
joe_bActually looks kind of ok'ish on mine.00:00
joe_bThanks though.00:02
cwaynestgraber: ping00:09
stgrabercwayne: pong00:10
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cwaynestgraber: hey, is the auto-signing of the custom tarball still on your plate for this week by any chance?00:12
stgrabercwayne: yep00:12
cwaynestgraber: awesome thanks! and as usual let me know if you need any help testing anything :)00:12
stgrabercwayne: sure.00:13
stgrabercwayne: One thing I'll need to get fixed before I can get daily-customized online is access to the jenkins server from the system-image server. Do you happen to know the private address of the Jenkins instance used by your project?00:13
cwaynestgraber: I don't know but I can surely find out00:14
stgrabercwayne: I expect it to be one of those 10.97.x.x QA lab IPs00:15
cwaynei'd imagine so, ill ask around00:15
stgrabercwayne: I ask because I want to check if nusakan may already have access to the private address but just not the public one. That'd save me an RT ticket00:15
sander__What's the best cutting edge smartphone which comes with ubuntu touch? Or do install it on?00:25
mhall119sander__: you have to install it on existing phones at the moment00:40
mhall119it's not even 1.0 yet, so you won't be able to buy a phone with it already on there00:40
sander__mhall119, Ok. WHat phones is recommended?00:41
mhall119one of the Nexus ones00:41
mhall119Galaxy Nexus or Nexus 400:41
sander__mhall119, how do I install it? And can I install it side by side?00:43
sander__And can I run ubuntu desktop on it if I connect a big screen?00:43
mhall119sander__: not side by side, it'll replace android00:45
mhall119sander__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install00:45
sander__mhall119, do you know if it will run on samsung galaxy s2?00:48
mhall119I think there's a community image for the S2, but I don't know how well it works00:48
mhall119Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 are the two phones that we officially support, we provide images for them and we have them to test with00:49
sander__mhall119, Ok. What programming languages can I write touch apps with?01:01
sander__Looks like c or c++.. cool:)01:07
mhall119sander__: or HTML5, or QML01:09
ryanpriorIs there a facility for me to read my texts and respond on the desktop? Maybe something in Empathy?02:03
ryanpriorOr if not now, is that something we're building?02:04
crypticmofohello .. can somebody point me to the lastest cyanogenmod image and ubuntu-touch image .. its for a galaxy s3 verizons or d2vzw02:04
Blade_Is there any offical work being done on porting to the new Nexus 7?02:19
mfischIs there any magic to get the "Scope" project to show up in the SDK?02:35
mfischSome people have it, but I don't seem to02:35
cwaynehas anyone noticed that all phone calls show up as 'missed calls'02:38
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AskUbuntuInstalling the Touch Preview on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 | http://askubuntu.com/q/34360802:57
mfischcwayne: you should file a bug02:59
ryanpriorIs there a facility for me to read my texts and respond on the desktop? Maybe something in Empathy? Or if not now, is that something we're building?03:03
mhall119ryanprior: your desktop can make and receive text messages?03:03
mhall119like, SMS?03:04
ryanpriormhall119: it can't, but my cell phone can and I can connect it to my desktop via wifi, bluetooth, or usb.03:05
mhall119ah, no I don't think there's anything that will work through a tethered device03:05
ryanpriormhall119: how hard can it be? We are going to support syncing contacts with a phone - makes sense to me we would import those into Empathy and provide SMS as a messaging option.03:16
mhall119ryanprior: all it takes is code :)03:17
classyi need help, can my smarrtphone acer z120 dual gsm install ubuntu mobile? please i want try use ubuntu for my smartphone03:18
mhall119!devices | classy03:18
ubot5classy: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:18
ryanpriormhall119: I'm working on something like that, but I'm inclined to ask around here and perhaps other places, so that I'm not re-implementing something somebody else has already done (as part of Android integration perhaps? or maybe as part of KDE's mobile efforts, or as part of Samsung/Intel's work on Tizen?)03:18
mhall119ryanprior: the only trick is going to be proxying the messages across wifi/bluetooth/usb to the plugged in device03:19
ryanpriorand if there's a preferred APIs for doing things like this (syncing an app with the Contacts lens? requesting a list of the contacts on a computer? syncing contacts between devices?) then I'd want to learn about them and use them instead of rolling my own03:19
mhall119there should be a Qt API for accessing contacts on the device03:19
mhall119contacts are stored in evolution-data-server, IIRC, which supports different syncing options03:20
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classynot yet for acer z120?03:23
mhall119classy: if it's not listed then yeah, not yet03:27
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Mirvcjwatson: yep, 0.4.3 is now in staging PPA, I'm contacting dpm and others today to test it (or 0.4.4)04:00
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ejatsize mismatch05:45
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Enfemusanyone skilled in getting Ubuntu touch on to galxy nexus... fairly new to this stuff06:10
Ivanhoehi guys, could anyone help me to troubleshoot uninstalling ubuntu touch on N4?06:29
IvanhoeI'm stuck with the "X" screen after uninstalling and running "adb reboot-bootloader"06:30
IvanhoeI just tried going back to v4.2.2 by doing the same thing but no success06:31
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dholbachgood morning07:49
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Swap Ideas Day! :-D08:21
AskUbuntuNexus 4 cannot pass the X screen after uninstalling Ubuntu Touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/34370308:41
tmoenickemzanetti: ping08:48
mzanettitmoenicke: pong08:48
popeydamnit, my nexus 4 is still busted. I can't make it wake up / charge08:49
* popey has tried the usual leaving it charging from an official charger, holding down power button lark.08:56
popeyplug the power lead in and i get the red light of death and it won't charge at all08:56
cjwatsonMirv: thanks09:00
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bzoltan1Does anybody know when the ssh will be default on the RO image?10:11
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SoruI want to buy a phone for installing on it Ubuntu.11:05
SoruI don't want a  Nexus11:05
SoruWhere can I search?11:05
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popeySoru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:08
popeyWe officially only support some of the nexus devices.11:08
popeyCommunity members create images for other devices11:08
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SoruThank you popey :)11:18
popeystgraber / lool - do we have a plan for making this work again on read only images? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins/+bug/122330111:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1223301 in [obsolete] Ubuntu QtCreator Plugins "Cannot enable developer mode on read-only image" [Undecided,New]11:36
popeymoved to https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/122330111:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1223301 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Cannot enable developer mode on read-only image" [Undecided,New]11:38
loolpopey: is this the apt-get install openssh thing?11:42
loolpopey: we discussed a plan at vUDS, but we lack folks to make progress on this; other priorities take the time of SDK team and other teams11:43
popeylool: when is ubuntu-system going to be the default?11:43
popey"Real Soon Now™"?11:43
loolpopey: it is!11:43
loolpopey: https://www.stgraber.org/2013/09/05/ubuntu-touch-system-images-now-default/11:44
loolpopey: there is no default in our tools, but that's what we look at now when looking at QA test results11:44
popeyThat's the kind of default I mean.11:44
popeyIf a developer comes along and wants to write a touch app, and they run "phablet-flash", what do they get, at the moment it's a choice. Will that be defaulting to ubuntu-system at some point is my more verbose version of the same question?11:45
popeylool: if our focus is on system images, then it follows developers will install the one that we're focussed on.11:46
loolpopey: we didn't plan to have a default11:49
loolbut we could11:49
loolpopey: unfortunately, as you saw in the bug you point at, the SDK isn't quite ready for read-only images11:49
loolso I believe we're currently advocating usage of system images in all cases, but switching to writable images (touch .writable_image) when you're using the SDK11:50
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timpshould the battery indicator be working properly?12:11
timpI had my galaxy nexus attached to power for charging for over a day, but the indicator icon shows empty battery12:11
timpthe "charge level" when I open the indicator on the other hand shows 100% (which may be a bit more than I expect)12:11
mrslvHi, I have problem installing ubuntu-touch on nexus 4. I'm following instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install12:13
mrslvterminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087649/12:13
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popeymrslv: does "adb devices" show your device?12:16
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mrslvpopey: yes12:18
kgunnmrslv: fwiw, have you tried cdimage-touch yet ?12:19
kgunnjust as a test12:19
mrslvwill try now12:19
popeyI would certainly recommend using phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b12:19
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jdstrandseb128: hi! I'm trying to reproduce bug #122321112:28
ubot5bug 1223211 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "PositionSource blocked by AppArmor even with "loaction" policy_group enabled." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122321112:28
jdstrandseb128: does the location service work on grouper?12:28
seb128jdstrand, not sure...12:29
seb128rsalveti, ^ do you know?12:29
mrslvThanks popey, kgunn it worked12:29
seb128(no tvoss?)12:30
popeybzoltan: do we have working qtlocation / gps on _any_ devices yet?12:30
jdstrandmzanetti got farther than I did12:31
bzoltanpopey: i could not verify12:31
jdstrandI installed qtdeclarative5-qtlocation-plugin but now I get: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'12:31
jdstrand  what():  The name com.ubuntu.location.Service was not provided by any .service files12:31
jdstrandAborted (core dumped)12:31
popeyyou have to manually start the location service12:31
mzanettijdstrand: I'm here in case you need any help12:31
jdstrandpopey: how?12:31
mzanettior testing12:31
