
attenterobru, thanks for the postcard :)02:31
robruattente, wow, did you just get it now? i sent that weeks ago! ;-)03:43
attenterobru, i was in china and only arrived back yesterday :)03:44
robruattente, ahhhhh, that makes sense. welcome back!03:45
attenteare the red hat offices the tallest buildings in brno?03:46
robruattente, almost, but not really. there's some churchy-fortressy-towery things that aren't really visible in that shot.03:47
robruattente, it's a really small town, same population as victoria (300k)03:47
attenterobru, ah, ok03:48
Mirvhmm, I wonder why jenkins complains autopilot machines would be offline while I can reach them via the jenkins machine04:29
Mirvpoof, solved04:54
Mirvand now someone rebooted nvidia machine and it wasn't me :P04:58
sil2100Mirv: morning! I see qtubuntu FTBFS in platform07:15
Mirvsil2100: morning! so do I.07:16
Mirvsil2100: but the worse thing is those 'lxc cannot start' things that seem to happen in check phases. I've been waiting now for this newest tick after fixing the autopilot machines, if anything changes regarding those.07:18
Mirvsil2100: have you seen the sort of before?07:28
MirvI don't know what caused the autopilot problem I fixed, and I don't know what's causing this one07:28
sil2100Mirv: hm, maybe these are my delusions, but I think I saw that before - jibel fixed that last time IIRC07:38
Mirvsil2100: ok, that's a good hint at least.. I think he should be soon up so we can ping him07:40
highvoltagemorning Laney08:05
seb128good morning desktopers08:07
* Laney gets zapped by highvoltage 08:08
seb128hey Laney highvoltage08:08
Laneyhi seb12808:08
Laneygood weekends?08:08
seb128yes, mostly avoided the rain during the day (it rained quite a lot during nights though)08:08
Laneyyep, climbing shopping beer08:08
* highvoltage is strongly considering taking a beer brewing class next weekend08:09
Laneymmm, I did some kits last year08:09
Laneyneed to buy some more equipment08:09
seb128did you get anything drinkable? ;-)08:09
Laneykirkland's posts make me jealous08:10
Laneywell... you could drink it and it tasted like beer08:10
Laneybut possibly the most boring beer ever08:10
* Laney stabs the pandaboard08:12
* highvoltage is tempted to get this: https://twitter.com/linuxfoundation/status/374955050642067456/photo/108:14
highvoltage(but I'm slightly scared that it will pile up with all my other toy electronics that I never get a chance to play with)08:14
seb128sil2100, Mirv: how come we didn't get any setting landing for 5 days? :-(08:57
seb128indicators as well?08:58
Mirvseb128: we're in manual publishing mode as ordered by asac, until unity8/mir lands today08:58
seb128asac, do we really need to block settings from landing? we have quite some changes/work that's blocked for almost a week there :/08:59
mlankhorstLaney: I've had a biker tailing ME last week :L08:59
Laneywere you going fast?08:59
mlankhorstfaster than him, i tried to stay behind him at first and wasn't patient enough08:59
seb128sil2100, Mirv: quite some red also in the stack, 8 red ones (and 3 yellow)09:00
seb128sil2100, Mirv: didrocks is back today right? I guess he's going to get unhappy :/09:00
Mirvseb128: on Saturday autopilot machines jenkins connection had broken down. I managed to fix it this morning. now lxc containers refuse to start up for the check phases, sil2100 suspected jibel could be able to fix those.09:01
seb128Mirv, shrug, QA team is having a week in Lexington so I guess he's not going to be around before a while ... are we stucked until he's there?09:03
seb128is sil2100 around today?09:04
Mirvseb128: we're stuck unless someone can decipher and fix this . sil2100 was around two hours ago09:05
Mirv1.5h, to be more exact09:05
seb128it's going to be one of those days...09:09
seb128Mirv, thanks for the email, can you maybe follow up on the list as well to let people know landings are blocked?09:10
Mirvseb128: ok, which list specifically?09:11
asacseb128: Mirv: hi09:12
seb128Mirv, I though the previous outrages were mentioned on some lists, but I can't find it now... ignore that I guess09:12
seb128asac, hey! good morning? are you in Lexington? (if so it's quite early!)09:13
LaneyThey were mentioned internally IIRC09:13
Mirvseb128: yeah ue-leads etc, I just think since everything is blocked _anyhow_ because of the unity8/mir landing, it's not yet that urgent09:13
LaneyDon't see why it couldn't be done on ubuntu-devel however09:13
asacseb128: whats the risk of settings landing? seems that folks worked all weekend to get us to a green dashboard :)09:13
Mirvbuilds are building, they are just not getting released09:13
asacseb128: yeah i am in lexington :)09:13
asacearly bird09:13
Laneythe power of jetlag09:13
margaHey, there's a tzdata issue that is screwing up all machines in Israel right now09:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222345 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "Wrong DST dates in Israel" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:15
seb128asac, so, I've been told it's due to you that we didn't get any settings update on the touch image for 6 days ... is there anything we can do to get our code to land again? we can't skip weeks like that :/09:15
margaThe 2013d version (currently in saucy) of tzdata needs to be backported into previous ubuntu versions.09:15
Laneymmm, tzdata09:15
margaI'm wondering what the version number should be, and if there's going to be someone taking care of this, or if I should.09:16
