
walterwojupd: http://pastebin.com/fXwdefps -- ifconfig00:00
rscntsomeone with the uefi problem?00:01
mr-rich-76How can determine what region my dvd drive is  set to?00:01
wilee-nilee!uefi | rscnt many00:01
ubotturscnt many: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:01
walterwojupd: http://pastebin.com/JwxGQVtw -- iwconfig00:02
wilee-nileerscnt, State in detail your problem for help to the channel.00:02
walterwojhope that helps00:02
mr-rich-76rscnt: well, /dev/dvd  points there ...00:02
updwalterwoj what does sudo ifconfig eth0 up say00:03
rscntoh right00:03
walterwojupd: not a thing, no output00:04
walterwojupd:  'sudo ifconfig eht0' says: http://pastebin.com/6pwApFaR00:06
chocolatemousseHenix_Aurorus, well anyways I'm here if you need anymore advice later00:06
walterwojthe fist time i used the 'up' part too.00:06
Geohow do i boot from cd? my new hp g7-2317c1 laptop wont let me :( it has windows 8 and i dont want to use windows00:06
daftykinswalterwoj: that interface appears ipv6 enabled only, is that what you're after?00:07
wilee-nilee!uefi | Geo check here for some info00:07
ubottuGeo check here for some info: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:07
walterwojno,I just want normal conncetions00:07
daftykinswalterwoj: can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces ? is this connection being managed by network manager?00:07
=== tilal6991|away is now known as tilal6991
wilee-nileeGeo, That computer has a new and different partitioning setup, so be aware.00:08
wilee-nileeand chip and bios as well00:08
=== rscnt is now known as usingphrik
Geowilee thats fine i want the OS and the partitioning wiped so i can run linux00:09
wilee-nileeGeo, Don't we all, however that may not be that easy, with this new setup.00:09
daftykinsno we don't all00:10
walterwojdaftykins: not currently managed after upd's trick.  "auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback \n\n iface eth0 inet dhcp"00:10
=== tilal6991 is now known as tilal6991|away
daftykinswalterwoj: hrmm ok nope that seems normal. ok maybe something he's had you do has affected everything, i didn't scroll up and read everything00:11
gblazerwilee-nilee: i want to run httperf against nginx access log and preserve origin request headers. can't find a way to do it00:12
wilee-nileeGeo, We see people here who wipe it all and try and install ubuntu with these uefi setups, the uefi fastboot is attached to the chip and bios, I'm not sure just wiping windows is the best option, so be careful, not many here really know.00:12
walterwojHe had me delete my net.rules and reboot, that unmanaged everything, all the rest has just been output from sys files.00:12
usingphrikoh shit walterwoj00:13
wilee-nileegblazer, I know nothing about that, how ever what I do know is that details are what get responses here.00:13
usingphrikthat sucks00:13
FloodBot1usingphrik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
daftykinsgblazer: try an nginx channel00:13
updthe main problem is *-network DISABLED00:13
upd       description: Ethernet interface00:13
usingphrikoh ok00:13
wilee-nileeusingphrik, Please don't swear.00:13
usingphrikwilee-nilee: what did i do?00:13
usingphrikwait don't ban me, im banned from ubuntu-offtopic00:14
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
walterwojupd: forgive my noobieness but how do I fix that?00:14
updwalterwoj, when you write lsmod is there a tulip ?00:15
wilee-nileeGeo, Here some more info, and really this mod is the best help, if I were you I would start a thread at the UF and have uefi in the header, they will stop by and help you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729500:15
walterwojupd yes00:16
=== nisstyre is now known as Nisstyre-laptop
updwalterwoj, sudo dhclient eth000:16
walterwojupd, I looked at the logs, that device is the new network card, not the old one i lost00:16
sander__WHats the channel of ubuntu edge?00:16
updwalterwoj, usb device also not working ?00:17
wilee-nilee!touch | sander__ there is no edge anymore00:17
ubottusander__ there is no edge anymore: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:17
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
walterwojupd: it said I invoked it wrong and should use the reload utility instaed00:17
walterwojupd: usb0 is my phone that I connected after restart when everything went unmanaged so I could chat here.00:18
=== Nisstyre-laptop is now known as nisstyre
updwalterwoj, did you put the .backup back to old one ?00:19
walterwojbut no change, do I need to reboot again?00:19
walterwojor rather, i tried cp a b and that should have copied the old one over the new one right?00:20
sander__wilee-nilee, What's the channel of ubuntu mobile os then?00:21
=== nisstyre is now known as nisstyre-laptop
sander__wilee-nilee, is that touch?00:22
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:22
wilee-nileesander__, I gave you the channel for that stuff, what is ubuntu mobile?00:22
wilee-nileeIt's the touch and the saucy desktop00:23
sander__wilee-nilee, sorry for me not remembering the terms. But I want to install ubuntu on my android phone.00:23
sander__Ok, thanks! :)00:23
TsarObombaits far from done, and if your phone is cdma it will never work for calls/data00:23
wilee-nileeyep that be true00:24
walterwojupd: was that a yes-reboot or a yes, I restored it properly?00:26
updif you allready reboot after cp old new there is no need for reboot again00:27
walterwojsorry, i didn't reboot after restoring,  rebooting now, BRB00:27
RetroballaYeah I read a quick review of how there were the same thing found in multiple places on ubuntu mobile. Looks good if they get teh UI working better. Looks interesting00:27
updwalterwoj, ok00:28
walterwojupd: this is the output of vi 70-perstistent-net.rules00:28
walterwojupd: http://pastebin.com/CyXDa1QW00:29
RetroballaI was curoius. Is there a good disc image program designed to backup the bootloader plus the hardrive that contains ubuntu? Win 8 is on my other hard drive00:29
marklarHowdy! I hope I'm not interrupting a conversation, I'm new to IRC, but looking at the log, I think I'm safe. I'm having trouble getting XDMCP working with Ubuntu 12.04, and was wondering if anyone could help. I am able to connect, but receive a black screen. Google/DuckDuckGo have not yielded any helpful results.00:32
walterwojupdok, I'm back, and I have regained my wireless and secondary ethernet connectrions00:33
updwalterwoj cool00:33
walterwojupd: any thoughts on the eth0 issue?00:33
wilee-nileeRetroballa, clonezilla works nicely whole HD's or partions, saves the mbr00:34
wilee-nileeah windows 8, should work in general00:35
asdukwhat are the best deskplets for system monitoring00:35
updwalterwoj so is eth0 now there what does ifconfig eth0 up say, and try ifconfig eth0 dhclient00:35
RetroballaI found a program called cronopete, but I guess thats not exactly what I had in mind00:37
walterwojupd: eth0 is not there, eth1 is and ifconfig eth0 says device not found.00:37
wilee-nileeRetroballa, The windows 8 inclusion makes it a bit more complex, If it were me I would make sure what ever you use actually works.00:37
updwalterwoj, then do ifconfig eth1 up00:38
Retroballayeah, I try to keep windows and linux on seprate hard drives. I never ilked them to be on the same drive00:39
wilee-nileeRetroballa, That is the least of your problem. The uefi thankg is the hitch00:39
walterwoj'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' gives me nada, 'sudo ifconfig eth1' shows the proper card (the one i added today)00:40
RetroballaI may try clonezilla. Even if I have to redo ubuntu for whatever reason, If I had a backup of it then I can leave the bootloader alone, just restore the image to the drive linux is on00:41
upd_walterwoj okey i give up, the module seems okey no error in dmesg, as if this happend after upgrade the tulip module has a bug, or something is misconfigured00:45
=== upd_ is now known as upd
wilee-nileeRetroballa, I don't believe the bootloader is in the mbr is all, be sure you know where.00:46
wilee-nileeRetroballa, YOu could run the bootscript for more info in general.00:47
walterwojupd: thanks a lot, I have the seconary card working now and I can live with that for the moment.  Thanks a lot for your help!!!!!! I'm going to bed now...00:47
updwalterwoj, no problem00:47
hfasewhats the best way to reinstall everything needed for ubuntu-desktop?00:48
daftykinssudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^00:48
wilee-nileehfase, Context?00:49
hfasewas running gmome3 and it just crashed.00:49
hfasewith a recent update00:49
wilee-nileehfase, the gnome-shell? the ubuntu desktop run on gnome 3 did you remove it?00:50
wilee-nileehfase, This involve a PPA? and answer other questions00:50
hfaseI did remove both. I dont think i used a ppa, i will try what you said first00:51
wilee-nileehfase, I gave no instructions, just asked questions00:52
wilee-nileehfase, You have tried to remove desktops, these are meta packages, this has to done correctly, and from what I can tell you have not done this.00:55
wilee-nileeto be*00:56
Retroballahmm, anyone have the correct path to the correct PPA for nvidia drivers00:57
=== dheeraj is now known as rahul_
dakotawulfyRetroballa  have u tried to run jockey-gtk00:59
audreyany way to sort rhythmbox playlists by genre?01:00
wilee-nileeRetroballa, for the record ppa's are not supported here.01:00
wilee-nileeRetroballa, try running software-properties-gtk   and look at additional drivers01:01
Retroballasorry wilee I did not know01:02
dakotawulfyRetroballa  jockey-gtk  will help you install the nvidia01:02
dakotawulfyRetroballa is a easy gui  for the drivers01:03
Retroballathanks dak. I'll look into it01:03
rahul_Hii all01:03
rahul_I could not mount my external harddisk in ubuntu 12.0401:03
rahul_it is asking for specify type01:03
Dr_Williswhat kind of filesystem is the drive? whats the exact command you are using to mount it01:04
Dr_Willishellooo:   please dont spam me in pm.01:05
RalliasIs it possible to encrypt my hard disk drive in such a way that I have to SSH into my host to enter the encryption key?01:06
Dr_WillisRallias:  that would be a neat trick01:06
RalliasOoop, found it. I can use dropbear and do it.01:07
Dr_Willisif the whole disk is encrypted.. how is it going to run anything? ;)01:07
wilee-nileedisaster waiting, people screw up straight encrypts01:07
dheerajI could not mount my external harddisk in ubuntu 12.0401:08
dheerajit is asking for specify type01:08
RalliasDr_Willis, Well, /boot01:08
wilee-nileeaudrey, There is a genre and artists box in preferences.01:09
RalliasDr_Willis, It's with a hostmaster that I'd trust ultimately.01:09
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  what kind of filesystem is the drive? whats the exact command you are using to mount it01:09
RalliasIt's just it's intended to be a mail relay host to one that has an encrypted storage unit, so I'd like to have that inch and a half of additional security.01:10
dheerajDr_Willis: i used mount -t ntfs01:10
dheerajbut in gparted it is showing unknown filesystem01:10
KalelNight All..01:10
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  what was the rest of the mount command?  its possible the fs is currupted. or hd has failed also. You may want to check it in windows01:11
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  its not using any sort of truecrypt or other fancy encryption is it?01:11
KalelI'd like to know if I can change onlly the volume indicator of the gtk theme?01:11
Dr_WillisKalel:  you mean the icon image on the panel?01:11
lucidiumI'm thinking about installing intrepid so I can run the legacy fglrx drivers, so how much functionality would I lose? Could I still install the latest versions of say, mythtv?01:12
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:12
Dr_Willislucidium:  it would be a 5 year old OS. i doubt if you would be able to get teh latest of anything on it01:12
Dr_Willismythtv has a MAJOR set of dependencies.01:13
Dr_Willisi cant really think of anything more complex then Mythtv really ;)01:13
lucidiumalright. I guess the radeon drivers will have to do then, they are slightly disappointing though.01:13
dheerajpreviously that harddisk was running in my laptop wit SUse installed on it01:13
esdegetting my first dedicated unmanaged server soon, is there some sort of guide on things to do? like to harden the system and such?01:13
KalelDr_Willis: When i change the coltrol volume, appear a little square from the gtk theme with the volume symbol. I want to change it for 'ambience' 'cuz has the loding little bar, and the entire theme as ' faience'.01:14
sordidbassRadeon graphics support on linux kind of blows all around...01:14
Dr_Willisyou could always make your own theme set  i guess.. ive never seen a way to change just the single icon of it01:14
KalelThe Faience theme hasn't the little 'loding' or 'level' volume bar.01:15
dheerajDr_Willis: i dont hav windows..??01:15
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  theres windows dvd/iso recovery disks.01:15
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  why did you format it to ntfs then if you dont have windows? :)01:15
cockatielanyone want to talk?01:16
dheerajDr_Willis: But i have some data in it01:16
dakotawulfyKalel u can find that icon in the theme have the same size icon and change that icon to that name  might work01:17
Diamondcitehellooo: is spamming in PM01:18
dheerajDiamondcite: yes01:18
dakotawulfyKalel that would let u change that icon might have to rest icon cache to make it show up right if it does not01:18
Kaleldakotawulfy: Do you know which square I mean? Appear in the center of the screen. GTK theme is responsible for that. Were can I find the file to change it? Can I use two themes once?01:18
worrowHello all. i am running latest rhythmbox and was wondering if there was a fix for sync to ipod resulting in the song not showing on the ipod. Sync show to have gone well and song was added in list in rhythmbox though.01:18
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
Dr_Willisdheeraj:  well the disk seems currupted or dead. you could try using ddrescue to image it to a file. and try to recovery from that file. Putting the hd in a windows box. or trying a windows live cd/dvd may let you recovery the data also.01:20
dakotawulfyKalel ok sorry thought  you wanted to change an  icon in a theme01:20
Dr_WillisKalel:  you may want to post a screenshot. :)  im not sure what you are trying to change01:21
sordidbassSo how man of you refuse to run non-LTS releases?01:22
Dr_Willissordidbass:  i basically only run NON-Lts. ;)01:22
Dr_Willisexcept for the 6 mo when the LTS happens to be the latest release01:22
sordidbassDr_Willis: blasphemy!01:23
Dr_Willisi dont see much use for a normal home user to limit theirselfs to lts01:23
Dr_Willisat least with this round of LTS - they are trying to keep the kernel and X and stuff updated better.01:23
sordidbassi manage to break every non-LTS release01:23
sordidbassor get horribly annoyed at how unstable they can be :)01:23
Dr_Williscant say i really manage to break lts or non-lts01:23
Dr_Williscant say i find them unstable either. ;)01:23
sordidbassI just did a fresh install of 12.04.3, was actually surprised to see a newer kernel01:24
Dr_WillisYep the whole x.x.03 is handy01:24
Dr_Willishard to keep everyone happy. but newer hardware is changeing so much.  it would be hard to keep LTS running on stuff that came out.. today. if they dident.01:24
trismKalel: if it is in the center of the screen it sounds like the gnome-settings-daemon osd...which seems to use audio-volume-*-symbolic for icons, I have them here in the Faenza theme01:27
TsarObombaanyone using -pf or liquorix?01:27
KalelI'm trying to paste a screenshot..01:27
Kaleltrism: Is exactely that.01:27
trismKalel: you get that if you aren't using notify-osd, otherwise you will get one in the top right corner with the rest of the notifications01:28
TsarObombaummm staff01:28
TsarObomba!ops hellooo is pm spamming odd links01:29
Kaleltrism: Do you know hot to set, for example: I am using Faience gtk theme. I want the Ambience's notifications, Included the 'volume osd...01:29
TsarObombaif you'd like proof i dont mind providing it, just not in channel01:29
wilee-nileeTsarObomba, show them to #ubuntu-ops or #freenode01:29
TsarObombawilee-nilee: `ubottu caught it and forwarded it apparently01:30
TsarObombaand freenode never cares01:30
TsarObombathey say "use /ignore"01:30
wilee-nileeTsarObomba, Yes they do, they will ban them01:30
TsarObombano, they really dont01:30
TsarObombabeen there, done that01:30
trismKalel: make sure you have the scalable audio-volume-muted-symbolic audio-volume-low-symbolic audio-volume-medium-symbolic and audio-volume-high-symbolic in your theme01:30
Dr_Willisand you are spamming the channel even worse  with the ranting.01:30
trismKalel: you might need need to add some links to other icons01:30
wilee-nileedepends on the sapm01:30
Kaleltrism: Ok. Can you help me a little more?01:31
* wilee-nilee blocks all pm's and invites01:31
* Dr_Willis invites wilee-nilee over for dinner.01:32
IdleOnewilee-nilee: thanks for sharing the irrelevant info with the entire channel.01:32
IdleOneDr_Willis: thanks for helping to continue the off topic comments01:32
Dr_WillisI mentioned hellooo 's pm on join spam earlier also.01:32
trismKalel: it looks like the only icon you can theme in osd is the volume one, I don't see the brightness/eject, etc (could be wrong though)01:33
TsarObombajeeez, ops here are rude01:33
Kaleltrism: How can I paste a screenshot easuly?01:33
IdleOneTsarObomba: chit chat elsewhere, and thank you for you help.01:34
trism!screenshot | Kalel01:34
ubottuKalel: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.01:34
TsarObombaIdleOne: sure thing01:34
Kaleltrism: http://imagebin.org/270408 - note the volume thing..01:35
KalelDr_Willis: ^01:36
dakotawulfytrism would it be easier to just rename the icon  take the ones he want and rename them to the same name  ?01:36
Dr_Willisif that OSD icon image even  comes from an editable icon. cant say ive ever noticed it or tried to chagne it.. askubuntu.com may know how. or if its even possible01:37
Kaleldakotawulfy: How to do that without compromise the themes?01:37
KalelLooks plausible..01:37
Dr_Willisif its part of the gnome stuff. it might not be editable. it might be in the code.01:38
Dr_Willisthis is in gnome-shell or gnome classic mode?01:38
trismKalel: ahh you're in gnome-shell, that may be drawn by the shell...though it may still have the same name as the one in gnome-settings-daemon01:39
KalelDr_Willis: Shell.01:39
trismdakotawulfy: yeah I would probably just add some symbolic links to the names he needs, the problem is figuring out the names01:39
Kaleltrism: It just change when I change the gtk theme. With the Ambience theme, I have other style. Most beautiful..01:40
dakotawulfytrism what about going to that theme icons and look and match them up01:40
KalelProbably, the better way is let like 'as is'..01:41
Konigsberg7this is wierd im stuck at stopping userspace bootsplash when i boot into xubuntu01:41
Konigsberg7and nothing is happening01:41
Konigsberg7i can move my mouse around01:41
Konigsberg7cant type01:41
wilee-nileeKonigsberg7, user space splash, is this the desktop?01:42
Konigsberg7i think i found a fix01:42
trismKalel: can you add a screenshot with the other theme?01:43
dakotawulfyKalel when i have a theme i like i use it if i want to change a few icons i will go find the ones i want and replace them with the ones i like just save the original one then u have it.01:43
Kaleltrism: dakotawulfy; Note the little orange bar.. http://imagebin.org/27040901:45
trismKalel: oh the bar is not an icon it would be a color in the theme01:46
Kaleltrism: Is gtk theme configurable?01:47
Kaleltrism: You see all my problems because a little beautifull bar..01:48
dakotawulfythat would be in the gtk 3 theme right  the easy way to do that is open gimp get the color number then search for that number in the  the theme config  and change it to what u want01:49
Kaleldakotawulfy: I will try..01:49
dakotawulfyif you chose the color thing should let u pick the color  click on that bar01:50
roachmmflhyrI have chrooted a user but added symbolic links to other files in the filesystem, but I only want them to have access to what I have symbolicly link to them, my problem is that when they change directories into the symbolic link they can "break out of the jail" by cd to .. how do I send them back to their home directory01:51
Dr_Willisare you using 'bash' or 'rbash' for their shell?01:52
ConnorHey guys..  I'm having a issue with a system.  I have a RAID 1 setup.. and one of the drives has failed (originally sda1).  I've pulled the disk.. trying to boot up.. and get a blinking currsor01:52
roachmmflhyrDr_Willis, bash01:52
trismKalel: think dakotawulfy had the right idea, I see it in /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css in the progress bar theme01:52
ConnorI know something is wrong with grub2 (12.04 lts server).. Can anyone help ?01:52
Dr_Willisroachmmflhyr:  you might want to look into rbash, i recall it being used by others in here wanting to lock down users.01:52
DMGrierlevi_w: hello and welcome01:53
ConnorI have a /boot and / partition.01:53
levi_wthank you01:53
Dr_WillisConnor:  a /boot and / are common.  give us details  as to the problem. theres also the various fixgrub wiki pages that have guides01:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:54
KalelGot it. I will compare both and make the change..01:54
wilee-nileeConnor, You can reload and or purge and reinstall grub, not sure that is the problem in general with a raid failure.01:55
dakotawulfyKalel  you can use gimp to match any color  on screen the use that number  to get the color you want01:55
KalelOk.. The same Ambience's color will match with the faience claire details..01:56
Connoryes, I know they're common.  RAID1, /dev/mapper/System-boot  /dev/mapper/System-Data,  sda is dead sdb is fine.. I can see the file system just fine via rescue disk01:56
ConnorI've booted up in rescue. mounted and chrooted /01:56
Connormounted boot, and then issued a update-grub01:57
Connorbut.. when I reboot.. it still just hangs with a blinking cursor.01:57
roachmmflhyrDr_Willis, seems to only occur when the user is ftp'd into the server01:57
roachmmflhyrDr_Willis, when the user is ssh'd in they cd .. back to their home dir01:58
ObrienDaveConnor:::  Any external USB drives attached?01:58
ConnorNo. Just the USB CDROM01:58
Connorbut, not when I'm booting.01:58
Connoronly when booting into rescue disk01:58
Kaleldakotawulfy: The .css file is so much big. I can't find the right place to change.. Yet..01:59
ghena1986 http://bit.ly/183GBEv01:59
Kaleltrism: Where did you found it?02:00
trismKalel: line 1234 in my version02:00
Kaleltrism: Line?02:00
trismKalel: background-color: #db6a3c;02:00
papitois there some tool to rescue files? i was editing a java file, and forgot to plug the cable cord to the power.. the 3 files had open were lost. next time i opened them were only were invalid characters not belonging to any encoding. i try to browse for eclipse local history to get the latest saved version.. but miserably eclipse doesnt show local history.. if i dont recover these files, ive lost my today's work :'(02:01
Kaleltrism: gedit or nano?02:01
trismKalel: in the .progressbar {} styles02:01
candypantshi can anyone help me to get my wifi working, i cant connect to my AP but i can eifi tether off my phone just fine.02:02
trismKalel: vim, might be on a different line if you have a different version of light-themes02:02
ObrienDavecandypants::: reboot the AP02:03
trismKalel: this is what the section looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/6086045/ there is also one more reference to that color lower down, .level-bar.fill-block {} but progressbar sounds closer to me, though I haven't tested the change, maybe I should02:04
ChogyDananyone know how to set the cpu frequency scheduler/strategy?  I forget the term for it.  There used to be an applet in gnome2, but I've long forgotten what it was called.  Something to do with cpu frequency.  If you knew the term I'm looking for, just that would be helpful02:05
Brisperehow can I remove useless entries from grub?02:05
Brisperedon't really feel all that safe editing grub.cfg02:06
ObrienDaveBrispere::: D/L Grub Customizer02:06
Brisperealright thanks02:06
dakotawulfyKalel that is the color i got in gimp from thee screen shot02:07
Dr_WillisBrispere:  or edit the /etc/grub.d/ files as needed02:07
Dr_WillisBrispere:  what are you trying to change exactly?02:07
Retroballadak once I install jockey-gtk where do I find it, running cinnamon atm02:07
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  try the command line, run 'jockey-gtk'02:08
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Retroballadidn't work it says run sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk but wen I do it says, already the newest version02:09
Kaleldakotawulfy: What color you got?02:09
dakotawulfyfrom that patebin02:09
trismKalel: yep changing the one in the .progressbar section worked, but I had to log out/back in before it showed up02:09
dakotawulfyKalel 1234     background-color: #db6a3c;02:10
trismKalel: though there might not be an exactly comparable section in the other theme, I changed it in a copy of the Ambiance theme02:10
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  what ubuntu reelase are you using?  it may be under the software-sources app, last tab.02:10
Brisperehttp://imgur.com/hmrnTtI how do i confirm these?02:10
trismBrispere: tab then enter02:11
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  run software-properties-gtk02:11
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  the last tab02:11
Dr_Willisthere was no need to install jockey-gtk on 13.04 I imagine. ;) it may be a empty package02:11
trismKalel: do you have a link to the theme you are using?02:12
Retroballathe latest in there is 313 but I think there are newer ones on nvidia's site which Im finding isn't easy to install or I'm making it to hard lol02:13
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  best is to stick to whats in teh repos02:13
Dr_WillisRetroballa:  the addational-drivers tool will NOT show whats the latest on nvidias site02:13
roachmmflhyrDr_Willis, i solved the issue with mount --bind /source/folder /home/user/folder and only allowing sftp access02:13
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Kaleltrism: http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/GTK3-Gnome-Shell-Faience-255097456 - I couldn't find the right line. Maybe it is defferent.02:13
Retroballabtw, off topic, but im glad firefox version 24 came out. Fixed my firefox full screen youtube crash02:14
Dr_Willisroachmmflhyr:  :) seems a bit extreme. but if its what you want. ;)02:14
Kaleldakotawulfy: I will test it. I just have to find the right place..02:14
xanguaRetroballa: is already in repositories¿02:15
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roachmmflhyrDr_Willis, is that bad? thats the only solution i could find online02:16
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Dr_Willisroachmmflhyr:  no idea. I am not that paranoid where i do that sort of stuff. ;)02:17
Dr_Willismy main trouble-making user. is a 4yr old grandson.. he can get through any security i put on any device in the house.02:17
trismKalel: think I got it, Faience/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css on line 1306 there is a .progressbar {} section, I added: background-color: #ff0000; on line 1315 in that section and got a red progressbar in the osd02:18
trismKalel: but there seems to be some theme caching so you might need to log out/back in before it shows up02:18
jKlausHey, anyone in here using a powerline ethernet adapter?02:19
jKlausI'm in the market for one but want to talk to an owner/user first02:19
Kaleltrism: My lines aren't with numbers.. Are you using vim?02:19