popeythere's an upstart job iirc12:31
jdstrandmzanetti: cool, thanks. I asked for more info in the bug12:32
popeymzanetti: do you have a simple qml snippet we could use to test it?12:32
mzanettiyes... but I think on latest images it's running automatically12:32
popeyroot       638  0.0  0.2  46772  5204 ?        Ssl  11:09   0:00 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ubuntu-location-service/examples/service --bus system --provider gps::Provider12:32
popeyso it is12:32
popeymzanetti: I'm just after something which grabs the gps location and prints whatever data - be that LAT/LONG etc or whatever comes out of the location service12:33
jdstrandpopey: yep, started12:33
jdstrandpopey: thanks12:33
jdstrandoh, it worked12:34
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jdstrandpopey: here is some qml12:34
mzanettipopey: jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087730/12:35
jdstrandpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087739/12:36
popeythanks both!12:36
jdstrandpopey: mine is just modifying simple touch ui12:36
jdstrandand is the same as mzanetti's :)12:36
mzanettijdstrand: popey: here's a fully packaged click app that reproduces this issue: http://notyetthere.org/data/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.getmewheels2_1.3_all.click12:37
mzanettiah wait12:37
mzanettiit has the positionsource commented out12:38
mzanettilet me enable it12:38
mzanettione sec12:38
mzanettifalse alarm. everything fine with this package12:39
mzanettijust install it and it'll crash when launched in apparmor12:39
mzanettieven though the location policy_group is there12:39
jdstrandmzanetti: yeah, I'm investigating12:40
asacralsina: hi12:50
ralsinaasac: hello12:50
asacralsina: whats the status of the crash?12:50
nanderssonHi, what software powers the Instant Managing in Ubuntu Phone?12:50
ralsinaasac: still working on it :-/12:50
nanderssonSorry, "Instant Messaging"12:51
popeynandersson: Friends.12:51
ralsinaasac: I am waiting for a status update from alecu in a bit, I'll keep you posted12:51
asacralsina: can we please reverse commit whatever we committed on friday/thursday while you investigate?12:51
asacor was there no commit at all last week?12:51
nanderssonpopey, Never heard of? Have you got a url please?12:51
ralsinaasac: I don't think there were any commits on thursday/friday12:51
popeynandersson: https://launchpad.net/friends12:51
asacralsina: where is the bzr tree?12:51
nanderssonpopey, Thanks!12:51
asacralsina: might be it happened tue/wed12:52
ralsinaasac: agh, launchpad is 503'ing12:52
asacralsina: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click12:53
asacthats the change thatcaused it12:53
asacralsina: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/149516039/unity-scope-click_0.1%2B13.10.20130903-0ubuntu1_0.1%2B13.10.20130906.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz12:53
asacthat one12:53
ralsinaasac: last commit was sunday!12:53
ralsinaasac: ok, we'll revert unless we can fix it in the next couple of hours12:53
jdstrandbzoltan, dpm (ted): what is the correct way to use the hud in a qml app?12:54
nanderssonpopey, I assume Friends will then be in Ubuntu 14.10 desktop as well, as default?12:54
asacralsina: can you revert while you investigate? we really would like to slip that in12:54
ralsinaasac: ok, will revert12:54
nanderssonpopey, With the move to Qt and Unity 8 I mean.12:54
asacralsina: ok give me a ping so didrocks can pipe it in12:55
asacralsina: you can reapply right aftrer we have the package12:55
didrockssil2100: hey, will you rerun and force a manual publication of the click scope? ^12:55
didrocks(once you have the green light from ralsina)12:55
jdstrandtimp: what is the correct way to use the hud in a qml app? does sudoku do it correctly?12:55
asacbecause we dont automatically publish and we can wait for your stuff until you say you have fixed it after12:55
ralsinaasac: ack!12:56
timpjdstrand: I haven't checked the sudoku-app. do you have the url where I can see the source that uses HUD?12:56
timpjdstrand: the correct way is to assign actions MainView.actions for global actions, and to Page.actions for actions that should only appear in HUD when that Page is active (local actions)12:56
jdstrandtimp: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sudoku-touch-dev/sudoku-app/trunk/files12:56
jdstrandtimp: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sudoku-touch-dev/sudoku-app/trunk/view/head:/sudoku-app.qml12:57
jdstrandtimp: looks like it does?12:57
jdstranddang it, my nexus 7 isn't coming up...12:58
dpmjdstrand, timp is in a better position to answer this one. The clock app guys have also started implementing HUD actions12:58
timpjdstrand: yes that looks correct to me. only the import Ubuntu.Unity.Action 1.0 as UnityActions is not needed, and keywords should be short and separated by ; as specified here http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/cplusplus/unity-action/classunity_1_1action_1_1Action.html#ace70c095fd440d5fa7fe3d77eef1cf1b12:59
jdstranddpm: ack. is there a place to add wishlist documentation bugs?12:59
dpmjdstrand, I think the best place might be the toolkit, to get those fixes into the API docs -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit13:00
timpjdstrand: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, but it is already there https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/121901113:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1219011 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Add example code for actions property to Page and MainView API docs" [High,Confirmed]13:00
timpjdstrand: you can comment on and follow that bug13:00
jdstrandtimp, dpm: cool, thanks :)13:00
dpmnp ;)13:00
rsalvetijdstrand: seb128: I'm not sure the location service is working with grouper, I never tested there actually13:01
rsalvetiI know it works with mako and maguro13:01
jdstrandtimp: mostly I wanted to make sure when people do it correctly, that the app uses a dbus object path that matches what the apparmor profile allows (eg com_2eubuntu_2esudoku_5fsudoku_5f0_2e4_2e3)13:02
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jdstrandtimp: ie, double checking the APP_ID gets used/converted13:03
jdstrandrsalveti: it is actually :)13:03
* jdstrand was pleasantly surprised13:03
jdstrandseb128: ^13:04
jdstrandof course now it just won't come up at all13:04
segastephow could i go about putting ubuntu on my samsung galaxy tab 7" ? :P ( GT-P3110 )13:04
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jdstrandrsalveti: do you know of any issues with devices being stuck at the 'Google' screen on reboot? (either immediately after a phlash (my mako) or just a regular reboot (my grouper))?13:05
jdstrandrsalveti: I've since rephlashed my mako-- but these were both RO images from late last week13:05
timpjdstrand: I don't know about the correct usage of the APP_ID13:06
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timpWellark: ^ you?13:06
jdstrandtimp, Wellark: bug #1218107 should describe it13:07
ubot5bug 1218107 in hud (Ubuntu Saucy) "hud should use APP_ID and libnih to generate the DBus path" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121810713:07
rsalvetijdstrand: awesome13:07
rsalvetijdstrand: hm, right, never saw that with the rw image13:07
rsalvetiwhen you get that, please get inside recovery, and dump /proc/last_kmsg13:08
rsalvetito see if it's at least a kernel crash13:08
jdstrandrsalveti: dumb question-- how do I get into rcovery?13:09
alecuasac, ralsina: is there a lp bug for the click scope issue with maguro?13:10
jdstrandrsalveti: note, I cannot use adb shell13:10
asacalecu: no... you can file one if you need one13:10
plarsasac: looks like those two tests for unity failed on maguro again13:10
jdstrandrsalveti: (adb devices returns nothing at at this point)13:10
asacSaviq: ^^13:10
rsalvetijdstrand: hm, either via adb recovery, or rebooting into the bootloader (pressing the volume down when booting), and then getting inside the device13:11
rsalvetijdstrand: something seems to be broken then13:11
rsalvetiit should work in recovery at least, otherwise something else is broken13:11
plarsasac: they passed on the 20130909 build though13:11
rsalvetimake sure to kill adbd in your host as well (that gets restarted automatically next time)13:11
asacplars: retry one more time13:11
jdstrandrsalveti: it was weird. I did 'mount -o remount,rw /' installed a couple deb packages, installed a click package. did some stuff, rebooted. fine. rebooted again-- nothing13:12
ogra_cjwatson, so i'm planning to fiddle with sshd by default on the image today, would you see any problems with running sshd from a session upstart job (and thus as the pahblet user) ... is that even possible ?13:12
Saviqasac, plars we haven't had a release since 2013.09.0513:12
asacSaviq: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20130910.changes13:12
asacSaviq: can you see anything that might have a side effect?13:12
Saviqasac, looking at the tests first13:12
asacotherwise my story is that click-store crashing will cause IO and timing issues13:12
asacSaviq: ok cool. thanks13:13
cjwatsonogra_: impossible unless you (ab)use sudo13:13
rsalvetijdstrand: right, try rebooting manually into recovery to see if you have /proc/last_kmsg13:14
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, sad, ok13:15
cjwatsonogra_: sshd really does need to run as root13:15
ogra_yeah, i feared that13:15
ogra_well, then i'll just go with that13:15
Saviqasac, plars we're sometimes seeing the same issue in the merger, investigating13:15
jdstrandrsalveti: I'm in CWM-recovery now. what should I do? (incidentally, if this isn't a good use of your time, I can just rephlash)13:15
rsalvetijdstrand: can you run adb shell now?13:15
cjwatsonogra_: I would have thought that the right answer was to install openssh-server, upstart-override it to manual, then have UI (or CLI in the interim) that does "sudo service ssh start" or similar13:16
jdstranderror: device not found13:16
jdstrandrsalveti: ^13:16
asacplars: sounds like retrying13:16
rsalvetitry 'pkill adb; adb shell;'13:16
plarsasac: It's already running since a while ago13:16
rsalvetijdstrand: ^13:16
jdstrandrsalveti: but note-- I haven't done anything other than get to the first menu in CWM-based Recovery13:16
rsalvetiright, that's fine, adb should always work in recovery mode13:17
plarsSaviq: how often do you see this in merger?13:17
jdstrandrsalveti: error: device not found13:17
ogra_cjwatson, yes, thats what it will boil down to ... i just thought it would be nice to have it run less privileged13:17
jdstrandit says: E:Can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command at the bottom13:17
cjwatsonogra_: I mean, of course it's *possible* to run a non-root sshd, but it'll require fairly extensive modifications - putting host keys somewhere else and disabling privilege separation are just the first things that come to mind - and I'd want the result to be audited13:17
