
ScottKOK.  Built.00:15
ScottKCould someone who's had pykde related trouble in saucy please try the updated sip/pykde4 packages in my PPA?00:16
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ Need a guinea pig.00:16
yofelScottK: is one supposed to update both pykde and sip from the ppa?00:47
ScottKyofel: Yes.00:47
yofeler yeah, I'm too tired to properly read -.-00:47
yofelScottK: printer-applet, synaptiks and software-properties-kde don't crash anymore00:52
manchickenI'm just now teaching myself some Python.01:01
manchickenI'm even having some problems... but they're not Saucy-related.01:02
manchickenhttp://pastebin.com/0PuVfd6Q <-- MongoDB's MongoClient is trying to open a separate handle to stderr in each thread.01:02
soeegood morning06:28
RiddellScottK: I get gdebi and synaptiks to work with your PPA08:10
Riddellbut not ubuntu-bug08:11
Riddellhmm and kcmshell4 userconfig doesn't run at all but that seems to be a separate issue08:13
Riddellyofel: does ubuntu-bug work for you?08:14
smartboyhwRiddell, you are not a Debian Developer, right?08:16
Riddellsmartboyhw: right I'm not08:20
smartboyhwdebfx, ping08:21
RiddellOdur: hi, you want to become an elite kubuntu packager?09:04
smartboyhwRiddell, you have reminded me to set-up another meeting time for a Dev meeting again:P09:04
Riddellsmartboyhw: want to go over some library packaging first?09:06
smartboyhwRiddell, library packaging?09:07
* smartboyhw got one in mentors right now, ready for debfx to sponsor and ScottK to approve in NEW-.-09:07
smartboyhw(With symbols, multi-arch, everything009:08
Riddellsmartboyhw: can I see it?09:08
smartboyhwRiddell, http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/k/kqoauth/kqoauth_0.98-1.dsc09:08
Riddellhah, qmake :)09:10
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah, qmake09:11
smartboyhwYou know, qmake scared yofel away:P09:11
Riddellsmartboyhw: my preference is also to name the patches in debian/changelog so you can easily find later when they were added09:11
smartboyhwRiddell, OK09:12
Tm_T+1 for naming patches on changelog09:13
Riddellsmartboyhw: did you work out what symbols files were for?09:13
Tm_Tthis thing called communication09:13
Riddellhow's this for a new romaniam website? http://geekaliens.com/kubuntu.ro/09:14
smartboyhwRiddell, looks like it's used for generating shlibdeps09:14
smartboyhwhttps://wiki.debian.org/Projects/ImprovedDpkgShlibdeps is the best link describing it -.-09:15
Riddellsmartboyhw: yeah it is, for working out what version of a library your package needs to depend on09:16
Riddellwhat would you do if you were packaging a new version and symbols were missing?09:16
smartboyhwRiddell, check where it has gone09:16
Riddellsmartboyhw: check if it's a public symbol that an app using the library might use and if so moan to upstream or patch it back in or change the ABI09:17
smartboyhwIf it has truly disappeared due to code, then we can remove it. (The best way to check is to ask upstream, since I'm lazy:P, but of course I can do checks myself)09:17
smartboyhwRiddell, I like moaning upstreams now:P09:17
Riddellsmartboyhw: we can't just remove symbolsan application might be using it09:17
smartboyhwRiddell, that's why moaning to upstream is the best way:P09:18
Riddellwe need to either fix it or change the ABI SONAME number09:18
Riddellsmartboyhw: what do you do with a symbols file when a new library version has a new SONAME09:18
smartboyhwRiddell, bump API + ABI SONAME number?09:19
Riddellsmartboyhw: it has been bumped in the libary by upstream, what needs changed in the packaging?09:20
smartboyhwRiddell, X-Debian-API and the package names, symbols, blah blah blah09:20
Riddellsmartboyhw: no, X-Debian-API is when upstream haven't changed the soname and we need to force it in09:21
smartboyhwRiddell, basically, when upstream bumps it X-Debian-API is not needed, right?09:21
RiddellX-Debian-API is a cludge when upstream change ABI (remove or change symbols) without bumping soname09:22
Riddellif upstream does change soname then we just rename the binary package and start a new symbols file09:22
Riddelland recompile every application which uses the library to link against the new version09:22
Riddellwhich is called a library transition09:22
smartboyhwRiddell, OK09:22