Dr_WillisjKlaus:  theres #hardware, but from the reviews ive seen of those in the past..  ive always avoided them02:19
trismKalel: yeah, just search for .progressbar {02:20
trismKalel: it has background-color commented out by default, I just added one02:20
jKlausDr_Willis.. I looked into them years ago and the review seems pretty bad.. reviews anymore seem decent.. with about all brands02:20
Dr_WillisjKlaus:  of course these days. wireless is trivial to get going and cheaper i imagine.02:20
jKlausDr_Willis, yeah thats what I'm hoping at least.. need to get my mythtv out in the workshop02:21
Carlos_Safetyso i've heard it's hard to downgrade ubuntu versions truly, but if you formatted the current partition and then installed would that work?  tying to downgrade from 13.04 to 12.04 for LTS'ness02:21
darth_damian_000Hey guys. Is there a way to add an IRC to account on empathy in 13.04? (IRC does not appear on the list)02:22
Dr_WillisjKlaus:  workshop with powertools? ;) that may be bad.02:22
naryfait's me02:22
Dr_WillisjKlaus:  also  depending on how the house is wired the shop may be on a swperate circuit. ive had issues with those over-the-power-line intercoms befor.02:23
jKlausDr_Willis.. I'm willing to suffer the bad reception if I'm running my sawsall.. but while I'm running my 3D printer..02:23
darth_damian_000ubuntu 13.04 ... any way to add IRC to the list of accounts on empathy?02:24
etzerhello all02:25
etzermy wireless mouse doesn't work with the version 1302:25
Dr_WillisDosent look like  empathy supports irc.02:25
ChogyDanCarlos_Safety: obviously, if you format the partition and reinstall, you will sort of have a downgrade.  You would just be deleting everything and starting from scratch.  If you backup and restore your /home stuff, then you will make sure to save all your docs and settings.  I think there can be some issues with certain apps02:26
dakotawulfy darth_damian_000 looks like it a bug and does not work02:26
ChogyDanCarlos_Safety: in that the 12.04 apps may not recognize what the 13.04 apps put into /home02:26
dakotawulfydarth_damian_000 u can try pidgin02:27
trismdakotawulfy: I think you need account-plugin-irc to use irc with empathy02:27
Carlos_SafetyChogyDan: oh no , data is not an issue, i'm very new to ubuntu and have barely got customizing, so if i clear /home/ totally...  no problems? or...  possibly yes, who knows? lol02:27
darth_damian_000Thanks dakotawulfy02:27
dakotawulfytrism yea u do02:28
etzermy wireless mouse doesn't work with the version 13.0402:28
ChogyDanCarlos_Safety: if there is nothing you want to save, then there is absolutely no issue.  Just reformat and reinstall02:28
dakotawulfybut looks like it has a bug02:28
Dr_Willisetzer:  and what does it do? check the  output of dmesg if you plug/unplug/replug it back in?02:28
darth_damian_000My next question is regarding the system. It crashes by first freezing mouse movement, and screen gets distorted (squares resembling desktop background appear). This happened 1) When I was playing freecell, 2) When I was opening a PDF file in firefox, and 3) When I zoomed in on a picture in shotwell by using the scroll wheel on my mouse. Is this also a bug or something I can fix on my end?02:28
Kaleltrism: Ok. I did.. I will Logout and test it.. dakotawulfy, let see the result in a few seconds. Thank you two..02:29
Dr_Willisetzer:  is it some sort of unusual mouse? give us details so we dont have to play 20 questions02:29
dakotawulfyKalel n/p02:30
etzermy computer is an iMac which i install windows 0n it and i partition the drive and install ubuntu 13.04 at the beginning it of the installation it's work and at the end the mouse doesn't work. it's a apple mouse that come with the computer02:31
Levi__hello everyone02:31
dakotawulfydarth_damian_000: what video card do you have an intel ??02:31
etzerbut it's work with the version 12.0402:31
Levi__whats the problem darth_damian_00002:32
dakotawulfyetzer were u able to reboot it from the install and see if the mouse worked ?02:32
darth_damian_000Simply put, the system crashes, and that happens when my activity gets intense. It crashed when I was opening a fairly large PDF file, and another instance, it happened because I was zooming in/out images on Shotwell02:33
darth_damian_000the pdf file was opened in the firefox browser02:33
randomaussieafternoon all... would like to know how to look up the log file that would be written to every time the gui system error would you like to report window comes up02:33
Kaleltrism: dakotawulfy: I appreciate your help guys but didn't worked. I will continue with ordinary Faience theme..02:33
Levi__very interesting02:33
Kaleltrism: dakotawulfy: Thank you.02:33
etzeri did all that nothing work02:34
trismKalel: one sec, let me pastebin the file I edited02:34
trismKalel: which of the three themes are you using?02:35
Kaleltrism: Faience Claire, GTK02:35
George_HenriqueI have a BEAGLEBONE and would like to use it with ubuntu GUI. Can I install on the sd card?02:37
trismKalel: hmm, it worked for Faience but the same change isn't working in Faience Claire02:40
Kaleltrism: So, nervermind. I think will create my own theme based on Ambience..02:42
KalelIts the best solution..02:42
lovelymortalwhat window manager do you use?02:43
George_HenriqueWhat is a good linux with gui for me to install on the sd card?02:43
lovelymortalany ubuntu distro will do fine02:43
lovelymortalor xubuntu lubuntu....etc02:44
ObrienDaveGeorge_Henrique::: Lighter, the better. Xubuntu or Lubuntu02:44
KalelGeorge_Henrique: Install the system on sd?02:44
naryfalinux on an SD card is going to be slow I think02:44
naryfabut if you really want it, try slax maybe?02:44
ObrienDaveI run Xubuntu from USB Stick. Slow, yes.02:44
KalelGeorge_Henrique: You can try gparted with the sd into a modem mobilebrand.. Worked for me.02:44
George_HenriqueKalel i want for use with beaglebone02:45
KalelGeorge_Henrique: With Gparted, format it to fat32, with unetbootin, create the iso to boot..02:45
KalelGeorge_Henrique: I do not know it..02:45
KalelGeorge_Henrique: If you have the iso, can proceed.02:46
KalelGeorge_Henrique: Beaglebone looks like Raspberry PI..02:48
Dr_Willisi run my raspberry pi from a sd card. ;) but it dosent run ubuntu. ;)02:48
Dr_WillisI imagine the beaglebone sites will have info on how to set up differnt disrto on it.02:48
George_HenriqueKalel yeah, looks like raspberry pi02:48
George_HenriqueDr_Willis what do you run?02:48
Dr_WillisGeorge_Henrique:  depends on which pi im on. ;)02:49
Dr_WillisPlexPi on the media-center pies.. rasbian on the desktop Pi.02:49
KalelGeorge_Henrique: Already available on brazzilian stores?02:49
George_HenriqueI want a lightweight linux, but with GUI02:49
Dr_WillisGeorge_Henrique:  theres dozens of them out there.02:50
Dr_Willisbut for a beableboard - i would check what  disrtos are out secifically for that device02:50
nbros652Is there a way to make sshfs mounts automatically update in nautilus? I'm taking pictures with my phone and want to see pictures that are taken automatically show up in a folder on my computer without needing to refresh. Is this possible?02:50
George_HenriqueI bought on the internet. Here in Brazil does not sell.02:50
KalelDr_Willis: rasbian, Debian based?02:50
Dr_Willisnbros652:  they do automatically refresh here in nautilus i belive02:51
Dr_WillisKalel:  yes.02:51
gasshoi have problems with my keyboard02:51
George_HenriqueThe BEAGLEBONE comes with angstrom02:51
nbros652Dr_Willis: I'll check again.02:51
KalelGeorge_Henrique: Oh.. I really would like to import an alienware...02:51
gasshoor rather how my computer interprets my input02:51
gasshobut i can stop it if i let my computer make a capital letter02:52
gasshoshift keeps 'sticking'02:52
George_HenriqueYou know how I can install gnumeric?02:52
wilee-nileegassho, pull it out and clean it02:52
Dr_Willisnbros652:  im monitoring file sizes on cheese on a remote box.. and it updates the size every 60 sec or so it seems02:52
George_HenriqueKalel where do you live?02:52
utusanGeorge_Henrique: apt-get install gnumeric02:52
* Dr_Willis checks again02:52
gasshoits a laptop keyboard02:53
KalelGeorge_Henrique: SP02:53
George_Henriqueutusan in angstrom does not work ...02:53
gasshothey got this stuck tight id have to open it02:53
wilee-nileegassho, So, so are mine they can be removed look up the keybaord instructions02:53
George_HenriqueKalel Why do not you buy on the internet?02:53
nbros652Dr_Willis: I'm actually looking for something a little more immediate, like every 5 seconds or so.02:53
Dr_Willisnbros652:  perhaps its not doing it via nautilus.. or im makign it do it by doing other things in the file manager. ;)02:54
gasshoit stopped spontaneously02:54
Dr_Willis!info fam02:54
ubottufam (source: fam): File Alteration Monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-17 (raring), package size 67 kB, installed size 256 kB02:54
Dr_Willisnbros652:  fam may do what you need. seen it used in the past02:54
uronuhello guys, how can we connect windows client through ubuntu openldap server?02:54
trismKalel: I figured it out, forgot a semi-colon oops02:54
George_HenriqueKalel ?02:54
KalelGeorge_Henrique: The importation is too much expansive. I prefer travel and buy out there..02:54
=== karen is now known as iampoz
trismKalel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6086167/ line 1315 was added02:55
KalelBrazzilian's government eat all the money..02:55
Dr_Willisnbros652:  yep. its not seeing a change i made on the remote box  from within sshfs. there mightbe some options to sshfs.02:56
George_HenriqueKalel it's true02:57
Kaleltrism: Great... The color choosed? Red? I can change that...02:57
iampozhello, I am having trouble with networking. first problem is that when I am connected to a network with no internet and a wireless network with internet, the internet does not work02:58
Kaleltrism: I'll backup the original, replace and test... Right now..02:58
trismKalel: yeah you can pick any color, that one was green02:58
trismKalel: I wanted a bright color so I knew it worked02:58
iampozanyone know how to choose the default network to use for the internet?02:58
George_HenriqueI can not install gnumeric in angstrom02:58
Kaleltrism: oK...02:58
Dr_Willisiampoz:  you mean set the default gateway?03:00
Dr_Willisset the gateway to be the ip of the router that has the network connection03:01
iampozoh okay03:01
iampozwhere can I set the gateway?03:01
Dr_Willisi imagine in network manager somewhere. ive never needed to set it.03:01
iampozi will google03:02
Kaleldakotawulfy: Can you show me the color again?03:02
dakotawulfythe orange color i had ??03:02
Dr_Willisgateway is there under the network manager tool. if you disable dhcp03:03
Kaleldakotawulfy: Yes, please...03:03
KalelI'll test my new theme now.. I come back later.03:05
iampozCan not find it Dr_Willis03:05
Dr_Willisiampoz:  under network manager. you disable dhcp and set the info manually it looks like to me. If i try to change it.. imay get disconnected. ;)03:07
Dr_Willisor use the route command i recall03:07
Dr_Willisroute command shows your default gateway03:08
Kaleltrism: Well.. Didn't worked again. Forsake! Nevermind. I am satisfied anyway with Faience. Thank you again...03:10
iampozDr_Willis, I am not sure which one to disable dhcp on, my wired connection or my wireless03:10
KalelI am so much sleepy.03:10
KalelGood night all!!03:10
uronudoes windows work to connect ldap server without samba?03:11
Dr_Willisiampoz:  no idea. Id imagine you want the default gateway to be going throgh whatever one is connected to your router. thats going to the internet03:11
LinuxGuy2020Im running a headless server and I installed transmission-daemon. I added the whitelist ip address to cover my lan machines "192.168.1.*". Everytime I boot the server the web gui doesnt work. If I SSH into the server and restart the transmission daemon then the web gui works. Is there some logic to this? Right now my work around is I added a line in rc.local to restart it at boot. Is there a real fix or is this normal? It seems like a ch03:11
iampozwired does not have internet, and wireless has internet. when the wired is connected, I do not have internet access, its like ubuntu will only try to access internet though the wired connection03:11
Dr_Willisi got a desktop with wired and wireless.. either one works ;)03:12
Dr_Williswhy  do you have both going anyway?03:12
nbros652Dr_Willis: Thanks... I'll check out fam. I know it works with scp, but I would like to be able to make modifications to filenames from more than one location and not have to script the changes to cascade.03:12
Dr_Williswired would be faster, so i would want that to be the default03:12
iampozI am trying to connect two desktop, one windows 7 and one ubuntu 12.04 on an independent network to share files03:12
Dr_Willisi got a similer setup with 2 routers. ;)03:13
Dr_Willislan 1 -> router 1   -> lan2 (on router 2)03:13
iampozin the end they will both be wired to the internet network and wired to each other on a separate network03:13
Dr_Willisthings on lan1 can get to the pcs on lan2. but lan2 cant get back through router 1 to get to lan1. ;)03:13
papitois there some tool to rescue files? i was editing a java file, and forgot to plug the cable cord to the power.. the 3 files had open were lost. next time i opened them were only were invalid characters not belonging to any encoding. i try to browse for eclipse local history to get the latest saved version.. but miserably eclipse doesnt show local history.. if i dont recover these files, ive lost my today's work :'(03:14
Dr_Willisi need to set router 1 to be in 'hub/switch mode' but its sort of broken and i cant get in to confiogure it. ;p03:14
trismKalel: it might be different in gnome-shell, I don't know if gsd still draws it there, so it might be a different element of the theme (maybe the shell part)03:14
trismKalel: in fact I don't think it does since they dropped that code in recent gsd03:14
iampozinteresting set up03:15
Dr_Willisi have pc1 with wired to router 1, and wireless to router 2. :) that way i can access it from any pc on both networks.  (its a plex media server)03:15
Dr_WillisI need to get rid of router1.. but i dont want to change all the rokus, and  things to the new router..  i change them as i get around to it.03:15
iampozi see03:15
iampozsounds a little more involved then what I want03:16
iampozBasically, I just want to set up a network between my windows 7 computer and my ubuntu 12.04 computer03:16
Dr_WillisI could move everthing to router 1 rather eaially. :0 but theni got to  make sure every phone, tablet, roku, raspberry pi, tv,  and other devices.. are at the new router. ;)03:16
Dr_Willisplus the grandkids are the only ones on the other router mainly. :) so that keeps them off my other machines lan.03:17
iampozenough though I have them connected to a router with no firewall or anything in between on either side or on the router itself, they just can not see each other03:17
Dr_WillisI recall some network diagraming tool that may help people understand your layout and  help you better.03:18
varunendraiampoz, could you successfully add the default gateway?03:19
iampozwell we can start simple... even take the router out of the equation... If I hook up an Ethernet cord from my ubuntu desktop to my windows 7 desktop, shouldn’t they be able to see each other?03:20
iampozvarunendra, no i can not. I don’t understand why configuring the wireless connection manually will cause ubuntu to listen to it over the wired connection.03:21
varunendraiampoz, default gateway is the route that any OS assumes to be the 'default' path to access internet. That does not need be complex.03:22
* rblzr yawn03:22
Dr_Willisiampoz:  IF theres a dhcp server on one of the pcs. in theory yes.03:23
Dr_Willisiampoz:  checkif both have an ip. and see if they can ping each other03:23
Dr_Willisiampoz:  also you may want to disable the windows firewall03:23
varunendraiampoz, try - "sudo route add default gw <your gateway's IP>"03:23
Dr_Willisgateway ip - is the ip of the router going to the internet.03:23
Dr_Willisie: or  (for example)03:24
iampozokay, I will try that03:24
Dr_Willisbut you dont have a router its going into? its going into a windows box?03:25
iampozwell I tryed and it never messed up my internet, I will connect to wired and see if I get disconnected now03:25
Dr_Willisthis is when a diagram would be helpfull03:25
iampozI typed in "sudo route add default gw", and when I connect to the wired connection, I can not access the internet03:26
iampozI do have a router, but I thought for simplicty sake, I would leave it out for now, so it is just two computer wired directly to each other. I am not sure how I set up a dhcp server on one of them though so maybe that is where a router is required - all firewalls are off03:27
dakotawulfyiampoz not
iampozI am pretty sure the one with the internet is - the wired one is
varunendraiampoz, if you already have another default gateway defined, of course that needs to be deleted first. Check the current gateways with "route -n"03:29
varunendraiampoz, if there is another one, "sudo route del default gw <conflicting one>"03:30
iampozsome pretty weird gateways, I will put it in a pastebin03:30
iampozI guess I would delete the gateways?03:31
Retroballaafter an half-hour and watching you tube java installed haha03:33
varunendrano that's normal. You only have one gw at the moment. Are you sure you remain connected to wireless when you connect cable?03:33
varunendraiampoz, ^^03:33
iampozI will connect to the wired one and do the 'route -n' to see what happends03:34
varunendraiampoz, please also show us the output of "nm-tool" when both are connected.03:34
iampozamd I here right now?03:35
iampozam I here right now?03:35
iampozseems like I am here03:35
RetroballaI dk where the hell I am03:35
|Anthony|I'm using xubuntu 12.04 and mumble 1.2.3-2ubuntu4.1 and am having issues with echo cancellation. It seems as though nothing i do actually enables echo cancellation. Is there a specific procedure i need to take to get that to work as expected?03:37
varunendraiampoz, you are here :D03:37
iampozis it save to post pastebins with mac ids?03:38
varunendraiampoz, better obscure or snip it, why take chances ;)03:39
iampozI guess I maintained my connection here while the wired was connected but the browser fails to load anything... I have a pastebin with route -n and nm-tool while connected to both03:39
Ben64iampoz: theres nothing anyone can do with your mac address, it doesn't travel beyond the data link layer03:42
varunendraiampoz, unless the browser has some custom network settings, I think a log out --> re-login should fix the browser issue too (but I can't be sure).03:43
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iampozI open a new browser...03:44
ExtraMti need help .. i lost my user name and password on backtrack 5 .. how i get the user and the password back ?03:44
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)03:44
ExtraMtthank alot03:45
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iampozso do you see how under the 'Device: wlan0  [LolaLover] ---' is says 'Default:           no' but under 'Device: eth0  [Wired connection 1] ---' it says 'Default:           yes'03:47
iampozI think that is the problem03:47
danny4wayIs there any way to install java platform jdk on ubuntu?03:48
danny4wayThe latest version of it. I need it for school. I tried to download a file from its website but it isn't installing like on Windows03:48
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.03:49
samalexfigured i'd ask this here .. i generally run LTS versions, but are there enough gee-wiz features in 13.04 to make it worth checking out as opposed to 12.04?03:49
Dr_WillisExtraMt:  You dont get the password back. You set a new one. ;)   that applies to most every disrto ive ever seen.03:49
wilee-nileedanny4way, http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-703:50
Dr_Willissamalex:  13.10 is comming out next month. ;)03:50
Dr_Willissamalex:  it has a lot of gee-wiz new stuff03:50
samalexdr_Willis, good point..03:50
Dr_Willissamalex:  one of note - is much better management/controll of lenses.  ;)03:51
Dr_Willissamalex:  then theres the whole Mir thing for those that are into  that stuff03:51
wilee-nileedanny4way, here is another. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html03:51
wilee-nileea bit easier this one03:52
danny4wayI actually have to install many software for my AP JAVA class. It requires me to have Java JDK and JCreator03:52
cfhowlettdanny4way, maybe install windows in virtualbox and put java there?03:53
samalexDr_Willis, yeah I've been reading about mir, it'll be weird changing, heck I still miss xfree86 :)03:53
Dr_Willissamalex:  i dont miss having to constantly edit my xorg.conf ;P03:53
Dr_Williseven twinview automatically gets enabled for me now a days03:53
danny4wayDo you think Virtualbox might slow my computer down? I used to have windows on my laptop but windows is too much for my laptop to handle so i moved to Ubuntu and it's a lot smoother to use03:54
samalexI have a love/hate relationship with xorg.conf, over the years of using Linux i've learned how to tweak my system rather well using it ... but i guess mir makes it easier to configure?03:54
Dr_Willisdanny4way:  depends on what all you do in the vbox. :)03:54
samalexi've not used it03:54
cfhowlettdanny4way, it won't run at native speed.03:54
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danny4wayWell. I won't mind if it isn't too slow.03:54
varunendraiampoz, one thing you can try is to set "Method" for your wired connection to "Automatic (DHCP) address only". Leave the DNS and gateway fields empty since you'd be using wifi for Internet.03:54
iampozokay I will try that03:55
samalexwonder if I insatlled 13.10 RC now i it'd gracefully upgrade to full 13.10 when it's released... never done that, but I really want to reload soon.03:55
Dr_Willissamalex:  thats how its supposed to work03:55
danny4wayI can try it out but installing softwares on my computer is due the day after tomorrow so iam like figuring out how to actually install it properly.03:55
ubottusamalex,: Saucy Salamander is the codename for Ubuntu 13.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+103:55
danny4wayI've had experience installing things on Ubuntu but most of them, I had problems with server.03:55
iampozvarunendra, nope, does not work either03:56
Q_ContinuumActivating Proprietary Drivers on 12.04 with an AMD E-300 APU; I have 4 FGLRX driver options; 3 that are experimental (1 of these tagged for 2D only) and a 'post-release updates' - the two experimentals that aren't for 2D are both tagged as 12.11 drivers by the Release Notes - how to ID which one to activate?03:56
iampozI am thinking about looking for some type of product that I can connect a few hard drives to which can be access by both eSATA and an ethernet cable... i hope that exists03:57
Q_ContinuumI recall previous Ubuntu releases giving more info on what each one was :-/03:57
varunendraiampoz, after changing that, do - "sudo service networking restart" and "sudo service network-manager restart".03:57
Dr_Willisiampoz:  ive seen hard drive enclosures that are  esata, or usb3. cant say ive really noticed any with NAS/network ports.03:58
Dr_Willisiampoz:  i THINK i had one that was like that. ages ago. but it was a very weird sort of nas. ;)03:58
varunendraiampoz, an ancient thread with a possible solution : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147409803:59
anton02is anyone running KDE 4.11.103:59
Q_Continuumethernet cable = more than JBOD, you need a (small) server in it to be a NAS/etc03:59
randomaussiehi all... any anyone link me to a wat to view the gui "report a problem" logs. they keep popping up and google isnt helping me03:59
anton02does drive auto mount and detect still work for you03:59
Dr_Willisrandomaussie:  thats the apport service. or was it apreport03:59
Dr_Willisrandomaussie:  i tend to just disable it. ;)03:59
randomaussieDr_willis: i wanted to find what was causing the problem and try to fix it "internal error" i think it says04:00
Dr_Willisrandomaussie:  thats just the standard 'somthing crashed' message..  ive seen them pop up for somthing that was updated days befor. ;)04:01
randomaussieDr_Willis: i have one now... "system program problem detected"04:01
randomaussieof so just ignore it?04:01
Dr_Willisrandomaussie:  just a generic 'somthing crashed'04:01
Dr_Willisignore it.. see if it keeps comming back up, or send a report04:02
randomaussieyeah pops up every now and then04:02
randomaussiethats why i wanted to know if thre was a log file i could look at to work out what keeps crashing04:02
Dr_Willisabout the only thing i do with apport is disable it  ;)  i imagine theres some logs somewhere. Id have to look it up on askubuntu.com to figure out where. heh04:04
randomaussieDr_willis: keep forgetting to put your name first.... it pops up04:04
randomaussiei'll have a look at ask reddit myself04:04
randomaussiederp i mean ask ubuntu04:05
randomaussieguess what i'm doing on the side :)04:05
Dr_Willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/93457/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-apport   has some info and links on the topic it seems04:05
iampozokay this worked: Under IPv4, click "Routes..." and then check the box that says "Use this connection only for resources on its network."04:07
iampozthat is all I had to do, now I am connected to both and I can access the internet04:07
iampozare the proper defaults are set for the proper devices. Thank you varunendra04:08
iampozIt is getting late now so I have to go bed, thanks again and good night!04:09
blueredturtlerandom question: is there a way to start X on the actual monitor plugged into a machine when SSH'd into it from elsewhere?04:11
researcherwhich comand line can let me know if I have 32 bit or 64 bit system installed?04:13
wilee-nileeresearcher, uname -a04:14
researcherwilee-nilee: thanks04:14
wilee-nileeno prob04:14
Dr_Willisblueredturtle:  if you  give the right options to X, and dont have X forwarding enabled. yes - should be doable04:14
blueredturtleDr_Willis: hm okay (slightly simplified the problem, trying to start javafx jar on a raspberrypi - which accesses the frame buffer on the pi instead of X)04:16
Dr_Willisblueredturtle:  if X forwarding is not enabled (not thta it would matter i guess)  it shoulkd work04:17
Dr_Willisblueredturtle:  ive ran omxplayer on my pi that way04:17
Dr_Willissshed in, ran omxplayer video.avi, it showed on the pi04:18
Dr_Willisif it was a X application. You would need to have your DISPLAY set to be the pi's display. and have X forarding off (i think) and allow  the access via the xhost + command I seem to recall.04:19
blueredturtleDr_Willis: hm, maybe I'm doing something then04:19
Dr_Willisomxplayer is sort of special on the pi. ;)04:19
Dr_Willisor was it oxmplayer. i cant recall now.04:19
Dr_Willisthe examplein there uses firefox.. I definatly recall firefox doing some weird stuff when trying it that way.04:22
Dr_Willisand i definatly think theres some security stopping that.04:23
jordanrx123i have many problem on metasploit, do you have solutions ?04:24
jordanrx123help me please all, i have many problems on metasploit backtrack 504:25
ubottujordanrx123,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:26
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
jordanrx123ubuntu ?04:27
Dr_Willisbacktrack is not ubuntu. backtrackhas its own support channels04:27
cfhowlettjordanrx123, read the factoid.  As stated, backtrack has its own channel for support.04:27
wilee-nileenot on freenode anymore they are eol04:28
jordanrx123yes , i agree sir :)04:28
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
WolfiumHello everyone. I wish you all a great day to start with. My days havn't been so good I am obliged to use windows because my Iburst usb modem is freezing my ubuntu 13.04 kernel 3.8.0 i installed the ibdriver-dkms and everything works fine my system recognizes and initiallizes the usb modem but after i connect the whole system freezes and have to !reisub04:31