jdstrandrsalveti: ^13:17
rsalvetijdstrand: that's fine as well, should just work, hm13:18
Saviqplars, now that you're asking, 100% since this morning13:18
rsalvetijdstrand: can you check your syslog when connecting the usb cable to the device?13:18
ogra_cjwatson, yeah13:18
rsalvetijust to see what your kernel is identifying13:18
Saviqplars, seems the update to libnotify / gir1-notify broke things13:18
Saviqplars, we'll look into it13:18
ogra_cjwatson, i think i'll start with the easier path ... we can still move to something else later13:18
plarsasac: ^13:18
plarsthanks Saviq13:18
jdstrandrsalveti: this is the end of dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087897/13:19
ogra_cjwatson, this path just means some sudo hackery , where a user/session job wouldnt13:19
plarsSaviq: do you have a shortcut for figuring out that the breakage came from there?13:19
cjwatsonogra_: it also wouldn't be possible to start a PAM session if sshd were running as non-root, I think13:19
ogra_oh, !13:19
ogra_i didnt think if that13:19
cjwatsonogra_: so that approach has some cascading problems as well that you'd need to be careful about13:19
Saviqplars, well, the failing tests are using libnotify, and it got changed in image 20130810 ;)13:19
jdstrandrsalveti: syslog had this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087900/13:20
cjwatsonogra_: if you have a proper UI for it then it could use policykit to escalate rather than sudo, I imagine13:20
Saviqplars, i.e. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotify/0.7.6-1 - published 9 hrs ago13:20
rsalvetijdstrand: hm, it seems that the usb property is starting both adb and mtp when getting in recovery13:20
plarsSaviq: ok, wasn't sure if you had some easy way of rolling back just that change and retrying to confirm that was the case13:20
cjwatsonogra_: that was what we talked about at UDS, I thought - an "open SSH access" button13:20
rsalvetijdstrand: did you try mtp or setting that by hand somehow?13:20
Saviqplars, we couldn't reproduce locally a few hours ago13:20
rsalvetinot sure if the persist property would break that13:20
jdstrandrsalveti: no. I don't know how to do that :)13:21
jdstrandrsalveti: I did an adb push before the reboot, but that wouldn't be mtp I wouldn't think (and it worked fine)13:21
ogra_cjwatson, well, not an "open ssh acccess" but a "usb developer mode" that manages more than just ssh i think13:21
ogra_but yeah13:21
* jdstrand kill the server, unplugs the device, counts to 10, plugs in the device and tries adb shell again13:22
cjwatsonogra_: Or that, yeah13:22
* cjwatson <- not a designer :-)13:22
rsalvetijdstrand: yeah, that should be harmless :-)13:22
rsalvetijdstrand: I'd try at least reflashing recovery again, to see if it'd make any difference13:22
rsalvetiboot into bootloader, and flash http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img with fastboot13:22
rsalvetifastboot flash recovery saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img13:23
rsalvetiand then try booting into recovery again13:23
jdstrandrsalveti: ok, thanks13:23
ogra_cjwatson, but for a start i guess it will have to be a cmdline script you can call from the terminal13:23
Saviqplars, yup, confirmed, passing on libnotify 0.7.5, failing on 0.7.613:23
Saviqasac, ↓13:23
Saviqasac, ↑↑ even13:23
ogra_(though that should be able to use PK as well i think)13:23
akshay2000I have a bit of trouble wrapping my head around Ubuntu Touch. In the SDK, why isn't there an emulator for phone?13:23
jdstrand(incidentally, my counting to 10 procedure did nothing)13:24
akshay2000The code simply runs on native environment.13:24
asacseb128: can you backout libnotify 0.7.6 so we can get an image out and let your changes in?13:24
plarsballoons: do you know what's going on with filemanager lately? far fewer tests are passing now13:25
jdstrandrsalveti: < waiting for device >13:25
seb128asac, what's wrong with it?13:25
asacseb128: makes unity8 tests fail13:25
asacsee a few lines above13:25
jdstrandrsalveti: oh, I am not in the bootloader13:25
seb128asac, how so?13:25
asacseb128: saviq knows13:25
rsalvetijdstrand: right, try with root as well13:25
asacseb128: i dont know... but i would prefer to reverse commit it so13:25
asacyou can investigate wihtout firedrill13:25
seb128asac, there are 2 commits in that update, can't we just fix the tests?13:25
beunojdstrand, hey. Is this a valid way to not request any permissions?13:26
Saviqseb128, asac, let us investigate please13:26
beuno    "policy_groups": [13:26
beuno        ""13:26
beuno    ],13:26
Saviqseb128, asac, we're seeing if we can just fix locally13:26
asacseb128: Saviq: the problem is that we have a big unity8 change staged13:26
asacso we cannot touch unity13:26
asacto get this fixed13:26
seb128asac, https://git.gnome.org/browse/libnotify/commit/?id=2b4ab4d22f42dd264a4ddfa68b02bba0d6c71b0b is the only code change13:26
beunojdstrand, the review script says no, but I wanted to make sure that was intentional13:26
asacif you can fix it on libnotfiff its ok13:26
seb128asac, I doubt libnotify is creating your issue13:26
asacseb128: see above... its reproducible with13:26
asacand not reproducible without htis change13:26
Saviqseb128, the change between 0.7.5 and 0.7.6 caused two tests to fail13:27
seb128Saviq, that url is the only change13:27
Saviqseb128, but we don't know the cause yet13:27
asacwe cannot touch unity unless we reverse the mir landing staged13:27
seb128Saviq, the other one is a documentation change13:27
seb128Saviq, see https://git.gnome.org/browse/libnotify/log/13:27
seb128asac, I'm really not convinced that claim that it's libnotify is true13:27
asacSaviq: double check13:28
asacSaviq: seb128 is not believing you :)13:28
jdstrandbeuno: that declares an empty policy group. that is uncool. either: "policy_groups": [] or "policy_groups": [ "somegroup" ]13:28
seb128Saviq, do you use gir? annotations shouldn't have an impact on what you are doing13:28
beunojdstrand, ah, of course  :)13:28
asacSaviq: maybe its just flakiness of those tests13:28
asacso double check13:28
asacbut it doesnt go away on automation13:28
asacwe retried 3 times13:28
Saviqasac, 100% failure since this morning13:28
asacalways fail13:28
asacand it always succeeded before13:28
Saviq8 times or so13:28
Saviqseb128, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/149834671/libnotify_0.7.5-2_0.7.6-1.diff.gz is a pretty big change, no?13:29
seb128Saviq, it's all autotools autogenerated files...13:29
* Saviq tries to downgrade13:29
jdstrandbeuno: it is currently easy to add an empty policy group to the sdk. there is a bug on that and it will go away when bzoltan's team does the new wizard13:29
asac gunzip -c libnotify_0.7.5-2_0.7.6-1.diff.gz | lsdiff  | pastebinit13:29
Saviq(after standup)13:29
jdstrandrsalveti: fastboot worked fine. just reboot?13:30
beunojdstrand, perfect13:30
rsalvetijdstrand: yup, just boot into recovery using the bootloader menu13:30
jdstrands/to the sdk/via the sdk/13:30
seb128Saviq, asac: https://git.gnome.org/browse/libnotify/log/ has the commits, as said only gir annotations changed ... do you have a log to the test issue?13:30
jdstrandrsalveti: ok, I have a shell :)13:31
Saviqseb128, asac standup now, will come back in 1013:31
rsalvetijdstrand: cool, then now you can at least reflash your device, just use -d grouper with phablet-flash when booted in recovery :-)13:31
rsalvetijdstrand: but try booting the normal image first13:31
rsalvetito see if you can get a crash and then dump last_kmsg13:31
asacseb128: so we dont relaly have time to investigate13:33
jdstrandrsalveti: ok, so it is stuck at the Google screen. now I reboot into recovery, get a shell, then do cat /proc/last_kmsg?13:33
seb128asac, but you have time to do reverts that are not likely to resolve your issue but are going to create more work for others?13:33
asacif people say that  downgrading fixes it 100%13:33
rsalvetijdstrand: yup13:33
asacall i hear is that downgrading fixed it 100%13:33
seb128asac, who is saying that? can I test here and how?13:34
asacseb128: install latest pengind image, run the uniyt8 autopilot -> see it failing13:34
asacdowngrade libnotify -> confirm that it suceeds13:34
seb128asac, it seems more likely that your issue is due to the rebuild and toolchain that the actual code change, did you try a rebuild of the old version?13:34
seb128asac, e.g are you sure that rebuilding .5 is fixing it13:34
asacseb128: you could try do a backout build and see13:35
seb128asac, let me see if I can get those unity8 autopilot tests to run and hit the issue13:35
asacseb128: no. i am just sure about the above. the backout isnt that expensive13:35
asacotherwise you have to investigate13:35
asacwhich is also expensive :)13:35
asacseb128: rihgt. happty to wait a bit13:36
seb128going back is always more expensive13:36
seb128since then you need to find the actual problem and fix it anyway13:36
seb128so you have to revert + get the fix13:36
seb128rather than just fixing13:36
bnjmnI'm having the same issue with the Sep 5 build13:36
jdstrandrsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6087960/13:36
bnjmnonly boots to black google screen13:36
rickspencer3seb128, but in the meantime, the rest of us can go forward13:36
seb128rickspencer3, SHRUG13:37
jdstrandrsalveti: WLAN placed in RESET does not look good13:37
seb128rickspencer3, you guys are so determined to revert rather than spend 5 minutes even trying to understand what's going on...13:37
rickspencer3seb128, I think it's already been way more than 5 minutes13:37
rickspencer3anyway, I'm not really involved, just saying13:38
rsalvetijdstrand: indeed, but still nothing exploded in there13:38
rickspencer3a little more work for one person to revert -> investigate -> fix -> recommit13:38
seb128rickspencer3, no comment...13:38
rickspencer3but everyone else can go forward13:38
seb128feel free to revert if you want13:38
Saviqseb128, TypeError: add_action() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)13:38
seb128and then fix it13:38
rsalvetijdstrand: I'd just reflash and try to reproduce your issue somehow13:38
Saviqseb128, so should be an easy fix13:38
rsalvetijdstrand: if you have time to do it, as it might be an issue with the ro image13:38
seb128Saviq, do you use gir?13:38
jdstrandrsalveti: weird. I can continue to debug if it is meaningful to you, or I can just rephlash. your call13:38
Saviqseb128, yes13:38
seb128Saviq, ok, so that's the annotation change indeed13:39
rsalvetijdstrand: just reflash13:39
jdstrandrsalveti: sure, I'll rephlash :)13:39
wellsbbeuno: Could you purge the 0.0.1 of the snake app so I can re-upload the same version number with the empty quotes removed from the policy group13:39
seb128Saviq, e.g https://git.gnome.org/browse/libnotify/commit/?id=2b4ab4d22f42dd264a4ddfa68b02bba0d6c71b0b13:39
* jdstrand prefers phlashing over flashing :P13:39
Saviqseb128, yup13:39
Saviqasac, ok, so what can we do? fix should be a one-liner really13:40
beunowellsb, I can't, unfortunately13:40
