
Myrttithat was interesting10:38
Tm_TMyrtti: the morning show? yes indeed10:39
Myrttiperhaps the namespace wide bans should stay, or have you decided to remove them?10:41
MyrttiI see they're by account now10:42
Tm_TMyrtti: I suppose those are covered, yes10:42
ikoniaI only removed ones which where covered by either a wider ban or a swap to account11:29
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
CoreyIs that a flood waiting to happen (jrgiff*) or a severely busted client?13:49
DJonesI thought it might be a school/college project13:51
Corey"Break your IRC client?"13:51
CoreyHe gets an A.13:51
PiciIts sort of similar to the nick that just flooded #freenode13:51
Picimaybe thats just a coincidence though13:51
DJonesHostname for the jrgiff* looks to be a School of COmputing13:54
DJonesOr a school/college anyway13:55
FireBeardoh, this is weird, I joined #ubuntu15:34
ikoniayes, you where forwarded to this channel15:35
FireBeardI am identified with nickserv15:35
ikoniaas the last time you used #ubuntu you said you didn't need it and people should suck mark shuttleworths dick15:35
FireBeardI did?15:35
FireBeardwell, whoops15:36
FireBeardI was drunk and am sorry, can you make it so I can join again? I have a question15:36
ikoniayou where not drunk15:36
FireBeardI most certainly was15:37
FireBeardI might have said I wasn15:37
FireBeardbut, I was15:37
ikoniaoh, so you do remember then15:37
FireBeardnot really15:37
ikoniaoh, this is quite hard to understand15:37
FireBeardthatś why I assumed I was drunk15:37
ikoniaahh, so you assume you where drunk15:37
FireBeardikonia: I just assume that what you said is right15:37
FireBeardand late at night, at this pc, Iḿ always drunk15:38
FireBeardit's now early and am not drinking yet15:38
ikoniayou basically joined #ubuntu rant about the LTS / rolling release, and when no-one really cared about your ranting you said we should all keep sucking Mark Shuttleworths dick15:38
FireBeardif you say so man, I'm sorry about that15:38
ikoniaFireBeard: what time zone are you in ?15:39
ikoniaso it's 17:39 there now right ?15:39
FireBeardyup !15:39
ikoniaodd, that you seemed to be drunk at 9:00pm CET15:39
FireBeardis there maybe an alternative channel which isn't so packed as #ubuntu?15:39
FireBeardikonia: not very odd15:40
FireBeardis it?15:40
ikoniawhy does the size of it have anything to do with it ?15:40
FireBeardit was just an added question15:40
ikoniasorry if I'm asking a lot of questions, your behaviour last time was just a little odd15:40
FireBeardI bet it was15:40
FireBeardis there a alternate channel?15:40
FireBeardmaybe specially for 12.04 or so?15:40
ikoniaI'm happy to remove the forward if you're confident you can self moderate yourself going forward15:40
ikonianothing specific for 12.0415:40
ikonia#ubuntu is the support channel15:40
FireBeardno alternatives?15:41
FireBeardoh well15:41
FireBeardthanks for removing the forward15:41
ikoniagive me a minute15:41
ikoniathe forwards removed15:42
FireBeardban too?15:42
ikoniathe forward is the ban15:42
ikoniaso if you /part this channel and /join #ubuntu it should work15:42
FireBeardworks, thanks again15:42
ikoniano problem15:42
HFSPLUShiiiiii guys my name is John N16:29
bazhangHFSPLUS, what did you want16:31
HFSPLUSawww a filter i see16:31
HFSPLUSnice job installing a filter16:31
HFSPLUSi want to apolgize for my trolling over these16:33
HFSPLUSif you cant forgive me then the Lord wont forgive your sins16:33
bazhangok. then exit the channel16:34
HFSPLUSyou forgive me?16:34
HFSPLUS"But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.16:34
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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