
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch Wifi questions | http://askubuntu.com/q/34277401:11
PaoloRotoloGood Sunday everybody :)09:08
nik90_PaoloRotolo: good morning..hope you are having a fun weekend09:55
nik90_PaoloRotolo: oh btw, We have a dedicated #ubuntu-phone-clock channel for clock devs :)09:56
WebbyIThi nik90 :)10:19
nik90_WebbyIT: hi :)10:43
nik90_WebbyIT: I took the code for the inverse mouse area from the calculator app.10:44
WebbyITnik90_, good, it's like mousearea ;)10:44
nik90_WebbyIT: yeah, it is amazing!10:44
nik90_WebbyIT: am learning a lot after look at the calculator app code10:44
clepto95i did a clean install of 13.04 and i can't install sdk http://paste.ubuntu.com/6078601/10:45
WebbyITnik90_, see others source code is the best way to learn, imo, I often look to other apps10:45
nik90_WebbyIT: yes10:45
clepto95mhall119, any help? ^10:47
WebbyITclepto95, did you add right PPA?10:51
clepto95WebbyIT, the one at "get started"10:51
clepto95WebbyIT, then some others when searching for the answer.. those fixed some packages, the list was bigger before10:52
WebbyITclepto95, do you have  http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa/ubuntu/ ?10:57
clepto95WebbyIT, yes11:04
WebbyITclepto95, mhh, this is strange, because I have packet that your miss from this ppa, just checked with ap-cache11:06
WebbyITclepto95, maybe it's a stupid question, but did you do apt-get update?11:06
clepto95WebbyIT, yep.. how to use ap-cache? never used before11:07
WebbyITclepto95, it's for installed package, apt-cache policy packagename for information about the package11:08
clepto95WebbyIT, ^11:09
WebbyITclepto95, try with qtdeclarative5-folderlistmodel-plugin11:10
clepto95WebbyIT, i think i found the problem11:10
clepto95WebbyIT, the problem must be caused by qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu-cordova11:11
clepto95which is replaced by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOS3LVdpR5A11:11
clepto95oh wrong :P11:11
nik90_Finally got around to doing http://ubuntu-touch.blogspot.nl/2013/09/clock-app-update-sprinting-towards-1310.html11:11
WebbyITclepto95, there is a wrong dependencie?11:11
clepto95WebbyIT, it seems so11:12
clepto95mhall119, can you check it?11:13
wellsbClick store isn't showing on today's build for me.  Anybody else?12:02
clepto95WebbyIT, power was out.. did I miss anything?12:17
labsinIs there a package for Qt5.1 on sausy?21:11
labsinanybody knows which icon path I have to set in the desktop file of my click app?23:20

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