
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
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ppisatismb: debscripts?08:56
smbppisati, devscripts08:56
ppisatismb: ah, deVscripts :)08:56
smbppisati, yep :)08:56
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smbI am back09:17
ppisatibug 122326109:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223261 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "dtb concatenation support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122326109:45
ppisatilool: ^09:45
ppisatilool: dtb concatenation support for our arm multiplatform kernel09:46
ppisatilool: in this initial patch i specifically added support for only one board (panda)09:46
ppisatilool: the shell code is a bit ugly IMO, feel free to improve it09:46
ppisatilool: give it a look when you've time09:46
ppisatilool: :)09:46
ppisatilool: and i'll have another patch (for calxeda this time) in the afternoon, albeit it's trivial this one09:48
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loolppisati: ok; I'll try to squeeze some time on this then11:43
* henrix will be afk for a bit13:11
slangasekrtg: hi, is there anything further I should do with bug #1223195 to make sure it's on y'all's radar?14:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223195 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "efivarfs built as a module in saucy, so not mounted at boot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122319514:17
rtgslangasek, didn't see it yet. its now on my radar.14:17
slangasekok :-)14:18
rtgslangasek, I'm assuming that not having debugfs, securityfs, spufs, binfmt_misc, and fusectl built in isn't really causing problems ?14:22
slangasekrtg: which of those aren't built in?14:23
slangasekrtg: ah, binfmt_misc isn't; it's possible that something else is loading that for us and mounting the fs14:24
rtgperhaps debugfs as well14:24
slangasekrtg: I included that list more as a "if you're marking this as 'required' in the config, you might want to do the same for these others"14:24
rtgslangasek, right.14:25
slangasekoh... and pstore just got added to the list14:25
rtgwtf is spufs ?14:25
rtglooks like the rest are already built in14:26
ohsixcell has psus14:26
rtgohsix, its not showing up 'cause we aren't building  a cell flavour14:27
bjfhenrix, what did we decide about that zram issue?14:47
rtgbjf, revert ?14:47
bjfrtg, that's my vote as well but henrix was taking a fresh look at the upstream fix14:49
rtgbjf, hmm, I've already pushed the revert14:50
bjfrtg, hadn't gotten to my email yet. that works for me.14:50
henrixbjf: yeah, i've sent the revert earlier today14:54
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting14:54
henrixbjf: i'll be sending a revert request to the stable ML, CC'ing upstream authors. they may actually be interested in providing a backport of the real fix14:55
bjfhenrix, i'm good with the revert14:55
bjfhenrix, thanks for looking14:55
henrixbjf: cool. i'll keep ktml on CC for that revert request14:56
apwhenrix, ok ... finally ... have a look at the matrix now15:00
henrixapw: will do15:01
apwhenrix, i think that represents reality for the 'pre-release-pocket-version' ones15:01
henrixapw: wow!!!! 62 to 33!15:01
apwhenrix, heh yeah there was a lot of trash sitting there being ignored15:01
apwit is somewhat more readable now too15:02
henrixapw: ok, i'll go through it this afternoon see if everything's ok (i always leave a tab open with the 'old version' of the matrix so that i can compare it ;) )15:02
henrixapw: thanks a lot for that15:03
apwhenrix, heh yeah me too.  i have hand verified all the changes it made and they all refer to version in the past as far as i can tell, so i am pretty sure it is ok15:05
apwhenrix, as you said there was a lot of stuff pending when it was not-affected in the actual release15:06
henrixapw: cool. you'll be the 1st one to know if i find anythin strange :)15:08
henrixthanks again15:08
apwhenrix, i am sure, but let me know indeeed15:10
* apw wanders out for a bit to get some supplies15:10
rtgapw, cking: I've set CONFIG_EFI_VARS_PSTORE=m. I think upstream has fixed the BIOS bricking characteristics.15:40
rtg(for saucy)15:40
apwrtg, ok15:54
apwhenrix, all well in cve matrix land ?15:56
henrixapw: so far i haven't found anything weird :)15:57
apwhenrix, ok good :)15:59
apwhenrix, any sign of the other half of kees' patches appearing anywhere ?16:00
henrixapw: nop, nothing yet16:00
apwoddness indeed16:01
henrixhe hasn't replied to you, right?16:01
* henrix remembers apw asking him on irc16:01
apwnothing i have seend indeed16:01
smbjsalisbury, Just to give you a heads up... looks like the meeting bot resigned16:10
jsalisburysmb, ok16:10
jsalisburysmb, thanks for the heads up16:11
smbjsalisbury, Just watching the server team coping without :)16:11
ppisatibug 122343916:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223439 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "highbank: generic-lpae support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122343916:28
ppisatilool: and while there, look at this too, it's a one-liner16:28
loolppisati: sorry, did (slowly) some gstreamer stuff this pm16:29
loolI still have f-k patches in my debian inbox that I haven't checked out in 2 weeks too, so I do get reminded of this daily  :-)16:29
ppisatilool: don't worry, i'll prod about it in the coming days too :)16:34
TsarObombaHery guys, it was suggested I ask here when I asked in ubuntu. Basically I have an question abpout making a very simple udev rule16:34
TsarObombaBut i cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the syntax of the udev rules system16:34
TsarObombaIts to change the permissions of my thinklight without having to do it each time i power on16:35
TsarObombaso this: chmod 666 /sys/class/leds/tpacpi\:\:thinklight/brightness16:35
TsarObombaI would like to make that into a udev rule, but i dont understand the syntax at all, ive looked at a couple guides16:35