margaSaucy version is 2013d-1ubunut109:16
margaubuntu, obviously :)09:16
seb128marga, hey, thanks for pointing it out09:16
asacseb128: i dont think its because of us... we looked at the staged changes last friday09:16
asacand pushed stuff in that didnt look to dangerous (like SDK we kept out)09:17
asacand unless i am mistaken there was no settings in daily-release staged09:17
Laneymarga: 2013d-0ubuntu0.XX.YY would work if you want to work on that09:17
seb128asac, the way stacks are done I think settings needs SDK to be published :/09:17
sil2100seb128: yes, I am09:18
seb128sil2100, hey09:18
seb128sil2100, is there any way we can get settings published?09:18
asacseb128: ok... so let us have a look at the daily-release ppa today in lex09:18
margaLaney, -0ubuntu? even if the saucy one is -1ubuntu?09:18
seb128asac, thanks09:18
margaI'm always surprised by this numbers09:18
asacseb128: i believe for SDK we do a special manual test run09:18
sil2100seb128: we're not landing things because asac wanted to have manual publishing set and go through him with everything that we land - it was Mirv's tick right now, but I'll see settings state right now09:18
asacand if that isn't busted like th elast two times we will punch it in :)09:19
Laneymarga: Oh I was thinking you'd apply the new upstream on top of what was already in precise09:19
sil2100asac: btw. as I already asked pstolowski in -touch... where can I find the logs from the camera-app automation crash?09:19
Laneymarga: that'd be usual for the SRU (minimal changes)09:19
margaLaney, yeah, but I don't know if this makes sense for tzdata09:19
margaI think tzdata is normally pushed as a whole (at least in Debian)09:19
seb128Laney, marga: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#tzdata09:20
Laneyi.e. we'd usually leave the packaging changes09:20
asacpstolowski: sil2100: the test is not failing anymore - luckily ... however, there are mediascanner crashes still09:20
asacpstolowski: sil2100: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4094/camera-app-autopilot/09:20
Laneylike that09:20
asacand we have click scope crashes ALL THE TIME :)09:20
asaclike see all the "1" crashes http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4094/09:20
sil2100pstolowski: ^09:20
Laneyseb128: thanks for pointing, didn't know that existed09:20
seb128Laney, yw ;-)09:21
seb128marga, do you plan to work on the update? I can do sponsoring09:21
sil2100asac: ok, good to know about the automation failure, since I checked both mediascanner and autopilot changes and tests and didn't see any of those cause a crash in camera09:21
margaseb128, well, if it makes sense.  I have done tzdata updates for Debian, but not for Ubuntu.09:21
seb128marga, cf the wiki link I just copied, we have a standing exception to update it, we just didn't keep up with doing that09:22
margaright.  So, what should the version be?09:22
asacseb128: right. still mediascanner reliably crashes ONLY during the camera-app run09:22
asacsil2100: ^09:22
asacso i am not really buying the story of mediascanner not being related09:22
asacso my story now is:09:23
asac1. camera saves images09:23
asac2. mediascanner crashes and produces super slowdown due to crash file IO09:23
seb128marga, 2013d-0ubuntu0.<release> it seems09:23
asac3. test gets flaki and fails due to timing issues09:23
seb128marga, e.g 2013d-0ubuntu0.12.0409:23
seb128marga, 2013d-0ubuntu0.13.0409:23
sil2100asac: well, that might make sense, it was hard seeing a relation without seeing any test logs ;) Since it's not really reproducible here on my system09:24
sil2100pstolowski: ^ can you take a look?09:24
margaseb128, ok.09:24
seb128marga, thanks09:24
asacsil2100: you dont get a crash?09:24
asacit happens close to 100% in automation during the camera-app autopilot09:24
sil2100So that is indeed something strange09:25
sil2100pstolowski: if you're busy, I'll just revert that change and release it without it until it's fixed, ok?09:25
sil2100asac: I guess the first thing to do is filling out a bug, did you manage to do that already?09:25
asaci dont think filing a bug will help :)09:27
pstolowskisil2100: can I get the core file from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-maguro-smoke-camera-app-autopilot/57/artifact/clientlogs/_usr_bin_mediascanner-service.32011.crash/*view*/ ?09:27
asacso i leave it to the owners09:27
asacpstolowski: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/4094/camera-app-autopilot/ ther eis a .crash file09:27
asacthat has a Core included usually09:27
asacah you pointed to that09:27
asacthe CoreDump: area09:28
asacis the bas64 encoded core09:28
asacbut afaik there is a tool to untangle it09:28
asaclool: ?09:28
pstolowskiasac: yeah, seen it, but was actually wondering if it's readily available in a more friendly format09:28
asacsil2100: i think more important - now that i look at it - is to figure what happened wth click scope09:29
asacthat one seems to break09:29
pstolowskialecu: ^09:29
asacand crash all the time since a few days09:29
sil2100pstolowski: try downloading http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-maguro-smoke-camera-app-autopilot/57/artifact/clientlogs/_usr_bin_mediascanner-service.32011.crash/*view*/ and then using apport-unpack on it09:29
pstolowskisil2100: yep, it worked, thanks09:30
sil2100asac: btw. filling bugs will help ;) Since otherwise upstreams at least know there is a problem09:31
