
darkxstattente, (gnome-settings-daemon:2106): AccountsService-CRITICAL **: act_user_set_input_sources: assertion 'g_variant_is_of_type (sources, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aa{ss}"))01:07
darkxst^ thats seems to me like it would never have worked?01:08
robrucyphermox, Mirv, I'm seeing some error now about "ERROR Can't start lxc container" affecting almost all stacks. is this the same DNS issue we've been seeing or is this some new mess? Who can I escalate this to/01:12
cyphermoxrobru: let me check if we can poke it hard enough, otherwise we'll need to escalate to QA01:20
cyphermoxrobru: mount: warning: /run/otto/iso/_var_lib_lxc_saucy-i386-20130908-0916_saucy-desktop-i386.iso seems to be mounted read-only. ?01:22
robrucyphermox, but same error on many different stacks01:24
robrucyphermox, so, yeah01:24
cyphermoxrobru: not sure01:25
cyphermoxbut didrocks has seen those, I asked about it at lunch01:25
cyphermoxtbh I haven't really been able to spend too much time on it, on account of being busy with mtp stuff01:26
cyphermoxI wrote unit tests where I could for the library01:26
robrucyphermox, yeah, it's been a mess for a while. I keep checking on it and finding seemingly insurmountable problems.01:26
cyphermoxrobru: it's broken... need didrocks magic to fix it..01:38
cyphermoxit's sad, though. I wish I could just fix it fast01:38
jibelrobru, cyphermox it is a bug 1222407, it will be in next image01:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222407 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "3.11.0-5.11 has broken aufs support (needed for docker)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122240701:39
cyphermoxjibel: thanks01:39
cyphermoxhope you're not still working on this so late :/01:39
jibelcyphermox, robru it'd be nice if you'd have a way to share issues that occurred with people who worked on it during EU time01:40
cyphermoxjibel: you mean?01:41
cyphermoxjibel: it's issues that were already known to EU time, AFAICT01:41
jibelcyphermox, I mean sil2100 and Mirv has been mentioning this ealier today and are aware of the failure01:41
jbichaLaney: how about modifying dmz-cursor-theme's priority in ubuntu-settings instead?02:37
attentedarkxst, you're right, fixing now03:31
Mirvrobru: cyphermox jibel: everyone was emailed about the lxc container issue03:57
Mirvaround 18h ago03:58
robruMirv, oh, ok. I must have just skimmed it03:58
robruMirv, oh i see it, didn't say lxc in the subject ;-)03:58
Mirvrobru: yeah, not in the subject, just a continuation of the autopilot threads03:59
robruMirv, I'm excited to have jenkins working again... i have a ton of cordova stuff that needs to get fixed (eg, autopilot enabled)04:00
robruMirv, 9PM though, g'night ;-)04:03
Mirvrobru: g' night :)04:12
=== duflu is now known as duflu|away
rsalvetiLaney: hey, I pushed gstreamer, gst-base and gst-good. got a ftbfs with bad locally and ugly failed in the ppa for amd64 (stuck when running tests), so will get to this again when I'm back in the office05:48
=== duflu|away is now known as duflu
darkxstxnox, I am hitting the ubiquity freeze in Ubuntu GNOME live session again, using 20130909/06:39
darkxstxnox, added a backtrace to Bug 121717707:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1217177 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity freezes when run from ubuntu GNOME live session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121717707:10
Laneyrsalveti: how did bad fail?08:03
Laneyjbicha: won't work, it's in the postinst08:04
Laneyjust unseed it08:04
czajkowskiis anyone having issues shutting down saucy, as in you shut down but it actually restarts, no idea how to trigger it, just know it happens a few times a week but it's not easy to reproduce08:06
sil2100Mirv: hello! Do you know if jibel and the others were able to resolve the autopilot machine problems?08:08
seb128good morning desktopers08:10
sil2100seb128, Laney: morning!08:10
Laneyahoy there08:11
seb128hey sil2100 Laney08:11
Mirvsil2100: it does not seem like so, although there's now a new kernel in -proposed so maybe they're planning to deploy that today08:14
sil2100Ok, so this week is not a good week for releases it seems08:15
seb128sil2100, Mirv: we are still screwed for landings?08:15
sil2100seb128: it seems so, I suspected that the fixed kernel got already deployed, but as Mirv says it doesn't seems so08:19
sil2100I'll try to resolve as many FTBFS issues in the meantime08:20
seb128the new kernel is still in proposed08:20
darkxstseb128, hi08:24
darkxstg-s-d locking screen, ok now?08:24
Laneyrsalveti: oh I see, that's a new one08:30
sil2100alex_abreu: ping!08:34
sil2100alex_abreu: I didn't get any ping with a branch for that libunity-webapps change, were you able to tackle that yesterday?08:35