Saviqasac, in unity8's autopilot tests13:40
beunowellsb, version numbers can only go up13:40
asacSaviq: are those part of unity8?13:41
Saviqasac, yes13:41
asacthen we are screwed13:41
asacSaviq: you swear unity8 staged is working?13:41
asacand all autopolits are running?13:41
Saviqasac, what do you mean "staged"?13:41
seb128Saviq, asac: we can revert the commit and restore that/fix unity8's test after the mir landing if you prefer13:41
asacseb128: libnotify?13:42
asacthat would be easiest13:42
wellsbbeuno: No problem.  Resubmitted.  Let me know if that resolves the issue.  If not, I'll remove the section entirely13:42
asacotherwise we have to backout the whole unity8/mir landing13:42
asacseb128: can you confir that it really fixes it even with a rebuild?13:42
seb128asac, right, we can put back the segfault until unity8 fix their broken test13:42
seb128asac, from what Saviq posted it's pretty obvious what the problem is13:42
Saviqseb128, asac indeed13:43
asacone sec13:43
Saviqseb128, asac mzanetti is already preparing a fix13:43
asachave to listen to the presentation for 5 minutes13:43
asacseb128: what exactly would we do now?13:45
asacreupload libnotify, get an image out13:45
asacland unity8/mir with the real fix13:45
asacand upload new libnotify again?13:45
seb128asac, right13:46
asacseb128: ok lets do ... gogogo13:46
asacralsina: where is your backout :)?13:46
* asac feels we might really hit green13:47
mhall119renato_: is the alarms backend implemented and landed now?13:48
ogra_golf !13:48
renato_mhall119, yes13:50
asacalecu: ralsina where is it?13:50
alecuasac: it's here: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/unity-scope-click/revert-last-commit13:51
alecuasac: I'm trying to test it13:51
Saviqseb128, but but but... if you revert libnotify, we need to re-upgrade it and fix the unity8 ap test in sync, right?13:51
asacalecu: thanks. we can pipe it in while you tests13:51
Saviqseb128, as it's 5/6 required args, not 5 required one optional?13:52
asacalecu: please land this ... you can tests while we try to get this landed13:53
mhall119renato_: awesome!  do you have a video or screenshot of what it looks like when an alarm goes off?13:53
asacralsina: ^^13:53
asacalecu: you have 2 hours to tell us that its broken13:53
mhall119nik90_: ^^ hope you already know, but in case you don't13:53
alecuasac: btw: I can't reproduce your bug at all on my device. Is it happening on yours?13:53
renato_szombi is working on the UI components13:54
asacalecu: we will just upload the revert on our own13:54
asacif you dont want to push it13:54
Saviqseb128, ok, we'll catch TypeError13:54
asacthis makes your branch out of sync13:54
asacso better push it13:54
asacalecu: i am happy to try and error on this13:54
nik90|Officemhall119: could you copy paste that? I just entered this channel13:54
seb128Saviq, catch the error would be nice13:54
jdstrandseb128: do you know the long term plan for the location-service? is it supposed to eventually be on the session bus or will it always be on the system bus?13:54
seb128Saviq, sorry, just testing locally the issue13:55
Saviqseb128, yeah, we will13:55
nik90|Office(on my office comp)13:55
mhall119nik90|Office: the alarms backend is done and landed13:55
seb128jdstrand, I didn't follow closely the recent discussions/work, better to ask tvoss or tedg13:55
jdstrandtedg: do you know the long term plan for the location-service? is it supposed to eventually be on the session bus or will it always be on the system bus?13:56
jdstrandseb128: thanks13:56
didrocksalecu: any news?13:59
alecudidrocks: the revert is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/unity-scope-click/revert-last-commit13:59
tedgjdstrand, I think the idea is that there's basically two.  One to manage system resources and one to manage session stuff.  So you could use your Yahoo login for yahoo location services for instance.13:59
didrocksalecu: right, it's not pushed to trunk13:59
alecudidrocks: I'm trying to test the revert on my device13:59
tedgjdstrand, We also need the session based one for the trust-store instance13:59
didrocksalecu: I think asac doesn't want to wait anymore, he asked me to upload in 2 minutes to archive the package if it's not in trunk14:00
tedgjdstrand, The system one is managing things like the system GPS and connecting it to oFono, etc.14:00
tedgdidrocks, It looks like the "daily" build couldn't get to api.launchpad.net.  Guessing that's known?14:01
didrockstedg: can you check with sil2100? there is DNS issue14:01
tedgAh, that's probably it.14:02
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divis1969Hi everyone, I'm trying to run ubuntu touch on some custom handset. I've ported all the staff (my build is not based on cyanogen). I was able to compile and run it. I can manually put ubuntu onto device (because recovery is not yet ready). I can run ubuntu_chroot init (disabled its autostart in init.rc), ubuntu_chroot shell, but how can I run UI?14:02
jdstrandtedg: can you review http://paste.ubuntu.com/6088097/. do the comments make sense? is it safe?14:02
didrocksalecu: pushed to trunk?14:03
alecudidrocks: I understand your hurry, but I'm still unable to reproduce the issue on my device, and I don't have a bug report for it, so I'm wary of merging stuff into my trunk only based on hurry14:03
beunowellsb, approved14:03
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|meeting
didrocksalecu: ok, uploading to distro then, you'll have to remerge the changelog manually in your trunk14:04
didrocks(to unblock dailies14:04
wellsbbeuno: Does it help the review team any if packages are built using click 0.4.x instead of the version included in the sdk?14:04
beunowellsb, it does, and in fact, we will soon require it  :)14:04
tedgjdstrand, You'll probably need tvoss for that level of detail.  But my understanding was that applications should never use the system bus one, always through the session.  But, that might be a long term vs. short term type of thing.14:04
cjwatsonwellsb: it'll help the people doing the system settings UI, because 0.4 adds some things they asked for14:04
jdstrandtedg: ack. I think you are right, but that is what qtlocation is doing now. I'll adjust the comment and followup with him14:05
jdstrandtedg: thanks!14:05
didrocksalecu: asac: revert upload done14:05
wellsbcjwatson, beuno, Mirv: Any idea when the new click will land in the sdk?14:08
seb128Saviq, asac: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotify/0.7.6-1ubuntu114:08
Saviqseb128, thanks14:09
seb128Saviq, sorry about the issue at the first place14:09
cjwatsonwellsb: (I have no control over that)14:09
wellsbAhh, I see 0.4.3 is already in raring14:09
wellsbBut I think we're up to 0.4.4, and that's not even in staging14:09
Saviqseb128, no worries, I wonder how we could prevent stuff like this :/14:09
cjwatson0.4.4 isn't very important for the SDK14:09
cjwatsonit mattered for phone runtime stuff14:10
wellsbI see14:10
seb128Saviq, I'm not going to make friends if I say "stop using gir" :p14:10
seb128Saviq, that stack has no abi stability whatsoever14:10
Saviqseb128, what'd be the correct solution? are there bindings to libnotify other than gir?14:10
seb128Saviq, bindings, no ... you would have to write your tests in C14:11
Saviqseb128, yeah, you won't make any friends indeed :D14:11
seb128Saviq, but yeah, I've no good answer for that14:11
seb128Saviq, we could probably do a better change at detecting api changes in there14:11
seb128need to talk to pitti about it14:12
mhall119sergiusens: what are the plans for the rest of the core apps and click packages?  So far we have 3 click and the rest deb14:13
asacseb128: didrocks: awesome ... can you let us know once its in so we can respin an image with these?14:13
seb128asac, sure14:13
seb128asac, btw I'm much happier about having spent 10 minutes understanding the issue and having reverted the problematic commit rather than the whole update, rolling back in upstream version is a bit of a pain14:14
asacseb128: right. lets talk next week about how we can go better about it14:15
asaci want you to be happy :)14:16
seb128asac, thanks14:16
asacseb128: maybe even this week... how long do you work?14:16
asacmight be good to have your input in the discussions here14:17
seb128asac, another 3 hours before dinner, and I'm probably to be back around later in the evening14:17
sergiusensmhall119, need to migrate the testing mechanism14:17
sergiusensmhall119, most likely will happen today if I can grab thomi and doanac14:18
seb128asac, but don't worry much, I'm sure there are people in Lexington that see things from the same perspective that I do and I are going to participate to the discussion14:18
asacseb128: not today... maybre tomorrow or thu14:19
asaci will check if we have a good slot14:19
seb128asac, ok14:19
asacseb128: everyone has a slightly different concern :)14:19
asacof course lots of overlap, so you ar eright14:19
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seb128asac, well, it's just that the "revert without understanding first" is counter productive ... it's often the right decision to spend a bit of time to understand what's going on to take a decision14:20
seb128asac, if the "bit of time" leads to "it's going to be complicate to get to the bottom of the issue" you can then decide that the revert is the best option14:21
didrocksI think that makes sense, it's just about how responsive someone is to understand/fix the issue and you get closer to the revert trigger the longer you wait14:22
asacseb128: how much time should we give for investigation?14:22
seb128asac, a reasonable time, by then we said 1 hour14:23
* asac notes that down14:23
seb128asac, you would probably argue that 5 minutes is not the end of the world, especially if it can spare hours of curns14:23
seb128asac, it this case it took 5-10 minutes of "let us look at the problem" to figure out what to do14:24
asacseb128: maybe we can have a ranking of type of backout ... like an app backout is super safe and easy, while a lib backout has potetial to ctreate more churn14:24
asacso we could have "save backouts" go out after x minutes ... and "very hard backouts get" n hours14:24
seb128I think it's hard to come with written rules14:24
seb128there is a lot of case by case and common sense to apply there14:24
seb128you can have rules of thumb though/recommendations14:25
cjwatsonI tried to institute a practice a while back of writing up revert discussions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/RevertLog so that we would have data for later debates14:25
cjwatsonthere aren't many entries there yet though14:25
asacseb128: right. it should always include the feedback we get14:25
asacseb128: if we get any feedback :)14:25
asaccjwatson: cool. so this page we should use to record reverse14:26
beunotedg, hi!  is the "comment" section in the .desktop files required?  if not, what is it used for?  Can we not provide it?14:26