WolfiumI need to return to linux help plz04:31
cfhowlettWolfium, so don't use the modem?04:32
wilee-nileeWolfium, or get one that works04:32
Dr_Willisdoes the issue happen in earlier releases of ubuntu?04:32
Wolfiumhow would i access the net04:32
cfhowlettWolfium, there are cheap wifi dongles on amazon ...04:32
Dr_Willisthis is some sort of 3g modem? or what exactly?04:32
varunendraWolfium, is it actually a modem (3g/4g) or a wifi adapter?04:33
Wolfiumit simply a wifi iburst modem04:33
Dr_WillisI need about 4 more cheap wifi dongles. ;)04:33
Dr_Willisthe term 'wifi modem' seems sort of.. contradictory04:33
Dr_Willissort of like a Car-Motorcycle04:33
Wolfiumwell it's a usb modem and it has an account on its host server and it connects me to the internet04:33
Wolfiumhere in lebanon we dont have wifi everywhere04:34
Wolfiumits not 3g it has got no SIM card input04:34
Wolfiumhere is a pic04:35
FloodBot1Wolfium: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
varunendraWolfium, can you show us the output of "lsusb" while it is plugged in?04:35
Dr_Willisso its a WiFi Dongle that connexts to the iburst companies Wifi Hotspots?04:35
Dr_Willisthat looks like a very very weird wifi dontle. ;)04:36
Wolfiumand lsusb recognizes the iburst04:36
cfhowlettWolfium, I supposed on the windows side, it has drivers?04:37
varunendraWolfium, please show us the line from lsusb that shows the modem/dongle.04:37
Wolfiumit does04:37
Dr_Willis'a 3.9g network and the latest modems'04:37
Wolfiumvarunendra I have to boot into the ubuntu system04:37
Wolfium1 min04:37
Dr_Willisseems it is  using the cell phone network then. ;) not wifi04:37
cfhowlettWolfium, this sounds like a non-standard piece of hardware.  linux may or may not have a solution.04:37
Wolfiumill reboot and return to u04:38
domino14i'm trying to install python 2.6 on ubuntu 12.0404:38
domino14i did wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/{python2.6{,-minimal,-dev,-dbg},libpython2.6}_2.6.7-4ubuntu1_i386.deb04:39
ubottudomino14,: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python04:39
=== smaudet is now known as chocolatemousse
Wolfiumhello everyone im back04:48
Wolfiumhere is lsudb04:48
WolfiumBus 003 Device 002: ID 0482:0204 Kyocera Corp. iBurst Terminal04:48
Wolfium@varunendra this the output of the usb04:50
WolfiumBus 003 Device 002: ID 0482:0204 Kyocera Corp. iBurst Terminal04:50
=== companion is now known as Companion
cfhowlettnull_dev, greetings04:54
null_devIs there a channel where I can find more information on gMTP?04:54
null_devI have this error log when trying to use it with my new phone. http://pastebin.com/P8RLrCTd04:55
Ben64what is gMTP04:55
null_devIt's a GUI for navigating lipmtp with MP3 players and phones.04:55
Dr_Willis A simple MP3 and Media player client for UNIX and UNIX like systems.04:56
Dr_Willis!find gmtp04:56
ubottuFound: gmtp04:56
Dr_Willis!info gmtp04:56
ubottugmtp (source: gmtp): simple MP3 player client for MTP based devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1 (raring), package size 121 kB, installed size 402 kB04:56
null_devThanks Dr_Willis. Any ideas on what issues I might be having? I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 with a Samsung Galaxy S3 which is not rooted.04:58
Dr_Willisnot a clue. I dont bother with such apps to get stuff to my S3. I use airdroid. ;)04:58
null_devI thought Airdroid wasn't for Unix like systems?04:59
Dr_WillisYou put airdroid on the phone/tablet. then use any os, and any browser to connect to the phone04:59
cfhowlettnull_dev, eh?  airdroid is browser based and OS agnostic04:59
Dr_WillisNo need for anything other then a browser on the pc ;)04:59
Dr_WillisI use it all the time. ;P04:59
Dr_Willisit beats using usb cables and trying to mount the phone.05:00
* cfhowlett ... co-signs the good Doctor's sage wisdom.05:00
TsarObombaI had a user with lets say name "foo", well long story short, I had to delete the user, so I deleted and recreated it. But upon login via ssh I get a message about my group id05:00
null_devcfhowlett Dr_Willis Awesome. I'll just get rid of gMTP and give that a whirl. Thanks!05:00
TsarObombagroups: cannot find name for group ID 100105:00
Dr_WillisIm not even sure that that gMTP is the same 'mtp' that android uses.05:00
TsarObombaWhat do I do to fix it?05:00
Dr_WillisI defainatly have never needed to use somthing like gmtp to get muzak to my phone05:00
Dr_WillisPhone = a little bitty pc. ;) and i treat it like one. heh.05:01
TsarObombais it because my last user of the same name was 1001?05:01
TsarObombaShould I change my UID and GID to 1002 instead?05:01
TsarObombaor just GID rather05:02
TsarObombadont think uid can be changed05:02
TsarObombahmm, that worked05:02
Dr_Willisthe initial user has a UID of 1000, a new user should be 100105:03
Dr_Willisbut you deleted the user first. Hmm. ;) not sure what that would do.05:04
=== Companion is now known as companion
null_devOkay, now I've got the AirDroid app on my phone, but it says when I go to the website, 'Faile to load configuration file, click OK to sign in again.05:05
null_devClicking OK just brings me back to that same error message.05:06
Dr_Williswhat web site? I just run the airdroid app.  (my phone is connected to my local lan) and then punch in the ip#/port it says on my pcs browser05:06
cfhowlettnull_dev, go to the airdroid site.05:06
Dr_Willisit has a feature to connect over the internet. but i never use it that way05:06
cfhowlettnull_dev, I login via camera NFC05:07
null_devcfhowlett I'm at web.airdroid.com05:07
ObrienDaveor scan the QR code05:07
cfhowlettnull_dev,  and both devices must be on the same wifi network05:07
Dr_Williscant say ive tried the NFC/Qrcode method. ;)05:07
null_devWe are.05:07
Dr_WillisThat woule be neat to get that NFC/Beaming feature working  from my PC to my Phone. ;) i only do that NFC stuff from phone to tablet.05:08
null_devcfhowlett Okay, I created an account with airdroid. I went to their site. By clearing my cache I was able to get past that weird feature, but now their site is a fuzzy image of what appears to be a lake with some island on the end of it at sunset. There is a toolbar up top with some tools, but no login feature or any picture to scan.05:12
cfhowlettnull_dev, take a peek at your phone to see if you actually connected.  also, consider bouncing this to #android as it seems to NOT be an ubuntu issue.05:14
Dr_Willisi never really go to their site. ;)05:15
null_devcfhowlett Okay, thanks.05:15
cfhowlettnull_dev,  if you're connected, you'll see an android green paper airplane in the upper left phone screen05:16
Dr_Willisphone on local network pc on local network.. type in ip and port in firefox.  Phone pops up an 'accept/deny' dialog.05:16
null_devcfhowlett I see that.05:16
null_devDr_Willis I'm not quite sure I understood what you meant.05:16
Dr_Willisi run airdroid on tablet.. it shows a 'open web address'05:17
Dr_Willishttp://web.airdroid.com    OR <----
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
Dr_WillisI enter the url and port in my browser.. and  connect05:17
Dr_WillisI never use the web.airdroid.com when the thing is on the same local lan05:18
sonnet420Hello room05:19
Nimblehi sonnet42005:19
Dr_Willisyou only have a 100mb limit it seems if you access airdroid over the internet.05:19
null_devusing the IP and Port address timed out.05:20
Dr_Willischeck firewall i guess? ive only used that way.05:20
sonnet420anybody know why, when i unplug my laptop the screen flickers every like 30 seconds but no problem when it's plugged in05:21
cfhowlettDr_Willis, that's true.  I think it resets every 30 days05:21
Dr_Willisyep. they have a pay service for 1gb a month05:22
Dr_Williswith some extra fetures05:22
sonnet420i used the vid drivers from amd05:22
Dr_Willisi use airdroid to transfer over several gb of video files at a time to my tablet. ;)05:23
sonnet420anybody have the same issue or know a solution?05:23
Dr_Willissounds like some power saveing mode kicking in.05:24
Dr_Willisit dident do it with the open sourced drivers?05:24
null_devsonnet420 Check power saving methods, I believe there's a slider bar for the fade in/ fade out on the screen going dark.05:24
sonnet420when i try those ones that are in the system settings area, it won't even boot the computer05:24
sonnet420it's not the fade, it's like the screen refreshes every 30 seconds05:25
sonnet420i've tried the beta drivers and the other ones in the vid driver section in system settings05:25
Nimbledoes it happen on windows? (if you use windows)05:26
rscntsomeone need help?05:26
sonnet420just in ubuntu05:26
sonnet420not on my other linux distro's05:26
sonnet420but this driver is the only one that i can get 3d rendering to play any games05:27
Nimbledoes it happen on other drivers?05:27
sonnet420scared to try05:27
Nimbleare you using the proprietary amd drivers?05:27
sonnet420when i first installed ubuntu, i'd change the driver.. then poof upon reboot i couldn't access my os05:28
Nimblecould you at least get to a shell?05:28
sonnet420i don't think so, it's been a month05:28
Nimbleso what would happen?05:29
Nimblethe kernel would fail to boot?05:29
null_devLogging into the website with my phone, I can see that I'm missing the sign in page as well as the QR Code entirely.05:29
sonnet420i had to re-install the os 4 different times trying to change the adapter, finally went online and got proprietary drivers from amd and i have 3d acceleration i had to get rid of the watermark also05:30
NimbleI mean, when you reboot would it just be a blank screen?05:30
sonnet420it'd go to the ubuntu grub05:30
sonnet420but once i hit enter..poof05:30
Nimblewhat would happen next? would the ubuntu logo appear?05:31
Nimblesome text?05:31
sonnet420it'd load to a black screen05:31
sonnet420no logo.. no text05:31
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:31
Nimblewhat the bot said05:31
Dr_WillisHmm. airdroid website worked fine for me also null_dev  ;)05:32
sonnet420lol so that will give it a generic driver then tho right05:32
Dr_Willisnull_dev:  first time ive ever been to it.05:32
Nimbleat least you could boot far enough to figure out what is wrong05:32
* null_dev sighs. "Okay. I'm going to try it with add ons disabled. Thanks Dr_Willis, cfhowlett."05:32
Dr_Willishmm. got flashblock and adblock both going here. ;)05:33
Dr_Williscant say ive ever had any addons cause issues05:34
Dr_WillisNow that airdroid service would be so COOL if say Ubuntu One sort of had a serice like it to go with their cloud service.05:34
null_devDisabled addons, now it's working.05:35
Dr_Williswhat addon was causing the issue?05:35
Dr_Willisno javascript?05:35
null_devDon't know yet, I just restarted with all addons disabled.05:35
boumais there a good replacement for the 'file search' gui program.. it seems unreasonably inefficient05:35
boumaor alternative05:35
Dr_Willis!info catfish05:35
ubottucatfish (source: catfish): a versatile file searching tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 71 kB, installed size 585 kB05:35
boumathank you05:35
Dr_Williscatfish  - is what xubuntu uses i belive05:36
Dr_WillisNot sure what Lubuntu has.05:36
Dr_Willistheres most likely others05:36
Dr_Willisthen theres the good old find, and locate commands. ;)05:36
Dr_WillisI really rarely use any of them. :) i try to stay organized05:36
boumaright, but i do not have or want a prebuilt index (need to get through a bunch of different hdds)05:37
sonnet420another question05:37
Dr_Willisi do recall that locate can set up user defined index's :) so if you had a HD of a lot of videos, you could have locate index that once. then search the index as needed05:37
sonnet420i'd like the home folder encrypted, but didn't choose the option when i installed it05:37
Dr_Williswhich is a overlooked feature of locate05:37
sonnet420i've tried this migrate command line thing to no avail05:38
boumaDr_Willis: does locate cope with changing mount points ?05:39
smw94i've downloaded and install libreoffice 4.0.5 but the apps is not found, i've downgraded from 4.1.1 before, any help ?05:40
Dr_Willisbouma:  i wouldent think so. Unless it was part of a path it was also searching.05:40
Dr_Willisie: /media/stuff  vs /media/stuff2  ;)05:40
Dr_Willisbut i think locate by default ignores /media/ so thats a bad example05:40
boumaDr_Willis: also, if you are familiar with catfish, do you know how to do a * search. it appears you need a constraining term05:41
Dr_Willisbouma:  i rarely use any of those things. I just recall seeing catfish on the xubuntu install i did an hr ago. ;)05:41
sonnet420Any one have experience with the home folder encryption05:41
null_devSo no one knows why it would fail to load the configuration file?05:41
Dr_Willissonnet420:  seen a lot of people have BAD experiences with it. ;)05:41
sonnet420that's not good then lol05:41
boumaDr_Willis: i suppose the same applies to the ctrl-f nautilus search. how to use wildcards ?05:41
Dr_Willissonnet420:  i stay away from it. :)05:42
Dr_Willisbouma:  never noticed. or tried.  I imagine the tools may support regular expressions some how05:42
sonnet420probably best to just keep an encrypted folder instead then huh05:42
sonnet420if i encrypt the folder with an outside program would it affect my login?05:42
Dr_Williscatfish can use * - or so the docs say.05:43
Dr_WillisCatfish is Graphical User Interface for many different search tools such as find and locate.05:44
Dr_Willisaparently catfish supports --> find, (s)locate, doodle, tracker, beagle, strigi and pinot05:45
Dr_Willisnow i have trippled my knowledge of catfish. ;)05:45
Dr_Willis!info catfish05:46
ubottucatfish (source: catfish): a versatile file searching tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 71 kB, installed size 585 kB05:46
null_devIt was noscript, even though I had it set to allow all scripts globally05:47
boumabut not regular expressions it appears.. and neither does the ctrl-f nautilus search05:48
boumaits wierd cause nautilus has the ctrl-s feature which mentions (omg) *.*05:48
boumabut ctrl-f, and say, *.mp4 does nothing.. although mp4 works for mp4's, there is no way to do *05:49
Dr_Willisone of the catfish sites mentions 6.1 has 'improved wildcard support' :) but i cant really find any docs on what wildcards it supports05:50
boumathis is the first question, but two people helpfully appear to answer by telling to use something else (gnome-search-tool) or to do something else instead05:51
Dr_Willisnautiuls dosent have the feature.. so it dosent have the feature. ;)05:51
boumaits almost risible. and i have loved linux and opensource software for 10yr+, but..05:52
Dr_Willispart of the general trend at dumbing things down for the lowest-skilled users.05:53
geirhabouma: Minor nitpicking; *.mp4 is a glob pattern, not a regular expression.05:53
Dr_Willis;) globby!05:53
boumageirha: thanks, nomenclature can be power05:53
Dr_WillisI got the book 'mastering regular expressions' :) i just found it in the garrage today05:53
Dr_Williseery time i reread it.. i learn somthing new.05:54
geirhaThe main problem with regular expressions is that nearly every command/program use a different dialect05:55
boumathis is silly though, i could probably get some immediate solution with find. and im using irssi now, and like the commandline for lots of stuff. but i just want a list i cant sort with gui attribute tabs05:55
bouma*i can sort05:55
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
energizer1Hello, can I get some help filing a bug report? I've never done it before. I know what the problem is and how to fix it every time it happens.06:05
=== Guest47673 is now known as keplr
boumageirha: yes, and in this case if nautilus does support globs or re it does it in a way that is different from the ctrl-s pattern select feature06:05
geirhaYou can apparently add a filetype criteria to the search; but it seems pretty useless since you have to search for something first before those options become available.06:07
energizer1Hello, can I get some help filing a bug report? I've never done it before.06:14
Dr_Willisbot  is dead? :() egads06:14
energizer1i imagine the bot will tell me to read the ubuntu.com community page06:15
Dr_Willischeck the bug reports page and se eif its allready been filed, and any fixs have been released06:15
Dr_Willisthat would be step 1 i imagine06:15
energizer1i havent found anything for it on launchpad, but ive found an ubuntu forums post which is exactly the problem im having (and it is weird)06:15
Dr_Willisalso check askubuntu.com to see if others have had the same issue.  post your fix to their question , would be a nice thing to do also.06:15
energizer1(and the solution provided works)06:15
energizer1its this thing: http://askubuntu.com/questions/296801/aboutblank-opens-in-chromium-when-i-type-into-the-dash06:16
energizer1ya their solution does work. but this problem shouldn't happen in the first place, which i think makes it a bug06:16
somsipenergizer1: that's old. Are you sure it's not been FITNR?06:16
energizer1im 13.0406:17
energizer1i guess it couldve been in saucy but i havent encountered anything on launchpad06:17
Dr_Willisheh - i got that same bug on my one pc..  :)06:18
Dr_Willisi just never ntoiced what was making chromium open at times06:18
Dr_Willisi dident even type into it..06:18
Dr_Willisits not affecting my 13.10 box's however.06:18
somsipenergizer1: ah - I read it as a chromium bug. My bad. Maybe worth logging the bug then, but you might find it has been addressed in prep for 13.1006:18
somsipenergizer1: bugs aren't always fixed in response to a report, so it's possible it has been addressed06:19
energizer1Dr_Willis: you think it's been fixed in saucy?06:20
energizer1 i was looking forward to contributing something :(06:20
Dr_Willisenergizer1:  it aparently only kicks in when your credentials for online accounts get messed up. I have that red gear that shows they are messed up  on 13.10 :)06:21
somsipenergizer1: still file it. You might just find it gets closed as FITNR that's all06:21
Dr_Willisbut i MAY have 'include online results' turned off.06:21
boumageirha: yeah who ever wrote the gui + search constrain features when it appears you cannot do a universal search, um well i appreciate their effort but .. ahem06:21
Dr_WillisI have include online results on.. So it does seem to be fixed in 13.10 energizer106:22
entangled|homeohai everyone06:22
energizer1somsip: Dr_Willis: so i run ubuntu-bug and tell it "other problem" and it tells me that i need to specify a PID, but i dont know what PID i should use06:23
energizer1Dr_Willis: hm will i guess if its fixed then so it goes06:23
Dr_Willisenergizer1:  no idea really. PID changes each time you run an app. ;)06:23
somsipenergizer1: I have no experience of that, so I can't help06:23
entangled|homeso, I come from an age of editing menu.lst.... perhaps someone can inform me of the best way to go about adding nodmraid to my boot options without destroying grub2?06:23
Dr_Willisentangled|home:  /etc/default/grub  theres a default options line i belive.06:24
Dr_Willisentangled|home:  it should mention 'quiet splash'06:24
energizer1Dr_Willis: somsip: oh, do you not normally file with ubuntu-bug? how do you like to do it?06:24
entangled|homeholy crap06:24
Dr_Willisenergizer1:  i rarely file bug reports. ;)  i tend to skim them and confirm others06:24
* entangled|home is a fool06:24
entangled|homethanks man06:24
somsipenergizer1: I don't remember the last time I found a bug. Probably directly to launchpad if I did06:25
Dr_WillisGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash "06:25
Dr_Willisentangled|home:  :) the grub2 docs/wiki/forum posts show ots of neat tricks heh06:25
Dr_Willisentangled|home:  dont forget to rerun 'sudo update-grub' after editing the file06:25
entangled|homea thousand times thank you06:25
energizer1alright, im gonna let sleeping dawgs lie. thanks yall06:25
entangled|homefucking dmraid loaded by default and destroyed my mdadm settings on 13.0406:26
Dr_Williscant say ive ever used raid. ;)06:26
entangled|homemdadm is sexy06:26
Dr_Willisseen way to many disasters with raid in here. ;P06:26
entangled|homemy fault for upgrading and not checking changelogs06:27
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
MoL0ToVi have a problem with xscreensaver, don't authenticate even with correct password06:29
Dr_Willisneat grub2 trick.. You can make it play a tune at boot up. ;)  see the end of the /etc/default/grub file. ;)06:30
Dr_WillisGRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 4 440 4 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 4 349 3 523 1 440 8 659 4 659 4 659 4 698 3 523 1 415 4 349 3 523 1 440 8"06:30
Dr_Willisplays some muzak ;P06:30
entangled|homeDr_Willis, I like the cut of you jib06:31
energizer1Hey, I've always been curious. For you experts, (Dr_willis, among others), what do you guys do professionally?06:31
aeon-ltdi'm assmuning the numbers represent hertz, but how do you do timings?06:31
Dr_WillisI work for Chrysler ;)06:31
entangled|homeI work for an IT consulting firm06:31
energizer1Dr_Willis: as a computer person?06:32
entangled|homewe specialize in delivering MS solutions. lol06:32
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energizer1entangled|home: hahaha06:32
Dr_Willisenergizer1:  i barely touch a comptuer at work.. :) well for my job.. I chat on my phone/tablet all day06:32
* entangled|home looks at the zero MS products at his house06:32
entangled|homeI may not drink the kool-aid though06:32
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Dr_Willis 1 down vote06:33
Dr_Willis 06:33
Dr_WillisAccording to the GRUB manual, the first note is a 'tempo', and each following pair of numbers are duration and pitch.06:33
energizer1well that's interesting.06:33
Dr_Willisoops - mispaste :)06:33
FloodBot1Dr_Willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:33
aeon-ltdthat's cool06:34
aeon-ltdnow to make the windows jingle06:34
Dr_Willisive only found 2 tunes. Imperial Death march, and mario bro.s ;)06:34
Dr_Willisi pasted the imperal one above06:34
Dr_Willisnote that this does NOT always work on all pcs. I definatly have some that aparently cant beep from grub. (no built in speaker?)06:35
* entangled|home adds imperial to his grub config06:35
Dr_Willisand if you get the tune wrong.. you do NOT get a grub menu untill the tune is done.06:35
Dr_Willisi got some # wrong once. so it played a steady beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep   for like 4 min. ;)06:36
Dr_Willisthen it booted06:36
energizer1this sounds like a fun project: midi-> grub converter06:37
Dr_Willisthere is that 'beep' command that can also play tunes.06:37
Dr_Willisive put that in rc.local befor.06:38
entangled|homeDr_Willis, thanks again for the quick expertise. I just booted this install and realized I was borked a bit.06:38
Dr_Willisbut the syntax i belive is differnt then the grub stuff. -   and again. some times it dont work. if the pc has no built in speaker06:38
Dr_Willisive had headless servers setup where they play a tune. so i know when they are fully booted up. ;)06:39
Dr_Willisor have them eject/retract the cd tray..06:39
entangled|homeSo, how active is this channel usually? I see lots of new users popping in, but I assume that is due to this being a default chan for xchat in Ubuntu06:39
Dr_Willisthis is the main ubuntu support channel entangled|home  so its quiet active at times06:40
Dr_Willis it is 3am in the usa. ;) so its a slow time now.06:40
entangled|homeSweet. I will hang around and offer what I can06:40
Dr_Willison release day - this place is a madhouse06:40
Dr_Willisi tend to stay off IRC for that week.06:40
entangled|homehey, I am USA Central time. It's only 1:30 here06:40
NuSueyguys, anybody know why is the displayport/hdmi audio set as default everytime I reboot my pc? how can I setup that my speakers will be the output (default output) ..06:41
entangled|homeI frequent several other channels though. #cisco is really helpful06:41
NuSueyfyi.. its 08:41am here :P europe06:41
entangled|homeNuSuey, what does the future hold? More of the same I assume.06:43
NuSueyentangled|home: pandas & pokemon ..06:44
NuSuey(weird question, weird answer)06:44
MoL0ToVi have a problem with xscreensaver, don't authenticate even with correct password06:44
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entangled|homeNuSuey, I assume one can change the default audio device but I am still stuck in an era of alsaconf and that does not translate to pulse so well06:45
Dr_WillisMoL0ToV:  what keyboard layout are you using?06:45
MoL0ToVbut password is only of letters and numbers06:45
Dr_WillisMoL0ToV:  perhaps the screensaver is using a differnt layout.06:45
NuSueyentangled|home: I can change it ..but everytime I reboot it sets the default output as the hdmi output :/06:45
Dr_Willisother then that. no ideas MoL0ToV06:45
Dr_WillisNuSuey:  :) hmm. i had to do the reverse for a long time.. but now it uses hdmi and thatsa what i need06:46
MoL0ToVDr_Willis, is possible that authenticator don't work with xscreensaver?06:46
Dr_WillisNuSuey:  i have noticed it defaults to the analog - if i have a headphone plugged in.06:46
Dr_WillisMoL0ToV:  what 'authenticator' ? you mean where it asks for your password to unlock?06:46
Dr_WillisI tend to disable the lock on screensaver.  so never ntoiced it working or not06:47
MoL0ToVi need it it's a public installation06:47
Dr_Willistry the gnome-screensavers and not xscreensacers and see if they work perhaps.06:48
NuSueyDr_Willis: ah :P well I'm happy that with the open source (amd/ati) drivers I can have hdmi working on my internal gpu (since I have a 6850 + some internal graphic card)  + audio .. which never worked with the ati/amd drivers.. so I'm HAPPY that it works and performance is quite good .. so it isn't a BIG issue.. but it sucks :P06:48
entangled|homeNuSuey, at least you know enough to know how to change it. Why not make a script that runs on boot to set the default if you can't get the system to do it for you?06:49
NuSueyentangled|home: yeah, just didn't had the time...and was wondering if there isn't another option to set it up in ubuntu06:49
entangled|homeit's a little kludgy, but it will save you 10 seconds or so06:49
MoL0ToVDr_Willis, also gnome screensaver don't work06:50
Dr_WillisMoL0ToV:  you mean it dosent accept the pasw3word or dosent startup?06:51
entangled|homeNot knowing any better or having done the requisite research I would just add a script to boot and call it good06:51
MoL0ToVit dosent accept the pasw3word06:52
NuSueyentangled|home: yeah, haven't done any scripts so far ..but saw some post somebody trying to do that ..so I guess I'll research and then implement it :P06:52
Dr_Willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/128785/lock-screen-password-incorrect   MoL0ToV  - perhaps a fix..06:52
NuSueybtw, I was always under the impresion that the open source drivers (amd/ati) are shitty :o dumb me06:53
Dr_WillisMoL0ToV:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingScreenLocking06:53
NuSueyperformance is great, audio/hdmi from the other internal card works.. well.. everything is great :P06:53
entangled|homewell it is really late here. Goodnight all.06:59
NuSueyentangled|home: gn & thanks06:59
entangled|homeIf you kids are around some other night (or morning depending on TZ) I shall chat with you again06:59
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NimbleDr_Willis, will that GRUB_INIT_TUNE play on the internal speaker?07:03
Dr_WillisNimble:  it uses the ones on the motherboard as far as i know07:03
Dr_Willissame as the beep command uses07:03
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install beep07:04
Nimbledoing that right now..07:04
Dr_Willisbeep -f 300.7 -r 2 -d 100 -l 40007:04
e5143C93do any of you know how to continuously monitor the number of open file descriptors?07:04
Dr_Willisbeep has no affect on this pc. ;() i bet that means grubs tune wont work either07:04
Dr_Willise5143C93:  you know how to get it one time?07:05