sil2100alex_abreu: ah, I see robru approved that08:35
seb128hum, second day in a row where nautilus draws desktop icons08:36
seb128that went away after a session restart yesterday08:36
seb128I wonder what's going on there08:36
seb128that's nemo, not nautilus08:42
seb128I installed it to try last week08:42
Laneyslomo: Fancy a piece of http://people.canonical.com/~laney/patch-dump/0001-modplug-Specify-directory-when-including-stdafx.h.patch ?08:56
Laneybad started failing to build in Debian and Ubuntu with new modplug08:57
slomoLaney: thanks, maybe we should just drop that plugin :P09:03
Laneyno idea what it does :P09:03
slomoLaney: playing music files from the amiga, etc :)09:04
Laneyhttp://modplug-xmms.sourceforge.net/#whatis left me none the wiser09:05
slomoLaney: merged that, will be in 1.0.11 and 1.1.5 soon :)09:09
slomomeh, and it already fails in debian because of that so i have to upload new versions there09:10
Laneywell, experimental, doesn't matter /so/ much09:10
slomounstable fails too09:10
Laneyoh :(09:10
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LaneyI'm including it in 1.1.4 which I'm uploading right now09:12
slomoLaney: me too ;) well, first i have to build it09:15
seb128Laney, the split? or did you say stuff while I was on the other side?09:18
Laneyseb128: didn't see a split, I have those messages off09:18
Laneywas talking to sl omo09:18
seb128sil2100, cjwatson is going to get the new kernel in saucy and respin isos, hopefully that makes the lxc containers happy again09:20
sil2100seb128: yes, I saw the e-mail \o/09:21
sil2100seb128: we'll still need someone to update the iso's on the containers though, since IIRC it was done once-per-day? Or I might have mixed up something09:22
seb128sil2100, well, by the time the new iso is out, maybe people in lexington will be up (especially the jetlagged ones)09:22
seb128is anyone else having its ssh agent working unreliably since recently?09:31
seb128it sometimes work, sometime I get the command line passphrase prompt09:31
Laneyyeah I feel like it's been a bit racy since user sessions09:35
Laneyhasn't gotten worse recently but my session doesn't get it like 5% of the time09:35
seb128k, maybe I've just been lucky before09:36
slomoLaney: and of course it requires some changes for opencv too in experimental ;)09:37
Laneyjbicha: fyi, it was your libmodplug sync that made gst-plugins-bad1.0 fail to build09:39
Laneywould be a good idea to check other r-build-deps aren't broken in the same way09:39
Laneyslomo: fun, I didn't get that far with the exp build ;-)09:40
Laneydoesn't look like you do BD on an exp version of that though?09:41
sil2100alex_abreu, Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/libunity-webapps/powerpc_dep/+merge/184744 <- for unblocking HUD with the new webapps09:42
Mirvsil2100: makes sense, approved09:59
sil2100Mirv: thanks! Let's have that released on the next tick, if of course we'll get the containers fixed somehow...10:00
sil2100jibel: ping!10:12
sil2100jibel: not sure why you're up so early, but I'm really glad you are ;)10:13
sil2100jibel: did you read the "Failed to load aufs" e-mails from today? cjwatson said to try and rebuild images with the new kernel and stuff out ASAP, but still we need to have someone fix the containers I guess10:14
jibelsil2100, Good morning10:15
sil2100jibel: morning!10:15
jibelsil2100, I just read it, the container will refresh automatically when a new image is available10:15
jibelsil2100, but I'll monitor to make sure it's fine10:15
sil2100jibel: ah! That's great to know, awesome - wonder how's it going with that, I'll probably have to ping Colin10:15
sil2100jibel: thank you10:16
sil2100jibel: what hour is it at your place right now?10:17
jibelsil2100, UTC-040010:18
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
sil2100seb128: ok, now we have the container problem out of the way, but I see the jenkins machine is plagued by some network errors, being unable to access LP and such11:44
seb128sil2100, :/11:44
seb128endless list of issues this week11:44
sil2100It's so red everywhere... trying re-runs, but so far it doesn't seem to help much11:45
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alex_abreusil2100, you need to add the arch specific dep no?12:26
alex_abreusil2100, ok saw the MR12:37
desrtsaluton!  bonan matenon!12:56
tjaaltonanyone know which gstreamer package should have basevideo now?13:00
tjaalton-bad had it13:00
tjaaltonat least 1.0.7 did13:00
mlankhorsttjaalton: did you check if upstream still uses basevideo?13:01
rsalvetiLaney: thanks for push the remaining packages13:03
tjaaltonhuh, removed over a year ago13:03
seb128desrt, hey13:05
tjaaltonremoved from -bad that is, dunno where it's supposed to be now13:05
tjaaltonslomo: where is GST_BASEVIDEO these days?13:07