Riddellthe rules on what changes in C++ code result in changed or removed symbols are very confusing and upstreams often get them wrong09:23
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas 4.11.1 saucy/archive raring/backports precise/backports | 13.10 milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support | 13.10 Beta 1 released | Vote time for Dev meeting at http://doodle.com/s3fba8w2nuagg9vv
smartboyhwRiddell, it makes sense, nobody wants to touch symbols when everything goes wrong-.-09:24
smartboyhwSONAMES for that matter too09:24
Riddellsmartboyhw: ooh bonus points, given a library in /usr/lib/libfoo.so.2 how do you find out the soname?09:25
smartboyhwRiddell, eh, this is not the official application yet-.- (And anyways, I did use the command objdump)09:28
smartboyhwFind the SONAME in there09:28
smartboyhwRiddell, and seriously, leave the theatrics till the application -.-09:29
jmuxobjdump /usr/lib/libfoo.so.2 -p | grep SONAME09:29
smartboyhwlike that;P09:30
smartboyhwjmux, I thought -p is supposed to go in the front of /usr/libfoo.so.209:30
smartboyhw(That is my preferred way of adding parameters)09:30
Riddellmm interesting, I use   readelf -a /usr/lib/libmarblewidget.so.0.16.1 | grep SONAME09:30
Riddelllibmarblewidget is an interesting example of a library where the soname doesn't match the filename09:31
smartboyhwRiddell, heh, I thought that is for solaris:P09:31
* smartboyhw goes back to his Chinese homework and his Physics revision 09:33
OdurRiddell: yeah, but I'm not sure how much time I have. I'm a medical student... 09:33
RiddellOdur: any time you have is welcome09:36
jmuxAt least the included symbols file should show you, if the symbols have changed before uploading :-)09:38
jmuxAnd there is http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libtool.html#Versioning to point upstream to...09:38
Riddelllibtool, not sure that's going to win any fans :)09:39
RiddellI prefer to point to http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++09:39
RiddellOdur: let me know if you want me to take you through some basic packaging09:40
RiddellOdur: you a kubuntu fan presumably?  where from?09:40
smartboyhwRiddell, you want me to do some NEW review? In code-of-conduct-signing-assistant it's assigning X-Python-Version as 3.2 and build-dep as python-all,  I would rather prefer the build-dep be python3-all-dev (>= 3.2)09:41
smartboyhw*python3-all (first build-dep)09:42
smartboyhw(Waiting for you Riddell, I got another package to complain here:P)09:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: python3-all-dev has the C header files I think09:45
Riddell(or is a meta package to bring in the C header files)09:45
Riddellwhich code-of-conduct-signing-assistant doesn't need, it's just plain python09:46
Riddellso python3-all is right09:46
Riddelland you're rigt that (>= 3.2) would be nicer09:46
Riddellsmartboyhw: but is it a reject offence?09:46
OdurRiddell: I'm from Sweden 09:47
smartboyhwRiddell, not quite... :P09:47
smartboyhwRiddell, I am not understanding nvidia-modprobe (another package in NEW queue)09:47
RiddellOdur: sweden is home of many elite KDE hackers09:47
smartboyhwIt's rules file, it's explicitly calling clean09:47
smartboyhwAnd using dh clean09:48
smartboyhwShouldn't that be override_dh_auto_clean:09:48
Riddellsmartboyhw: anything significant from suspicious-source in code-of-conduct-signing-assistant?09:48
smartboyhwRiddell, the translation files only, so no09:48
smartboyhwoverride_dh_auto_clean: rm -rf ${tmp_dir} (or whatever), dh_auto_clean !?09:49
smartboyhwI mean, it's no good rejecting, but it should have been better09:49
smartboyhw(That's for modprobe, to not confuse)09:49
Riddellsmartboyhw: back in code-of-conduct that License: CC0 is that DFSG free?09:50
* smartboyhw checks09:50
Riddellit looks like an old CC licence so I've not come across it before09:51
OdurRiddell: Ok, thanks. I'll poke you when I'm ready to learn. In the meantime I'll just hang around :) 09:54
Riddellsmartboyhw: if I read through the legalese it's just a public domain licence so I think code-of-conduct is good to accept if you agree09:55
* Riddell runs off to a funeral for a poor canoeist who died09:55
smartboyhwRiddell, I agree09:57
smartboyhwdebfx, you have responded to the vote and not to me;P09:58
