
darkxstjbicha, input switching is not working properly under gnome-shell00:35
darkxstcan only switch between first two layouts00:37
darkxstand this seems like it would be bad! (gnome-settings-daemon:2106): AccountsService-CRITICAL **: act_user_set_input_sources: assertion 'g_variant_is_of_type (sources, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aa{ss}"))' failed00:42
jbichayes I have the same problem01:14
jbichait worked one time but after logging out and logging back in, it's broken again01:15
darkxstjbicha, its the same in 3.9, I suppose we didnt see it before because we had revert-input-source-changes.patch01:29
jbichadarkxst: they uploaded your old nm-applet patch01:37
jbichadarkxst: should I just drop the idle-dim-time override or it has been replaced by something else?01:42
darkxstjbicha, its now org.gnome.desktop.session.idle-delay, however just drop it, 30 secs seem like it would be incredibly annoying!01:58
darkxstand it would seem that it hasnt even worked for some time02:18
darkxstjbicha, I think we can remove network-manager-gnome from the seed02:34
jbichahaving dmz-cursor-theme installed allows someone to easily pick the white cursor in gnome-tweak-tool, I'm not sure how important that is02:40
jbichabut I'll go with whatever you decide02:40
darkxstI suppose that is a good point02:55
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test_can i use gnomefallback under ubuntu-gnome?13:25
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wingnuxHey guys! I can`t seem to be able to install the beta116:47
wingnuxWhenever I click "Install Ubuntu Gnome 13.10", nothing happens16:47
wingnuxany help?16:47
theenduserlatest upgrade pulls in lots of KDE libraries, is that normal?17:53
bjsniderwhich ones?17:53
theenduserlike nepomuk and... lemme see...17:54
theenduserkate, kde-runtime17:55
theenduserlots more17:55
theenduserkdelibs, oxygen-icons17:55
theenduserthis is SS btw18:00
theendusersorry these are already installed18:04
theendusersomething must have pulled them in and I forgot about it18:04
jbichatheenduser: can you copy your /var/log/apt/history.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and post the link here?18:07
jbichaor never mind18:07
bjsnidertheenduser, try purging kdelibs and see what happens18:08
bjsnidermight tell you what pulled it in18:08
theenduserthnx guys, I tried purging kdelibs but this is all I see: http://pastebin.com/Eg7dEAWY18:17
theendusernothing out of the ordinary, right? can't remember installing sth KDE either :S18:17
jbichahaving ubiquity-frontend-kde installed is unusual18:22
theenduseroh I see18:22
ikbenbenhi everyone...newish to irc and irc practices. hope i don't abuse19:42
ikbenbeni'm having an issue using gnome 3 on ubuntu after doing an apt-get update last night19:43
ikbenbenwhen i logged in this morning to my machine i only got a black screen with a cursor19:43
ikbenbeni was able to switch to unity but really want to use gnome319:43
ikbenbeni tried to run sudo apt-get install -f gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop19:43
ikbenbenbut get a unmet dependency and i'm not sure the best way to fix it19:43
ikbenbenThe following packages have unmet dependencies:19:44
ikbenben gnome-shell : Depends: gnome-settings-daemon (>= 3.8.0) but 3.6.4-0ubuntu8 is to be installed19:44
ikbenbenE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:44
ikbenbenany thoughts?19:44
bjsniderthe stable ppa doesn't have this issu. which ppas do you have?19:49
bjsniderwhere did that gnome-shell package come from?19:49
ikbenbensudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome319:49
ikbenbenwhen i logged into unity i had a window pop up about a partial upgrade required and so i ran it19:50
ikbenbenbut that was after getting the black screen after logging in19:50
bjsnideris this raring or saucy?19:51
ikbenbenso raring19:51
ikbenbennot sure what you mean by that :(19:51
bjsniderand also ~raring319:51
ikbenbengnome-shell-common 3.9.91+git20130905.2980515c-0ubuntu1~13.04~ricotz019:54
bjsniderno, should be 3.8.3-1ubuntu5~raring319:55
bjsniderwhere the hell did you get that?19:56
bjsniderthat's not even in staging19:56
ikbenbenlol..no idea :)19:56
bjsniderdo you have any other ppas installed?19:56
ikbenbenfor gnome..don't think so..one sec and i'll see19:57
bjsniderif you don't have rictoz's testing ppa installed you probably need to add it and then purge it19:59
bjsniderppa-purge it i mean19:59
bjsniderunless you went out and manually downloaded that package, which is possible but unlikely19:59
ikbenbeni see a ppa from ricotz19:59
bjsnideranyway, i think you should use ppa-purge on it20:00
bjsniderunless you like the idea of using a vt the whole time20:00
ikbenbennope..this is my work machine..i want it stable20:00
bjsnideryou want it stable so you're using a ppa called "testing"20:01
ikbenbenhonestly, i don't recall adding that ppa20:01
ikbenbenbut i do see an add repository for it in my history20:02
ikbenbenso i must have20:02
bjsniderit didn't add itself, that i'm sure of20:02
ikbenbenso is the gnome3 ppa running gnome 3.8?20:03
bjsnideryes, but not that version of gsd20:03
jbichathe ricotz testing ppa assumes you are also using the gnome3-staging ppa20:04
ikbenbenah..i know why i added ricotz...i wanted gnome-tweak-tool20:04
bjsnideryou already had it20:04
bjsniderit's in the distro, you don't need a ppa20:04
ikbenbeni couldn't find it at the time20:05
ikbenbenanyways...so recommendation...20:05
ikbenbenpurge the ricotz ppa20:05
bjsnideryou must have been led astray by misinformation20:05
ikbenbenafter purging ppa...then what? simply re-install gnome with sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop20:06
bjsniderit should just downgrade your gnome packages to the nearest version, which is the correct ppa20:06
bjsniderso that is theoretically all you need to do20:06
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ikbenbenso i ran sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ricotz/testing20:08
ikbenbenthen did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade20:08
ikbenbendidn't seem to do anything really20:08
ikbenbenso i tried to apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop20:09
ikbenbenand getting different dependencies now20:09
ikbenbengnome-shell : Depends: libgjs0c (>= 1.36.1-1+js17) but it is not going to be installed20:09
ikbenben               Depends: libmutter0b (>= 3.8) but it is not going to be installed20:09
ikbenben               Depends: libmutter0b (< 3.9) but it is not going to be installed20:09
ikbenben               Depends: gnome-shell-common (= 3.8.3-1ubuntu5~raring3) but 3.9.91+git20130905.2980515c-0ubuntu1~13.04~ricotz0 is to be installed20:09
bjsniderno, ppa-purge20:09
ikbenbendo i need to install that?20:10
bjsnidernow you have to add that ppa again20:10
ikbenbenk..ppa-purge wasn't isntalled20:10
ikbenbeni'm installing now20:11
ikbenbenand i've added the repostiory back20:11
ikbenbenthis is now doing a lot...20:13
ikbenbenk...i think i got it...i had to remove the gnome-tweak-tool as well with a apt-get remove...it was still trying to install gnome-common from ricotz20:17
ikbenbenbut after removing i then did an install -f gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop and it installed without error20:17
ikbenbeni'm going to log out and try to log in with gnome320:17
ikbenbenthank you for your help20:17
ikbenbenhoepfully you won't hear from me again ;)20:17
ikbenben@bjsnider @jbicha thank you..i'm now chatting to you fromgnome 320:20
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