tjaaltonslomo: gstreamer-vaapi depends on it13:07
slomotjaalton: it does not exist anymore, it always was unstable API13:09
slomotjaalton: get new gst-vaapi, it can use the new gstreamer 1.1 API for that13:09
tjaaltonslomo: I have 0.5.613:09
tjaaltonwhich was released last week13:09
slomotjaalton: --with-gstreamer-api=1.1 or something like that13:10
tjaaltonI'll check if something is wrong with the repo13:10
tjaaltonahh ok13:10
tjaaltonsilly upstream13:10
slomoyes, they support 0.10, 1.0 (by using unstable API) and 1.1 (using only stable API) from the same codebase :)13:10
tjaaltonbah :)13:11
tjaaltonconfigure: error: unsupported GStreamer API version 1.113:14
tjaaltonho hum13:14
mlankhorstdun dun duun13:17
sil2100alex_abreu: yes, it's in already, we'll try releasing that13:17
tjaaltoni'll just ask gwenole13:20
Laneyrsalveti: sure, np13:22
sil2100jibel, fginther: ping13:22
fginthersil2100, pong13:23
sil2100didrocks: as well ^ so, it seems we're having some really strange issues in the jenkins daily-release13:23
didrockshey sil2100!13:23
didrocksnetwork issue?13:23
sil2100Yeah, I just re-ran webapps to check if it's ok now, but it's a bit silly, since almost all stacks got red because of that13:24
sil2100And I even re-ran it some minutes ago13:24
didrockssil2100: did you ping retoaded about those?13:25
didrockshe's next to me but we are in a meeting, just talk to him on IRC13:25
sil2100didrocks: will do, thanks!13:25
didrockssil2100: yw! keep me posted ;)13:25
didrocks(you did see my ping about click package, right?)13:26
kenvandinefginther, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/libaccounts_glib_native_hack/+merge/18477613:27
sil2100didrocks: I see that the network issue seems gone, so I'll re-run click-packages now then13:28
didrockssil2100: wait for the ping from ralsina13:28
fgintherkenvandine, approved13:31
kenvandinefginther, thx13:31
kenvandinefginther, do you need to do anything special? or can i just redeploy the stack?13:31
fgintherkenvandine, I need to re-deploy the upstream job once it's merged. I'll ping you when it's done13:32
kenvandinefginther, thx!13:32
fgintherkenvandine, done13:38
kenvandinefginther, thx!13:38
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seb128pitti, around?13:59
attentewhat's the best place to ask qml-related questions?14:05
seb128attente, hey, not sure about "best" but #ubuntu-app-devel is rather appropriate, #ubuntu-touch has people who know enough about qml to answer most of the time as well14:08
* seb128 hates gir14:09
attenteseb128, thanks14:09
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
desrtseb128: gir troubles?14:26
seb128desrt, yes14:26
seb128desrt, https://git.gnome.org/browse/libnotify/commit/?id=2b4ab4d22f42dd264a4ddfa68b02bba0d6c71b0b changed api ... I'm not sure to understand why, it seems it still list the same number of argument (but in practice not)14:27
desrtah.  yuck.14:28
desrtlet me guess: one of the arguments that was being given as None before is now removed?14:28
seb128desrt, yes14:28
desrtso remove the none :)14:28
desrti really wish people would report poor bindings instead of working around them in obviously-incorrect ways :/14:29
seb128desrt, well, it makes code out there not work, and I'm not sure what apps include "code"14:29
seb128desrt, it's an abi change without soname change14:29
desrtseb128: that's not true.14:29
seb128but that's gir for you14:29
seb128not stability garanty14:29
desrtthe ABI in the .so is exactly the same14:29
desrtyou could argue that gir should have versioning though...14:30
seb128desrt, well, in practice pygobject code using that function stop working14:30
seb128and we have no way to have a list of sources to check14:30
desrtya... same old story14:30
seb128out of grepping the archive/internet14:30
desrti just wish that app authors would report bugs instead of using obviously-incorrectly-bound things quietly14:30
seb128well, most of them probably don't even think it's a bug in the api14:31
seb128they copy code/examples that are working and are happy with it14:31
jbichaseb128: we're going to try identifying GNOME Flashback as Unity instead of as GNOME14:42
seb128jbicha, k14:43
seb128pitti, you seem busy, I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotify/+bug/1223401 and I would appreciate it you could comment on it when you have spare cycles15:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223401 in libnotify (Ubuntu) "[0.7.6] the add_action api changed creating issues for clients" [High,Confirmed]15:08
sil2100didrocks, fginther, seb128: ok... so, I had a talk with retoaded, he said that it should be temporary, but hmm... it's still happening ;/15:08
didrockssil2100: following up with him showing the new issues?15:08
sil2100didrocks, fginther, seb128: I thought all is ok because platform went through, but when I ran all the projects, again the same network issue15:09