Dr_Willisif so how? ;)07:05
Dr_Willisthen you could use the 'watch' command to run whatevr command shows you the info..  over and over and over automatically (every few sec)07:06
e5143C93DR_Willies: yes with lsof -p [pid] but I want to see what happens as I run a benchmark07:06
Nimblehm, I know I have an internal speaker but I don't know what device it is under /dev07:06
Nimbleoh well07:06
Dr_WillisNimble:  it could also be the pcskr module is not loaded. since its blacklisted07:07
Dr_Willissudo modprobe pcspkr07:07
Dr_Willisdmesg --> [204376.830359] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input2307:07
Dr_Willisstill no beeping for me. ;(07:08
Nimbleoh right07:08
R0b0t1how do I restart the gnome desktop07:08
Dr_Willisthe good old days of speaker-removal :)07:09
wilee-nileeR0b0t1, from where?07:09
crypticmofoguys i want to install java se 1.7 or 1.6 will apt-cache search find this ?07:10
R0b0t1command line07:10
Nimbleno beeping here either07:10
wilee-nileeR0b0t1, which one the tty07:10
R0b0t1sauerbraten f'd up the WM so I need to restart it07:10
R0b0t1... no, just an emulate07:10
R0b0t1but it shouldn't matter07:10
FloodBot1R0b0t1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
wilee-nileeR0b0t1, YOu shutdown compiz?07:10
R0b0t1...? Does it really use compiz still?07:11
R0b0t1I don't know07:11
wilee-nileeR0b0t1, unity does.07:11
R0b0t1any decent WM should be able to replace07:11
R0b0t1I already said I'm using gnome307:11
R0b0t1basically what's the executable name for gnome3 because I can't easily find it07:11
R0b0t1I'm on metacity right now07:11
wilee-nileeR0b0t1, I had my computer on, I just came back from work, I did not read every smidgen you have posted. the gnome shell is mutter, gnome 3 is under multiple desktops.07:12
e5143C93Dr_Willis: Thanks! the watch command does the job:)07:13
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rohanhi .. does anyone know how to enable hybrid suspend (suspend2both) on ubuntu 13.04?07:16
AcidRain2012what is a tool for linux that is good gui to build flash applications?07:26
HypnotiXHello, how can i see what apache servers i have installed07:29
HypnotiXbecause when i try to restart xampp it says that another webserver is already running apache07:29
auronandace!xampp | HypnotiX07:29
freedomtry - pgrep apache07:30
auronandaceHypnotiX: xampp isn't supported here07:30
HypnotiXa bunch of numbers are displayed freedom07:31
freedomso maybe kill it?07:31
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Fudussudo killall apache* whoo07:32
HypnotiXwhats the better alternative to xampp?07:32
blazemoreHypnotiX: What Ubuntu version are you using?07:34
blazemoreXampp only runs on Windows though07:34
blazemoreSo whatever you think you're running, it's not that07:34
HypnotiXwell its lampp i guess07:35
blazemoreHypnotiX: How did you install it?07:35
blazemorelamp just stands for "linux apache mysql php"07:35
blazemoreThat doesn't explain ANYTHING07:35
blazemoreIf I wanted to install apache etc in the same way you did, what would I have to do?07:36
HypnotiXi installed this07:36
blazemoreWhere did you get that?07:36
blazemorePlease can you stop messing around with that sort of thing, and install the packages from the official repositories07:36
Fuduswhat do you intend to do with it?07:36
blazemoreUnless you have a specific reason to need that specific distribution, in which case you'll have to support it yourself07:37
HypnotiXrun the projects i make on localhost07:37
blazemoreHypnotiX: Read, understand and follow these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:37
HypnotiXyeah i understand that now blazemore but back then i didnt know any better :)07:37
blazemoresudo apt-get install tasksel; sudo tasksel install lamp-server07:37
blazemorethat will do it, but it may not work now depending on what that installer did07:37
Fudusso you need th follow their installation notes07:37
pepper_chicohi, I running an ubuntu installation on my macbookpro, I feel it's constantly hotter compared to running OS X, anyone with experience on this?07:38
HypnotiXwell i am trying to remove xampp now07:38
Fudusgo to their support lists first and ask how to fix your problem07:39
Fuduspepper_chico: it is to be expected because of driver issues07:39
WotWherehowto check if mail is being sent through mail or sendmail ?07:39
WotWhereon ubuntu 12.0407:40
WotWhereapache2 php5.307:40
pepper_chicoFudus, I'm running an macbook pro early 2011, it's i7, no graphics card, just intel hd 300007:40
Fudusubuntu's default is postfix, and you put in the details when you installed it07:40
somsipWotWhere: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini should have a line for the sendmail package being used07:41
pepper_chicoit keeps constantly warm, without doing nothing intensive07:41
pepper_chicoit's not too much warm, it's medium warm, I'm looking for any help for cooling it down07:42
Fudushttp://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter dunno if it works at all07:45
HypnotiXi removed xampp but i still have an apache server running07:45
HypnotiXtheres a folder apache2 in /etc07:45
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tutakHello everybody07:48
tutaki can't seem to install Maven on 11.1007:49
WotWheresomsip, yes i have added that, but still how to confirm which program is being used?07:49
Fudusas it is eol, that is to be expected tutak07:49
geirhatutak: 11.10 is no longer supported. You should upgrade to 12.0407:49
tutaki get this error http://pastebin.com/rjBFqm0N07:50
tutakdo you think this is related to the version?07:51
somsipWotWhere: check headers on delivered emails, disable any other mail programs and see if it still works, disable the mail program you're using and make sure it fails...many other ideas probably07:51
tutakIs there any work around to this besides having to upgrade?07:54
WotWheresomsip : what am i looking for in the headers? how to disable mail program? I know that sendmail  is being used by looking at the log created07:54
blazemoreHi tutak, that's not actually an error and won't actually stop you installing anything. What command are you running to install your program, and what *full* output do you get?07:55
blazemoreHypnotiX: reboot, then tasksel again07:55
HypnotiXblazemore: can i change the www folder from apache ?07:55
blazemoreHypnotiX: Yes, look in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf07:55
zimbois it possible to install vim source via apt?07:56
zimbowhat is the package called?07:56
ikonia!info vim07:56
blazemorezimbo: apt-get source bim07:56
Mace268Can anyone recommend a music player that suppoers cuesheets? Or is there a rhythmbox plugin?07:56
HypnotiXblazemore: dont see the line to change my documents folder07:57
blazemoreMace268: Banshee, Aqualung, Clementine, VLC07:57
blazemoreHypnotiX: Have you actually got Apache installed properly now?07:57
HypnotiXdont think so07:57
HypnotiXi need to remove this apache2 first :))07:57
Mace268blazemore, thanks07:57
blazemoreHypnotiX: You should be able to install" over the top" of it07:57
HypnotiXah ok07:57
blazemoreHypnotiX: Use tasksel to install LAMP server07:57
blazemoreHypnotiX: Then look on Apache's website for information on how to configure, Apache, or ask in #Apache channel on this server07:58
HypnotiXthank you07:58
ikoniathe apache channel is #httpd07:58
blazemoreikonia is right07:58
blazemoreHypnotiX: But I believe individual vhosts are defined in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and loaded in alphabetical order07:58
tutakblazemore, this is what i did, i have added comments  http://pastebin.com/3VxkHjwR08:00
tutaki wanted to install maven3 btw08:00
blazemoretutak: run "sudo apt-get update" first08:00
tutaki did, apparently there are errors at the end of it08:02
tutakshould i post them?08:02
blazemoreI know what the errors are08:03
blazemoreTheyre just warnings about duplicate entries in your sources.list file, unless you get errors related to the installation of maven3 package I wouldnt worry08:03
tutakits talking about some signatures being invalid08:05
tutakthis is the full output08:05
sgronblomI can't figure out how to get my Macbook to boot from this USB stick I created08:09
sgronblomI heard there is some problems related to EFI08:09
sgronblomBut there is no mention of this on the official Ubuntu download/installation instructions08:10
tutakblazemore, so should i repeat the steps?08:12
tutakok its getting downloaded now...08:18
Axlinsgronblom, I got mine to boot by writing the image to the USB thumb drive with dd and installing rEFIt on my MacBook prior to booting off the thumb drive.08:18
sgronblomAxlin: I saw that rEFIt is discontinued though08:21
AxlinIs it? Well, still worked for me.08:22
sgronblomAxlin: Was the process easy?08:23
Axlinsgronblom: Yeah. It has an installer.08:23
sgronblomhttp://refit.sourceforge.net/ Well "no longer actively maintained"08:23
sgronblomAnd then the rest of the ubuntu install was just like a good old install?08:24
sgronblomI found some looooooooooong page about installing about EFI booting on OS X and decided not to do it when I saw it included manually configuring xorg.conf08:25
AxlinIt should be, but you should partition your HDD in OS X via Disk Utility, not during the Ubuntu installer, or you might run into issues.08:25
AxlinYeah, which is why rEFIt is nice. Run the installer, and you're set.08:26
sgronblomAxlin: What if I just wipe the whole thing?08:26
sgronblomAxlin: Are you dual booting?08:26
AxlinI'm dual booting, yeah. If your'e single booting just Ubuntu, this should help you out. https://wiki.debian.org/MacBook#Single_boot_.2BIBM_Debian_only08:27
sgronblomAxlin: That page says "Here's a report: it doesn't work. Deleting the MacOS partition causes the system bootloader to not find anything to boot, even rEFIt. DO NOT DO THIS. --frozencemetery"08:28
AxlinI think that's referring to the second part, as the first section tells you to resize the OS X partition down to 1 GB.08:29
Axlinsgronblom: Quite honestly you'll probably have an easier time just setting up a dual boot environment, and shrink down OS X as much as you can. Then you don't have to worry about any of that.08:31
Axlinsgronblom: When you turn your computer on, rEFIt will present you with two icons which denote OS X and Ubuntu. You select it with your arrow keys and you're on your way.08:31
alarkamHow do I get on the Metro interface in Windows 8 on Ubuntu 13.408:31
reisioalarkam: draw some rectangles, done08:32
sgronblomMy dreams of running linux on this thing seem to be fading away08:32
reisioxorg.conf? Shouldn't have anything to do with EFI08:32
sgronblomIt was this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting08:33
alarkamI hope more illustration08:33
nackjicholsonnick ibisedo08:34
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reisiosgronblom: that page attempts to cover every possible issue08:34
sgronblomOne of the complicating factors is that it is my work computer and it came with some dubious Check Point Security full disk encryption software08:34
reisiosgronblom: and... you need to preserve that?08:35
alarkamDo you help here08:35
sgronblomreisio: I would love to get rid of it, if I knew how08:35
sgronblomThis is something that seems to run before OSX starts08:35
AxlinIf it's your work computer, are you even allowed to be doing any of this?08:36
sgronblomAxlin: I don't care anymore :) The thing keeps crashing quite a lot08:36
sgronblomI will feign ignorace if caught08:36
reisiosgronblom: it'd be special indeed if wiping the hard disk didn't eliminate it08:37
Casanovajust wipe it with Hiren08:37
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blazemoretutak: Let me know if you get any errors, or if it works08:41
ThePopejust move the mysql datadir to /mnt/data1 symbolically linked to it attempted to restart, nothing.   Restarted the machine now it works kinda weird.08:42
DamienCassouI've been using Ubuntu for years without much problems. I can plug an external monitor to my laptop and it works fine. But, the Displays utility and xrandr can't detect beamers anymore (it used to work with previous ubuntu versions).08:47
llutzaka "video projector"08:48
DamienCassoureisio: beamer = external projector (I think :-))08:50
reisioyou think? :p wasn't it you who said it, heh08:50
DamienCassouanyone has an idea why xrandr and Displays won't list the beamer?08:50
DamienCassoureisio: I'm sure I'm talking about external projectors, but I *think* these are called beamer too :-)08:51
reisiowhat are you connecting them with?08:51
TillMoreliaDo you have connexion to Canadian ?
DamienCassouthe beamer has a vga port which I plug on a VGA->mini DVI port on my mac book pro08:52
DamienCassouit's a mini displayport, not mini DVI08:54
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:11
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darnirI need libmetalink but can't find a package / PPA that can provide it. Can someone please help?09:22
darnirAnyone around to help09:26
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ddsscanyone knows a tried way to set up a mail client with ms exchange in linux?09:39
nibblerddssc: i'm using thunderbird to connect to exchange. its helpful if imap and smtp is configured on the server, as the activesync connecters are not so good09:42
ddsscnibbler: problem is I dont have pop3 or imap...09:43
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blazemore!details | darnir09:54
ubottudarnir: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:54
blazemoreddssc: Take a look at DavMail Exchange Gateway http://askubuntu.com/questions/6916/exchange-with-evolution-or-any-other-mail-client09:58
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darnirblazemore: ubottu: I need libmetalink but can't find a package/PPA that provides it.10:03
darnirI tried compiling from source, but somehow my applications can't detect the so files which do exist in /usr/local/lib/10:04
ActionParsnipddssc: I believe Evolution can, you may need an intermediate service to read the server10:04
geirhadarnir: You probably need to update the cache. You do that by running   sudo ldconfig10:04
darnirgeirha: Okay, let me try.10:05
PMJPhello people10:05
geirhawhen ldconfig -p lists the so-file, applications should find it too10:05
darnirgeirha: A sudo ldconfig helped. Thanks!10:06
ddsscActionParsnip: well I followd some docu , installed exchange extensions etc but still no dice..10:06
ddsscnow Im looking at this : http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/smb-technologist/connect-the-thunderbird-email-client-to-your-exchange-server/10:07
davetarmachey guys o/10:07
blazemore!info metalink10:08
ubottumetalink (source: metalink): Generator for Metalink files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.6-2 (raring), package size 53 kB, installed size 153 kB10:08
davetarmacI've got 12.04 installed and trying to run this:  find: missing argument to `-exec', but it keeps saying that there is a missing argument to -exec10:08
davetarmachowever I've run that command several times before10:08
blazemoredavetarmac: What command are you trying to run, you put the error twice by mistake10:09
davetarmacwhoops! curses Ctrl+V!10:09
davetarmacI'm trying to run: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;10:09
blazemoreI can't see some of those character10:09
blazemorePerhaps that has something to do with it10:09
davetarmacfind . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} ; <-- what it is meant to say10:10
davetarmacblazemore: I typed it in, not copied and pasted like then10:11
blazemorefind . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;10:11
blazemore(asuming you meant 644 not 664)10:11
blazemoreOr, how I'd do it: find . -type f | xargs chmod 64410:11
davetarmacah right - when it's finished it's update I'll try it with the \10:12
davetarmacyup - missing \10:13
edo_ythis's my first time using irc...10:18
edo_yCan anyone see me??10:18
AlveinHi all10:21
Alveinubuntu 13.04 server.. freeze every 1-2 hours to 60-120 seconds... any idea why?10:22
ikoniadefine freeze10:22
ikoniadon't then10:22
[Gentoo]overheating, low on ram, could be hundreds of things10:22
Alvein20 of 64Gb are free10:23
ikoniayou have 64GB of ram ?10:23
[Gentoo]does it freeze for a short while or do you need to reset10:23
ikoniayou need to define freeze10:23
ikoniauntil that happens - it's a pointless discussion10:24
PMJPwhat is it doing just before the freeze?10:24
Alvein[Gentoo], i don't need reset.. itself begins to work10:24
AlveinPMJP, web-server10:24
[Gentoo]Alvein: is that 64GB of RAM or hard disk space10:25
[Gentoo]well thats out the question10:25
ikoniathis is stupid, define freeze10:25
ikoniayou're just saying random things until you understand what is meant by freeze10:26
[Gentoo]leave a tail -F /var/log/messages open or similar, might not see anything10:26
ikoniagood lord....10:26
[Gentoo]ikonia: who me?10:26
ikonia[Gentoo]: do you have ANY structure to what you are saying,10:26
[Gentoo]are you always in such a mood10:26
[Gentoo]if its was  alow ram10:27
ikoniaI'm not in a mod, but throwing random things at a non-descript problem is not useful10:27
[Gentoo]could br swapping10:27
[Gentoo]as its not freezing as in panicking10:27
ikoniawho said ram ? you don't even know what he means by "freeze" yet10:27
[Gentoo]he said it starts working after a while10:27
ikonia[Gentoo]: you don't know what he means by freeze yet10:27
Alveinikonia, freeze = the system is fully available on the network10:27
ikoniaAlvein: how can freeze = the system is fully available, that's "normal"10:28
[Gentoo]ikonia: on the network10:28
Alveinsorry, not available10:28
[Gentoo]you have to use some sort of common sense10:28
ikonia[Gentoo]: no, I don't as he's just corrected it10:28
ikoniaAlvein: right, so it's not freezing, it's dropping off the network, correct ?10:28
[Gentoo]ikonia: you do have an attitude problem, in fact im waiting for a ban over this nonsense10:29
ikonia[Gentoo]: you are not structuring help to understanding and fixing the problem - you are just saying random things to a non-descript problem10:30
ikonia[Gentoo]: I suggest you try to get valid information before offering guidence10:30
[Gentoo]i asked him how much ram he had to rule out any kind of freezing from low ram10:30
ikonia[Gentoo]: it's NOT freezing10:30
ikonia[Gentoo]: hence why I said "valid information" and get a definition10:31
[Gentoo]he said "freezing"10:31
[Gentoo]so i assumed it was freezing10:31
ikonia[Gentoo]: yes, but he then corrected it10:31
ikonia[Gentoo]: hence why I said "define freeze"10:31
ikoniabefore offering random things10:31
[Gentoo]so i asked him if it was a temp freeze or if it needed a reset10:31
Alveinikonia, You are partly right. A script that checks the system from the inside (counting each second the amount of free memory) - will not be interrupted, wrote to the file.10:31
ikoniaAlvein: what part am I wrong about then ?10:32
ikoniaAlvein: please explain where my understanding is wrong10:32
ikonia[Gentoo]: it's NOT a freeze,10:32
Alveinikonia, but I'm not sure of the correctness of this test10:32
ikoniaAlvein: ok, so symptoms are a.) drops off network b.) internal script continues to run, correct/false ?10:33
MrQuist>these moods10:33
Alveinikonia, a) yep, b) internal _shell_ script continues run..10:35
Alveinikonia, tell me what other tests can be done to make sure that this is a problem in the network / ISP10:35
ikoniaAlvein: ok, so it doesn't sound like it's freezing at all10:35
ikoniaAlvein: I would suggest two approaches, as I suspect the problem will be between your personal client (I'm assuming you are ssh'ing in) and your server, rather than your server / public internet10:36
BrixSatwhere do i get help about graphics card (cedar view)?10:36
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Alveinikonia, Technical support proves that they have no network problems10:36
ikoniaAlvein: ok, so that sounds like a problem between you're personal client and the server10:36
ikoniaAlvein: you can setup some tests to prove/disprove that10:36
Alveinikonia, I ran the test .. 2 servers in a data center, one passes out, second to none10:37
ikoniaAlvein: what test did you run ?10:37
panumI'd like to build an SSI from a set of computers. I'm curious if there is any good tutorials out there? I tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide without luck, and it's very outdated10:38
Alveinikonia, mtr from stable server to unstable.. servers in one subnetwork :)10:38
ikoniaAlvein: mtr ?10:38
Alveinmtr -s 1500 -r -c 10 -i 0.1 host_address10:38
Alvein* -c 100010:39
ikoniaAlvein: is this over an internal network, or the public internet10:39
ikoniaAlvein: where, as in what application do you see what looks like a freeze ?10:39
ikoniassh by anychance.....10:40
Alveinikonia, ssh, mysql, web-server logs (visited the project)10:41
ikoniaAlvein: what do you mean mysql10:41
ikoniahow do you "see" this in mysql10:41
Alveinreplication between 2 servers... connection lost + logs from one web server to database other server10:42
ikoniaAlvein: ah, so mysql replication is failing10:42
Alveinikonia, example one: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/spa/4pwvca36405d6np/o-pr0h2b.png10:43
ikoniaAlvein: what do the red lines mean ?10:44
ikoniaAlvein: slow or failure ?10:44
Alveinikonia, example 2: (periodicly) OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'FREEZE SERVER IP' (110)")10:44
ikoniaAlvein: where are you getting that message ?10:44
MrQuistare you russian?10:45
Alveinikonia, Do not pay attention. this is an internal tool that shows the page load time is greater than 1.5 seconds10:45
AlveinMrQuist, yep.. my english not good :)10:45
ikoniaAlvein: you're english is fine - keep working the problem through10:46
MrQuistIs idei72 your customer or are you working for him?10:46
ikoniawhat's that ?10:46
Alveinidei72.ru idei74.ru and other is my customer10:47
ikoniaAlvein: are the webservers on different machines to the mysql server ?10:47
Alveinikonia, 2 servers, 2 mysql servers, little interaction between them10:48
ikoniaAlvein: are the webservers on different machines to the mysql server ?10:48
lost_and_unfoundgreetings, I'm using ubuntu 12.04. My IP and details are assigned via DHCP. When looking in /etc/resolv.conf my nameserver is Where can I check what server(s) queries ?10:50
Alveinikonia, on a single server web server to clients and the base for reading and writing for the client site10:50
Alveinikonia, on the second server working web server and database for reading. From the second to the first change written10:50
ikoniaAlvein: which server is "freezing" the public web server, or the mysql/web server10:51
Alveinpublic mysql/web server :)10:51
ikoniaAlvein: you just said they are two different servers10:51
ikoniawhich is it ?10:51
ikoniathe one that is public web server, OR the one with the mysql database/web server on10:52
BrixSatwhere do i get help about graphics card (cedar view)?10:52
snktwhile configuring printer through firefox on localhost:631/admin .... I am getting "internal server error"10:52
snktcan anyone help me...10:52
MrQuistthrow your printer away10:53
snktMrQuist, why????10:53
MrQuistsnkt: 1. what does this have to do with ubuntu? 2. How do you access a "printer" over "localhost"? Does the printer run ubuntu?10:53
snktMrQuist, on ubuntu 11.1010:54
MrQuistThis sounds like you've plugged a mouse and keyboard and monitor in to a printer10:54
MrQuistis that correct?10:54
ikoniait's the cups web interface10:54
geirhasnkt: 11.10 is no longer supported10:54
ikoniayes, on localhost10:54
MrQuistyou have cups, on localhost10:54
Alveinikonia, first server have web/mysql(read,write) - they freeze. Second server have web/mysql(read).. they write data to first server. from first mysql to second mysql replication data10:54
ikoniathat is correct10:54
ikoniaMrQuist: of course, you run cups on localhost10:54
MrQuistcups is not installed on the printer?10:54
ikoniaMrQuist: no10:54
MrQuistits a stupid USB printer?10:54
ikoniaMrQuist: what are you talking about10:55
ikoniaMrQuist: cups is a a part of the linux printing stack on the desktop machine10:55
MrQuistThe fact that i also know printers with an SSH interface on which you can log in and install cups on to10:55
snktMrQuist, what are you talking about10:55
MrQuistso i just want to make that clear10:55
MrQuistthis sounds more like a CUPS issue itself10:55
snktcan anyone help me here....10:55
ikoniaMrQuist: stop, you're just saying random things10:55
MrQuistikonia, what the hell is wrong with you and your "You're saying random things!"10:56
ikoniaMrQuist: you are though10:56
MrQuistI am most definately not10:56
Alveinikonia, work correctly wo freeze until yesterday.. yesterday change Hard Drive and install ubuntu 13.04.. and problem start...10:56
geirhasnkt: Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 and see if it works there10:56
ikoniaAlvein: what was it running before ?10:56
nevynis pulseaudio on raring being crashy for anyone else?10:56
ikoniaAlvein: (before you run ubuntu 13.04)10:56
PMJPI would love to help but I am new to Ubuntu myself10:57
Alveinikonia: 12.10..10:57
PMJPpulseaudio works fine for me10:57
ikoniaAlvein: ok - so based on everything you've said, it's quite hard to be %100 clear where the problem is10:58
ikoniaAlvein: here are the things you need to look at10:58
ikoniaAlvein: 1.) mysqld - connection limit, make sure you have enough connections available10:58
ikoniaAlvein: 2.) setup a STATIC web page that does not need mysql, write a script to check that internally and log if it fails, and then check it externally over the internet, and check if it fails10:59
khaos_ hi i have lost thunderbird notification about new email in ubuntu 13.04 is there any way to get it back??10:59
ikoniaAlvein: that should give you more information about where the problem is10:59
ikoniaAlvein: do you understand what I've just said ?11:00
blazemorekhaos_: Check in thunderbird settings to see if there is an option for notifications11:00
khaos_blazemore, it's enabled11:00
khaos_it stopped today11:00
surtTrying to figure out NFS4 server.11:00
surtIs this correct?11:00
FloodBot1surt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:00
surtwhoops. sorry.11:01
Alveinikonia, 2) I tried it. On the network server for all protocols not available11:01
ikoniaAlvein: checking a web page that did not depend on mysql ?11:01
Alveinikonia, 1) That's what I see and explore11:01
PMJPwell later guys11:01
CatbuntuDoes Unity support tray icons? (i.e. Java's TrayIcon)11:02
Alveinikonia, check ssh port11:02
ikoniaAlvein: ok, so ssh drops off the network too ?11:02
Alveinikonia, yep11:02
ikoniaAlvein: ok, that's useful11:02
ikoniaAlvein: 1.) check the syslog to see if the internet goes up/down 2.) ask for the switch statistics for the switch port the server is plugged into, see if that port goes up/down11:02
ikoniaAlvein: sorry 1.) check the syslog to see if the interface goes up/down 2.) ask for the switch statistics for the switch port the server is plugged into, see if that port goes up/down11:03
Alveinikonia, Thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately I have to go. I'll see all of your advice and if I discover solutions problems - will be back .. tomorrow :)11:05
vltHello. I got a problem with the program LPMT (an app developed with openFrameworks). It uses gstreamer for video. On my Ubuntu 12.04 the video does not play. Does anyone here know LPMT and has an idea what might be missing?11:05
ikoniaAlvein: good luck11:05
khaos_any idea how to fix or reset ubuntu 13.04 notification tray options?11:05
khaos_because there are stopped11:05
Alveinikonia, u 211:05
surtTrying to figure out NFS4 server. Inside /etc/exports: "/DIRECTORY110.1.1.2/,no_subtree_check)". Is this correct?11:06
surtI can't seem to connect to it...11:06
teshibokaii need retalik audio11:07
teshibokaican i fined him?11:07
[Gentoo]he's in the kernel11:07
bazhangteshibokai, realtek?11:07
teshibokaivido  & audio11:08
bazhangteshibokai, open a terminal, type lspci, then paste.ubuntu.com with the output, give us the url11:08
