
Kilosmorning all06:35
theblazehenhi kilos06:39
Kilosohi Vince-0 09:19
Kiloshi there superfly 11:41
superflyKilos: I thought you might be interested to know that I'm running a "distribution"of Android called CyanogenMod on my phone now.11:43
Kiloson the s4?11:43
Kilosor still s311:43
Kilosill wait till they got the OS working on pcs then try again11:45
Kilostoo much to think about now with lpi and centos and hopefully python after that11:46
Kilossuperfly, has it improved the fones usefullness11:48
superflysomewhat. my phone is smoother and faster11:49
Vince-0I'm reflashing Android 4.3 today on a custom distro12:05
Vince-0on a device that doesn't even have an unlocked boot-loader12:06
Vince-0and doesn't have official 4.3 support but these XDA guys are magicians12:06
charl_good afternoon all12:08
charl_Maaz: coffee on12:08
* Maaz washes some mugs12:08
charl_hi Vince-0 12:09
charl_noticed that iptraf doesn't support ipv6, that's a pity12:09
charl_apparently there's a bug for it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iptraf/+bug/45122412:09
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!12:12
charl_Maaz: thanks12:12
Maazcharl_: No problem12:12
superflyVince-0: yeah. I'm running 4.3 here12:19
Vince-0everything working?12:20
superflyso far12:31
inetprogood evening18:44
inetprowhere is everybody today?18:44
inetproor rather this evening18:44
theblazehenhi inetpro18:44
inetprohi theblazehen18:45
* inetpro almost thought everyone had left the planet18:45
theblazehenLol, same here inetpro. You in #studies?18:46
theblazehenyeah, you are18:46
inetproI forget that I'm there18:46
inetprojust noticed all the chatter there18:47
theblazehencdh475 kinda weird...18:47
theblazehenHe once spoke about how he would like to murder his mother...18:48
magespawngood evening18:48
magespawnsay what?18:48
inetprowb magespawn18:48
theblazehenhi magespawn18:48
inetpromagespawn: when do you start?18:48
inetpromagespawn: rephrase: when do you start at your new job?18:50
magespawntomorrow morning part time till the end of the month, then full-time from 1st October18:50
inetproahh nice!18:50
inetprowell just do me one favor18:51
magespawnvery big change of pace and direction18:51
inetproget rid of all the windows there18:51
magespawninetpro i will do that if i can18:51
inetpronah, I'm just joking18:52
inetprodon't force them to change18:52
inetpropeople don't like change18:52
inetprobut it will be nice if you could convert more peeps to see the light18:53
magespawni think a lot of the in house hotel software runs only on win18:53
magespawnbut we will see how/if that can be changed18:54
magespawna bit too complex for that i think 18:55
inetprowell if we know what they run we can try to help you find better alternatives18:55
magespawnmost of the places use Opera and Micros18:55
magespawnthis lodge has something else not sure of the name18:56
* inetpro just noticed that the ubuntu community on G+ has 100,222 members18:58
* magespawn just got zapped by a scorpion18:59
inetpromagespawn: you serious!?19:00
magespawnyup small one though thinnish tail19:01
inetprosounds like you're used to this kind of treatment19:01
magespawnno sympathy from the wife, just a lecture about wearing shoes19:01
inetpromagespawn: what does it feel like?19:02
magespawnred hot needle in the side of my foot19:02
theblazehenmagespawn: sucks :/19:03
superflyWhile I already knew it overall, I just read today that of all the species of scorpions, only something like 25 are actually poisonous19:04
* Symmetria waves from mauritius19:05
Symmetria;p I suppose there are worse places I could be doing from in19:05
theblazehenI went there on holiday once!19:05
magespawni think it is this one http://www.scorpions.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=96&Itemid=1919:05
magespawnnice Symmetria19:06
inetproand it looks like Intel has just started a new war against Ubuntu19:11
magespawnwhy? news?19:11
inetprobut then again, looks like it got reverted19:12
theblazehenYeah. No mir support19:12
magespawntheblazehen: i can't seem to load that pastebin you posted19:12
theblazehenmagespawn: weird.. 19:13
theblazehenmagespawn: works here, should I send the text in a PM?19:13
magespawnnah not serious19:14
theblazehenah ok19:14
inetproearlier this morning the following message was found inside some intel source code: "We do not condone or support Canonical in the course of action they have chosen, and will not carry XMir patches upstream. -The Management"19:14
magespawnwell that is nice19:16
magespawngot it now theblazehen19:16
magespawni am missing somethign here, what does tha mean inetpro?19:18
inetpromagespawn: looks like bad blood between Intel and Canonical19:18