sil2100Did that15:09
sil2100didrocks: still waiting for a ping from ralsina too!15:11
didrockssil2100: oh, look at #ubuntu-touch, I uploaded the revert directly15:11
sil2100didrocks: ah, ok, so it's resolved15:12
didrockssil2100: yeah, one less thing for you to track ;)15:12
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
sil2100didrocks: thanks ;)15:14
seb128it's meeting time15:30
seb128qengho, mlankhorst, Sweetshark, Laney, tkamppeter, attente, desrt, larsu: hey, it's meeting time15:31
desrtwoh!  meeting!  it's been so long!15:32
seb128let's get started15:32
seb128qengho, hey15:32
qenghoHey!   <<EOF15:32
qengho* Fixing a packaging problem with -l10n chromium package. [needs upload]15:32
qengho* Disabling autopkgtest failures in Cr. [needs upload]15:32
qengho* Working on a webapps problem about browser "chrome" decorations. [in progress]15:32
qengho* Search on new-tab page OR use start.ubuntu.com home. ($) [to-do]15:32
seb128qengho, did you see those bugs?15:33
seb128bug #122325115:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223251 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "recent saucy update lost its chrome" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122325115:33
seb128bug #122248815:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1222488 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "package chromium-browser-l10n 28.0.1500.71-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/chromium-browser/remoting_locales/th.pak', which is also in package chromium-browser 28.0.1500.71-0ubuntu3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122248815:33
LaneyI guess the second one is the packaging problem referred to15:34
qenghoseb128:  I got those two.  item 1 and 3.15:34
seb128qengho, the missing chrome is a webapps issue?15:34
seb128hate those...15:34
qenghoseb128: They couldn't reproduce it intially either.15:35
seb128qengho, can you get an upload ready today, chromium in saucy is currently useless (hard to use it without an url bar)15:35
qenghoI think I've found the problem, though.15:35
seb128qengho, let me know if you need details, my chromium is out of order15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
qenghoseb128: I'll have ready by my EOD.15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:35
jbichaqengho: could you also look at bug 1208518?15:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1208518 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Don't have the codecs depend on chromium-browser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120851815:35
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:36
mlankhorstwell lts-saucy mostly, pointer barrier fixups to unity and unity-2d15:36
seb128did you manage to get code working with both old and new xorg?15:36
mlankhorstsome work on mir for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/xmir/+bug/1216472 and the imagecreatekhr extension15:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1216472 in XMir "[xmir] [multimonitor] Frames eventually get slightly out of order, look like glitches or typing will feel slow" [Critical,In progress]15:37
mlankhorstseb128: yeah I pushed out the versions I have, the left panel works at least15:37
mlankhorstthat's about it for me :)15:37
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:37
seb128Sweetshark, hey15:37
Sweetshark* fixed image file import/export bug (bug 1218890)15:37
Sweetshark* fixed unity sluggish bug (bug 1204592)15:37
Sweetshark* uploaded to ppa, no complaints so far15:37
Sweetshark* waiting for upstream to tag 4.1.2~rc2, which should then land in saucy with the above fixes15:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218890 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "eps import fails, graphics filter not found" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121889015:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1204592 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice unity menus populate sluggishly the first time" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120459215:37
Sweetshark* EOF15:37
qenghojbicha: Added to my list. That seems reasonable. Also, -l10n needn't Depend on chromium-browser, I think.  Language packages could pull it in.15:38
seb128Sweetshark, ok, let me know when 4.1.2~rc2 is ready for sponsoring15:38
* Sweetshark also twisting my fingers here as somehow my cut-n-paste is terribly flaky on saucy.15:38
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:39
seb128Laney, hey15:39
Laney• system-settings15:39
Laney∘ Support (demo implementation of) setting lock/unlock method and password value15:39
Laney∘ Implement panel searching/filtering on main screen15:39
Laney∘ Manual setting of time & date15:39