bazhang[Gentoo], if you wish to be helpful, please be more precise11:09
teshibokaioh thx bazhang11:09
geirhasurt: What is supposed to mean?11:09
geirhasurt: Perhaps you wanted ?11:10
surtgeirha: I thought that string would allow all IP addresses to connect in the given range...11:10
surtgeirha: What is the 24 for? Port?11:10
geirhasurt: abbriviated subnetmask; same as
geirhaallows access11:11
surtOK. changed/restarting.11:12
surtgeirha: Why 24 by the way? Why not 255?11:13
geirha24 is a shorthand for, meaning "first 24 bits"11:14
lost_and_unfoundsurt: /24 is shorthand for
s0m3bOdY32-24=8, 2^8=25611:15
geirhasurt: On the host you want to mount it on, ''ip -o -4 addr show''  should show  ''... inet 10.1.1.X/24 ...''  where X is a number between 1-254 inclusive11:15
surtOh. Well it did the trick. Thanks folks, not sure where you learn this degree of networking but I envy you.11:15
s0m3bOdYit's hard. And sources are scarce nowadays ....11:16
geirha##networking might know of some good resources11:16
surtIs it shorthand only in the realm of the program interpreting this file, or is this a generic networking term?11:17
refur1975someone here from sweden? ;)11:17
Ben64!se | refur197511:17
ubotturefur1975: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!11:17
geirhasurt: It has become a fairly generic representation11:17
s0m3bOdYuse wikipedia, its your best friend11:18
ActionParsnipgeirha: i believe it is defacto :)11:18
spacedusthi i am using ubuntu 12.04 lts and i disabled wireless networks from the networking thingy next to the clock11:20
spacedustand now it is gray and i can't enable it back , it says its disabled due to wireless switch, but i press the button and nothing happens11:20
hkethingy -> indicator11:20
surtThanks again folks. toodeloo.11:20
geirhaAh, yes. According to that wikipedia article, it is a standardized format now. Back in the day when I started learning about networking, the abbriviated form didn't exist.11:21
spacedusthke: that11:21
spacedusthke: i restarted the laptop since then and pressed the wifi buttoin and restarted and modprobed and everything11:22
spacedustand nothing happens , cant get back to wifi , and i have no cable11:22
s0m3bOdYcheck your FN key + WiFi button somewhere11:22
s0m3bOdYyou most probably have switched it off11:22
spacedusts0m3bOdY: it is a single button and i pressed it but nothing happens11:22
s0m3bOdYdo you have FN key?11:23
spacedusts0m3bOdY: oh and i didnt press it in the first place :)11:23
spacedusti disabled wifi from the indicator and it says that since then11:23
spacedusts0m3bOdY: i have fn key but don't need to press fn for wifi key, wifi key is stand alone button !11:23
s0m3bOdYwhich model is your laptop?11:23
spacedustwith intel wifi11:23
s0m3bOdYmodel please11:23
hkespacedust: does "ip a" list your wifi interface?11:24
spacedusthke: hmm im not at that computer now but i think iwconfig lists it11:24
stevenmDoes anyone genuinely own the Linux edition of Quake 3 Arena?  And perhaps can tell me if this picture is/isn't suspicious to be the windows version? https://s3bongous.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/7c494976ed2bd6f451181a4bd25565c0.jpg11:24
=== mohamed is now known as Guest77445
spacedusthke: not sure about ip11:24
ikoniastevenm: the linux version was on the same cd as the windows one when I had it11:25
ikoniastevenm: maybe take the question to #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux11:25
geirhastevenm: Well, the linux edition probably won't run on a modern linux distribution anyway, so who cares?11:26
spacedusthke: any idea ?11:26
hkespacedust: several, but we can't test them if you don't have your computer.11:26
Guest77445Hi everyone !11:26
spacedustwell you could tell me a bunch of stuff so i dont have to walk there and back :)11:27
spacedustand ill test them one by one11:27
stevenmgeirha, oh it's more a collectors thing11:27
spacedusthke: i dont have wpa set up and id like to connect to an open wifi11:28
stevenmikonia, all the other loki games i've ordered have either had a tux on it or the loki logo - this has neither in the pic :S11:28
hkespacedust: does "ip a" list your wifi interface?11:28
vltHello. I bought a video card "ATI Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5430 Series]". On Debian I had to install a nonfree pkg to get the card working properly. What do I have to do on Ubuntu? (The driver shown in lsmod is "radeon".)11:29
spacedusthke: yes it does list it11:30
hkespacedust: does your /etc/network/interfaces include the interface?11:30
spacedusthke: no11:30
ocooelSomeone point me to where I can talk about software. For example, browsers - which is used more and more popular and for what purpose?11:31
spacedusthke: it should ?11:32
hkespacedust: if it does, the network manager will ignore the interface11:32
strangeyou bought a video card?11:32
strangesounds like you bought a laptop11:32
spacedusthke: no its not there11:32
NewWorldocooel:  the ubuntu off topic channel11:33
bazhang#ubuntu-discuss ocooel11:33
hkespacedust: hmm, did you try to restart network-manager while watching the logs?11:33
spacedusthke: yes11:34
spacedustdidnt watched the logs11:34
spacedustwhich logs should i watch ?11:34
hkespacedust: /var/log/syslog11:35
ocooelbazhang, NewWorld, TY11:35
hkespacedust: this interface has worked before, right?11:35
spacedusthke: of course ! i just wanted to set a static ip and i set it and tought maybe its better if i disable wireless while i use the cable11:36
spacedustand now i came back and wanted to use the wifi and i cant11:36
iDangerMousespacedust: broadcom?11:36
iDangerMouseThat sounds like a common broadcom issue.11:37
varunendraspacedust, please download this script : http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qjc87hzk1z5x6z0/wireless_script11:37
varunendraspacedust, ..and run it as per instructions here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038511:38
spacedustiDangerMouse: intel 220011:38
varunendraspacedust, give us the pastebin link to the report it generates.11:38
iDangerMousewhat varunendra said11:38
spacedustyou know what , i am just going to go with wpa_gui11:39
helpmepleaseI've upgraded manually nvidia driver and the kernel from apt and now I get a black screen with the mouse pointer, I've tried installing the old driver, but nothing11:40
hkespacedust: if it's a broadcom problem, the software used shouldn't make too much of a difference..11:40
helpmepleaseAny help?11:40
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
iDangerMousehelpmeplease: can you see anything at all, use terminal?11:41
helpmepleaseNothing, I don't get any error11:41
spacedusthke: intel wifi11:42
helpmepleaseDmesg reports nothing at least that I see11:42
adhumanybody there11:42
universalwhen doing "nmcli con down id <id>" the connection doesn't gets disconnected permanently instead it disconnects first and then restablishes the same connection instantly....I have to keep doing "nmcli dev disconnect iface <iface>" for permanently disconnecting the connection..why is it not getting disconnected permanently with 'nmcli con down id <id>" and how to fix this or use it if I'm doing anything wrong?11:42
iDangerMousehelpmeplease: you can fix it with a USB, if you have Ubuntu installer on it11:43
adhumi want to knew how to open a dmg file11:44
helpmepleaseI can use the terminal with ctrl alt f2 from the machine, I don't have the usb pen with linux11:44
hkeadhum: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+open+dmg11:44
helpmepleaseHow to fix?11:44
iDangerMouseadhum: or http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm11:44
iDangerMousehelpmeplease: as long as terminal works I can give you the tutorial for fixing the drivers11:45
helpmepleaseYes thank you11:45
varunendrauniversal, maybe the connection is set to "Connect Automatically" ? Clearing that checkbox should help in that case. I'm just guessing of course.11:45
blazemoreadhum: dmg files are Mac OSX executables, aren't they?11:45
iDangerMousehelpmeplease: connect ethernet port to the internet and follow http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html (Terminal section) if that doesn't work lemme know11:45
blazemore!details | adhum11:45
ubottuadhum: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:45
adhumi have a problem with dmg files , i am running ubuntu 13.04 i downloaded dmg2img but i dosent help bec. i dont knew how to use it11:47
blazemoreadhum: Isn't it literally just "dmg2img -i input.dmg" ?11:48
user_asdf_hey, is there an opportunity to see the current window size of my network interface? i want to check, if it run out of space. i'm running ubuntu 12.04 LTS server11:48
iDangerMousehelpmeplease: if that doesn't work, http://askubuntu.com/questions/206283/how-can-i-uninstall-a-nvidia-driver-completely11:50
iDangerMouseFollow this and reinstall the drivers using the first link11:50
=== Guest77445 is now known as mohameddz
iDangerMouseblazemore: user gone.11:54
blazemoreiDangerMouse: Yes thanks I saw11:57
iDangerMouseblazemore: apologies, lagging.11:57
blazemoreuser_asdf_: What do you mean by window size? MTU?11:57
user_asdf_blazemore: no, not the MTU. i mean the stack of my network interface11:58
blazemoreuser_asdf_: Can you give me an example of what sort of value you would expect to see?11:59
K1CKA55I'm trying to resize the EXT4 parition of my ubuntu making it bigger from a delete NTFS partition that used to house a NTFS windows partition.12:00
K1CKA55I'm unsure how to do this thou last time i resized an parition on a SSD it wouldn't boot the partition i made bigger.12:00
K1CKA55Could i have some guidance12:00
user_asdf_blazemore: in my opinion the network interface has an stack, where it get all internet communications. but this stack got a limit, and i dont want to see the limit, but the actual size12:00
blazemoreuser_asdf_: What is the current limit?12:00
blazemoreK1CKA55: Use the "gparted" program12:00
helpmepleaseNow I get udev fallback graphics main process terminated with status 112:01
K1CKA55blazemore: on the liveCD because extending a live parition isn't possible12:01
glambertRunning this query on the master server works fine:12:01
glambertmysql -uroot -p**** -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -e "flush privileges; create user 'slave-host'@'%' identified by 'test'; grant replication slave on *.* to 'slave-host'@'%'; grant replication client on *.* to 'slave-host'@'%';"12:01
user_asdf_blazemore: 64kbit, maybe ^^ wait a minute, i will search the net12:01
glamberthowever running it over ssh from another host fails12:01
blazemoreK1CKA55: Yes, on the LiveCD12:01
helpmepleaseAny idea?12:01
K1CKA55blazemore: Thank you12:01
glambertwith ERROR 1046 (3D000) at line 1: No database selected12:01
universalvarunendra: yea, nm was configured to connect automatically to network thats why it was reconnecting every time I did "nmcli con down id <id>", disbaling the option solved the problem and it disconnected permanently with the same command. it just slipped my mind, thnx but now how to enable/disable that automatic option frm nmcli or terminal ?12:01
glambertI'm assuming some sort of issue with ssh evaluating commands12:01
glambertprobably with the *.*12:02
glambertany ideas?12:02
blazemoreYes glambert that is why, give me a sec12:02
wsk233does anyone know why my make is failing http://pastebin.com/jESpUztK12:02
blazemoreglambert: ssh hostname 'mysql... blah blah'12:02
blazemoreglambert: Make sure you use single quotes12:02
blazemore!info memcached12:04
ubottumemcached (source: memcached): A high-performance memory object caching system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.14-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 73 kB, installed size 221 kB12:04
blazemorewsk233: You don't need to compile it, there's an already compiled and packaged version in the repositories12:04
wsk233blazemore i want the memcached php extension12:05
wsk233i already have a memcached server running12:05
wsk233this is not the memcached server but the php extension12:05
varunendrauniversal, I don't know the nmcli command (will have to look at it), but from terminal, I'd simply edit the 'key file' for the connection (in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory).12:05
iDangerMousewsk233: follow, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-and-use-memcache-on-ubuntu-12-0412:05
angryuserHello, i have setuped a bondinf with 2 interfaces, mode 0 (load balancing) Can someone tell me if the interfaces should have the same HWADDR or MAC declared, or not ?12:06
blazemore!info php5-memcached12:07
ubottuphp5-memcached (source: php-memcached): memcached extension module for PHP5, uses libmemcached. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-3 (raring), package size 36 kB, installed size 140 kB12:07
blazemorewsk233: install ^12:07
wsk233is this also working if i have a self compiled php 5.3?12:07
blazemoreI would assume so12:07
iDangerMouseNot sure.12:08
blazemoreUbuntu's PHP configuration is fairly vanilla12:08
inroelhi everyone, I'm not getting any sound from movie player12:08
inroelit worked until an hour ago12:08
blazemorewsk233: Did you use apt-get to build the sources, or did you go completely outside the Ubuntu ecosystem12:08
blazemoreinroel: check the volume12:08
user_asdf_blazemore: sysctl -n net.ipv4.tcp_wmem12:08
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blazemoreuser_asdf_: That sets the buffer size for a TCP socket12:09
AshvaHi, I have install ubuntu on vaio Z series. I wanna know is it possible to install a driver for laptop's  fingerprint device?12:09
blazemoreThe word you were looking for wasn't "window" or "stack" but "buffer" :)12:09
varunendrauniversal, did you get my last reply to your question ?12:09
blazemoreWhat Ubuntu version, Ashva12:09
inroelblazemore, thank you. it was indeed the volume of the player, but strangely, I also got a volume problem fix window12:09
universalvarunendra: no....i got dc12:09
Ashvablazemore: 12.0412:10
user_asdf_blazemore: sysctl -n net.core.rmem_max; but this is the max stack size of the tcp window size, isnt it?12:10
inroelblazemore: even a sound beep test was made with headphone left-right12:10
varunendrauniversal, "I don't know the nmcli command (will have to look at it), but from terminal, I'd simply edit the 'key file' for the connection (in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory)."12:10
varunendrauniversal, it is the "autoconnect=false" line that has to be removed to enable it (not sure if setting it to "true" will work).12:11
Ashvablazemore: 12.04 LTS12:11
blazemoreuser_asdf_: wmem is send buffer memory per socket, and rmem is incoming buffer size I think12:11
universalvarunendra: its a manula way of doing it.....i was hoping if there is a way from terminal.....also how to use 'nmcli con permissions' command coz it shows entries but all those entries are not shown in dconf or with gsettings terminal command12:12
varunendrauniversal, like I mentioned, I'm not much familiar with nmcli commands. I can answer only after reading the 'man' for it, and trying ;)12:14
iDangerMouseblazemore: Later dude.12:14
zokkohello folks12:15
zokkohow can i add real fqdn entry in /etc/hosts while using cloud-init ?12:15
zokkowhere should i put proper lines, and which template should i use?12:15
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user_asdf_blazemore: is the rmem size the current size of the buffer?12:16
wsk233blazemore i go totaly outside the ubuntu sources12:18
wsk233i used the php sources to compile it by hand12:18
wsk233PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: memcached: Unable to initialize module12:19
wsk233Module compiled with module API=2009062612:19
wsk233PHP    compiled with module API=2010052512:19
wsk233These options need to match12:19
FloodBot1wsk233: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:19
wsk233i think this php5-memcached is for a newer version of php12:20
universalvarunendra: hmm...ok no problem, I appreciate your help, but read it if you have some free time :),  its a small utility with not so long manpage. also I had one more question reagrding nmcli - everytime I connect to a network with command 'nmcli dev wifi connect SSID [password <pass>]", it creates a duplicate entry for the connection meaning "Connection 1" Connection 2" "Connection 3" and so on upto the no. of times I connect with12:22
user_asdf_blazemore: i was searching a little bit, and its just the maximum size (like its called in the name ^^). do you have an idea how i'm able to see the current size of the buffer?12:22
varunendrauniversal, I have seen it a few times (the man page for nmcli), but never felt the need to be dependent on it, so couldn't remember the things I used with it (yeah, I'm ignorant, now you know it ;)).12:24
universalvarunendra: lol12:25
DamienCassouwhen I plug an external monitor on my laptop, it works perfectly. But when I plug an external projector, it is not detected (by neither Displays nor xrandr)12:25
DamienCassoucan somebody help me please?12:25
universaljust do nmcli help and there will be no need to read the full manpage varunendra12:25
wsk233i think this php5-memcached is for a newer version of php12:26
wsk233does anyone know why my make is failing http://pastebin.com/jESpUztK12:26
varunendrauniversal, right now I'm in the man page, trying to figure out if the existing key file can be use instead of SSID for a wifi connection..12:27
varunendrauniversal, looks like "nmcli con <connection id> up" ?12:28
universalok 'll dc and try it12:29
varunendrauniversal, oh correction12:29
universallol...what ? I was about to be dc'ed12:29
varunendrait should be "nmcli con up id <connection id>"12:29
varunendrahopefully ;P12:30
universalit connects the connection12:30
quickquestionquick question, just got my first dedi-box. I've only had vps before. in the ticket they included my ip and network information, and my login credentials. They listed it as customer/sudo su and a password. I've tried root as username but I can't login. Am i missing something?12:30
universalnot sets it to automatically connect whenever available varunendra12:30
jribquickquestion: ask them.12:31
jribquickquestion: and please don't sudo su.  See ubottu12:31
jrib!sudo | quickquestion12:31
ubottuquickquestion: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:31
varunendrauniversal, the autoconnect part seems to be not covered by nmcli (or not mentioned in the man page)12:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro12:31
nodieI'm trying to configure the rsyslog of a ubuntu 13.04 to accept external messages12:32
universalvarunendra: yea thats what I'm trying to tell and ask12:32
hkequickquestion: use sudo -i12:32
nodiebut even after following the instructions I see in places rsyslog is not listening in the 514 port12:32
nodie(using TCP)12:32
hkequickquestion: if you don't know your username, ask the provider.12:32
nodiedo I need to change in some way /etc/defaults/rsyslog ?12:32
universalvarunendra: and how to use that "nmcli con permissions" command ? those enntries are not listed in dconf or shown with gsettings12:33
varunendrauniversal, do you use 'sed' frequently? It should be easier with it. (with Ctrl+R shortcut in bash terminal)12:33
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:33
universalvarunendra: sed ? the simple terminal or something else ?12:34
platiusDamienCassou> http://www.maketecheasier.com/output-display-to-projector-in-ubuntu/2007/11/2212:34
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varunendrauniversal, a stream line editor, like awk. Most common use is "sed -i 's/<something>/<something else/' <input file>"12:35
universalit went up like a rocket lol12:35
varunendrauniversal, what?12:35
universalplz use simple english12:35
varunendraoh. lol12:36
DamienCassouthis blog post is really old and probably outdated (I think that xorg.conf if more or less deprecated now). Moreover, plugging an external monitor works fine. Just plugging an external projector does not work12:36
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:36
varunendrauniversal, if you are planning to learn and use commandline for most of your tasks, learning at least 'some' usage of sed is going to help you a lot... it is almost a necessity for permanent cmdline users12:37
spacedustvarunendra: or awk ?12:38
universalyes I want to use cmdline...its fast and powerful12:38
varunendraspacedust, awk is not suitable for simple edits.12:38
spacedustvarunendra: why not ?12:38
varunendrait is overkill IMHO for thins like 's/1/2/'12:38
universalspacedust: varunendra are you both having a debate or helping me out ?12:38
spacedustno, im having a migrane :)12:39
varunendrauniversal, awk is too powerful, almost a full programming language, I'm trying to find the sed guide page which I learnt the most from..12:39
universalthat will be god12:40
geirhavarunendra: /topic ##sed12:40
geirhaawk and sed are both programming languages, turing complete and all that12:41
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universalctrl+R in bash terminal shows something like (reverse-i-search)`': - what does it mean ?12:42
MrQuistsearching the history12:42
MrQuistreally usefull12:42
MrQuisttry typing: echo testing12312:42
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MrQuistthen ctrl+r -> 12312:42
MrQuistit will show echo testing12312:42
geirhauniversal: It means if you type some text it will search backwards through history for a line containing that text12:42
MrQuisthandy when searching for older commands :)12:42
universalif I do history -c then also ?12:42
varunendrauniversal, it is probably the most handy shortcut in Bash. It just looks through your bash history file for used commands, as you type a keyword12:42
universalif I do history -c then also ?12:43
PiciThere is also #bash12:43
geirhauniversal: If you run history -c, there won't be any history to search through ...12:43
varunendrauniversal, just try the shortcut, then start typing any keyword you used in a previously used command. You'll know the difference ;)12:43
varunendrauniversal, okay, the tutorial was the first hit on google : http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html12:44
varunendrauniversal, for your Network Manager keyfile issue, this is how you can use the sed command -12:44
geirhavarunendra: Incidentally, that one is also listed in ##sed's topic12:45
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varunendrauniversal, "sudo sed -i '/autoconnect/ d' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<your connection's keyfile>" == this will delete the line that contains the word "autoconnect".12:46
varunendrageirha, the NM keyfile editing? That's too much a coincidence then :D12:47
universalterminal is really easy with only a few clicks required lol12:47
MrQuist@ universal -> try Terminator instead of terminal12:48
universaland ctrl+R not working correctly12:48
varunendrauniversal, problem?12:48
universali used nmcli command a lot of times12:48
ferriereshi evbdy12:48
MrQuisthi lzy ferrieres12:49
varunendraoh, it'll show up the last used one only then, universal12:49
universalso when I did echo testing123 as suggested by MrQuist, its only showing nmcli commands and not testing12312:49
universalvarunendra: ^12:49
MrQuistwhen ctrl+r -> 123 ?12:49
geirhavarunendra: No, the grymoire tutorial. sed -i is generally discouraged in ##sed12:49
ferrieresI'm experiencing pbs (70% of CPU spend on Xorg) with a 4 years old laptop under 12.0412:49
ActionParsnipferrieres: what GPU are you using?12:50
ferrieresGPU ?12:50
universalMrQuist: no...its nly taking 12 and not 123 and last command is echo testing123 but its showing nmcli one12:50
levianux(firefox:2692): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed12:50
ferrieresyou mean CPU : it's HP12:51
universalnot an expected word MrQuist lol12:51
ActionParsnipferrieres: no the GPU12:51
ActionParsnipferrieres: GPU == Graphical processing unit12:51
MonkeyDustuniversal  there's also #bash, maybe the people there can help better12:51
MrQuisthaha sry universal im kinda busy12:51
ferrieresok, ATI RADEon12:51
ActionParsnipferrieres: also, hp dont make cpu12:51
arrunhi guys how to modify initrd.lz , please help12:51
varunendrageirha, yes, that depends on which file is target though. You can't afford to create a copy each time you change a file, if you do it frequently. And in some places (like /etc/modprobe.d/) not at all (cuz all files are read, regardless of extension).12:51
ActionParsnipferrieres: which Radeon GPU?12:51
ferrieresok, HP is Hall but Processoring...12:52
ActionParsnipferrieres: sudo lshw -C display      will show you12:52
ferrieresok, smthg like lspci greped ?12:52
ActionParsnipferrieres: see above12:52
geirhavarunendra: And it's non-standard; only works with GNU sed. BSD sed has a similar option, but it's incompatible with the GNU one.12:52
universalMrQuist: no problem....I understand coz I also become busy when something unexpected happens lol12:52
universalMonkeyDust: thnx12:53
ActionParsnipferrieres: what is the product name?12:53
varunendrageirha, definitely. Someone serious about learning sed should know this, and probably they would, while following one of the guides :)12:54
arrunhi guys how to modify initrd.lz , please help12:54
cactuswizarddoes someone have any recommendations on good program for fb chat and twitter?12:54
ActionParsnipferrieres: when you type your password you will not get feedback12:54
ActionParsnipcactuswizard: pidgin12:54
K1CKA55blazemore: Thank again for the help i was succesfull with extending the partition without any issues with grub at all.12:55
K1CKA55Sadly it didn't fix the issue i was out to fix12:55
universalfilter your assesments and passon the best suggestion varunendra geirha lol12:55
geirhacactuswizard: bitlbee; though I use neither fb or twitter, so I don't know how well it works.12:56
arrunhi guys how to modify initrd.lz , please help12:56
universalMrQuist: now its working......I got it why it was not working12:56
MrQuistwhat about it12:56
ActionParsniparrun: modify in what way?12:56
arrunActionParsnip: just to test it in iso12:56
MrQuistarrun -> vim initrd.lz -> press I -> type random stuff -> press esc -> press wq -> press enter12:56
arrunchange the plymouth12:57
MrQuistdone! modified.12:57
ferrieresseems that I only get "PCI(sys)" as an answer12:57
ActionParsniparrun: there is a menu for setting the plymouth theme12:57
ActionParsniparrun: you dont change that file manually12:57
varunendrauniversal, probably create a copy of the keyfiles with desired changes, and move them back'n forth as required - would be safest method ;)12:57
ferrieres"PCI(sysfs)" exactly...12:57
ActionParsniparrun: if you simply state what you want to do like that, you will get better help12:57
ActionParsnipferrieres: wait, your pci bus is slow12:58
cactuswizardActionParsnip: just installed pidgin, seems working way better than empathy12:58
ActionParsnipcactuswizard: been using it since I started using Linux waaaay back when it was gaim :)12:58
arrunActionParsnip: i want to extract the file and modify the content and then again rebuild it12:58
universalMrQuist: it showed the last entry correctly but what I did was deleted it so when again I searched, it didnt showed it...that means I deleted the last entry not from the search but from the terminal history12:59
ActionParsniparrun: if you run: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth; sudo update-initramfs -u12:59
ActionParsniparrun: you can choose the plymouth boot splash from the available options12:59
varunendrauniversal, even better, create two copies of same keyfile, with different names (IDs), one with autoconnect, other without it. Then use "nmcli con up id <desired one>". Not the optimal solution of course..12:59
MoL0ToVi have a problem with xscreensaver, don't authenticate even with correct password12:59
universalMrQuist: yea lol13:00
arrunActionParsnip: man and how to change for the live disk]13:00
ActionParsniparrun: you will need to remaster the ISO13:00
ActionParsniparrun: considering its a boot splash, is it really worth the effort?13:01