seb128asac, recording the revert cases on the page cjwatson seems like a good start to have some datas/history of the issues we faced14:26
asaccjwatson: so we can do a post-mortem assessment and establish best practices over time?14:26
asacack sounds exactly the right thing to do14:26
asacok lets see how we can work it into the process to do this14:27
cjwatsoneventually yes14:27
cjwatsonI don't think five is quite enough to be meaningful but I figured this was a good discussion to plug the page so that people remembered14:27
tedgbeuno, It's not required.  http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html#recognized-keys14:27
beunotedg, so can be safely dropped, IIUC?14:28
tedgbeuno, Yup.  Or used to say how much you love me?  Think of the opportunities ;-)14:29
asacright. lets populate it so we get a more meaningful dataset14:29
=== mzanetti|meeting is now known as mzanetti
tedgbeuno, Not sure if the application scope may use it for search though.  mhr3?14:29
tedgI imagine they're more interested in keywords and name, etc.14:30
mhr3tedg, beuno, yep, it's indexed and used for searching14:30
beunomhr3, ack, thanks14:31
mhr3that being said, it's not required14:31
wellsbIt sure would be nice if my upload speed wasn't abysmal here in Senegal.  beuno You'll have a new app to review in a few minutes.  This one was built w/ click 0.4.314:32
beunowellsb, yay, thanks14:34
beunomhr3, thanks14:34
attenteis there a way to apply the addDisplaced and removeDisplaced transitions to a ListView section.delegate?14:34
attentesetting the transitions only seems to make them apply to the non-section delegates14:34
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seb128mterry, hey, I gave a try to your session-manager-touch vcs, it makes my nexus7 boot on a blank screen :/14:40
mterryseb128, did I mention the autologin (and/or re-flash your device) change you need?14:43
seb128mterry, no14:43
seb128mterry, is that the rootfs change I reviewed for you yesterday?14:44
seb128mterry, to add the autologin lightdm config?14:44
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
* seb128 creates a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/90-phablet.conf14:44
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OrokuSaki_anyone know the correct way to compile systemd? apt-get source systemd  Ihave all the dependencies.. I am failing a couple of tests that suggest my chroot or fake root is not right.. phbuilder or dpkg-buildpackage?14:49
OrokuSaki_I want to build a .dev file14:49
OrokuSaki_I cant do it on arm or x64.. same error14:49
cjwatsonOrokuSaki_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild14:51
OrokuSaki_Thanks! should of asked yesterday. =)14:52
seb128mterry, ok, seems to not work14:53
seb128mterry, settings still can't change e.g the tz14:53
mterryseb128, yar, logind doesn't think the session is active.  looking at the code, logind is pretty vt-based, so have to find a way to fool it14:55
seb128mterry, ok, that's what you meant in the mr comments, I see ;-)14:57
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
elfangorHi, is there a way to get the last daily(not the current) with phablet?15:03
popeyelfangor: phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending15:04
popeyNote: may be broken as it hasn't passed QA tests like the current one has15:04
elfangorpopey: thanks!15:05
elfangoryes i have heard of that no problem for me :)15:05
mfischfginther: where is the script that builds the customization tarball on jenkins?15:05
OrokuSaki_@cjwatson.. sweet! mk-sbuild --arch armhf saucy thanks man!15:06
fginthermfisch, it's just a shell script in the job: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6088365/15:06
nik90_renato_: I just got home and got to read your conversation with mhall119.15:11
nik90_renato_: so does this mean that when an alarm is triggered it will notify the user?15:11
nik90_renato_: I know that the Alarms API has already landed in the sdk thanks to zsombor15:12
nik90_renato_: and I am almost 75% done with alarm implementation in the clock app.15:12
davmor2OMG! 3g worked15:17
davmor2and now the keyboard is disappearing randomly with 2 apps open :(15:19
seb128asac, libnotify is in saucy15:21
mhall119davmor2: is one of the 2 apps the Terminal?15:25
davmor2mhall119: terminal and browser15:25
davmor2mhall119: it's happened on both15:26
mhall119davmor2: I have the same with terminal and anything else15:26
mhall119I think it's because the terminal uses a different approach to trigger the OSK, since it's technically not a text input field15:26
mhall119but it seems to confuse things somewhere, so it'll hide it for Terminal and show it for something that doesn't need an OSK when I switch between them15:27
asacseb128: nice ... click is also in15:27
asacseb128: are they on the archive.ubuntu.com yet?15:27
asacogra_: i think we want an image kick15:27
asacvery very soon15:27
seb128asac, yes15:28
ogra_asac, i just added a seed change, lets wait for the meta package to land15:28
asacogra_: errr15:28
asacwhat is that?15:28
asacogra_: can yuou just kick before?15:28
asacwe can do another run right after15:28
ogra_missing bits for teh location service15:28
ogra_ok, can do that as well15:28
asacogra_: so libnotify needs publish and then we kick15:29
asacso i think 1-2 minutes15:29
asacseb128: didrocks said its not in15:29
ogra_already running ...15:29
popeymhall119: do we have a bug on terminal tracking that?15:29
asacogra_: we might get lucky :)15:29
ogra_it takes a moment until it gets to install packages15:30
asacogra_: can you see logs live?15:30
seb128asac, hum, weird, I just got the email in my inbox about it being in saucy, let me check rmadison15:30
popeyogra_: do you have any magic tips for unbricking / charging a dead n4? - or anyone?15:30
asacseb128: didrocks explained to me that the mail is sent before15:30
ogra_asac, kind of15:30
didrocksseb128:  libnotify | 0.7.6-1ubuntu1 | saucy-proposed | source15:30
didrocksI guess it's a publisher run away15:30
ogra_popey, hold power for over 1min15:30
asacand its hard to fix that we get the mail on the publish15:30
mhall119popey: I havne't filed one yet, no15:30
popeytried that ogra_ ☹15:31
mhall119popey: every time I encounter it I have *only* my phone available15:31
seb128didrocks, the email shouldn't be off from a publisher run, that's weird15:31
ogra_not sure there are any other methods15:31
* popey tries another charger15:31
didrocksseb128: agreed15:31
ogra_popey, also other cables ...15:31
mfischfginther: can I get access to change that script later today? is it just done in the jenkins GUI?15:31
asacogra_: ok seems we are safe15:32
asacits in15:32
asacconfirmed by adconrad15:32
popeyit was the psu15:32
* popey bins it15:32
ogra_asac, great, image is still in debbootstrap15:32
didrocksseb128: it's in now15:32
ogra_so it will land15:32
didrocks(2 minutes ago)15:32
* ogra_ goes for a smoke break15:33
seb128didrocks, so the email is off by a few minutes15:33
seb128didrocks, I guess I'm never going to understand the publisher subtilities15:33
didrocksseb128: can we create a launchpad team and both join? :)15:33
seb128didrocks, ;-)15:34
cjwatsonseb128: the e-mail is sent on accept, which is at the start of the publisher run15:35
asacwelcome to the touch world infinity :)15:35
cjwatsonseb128: or possibly even when the copy happens actually15:35
wellsbpopey: Maybe you need to write a sweet utouch app in the next 5 days and win yourself a new one15:35
cjwatsonyes, if rmadison says a package is in saucy then it's reliably available for image builds15:36
seb128cjwatson, ok15:36
cjwatsonLP itself has trouble knowing that exactly in any case since it's dependent on the mirroring that happens after the publisher ...15:36
seb128didrocks, rmadison still lists15:38
seb128libnotify4 |    0.7.6-1 |         saucy | amd64, armhf, i386, powerpc15:38
seb128libnotify4 | 0.7.6-1ubuntu1 | saucy-proposed | amd64, armhf, i386, powerpc15:38
fginthermfisch, sure15:38
wellsbmardy: Any progress on getting libaccounts-glib to make accounts.db readable so online accounts will work under confinement?15:46
cjwatsonseb128: It was publishing - it's there now15:46
mardywellsb: the change is done, we are struggling with tests not passing in jenkins15:48
wellsbAhh yes, I forgot about that issue15:48
seb128cjwatson, thanks15:50
seb128asac, didrocks: ^15:50
alheizquiero instalar ubuntu touch en mi sony xperia LT28H,,""ION""15:51
alheizpero no he podido  ingresar a rootloader15:51
wellsbHmm, did the latest updates break something?15:52
asacseb128: all good15:55
asacafaik :)15:55
seb128asac, great15:55
seb128asac, do you know if somebody is looking at those DNS issues that are creating problems for the CI?15:55
wellsbAfter dist-upgrade installing latest ubuntu-touch, device will no longer boot or be recognized by adb.  Visisble to fastboot, fortunately.  Anybody else observing this?15:56
asacseb128: dont know the DNS story... will ask around15:57
asacseb128: is it api.launchpad.net resolution?15:57
rsalveticyphermox: awe: bug 122210615:59
ubot5bug 1222106 in touch-preview-images "ofono is picking the wrong APN settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122210615:59
seb128sil2100, ^ what's the issue with DNS? is that api.launchpad.net resolution?16:00
geniiWill the phablet images be following the rest of Saucy release cycle? eg: Sept 19 beta freeze, Oct 10 final freeze ?16:01
ogra_genii, the latter one for sure (since the whole archive freezes), not sure about the beta16:02
sil2100seb128, asac: probably yes, but it's not completely 100% sure - ricmm and retoaded are looking at that still ;/16:04
seb128sil2100, ok, thanks16:04
ogra_asac, seb128, new image is up16:04
seb128ogra_, danke16:04
sil2100seb128, asac: most of the time the error is: "httplib2.ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at api.launchpad.net"16:05
seb128sil2100, thanks16:05
sil2100But also sometimes: "IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno -2] Name or service not known", which is most probably the exact same thing16:05
seb128sil2100, and sorry for distracting you from the meeting16:05
sil2100While locally on the machine it's all ok whenever we try16:05
geniiogra_: OK, thanks!16:06
asacplars: cjohnston: new image is there :)16:12
cjohnstonro doesn't seem to be16:13
plarsasac: I don't see a new ro yet16:14
asacah ...16:14
asacstgraber: will the RO automatically come out16:14
asacand get triggered now that a new RW is there?16:14
asaclool: do you know?16:16
loolasac: yes16:17
loolasac: it will16:17
loolasac: the cron was reenabled on saturday; it was only disabled for some hours while reworking the way daily-proposed is built16:17
asacsil2100: so as long as we use wifi i wouldn't even try to debug this... i really hope we get rid of wifi for installing etc. soon.16:17
stgraberasac: yep, it's currently triggering every hour and takes around 15min. The new code will check every minute instead.16:17
asacdoanac: whats the situation on rndis ?16:17
stgraberthe import for the latest image appears to be running at the moment16:17