sil2100asac: and they have a base point where they can start off from, write progress, discuss09:31
asacsil2100: oh ... well, i send them a ping and they should file their own bug io09:32
sil2100asac: it's a bit more efficient when we have a distributed environment - Florian and some other guys highly recommend filling out bugs whenever there is a problem instead of just directly pinging, as while some people are off some others might see it and pick it up09:32
asacbut yeah i am not saying we shouldnt do bugs at all09:32
asacsil2100: yeah let me think about that point09:33
asacthe bad about bugs itsw not an interactive thing09:33
seb128happyaron, hey, do you have an opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libchewing/+bug/1220224 ?09:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220224 in libchewing (Ubuntu) "Sync libchewing 0.3.5-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:34
margaseb128, would this have the 7 day wait?09:36
seb128Laney, if you want some change from system settings, there is a new glib tarball available out there09:36
seb128marga, no, if we find testers we can probably wave it in today09:37
Laneyseb128: oh cool, that was last week even09:37
seb128Laney, there is also a new gtk tarball, I'm going to do that one09:37
Laneythe "display languages" ui in u-s-s isn't very friendly09:38
* sil2100 sighs09:38
seb128Laney, I'm going to test g-s-d today as well09:38
sil2100Things are all red today...09:38
seb128Laney, yeah :/09:38
seb128sil2100, indeed, going to make didrocks happy :p09:38
Laneygsd> cool09:38
seb128sil2100, shame, it has been going good and smoothly while he was not there, and the day he's back everything turns ted09:38
* Laney sniggers at everything turning ted09:39
sil2100seb128: we need jibel, since we won't release anything without working lxc containers in the test machines09:39
sil2100Mirv: you said you tried rebooting them, yes?09:39
seb128asac, ^ can you go and wake up jibel :p09:40
sil2100seb128: ;D It seems Didier is the CAUSE OF ALL EVIL!09:41
asacseb128: you can just call the hotel and have your call put through09:42
asacsaying its an emergency09:42
asacthey have single rooms, so you will precisely wake up who you want :)09:43
seb128asac, joke aside, it sucks to always being stucked on people on american tz to be up to unscrew CI09:44
seb128asac, we need better world coverage09:44
asacits an understood issue09:45
asacand one of the main points09:45
asac"How can we provide 24h lab operations with 8h business hours?"09:46
pstolowskiasac, sil2100 : I've just checked the core, it seems to be race somewhere when files get removed while still being scanned. I really don't see any relation to the fix I recently did in mediascanner, but also can't offer any quickfix right now (chasing bugs in mediascanner is rather time consuming)09:47
margaseb128, I'm preparing the packages, but I'm not sure how I would give them to you for sponsoring09:48
seb128marga, scp somewhere I can dget it?09:48
margaah, heh, sure :)09:48
seb128marga, please list the bug number you pointed earlier in the changelog09:48
margaof course09:49
seb128thanks ;-)09:49
asacpstolowski: since the test doesnt fail anymore the priority is a bit lower than "super escalation", but... the crash surely is high priority09:49
Laneymarga: attaching diff.gz and a link to the orig to the bug is usual09:49
pstolowskiasac: understood. and this isn't the only crash we observed with mediascanner...09:49
margaLaney, right, but this one has a new orig09:50
asacpstolowski: maybe the race is a systematic thing?09:50
asacfiles get removed while being scanned ... hmm09:50
Laneymarga: indeed, hence linking to it09:50
asacmaybe its also when files still grow while you scan?09:50
pstolowskiasac: I haven't seen this particular crash before. the other crash we have is because it or grillo plugins leak filedescriptors09:51
Laneyrather than you uploading it and then the sponsor having to verify you didn't tamper. :-)09:51
asacpstolowski: anyone else works on mediascanner or is that just you?09:54
pstolowskiasac: my team "inherited" it; I started looking at it last week09:55
pstolowskiasac: reported it https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner/+bug/122273109:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222731 in mediascanner "Mediascanner crashes" [Critical,Confirmed]09:55
margaseb128, what should be the distro name <distro>-updates?10:00
Laneyjust <series> is fine10:00
Mirvsil2100: yes10:02
seb128marga, what Laney said10:02
seb128Laney, e.g "raring" "precise" works nowadays10:03
sil2100Mirv, seb128: the otto test machines seem to be somehow broken, it's indeed impossible to start any of the containers, with errors like:10:13
sil2100chroot: failed to run command ‘useradd’: No such file or directory10:14
Mirvsil2100: right.. I just wonder if the lxc problems are anyhow related to the autopilot host problem I fixed.10:17
sil2100Mirv: not sure, it was also a mystery to me that it wasn't installed if it was required - maybe it wasn't really necessary or something, but well, I think we need to poke jibel so that he gives us a walkthrough through the otto machines configuration10:19
sil2100asac: anyway, sad thing... on Friday we specifically selected the click stack and mediascanner to publish because it seemed safe10:21