arrunActionParsnip: yes I am doing it13:01
ferriereswith lspci greped with "Radeon", i got AMD/ATI RV710/M9213:01
universalvarunendra: that sounds good..but what do you mean by move back and forth ?13:01
ferrieresbut still printing PCI (sysfs)13:01
ferriereson lshw display13:01
ActionParsnipferrieres: give it time, you'll get there13:01
universalwhen doing "sudo iwconfig", it takes me to consle and freezes there....is it a bug ?13:02
varunendrauniversal, move to the system-connections directory the one you want to use, move the other one outside. Now you don't need to tell me the stupidity rating of this suggestion.13:02
ActionParsnipferrieres: or try (in a nother terminal):   lspci | grep -i vga13:03
ferrieresis there another way to know the GPU ?13:03
universalvarunendra: haha...no no not at all13:03
ferrieresok : i got it both ways13:03
universalvarunendra: if anything....thnx, it was the best advice of the day :D13:04
ActionParsnipferrieres: ok, which GPU13:04
universalvarunendra: now how to use that "nmcli con permissions" command ?13:05
xtrizis the sourcelist of ubuntu 12.04 server and 12.04 Desktop different ?13:05
varunendrauniversal, I'm overwhelmed with your generous compliment :)13:05
ferrieresRV710/M92 ?13:05
K1CKA55Anyone got an idea what could cause a ubuntu to boot slowly at times13:05
ActionParsnipxtriz: they are the same13:05
xtrizbecause what i found was it was all precise and same.13:05
ferrieresMobility Radeon13:05
mn2010Question: LD linking error, how do i find what lib it cant find?13:05
ActionParsnipferrieres: its a 4000 series13:05
xtrizActionParsnip, ok :)13:05
ActionParsnipferrieres: known issue13:05
ActionParsnipferrieres: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx13:05
ActionParsnipferrieres: you need that13:06
ferrieresHD 4330, 4350/4550...13:06
sinkensabeis it in an easy way to disable the notification animation for apps in the launcher sidebar ? e.g. when something happens in a program at another workspace the icon pops out from the side13:06
ferrieresi got errors on glxinfo...13:06
mn20104k has to use fglrx-legacy not fglrx/fglrx-updates. its a legacy product now13:06
DamienCassouplugging an external monitor on my laptop works fine. However, if I replace the external monitor by an external projector, it is not detected by xrandr and Displays13:07
DamienCassouwhat can be wrong?13:07
arrunActionParsnip: man how to change for the live disk13:07
xtrizwhat was the name for the version 12.10 ? for 12.04 it is precise and for 13.04 it's raring but what about 12.10 ?13:07
arrunActionParsnip: I need to build the initrd.lz really fast13:08
universalvarunendra: nmcli con permissions ?13:08
Pici!12.10 | xtriz13:08
ubottuxtriz: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10 - Support in #ubuntu13:08
xtrizPici, ok :)13:08
xtrizarrun, what are you doing ?13:08
ActionParsniparrun: you will need to remaster the entire ISO and then rebuild. If you use liveUSB with persistance you can change it like an installed OS13:09
varunendrauniversal, again, doesn't look like that is covered by nmcli (or I couldn't find if it is). What kind of permissions do you want to assign/change?13:09
ActionParsniparrun: i fail to see how a boot splash is so urgent, its so inconsequential13:09
ferrieresso lsmod doesnt show any fglx or so... how can i get this ?13:09
ActionParsnipferrieres: _READ_ the link I gave13:09
universalvarunendra: I dont want to change anything...I was wondering coz those entries are not listed in dconf and not shown in gsettings also13:10
ferrieresok, i have lynx but firefox is out of my possibilities...13:10
ActionParsnipferrieres: want me to pastebin the text for you?13:10
universalits like ghost entries shown legit in nmcli but not in dconf or gsettings13:10
universalvarunendra: ^13:11
ferrieresno thx ActionParsnip, i'll try with lynx13:11
ActionParsnipferrieres: http://pastie.org/831373313:11
ferrieresok, thx anyway !13:11
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varunendrauniversal, usually it is suggested to enable the connection for everyone, which is the default option while creating a connection. But if I disable that option, the connection is available to me only (or who creates the connection). Accordingly, just a line is added in the keyfile which I think can be added or edited manually.13:12
ferrieresok, i read...13:13
universalvarunendra: next - connecting via command "nmcli dev wifi connect SSID [password <pass>]" duplicates the connection meaning duplicating of "connection " to "connection 1" "connection 2" and so on the times its done by "dev wifi connect....." command ! why ?13:14
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varunendrauniversal, I don't have any authentic explanation to that. I can only guess, which is - since you are not using an existing profile (using 'con' object), maybe NM thinks you 'Want' to create a new one.13:16
varunendrauniversal, it somehow sometimes happens in the GUI as well.13:16
universalvarunendra: well sounds fair enough....but if i use the same command without "password <pass>" and use it to connect an existing connection.....then it connects the connection but again creates a duplicate entry , assuming its used to create new connections, this time it takes the entry itself and pass is already saved so I suppose its not creating a new entry but using the existing one13:21
universalotherwise if there are no connections in NM and you use the same command without pass then it will ask for the password but again creating a duplicate entry13:23
varunendrauniversal, you lost me in the previous comment :P Which command? "nmcli dev ...." or "nmcli con..." ?13:25
universalvarunendra: ^^13:25
universalnmcli dev wifi connect......13:25
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=== amigos is now known as a_guy
a_guyI recently installed pantheon shell on ubuntu 13.04... everything works except the wallpaper... same happened to cinnamon and gnome shell, but I got those fixed except for this...13:30
geirhauniversal: The manual clearly states that it will create a new connection13:30
varunendrauniversal, I am not so sure about the "dev" object. I think it is like asking for a new connection. The "con" object seems to be intended to use existing connections. Then again, most of what I'm posting here is what I just learned or guessed.. lol !13:31
a_guyI recently installed pantheon shell on ubuntu 13.04... everything works except the wallpaper... same happened to cinnamon and gnome shell, but I got those fixed except for this...13:32
varunendrauniversal, what geirha said ^^13:32
rbtncanyone have any suggestions and or docs/sites as far as network tweak, I am running a ftpd and not getting speeds i should be getting.13:33
universalvarunendra: geirha yea had a second look at its manpage.....looks like I misread that line the 1st time..."it always creates a new connection"13:33
akshay2000rbtnc: Start with finding out the bottleneck.13:34
a_guyI recently installed pantheon shell on ubuntu 13.04... everything works except the wallpaper... same happened to cinnamon and gnome shell, but I got those fixed except for this...13:34
universalI think I misjudged it "its a counterpart of clicking a connection in gui"13:34
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Delapenaciapsa: what's your question?13:35
ciapsaI can not connect the torus13:37
ciapsawhich settings13:37
=== spot_ is now known as GSport
vltHello. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with lubuntu-desktop. I have two screens connected: one on HDMI-0 and one on VGA-0. I found out how to change the size of the screens but how can I setup different content?13:38
pratikHi. I am having some issues with dpkg. I am not able to install any new packages or upgrade the packages. The error I am getting is Bus Error (core dumped). Please help me in this regard.13:38
universalwhy "sudo iwcnfig" is taking me to console and freeing system there until I have to hit the power buttong to manually reboot it13:39
universalsudo iwconfig13:39
universalits not cool13:39
GSportHDMI sound does not work13:39
bkfitzAnyone here have experience setting up an sftp batch script from windows to linux using passwordless auth (keys)?13:39
GSportmy monitor isnt a goldstar13:40
sean_maddensame here13:40
MoL0ToVi have a problem with xscreensaver, don't authenticate even with correct password13:40
universalbye bye13:40
rbtncakshay2000: What do you mean?13:40
user_asdf_anybody here knows how to see the current tcp window size of an network interface? (tried it before, but it didnt get solved)13:40
GSporti tried the latest xubuntu with new kernel and still HDMI sound does not work13:41
pratikHi. I am having some issues with dpkg. I am not able to install any new packages or upgrade the packages. The error I am getting is Bus Error (core dumped). Please help me in this regard.13:41
levianux(firefox:2838): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed13:41
GSportand the computer fans are making to much noise13:41
cfhowlettpratik, bring this question to #xubuntu for best results.13:41
cfhowlettGSport, that's a hardware issue ...13:41
GSportlinux use at your own risc13:41
pratikcfhowlett: I am using Ubuntu 13.04. Are you sure I shall ask at #xubuntu?13:42
a_guyI recently installed pantheon shell on ubuntu 13.04... everything works except the wallpaper... same happened to cinnamon and gnome shell, but I got those fixed except for this...13:42
cfhowlettpratik, d'0h!  ignore my suggestion13:42
GSportits not an hardware issiu13:42
GSportso stop being a dumb ass13:42
pratikcfhowlett: Ok. Can you help me at #ubuntu?13:42
cfhowlettGSport, attitude like that?  good luck.13:43
a_guyI recently installed pantheon shell on ubuntu 13.04... everything works except the wallpaper... same happened to cinnamon and gnome shell, but I got those fixed except for this...13:43
cfhowlettpratik, sorry, no.  that's why I suggested (wrongly) that you come here.13:43
akshay2000pratik: just type your question!13:43
GSportgood luck with your distro13:43
ubottua_guy,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:43
ferrieresok, thx ActionParnship ! I'm on an slow slow update... getting some headers13:43
pratikakshay2000: Hi. I am having some issues with dpkg. I am not able to install any new packages or upgrade the packages. The error I am getting is Bus Error (core dumped). Please help me in this regard.13:43
GSportfull of smart assholes13:43
a_guyok ubottu13:43
ubottuGSport,: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:43
GSport!language cfhowlett13:44
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GSporthis is a distro to break your computer13:44
GSportuse it if you want to lose warranty13:45
jony_easyriderin Ubuntu where is located the LibreOffice's Calc executable?13:45
somsipjony_easyrider: locate localc13:45
cfhowlettjony_easyrider, if installed, it'll be under Office13:45
GSportyou will be lucky if your computer doesnt breakdown in the 1st couple of days13:45
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DGJonesGSport, Do you have a support issue, this isn't a channel for ranting13:46
cfhowlettJoBArTe_Skuld, greetings13:46
JoBArTe_Skuldthanks :)13:46
GSportim just suppoerting the people that use this thing13:46
JoBArTe_Skuldis possible to kill child proccess and this dont turn to zombie process?13:46
GSportbefore they do something that ruins their PC13:47
GSportlike installing this stuff for real13:47
jony_easyridersomsip, ty13:47
jony_easyridercfhowlett, ty13:47
cfhowlettjony_easyrider, have fun, be safe13:47
glambertHi, I must have botched the ubuntu server install on my new server because the sources.list file was empty apart from the entry for the disc13:51
glambertI've added a few entries in there but still can't find some simple things like phpmyadmin13:51
glambertis there a default list somewhere for 13.04 server?13:51
ubottuglambert,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:52
universalgeirha: why are the "nmcli nm permissions" entries not shown in dconf gui or gsettings ?13:53
Delapenacfhowlett: that's extremely unhelpful13:53
Delapenaglambert: boot from live CD13:53
glambertDelapena, it was a USB install13:53
glambertand will eventually be in a datacentre so can't really have the USB in all of the time13:53
kevalinhello guys13:54
Delapenaglambert: use the USB to see what the sources.list should look like...13:54
OerHeksglambert, you could try http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ and use the first 6 entrys13:54
Delapenawasn't that your question?13:54
cfhowlettkevalin, greetings13:54
glambertOerHeks, tried that but didn't select the Restricted or Universe ones, so that might be it13:55
glambertDelapena, don't think you can live boot from a USB server install?13:55
Neozonzhow can i make a host openvpn accessible to all my proxmox containers?>13:57
glambertOerHeks, that sorted it, thanks13:58
tekki have a strange thing going on13:58
OerHeksglambert, have fun13:58
tekkwlan0 will not come up until an ethernet cable is plugged in13:58
tekkany ideas?13:58
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cfhowlettGuest9574, ho14:01
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icerootis there a program which is able to receive and show SMS when i have entered a SIM-card into my notebook? the umts connection is working fine, i just need to be able to receive sms also on that card14:03
martinrameHi, I'm on text mode console right now. I lost the keyboard input on graphical mode, how can I recover it? (Ubuntu 12.04 XFCE).14:04
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:04
ferrieresThx for all help... i have to restart the computer...14:04
martinrameI mean, the keyboard suddenly stopped working on graphical mode, but ctrl+alt+f1 still works.14:04
martinramejust killed an RDesktop session and it started working again.14:06
=== DGJones is now known as DJones
Hundurinnhi, i was wondering if someone could give me some pointers with installing ubuntu to dualboot with windows 7?14:28
iceroot!dualboot | Hundurinn14:28
ubottuHundurinn: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:28
cfhowlettHundurinn, install windows first.  then ubuntu14:28
icerootHundurinn: the first link14:29
Delapenayou can install ubuntu first then windows... and then fix grub from a live cd14:30
Hundurinnwell, i got windows 7 up and running, i create the USB bootable with ubuntu 12.04 LTS, restart my computer, boot from the usb key, select install and i get the some ubuntu loading screen that just hangs forever14:30
Delapena Hundurinn sounds like you have a bad install14:31
cfhowlettHundurinn, md5sum check your ISO and do a disk integrity check of the USB14:31
akshay2000Hundurinn: you may hit escape and see where exactly it is stuck.14:32
ferriereshi again ! i'm still having trouble with a 12.04 on a ATI RADEON, even with the fglrx module... any help ?14:33
universalHundurinn: which wifi card is installed in your system ?14:33
Hundurinnno wifi, it is a desktop computer14:34
ferriereshi !14:34
GSporthi peeps14:35
cfhowlettferrieres, greetings14:35
universalHundurinn: are there any additional cards attachments installed in your desktop?14:35
ferriereshi cfhowlett14:35
ferrierescan you help me ?14:35
Hundurinni got a soundcard and a graphics card14:35
Hundurinnnothing else14:35
ferrieresI got a 12.04 version on a HP ProBook 4710 with a RADEON ATI 4xxx version and something like 70% of CPU spend on Xorg...14:37
universalwell md5sum and sha256sum iso and usb and if its ok them try removing sound card and see if it works14:37
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universalsome drivers and additional attachments conflict while loading on boot14:38
ferrieresso, for example, moving a window under gnome (gdm, nnot lightdm) takes several seconds14:39
ferrieresanybody for help ?14:40
auronandaceferrieres: gdm and lightdm are login managers, nothing to do with your window manager14:41
ActionParsnipferrieres: did you install the driver from the PPA?14:41
Hundurinnthe md5sum came back wrong, Not the same, i'll will try downloading it again to make sure the iso is good14:41
ActionParsnipferrieres: have you tried the Unity2D session?14:41
ActionParsnipferrieres: there is nothing to move in gdm or lightdm, they are the login managers14:41
icerootis there a program which is able to receive and show SMS when i have entered a SIM-card into my notebook? the umts connection is working fine, i just need to be able to receive sms also on that card14:41
ferrieresyes, ActionPArnship... update, upgrade, install fglrx and reboot... twice... and same pb14:42
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ActionParsnipferrieres: try Unity2D14:42
ferrieresUnity 2D ? why, is this runnning smthg different from gnome ?14:43
ferrieresexcept lightdm in place of gdm...14:43
ActionParsnipferrieres: no, its still gnome, just a different window manager and shell14:43
ActionParsnipferrieres: lightdm or gdm doesnt make any difference at all14:44
auronandaceferrieres: gnome-shell uses mutter, unity uses compiz, unity2d uses metacity (what was used in gnome2)14:44
ferriereshow to proceed without unloging ?14:45
ActionParsnipferrieres: you will need to log off, select the 2D session in the login screen then log in14:45
ferrieresit's running very slow... ok, i log in14:47
universalHundurinn: use torrnt this time....it checks the file by itslef and if there will be any problem....it will correct it automatically14:48
Hundurinnok, will do14:49
dheerajIn gparted it is showing unknown type14:52
dheerajfor my external harddisk14:52
hidhi all14:53
hidwhen you install a software, does it go to /?14:54
GSportit gores to lots of places14:54
ferriereshi again !14:55
GSportthe executable goes to /usr/bin14:55
ActionParsniphid: all over the place. It doesnt go to a single folder like you think it does in windows14:55
hidbut i mean not in ~14:55
ActionParsniphid: shared libs can be used by many apps so go into a shared folder, they are also only loaded to ram once14:55
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hidbecause i have only 2 gb left in ~14:55
ActionParsniphid: yes, applicatoins do not install in $HOME14:56
dheerajhow could i mount it14:56
ActionParsniphid: then clean aplication caches14:56
ferrieresActionParsnip: when i tried to log out, the computer stoped even ircII from printing on tty1... so i rebooted14:56
hidActionParnsnip: how to clean em?14:56
ActionParsnipferrieres: ok, how is 2D?14:56
ActionParsniphid: use the app themselves, or use apps like bleachbit (carefully)14:57
hidActionParnsnip: ok thx14:57
ferrieres...empty... nothing to click on ;)14:57
ferrieresi'll try top in tty214:57
GSporttry htop14:58
GSportits pretier14:58
ferrieres... but it takes like 10 seconds to log in on a tty !!! never seen that...14:58
ferrieresok unity2D is "appearing" (left bar, menu, etc.)14:59
GSportjust install a propper distro14:59
GSportpclinuxOS is one of the best15:00
ActionParsnipGSport: ubuntu is a propper distro15:00
ActionParsnipGSport: in your opinion, maybe15:00
GSportyou harware is supported out of the box runing live15:00
bazhangGSport, thats offtopic here, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic15:00
DelapenaGSport: why arey ou in #ubuntu trying to sell people some other distro15:00
ActionParsnipGSport: all my hardware has worked out of the box since gutsy?15:00
ActionParsnipGSport: and before that in Mandrake....15:01
ferrieresapt-check, Xorg and polkitd are taking more than 70%CPU on top, alternatively...15:01
GSportyou are lucky15:01
ActionParsnipGSport: no, smart15:01
GSportsmart are people that make pclinuxOS15:01
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GSportand users that run it15:01
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please15:02
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ActionParsnipGSport: this is support, please give ubuntu support or ask an ubuntu support question15:02
GSportim afraid my question wont be smart enough15:03
ferrieresand i may suggest a customer ;-)15:03
ActionParsnipGSport: we support al skill levels here15:04
ferrieresjust to be efficient : is there option in ircII printing to highlight my username, for instance ?15:04
ActionParsnipGSport: yes, the language conveyed my message, so it wasn't corrected15:04
ActionParsnipGSport: you knew what I meant, so why make it clear?15:04
ActionParsnipGSport: it was already obvious15:05
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GSportok you can stop crying now15:05
ActionParsnipGSport: cos I made you look like an ass?15:05
GSportno you made your self look like the smart ass that you really are15:06
ActionParsnipGSport: how so?15:06
bazhangActionParsnip, thats enough please15:06
bazhangGSport, you too15:06
DelapenaGSport: this is very off topic and unnecessary. Go away15:06
ferrieresActionPArsnip, may i just wonder some help ? i don't mean to disturb you from a good discussion...15:07
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GSportim sorry that you fail to understand15:07
ActionParsnipGSport: ive moved on, i suggest you do th same15:07
ActionParsnipferrieres: is the OS up to date?15:07
ferrieresthe OS is 12.04, lts15:07
ActionParsnipferrieres: if you install the xfce4 package, then log in to the XFCE session, is it better15:07
ActionParsnipferrieres: have you ran system updates to get the packages installed up to date?15:08
ferrieresfor xfce is lighter ?15:08
ActionParsnipferrieres: waht is the output of:  uname -a15:08
ActionParsnipferrieres: yes15:08
ferrieres3.2.0.53-generic-pae on a 64 bit15:09
ActionParsnipferrieres: pae is not 64bit, its 32bit15:09
ferrieresok.. it's written i686 twice and i38615:10
ActionParsnipferrieres: yes, 32bit kernel, 32bit OS15:10
ferrieresbut 64 bit CPU... ?15:10
ferrieresok i try xfce15:10
ActionParsnipferrieres: your 64bit-ness in your cpu isnt being used15:11
ActionParsnipferrieres: the kernel doesnt know how15:11
ferrieresok, let's him ignore it for the moment ;-)15:11
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abstarct_manapple conference :-)15:12
ferrieresi try to do all things in shell because every window is taking too much of the CPU... so the package is xfce4 ?15:13
ferrieresok, it downloads stuff15:13
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:14
ferriereshow to get the list of the PPA's i've installed ?15:15
ferrieresis it in /etc/apt/source.list or smthg ?15:15
Gneaferrieres: look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15:16
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ferrieresso it's in the same file than the classical repositories15:16
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Gneawell they just put each repository in its own file in that directory and source the directory15:17
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Gneathat way you don't have one huge file cluttered with stuff that you probably wouldn't have any idea of what it was unless you visted each one with a browser15:17
hidi have this recalcitrant file15:17
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DamienCassouwhen I plug a beamer on my computer it is not recognized. External monitors are however. What can I do please?15:18
hideven with a chmod 777 is does not want to be executable15:18
GneaDamienCassou: what is a 'beamer'? a car?15:18
ferrieresok, xfce4 unpacks severely... this will appear in the login screen ? ok, i try15:18
Gneahid: what is the result of this command:  file recalcitrant15:18
ferrieresbeamer is a latex presentation ?15:19
hidGnea: UrTUpdater.x86_64: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped15:19
ferrieresDamienCassou : what's wrong with the beamer ?15:20
Gneahid: okay, do you have a 64-bit cpu?15:20
DJonesGnea, Beamer is overhead projecter from memory (DamienCassou was asking earlier on with no success)15:20
hidGnea: of course :)15:20
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DamienCassouGnea: beamer = external projector15:20
SunTsuGnea: he's talking about a projector15:20
ferrieresok, so i shut my... fingers :)15:20
GneaDamienCassou: oh, I've never heard a projector referred to as a 'beamer'.  what video card do you use?15:21
DamienCassouat least, that how I call them (I'm french :-))15:21
GneaDamienCassou: let's just not go there and stick to getting the 'projector' to work ;-)15:21
DamienCassouGnea: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core15:22
ferrieresagain I log out and log in with xfce4 (installed)15:23
DamienCassouGnea: hmmm. That's strange. I tried with 2 projectors and it didn't work. Now, I'm at my office and have some time but can't reproduce the problem with the team's projector :-(15:24
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GneaDamienCassou: oh, it's built-in vga from the cpu?15:25
SunTsuDamienCassou: you're connecting that projector to the same graphics port as you do external displays?15:25
DamienCassouI think so but am not sure. I'm on a laptop15:25
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ferrieresActionParsnip : still here ?15:26
DamienCassouSunTsu: yes. And it's working fine with my external monitor.15:26
DamienCassoufor the projector, I use a vga/mini-displayport adaptor (I'm on a macbook pro)15:27
ferriereshow to restart the X server from shell ?15:27
mortenmadsenHi, total Linux noob - need help with mounting HFS Plus Usb disk Read Write !? Anybody ???15:28
GneaDamienCassou: have you turned the laptop off, then turned it back on with the projector plugged in already?15:29
SunTsuDamienCassou: Never tried that, all my laptops still have vga ports and worked out of the box15:30
DamienCassouGnea: I tried a reboot15:30
GneaDamienCassou: try a full-powered shutdown. the laptop may need to know about the device through bios.15:31
ferrieresok, i tried service gdm stop then start15:31
DamienCassouok, thank you15:32
DamienCassouanything else I could test next time I have a beamer that does not work?15:32
DamienCassouGnea: just to note: my team's beamer works just fine on my computer. I found 2 beamers that didn't work immediately15:33
mortenmadsenCan anybody help me mount a USB disk RW and not only RO15:33
SunTsuDamienCassou: check your BIOS if your laptop has two GPUs, modern laptops often do. One that's integrated into the chipset and one that's sort of externel. If you do try both15:33
DamienCassouI don't think I have anything related to a bios tool. I never saw any on macbooks15:34
bazhangmortenmadsen, got hfsplus and hfsutils installed yet?15:35
MarcGuayIs there a way to set the keyboard to allow for Windows-style alt-key character codes?  (I've found alternatives like Compose Key and all of that, I'm looking for a way to keep the exact same functionality)15:35
TsarObombaHey guys, I used to compile kernels by hand all the time. And right now I want to do just that, but the "ubuntu or debiAn way". so i end up with packages15:36
TsarObombaDont ask "why on earth would you do that", i can fix breakages, im a big boy15:36
GneaDamienCassou: no, I mean that the bios needs to 'see' the beamer as it is turning on to 'know' that it exists15:37
bazhang!checkinstall | TsarObomba15:37
ubottuTsarObomba: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!15:37
TsarObombaAnyways, -pf has released their 3.11 patchset, but they dont release ubuntu or debian binaries, and the guy who does has not updated15:37
bazhang!compile > TsarObomba15:37
ubottuTsarObomba, please see my private message15:37
TsarObombaim familiar with checkinstall15:37
TsarObombaand i know how to compile15:37
TsarObombaI compile anjdrpoid roms, 20x times a day15:37
bazhangTsarObomba, whats the question then15:38
TsarObombaBut I? know ubuntu/debian has a special method for kernels15:38
hfasecompiling Linus source works for me after make menuconfig and make deb15:38
TsarObombaWhat is that method15:38
hfasemake deb-pkg i mean15:38
TsarObombaAs usual, gettting help here is pulling teeth15:38
TsarObombahfase: good to know15:39
TsarObombathe first person who didnt treat my question as a noob :P15:39
TsarObombaseriously, thanks15:39