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yofel: Do vote:P10:10
smartboyhwScottK, ^10:10
smartboyhwapachelogger, ^10:11
yofelwhat what?10:11
yofeloh doodle10:12
smartboyhwheh heh10:13
marcuspbairdhello 11:47
marcuspbairdreporting a bug 11:47
marcuspbaird:) 11:47
marcuspbaird13.10 beta 1 11:48
marcuspbaird32 bit 11:48
marcuspbairdinstall really quick did not connect to wireless 11:48
marcuspbairdand crash on install first time when it tried to connect to wireless 11:49
marcuspbairdbypassed interenet worked fine installed good and same issue on full install 11:49
marcuspbairdsaw the connection but wouldn't connect 11:49
marcuspbairdbug report over 11:50
smartboyhwmarcuspbaird, this might be a hardware issue-.-11:50
marcuspbairdprob a driver issue but never had that beofre 11:51
marcuspbairdbefore 11:51
marcuspbairdtypos sorry 11:51
marcuspbairdit did see the wireless 11:51
marcuspbairdhave a usb adapter which connects to wireless rooter11:52
marcuspbairdsame issue in opensuse with kde 11:52
marcuspbairdevery other distro it works fine 11:52
Riddellmarcuspbaird: that's a known issue12:26
Riddelland quite a nasty one12:26
Riddellagateau: did you get anywhere with ubiquity wifi or need me to take a look?12:26
jussiRiddell: did you get anywhere with the withsupport email ?12:33
Riddelljussi: nope, didn't work in kmail and didn't authenticate infirefox12:40
Riddellsmartboyhw: accepted code-of-conduct-signing-assistan12:40
jussiRiddell: yeah, mweird as. 12:40
smartboyhwRiddell, good, it's the oldest package hanging around there12:41
smartboyhwScottK, not getting anyone to upload to Debian NEW for you:(12:41
marcuspbairdthanks sorry watching rookie blue not paying attention 12:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: i nvidia-modprobe I don't know why he did the clean: target directly rather than dh_override_clean: but it's just as legit to do12:44
Riddellsmartboyhw: however licensecheck tells me not all licences are listed in debian/copyright12:47
Riddellsmartboyhw: do you want kqoauth uploaded?12:48
smartboyhwRiddell, in Debian, yes, ScottK says that he would ACK kqoauth's FFe if it is synced from Debian12:49
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:53
jussiRiddell: funny thing is, it sends mail fine for me, but I havent got it to receive yet12:54
jjessemornign BluesKaj 12:59
BluesKajhi jjesse13:03
marcuspbairdis that my jjesse 13:07
marcuspbairdaustralias 13:07
marcuspbairdok 13:07
marcuspbairdcarry on 13:07
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
smartboyhwThank you shadeslayer :)14:33
* shadeslayer is totally uncertain about next week14:34
smartboyhwHmm, most people choose for Monday 15:00 UTC14:34
* smartboyhw needs 3 absolute "Yes" from the voters to accept a final solution14:34
ScottKFixed pykde4/sip4 pushed at the archive.  Thanks for testing everyone.14:39
Quintasansmartboyhw: I'm not even voting, pick a date this month and unless it's in the damn morning I should be there14:39
smartboyhwQuintasan, huh? -.-14:39
Quintasansmartboyhw: I basically mean I'm free everyday until end of the month14:40
smartboyhwQuintasan, whoa14:40
smartboyhwYou don't have a job or something?14:40
QuintasanNot anymore14:40
smartboyhwQuintasan, oh:(14:40
smartboyhwBetter find a new one (or get Blue Systems to employ you?:P)14:40
QuintasanI'm still a uni student14:40
smartboyhwQuintasan, be a intern at Google;P14:41
smartboyhwOr, anywhere else14:41
QuintasanYou don't usually take people for being interns at their third semester I think14:41
smartboyhwQuintasan, oh?14:42
shadeslayerI did a internship in my 3rd semester, though it was at this shitty Indian IT company14:42
smartboyhw!language | shadeslayer 14:42
ubottushadeslayer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:42
shadeslayeror rather, at the end of the 3rd semester14:42
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK14:42
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I can't use shitty? :(14:42
smartboyhwQuintasan, you are from the US right?14:42
smartboyhwshadeslayer, no.14:42
Quintasanwell, fuck.14:42
shadeslayerwhy not14:43
Quintasansmartboyhw: Poland14:43
smartboyhwQuintasan, that is even worse14:43
smartboyhwQuintasan, oh14:43
* smartboyhw wants to study college in the US14:43