sil2100asac: even if mediascanner changes are not causing trouble, but the click ones you say started crashing10:21
sil2100So much for 'safe bets'10:22
margaseb128, packages finished.  They should be available to dget from http://www.marga.com.ar/ubuntu/tzdata/.  Do you want me to give you the 3 dsc urls?10:27
seb128marga, thanks, and no need for the 3 urls, the one you gave me is easy enough to browse ;-)10:28
seb128marga, did you decide to not use the same version scheme for raring for a reason?10:32
margaseb128, no, probably mistake.  Will fix.10:32
seb128marga, thanks10:32
margait's hard not to make mistakes when doing almost the same thing three times.  Sorry, rebuilding now.10:33
darkxstseb128, hi10:35
seb128darkxst, hey10:35
darkxsthave you had a chance to look at the g-s-d update?10:35
seb128darkxst, no yet, but that comment about dropping keys makes me uneasy, it's going to make ubuntu-system-settings abort when opening the battery preferences ... are we sure nothing else in the archive or out there use those keys?10:36
LaneyI searched for it10:36
seb128Laney, you searched in Ubuntu or just in Debian?10:37
Laneyin Ubuntu using my codesearch instance10:38
* Laney updates its index10:38
seb128oh, I see10:38
Laneyyou have to ignore the branding10:38
LaneyI didn't fix that yet ;-)10:38
seb128yeah, that confused me10:38
seb128I though it was the debian tool10:38
seb128ok, session restart with today updates10:39
seb128then I do the tzdata sponsoring10:39
seb128then I test g-s-d10:39
darkxstLaney, where is your codesearch at?10:40
Laneythe index is a couple of weeks old10:40
margaSo, I fixed the versions for the raring packages, but seb left.  I'm off to lunch10:40
darkxstLaney, right, still nice :)10:42
seb128why is my mouse pointer wrong?10:42
seb128is anyone seeing that as well today?10:42
Laneydescribe wrong, but no10:43
seb128I get a small dark arrow10:43
seb128rather than my usual white one10:43
* Laney restarts session10:43
Laneyoh yeah!10:44
seb128Laney, confirming?10:45
Laneywhat controls that?10:45
seb128gnome-settings-daemon I would say10:45
Laneydid you get the new one?10:45
seb128I think it's a gtk xsetting10:45
Laneywell I do10:45
seb128shrug, I had a lot of updates today10:46
seb128going to be fun to find which one it could be :/10:46
darkxstpointers are fine here, but I am running a hybrid mix of gnome 3.9 on this machine10:47
LaneyI got a new hicolor-icon-theme10:49
Laneydoes that do cursors?10:49
Laneywait, wtf, no I didn't10:49
seb128Laney, what is weird is that I get the correct pointer in tb10:49
Laneyyeah firefox goes to the right one too10:50
seb128or firefox10:50
seb128did we get a gtk3 update?10:50
Laneyah new gnome-themes-standard10:50
seb128no cursor changes in there though it seems10:51
seb128oh, in that one10:52
seb128+  [ Josselin Mouette ]10:52
seb128+  * Install a cursor.theme to configure the default X cursor.10:52
seb128+  * Set up the x-cursor-theme alternative.10:52
Laneyis dmz-theme what we use?10:57
Laneyso I guess we should add a higher alternate for that one10:58
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneyoh, well, I had manually installed g-themes-standard11:03
Laneyso arguably it's ok11:03
asacsil2100: yeah. sad11:03
asacsil2100: did we land the click scope ?11:04
asacralsina: check with sil2100 to narrow down the regression window11:04
* asac bbi2h11:04
Mirvsil2100: on Friday yes https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/saucy-changes/2013-September/009662.html11:09
seb128Laney, what do you mean "manually installed so it's ok"? it's still a config change on upgrade11:11
margaseb128, I see that you uploaded the packages, do you need me to do anything?11:15
seb128marga, if you can help verifying the updates/getting people to help testing those, once they are accepted, it would be good11:16
seb128marga, otherwise no11:16
seb128marga, thanks for the updates! ;-)11:16
Laneydarkxst: do you intentionally seed the dmz-cursor-theme?11:16
margano prob. Thanks for the quick response.11:17
larsuhow did the scroll direction work on i-sound? I assume scrolling up meant volume up?11:18
larsuwell that's how it's going to be then :) Thanks!11:19
seb128marga, just to make sure, is the current tzdata already leading to wrong time or is that going to happen in the futur?11:19
margaseb128, it's already happening.11:19
seb128larsu, correct11:19
seb128larsu, that's good common sense no? :p11:19
seb128marga, ok, thanks11:19
darkxstLaney, we use the Adwaita cursor them11:20
Laneydarkxst: I guess you want to unseed it yet11:20
larsuseb128: yep, just wanted to make sure :)11:20
LaneyI think we'll have to make dmz-cursor-theme have a higher priority11:20
* larsu never uses that feature, has hardware buttons for volume11:20
margaFor precise/quantal it started yesterday.  For raring it's still ok, it will be wrong in 3 weeks.11:21
* seb128 has on y laptop, but not on his desk keyboard11:21
seb128marga, ok, the bug description was not really clear about that, thanks for confirming11:21
seb128marga, I pinged directly on #ubuntu-release, let's see how that works11:22
darkxstLaney, ok will do11:26
seb128marga, want to do the lucid SRU as well? ;-)11:27
margaseb128, suuuure.11:27
seb128marga, thanks!11:27
loolpstolowski: I see you found my original report11:44
pstolowskilool: yes, thanks for that11:44
loolpstolowski: you can extract coredump from .crash with apport-unpack11:44
loolpstolowski: and you can even sometimes jump straight to gdb with apport-retrace -g11:45