asacdoanac: i think there were issues?16:17
asacon the last mile :)16:18
loolasac: it triggers at each hour :01 currently (stgraber corrects me if wrong :-)16:18
doanacasac: going to talk to ogra and sergiusens about it. evidently the image is ready and I can update my MP to support it16:18
asaclool: stgraber: can we kick one off manually?16:18
loolasac: it's actually already importing16:18
asacah nice16:18
asaclool: the image that just came out a few minutes ago?16:19
asachttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/20130910.1/ thats the one we want16:19
loolI guess16:19
asacit is supposed to be good for release16:19
loolasac: will take 5mn16:19
* asac waits16:19
ogra_asac, didnt you want a new libnotify ?16:19
ogra_or was it not that ?16:20
ogra_(i dont see it)16:20
loolasac: hmm maybe it's 5mn per device, not sure16:20
asacit was... so it didnt make it :(16:20
asacogra_: ok another round then i guess16:20
cyphermoxrsalveti: I think lp:mtp is ready for some code review now16:20
stgraberlool: that's correct. I did kick it manually this time around though.16:20
asacwe can at least se if the click thing is  fixed16:21
ogra_starting ...16:21
stgraberasac: I'd strongly advise anyone but me running this one manually as it doesn't have any kind of locking, so if any of the other system-image scripts run at the same time we may end up loosing data.16:21
asacstgraber: yeah... will not ask anyone else16:21
stgraberasac: that limitation will be gone with my current rewrite (which does proper locking)16:21
asacthanks for letting me know16:21
* ogra_ is hungry :(16:24
ogra_where is the food ?16:24
asacogra_: 30 minutes16:24
asacwe started 30 minutes later today so food is 30 minute later too16:24
asacas you can eat breakfast 30 minutes later :)16:24
* ogra_ would revert that bit16:24
ogra_i dont eat breakfast :)16:24
cjohnstonget an apple16:25
stgraberasac: should be out16:25
asacstgraber: thanks16:25
ogra_cjohnston, no, since asac loves roolbacks so much, i think we should roll back that change ;)16:25
asacplars: cjohnston: so not super important, but would be good to get a confirm16:25
rsalveticyphermox: will check16:25
cjohnstonasac: its running16:26
asacogra_: lets investigate :)16:26
plarsyes, on maguro, and it's just about to start on mako16:26
* ogra_ will send a patch 16:26
asaci can talk to msm16:26
plarsmako is still finishing one job from the previous build, eta 10 min or so16:26
loolasac: v37 seems to be up16:27
plarslool: it is, and the tests are in progress16:27
loolwith:                     "path": "/daily-proposed/ubuntu/ubuntu-20130910.1.full.tar.xz",16:27
asacnice ... sooooo bad that this libnotify didnt make it16:27
asacwe need more precise information systems :)16:28
ogra_sorry, i wasnt watching ... i have a s/cript to make sure the package is ready ... i usually run that in such cases16:28
asacogra_: ok. patch applied. tomorrows lunch build with have it16:28
ogra_rsalveti, ^^^16:29
rsalvetiogra_: asac: \o/16:29
rsalvetipmcgowan: ^16:29
ogra_asac, and even without any rebuilds !16:29
Saviqalesage, ping16:30
alesageSaviq, hallo16:30
Saviqalesage, hey, you asked for help with unity8 ap last week, did you get what you need from someone else?16:30
alesageSaviq, let me rewind :)16:30
Saviqalesage, it was about mock indicators16:31
alesageSaviq, ah yes, I found a fix for that unity8 suite problem, will MP when it's ready16:31
Saviqalesage, cool, thanks16:31
alesageSaviq, np, thank you16:31
rsalveticyphermox: will you do a mr against lp:mir?16:31
pmcgowanrsalveti, ??16:32
rsalvetipmcgowan: lunch tomorrow -> 12:3016:32
rsalvetipmcgowan: patch reverted :P16:32
cjwatsonasac: they're precise, people scheduling a build on nusakan can run wait-for-package -a armhf libnotify_0.7.6-1ubuntu1 && <actual build command>, say16:32
ogra_yeah, sorry, i relied on the IRC chatter and didnt actually run wait-for-package16:34
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asaccjwatson: oh good. thanks16:37
cjwatsonogra_: Ah, unfortunately you relied on the uncorrected bit of the IRC chatter16:39
ogra_heh, yeah16:39
cjwatsonSo it was still publishing when your image was building16:39
plarsstgraber: so, on the cdimage builds of touch, we needed to delay after we saw an update to the md5sum file, because after the md5sum got updated, there was sometimes a bit of time before the images were fully uploaded. Do you think this is also the case with system-image?16:41
plarsstgraber: or can we somehow be sure that when the json file gets updated that all the images are fully in place?16:41
awekenvandine, are you still working on cellular settings?  I mentioned lack of an APN setting to mpt awhile back, and wanted to make sure you knew about it...16:41
aweplease refer to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/122210616:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1222106 in ofono (Ubuntu) "ofono is picking the wrong APN settings" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:42
kenvandineawe, no, i'm not16:42
kenvandinerobru, did you pick that up?16:42
stgraberplars: system-image uses the same rsync based mirroring as cdimage, so there may be a window of a couple of minutes where index.json has been updated but the files aren't there yet16:42
mptawe, APN is on my to-do list under "Cellular" http://goo.gl/b4S0S716:43
robrukenvandine, sorry I dropped the ball, been swamped with cordova16:43
AskUbuntuWhere do I submit applications written for Ubuntu Touch? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34387716:43
awempt, OK.  We just ran into another situation where it's required.... MVNO support16:43
mptWhat's MVNO?16:44
ogra_cjwatson, stgraber, i was wondering if we couldnt fix the delay by syncing to a tempdir first and then just mv the dir in place16:44
ogra_(teh cdimage sync delay that is)16:44
awesome of our QA folks had bought SIM cards from Walmart, and these SIMs require hand editing of the APN in order to work properly16:44
cjwatsonNothing we can fix, it's all IS side16:44
plarsstgraber: is there no way to ensure ordering of files, or even touch some kind of trigger file after the rsync finishes? Right now, we are having to wait a minimum of 5 min after we get the build before we start trying to run the tests16:44
cjwatsonplars: ^- same comment goes to you16:44
ogra_ah, k16:44
plarsstgraber: which sometimes is probably overkill16:44
cjwatsonIS could do a two-pass rsync I suppose16:45
plarsawe: actually, canonical ordered them from straighttalk16:45
ogra_plars, for touch the very last file that gets synced is the armhf.zip ... you could check for its existence16:45
cjwatsonBut you'd have to ask them16:45
cjwatsonTwo-pass is probably the right answer, that's what we do for pool/dists on archive mirrors16:46
plarsogra_: but if it's still rsyncing, we could see that it's there but we can't be sure it's all there yet right?16:46
cjwatsonrsync writes to a different filename and then renames into place16:46
cjwatsonat least IIRC that's true of the setup on cdimage.u.c16:47
ogra_plars, well, if armhf.zip is there it will most likelz be done within a few seconds16:47
ogra_that would indeed just be another hack16:47
ogra_but probably better than nothing as a quick fix16:47
cjwatsonI think you need the right fix, not a quick fix.  After all this isn't a new problem.16:48
cjwatsonIf somebody with marginally more time than me went and did the legwork of talking to IS then I would support it (they might well ask me for confirmation anyway) and fill in details if need be.16:48
cjwatsonTo ask for a two-pass rsync, I mean.16:49
mfischogra_: where can I get the kernel log from a failed boot? is it available from recovery?16:49
aweplars, sure...  Walmart sells their SIMs directly though, and as I pointed out, the straighttalk is a virtual operator, hence the manual configuration required16:50
boikofginther: hi, is there a reason for autopilot tests to be disabled on ubuntu-calculator-app CI and autolanding jobs?16:52
fgintherboiko, the autopilot tests ran for the most recent jobs:
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boikofginther: ah ok, so it is just that the MR that I am looking at is older than that, thanks :)16:55
fgintherboiko, np16:55
mfischstgraber: do you have a branch somewhere for the initramfs stuff or do you just want a patch for a small fix?17:02
mhall119sergiusens: are you building new click packages for the 3 core apps on a daily basis?17:05
mfischcjwatson: will /custom/click need to be owned by clickpkg or does it not matter since it's r/o?17:07
stgrabermfisch: ubuntu:initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch17:08
mfischstgraber: thx17:09
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sergiusensmhall119, as soon as there is a change in trunk17:17
ogra_mfisch, (sorry, was at lunch) /proc/last_kmsg17:21
cjwatsonmfisch: Yes, it must be owned by clickpkg17:27
cjwatsonmfisch: I mean, in order to install stuff into it at all in the image builder17:28
cjwatsonmfisch: I guess it doesn't matter when unpacked onto a device17:28
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e8hffffQuestion: What the status of the File-Manager opening files?17:51
sergiusensjdstrand, hey, wrt to the autopilot app armor rule, is that something you intend to add into the click apparmor hook directly?18:00
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ogra_lool, stgraber, is there any reason why we make /userdata/.writabel_image a hidden file ?18:08
* ogra_ thinks it might be easier to spot if we just omit the dot18:09
attentewhen emitting dataChanged() in QAbstractItemModel, are there conditions where data() is not called as a result? i would've expected it to get called every time, but it seems to be not the case18:12
_5m0k3beuno: It seems if you upload a new icon to the click store, and the filename is different than the old icon, the store on the phone will still show the old icon18:14
beunoalecu, ralsina, tedg, ^18:16
tedgbeuno, Apple is talking right now, how dare you ping!  :-)18:17
tedgI don't think that's a me thing though.18:17
beunotedg, I don't know who this apple person is you're referring to18:18
_5m0k3I need to test what happens if I upload an icon with the same filename.  If it overwrites, then it seems somebody could change somebody else's app icon by simply uploading a file with the same name18:19
beunoalecu, ralsina, maybe a cache?18:19
ralsinawe have that cache in our todo list, actually18:19
beunothen I don't quite understand what could be going on?18:20
ralsinano iDea18:20
beuno_5m0k3, so, you change the icon, it has a new name, and yet the search still shows the old icon?18:21
_5m0k3That's correct.  I'm looking at app number 4118:21
tedgbeuno, he's the guy that steals your finger prints and uploads them to the gov't for you.  So you don't have to.18:21
beunotedg, ah yes, instant free backup18:22
