
DanChapmanMorning all06:21
smartboyhwHello DanChapman06:23
DanChapmanNoskcaj: Hey o/ hows it goin? So i made a start on testdrive on friday, all seems to be going ok so far. Going to get some more done today but the application and messaging indicator are now working again :-)06:25
DanChapmansmartboyhw: Yo! how are you?06:25
smartboyhwDanChapman, great. It's good that you are making Testdrive better.06:25
DanChapmansmartboyhw: any suggestions on improvements?06:26
smartboyhwDanChapman, you can make Netboot in Testdrive, although it will be super difficult06:27
DanChapmansmartboyhw: I will look into it but that one may be beyond my skills lol06:29
NoskcajDanChapman, Great work. The bugs list has all the other feature requests.07:26
idieshHello all08:41
idieshis anyone can share for Xperia ion can i get ubuntu image?08:42
Noskcajidiesh, I don't think there is an image for it08:44
idieshthanks Noskacaj08:47
xnoxzyga: bin   cdrom  etc   initrd.img   lib  lib64   lost+found  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var  vmlinuz.old19:53
xnoxboot  dev    home  initrd.img.old  lib32  libx32  media       opt  root  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz19:53
zygaxnox: hi19:54
zygaxnox: hehe19:54
zygaxnox: do you support passwd too ;) ?19:54
xnoxzyga: yes =)19:55
xnoxzyga: hunter2 ?19:56
zygaI wrote cnf19:57
zygaI even re-wrote it a few times19:57
zygabut I cannot remember how to run my harvesting tinhs19:57

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