pstolowskilool: yep, figured that, thanks11:45
loolpstolowski: I tried to debug it a bit; it seems related to the cancellation, like the gst_listener being NULL-ed and then used again11:46
loolbut I couldn't figure it out this week-end and thought that people who worked on the code would have a better chance of finding this quickly11:46
loolpstolowski: looks like an old bug that is just popping now because we're using it on the device11:47
loolpstolowski: BTW what are we going to do with the mediascanner?  search for medias in scopes?11:47
pstolowskilool: yes, it's just coincidence it showed up after my other bugfix11:48
pstolowskilool: mediascanner keeps track of all media files on the device, and exposes them to scopes11:49
margaseb128, http://www.marga.com.ar/ubuntu/tzdata/lucid/tzdata_2013d-0ubuntu0.10.04.dsc11:57
seb128marga, thanks!11:57
pittiGood morning12:11
LaneyI was about to say something and then I realised where pitti is :P12:12
pittiLaney: well, I did get up at 5 am as usual, just in a wrong TZ :)12:13
pittijust didn't check IRC this morning yet12:13
pittimy first time in the Lexington office12:13
seb128pitti, hey, how are you? had a good flight? how is Lexington?12:15
pittiseb128: yes, it was quite fine; everything worked, did some hacking, reading, and watched Oblivion12:16
pittiseb128: and I trained myself into the TZ before, I went to bed very late on Fri/Sat :)12:16
seb128pitti, I liked that movie, but mostly for the amazing images ... I guess you didn't get that effect in a plane :p12:16
pittiseb128: Lexington seems to be in the middle of a forest, but surrounded by ridiculous traffic jam at the same time12:16
pittiseb128: otherwise, quite similar to the London office, just much smaller12:17
sil2100Mirv: I guess you can also take a look here in the meantime: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/diverge_autopilot/+merge/18455112:17
sil2100fginther: hi!12:17
sil2100fginther: do you know if jibel is somewhere nearby?12:17
pittiseb128: heh, no; usual crappy screen, but it was an okay story12:17
seb128yeah, I really enjoyed the first half12:17
sil2100fginther: since I guess we would really need his help with the otto autopilot machines and containers, as everything is badly broken12:17
sil2100fginther: and seb128 (as probably everyone else) would really like to get some things released finally ;)12:18
seb128pitti, the end is a bit disappointing/no real surprise ... but I mostly liked the movie as well ;-)12:18
seb128pitti, if you see a jibel, please poke him, lxc containers are screwed and we can't do landing12:19
fginthersil2100, He's not here at the moment12:20
pittiseb128: I saw him at breakfast this morning, but he'll take the second bus; so he should arrive in 15 mins or so12:20
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128pitti, ok12:20
pittiseb128: but I finally watched "Fight club" Saturday night; that was surprisingly good12:20
pitti(gotta keep yourself awake with something -- so it was that movie and playing Descent until 2:30 :) )12:21
seb128I didn't that one either12:21
sil2100Oh, Fight Club, that was a fun movie to watch, I would watch it once again since it's been a while12:21
seb128but it reminds me I saw it in the tv grid for the week, I wonder if I missed it again12:21
pittiMy sister saw it in, what, 1999?, and didn't like it12:21
seb128lot of people talked about it by then, seems still worth watching12:22
pittiyes, absolutely12:22
pittiit was funny to see people using public phones and no mobiles, etc.12:23
Mirvsil2100: so is the idea to temporarily have 'head' actually AP 1.3 while trunk can be developed at will, until at some point 1.3 would be moved to saucy release cu2d proper an head would again have trunk?12:26
sil2100Mirv: yes, that's the idea - since we're not moving all cupstream2distro-config things from Head to Saucy yet12:30
sil2100Mirv: while we want to still enable the AP guys to work on python 3 porting etc. without any problems on trunk12:30
seb128marga, ok, SRUs approved, they need verification next13:10
margaseb128, good13:11
seb128Laney, darkxst, jbicha: ok, just built the new g-s-d from the current vcs/installed that, keyboard panel in g-c-c abort on missing gsettings key13:11
seb128Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys' does not contain a key named 'switch-input-source'13:11
seb128not a great start...13:11
seb128same for the region&language panel13:13
jbichaseb128: yes you need gnome-control-center too from https://launchpad.net/~darkxst/+archive/gsd38/+packages13:16
seb128jbicha, shrug13:17
seb128those key changes make me quite unhappy13:18
seb128did gnome-keyring stop working for anyone else?13:18
seb128well, the ssh agent at least13:18
seb128jbicha, is there a vcs with that version?13:19
jbichano, not yet13:22
seb128hum, k13:23
Laneyjbicha: probably needs a breaks for older g-c-cs13:31
jibelseb128, I replied to Mirv , daily-release jobs can not run because the kernel fails to load the module aufs.13:36
seb128jibel, hey, did you have a good flight?13:37
seb128jibel, ok, is that a kernel bug or...?13:37
jibelMirv, can you please file a bug against the kernel and ping them on #ubuntu-kernel?13:37
jibelseb128, flight was uneventful, so good thanks.13:37
jibelseb128, yes I think it is a kernel bug it started with 3.11.0-5.11-generic13:38
jibelseb128, aufs fails to load with "ERROR: could not insert 'aufs': Function not implemented" with this kernel13:39