Laney∘ Quite a number of reviews15:39
Laney• Package & upload GStreamer 1.1.415:39
Laney• glib update15:39
Laney• Release15:39
Laney∘ Release engineering for Saucy Beta 115:39
Laney∘ Review many FFes15:39
Laney∘ Work on 'block' script for milestones after feedback from B115:39
Laney! E O F !15:39
ubot2`Factoid 'E O F !' not found15:39
Laneyubot2` :(15:40
Sweetsharkubot2`: consider yourself named failbot for today15:40
ubot2`Sweetshark: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:40
SweetsharkI wouldnt.15:41
seb128Laney, thanks15:41
seb128speaking of system settings, Jason is looking at what we can drop15:41
seb128we are getting close from the end of the cycle so we should focus on making thing we have robust/completing the panels we really need, and drop other items15:41
seb128expect updates about that soon15:42
Laneysounds good15:42
seb128tkamppeter, hey15:42
tkamppeter - Visited the IFA in Berlin15:42
tkamppeter    o Touch, Touch, Touch15:42
tkamppeter    o A lot of screens, nearly all are touch, the ones which are not touch are TVs15:42
tkamppeter    o We need to support touch screens as well as possible also with our standard desktop, not only with Ubuntu Touch15:42
tkamppeter    o Convertibles with detachable or fold-away keyboards by nearly every leading laptop maker (also all-in-one PCs which double as large tablet): We should support this15:42
tkamppeter    o 4K and 21:9 monitors: Hope X and MIR scale well15:42
tkamppeter    o Wireless connection to external screen by Intel15:42
tkamppeter    o Mobile devices (phones, tablets) with Intel Atom processors: Nice for convergence as the standard desktop runs on Intel then, and so we can use also commercial software only available for Intel15:42
tkamppeter    o 3D printer for 800 EUR (pearl.de): Good news: These printers take a standard data format which is the same for all manufacturers15:42
tkamppeter - Bug fixes in cups, system-config-printer, ghostscript15:42
tkamppeter - Update to system-config-printer
tkamppeter - Updated touch screen/convertible Blueprint.15:43
tkamppeter - Bugs15:43
tkamppeter - GSoC15:43
seb128tkamppeter, thanks, agreed on touch screen support needed for desktop, it's on our list ;-)15:44
seb128attente, hey15:44
attenteseb128, hi!15:44
attentenot much news15:44
attenteworked on the language panel settings, blocked on a couple of qml snags, trying to workaround both15:44
seb128attente, back to Canada ?15:44
attentealso need to switch to using GSettings for maliit settings15:44
attenteseb128, yep, but my body isn't sure what time zone...15:44
larsuattente: you know about gsettings-qt, right?15:44
seb128attente, did they move their side to gsettings yet?15:45
attentelarsu, yes15:45
attenteseb128, i'm not sure, i was focused on mostly front-end stuff so far15:45
attentewill ping15:45
seb128ok, thanks15:45
seb128attente, I noticed that we have similars icons in gnome-control-center for language-selector and the region panel, in saucy15:46
seb128attente, do we need other tabs the "text entry" for keyboards?15:46
seb128attente, if not we should probably add back the hack we had before, renaming the panel to "keyboard" under Unity and just showing that tab15:47
attenteseb128, sorry, this is for the phone?15:47
seb128attente, no, desktop15:47
seb128attente, if you open gnome-control-center, the first line has 2 blue flag icons15:47
attenteseb128, right15:47
seb128attente, in "region", we only need the "text entry" tab right?15:48
seb128attente, we used to have that http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/precise/view/head:/debian/patches/10_keyboard_layout_on_unity.patch15:48
attenteseb128, you'd prefer to use the language-selector tabs instead of the region tabs?15:48
attenteseb128, oh, i see15:49
seb128attente, right, since region doesn't handle language packs installation from what I know15:49
attenteok, no problem15:49
seb128attente, I'm going to open a bug with the details and assign it to you15:49
seb128attente, thanks15:49
seb128desrt, hey, welcome back! I hope you had good holidays15:50
desrtthe first half was very nice :)15:50
larsuthe second half was in France?15:50
seb128stop complaining about France :p15:50
* desrt didn't say anything!15:50
larsuseb128: he meant because he met you in the first half ;)15:51
desrti could have been in the middle of typing "...and the second half was even better" for all you know15:51
desrtmostly dealing with a massive mail backlog since i've been back but i did get some time for useful work15:51
desrtright now i'm sorting out the mess of locale determination in glib because our behaviour is not the same as the C library, so we get weird results for (for example) translation of the contents of desktop files in some cases15:51
desrtwhich is work for the desktop file index stuff....15:52