rtgapw, have you looked at bug #199345 ? (whilst you are looking at HV graphics issues)16:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 199345 in Infobase "Provide a way to delete objects" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19934516:52
rtgmake that bug #119934516:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1199345 in linux (Ubuntu) "Can't install on Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1 (error video)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119934516:52
apwrtg will stick it on the list and chat with utl16:52
apwTsarObomba, /lib/udev/rules.d/40-ia64.rules has an example of changing the permissions on a 'thing' when it appears16:53
apwTsarObomba, /lib/udev/rules.d/40-qemu-system-common.rules has an exmaple of setting group ownership with paired permissions if that is more what you want16:54
apwother files in that same directory should hlpe you sort out the matching syntax16:54
jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:56
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues September 17th, 2013 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
* ppisati -> EOL17:16
henrixhe was such a nice guy...17:19
apwheh ...17:21
keesapw, henrix: "has he replied to you?" was that me as the "he"? or is there anything I can do to help with HID stuff?17:21
apwkees, yo yeah you were :)  wondering where the "other half" of your 12 or so patches went17:21
apwkees, only about half seems to have landed in linus' tree17:22
apwkees, CVE-2013-2888->2897 ones17:22
keesapw: one of the RH HID guys NAKed a portion of them, so I did a v2, which he ACKed half of, and he's going to take a crack at v3 on the last 2 remaining ones.17:22
apwkees, ahh so they are being 'improved' and will come along in time17:23
apwhenrix, ^^17:23
henrixapw: yep, saw that. thanks kees17:23
keesthe RH HID dude was out last week, so nothing was moving. the conversation has continued this week, though.17:24
henrixcool, so they may actually land before rc117:24
apwas long as we arn't being dumb and missing them, i am happy17:25
keesand frankly, as long as you have the Report ID one (the first one), you're good. the rest are not as horrible.17:26
apwhenrix, heh do we ahve the 2888 one yet ?17:27
henrixapw: yes, we do17:37
henrixapw: we have 2888, 2892, 2896, 2898 and 289917:38
apwhenrix, then ... why is 2888 still needed across the board17:39
henrixapw: oh, by 'we do' i meant 'its in linus'17:39
henrixapw: but not applied yet17:39
apwheh ... good enough17:40
henrixapw: i've actually sent the patches for Lucid to the ktml. but not for the other series17:40
henrixapw: for the 2888, i mean17:41
apwhenrix, i was only worried it was applied and not showing, if it is not applied i am good17:41
* henrix -> EOD17:52
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apwbjf, i see raring failed to build, some module went walkies18:17
bjfapw, ack, working on it18:21
bjfapw, thanks18:21
phillwrtg: are you about?18:23
rtgphillw, about to take off for lunch18:24
phillwokies, enjoy lunch, I'll pastebin up where I've got up to with bug 1218691 We need some help :)18:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218691 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/radeon/KAVERI" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121869118:25
phillwrtg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1218691/comments/518:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218691 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/radeon/KAVERI" [Low,Triaged]18:26
rtgphillw, the issue I have is that I don't know the provenance or licensing of these files. I'm not gonna include them in Ubuntu's linux-firmware package until I have a paper trail from AMD18:28
rtgthey shuold also be included in the upstream repo first, and ben will have the same concerns18:29
* apw was going to say the same thing ... those are random files on the internet how do we even know they are firmware18:29
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phillwrtg: apw can you update the bug, I'm well out of my depth here :/18:31
* rtg -> lunch18:34
apwphillw, updated18:34
phillwapw: thanks, I'm only an iso tester :)18:39
apwtesting is always useful :)18:41
phillwapw: indeed... https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12001 kills vBox in Raring using the Saucy kernel series... but that is never going to get an SRU. Testing has its moments :)18:45
phillwapw: rtg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1218691/comments/7  could you comment as to where to go from here (or even, please, subscribe to the bug - so as to take me out of the loop of things I don't have knowledge of how to deal with ?) :) Thanks, phillw20:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218691 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/radeon/KAVERI" [Low,Triaged]20:02
rtgphillw, let this one go for now. AMD will eventually publish their firmware just like they have for the other zillion firmware files that they have, hopefully in time for 13.10 release. If not, then I'll SRU these files when they become published from the right source.20:13
phillwrtg: should it be marked as triaged? aka, we know about it and it will be dealt with :)20:14
phillwahh, it is... just the debian bit I cannot alter :D20:15
phillwthanks, one less bug on my hit list :D20:16
phillwshould the warning message be mentioned in any release notes for people who do update / upgrade just to let them know it can be safely ignored, as opposed to the other option of pulling in drivers that may well bork their system? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/1218691/comments/320:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1218691 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/radeon/KAVERI" [Low,Triaged]20:18
* rtg -> EOD21:13
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