agateauRiddell: from what I understand from xnox, the Ubiquity issue is not frontend-specific and should get fixed at some point14:43
smartboyhwThose top ones especially14:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: Well, I worked for a month at and ISP this year14:43
Quintasanat an*14:43
smartboyhwScottK, are you going to vote in doodle?14:43
BluesKajyou guys having a bad language pissing contest ? :)14:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: ah yes, that's always fun14:43
Riddellagateau: ooh interesting14:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: I worked on satellites14:43
QuintasanBluesKaj: We are trolling smartboyhw :P14:43
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I'm not going in there paying money:P14:44
* smartboyhw wants to get a scholarship14:44
shadeslayersmartboyhw: get an education in Europe, it's practically free14:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: I worked on...UT200414:44
Quintasanwas not supposed to tell anyone14:44
smartboyhwshadeslayer, huh? My Mum/Dad says: Don't go out to the Western Countries to study except if it's ranked Top 30 in the world14:44
smartboyhwQuintasan, secret code of conduct?14:44
* shadeslayer worked on one of the INSAT satellites14:45
shadeslayerprovisioning bandwidth etc etc14:45
* smartboyhw think assassins will now come at Quintasan 14:45
smartboyhwshadeslayer, nice14:45
smartboyhwGood science stuff14:45
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I would disagree, atleast from a masters POV14:45
shadeslayergo where there is awesome research in your area of interest14:45
QuintasanIt was mostly like this: Noone wants anything -> We're doing nothing -> How about we do X? -> Nah, let's play UT2004 -> Okay.14:45
Riddellooh Quintasan, interested in taking on plasma active?14:45
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh, you're doing it for a master degree for that!?14:46
QuintasanRiddell: Ah, yes, this sounds like a good idea.14:46
smartboyhwRiddell, let me fix networkmanagement first-.-14:46
* smartboyhw forgotten about that14:46
Riddellsmartboyhw: what needs fixed?14:46
shadeslayersmartboyhw: hm? nope14:47
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I plan to do one at some point and so far, financially, it seems that doing one in the EU is better14:47
shadeslayeryou pay peanuts compared to the US14:48
smartboyhwRiddell, plasma-widget-networkmanagement14:48
smartboyhwplasma-mobile isn't able to find the headers14:48
smartboyhwRiddell, maybe I should give it to Quintasan (still haven't worked it out yet)14:49
Quintasanwhat the...14:49
smartboyhwQuintasan, yes, you don't know that?;)14:49
Riddellsmartboyhw: oh yes, it's in a missing binary package or something14:49
QuintasanThis is going to be a pain14:49
RiddellQuintasan: what's painful?14:50
Quintasan>Besides a full KDE SC build (with kde-workspace built in a way "kwinactive" is enabled) it needs maliit-framework14:50
smartboyhwWhich needs a patch also14:50
QuintasanI need to take a look at workspace once again then14:50
smartboyhwI have contacted upstream and they say "DON'T PATCH THAT PATCH"14:50
smartboyhwhttps://lwn.net/Articles/565007/ ~!!?14:51
Riddelllwn are out of favour with me, they didn't cover the commerical support story, make me wonder why I pay for their subscription14:55
Riddellalthough to be fair I don't think I ever have paid for their subscription14:55
smartboyhwRiddell, I never paid for it too, Ubuntu Members got free ones-.-14:55
Riddelloh maybe that explains it14:56
smartboyhw^ That is not a good symptom of Quintasan :P15:02
QuintasanWhat the hell15:03
smartboyhwCalm down....15:04
* smartboyhw thinks Quintasan needs a temper makeover15:04
QuintasanI'm pretty much sure you'd have to pay me if you want me to calm dow15:07
QuintasanAnyone running saucy?15:07
Riddellyofel: is 4.11.1 good to announce on kubuntu.org?15:07
RiddellQuintasan: yeah15:07
QuintasanRiddell: Does you gpg agent work?15:07
QuintasanI can't sign the package for some reason15:07
yofelafaik yes, saucy, raring and precise is Done with l10n, quantal is behind as always15:08
RiddellQuintasan: no, it's broken for me now,  was broken then fixed itself now broken again :(15:08
RiddellQuintasan: unset GPG_AGENT_INFO   is the workaround15:08