desrtand also last week i managed to redo the g_file_measure_disk_usage() patch set and it got merged yesterday now15:52
jbichadarkxst has a patch for g-c-c 3.8 to install language packs; removal though isn't supported by packagekit15:52
desrtcomplete with progress reporting and a million other bells and whistles.... so it's now utterly unbindable15:52
seb128jbicha, great15:53
seb128desrt, when is next glib tarball due? ;-)15:53
desrtmedium term: i think i'm more or less done for big things landing this cycle, so i'm getting stuff lined up for early merges next cycle15:53
desrtseb128: if you want the disk measure stuff i could do a special release for that15:53
desrtor you could just take the patches...15:54
seb128desrt, it's one commit (+1 for the utility)15:54
seb128so we can backport15:54
seb128yeah, i'm going to do that I think15:54
desrtya... gvfs support is still outstanding15:54
desrtit's kinda tough to do it now that we have a progress reporting API15:54
desrtsince now we need to wire that back across dbus to the caller15:54
desrtwill have to chat with alex about this15:54
desrtyou only wanted it for stuff in the homedir anyway, right?15:55
* sil2100 misses the good old times when all stacks were green15:55
seb128only for xdg dirs15:55
desrtk.  no problems then15:55
seb128desrt, thanks ;-)15:56
seb128larsu, hey15:56
larsu- added scrolling and middle click support to the new indicators; made use of it in indicator-sound; documented it on wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemComponents15:56
larsu- fixed hardware volume key handling in unity8 (not merged yet)15:56
larsu- gicon deprecation: grepped for gicon in all core apps (facebook-app was the only one I found, fix is merged); we now print a warning when image://gicon is used; I want to remove it middle of next week, before the freeze15:56
larsu- bug fixes on i-messages (icons, multiarch, a mem leak) and qmenumodel15:56
larsu- went through my assigned bugs and cleaned them up a little15:56
larsu- started work on a phone profile for indicator-sound (to make it look like its designed)15:56
* larsu is in bug fixing mode15:56
seb128larsu, thanks15:57
seb128ok, my turn15:57
seb128setting work for most of the week15:57
seb128- ported code to the new itemselector/optionselector widgets15:57
seb128- some UI tweaks15:57
seb128- added support for click packages15:57
seb128- added support to reset the unity launcher15:58
seb128- some bug fixing15:58
seb128otherwise some desktop upgrades (including gtk 3.8.4)15:58
seb128some bugs fixing15:58
seb128oh and trying to build a listmodel from qt to expose to qml, no fun so far :/15:59
seb128some sponsoring as well15:59
seb128and I think that's it for the week15:59
seb128oh, and I'm probably going to be on holidays next week15:59
seb128starting thursday this week15:59
Laneyyou could look at the timezone location model stuff16:00
desrtseb128: any updates on the sprint?16:00
Laneythat does a qabstracttablemodel16:00
seb128desrt, confirmed for oct28th to nov1st in Oakland16:00
seb128Laney, thanks, I tried to use QQmlListProperty without real luck so far16:01
Laneymmm kincaid's16:01
desrtseb128: maybe send an email around?16:01
kenvandinemmm kincaids16:01
seb128desrt, for the sprint confirmation?16:01
desrtdid i miss it?16:01
LaneyI'm off Fri and Mon too btw16:01
seb128desrt, I think msm is going to do that16:02
seb128desrt, no, it just got decided, they are still making the list of people invited I think16:02
seb128desrt, it's team + some extra people around indicators/settings since we are going to focus on those topics16:02
desrtso larsu is invited twice? :)16:02
seb128yeah :p16:02
seb128ok, that's it for the first half of the meeting16:03
seb128thanks everyone16:03
seb128sil2100, didrocks: your turn16:03
seb128sil2100, Mirv: could any of you tell me what's the DSN issue? cf #ubuntu-touch16:03
seb128is that resolving api.lp.net?16:03
seb128sil2100, didrocks, so who is leading your half of the meeting?16:04
sil2100I hoped that didrocks will be able, but I guess with him being in meetings and such, I can lead it once again16:06
sil2100didrocks, Mirv, kenvandine, cyphermox, robru: hi everyone! All present?16:06
seb128didrocks, put your beer on the side for a bit and try to pretend working :p16:06
* robru wipes sleep from eyes16:06
sil2100(not entirely counting didrocks as he might be 'busy')16:06
* kenvandine waves16:06
Mirvfrom my side the sheet is uptodate16:07
sil2100Ok, awesome, so let's start of with a quick status update16:07
sil2100Mirv waved first, so let's start with him!16:07
Mirvso big good news is separation of Qt Creator plugins from QtC itself - QtC source is again about pure upstream, and has now hacked together -dev package against which plugins can be compiled16:08