theblazehenmagespawn: great19:19
inetproand it looks like they don't want to Intel hardware to run Mir19:20
magespawnwhat does that matter? if Canonical can write software that works on intel chips19:20
magespawnor would intel block that somehow19:20
inetprowell it will make it a bit harder for Canonical for sure19:20
theblazehenGo wayland!19:21
magespawni didn't think intel did anything special to help Canonical anyway19:21
inetprowell these kind of ructions are nothing new19:21
inetproand the sooner we have it the better19:22
inetproall open source platforms will benefit from it in the end19:23
inetprothe better software will rise to the top19:23
inetproas long as things stay open everyone wins19:24
theblazeheninetpro: true19:25
inetproIntel has been very pro open source for a long time19:25
inetprolet's just hope they can sort out their differences soon19:27
theblazehenyeah :D19:27
inetproalthough these ructions may be necessary from time to time they are never fun19:30
inetpropeople get hurt19:30
theblazehenhttp://www.sciencexpo.org.za/sciencexpo/Expo.html#!home,projectview,466 if anyone's interested. My science expo project19:41
magespawnnice theblazehen, and where did it go from there?19:54
theblazehenGoing to nationals on 26-28 sept :)19:54
magespawnIs there a prize? Like sponsership to develop the software?19:58
theblazehenmagespawn: Not 100% sure19:59
theblazehenThink there is if you do well at intel science fair20:00
magespawnnow that would just be ironic20:06
inetprotheblazehen: nice job, well done!20:20
theblazehenty inetpro :D20:20
theblazehenlol magespawn20:20
inetprotheblazehen: so can you tell us more about your project?20:21
theblazehenIt basically modifies images that colourblind people can't see well, into pictures that they can20:22
theblazehenIt works by shifting the image along the dichromatic confusion lines of the CIE1931 colourspace20:22
theblazehenyou can try it at http://daltonize.tk20:23
theblazehenyep :)20:23
inetprowould be nice if you could load it as a filter as part of a mobile phone's camera20:25
inetproto see the effect in real time20:25
theblazeheninetpro: yeah, bit cpu heavy atm though20:27
inetprolooks like you must have had a lot of fun doing it20:28
inetprowhat did you use to build it?20:28
theblazeheninetpro: sorry for wait. I used php and python20:46
theblazehenwas quite fun20:46
superflywhy not just python?20:46
* superfly pushes buttons20:46
inetprowb Squirm20:46
theblazehensuperfly: php needed for wordpress 20:46
superflyugh, wordpress20:47
superflyit's one of the worst20:47
theblazehensuperfly: dont press the bobby tables button, pls?20:47
theblazehensuperfly: Just used it for responsive design20:47
superflyWordPress is a great example of how NOT to write software20:47
theblazehensuperfly: Agreed :/20:47
superflytheblazehen: for plain old websites, I use Drupal20:48
superflywritten in PHP, but well architectured20:48
theblazehenty superfly. ATM i'm just using html + css + php processing script20:48
superflytheblazehen: what other than the front page do you have on that server? surely WordPress is complete and utter overkill?20:49
theblazehensuperfly: Yeah, I nuked WP now. Just processing script, and CSS20:50
superflyit would be faster to get something up and running in Flask than just setting up WordPress (or Drupal for that matter)20:50
theblazehenI just used front page of one theme for it20:51
theblazehenHow long would that page be in flask or drupal?20:51
superflygrab the HTML and CSS, stuff it into a template, done.20:51
theblazehensuperfly: template for ?20:51
superflytheblazehen: flask would be a few lines of Python20:51
theblazehenty superfly20:52
inetprococooncrash: wb20:59
magespawngood night all21:10
Squirmmaybe I should think about this thing they call "bed"21:16
SquirmI hear it's like real life - only better21:16
theblazehenLol Squirm yeah21:22
theblazehenThere is also "coffee"21:22
Squirmakin to heaven?21:22
Squirmmaybe I should find myself some of this... "coffee"21:23
theblazehengood idea21:24
SquirmMaaz: "coffee" please21:25
MaazSquirm: Huh?21:25
SquirmMaaz: coffee please21:26
MaazSquirm: There isn't a pot on21:26
SquirmMaaz: large21:26
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm21:26
theblazehenmaaz coffee on21:26
* Maaz flips the salt-timer21:26
SquirmMaaz: coffee on21:26
MaazSquirm: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup21:26
SquirmMaaz: large21:26
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm21:26
SquirmMaaz: larger21:26
Maazinna bucket for you Squirm21:26
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen!21:30
theblazehenty maaz21:30

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