MonkeyDustTsarObomba  there's also #ubuntu-kernel15:39
hfasestanfard c compiler stuff, if you read the readme for linux on GitHub15:39
TsarObombaTime to read that wiki page i posted15:39
TsarObombaMonkeyDust: good to know15:39
TsarObombahfase: i wonder, will it build with clang yet?15:39
TsarObombaclang is compatible with mosty gcc stuff15:40
hfasewhen i compile it though there are a few things missing, like tty and graphics15:40
TsarObombaAnd Ive been experimenting with using it over gcc4.7 on android roms15:40
TsarObombaWell i have open graphics15:40
ferrieresI'm back..15:40
TsarObombaThe other box is nvidia, but that can stick on liquorix15:40
DamienCassouGnea: I was answering SunTsu. But ok, thank you for your tip, I will try. Need to leave now15:40
MonkeyDustTsarObomba  and for develeopers, there's #ubuntu-app-devel, i guess you're not in the right channel15:40
DamienCassouGnea SunTsu thank you both15:40
ferrieresActionParsnip, are you still there ?15:40
ActionParsnipferrieres: back, wassup15:41
ferrieresPlease someone ... help !15:41
TsarObombahmm, that wiki page is for bui8lding the ubuntu patched kernel15:41
TsarObombawhich i dont want, not new enough15:41
TsarObombaferrieres: ask the question again15:41
echo747are there any settings I can change in ubuntu to help speed up an older pc?15:41
TsarObombadont just ask for help15:41
TsarObombaecho747: there are some, disabling startup programs and such. But really, i would recommend lubuntu15:42
ferrieresok... i'm on a HP Probook with a ATI Radeon gpu15:42
TsarObombaIts a nice GUI, and very light15:42
TsarObombaGreat for old PC's even better than xubuntu15:42
TsarObombaWhich isnt any faster than gnome2 these days15:42
echo747TsarObomba thanks, never heard of that distro15:42
ferrieresand i encounter ssome big pb till i'm back from hollidays...15:42
TsarObombaecho747: `its a official derivative of ubuntu15:43
ActionParsnipferrieres: could try the 3.5 kernel15:43
TsarObombaecho747: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/derivatives15:43
ferrieresActionParsnip : how ?15:43
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: Lubuntu is not LTS though (sadly)15:43
TsarObombaferret_: you really havent saids the problem15:43
ActionParsnipferrieres: enable the backport repo. I forget the package name15:43
ferrieresActionParsnip : i'm stuck in a logout try : no more xserver...15:43
TsarObombaActionParsnip: thats not a big deal for an older system15:44
TsarObombasorry ferret_15:44
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: depends when it will be disposd of15:44
TsarObombanew LTS is coming shortly15:44
TsarObombaAgaoin, not a big deal, enable backports15:44
TsarObombaIts lubuntu15:44
ferrieresok, tsarobomba, forget about my name... call me fer15:44
TsarObombanot a top of line computer15:44
Adam-85i try to format partation with file type ntfs and get this msg : Failed to execute child process "mkfs.nilfs215:44
ferrieresthe laptop is 4 years old15:45
TsarObombaferrieres: so you are stuck in the terminal?15:45
TsarObombaWere you use the amd/atoi propietary driver, or the raqdeon driver?15:45
ferrieres1 for ircII, 2 for ... apt-ing or lynxing stuff15:45
TsarObombawhat happens if you clt+alt+f715:46
TsarObombayou need to get your xorg log, so we can see whats happening15:46
ferrieresTsar : ActionP. told me to change for fglrx as AMD doesnt support the driver anymore15:46
TsarObombafglrx is amd15:46
TsarObombathats amds propietary driver15:47
TsarObombaso you mean you switched to radeon (the open source driver)15:47
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: lubuntu 14.04 will also not be LTS (as far as I am aware)15:47
TsarObombaActionParsnip: i dont care, honestly15:47
TsarObombaits up to him15:47
ferrierestasr: the server X is out, stuck in "X11 initialization failed"15:47
TsarObombaHe could take ubuntu base15:47
TsarObombaand install lubuntu15:47
TsarObombaI dont care what he does, it was a mere sugesstion15:47
TsarObombaferrieres: ok, so lets get a log15:48
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: it will then be lubuntu, and not lts15:48
ferrierestsar : i tried to mean this but the name of the package is smthg like fglr...15:48
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: you can install lxde and openbox and keep support though :)15:48
TsarObombaActionParsnip: um, if you took 13.04 ubuntu and installed lubuntu-desktop, it would give you lxde/lubuntu but on 13.0415:48
TsarObombawho cares15:48
TsarObombanot i15:48
bazhang!enter | TsarObomba15:49
ubottuTsarObomba: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:49
* TsarObomba ends pointless conversation going nowhere15:49
TsarObombabazhang: ya ya15:49
TsarObombai dont see you helping15:49
honestlyTsarObomba: sup buddy15:49
TsarObombaferrieres: anyhways15:49
bazhangTsarObomba, lose the attitude15:49
Pici(end the excessive enters)15:50
TsarObombabazhang: sutre thing15:50
ferrieresok, can i ask for help ? ;)15:50
TsarObombaThis is why i never come here..... (attitude implied, just truth)15:50
Adam-85Failed to execute child process "mkfs.nilfs2 how to fix plz15:50
TsarObombaferrieres: im trying to help15:50
TsarObombaferrieres: install pastebinit15:50
TsarObombaso you can pastebin the log from terminal15:50
PiciAdam-85: What are you running before you get that?15:50
TsarObombalemme know when you get that installed15:51
ferrieresi have no access to a firefox windows15:51
Adam-85format my partation15:51
PiciAdam-85: What exactly are you typing?15:51
Adam-85by disk utility15:51
ferrierespastebinit is for pasting some text on web ?15:51
TsarObombaferrieres: you dont need firefox15:51
TsarObombaor X15:51
TsarObombapastebinit works from the terminal15:51
TsarObombayou do like pastebinit somefile.txt15:52
TsarObombaand it spits out a url15:52
mortenmadsenNEED HELP mounting a IUSB HFSplus disk read write - anybody ??15:52
TsarObombalike mine15:52
PiciAdam-85: Are you sure that you actually picked NTFS?  nils is another filesystem type.15:52
TsarObomba$ pastebinit Xorg.0.log                                                                                                                                  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6088528/15:53
bazhangmortenmadsen, did you install hfsplus and hfsutils yet15:53
jubobahey, I need help installing Ubuntu on a HP15:53
TsarObombaferrieres: once pastebin is installed. do this: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:53
TsarObombaand put the url in chat15:53
TsarObombaso we can see it15:53
ferrieresok, i read this log once...15:53
TsarObombaIm sure one of us, besides me will take a look15:54
ferrieresbut you know more than me15:54
TsarObombaThe things that say error are the issues :P15:54
jubobahey, I need help installing Ubuntu on a HP 1105 with UEFI15:54
TsarObombajubba_: elaborate pleASE15:54
jubobaTsarObomba, how?15:54
TsarObombahelp can mean many things. without knowing your ssue we can not help15:54
TsarObombaWhat do you need "help" with15:54
jubobaI can't boot with my USB drive15:55
OerHeks!uefi | juboba15:55
ubottujuboba: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:55
ferrieresok : 6088537 is the number ;-)15:55
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jubobathanks OerHeks15:56
TsarObombaferrieres: the number of the url?15:56
Adam-85Pici: yeah i need it as ntfs15:57
TsarObombaie http://paste.ubuntu.com/608853715:57
PiciAdam-85: Make sure that you actually picked NTFS and not NILFS15:57
TsarObombaBTW people, i am ignoring ubottu (for feature reference) unasked for P<M's are completely against ircetiquette15:57
ferrieressorry i've tried to understand this log...15:58
TsarObombaiuts ok15:58
TsarObombaferrieres: there are no errors in there15:58
ferrieresiuts ?15:58
TsarObombaerrors would EE15:58
TsarObombalike (EE) where you are seeing (II)15:58
TsarObombaBut you are using fglrx, NOT radeon the open source drive3r15:58
BluesKaj!ubottu | TsarObomba15:59
ubottuTsarObomba: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:59
TsarObombawhgat s your card?15:59
ferrieresok, let's say.. but alt+ctrl+F7 is a black screen with white words on it...15:59
TsarObombaBluesKaj: ukmmm, im well aware what the bot is15:59
ferrieresmy card is (lspci|grep "VGA") :16:00
TsarObombaAll I was referring to is the annoying pm'[s, if it said "Hey YOU, im gonna send a pm ok?" and you said Ubottu: Ok, that would be great, otherwise its unwanted spam16:00
TsarObombaferrieres: um that is not your card16:00
TsarObombathats the command to find the card16:00
TsarObombalet me google that16:00
ferrieresfrom AMD/ATI16:00
TsarObombayes i know16:01
BluesKajTsarObomba, I'm sure you are and it's a friendly reminder that the bot /factoids have their place despite your opinions about irc etiquette.16:01
TsarObombahave you tried just rebooting?16:01
ferrieresMobility Radeon HD 4xxx16:01
TsarObombaBluesKaj: thats great16:01
ferrieresyes, twice...16:01
TsarObombaIts still agaiunst classic irc netiquette16:01
ferrieresbut not till i install xfce416:01
TsarObombaferrieres: caquse xorg is working16:01
TsarObombaso what, you have ubuntu (with unity) and install xfce?16:02
TsarObombahow did you install xfce?16:02
ferrieresapt-get install16:02
BluesKajclassic irc etiquette .. gimme a break :)16:02
TsarObombaor install xfce?16:02
TsarObombaBluesKaj: sorry im older than you, cant help that16:02
Adam-85Pici: Failed to execute child process "mkfs.nilfs2 how to fix plz , yeah i'm sure abut make it as ntfs file system16:02
TsarObombaAQnyways, back to the topic16:02
TsarObombaHelping this chap with his xorg, that isnt broken16:03
BluesKajTsarObomba, I doubt that very much16:03
ferrieresi got a 11.04 version forst, not liked unity, installed gnome, configure compiz, quiet the plymouth , got the 12.04 and went on hollidays... got back and stuck on this pb since friday16:03
ferrieresno i'm in a ubuntu at the begining16:04
ferriereschap ? what's that ?16:04
OerHeksAti 2xxx/3xxx/4xxx are no longer supported by the fglx driver ferrieres. use the open source driver. see the !ati factoid16:04
ferrieresxorg took smthg like 70% of the CPU till friday... every boot, every try...16:05
ferrieresi've seen that... i just find out that my ubuntu version is precisely 12.04.3.... the ONE16:05
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ferrieresok, so instead of fglx, what do i install ?16:06
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ferrieres!ati factoid ? what's that ?16:06
ubottuferrieres: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:06
Adam-85Failed to execute child process "mkfs.nilfs2" ؟؟16:06
OerHeksferrieres, use these 2 lines to uninstall and return to the open driver >> http://askubuntu.com/a/21004116:08
ferrieresok, i first reboot... and try xfce4 but i'm not convinced : it's a pb of graphic card driver, i think now..16:08
ferrieresthx OerHeks, i'll try with lynx to get this lines16:08
OerHeksferrieres, hold on, i paste them16:08
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mortenmadsenCan anybody help a NOOB mount a USB drive as RW ???16:09
OerHeksferrieres, sudo apt-get remove fglrx-* && sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh16:09
TsarObombaferret_: you need to make sure radeon supports your card16:09
TsarObombabut i believe it does16:09
bazhangmortenmadsen, I've asked twice if you have installed hfsplus and hfsutils yet16:09
ferrieresok, i try16:09
ferriereslet's all believe...16:10
mortenmadsenbazhang: SORRY i wrote OM to you16:10
bazhangmortenmadsen, keep it in channel for support please16:10
mortenmadsenthought you were away ore something :-)16:10
mortenmadsensure, no problem16:10
ferrieres...wait for login on tty3...16:10
mortenmadsenOk, my problem is that I have a USB hfsplus disk, that WAS mounted so i could READ/WRITE to it16:11
mortenmadsennow I can only read16:11
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mortenmadsenI have installed HFS16:12
TsarObombaferrieres: your X server is on tty716:12
TsarObombaferrieres: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart16:12
ferrieresnot tty...16:12
TsarObombado that'16:12
mortenmadsenbazhang: i have installed hfsplus and hfsutils16:12
ferrieresi've done service lightdm start... isn't it the same ?16:12
ferrieresbut it still remove the fglrx package16:13
ferrieresso i wait the end of the removing...16:13
mortenmadsenbazhang:  I use this: sudo mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/sdb1 /media/toshiba2tb/16:14
mortenmadsenbazhang: it says mount: warning: /media/toshiba2tb/ seems to be mounted read-only.16:14
ferrieresTsar: do i have to remove fglrx and install radeon or keep fglrx ???16:14
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ferrieresOk, let's say i remove it because it is written that the 12.04.3 is not supported and try the radeon then rebooting... tsar : do you agree ?16:16
ferrieresthe removing is stuck on updating initramfs16:17
ferrieresTsar ? still there ?16:19
Adam-85Failed to execute child process "mkfs.nilfs2" ؟؟16:19
PiciAdam-85: You could install the nilfs-tools package, but I really think that you're not clicking on the right option in the disk utility.16:20
Adam-85how to install ntfs-tools package16:21
geothomdoes anybody know what is going on with XMir and Intel?16:21
compdocgeothom, apparently Intel and the rest of the world are going with Wayland16:22
PiciAdam-85: again. ntfs is not the same as nilfs2.  You need to make sure that you are clicking on the right option in disk utility for NTFS.16:22
jcbjoehi all16:22
geothomLike redhat take wayland16:22
jcbjoeam i connected right now ?16:23
jcbjoeseems like it16:23
PiciAdam-85: if you still want to continue: sudo apt-get install nilfs-tools16:23
otakmortenmadsen: start with sudo mount -o remount,rw ...16:23
Adam-85Pici: done and choose ntfs not ntfs2 but what is different between them ??16:23
PiciAdam-85: I'm pretty sure that you're not reading the font on your screen properly. Theres no such thing as ntfs2.16:24
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ferrieresTsar ?16:26
ferrieresImpossible to find the ati, or the radeon package... what should i install, instead of fglrx ???? help !!16:27
jcbjoeanyone get that ?16:27
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ActionParsnipjcbjoe: if you can see text, you are connected16:27
jcbjoei basically need a iso (net install) that is live so i can basically boot into ubuntu then install it16:28
jcbjoea lot of other ubuntu ios hate the fact i don't have a cdrom and even though i boot via usb it errors out16:28
Sargeu can't do a CD install, jcbjoe?16:28
jcbjoeSarge i have a lenov twist its a ultrabook where it flips around into tablet mode and whatever .. no cdrom16:28
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: use unetbootin with the ubuntu iso o make a live usb OS16:29
Sargebootable USB stick?16:29
jcbjoeyes i thought unebootin i just choose the iso then boot16:29
jcbjoedidn't know unetbootin can make a live iso16:29
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ferrieresok, i'm helping myself alone : man apt gave me apt-cache search16:30
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: yes, thats it's job16:30
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: to put iso on usb16:30
jcbjoeActionParsnip do i download the distro first from torrent then use unetbootin or download straight from unetbooin by choosing the os in the presets ?16:31
OerHeksjrgiffo1 why so many clones?16:32
TsarObombaHey guys, im building that kernel now. But I need help with udev rules. It woyuld be a simple rule, its just i cannot wrap my head around how to write it16:32
TsarObombabasically, something that does this16:32
TsarObombachmod 666 /sys/class/leds/tpacpi\:\:thinklight/brightness16:32
TsarObombaotherwise i need to do that on each boot to access the thinklight without root16:33
MonkeyDustTsarObomba  have you asked in #ubuntu-kernel, as I suggested earlier?16:33
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: you can download the ISO as you wish, as long as it is complete and consistent it doesnt matter16:33
TsarObombaand im tyring to make a script for kvirc where it blinks the light on nick highlights16:33
TsarObombaMonkeyDust: you really thing they are gonna deal with udev?16:33
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: once you have the ISO you can use unetbootin to put t on the USB stick and make it bootable16:33
TsarObombaudev isnt really kernel, but sure16:33
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: if you add the command in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line, it will run each boot as root16:34
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: after the command runs the DM will load16:34
SargeI d-l'd ISO from the 'net, saved to local HD, then ran CD burner on it to make bootable copy on CD but USB stick works too.16:34
jcbjoeyea it looks the same the one coming from unetbootin is 785mb and the torrent one im downading is 7985mb16:34
ActionParsnipjcbjoe: if you have the ISO and it MD5 tests as Ok, use that16:35
TsarObombaActionParsnip: oh ya? nice16:35
TsarObombaTsarObomba: what user runs that?16:36
ActionParsnipTsarObomba: the commands in rc.local run as root16:36
TsarObombaok sweet16:36
TsarObombathanks bud16:36
dandy^801y^why ubuntu?16:36
TsarObombaActionParsnip: now i need to figure out a simple script to blink it, i know how to turn it off and on. But all the C programs and bash scripts etc are no longer there, links are deads16:37
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BluesKajwhy not ubuntu , dandy^801y^?16:37
TsarObombaActionParsnip: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkLight16:37
dandy^801y^the best is fedora16:37
jcbjoewow 3,299 seeders for this iso16:37
TsarObombaIm trying to make a something for kvirc that will blink the light when I get a hilight in a channel im not looking at16:37
TsarObombaI already have it set to play a sound when a 718 irc numeric comes in (someone not on whitelist messages me)16:38
BluesKajok dandy^801y^ are you going to troll or do you have an ubuntu support question?16:38
TsarObombaSo if I could come up with a script, that would be awesome16:38
ActionParsnipdandy^801y^: that is offtopic here16:38
dandy^801y^i have questions16:38
dandy^801y^how to make install ubuntu dual boot with windows16:40
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:40
dandy^801y^host linux16:40
ferrieresok, Tsar... can i ask for a litlle more help ?16:40
compdocdandy^801y^, careful with that - be sure to back up the drive16:40
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:41
ferrieresDid I said something that hurt any of TsarObomba or ActionPArsnip ???16:42
BluesKajferrieres, don't ask to ask , just ask :)16:42
TsarObombaActionParsnip: one more, on my remote buildbox (very fast desktop, FX-8350 8 core, 32GB DDR3, 5.2TB raid, two SSDs (60GB and 256, with the 256GB dedicated to just my $HOME.16:42
TsarObombaAnyways, I had to recreate the user I use16:43
ferrieresThx BluesKaj...16:43
TsarObombaBecause of issues after moving my files to the different drive when I filled the 60GB doing ancdroid stuff16:43
TsarObombaBut the local user used the KDE user thingy, and it didnt make thre normal .bashrc and whatever other .bash files a normal user would have16:44
TsarObombaLike using addusder script16:44
ferrieresthere are plenty of package in apt-cache search radeon command... some of them i know (fglrx, xserver-...Ã) and some not ... which one should i install ???16:44
TsarObombaCould someone tell me which .bash* files they have and maybe pastebin them16:44
TsarObombaSo i dont have to remake the user, again16:44
TsarObombaI have .bash_history that it made on its own, but my .bashrc wasnt there, so I created it, but only two lines16:45
ferrieresSo that was my question...16:46
jcbjoeI'm back / i booted my live usb drive with ubuntu 13.0.4 on it .. my trackpad isn't working .. if its not working in the install it won't work when i reboot to the os correct ??16:46
jamiejacksonhi folks. trying to move /usr to another partition. i attached the ubuntu drive and the new usr drive/partition in centos to perform the copy (maybe it would have been better to do this right in ubuntu, i don't know.). i tried copying with "rsync -aXSlv -A", but i'm getting  errors like this:16:46
jamiejacksonrsync: rsync_xal_clear: lremovexattr("src/linux-headers-3.5.0-40/virt/kvm/.Kconfig.Dlnq3T","security.selinux") failed: Permission denied (16:46
ferrieresok, bye...16:46
jcbjoeaccording to google i have to install it16:47
jamiejacksonwhat's the best way to copy usr to another partition? (i've googled it, but the results are a little old, and i don't know if they address selinux properly)16:47
jamiejackson(i can handle the fstab bits, but i'm not sure about the copy operation)16:48
TsarObombadang, actionparsnip left16:48
jcbjoehmm have it installed already16:48
TsarObombaAnyone else have a stock .bashrc?16:48
SunTsujamiejackson: I's use rsync16:49
TsarObombaIm just looking for the stock .bash* files16:49
TsarObombaBecause i lost them16:49
jcbjoeinput list doesn't show my touchpad or drivers16:49
tsimpsonTsarObomba: /etc/skel/.bashrc16:49
jcbjoeerr xinput*16:49
jamiejacksonSunTsu: did you see my message about my rsync errors (a few posts above)?16:49
SunTsujamiejackson: no, I didn't16:49
SunTsujamiejackson: looks like SELinux is active, you might want to boot from a live image and do it from there16:51
jamiejacksonSunTsu: i *think* i'm in a simlar context as a live image, as i've attached the drives to another linux. correct me if i'm wrong, please.16:51
SunTsujamiejackson: yeah, but this linux might have SELinux enabled16:52
jcbjoeis 13.04 stable ?16:52
SunTsulive images never do16:52
jcbjoethis probably will fix it16:53
jamiejacksonSunTsu: okay, i think i'll try disabling selinux temporarily on centos and try the copy again. if that fails, i'l go to a real live image. SunTsu, could you sanity check my rsync options, above? in particular, am i all set with symlinks, etc.?16:53
pedroghi guys, can someone speculate why my broadband pen only works when my laptop is connect to my office dock station16:55
SunTsujamiejackson: sorry, currently have the time16:55
SunTsuer *don't16:55
jamiejacksonnp, thanks, SunTsu16:55
jcbjoeresolution w00t16:57
wilee-nileepedrog, broadband pen?17:01
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pedrogwilee-nilee: 3g usb modem17:01
wilee-nileepedrog, Outside of any ubuntu support, but it must be voodoo. ;)17:02
tgm4883Can I ask a question about a program that is in the Ubuntu archives in here?17:05
BluesKajtgm4883, ask away17:06
tgm4883Is there a way to forward all of the email contained in a mailman archive? I'm trying to migrate a list to google groups and keep the archive17:07
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megagonscreen -d17:12
wilee-nileepedrog, If you want help though run lsusb and identify the unit.17:19
SuperLagSecond question... I've got a .desktop file created for my IDE, I can see it in the Unity Launcher, and start it from the command line, but it doesn't stay in the launcher when I close it, even though I've selected "Lock to Launcher". What gives?17:20
pedrogwilee-nilee: looking at that now.... strange the ids are different from my usb_modeswitch.d file17:22
DeevilmanHey guys. An adept Ubuntu user here. I just decided to update Nvidia drivers and poof. black screen blinking curser. I can't access the terminal or get into failsafe mode.17:23
* pedrog rebooting17:24
nulln0pnapyou may want to boot from a live usb and try to revert the changes17:24
mrrcpquestion: Has anyone here setup a code generator login on ubuntu?17:24
mrrcpor does anyone know how or a site?17:25
DeevilmanI have never figured out hiow to boot from a live medium and then make changes to an existing OS.17:25
Mondayis there a free and open source version of this http://flavio.tordini.org/musictube17:27
nulln0pnap@Deevilman this may point you in the right direction http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/17322-uninstalling-nvidia-driver.html17:28
nulln0pnapI would try the last suggestion17:28
chaotic_goodis there a newer LTS thatn 12.04?17:29
tgm4883Deevilman, I find it odd you can't get to failsafe17:29
mrrcpso no one uses two factor authentication?17:29
tgm4883nulln0pnap, the @ isn't needed. I'm not sure if adding the @ would stop users getting pinged on their nick mention or not17:29
tgm4883mrrcp, I don't for my desktop login17:29
nulln0pnaptgm4883 ahh, damn Im getting old17:30
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tgm4883mrrcp, also, please note that 2 factor authentication doesn't necessarily mean a key generator17:30
gordonjcpchaotic_good: no17:30
altermannhi there, i have 1 ubuntu machine which i've inherited from somebody and which i can't convert to my favorite distro yet17:31
tgm4883mrrcp, A quick google search found instructions for using Google Authenticator with a Google login17:32
tgm4883mrrcp, err, ubuntu login17:32
altermannthat being said, connecting to it via ssh takes a while longer then other machines i have on the network17:32
altermanni noticed there's no dns entry in the sshd_config file17:32
Deevilmanhm, what I can do is drop to shell through recovery mode17:34
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Deevilmanbut the issue is, nothing gets mounted, so I can't make changes17:34
gordonjcpDeevilman: look up chroot17:35
tgm4883Deevilman, you need to remount / as rw17:35
tgm4883Deevilman, http://askubuntu.com/questions/175739/how-do-i-remount-a-filesystem-as-read-write17:36
Deevilmanhow is the remount achieved?17:36
jamiejacksoni'm in the process of moving my /usr to a new partition. i have the old and new mounted in a live cd (centos, fwiw). i'm rsyncing with "sudo rsync -aXS" but am getting a lot of the following messages. can i ignore them? sudo rsync -aXS17:37
mrrcpso im new to the ipv6 but is it basically setup so you can connect to a device at anytime without the worry of a gateway blocking access to the device?17:37
jamiejackson...rsync: rsync_xal_clear: lremovexattr("...", "security.selinux") failed: Permission denied (13)17:38
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Deevilmanmountall did it. Cheers guys17:39
darth_damian_000Hey guys, I am just wondering, if there is a way I can check if my hardware is compatible with ubuntu? I am having so many system crashes lately.17:40
gordonjcpdarth_damian_000: is it some sort of PC?17:41
darth_damian_000it is a custom-made computer17:42
gordonjcpcustom in what sense?17:42
darth_damian_000AMD CPU, Nvidia graphics card if any of this info is relevant17:42
darth_damian_000As in, I ordered the parts myself and put it together17:42
gordonjcpthat's not really very custom17:42
gordonjcpthat's just a PC17:42
gordonjcpwhat sort of crashes?17:42
malrog_Hello i need some help... dont know what to do here = Enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories (for bumblebee and nvidia packages respectively).17:42
darth_damian_000custom made PC as opposed to some tower I bought in a store17:42
starbuckhi, i have problem with printing an image. i want it to get fitted into A4 size automatically, without borders... is this possible?17:42
ccoloradoHi there, How can i set LC_COLLATE for a single user ?17:42
darth_damian_000First, the screen freezes, then, the image gets distorted (there are a bunch of squares that resemble the desktop image all over the screen) and i am forced to reboot17:43
darth_damian_000this happens when, for example, I use my mouse scroll wheel excessively, open a large PDF file, even happened when I played freecell17:43
gordonjcpdarth_damian_000: are you running the proprietary NVidia drivers, or nouveau?17:44
darth_damian_000gordonjcp, I do not know. I installed ubuntu 13.04 and I have not made any driver modification. To best answer your question, I would say the "default" drivers that come during installation17:45
darth_damian_000it was a clean install, by the way17:45
gordonjcpokay, that's nouveau17:45
gordonjcpmight be worth giving the proprietary drivers a shot?17:45