seb128jibel, ok13:42
jbichaLaney: I don't think your dmz cursor theme change is useful13:48
alex_abreusil2100, ping13:53
jbichabecause Ubuntu doesn't install gnome-themes-standard by default; I think we can assume that people that have Adwaita installed don't mind the Adwaita mouse cursor or can use gnome-tweak-tool to pick something different13:56
seb128jbicha, Laney: btw I uninstalled gnome-themes-standard and my cursor is still wrong13:57
seb128restarted the session as well13:57
jbichaISTR there's a second place where the cursor theme is set13:58
LaneyI discussed the intended semantics of the alternatives in #-gnome and this is right13:58
LaneyTim is going to unseed dmz from ubuntu GNOME13:59
seb128what do you I need to do to get back my nice cursor? :p13:59
rsalvetiLaney: hey, do you plan to integrate the gst 1.1.4 packages soon?13:59
seb128(ideally I should have to do nothing, things should just go back to what they were)13:59
rsalvetiI saw you updated the ppa already14:00
Laneyrsalveti: I have an FFe14:00
Laneyso, whenever that is approved14:00
rsalvetiLaney: right, have the bug around?14:00
Laneybug #122058814:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220588 in gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Update GStreamer stack to 1.1.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122058814:00
seb128jbicha, darkxst, Laney: I'm happy enough with the new g-s-d (out of a screen locking bug that I mentioned on launchpad)14:15
desrtnew ALL the things!14:15
Laney3.10 time?14:15
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seb128desrt, did you make uncompatible glib changes again? I just uploaded the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/1222538 ... but I don't like much the "glib changed making app to be patched to work again"14:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222538 in seahorse-nautilus (Ubuntu) "Unable to encrypt & or sign files with current glib" [Low,Fix committed]14:17
desrtseb128: not afaik?14:17
jbichaseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/70776914:17
ubot2`Gnome bug 707769 in power "Lid close doesn't lock screen if lid-close-action not set to suspend" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:17
desrtseb128: this is colin's bug14:17
desrtseb128: and i think we already fixed it14:18
seb128desrt, k, maybe that's part of the glib update we didn't get yet14:18
seb128jbicha, thanks14:18
desrtseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69808114:19
ubot2`Gnome bug 698081 in mainloop "Pidgin hangs in g_spawn_command_line_sync" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:19
seb128desrt, that one is quite old, I remember we discussed pidgin around raring release time14:19
seb128desrt, seahorse-nautilus was still not working in saucy with glib 2.37.5 though14:19
desrtseb128: this error was introduced in the same monster of a commit that caused the pidgin problems :/14:19
desrtand here i was, hoping to do something productive today14:20
seb128desrt, anyway I uploaded https://git.gnome.org/browse/seahorse-nautilus/commit/?id=c41f07cf5785b2d755b85f20bf0546c6ce2ebb02 which fixes it, I hope we don't have other similar bugs14:20
seb128desrt, don't worry about it, maybe it's all good, I'm going to keep an eye for bugs that might be similar, but it's likely we are going to have none14:20
desrterm.  this is just a warning according to stef's commit14:21
seb128desrt, well, for some reason seahorse-nautilus stopped working ...14:21
desrti wonder if it had fatal warnings or something14:21
seb128desrt, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=981580#c1214:22
ubot2`bugzilla.redhat.com bug 981580 in glib2 "Glib regression related to SIGCHLD warnings" [Unspecified,New]14:22
seb128marga, tzdata updates released to -updates for precise-quantal-raring (lucid still to be done and then we are all good)14:24
desrtmarga: hey.  any progress on that binary nfs-safe dconf backend? :)14:24
margadesrt, :-/  I have it in my queue, but it lost priority over here.14:25
margaseb128, yes, I saw, my machine already picked up the precise change, thanks.14:25
desrtmarga: know how that feels...14:26
seb128marga, excellent! yw ;-)14:26
desrtseb128: so i understand the problem now.... and it's a bit of a mixed bag14:27
desrtthe bad behaviour was in seahorse, for sure14:27
desrtand maybe other apps out there14:27
desrtwhen they do things in the way that they were before, they install a child watch into glib that never ever gets satisfied14:28
desrtand may inadvertantly reap the wrong child at some future point if PIDs get recycled14:28
desrtthe difference is that we changed the behaviour that we have in this case from leaking forever to immediately reporting the child as exited, with a warning14:28
desrtand this behaviour change is what caused the issue14:28
desrtfrom the standpoint of "this will allow us to find broken applications easier" i sort of like colin's change14:29
seb128ok, so seahorse was basically working by luck, relying on a buggy code which happened to work14:29
desrtwell.... it was installing a watch that would never be satisfied14:29
desrtand glib was trying over and over again to satisfy the faulty watch14:30
desrtand each time it did this, it would add another one to the list14:30
desrtso now it's just removed from the list immediately, a warning is printed and (the imcompatible change) it's immediately dispatched14:30
