.04 as /dev/sda ... and vice versa04:58
wilee-nileeQwertyKb, from a usb?05:13
wilee-nileeQwertyKb, you have both 13.04 and 13.10 installed the description is a bit empty of actual details.05:14
QwertyKb_wilee-nilee: No, I had 13.04 which worked, and tried replacing it with 13.10 beta05:16
QwertyKb_When I boot 13.04 it detects the same drive as /dev/sda1 while 13.10 sees it as /dev/sdb105:17
wilee-nileeQwertyKb_, 13.10 is installed and on another HD, or on a usb05:17
QwertyKb_(There are 2 disks in the machine, both versions have a different idea about which is sda and which is sdb)05:17
QwertyKb_wilee-nilee: On the same hdd where 13.04 had been, I erased 13.04  and replaced it with 13.10 on the same partition!05:18
wilee-nileeQwertyKb_, which disk is first in the bios to be read?05:18
QwertyKb_wilee-nilee: What 13.04 saw as sda and what 13.10 sees as sdb05:19
vanishingsudo grub-install /dev/sdb05:19
QwertyKb_Well its UEFI so I'm not sure whether there is a real order.05:19
wilee-nileeQwertyKb_, can you run sudo fdsik -l and pastebin it05:19
QwertyKb_I'm installing on an mSata SSD05:19
QwertyKb_On Windows currently, give me a few mins05:20
QwertyKbwilee-nilee: No output at all on 13.1005:27
vanishingjust sudo fdisk -l05:30
vanishingno more arguments05:30
QwertyKbwilee-nilee: vanishing  http://paste.kde.org/pc76909e7/05:32
wilee-nileesorry I misspelled fdisk, I'm not really up on uefi isuues is all.05:35
QwertyKbFound this in /etc/default/grub on target install ... is this normal?05:35
QwertyKbGRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`05:35
vanishingthats normal05:36
QwertyKbAny idea why it would behave as such05:38
vanishingthe problem is grub does not boot the install right?05:39
QwertyKbexactly what is described here and with Kubuntu itself https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/122201705:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1222017 in linux (Ubuntu) "UEFI GRUB Fails After 13.10 Beta1 Installation?" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:39
vanishingcan you follow this?05:41
vanishingI'm not good with it either..05:41
rcythrSo I'm out of ideas. I'm using the g++-4.8 package from Saucy. Anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing g++ to refuse to enable threading? I'm pretty sure it's just a weird linking issue that's making g++ use the wrong lib06:28
bazhanguse the saucy version for raring?06:36
bazhangwhyever would you consider doing that06:37
rcythrI just want g++ 4.8. I figured installing the saucy package would be easier/faster than building from source06:37
bazhangso no specific reason?06:37
bazhang!find g++06:38
ubottuFound: account-plugin-aim, account-plugin-facebook, account-plugin-flickr, account-plugin-google, account-plugin-jabber, account-plugin-salut, account-plugin-twitter, account-plugin-windows-live, account-plugin-yahoo, activity-log-manager (and 15869 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=g%2B%2B&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all06:38
bazhangmixing version packages is really a bad idea06:39
rcythrI'll just build it from source then. It'll probably take 10 hours, but if using the packages is that bad an idea...06:40
bazhangif it were some peripheral PPA, then it might fly, but something major like that will introduce way more issues than it purportedly solves, and of course is in no way supported06:40
bazhangfor example, using the raring version of handbrake on saucy06:41
bazhangsomeone wanted the newest version of glibc just yesterday06:41
bazhangsaucy does come out in a few weeks, I hope you realize06:42
rcythrYes, I realize06:42
bazhangok, well good luck, whatever you decide06:43
rcythrthank you :)06:43
rcythrI'll just install 4.8 for source06:43
rcythrI'd rather have it in 10 hours than a few weeks :P06:43
tsimpsonrcythr: it's probably easier to just set up a small chroot (and use something like schroot) than backporting the toolchain06:49
tsimpsonquicker too06:50
rcythryea, I've come to senses. I'll just use boost/thread for a few weeks until sausy hehe :P06:50
rcythrbecause a gcc build on this machine will probably finish about the same time as sausy gets released >.>06:51
tsimpsonwhat's the error you get? because boost's thread library would rely on native threading support anyway06:52
rcythrIt's a runtime error that basically says to enable threads06:52
tsimpsonand did you?06:52
tsimpsonboth when compiling and linking?06:52
rcythrthe verbose output even shows that the threaidng model is posix06:52
rcythrMy suspicion is that somehow the linker is using the wrong library06:53
tsimpsonI'm talking about the -pthread option06:53
rcythrI'm doing both in one command06:53
rcythrwith -pthread there06:53
tsimpsonit's odd, maybe you missed something when getting the packages from saucy06:54
rcythrThat's my suspicion06:54
BluesKajhey all14:53
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wiler-nilee
=== wiler-nilee is now known as wilee-nilee
MunchorHi there, no gnome-shell package on 13.10? Has it been removed from repos?19:21
ali1234i doubt it19:22
ali1234i see a gnome-shell package19:22
Munchoroh I see what I did now19:22
Munchorthank you ali123419:22

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