smartboyhwyofel, who requested Quantal?15:08
smartboyhwI thought we are dropping it-.-15:08
Riddellyofel: awesomeness!15:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: I tried to drop it but I got requests from people15:09
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks, thought something in my .gnupg got crapped out and I thought my key's a goner15:09
smartboyhwRiddell, it makes sense though, 12.10 will be longer-lived than 13.0415:09
smartboyhwRiddell, why can't we just make the announcement without Quantal and update it later?15:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: I plan to15:10
Riddellright now15:10
smartboyhwRiddell, sure15:10
QuintasanPeople don't usually read announcements twice15:10
yofelsmartboyhw: someone, and now that we have 4.11.0 out for it support isn't much work15:10
yofelI just need to find the time to finish it15:10
* smartboyhw wonders who that "someone" is15:10
yofelQuintasan: do you get a pinentry-qt4 segfault in dmesg?15:11
yofelok, I filed a bug that nobody looked at so far15:11
yofelmy workaround is pinentry-curses for the time being, but afaik uninstalling ibus-qt4 resolves the crash too15:12
Riddellhow's this? kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.11.115:12
Quintasanyofel: where are pbuilder hooks now?15:13
yofelsmartboyhw: I forgot the name, but there was someone here that did the QA work for .015:13
smartboyhwyofel, OK15:13
yofelQuintasan: uh, let me check15:13
smartboyhwRiddell, weird, it's yofel who gets the credits at the press release, but I get all the LP karma-.-15:13
yofelQuintasan: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks15:14
Quintasansmartboyhw: Because you did the upload15:14
smartboyhwQuintasan, I only did the branch itself15:14
QuintasanThere is someone on LP who gets karma for pretty much anything happens there15:14
QuintasanForgot who is it15:14
yofelit's 50/50 this time as the script crapped out halfway for him and I finished it ^^15:14
Riddellsmartboyhw: point taken, fixed :)15:14
smartboyhwRiddell, nah15:14
smartboyhwWell, yofel did all the hard work at least15:15
yofelwell, I do get the PPA and l10n karma15:15
yofelso *shrug*15:15
smartboyhwHopefully, 4.11.2 wouldn't be THAT difficult-.-15:15
smartboyhw(No failing scripts halfway)15:15
yofelwell no, I fixed *that* issue at least15:15
yofelbut kubuntu-archive-upload has the same issue actually and needs a fix15:16
yofelwant to do some python coding? ^^15:16
smartboyhwNo thanks, I would rather want to finish off that kdeconnect-kde 0.1 release I've got here15:16
yofeluh, it's actually a rather sane choice here15:16
yofelsure, do finish that first15:17
Riddellsmartboyhw: how come you missed the "kubuntu" from the filename of debian/patches/0001-fix-identical-events-ignored-bug.diff ?15:17
Riddellin kde-runtime15:17
Riddellis it in debian?15:17
yofelRiddell: that's the filename you get from git format-patch15:17
* yofel doesn't rename upstram patches either15:17
smartboyhwRiddell, I thought upstream patches get 0001-15:17
* smartboyhw hides15:17
Riddellhmm, right.  I prefer to use the kubuntu_ prefix to show it's added by us not from debian15:17
* Riddell spots smartboyhw hiding behind the curtains15:18
yofelsure, as do I. But if I cherry-pick commits from upstream then the patch is gone in the next release so I don't bother15:18
smartboyhwRiddell, I'm hiding behind a bunch of science textbooks-.-15:18
QuintasanFOR SCIENCE!15:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008967 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] plasma-widget-redshift" [Wishlist,In progress]15:21
Quintasantotally frogot about that15:22
yofelwho cares about science. Read a book about CSS3, that's enough to fry your brain15:22
Quintasanforgot even*15:22
smartboyhwQuintasan, LOL15:22
smartboyhwyofel, no thanks, I rather want genetic engineering or quantum physics-.-15:22
Quintasan>quantum physics15:22
QuintasanNO YOU DON'T15:22
* smartboyhw thinks someone should kick Quintasan out, now.15:23
yofelwell, that's at least interesting - though I can tell from experience that I don't understand it15:23
yofelkubotu: order tea for Quintasan15:23
* kubotu gives Quintasan a nice hot cup of tea.15:23
