
wrstwelcome back xTEMPLARx.... not that you are paying attention :)14:27
Omnifrogwell, I'm out of the hospital21:47
Omnifrogwarning: gross pic of my swollen belly http://i.imgur.com/CGyocas.jpg21:47
Unit193You were in one?21:47
Unit193Doesn't look right... What happened?21:48
OmnifrogI caught a case of emergency acute appendicitis21:49
Unit193Well, good you're out.21:49
Omnifrogyeah, it was a potentially dangerous situation21:50
average_guyGlad to hear you're ok Omnifrog.  I have heard that the pain from appendicitis is ridiculous.22:15
Omnifrogit was !22:18
wrstOmnifrog: man!!23:03
wrstglad you are back and healthy23:03
Omnifrogthat's the first time I ever had anything major, like surgery so it was not just painful but scary!23:05
Omnifrogbefore wife took me to ER I made sure there was enough money in checking to giver her time to figure things out.  put the notebook of passwords in plain sight, etc23:08
wrstoh wow :\23:19
wrstvery thoughtful however23:19
wrstoh and glad it wasn't needed!!23:39
Omnifrogyeah. I was a little freaked out on Saturday23:40
Unit193Of course.23:40
wrstwho wouldn't have been?23:41
wrstvery understandable23:41
wrstvery glad all is ok23:41

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