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DanChapmanmorning all09:29
smartboyhwHello DanChapman09:29
elfyhi DanChapman09:34
DanChapmanHey smartboyhw  and elfy :-)09:35
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DanChapmanballoons: hey :-)15:01
balloonsDanChapman, hey15:13
smartboyhwballoons, nice post on G+!15:16
letozafballoons, hello19:21
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balloonsletozaf, hello20:09
balloonsletozaf, how are you doing this fine evening?20:09
letozafballoons, :) yeah fine! and you ?20:10
letozafballoons, I was looking at the rssreader app autopilot tests20:11
balloonsletozaf, yes, I'm encountering that bug I filed again20:11
letozafballoons, ah ok! I was wondering if I had something wrong :P20:12
letozafballoons, so I think I better wait till things are fixed, right ?20:14
letozafballoons, cannot do much now20:14
balloonsletozaf, yea, RSS reader has been quite a plague, haha.. It's on the list of weird and hard problems20:17
balloonsletozaf, adding new tests to working suites is the sanest thing to do at the moment20:18
balloonsit will be the best experience..20:18
letozafballoons, yes I will check to find something else to work on :)20:19
letozafballoons, until rssreader is "fixed"20:19
balloonsletozaf, calendar is a good example20:21
letozafballoons, ok I will work on that thanks :)20:22
balloonsclock is a good example, as it is stable and could use additional tests :-)20:22
letozafballoons, ok will take a look also at that one :)20:23
balloonscalendar might have a full set of tests right now actually.. I was thinking of putting in edit tests, but it's not done yet20:23
balloonsbasically anything that is still an open bug for core apps is fair game20:23
letozafballoons, yes I also wanted to do that and saw it wasn't done20:23
letozafballoons, ok20:24
balloonsI've also not played with music app recently20:25
letozafballoons, ok I will take a look at clock and music apps and see what I can do20:27
knomehey balloons20:27
balloonsknome, hello20:33
balloonsletozaf, thank you.. I have been traveling and away, etc, etc, so if you need me, feel free to email20:33
balloonspleasant evening I hope knome ? The sun is setting much sooner nowadays.. I miss the long summer nights20:34
letozafballoons, ok thanks :)20:34
knomeballoons, hehe, yeah20:39
knomeballoons, though i love fall20:39
balloonsknome, it's cold here, I miss the warm, lol.. I like fall, but I'm not quite ready.20:39
knomecold is good ;)20:39
balloonsI'll head back to florida and enjoy summer for a couple more months first20:39
knomei'm as warm-blooded as one can get20:40
balloonsI sleep with heavy blankets even in the summer in florida20:40
balloonsI suppose I'm the opposite :-p20:40
knomehah, i'm sleeping with the lightest possible even in the midwinter of finland20:41
knomelike with 120g blanket...20:41
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