seb128I see14:30
seb128I guess that's ok, it's not like it was making "good code" not work anymore14:31
seb128it's making buggy code more visibly buggy :p14:31
desrtthis was a somewhat arbitrary decision on colin's part.   he could have just as well removed it from the list, given the warning, then dropped it on the floor, which would have been closer to the old behaviour14:31
desrtbut ya... dispatching the handler immediately does make the bug more obvious14:31
desrtwhich is nice14:31
desrtanyway... case closed as far as i'm concerned... if you get more bugs like this, tell upstream to talk to me about why the problem is their fault :p14:32
seb128desrt, wfm, thanks for the explanations ;-)14:33
desrtseb128: your measure disk usage API just landed14:44
seb128desrt, \o/14:45
seb128desrt, thanks ;-)14:45
mdeslaurseb128: is there a new bug for gnome-settings-daemon not locking the screen when the lid is closed?14:55
seb128mdeslaur, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/70776914:56
ubot2`Gnome bug 707769 in power "Lid close doesn't lock screen if lid-close-action not set to suspend" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:56
mdeslaurseb128: no ubuntu bug yet?14:56
seb128mdeslaur, but that's not in Ubuntu yet, it's part of the 3.8 update that is FFe discussed14:56
seb128mdeslaur, I mentioned it on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/121948614:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1219486 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "FFe: Update gnome-settings-daemon to 3.8.4" [Wishlist,New]14:56
mdeslaurseb128: oh, I thought I saw 3.8.5 go by on the saucy-changes list14:57
seb128mdeslaur, shrug, jbicha just jumped on it and uploaded it seems14:58
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seb128jbicha, was the FFe even officially approved?14:58
seb128mdeslaur, seems like jbicha didn't consider the bug important enough to get it fixed before upload, I'm not sure I'm happy about that14:59
seb128mdeslaur, but it's uploaded now...14:59
happyaronseb128: I've commented on that bug, it seems the crash fixes are really helpful, but breaking scim-chewing isn't something we want15:03
jbichaseb128: I thought you said you were happy enough with the update and Laney approved the FFe conditional on you being happy15:07
seb128jbicha, out of the locking issue yes :p15:07
LaneyThey promised to fix any regressions ...15:07
seb128jbicha, oh, well, I just hope somebody is going to make sure it's fixed before release15:08
Laneyso I expect this to be resolved quite soon15:08
seb128jbicha, did you look at updating gtk to 3.8.4 (I'm about to do it but don't want to dup work)15:09
Laneyqml is giving me a hard time today15:09
seb128Laney, what are you fighting with? (I doubt I can help much but who knows)15:10
Laneythe change password dialog15:10
LaneyI had a bug where it was saying a value was undefined until I printed it with console.log then it worked ...15:10
seb128Laney, btw please review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/battery-new-idle-key/+merge/184588 ... jbicha uploading g-s-d means ubuntu-system-settings' battery panel is going to abort() on missing gsettings key until that lands15:11
larsuwhat's handling the hardware volume keys on the phone? Is it also gnome-settings-daemon?15:11
Laneyoh yeah, k15:11
* seb128 shakes fist in direction of desrt for the abort() on missing keys15:11
Laneynot that u-s-s is landing ...15:11
seb128yeah, that's the next issue then :/15:11
desrtseb128: hi.  thanks for thinking of me.15:11
jbichaseb128: no, I'm not working on the gtk3 update15:11
seb128larsu, no, no gnome-settings-daemon on the phone (that depends on gtk and has quite some x11 code)15:11
seb128jbicha, ok, I'm start it on it then, thanks15:12
seb128larsu, powerd does I think15:12
* desrt notes that gnome 3.10 has an experimental wayland version this cycle15:12
desrti wonder what they're doing for g-s-d....15:12
larsuseb128: interesting. Thanks :)15:12
seb128desrt, https://live.gnome.org/Wayland/gnome-settings-daemon15:12
seb128desrt, quite some TBD still, I guess they turn off a part of the plugins15:13
desrtya.  i guess so too.15:13
desrtthis page reads like15:13
desrtplugin a: this plugin communicates with X to take care of setting up A15:13
desrtplugin b: this plugin communicates with X to take care of setting up B15:13
seb128though the page is quite outdated15:13
sil2100alex_abreu: hi!15:14
seb128desrt, https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnomecc-list/2013-July/msg00000.html has a more recent status15:14
sil2100alex_abreu: good thing you pinged me, damn, I almost forgot about the issue15:15
sil2100jibel: hi!15:15
sil2100jibel: did the guys already inform you about the autopilot otto machine problems we're having?15:16
larsuseb128: hm, doesn't look like it's in powerd. Do you have any idea who I could ask?15:16
seb128larsu, #ubuntu-touch15:16
larsuah, right :)15:17
desrti'd guess it's handled in the compositor....15:17
desrtthe hardware buttons probably get translated to input subsystem events... which get slurped up by the compositor... we have no mechanism for global key grabs afaik, so they'd have to be handled there.15:17
larsudesrt: that makes sense, but I'm looking to find the code that responds to those events and changes the volume15:20
larsuas that seems to be buggy :)15:20
alex_abreusil2100, :)15:25