davmor2tedg: hey dude just a quickie, when no signal is displayed from nm indicator, I'm assuming, it pushes the bluetooth and gps indicators under the search box so you get a really awful mashup of the 3 is this a job for your team?18:25
tedgdavmor2, Unknown, it's mpt right now as he's going over the various design possibilities.  Once that's settled, we'll figure out how to break down the engineering.18:26
loologra_: dont think there's a particular reason; check with Stéphane if you like  :-)18:27
ogra_yeah, i dont think its something we need to hide18:27
ogra_(apart from the fact that this would mean another transition)18:27
tedgI imagine that "search" is various sizes in different languages as well.  Probably in German it is "look-through-all-your-documents-with-a-word-shorter-than-the-word-you're-looking-for"18:28
ogra_cjwatson, does live-build have any code that automatically removes potential ssh keys on image builds or do i need to add such a thing ?18:29
davmor2tedg: tut tut, you know as well as I do that those minuses should of been underscores shame on you ;)18:30
* ogra_ thinks he remembers something from panda server builds 18:30
_5m0k3beuno: the store on the phone still fetches esv64.png instead of bible64.png.  There's a couple things I'd like to test.  Do you have a few minutes to approve some artwork changes?18:31
davmor2ogra_: man now I know why we need to save the pandas if they are our build servers18:31
beuno_5m0k3, sure18:31
beuno_5m0k3, https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=bible18:32
beunothat's what the server is returning18:32
beunoso the phone isn't lying18:32
beuno_5m0k3, alecu, ralsina, so it's a server issue18:33
beunois fine18:33
beunois not18:33
_5m0k3I'll buy that.  The server needs to reflect changes made when new artwork is uploaded18:33
beunoI'll file a bug18:33
ogra_cjwatson, ah, nevermind, found the code in livecd-rootfs18:34
johnjohn101where be my ubuntu fone?18:34
_5m0k3beuno: Okay the server does handle duplicate filenames without a problem.  That's what I wanted to test.  You can reject or cancel the previous request18:35
beunoI'll approve, it's easier  :)18:35
_5m0k3lol okay, but it'll clog 20kb of precious space :P18:36
beuno_5m0k3, thanks, I'll take it from here18:36
franck_someone can help me dual booting my samsung galaxy tab 2 gt-p5113 ?18:50
franck_i already gat the universal image loaded on my tablet but i wanna keep my android os18:51
johnjohn101i want to use an ubuntu phone by thanksgiving. what needs to happen by then?19:17
cjohnstonInstall it.19:17
fcole90Hello, has anyone used the item Component?19:19
cyphermoxogra_: try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089406/  -- no guarantees the file is correct, but I think it's all you need19:19
fcole90I have a ComposerSheet and I would like to edit its size, but it doesn't have height and width properties.. How can I solve? :)19:21
jdstrandcjwatson: hey, pkcon is really grumpy with me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089423/19:23
jdstrandit seems like the click command line changed enough that I don't know how to run the user hooks19:24
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, I got click install to work19:26
fcole90Is it possible to change in any way the size of a "Component"?19:29
fcole90I need it for a ComposerSheet :/19:30
fcole90Does anyone use Popovers?19:33
pmcgowantimp, ^^19:34
ogra_stgraber, hmm, so i try to enable a persistent property (which is usually done by writing the property data into a file in /data/property/) ... but whenever i reboot the content of that file is gone, no matter what i put into /etc/system-image/writable-paths19:34
ogra_stgraber, any idea why that happens ? /data/property is kind of essential19:35
stgraberogra_: well, the plan from the beginning was to have system-image-cli create/remove the file, so because of that, it made sense to have hidden, though adding the option to the cli tool isn't terribly high on barry's todo at the moment19:35
stgraberogra_: hmm, /data is supposed to be writable and persistent already...19:35
stgraber /data is a symlink to /android/data which is a bind-mount from /userdata/android-data/19:36
stgraberso you shouldn't have to do anything to have it writable (actually, doing anything is likely to make it worse)19:36
* stgraber tests19:36
ogra_oh, well, then i probably made it worse :)19:37
* ogra_ edits it out again :)19:37
ogra_lets see19:37
ogra_stgraber, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089497/19:40
ogra_thats what i see atm19:40
stgraberogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089512/19:41
ogra_stgraber, hmm, try the persistent subdir19:42
ogra_property subdir19:42
stgraberogra_: creating a blah entry under /data/property and rebooting works fine here19:43
ogra_and it still has content ?19:44
ogra_the file persists for me, the content doesnt19:44
cjwatsonogra_: there's some in live-build (too).  ./share/hooks/006-remove-openssh-server-host-keys.chroot:10:rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*_key.pub19:46
cjwatsonogra_: ah, indeed, livecd-rootfs just calls that19:46
cjwatsonjdstrand: uh, I've no idea what's wrong with pkcon there.  maybe that's on a non-touch device and aptdaemon is installed?19:47
stgraberogra_: yep, my blah file still has content after a reboot19:47
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ogra_stgraber, how weird ... i'm on a writable image atm though19:51
ogra_(i.e. use the ro image in writable mode)19:51
ogra_i wonder if that has some ill effect19:51
stgraberogra_: shouldn't matter... in all cases, /data is a symlink to /system/data which is a bind-mount from /userdata/android-data19:51
stgraberogra_: the only thing I can think of that'd explain what you're seeing is a pre-start hooks in LXC wiping it or something in Android's init sequence doing that19:52
stgraberogra_: do you see the same thing if you also use "/data/property/blah"?19:52
jdstrandcjwatson: it is on a desktop19:53
jdstrandcjwatson: is pkcon on intended for touch?19:53
jdstrandcjwatson: rather, pkcon with click?19:54
cjwatsonjdstrand: we haven't converged the packagekit stuff yet19:55
cjwatsonjdstrand: touch is using pure packagekit, desktop is using aptdaemon19:56
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cjwatsonjdstrand: so you can't use pkcon on a desktop yet.  will worry about that for 14.0419:56
jdstrandcjwatson: ok. so I should continue using 'sudo click install -force-framework --user=$USER <click>' on the desktop, correct?19:56
jdstrandI missed a dash in there19:56
beunocjwatson, you mean 14.10?  :)19:57
cjwatson--force-missing-framework but yes.  assuming all the apparmor stuff will work19:57
jdstrandyes, it does19:57
cjwatsonbeuno: why do I mean 14.10?  I'd rather not build up technical debt for longer than I have to.19:57
cjwatsonbad software engineering.19:57
* shakesoda awaits the moment of truth, first ubuntu touch boot on his n719:57
jdstrandI just find it easier to test stuff on me desktop or a vm19:57
fcole1990Is there any way to change the size of a Component using it in a ComposerSheet?19:57
beunocjwatson, I mean, we're not going to have click apps in 14.04, right?19:57
jdstrandor rather, iterate on it19:57
shakesodayay, it's alive.19:57
cjwatsonjdstrand: I use an LXC container for click testing19:57
jdstrandthen I test n a device19:57
cjwatsonbeuno: no idea, but that doesn't mean I can't get a jump on things19:58
beunoright, right19:58
jdstrandI worry about dnsmasq if I install LXC cause of libvirt/LXC fighting19:58
fcole1990I would like to adapt it to the window size, or at least to the contained elements.19:59
fcole1990Beuno: You can use click already in 13.1020:00
cjwatsonfcole1990: believe me, beuno knows about click20:00
cjwatsonfcole1990: we're talking about a detail of the convergence story for future planning20:01
beunoright, I got worried something had changed in the timeline20:01
beunobut now I understand 14.04 is a timeframe, not a target20:01
cjwatsonbeuno: mm, to be honest I hadn't been keeping exact track, I've been tending to say "14.04" when I mean "not in the next two months" ;-)20:03
cjwatsonwhich is naughty20:03
fcole1990Ah ok, I thought you meant the current click packages.20:03
cjwatsonfcole1990: no, beuno meant click apps on non-touch systems20:04
beunocjwatson, so that's your version of my "not for 13.10"  :)20:04
cjwatsonbeuno: ("hoary!")20:04
cjwatsonwait, no, what was the catchphrase - "that's a hoary problem", I think20:05
cjwatsonI wonder if we ever solved all of those20:05
cyphermoxrsalveti: poke. have you had time to code review?20:06
rsalveticyphermox: did you create an mr?20:07
rsalvetiI think I asked that a few hours ago20:07
cyphermoxno, I can do that now, sorry I must have missed it20:07
cyphermoxrsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/mtp/images/+merge/18486820:08
loolsergiusens: around?20:09
loolsergiusens: did a "./phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed --no-backup -d mako" and device disappeared after an adb reboot into recovery20:09
loolINFO:phablet-flash:Restarting device... wait20:09
loolerror: device not found20:09
loolsergiusens: this was after d/ling /tmp/tmpjL2yUy/image-signing.tar.xz.asc20:10
rsalveticyphermox: thanks20:10
loolsergiusens: is there something useful I can grab to diagnose?20:11
loolsergiusens: I managed to get the device booting by pressing power 5 seconds after unplugging USB cable, then did a forced power off (10s) then booted manually into recovery20:12
loolbut didn't apply anything20:12
loolI wonder whether we're waiting enough on I/O before rebooting20:12
loolwe aren't running "sync"?20:12
rsalveticyphermox: why from 0.0.1-1 to 0.0.4-0ubuntu1?20:13
rsalvetiand it seems you're replacing the version as well20:13
rsalvetiwould prefer something like 0.120:13
* lool retries flashing20:15
ogra_cyphermox, bug 33083320:19
ubot5bug 330833 in network-manager (Debian) "NetworkManager always overwrites default route when connecting to OpenVPN network " [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33083320:19
sergiusenslool, hmmm, I would of thought adb reboot ran a standard reboot now days... let me check the code20:25
sergiusenslool, oh...I get it... so in recovery and rebooting20:26
loolsergiusens: It seemed like the device crashed badly when we asked it to reboot actually20:28
loolmight be a kernel thing perhaps20:28
sergiusenslool, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/writable_delete/+merge/18487020:30
sergiusenslool, can you check that btw20:30
loolsergiusens: happroved20:31
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asacpopey: can you give me a thumbs up for 38:20130910.2:20130908 ?20:36
asacthats a golden image it seems20:37
asacogra_: ^^20:37
asacralsina: crashes fixed :)20:37
asacseb128: crash fixed :)20:37
seb128asac, heh, finally some good news ;-)20:37
seb128asac, did we get the DNS issue fixed as well so we can get landing?20:38
seb128asac, some stuff didn't land for a full week, we can't keep working with such delays :/20:38