QuintasanYes, it is interesting but you have to study a ton of higher maths to get it15:23
QuintasanWhich in itself is not so bad15:24
QuintasanBut takes a lot of time15:24
* yofel is tired of forcing a mixture of table-based HTML4 and HTML5 divs to look sane with CSS and makes his way home15:24
Quintasanyofel: Care do to a quick review of http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/plasma-widget-redshift_0.6-0ubuntu1.dsc ?15:25
yofelin an ~hour15:25
* smartboyhw quick reviews it (even with no power)15:25
* Quintasan goes to make some tea and food15:25
* smartboyhw wonders is Quintasan too lazy to make a debian/watch file15:29
smartboyhwIt's OK otherwise15:29
Riddellshadeslayer: any progress on "make ubiquity populate the package cache,and xapian and kde cache" ?15:36
Riddellyofel: what still needs doing for "Set up daily builds of the KDE stable branches for point release testing" ?  I see lots of builds going on in kubuntu-ppa/ppa15:36
smartboyhwTsk, now Friday seems to be a better idea15:41
smartboyhwJontheEchidna, care to vote too?15:41
Quintasansmartboyhw: Give me a sane kde-apps.org routine for watch file and I'll include it15:44
smartboyhwQuintasan, fine, I give up:P15:45
smartboyhwIt's OK15:45
shadeslayerRiddell: kinda, had a discussion with xnox regarding cache copying15:45
shadeslayerand he said that it's wrong15:45
shadeslayerand that the cache population should be done by chroot'ing into the system15:45
shadeslayerbut all we can do is run kbuildsycoca4 and I have no metrics to support that it actually makes login quicker15:46
xnoxor generate full cache at live-rootfs build time.15:47
ScottKQuintasan: Look at kbackup for one.15:47
xnoxsuch that your .iso already has it pre-boot.15:47
ScottKIs there an FFe for p-w-redshift?15:48
Quintasanit's FFe already?15:48
QuintasanScottK: Discard it then15:49
smartboyhwQuintasan, welcome to Feature Freeze:P15:49
smartboyhw(And you seemed to be late of knowing about it, seriously)15:49
ScottKQuintasan: Gone.15:49
QuintasanScottK: Thanks, I'll upload it next cycle15:50
ScottKBTW, if you can get it in Debian, I'm happy to accept it as a sync.15:50
QuintasanNot important enough to make FFe15:50
smartboyhwScottK, I just wanted somebody to upload kqoauth for me:( 15:50
smartboyhw(In Debian_)15:50
Riddellshadeslayer: mind and update the trello item with what you find15:54
yofelRiddell: drat, thanks for reminding me, there's some 2 dozen packages missing IIRC16:09
yofelI'll get that done this week16:09
Riddellyofel: oh cool, nice to see it happening :)16:24
OdurHow many developers are working on Kubuntu on a regular basis?16:57
RiddellOdur: hard to say16:58
Riddelldepends on how you count it16:58
Odurcore developers then?16:58
Riddellso far today I see me, yofel, ScottK, Quintasan, smartboyhw and shadeslayer 16:58
OdurSeems to be much work for so few people?16:59
Riddellyes indeed, that's why we need your help :)16:59
QuintasanAw damn17:32
lordievaderGood evening.17:54
shadeslayerdafuq? Firefox hardcodes search engine URL's ?18:37
shadeslayerso that I can't remove the canonical ref from DDG and put KDE there instead18:37
ScottKLooks like not.18:43
ScottKBTW, you can add ixquick from mozilla.org.  It's got similar privacy policies to DDG.18:44
soeewhy so sad ?18:59
BluesKajamichair, having autojoin problems ?19:10
amichairBluesKaj: oh sorry, flaky wifi must be causing some conflicts19:11
BluesKajamichair, change wifi channels , sometimes that helps 19:12
amichairBluesKaj: it ain't mine...19:13
BluesKajgot an ethernet cable ?19:15
Riddellcyphermox: not wanting in saucy?21:25
Riddellnetwork manager that is21:25
cyphermoxRiddell: feel free, I'm a little busy21:32
cyphermoxI'm not sure it would necessarily satisfy the no new features aspect21:32
cyphermoxotherwise I can consider doing this tomorrow maybe?21:32
cyphermoxhmm... maybeit won't be so bad, I'll review the commit log21:34
Riddellcyphermox: thanks, I'm just wanting to make sure a crash in our applet isn't caused by an older nm21:35
cyphermoxcan you point me to which crash? I'll try to figure it out21:35
Riddellcyphermox: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32470821:39
ubottuKDE bug 324708 in applet "Crash when launching second user desktop" [Crash,Unconfirmed]21:39

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