Laney oh hey, that is nice16:08
sil2100Oh, nice!16:08
Mirvso it results in faster and easier updates, plus removal of the messup in the ways SDK team worked vs. how archive wanted the updates16:08
sil2100Are the plugins provided already somewhere in a separate package?16:09
Mirvyep, lp:qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu - could be daiy released if SDK team would eventually have a good set of tests to run16:09
Mirv(it's already in config with daily release disabled, and does autolanding to SDK PPA)16:09
sil2100Love this news, good job!16:09
robruwow, nice16:09
Mirvthe big bad news is that there are new crashers found with Qt 5.1.1, but at least bugs filed about those too by Ricardo16:10
sil2100Ouch, Mirv are those big blocker issues?16:10
MirvI've tried now rebuilding a bunch of Unity8 deps (webbrowser crashes went away with rebuild), but so far no luck. I'm also trying building 5.1.0 again to see if the crashes happen there too16:10
Mirvsil2100: certainly, and the problem is that the backtraces show it happening "somewhere inside Qt", so apparently not easy to debug16:10
Mirvthey're now also at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.116:11
Mirvotherwise that's it for me I think, the Click backporting needs some more care (even though raring is now tested and updated), working on QtC 2.8 with SDK team and some other smaller stuff16:11
sil2100Ok, good to know the exact tag-name then16:11
sil2100Awesome, thanks!16:12
sil2100robru: could you go next? As you were the next one rubbing the eyes ;)16:12
robruok, so very bad week for me. I was slogging through cordova MIR/FFe/nightmare and was just plagued with problems every step of the way. somehow managed to get one daily_release build to happen for it, so it should be appearing in universe now, somehow miraculously despite constant DNS problems blocking 90% of the stacks.16:13
sil2100robru: right... sadly, DNS/container problems are the big BIG blockers this week16:14
sil2100Not sure what happened that all hell went loose this week - we had those issues from time to time but not so reproducible as now16:14
robrusil2100, other than that, friends is totally stalled due to requiring a massive re-architecting effort for which the requirements are currently unknown. I'm still attempting to communicate with other teams to figure out the requirements before I begin redesigning it from scratch.16:14
sil2100Oh, a re-design in architecture? Is that still for 13.10 ?16:15
sil2100Just hope you guys will make it on time!16:16
robrusil2100, oh god no. 13.10 gets what we have as-is16:16
sil2100Ah, phew16:16
sil2100robru: ok, anyway remember that if you want to work on friends for T, we need to diverge the branches so that Saucy is as it is - but there's a branch waiting for landing for that16:16
sil2100Let's talk about that after the meeting16:17
robrusil2100, before 14.04 friends needs to a) not be written in python and b) not be constantly polling social networks. so I'm talking with push dev guys about what this is going to look like but i don't even know yet16:17
sil2100There's still some time, but I guess it's still a bit stressful if a full re-design is needed indeed16:17
robrusil2100, yeah, i know about this, did the same thing last cycle already. there's already a trunk-next branch that just needs to be updated.16:17
sil2100Ok then, let's move on. kenvandine!16:18
* kenvandine waves16:18
sil2100kenvandine: what's up ;)? Still content-hub as no 1 priority?16:19
kenvandinemostly just working on content-hub... lots to do before 13.1016:19
sil2100kenvandine: awww16:20
sil2100kenvandine: so still just that on the plate, right?16:20
sil2100Ok, thanks ;) Sounds fair!16:21
kenvandinewe're going to need to get stuff published :)16:21
sil2100cyphermox: ping! Are you around for a status update?16:21
sil2100kenvandine: yeah... I think EVERYONE needs to release something16:21
sil2100I'm a bit worried that now once we get the technical issues resolved, once we release everything we'll notice that all is broken anyway16:22
* sil2100 doesn't like to accumulate lots of changes16:22
sil2100cyphermox: hm?16:22
cyphermoxnothing to update16:23
kenvandinesil2100, yeah... and i have a ton queued up for content-hub... but that shouldn't break other things... yet ;)16:23
cyphermoxbusy with MTP16:23
cyphermoxI'm at the sprint this week16:24
sil2100cyphermox: ACK16:24
sil2100Good to know that16:24
sil2100Ok, as for me:16:24
sil2100As you all know, we're in manual publishing mode right now, but there's actually no publishing going at all due to the issues16:25
sil2100But I'll be manually poking stacks for release until we get them building correctly16:25
sil2100I also started doing the creation of the Saucy series in cu2d-config, the branch is ready and has been pre-reviewed by Francis16:26