ogra_asac, once it has done all tests  perhaps :P20:39
asacogra_: which test is missing?20:40
* ogra_ waits for 261 on both devices20:40
asacseb128: we can land you with the ui-toolkit before landing unity (they still do some testing it seems) ... i asked bzoltan to give me an explicit "yes, i tsted all autopilots and dont have a regression"20:40
asacbut he dint do that20:40
asacso it might be a full blow up push20:40
seb128well, we can't do any landing until the dns issues are resolved, tests can't run with those20:41
rsalveticyphermox: updated the mr20:41
asacseb128: can you please link me to a url?20:41
loolasac: hmm we're below the total test count on 38: images20:41
asacseb128: they told me its flaky20:41
slangasek trying to overwrite '/etc/init/ssh.conf', which is also in package lxc-android-config 0.91?20:41
slangasekogra_: ?20:42
asaclool: plars told me everything is run... might not yet pushed to dashboard20:42
ogra_slangasek, huh ?20:42
loolasac: right not showing up there yet20:42
asacseb128: i assumed that its a wifi flakiness20:42
slangasekogra_: image build failure; why is lxc-android-config overriding /etc/init/ssh.conf?20:42
asacseb128: but you already landed stuff and its staged, isnt it?20:42
asaclike a bunch of system-settings changes20:42
ogra_slangasek, argh !20:42
seb128asac, why is our CI running wifi and not on solid wired?20:42
asacseb128: i dont know what stage you talk about20:42
seb128asac, well, things are in trunk, but we didn't get any upload to saucy for a week20:43
asacseb128: but our phones dont have LAN20:43
ogra_slangasek, because we ship sshd disabled ... at least that was the plan20:43
* ogra_ mv's the file to the proper name 20:43
slangasekogra_: ok20:43
asacseb128: i was not aware that you didnt get an upload... all the stuff that was committed to trunk should be staged in a daily-release ppa20:43
asacjust not copied to archive20:43
seb128asac, well, it might be in the ppa, but it's not on the touch image nor reaching users20:44
sergiusensdoanac, thomi introspection works when launching from upstart too20:44
seb128asac, well
seb128asac, look at all the red20:44
plarsasac, ogra_: filemanager didn't seem to run all the tests, restarting it. That should be why you see the different numbers20:44
doanacsergiusens: so are we back to autopilot then?20:44
ogra_plars, well, it doesnt seem to have finished on either device yet20:45
sergiusensdoanac, yeah...20:45
sergiusensdoanac, might need to look into how it does it's search20:46
ogra_slangasek, fixed (i suppose)20:46
doanacthomi - wanna take another look at this?20:46
ogra_sorry, doing to many things at the same time today20:46
plarsogra_: mako looks fine20:47
seb128asac, job failed like that,
plarsogra_: it's just the problem I mentioned a moment ago on maguro20:47
ogra_plars, yeah, now it does20:48
seb128asac, as well20:49
asacogra_: can you do a manual smoke test so we can publish the image?20:49
ogra_asac, i cant flash my phone atm, someone else has to do a manual test20:49
asacpopey: ?20:49
asacogra_: the problem is that otheres dont know what worked20:49
asacbut i can do it20:49
ogra_asac, i have a half done developer mode implementation on mine20:49
asacogra_: we will bring you a phone20:50
asacogra_: i dont want someone else to test20:50
asaci will argue for ours20:50
asacif someone else tests20:50
asacbecause he hasnt test in the past20:50
asacseb128: we have your system-settings20:51
asacand an sdk20:51
seb128asac, where?20:51
asacseb128: can you test it manually ... i didnt get a confirm from zoltan20:51
AskUbuntuHow do I sideload Ubuntu Touch on Nexus 7? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34398820:51
asacseb128: just install the system-settings and the ui-toolki tfrom the daily ppa20:52
didrocksseb128: in the daily-build ppa20:52
asacand see a) if your systemsettings work fine still20:52
seb128asac, not tonight, I don't have a device with me here20:52
seb128well I can test on my laptop20:52
asacthat doesnt help :)20:52
didrockswithout the ui-toolkit I would say20:52
asaci will sort it20:52
seb128you can publish settings without the sdk20:52
didrocksexcellent, so let's do that?20:52
asacseb128: the daily release thing disagrees20:52
seb128yeah, daily is being cautious20:53
asacok lets punch it in then20:53
seb128but I can tell you we don't rely or are impacted on recent uitk changes20:53
seb128settings is also confined20:53
didrocksperfect, doing it20:53
seb128if it turns to be buggy it's going to impact only our app20:53
seb128which is not that useful atm anyway due to the lack of working backends...20:53
didrocksseb128: you're quite lucky, the settings wasn't hurt by DNS issue this run20:54
seb128didrocks, asac: thanks20:54
didrocksbut we really need retoaded fixing it20:54
seb128didrocks, yeah20:54
seb128(great ;-)20:54
asacretoaded is there20:57
asacogra_: all good?20:58
* asac impatient :)20:58
kgunnasac: just making sure i'm following right...your got a mir image ogra's gonna test21:01
asackgunn: no21:01
kgunnsans mir21:01
asackgunn: itsw the image before we wanted to land21:01
kgunngot it21:02
asackgunn: so once this is out we take your stuff (if there anything)21:02
kgunnasac: cool - i understand jenkins giving us some fits21:02
asackgunn: i will now go and ask whats really going on21:03
asaci just heard blurry noise whole day21:03
asacgive me 10 minutes or so21:03
kgunnyou bet21:03
asacdepending on how confused people are :)21:03
shkiper325hi for everybody. Is it possible to move ubuntu-fs to sd-card? Device I'm porting to has too small /data partition21:05
thomidoanac: yeah, where are you guys?21:23
doanacthomi: im in harpoon21:23
jdstrandsergiusens: re "the autopilot app armor rule, is that something you intend to add into the click apparmor hook directly?"21:29
jdstrandsergiusens: click-apparmor 0.1.8 supports --include=PATH21:30
jdstrandsergiusens: I figureed autopilot-touch would ship the thing to pass to --include=PATH21:30
cwayne_cjwatson, hi, just wanted to mention that if you need any testing on the system-level hooks for custom click packages, feel free to let me know :)21:30
cjwatsoncwayne_: sure, just haven't got to it yet because I have a backlog of OEM priority bugs I need to handle21:31
cjwatsoncwayne_: I can probably engineer reasonable local tests though21:31
cwayne_cjwatson, no worries at all! i imagined you're quite busy, just wanted to offer help testing if you needed it21:32
stgraberogra_: did you sort out what was going on with /data/property on your device?21:32
cjwatsoncwayne_: thanks21:32
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asackgunn: do you have a complete list of stuff that is supposed to go in?21:34
asackgunn: anyone != ricmm that might know that?21:34
asaci THINK its unity8, unity-system-compositor, mir, unity-mir21:35
mmccHi folks, is anyone around who can help me with a manual d/l and install of the daily-proposed image?21:42
mfischmmcc: does phablet-flash not work for you?21:43
mmccI'm trying to reproduce an issue with the dash misbehaving after the screen locks during an app download, and I'm told that 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed' is the way to do it21:43
mmccmfisch: no, I am running ubuntu inside a vbox vm, and I need to manually tell it to mount the USB device after it reboots21:43
mmccI've just been using phablet-flash to download new files, then manually installing them. Now my issue is that the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install is out of date wrt. the filenames downloaded by phablet-flash for ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed21:44
mmccand I don't know enough about how this all works to guess21:45
mfischmmcc: that is the way, but the old flashing method still works too21:50
mmccmfisch: so are you saying that if I do the old 'phablet-flash cdimage-touch' and use the instructions on the wiki to do the manual install, I'm getting the same bits?21:51
mfischmmcc: thats too strong of a statement, but you should get the same versions of the same packages21:52
mmccheh, ok21:52
mfischas far as I know we still produce the old style images, that was in the announcement21:52
mmccmfisch: I must be missing a list subscription or something, where was this announced?21:54
mfischmmcc: it was on Ubuntu-phone, from Stephane Graber on Sept 621:54
mfischmmcc: want me to forward it?21:54
mmccmfisch: sure, thanks - mike.mccracken@canonical21:55
mmccoh yeah I definitely need to be on that list, jeez21:55
asacstgraber: can you publish images?22:00
asacstgraber: 38 is ready to go22:00
asaccjwatson: ^^22:00
asacsergiusens, ogra and rsalveti are gone22:00
cjwatsonthough I probably have access I wouldn't like to attempt to guess how to publish system-images without advice from stgraber22:01
cjwatsonin case I break something22:01
asaccjwatson: i think you just use make-release and the stuff on the system channel happens magically...22:01
cjwatsondon't see a make-release command22:01
stgraberasac: cron runs every hour at :0122:01
asaccjwatson: whatever gora is using22:01
stgraberasac: ah, you mean promoting a new one?22:01
asaccjwatson: to copy stuff from /pending to current22:02
asacstgraber: yes we want to promote!!!22:02
cjwatsonasac: pending/current is cdimage terminology, that's different22:02
stgraberright, that's done through the same mechanism as cdimage, mark-current22:02
asacand 3822:02
asacfor the RO channel22:02
cjwatsonI do know how to do cdimage-touch current handling, but if stgraber is going to do the RO one he could do both at once :)22:03
asacstgraber: ?22:03
stgraberI'll deal with it22:03
asacstgraber: i care about 3822:03
asacmabye nice to checkpoint the other channel as well22:03
stgrabercjwatson: there's no separate flag, just promote cdimage-touch and system-image follows22:03
cjwatsonstgraber: mark-current as in you mark an ubuntu-touch image as current and it notices and migrates the ... that22:03
asacerr other image type22:03
cjwatsonok, cool, I know how to do that in future then22:03
asaccjwatson: so in future you need just a version like: 20130910.2 ?22:03
asacstgraber: let me know :) ... want to try my first over the air :)22:04
stgraberasac: done for cdimage. I'll manually trigger system-image since the cron is at :01 and you probably don't want to wait an hour.22:05
stgraberah but system-image is currently importing a daily, so that'll have to wait another 10min or so22:05
asacstgraber: right.22:05
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stgraberasac: published to daily22:43
harrisanyone have the release schedule23:09
harrishey preecher23:10
preecherhi harris23:11
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harrisanyone have the release schedule23:12
timpharris: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/FAQ#When_will_Ubuntu_Touch_be_available.3F23:14
cwayne_sergiusens, did you want me to log a bug for that phablet-flash issue (not removing .writable_image), or is it already taken care of?23:31
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