alex_abreusil2100, have you had time to think about it?15:25
jibelsil2100, yes. It's a kernel issue, apw is working on it.15:31
apwjibel, which one is that15:31
jibelapw, aufs failing to load15:32
apwjibel, ahh yes15:32
apwjibel, yeah we know what that is and have a fix, it will be in teh next upload15:33
jibelapw, thanks15:33
sil2100alex_abreu: sitting down to that now15:36
sil2100alex_abreu: another problem with the libunity-webapps webbrowser-app dependency and powerpc problem is that well, essentially there is no FFe for webapps15:49
alex_abreusil2100, yeah there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-webapps-qml/+bug/120751515:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1207515 in webbrowser-app "[FFE] Webapps container for Desktop" [Undecided,New]15:49
sil2100alex_abreu: oh, did it get reviewed and approved?15:50
alex_abreusil2100, I think so ... didrocks +1'nd it I think, not sure if something else is needed15:51
sil2100alex_abreu: ok, since the thing is, this change would fire up a really big chain of powerpc-support drops, since without libunity-webapps for powerpc, we won't have bamfdaemon for powerpc, so there won't be no unity as well15:54
sil2100So I guess I need to think of a different solution15:54
* sil2100 wonders why someone released webapps before the weekend15:55
alex_abreusil2100, I don't think I see the connection there, why no bamf if no libunity-webapps ?15:55
sil2100alex_abreu: because bamfdaemon depends on libunity-webapps0, so it won't be installable if we drop libunity-webapps0 for powerpc15:55
alex_abreuargh right forgot about it15:56
alex_abreusil2100, can we have conditional depends? based on arch15:57
sil2100alex_abreu: we could, but the code would have to be written so that it would still work without webbrowser-app installed15:57
sil2100Would that be possible?15:57
sil2100To have a 'powerpc fallback' code path15:58
alex_abreusil2100, yes, that's why I am asking15:59
sil2100alex_abreu: we can either do a conditional dependency (which I guess would be fine, as it's better than not having unity for powerpc) or maybe try something with Suggests/Recommends16:02
sil2100seb128: what happens if a package Recommends: some other package that is not available? Is it like with a dependency, or is it 'more ok' in that case?16:03
seb128sil2100, we shouldn't do that, but we mostly get away with it16:06
seb128they still show on e.g component mismatch16:06
sil2100seb128: so in this case a conditional platform-wise dependency would be ok, what do you think?16:10
sil2100From the distro point-of-view16:11
alex_abreusil2100, we could add an arch dependant dep and I could adjust the code ... or we could go the dirty recommends route16:17
sil2100didrocks: hello! How were your holidays? :)16:17
sil2100alex_abreu: for now, let's just adjust the code anyway, since I guess that in both cases I would like that rule to be around16:18
alex_abreusil2100, +116:18
sil2100alex_abreu: thanks!16:18
didrockshey sil2100, the holidays were excellent, thanks!16:18
alex_abreusil2100, I'll MR you the changes16:18
sil2100didrocks: all rested and refreshed I hope ;)!16:19
sil2100alex_abreu: excellent, will be waiting :)16:19
didrockssil2100: and jetlagged :p16:20
sil2100didrocks: after the 'sudden' flight to the US I guess that's normal ;) Should I already prepare the Saucy series in cu2d-config? ;)16:21
didrockssil2100: please do, think about fghinter to change the process about it please :)16:22
sil2100didrocks: at least with the QA stack for now (and slowly migrating other projects one by one)16:22
seb128didrocks, hey, welcome back!16:23
didrockshey seb128! ça va?16:23
seb128didrocks, très bien, et toi ?16:23
didrocksread that you loved the g-c-c changes :p16:23
didrocksça va, mais déjà dans le bain rapidement!16:23
seb128didrocks, on t'as pas vu de la journée, dans le bain des vacances ? :p (c'est bien Lexington ?-)16:24
seb128didrocks, yeah, I always love late changes in a cycle, you know me ;-)16:24
didrocksseb128: dans des meetings (il est 12h20 ici) but I woke up at 2h30 :/16:25
didrocksjust didn't connect to IRC, only reading emails16:25
seb128seems like the time I go to bed atm :p16:25
* didrocks hugs seb12816:29
* didrocks away for a while16:30
* seb128 hugs didrocks16:32
* mdeslaur shakes fist at whoever killed the session saver plugin from gedit16:55
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sil2100didrocks, fginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/cupstream2distro-config/new_saucy_series/+merge/184641 <-18:04
didrockssil2100: I think fginther's won't understand the to_transition or will it?18:09
fgintherdidrocks, sil2100, upstream merger will skip projects under to_transition (which I believe is the right action)18:10
didrocksso we are good for stuff diverged I guess :)18:12
fginthersil2100, I have an question for thomi regarding the autopilot ppas18:13
czajkowskianyone else having this bug issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/110792618:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1107926 in bamf (Ubuntu) "bamfdaemon crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Confirmed]18:13
czajkowskiI've done daily updates today and still running into it18:13
didrockssil2100: you will need to ask as well jibel I guess to create the views18:14
seb128czajkowski, try pinging Trevinho18:28
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