sil2100Once I get a final ACK I'll be continuing with the process, such as redeployment and such16:26
sil2100Besides that, I also worked a bit on the appmenu-qt5 QPA thing that we need for Qt 5.1, I created a working solution that I need to give to someone from our Qt-experts for a review, as the solution might look a bit 'risky'16:27
sil2100But it works16:27
sil2100Not sure if there's anything else.. so let's quickly move to the spreadsheet16:28
sil2100Just browsing through and I'll poke you guys about some status updates if it's needed16:28
sil2100Mirv: about the XIM SRU, I'm poking infinity every few days about this, so I hope soon we'll have it released16:29
sil2100Regarding lp:unity-voice that has been assigned to robru and me16:30
sil2100robru: so, I finished up the review of that, but it seems we're not adding that to daily release, as it's only a 'just-in-case' package, not to be used right now16:30
sil2100Everything else I think is pretty clear16:31
sil2100cyphermox, kenvandine, robru, Mirv: just in case you know:16:31
Mirvsil2100: alright16:31
sil2100cyphermox, kenvandine, robru, Mirv: so, please do not hastily publish the platform and unity8 stacks, as there are some changes in it that require specific actions (testing) before we can get it out16:32
robruplatform and unity8. got it.16:32
sil2100And of course, before we want to publish anything, be sure to ask asac or didrocks first (especially asac if he's around)16:32
sil2100Ok, I think that's all - thanks for the updates guys, keep up the good work!16:33
robrusil2100, thanks16:33
sil2100It was awesome to have you on the meeting ;) I hope next week will be a more 'normal' meeting with didrocks around and such ;)16:33
sil2100I go to start manually all those stacks ;/16:34
didrockswill be there for sure :)16:34
didrocksjet lagged, but there16:34
sil2100Man, never saw the stacks SO RED16:34
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sil2100fginther: hi! Related to the CI question I had - do you know if mediumtests use daily-build as well? How do those jobs work?17:25
fginthersil2100, mediumtests use the same build process as the -ci or -autolanding job17:39
jibelqengho, Hey, I look at autopkgtest for chromium-browser and it essentially only build the package and run the tests that already run at build time. I think they could be removed as they never passed and only slow down the migration of chromium. What do you think?17:57
qenghojibel: Build tests aren't run by autopkgtest at all.17:58
jibelqengho, well autopkgtest tries to build the package17:59
jibelthere is a build-needed restriction17:59
qenghojibel: I don't need the build files right now, true.  I'll kill that for now.18:00
jibelqengho, thanks18:00
seb128pitti, there?19:18
pittiseb128: oui19:18
seb128pitti, I hope you are having fun in Lexington!19:18
seb128pitti, question for you19:19
seb128$ dpkg -S ubuntuone-client.mo19:19
seb128dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *ubuntuone-client.mo*19:19
pittiseb128: yeah, I do19:19
seb128pitti, where do I report that? langpack-o-matic?19:19
seb128pitti, it makes the indicator-sync untranslated19:19
pittiseb128: yeah, bug against langpack sounds fine as a starting point19:20
seb128pitti, danke19:20
pittiWARNING: unknown translation domain: ubuntuone-client-gnome19:21
pittino log entry at all for ubuntuone-client19:21
seb128pitti, weird, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/ubuntuone-client/+pots/ubuntuone-client19:21
seb128https://launchpadlibrarian.net/147396791/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.ubuntuone-client_13.08-0ubuntu2_UPLOADING.txt.gz suggests the build generated the pot as well19:22
pittithe quantal and raring packs have them19:23
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/langpack-o-matic/+bug/122353019:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223530 in langpack-o-matic "ubuntuone-client translations missing for langpacks in saucy" [Undecided,New]19:24
pittiseb128: it's in the tarballs, so it's indeed on the langpack-o-matic side19:40
seb128pitti, do we have any log from that side?19:41
pittiseb128: I suppose it gets categorized as "kde", and not put into the generic langpack19:41
pittiseb128: meeting now, will look later19:41
seb128pitti, no hurry, thanks! and good meeting ;-)19:42
qenghojibel: of that SIGABRT on chromium, were you intending to run autopkgtest at the same time? I'm trying to piece details together.19:54
jibelqengho, yes, I was running steps from smoke-actual to understand why it failed19:56
pittiseb128: I hope that with the change I put in tomorrow's langpack updates should get it20:27
pittiseb128: if not, I need to debug more in-depth20:27
seb128pitti, thanks, let's see20:29
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