SachHaving trouble installing memtest to a usb.  Can someone help me through the instructions?  I'm confused by "As root type: dd if=memtest86-<ver>.usb.img of=dev where dev is the device the key is assigned to"17:46
darth_damian_000But if anything, it is most likely the graphics drivers?17:47
darth_damian_000...that is causing those crashes17:47
illumWhich part is confusing Sach?17:47
|Anthony|has anyone been able to get echo cancellation to work for mumble?17:48
Deevilmanand I can't login to the tty for some reason. Bare in mind I do almost everything through the terminal17:48
oh_no_in a routing / subnet bind. I cannot resolve anything by hostname on a different subnet, but can by IP. Would anyone mind helping me out? I'm traversing a FortiGate firewall, but my problem seems to be in DNS/routing.17:52
liquidstonehow to install sdl2 on ubuntu without compiling17:53
sporkeeeDeevilman, less details please. ;)17:54
SachHaving trouble installing memtest to a usb.  Can someone help me through the instructions?  I'm confused by "As root type: dd if=memtest86-<ver>.usb.img of=dev where dev is the device the key is assigned to"17:55
sanguisdexubuntu updater is ignoring the no update settings that I set in aptitude for a package. how to I tell ubuntu updater that I don't want to update a package?17:55
bkfitzAnyone familiar with using Putty to sftp to ubuntu using key pairs?18:00
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Zokmorkxfwm4 is being wonky18:04
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ZokmorkIt will randomly cause the minimize, maximize, and close window icons to disappear.  I think that xfwm4 is randomly shutting down.  I have no idea why!18:05
ZokmorkThe solution to the problem is thus:18:06
Zokmork(1)  Alt+f218:06
* reisio expects many more shoes18:06
Zokmork(2)  Type 'xwfm4'18:06
Zokmork(3)  Hit run.18:07
Zokmork(4)  The problem disappears.18:07
ZokmorkWhat is triggering the wonkiness?18:07
reisiodid the entire border of the window disappear?18:07
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ZokmorkUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS18:08
reisioyou might have still been using compiz, and not xfwm at all18:08
reisioimpossible to tell now18:08
ZokmorkI actually tried to run compiz first.18:09
reisioyou probably did18:09
theverantSo I had a 12TB RAID iSCSI server catch fire and I need to access the RAID.  Only the system drive was damaged - it was the molex -> sata power connector that burned, and took out the system drive with it.  The RAID drives and rest of the system are thankfully unharmed18:09
reisioand it ran without borders, as is its want18:09
reisiomystery solved18:09
ZokmorkFrom the 'alt+f2' process.18:09
Zokmorkcompiz didn't fix the problem.18:09
theverantI've put in a new system drive and installed 12.04 LTS server, but wondering if people have ideas about the best way to get that iSCSI back up and running18:09
theverantwithout data loss :)18:10
reisioZokmork: compiz was the problem18:10
[CaBeTuX]Hi guys!18:10
Zokmorkreisio:  Before I noticed the problem, was compiz running?18:11
reisioZokmork: impossible to tell now18:11
[CaBeTuX]I need implement pam_tty_audit.so in Ubuntu Server 12.04.0218:11
Zokmorkreisio:  Ok, I'll look up the difference.18:11
theverantI set up the system 5 years ago and it's run like a champ ever since, so I have completely forgotten the setup routine.  If I assign the volume group and logical volume info to the RAID, will it damage any of the data?18:11
Zokmorkreisio:  Thank you for the assistance.18:11
curfontI have an Intel Core 2 6300 / 3 GB RAM oldish PC which used to run windows, and be able to play 1080p fine. I recently put ubuntu and anything that is 1080p doesnt play smoothly18:12
curfont720p plays fine18:12
curfontIt has a GTX 275 GPU in it18:12
curfontlatest nvidia drivers18:12
theverantsfdisk won't read the RAID volume properly because it is a GPT/HFS system18:12
strangecurfont: install vdpau18:13
[CaBeTuX]I need to audit the commands run as "root" or rather, what interests me most is when a user with permissions for "sudo-i, sudo bash, sudo-s, etc". Because from there lose "visibilty" of what happens.18:13
curfontstrange: and what media player would take advantage of that?18:13
theverantinstalling xubuntu desktop now, so I can use gparted and see if there is any useful information I can get about the RAID18:14
strangeplays from gpu then18:14
curfontstrange: doesnt xbmc just use mplayer?18:14
curfonti see18:14
strangeit has everyting inhouse now18:14
[CaBeTuX]pam_tty_audit not are more available, right?18:14
strangeso if you install vdpau18:14
bekkstheverant: just use parted instead of *fdisk18:14
strangeand compile xbmc with vdpau enabled you can play *18:14
theverantbekks: I don't need to use gparted?18:14
strangelibvdpau0 or something its called18:14
theverantI didn't realize gparted had a CLI…18:15
bekkstheverant: No.18:15
theverantbekks: okay I'll start there, thanks18:15
theverantxubuntu desktop is almost installed now, so I'll just wait for that to finish.  :p18:15
StritHi all! :)18:16
Marble68HI all. linux experience level = n00b. Tech level=above average Ubuntu Version: server latest stable Problem: I have a Acer Revo (using nVidia drivers mcp79). Everything is connecting to the network great. Wired and Wireless. However, if I unplug the ethernet cable, the wireless stops working. I've tried commenting out eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces to no avail. For some reason, the wireless will NOT work unless the PC is connected 18:16
Marble68a wired network AND eth0 is enabled. I've found a few other people who have similar issues, and their resolutions haven't worked for me. I've configured wpa_supplicant as well as a full setup in interfaces.18:16
SachCan anyone  see my problem here?   http://pastebin.com/XhYUAt7F18:17
curfontstrange: in raring it seems the nvidia-vdpau package no longer exists, just vdpau by itself18:17
curfontdoes it matter?18:18
curfontit says package not available18:18
strangesudo apt-get install libvdpau1 libvdpau-dev18:18
strangethose 218:18
curfontboth are already installed it seems strange18:18
strangethen install xbmc18:19
strangeand enable vdpau18:19
strangethen you can play 1080p18:19
theverantso yeah, parted reports proper partitions.  How does that relate to the volume groups and logical volumes?  Are those system based, or are they already assigned on the RAID, and if so, how do I know what they are?18:19
bekkstheverant: We dont know what you can see there :)18:20
theverantI'll paste bin it18:20
bekkstheverant: Whats does parted show, and whats the output of pvdisplay -C; vgdisplay -C; lvdisplay -C18:21
reisioanyone what?18:22
reisioPancho-j2me: shalom18:22
Marble68Have a suggestion about wifi not working if an ethernet cable isn't plugged in18:22
theverantAlso for your viewing pleasure: http://imagebin.org/270487 http://imagebin.org/270489 http://imagebin.org/27049018:23
Pancho-j2meDo you have the drivers for your wifi board?18:23
Marble68Pancho-j2me: Yes. Wifi works fine IF I also plug an ethernet cable in18:24
theverantpvdisplay -C: /dev/sda5  cinestor-vg lvm2 a-   55.66g    018:24
bkfitzAnyone familiar with using Putty to sftp to ubuntu using key pairs?18:24
Pancho-j2meBut how can u be sure it is not the ethernet giving you access to the internet?18:24
theverantvgdisplay:  cinestor-vg   1   2   0 wz--n- 55.66g    018:24
theverantlvdisplay: root   cinestor-vg -wi-ao 51.66g and swap_1 cinestor-vg -wi-ao  4.00g18:25
Marble68Pancho-j2me: I don't know18:25
theverantI haven't tried to do anything with the RAID since I put in the new system drive18:25
RobinHood2013I'm unable to connect to Facebook via Empathy. The program says "Facebook account requires authorisation." I've tried modifying /usr/shar/accounts/providers/facebook.provider to use HTTPS, but that didn't work.18:26
theverantso it isn't mounted or anything, yet18:26
Marble68I can SSH to the WIFI IP address18:26
bekkstheverant: the pv, vg, lv you can see are not on the the disk viewed with parted.18:26
SachHaving trouble installing memtest to a usb.  Can someone help me through the instructions?  I'm confused by "As root type: dd if=memtest86-<ver>.usb.img of=dev where dev is the device the key is assigned to"18:26
theverantbekks: is there a solution to that?18:26
RobinHood2013Upon further research, I discovered that a patched version of package 'telepathy-gabble' would fix this issue, but I have no idea how to get the patched version. Can someone help me out here?18:26
bekkstheverant: To what?18:26
Strit@Marble68 you sure it's the wifi that's working and not just the ethernet?18:27
theverantsub not showing up in those displays18:27
theverantsub = sdb18:27
acuI have a series of .jpg images taken 4 frames per second, I want to make movie out of them, what can I use (easiest)18:27
reisioacu: mencoder18:27
Marble68Strit: Yes. If cable plugged in, I can reach both statically assigned IPs. I can SSH to them.18:27
bekkstheverant: You have to create a new pv, create a new vg / add the pv to the existing vg, create a new volume.18:27
acuriesio: do you have any example of what command I need to do ?18:27
reisioacu: ^18:27
theverantbekks - that process won't compromise the data, will it?18:28
bekkstheverant: Which data? On /dev/sdb ?18:28
bekkstheverant: Of course it will.18:28
Marble68Strit: Aha. you are right18:28
Marble68Strit: I did ping -I wlan0 and it fails18:28
theverantthat's why I'm asking :D18:28
Marble68ok. so this helps18:28
theverantis there a way to get it accessible without destroying the data?18:29
bekkstheverant: No.18:29
theverantso, even though the RAID is there and the partitions are okay the data is inaccessible?18:30
bekkstheverant: No. :)18:30
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bekkstheverant: If you want to access the data, mount the partition seen, and use your data.18:30
theverantI just can't use it in an iSCSI setup because it doesn't have the LV/VG info?18:31
Marble68Strit: So I can successfully do a iwlist wlan0 scan18:31
Marble68Strit: does that mean my drivers are loaded and I've just misconfigured something?18:31
bekkstheverant: The PV/VG/LV configuration is totally irrelevant to iSCSI.18:32
StritMarble68: Not sure. Might just mean that the system recognizes a wifi device.18:32
HouseLegendHello everyone, i'm having trouble with setting up 5.1. Basicly, i manage to get it working with "alsamixer" in terminal and setting ch from 2 on 6, after a reboot it goes back to 2... and after lock/logout as well. Any tips ?18:32
theverantokay - I'm missing something!  :D18:32
theverantI was using this guide http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_12.04&p=iscsi18:33
Marble68Strit: Ok. So it "sees" the wifi device and it can scan the available networks and list them - but that doesn't necessarily mean it has a driver loaded?18:33
theverantWhere I need to set up Lun 0 Path=/dev/vg_target00/lv_target00,Type=blockio18:33
bekkstheverant: Well, when going to share a LV using iSCSI, you need the LV to be existant...18:33
reisioHouseLegend: you should probably be utilizing pulseaudio18:33
theverantmaybe I didn't use LV18:33
FloodBot1theverant: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:34
HouseLegendreisio, can you give me some tips or a quick guide ?18:34
adzygod this is difficult to read on  a 1440p monitor18:34
arrunguys ubuntu's plymouth (graphical one) doesn't show  in virtual box18:34
reisioHouseLegend: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound18:34
arrunhow to make it work18:34
StritMarble68: good question. I'd think it has it loadet, but you just haven't connected to anything yet. I mean, it shows the available wifi networks, right?18:35
reisioarrun: might need to modify kernel modules loaded18:35
HouseLegendreisio, thanks i will check that out18:35
xtre_can samba be used to share from one linux machine to another ?18:35
Marble68Strit: yes18:35
adzyquestion: i have auto login enabled on my main account. when i login to an rdp session (xrdp), it starts a new session. any idea how to get it to load up the existing one?18:35
daftykinsxtre_: of course18:35
xtre_i am setting up ubuntu server as my main machine18:35
bekksxtre_: For sharing between linux hosts, better use NFS.18:35
Marble68I've removed the config from interfaces and I'm going to back out the wpa_suplicant configuration18:35
xtre_daftykins, great :)18:35
reisioadzy: use VNC instead, tigervnc18:35
arrunreisio: how to do that ?18:35
arrunreisio: what should I do for it?18:36
xtre_bekks, i have windows laptop so i need to use samba.18:36
bekksxtre_: No, you can still use NFS between the linux hosts.18:36
reisioarrun: I'd start by putting the output of lspci -n into the box at http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ and making sure all that it spits out is loaded18:36
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adzyreisio, will i need to install anything on my windows machine to access it through vnc? i was hoping to stick to rdp if possible18:36
reisioadzy: yeah tigervnc's viewer18:37
StritMarble68: Well, I'm stumped then. I'd say your drivers are installed, but it just can't connect.18:37
reisioadzy: sorry I'm not familiar with xrdp, but if it's possible to do simply, it'll be documented18:37
xtre_bekks, can i use samba and nfs side by side ? is that a good idea ?18:37
adzyreisio, okay, thanks, i'll give it a go18:37
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ilivbekks xtre_ NFS may not be the best option. It really depends. I actually have NFS *AND* SAMBA installed and configured, but I've been increasingly relying on SAMBA lately on the home LAN. Both have their pros and cons.18:37
reisioadzy: maybe something like for i in $(dpkg -L xrdp); do egrep -Hi 'existing|current|display|server' "$i"; done18:38
xtre_iliv, ok :)18:38
compdocadzy, are you sure auto login is the reason? I use x11rdp, and I get the same session each time as long as I dont log off. But I dont have  auto login set.18:38
xtre_i have heared that NFS is more cumbersome to configure and maintain. NFS 4 specifically.18:38
arrunguys ubuntu's plymouth (graphical one) doesn't show  in virtual box18:39
bekksxtre_: You can still use NFSv318:39
Marble68Strit: Thanks for the help anyway - at least I'm further than were I was18:39
adzyreisio, you completely lost me there. is that to search through the documents?18:39
StritMarble68. No problem. Not that much into Ubuntu yet myself. :)18:39
adzycompdoc, no idea. i'm assuming so, but i'm probably wrong. all i know is that if i connect a display directly to the ubuntu rig, i get one session, but when i login through xrdp i get a different one18:40
arrunguys ubuntu's plymouth (graphical one) doesn't show  in virtual box , how to make it run in vbox?18:40
reisioadzy: yup18:40
ilivxtre_ not entirely true, either. NFSv4 is configured pretty easily once you know the concepts and understand how software works. It's certainly not any more harder to configure than SAMBA is.18:40
Stritarrun: Why do you need it?18:40
compdocadzy, oh, thats normal. What you want is desktop sharing, which is the only whaty I know to see the same desktop as the console18:41
arrunStrit: to test18:41
xtre_iliv, ok checking out documentation once again than..18:42
Stritarrun: As I understand Plymouth is just the splash screen. It's not there for more than a second at my end either (without vbox)18:42
adzycompdoc, and I'm going to guess using vnc is the way to do that then?18:42
ilivxtre_ you will probably have to install and configure both to make up your mind18:42
ilivxtre_: btw they can coexist just fine18:42
compdocadzy, Ubuntu come with Vino for that purpose, and you connect with a vnc client to session 590018:43
ilivxtre_: so, you could start with whatever seems more friendly/easier to do, and then when're you're all set up and comfortable discover and play with the other18:43
xtre_iliv, that's really a great idea :D18:43
LartzaHow do I set my locale?18:43
adzycompdoc, thanks18:44
=== adzy is now known as adzy-afk
ilivxtre_: I recommend that you try out 'usershare' type of shares with SAMBA. They're extremely user-friendly, although proper instructions maybe a bit hard to find. Trust me on this one, though, you'll love them. Why? Normal users (UID>1000) can create and destroy new share without needing root access or restart of SAMBA service. With NFS you'll have to be able to re-export /etc/exports which usually translates to root level access (via sudo or directly root accou18:47
arrunguys ubuntu's plymouth (graphical one) doesn't show  in virtual box , how to make it run in vbox?18:48
xtre_iliv, seems interesting...18:48
xtre_iliv, ubuntu community as well as official documentation would be good source to start right ?18:50
ilivxtre_: probably, I'm not exactly an Ubuntu person. I just happend to be here today lol18:53
xtre_iliv, then i was lucky to be here today :D18:53
ilivxtre_: who knows, maybe it is me :D18:53
thecodethinkerI made a .desktop shortcut for gvim and set Terminal to true. As far as my understanding goes, it acts like vim was run from a terminal emulator... is there anyway for me to make it act like it was launched from a login shell instead of a normal one?18:54
xtre_iliv, generally where do you hang out ?18:54
reisiothecodethinker: instead of wha?18:54
ilivxtre_: #English #archlinux etc18:54
blueopcwich distro is better for gaming ubuntu or opensuse?18:54
xtre_iliv, cool :D18:54
thecodethinkerreisio: instead of not login shell18:54
ilivxtre_: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/net.8.html find USERSHARE section18:55
ilivxtre_: and this in particular was very helpful http://www.swerdna.net.au/suseusershares.html18:56
reisiothecodethinker: not following :)18:56
thecodethinkerreisio: do you know what a login shell is?18:56
reisiothecodethinker: mmhmmm18:56
ilivxtre_: it seems to have been taken down, here's the backup (thanks to the Internet Archive!) http://web.archive.org/web/20130409021149/http://swerdna.net.au/suseusershares.html18:56
xtre_iliv, this are really useful links...18:56
thecodethinkerreisio: by chance, do you know what rvm is?18:57
xtre_2 nd link is still opening..18:57
arrunguys ubuntu's plymouth (graphical one) doesn't show  in virtual box , how to make it run in vbox?18:57
xtre_iliv, :)18:57
thecodethinkerreisio: I made a shortcut for gvim to put in that ubuntu sidebar.18:57
reisiothecodethinker: few things called rvm, I'm not familiar with any of them18:57
reisiothecodethinker: okay...18:57
thecodethinkerreisio: I need it to run in a login shell though. When I run the shortcut... it runs through a normal shell18:58
reisiothecodethinker: what's the difference?18:58
wilee-nileearrun, vbox has its own drivers basically.18:58
thecodethinkerreisio: I'm using this thing rvm (ruby version manager) and it needs to run in a login shell18:58
reisioah that one18:58
agresterHello, running 12.04 LTS and often have errors and corrupted downloads/packages, this is affecting system stability, I ran memtest86+ once and it returned some memory errors, but I ran the test again and all sticks have passed the second time around.  What can I do to detect the memory errors and next what can I do to fix the corrupted software?18:58
thecodethinkeragrester: run prime9518:59
wilee-nileearrun, There is a #vbox channel id needed.18:59
ilivagrester: run it again, seriously18:59
reisiothecodethinker: can you not just source the same things from your script/.desktop?18:59
reisiothecodethinker: or use su -, or sudo18:59
agresterthecodethinker, iliv, how do I run prime95?18:59
thecodethinkerreisio: no no. it's not a permission issue. it's the way rvm works18:59
reisiowhat's the error?18:59
stephenhhello, is there any mirror that still host hardy for net install ?19:00
thecodethinkerreisio: You need to change your terminal preferences to allow login shell. -_-19:01
stephenhhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ and other mirrors i've looked at don't seem to have it19:01
PocketDogListening to any Prince album recorded since 1991 without turning it off, bored, is the new Fruit Pastille challenge19:01
thecodethinkerreisio: I know I need login shell. I just don't know how to get a .desktop to run a program in a login shell19:01
PocketDogoops, wrong channel.19:01
thecodethinkerPocketDog: lol19:01
wilee-nileePocketDog, you are correct.19:01
thecodethinkerreisio: I'll just write a script I guess :(19:02
reisiothecodethinker: maybe ask #rvm19:02
stephenhreisio: awesome, just came across that thanks ;)  does this mean i'm mounting the iso and hosting on my own webserver somewhere?19:02
thecodethinkerreisio: it has nothing to do with rvm.... rvm is working19:02
thecodethinkerI need to run a login shell from a .desktop file19:02
kalibHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 13.04 with postgres 9.0. How can I upgrade my postgres to 9.2? IS there any link with steps? Or any tip?19:02
reisiothecodethinker: you mentioned it :p19:02
reisiothecodethinker: why?19:02
thecodethinkerreisio: yeah to give context19:02
reisiocontext that is irrelevant to the point of #rvm being useless? :p19:02
reisiostephenh: hrmm?19:03
thecodethinkerrvm doesn't help with .deskt- nvm... this channel is rarely hepful with anything beyond basics -_-19:03
stephenhreisio: i'm looking to do a netinstall if possible, rather than install from ISO19:03
reisiostephenh: right19:04
reisiostephenh: they call them minimal images now19:04
reisiostephenh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:04
agresteriliv - how many times should I run memtest86+ before I can 99% call the stick good?19:04
reisiominimal cd, even19:04
stephenhreisio: ah right, sorry.. terminology wrong i guess19:04
stephenhreisio: i want to install from a mirror, but old-releases just seems to have ISOs unless i'm being blind19:05
reisiostephenh: you need that old version for some reason?19:05
stephenhreisio: i'll mount the ISO on a webserver and update my preseed19:05
stephenhreisio: yea, bunch of in house packages are built for hardy, we're stretched for time19:05
stephenhit's easier to rebuild hardy boxes than to rebuild all the packages at this time19:06
reisioseems like maybe you let that go a little too long19:06
stephenhand then post migration revisit upgrading to precise19:06
stephenhindeed ..19:06
stephenhbut, can't do anything about it now, so looking for a hardy mirror..19:07
reisio'fraid I know nothing about that :) someone else will19:07
stephenhcurious how recently it was removed as i'm sure a colleague was able to install hardy from a mirror recently19:07
reisioI only know where the install images are19:07
reisiommm, well there are lots of mirrors19:07
stephenhnot a train smash, been a super help !   at least i've got an iso - i can sort the rest :)19:07
reisioprobably some are still going19:07
reisioas to how to find them :p19:07
stephenhwell that's the trick.. tracking them down :P19:07
ilivagrester: so far it's not clear whether it is memory or not. I'd run at least 3 times, better five just to see some consistency. Also, faulty PSU can cause very weird behavior so don't rule it out as well. Borrow one from a friend and try it out for a day (if you cocnlude memory is OK).19:08
stephenhfound one!  thanks a lot :)19:09
lovelymortalhi everyone. im having a bit of trouble with conky. i want to display all of the data units in Mb etc intead of Mib19:10
agresteriliv, strange everything seems fine so far, but that first test I did with all the sticks at once returned errors...19:10
ilivagrester: usually, you don't need to wait until the test is over. if memory is faulty, it shows pretty fast (anything over 30 minutes is probably going to mean your memory is doing fine)19:10
ilivagrester: did you try to test memory bars one by one?19:11
ilivassuming you have more than one19:11
imMuteso I ahve a 12.04 server with a couple users that log in via XDMCP.  yesterday, it seems the xdmcp server (lightdm?) stopped working - the screen loads, and the mouse moves but nothing can be clicked on.  top shows the X process under lightdm is at 100% CPU.  tried googling a cause/solution but havn't found anything yet.  anyone else notice this?19:11
Stritlovelymortal: actually it is, it's just another way of displaying MB's.19:12
agresteriliv, yes that's what I've been doing and the strange thing is that the first test I ever did involved all 4 sticks in at once and then I saw errors, the sticks seem good when tested by themselves19:13
lovelymortal1024kib=1mib 1000kb=1mb19:13
StritAh. my mistake then19:13
ilivagrester: try them all at once one more time and see if it errors or not19:13
lovelymortalits fine i just want it to display mb instead19:14
StritNo idea how to do that. Want that myself. :)19:14
lovelymortallets try to find a solution then19:15
lovelymortalformat_human_readable no     it will put it all in bits19:17
lovelymortalmaybe its something to do with this tho19:18
lovelymortalyou can use19:19
lovelymortalshort_units yes   to only get m,k,g,t,p,etc but its still mib not mb19:19
Mondayi have ubuntu installed, can i install windows on dual boot?19:20
brundyhello première connection IRC, just help ? Thanks19:21
cowbaconMonday: yes19:21
ilivMonday: no, we do not give you our permission to do so19:21
ilivcowbacon: please, stop lying19:21
BluesKaj!dualboot | Monday19:21
ubottuMonday: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:21
cowbaconleave the channel iliv if you're just gonna be trolling19:22
ilivcowbacon: since when humor equals trolling?19:22
BluesKajwhat humour19:22
ilivBluesKaj: what? you can't see it when there's no smiley face on the line?19:23
cowbaconthis is a support channel, by claiming that im lying when im answering a persons question is neither helpful, funny or wanted in this channel19:23
Stritlovelymortal, well, let me know if you find something. So far I'll just take the MiB version. :)19:23
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ilivcowbacon: I mean.. *sigh*19:23
ilivcowbacon: and hey, I've been helpful, can't I mess around a bit now?19:24
imMuteso I ahve a 12.04 server with a couple users that log in via XDMCP.  yesterday, it seems the xdmcp server (lightdm?) stopped working - the screen loads, and the mouse moves but nothing can be clicked on.  top shows the X process under lightdm is at 100% CPU.  tried googling a cause/solution but havn't found anything that fixes it yet.  Also tried GDM, which lets me in on the VT but XDMCP doesn't show anything (just stays that random ga19:24
kalibHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 13.04 with postgres 9.0. How can I upgrade my postgres to 9.2? IS there any link with steps? Or any tip?19:24
agresteriliv, are there any alternative memory test suites?19:25
BluesKajiliv, go mess around in #ubuntu-offtopic19:26
ilivBluesKaj: I love you dude19:26
ilivcowbacon: you too!19:26
Stritkalib, This might help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/186610/how-do-i-upgrade-to-postgres-9-219:26
morfeo_81hi there!!! How can I play dvd on ubuntu 12.04...I have buy new video but I'm not able to see19:26
BluesKaj<--not a dude . iliv ...I'm old19:27
imMuteinteresting.  switched back to lightdm, and it stays frozen at the login screen - mouse moves but clicking does nothing.  if I then use the arrow keys to move the list up or down, it suddenly starts working19:27
ilivBluesKaj: I still love you old dude ;D19:27
Inquisitiveanyone feel like playing help the noob?19:27
wilee-nilee!anyone | Inquisitive19:28
ubottuInquisitive: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:28
BluesKajInquisitive, ask your question and we'll try to help19:28
morfeo_81I have this error Playback failure:DVDRead could not read block 70.19:28
kalibStrit: thanks19:28
Stritkalib, np mate19:28
Inquisitivemy audio is broke19:28
Inquisitiveit started out just being just VLC but now it even affects my browser19:28
Inquisitivelittle bro said it could be something like my drivers19:29
BluesKajInquisitive, is this a new install?19:29
Inquisitiveno it's been lie 9 months now19:29
Inquisitiveit was a "joke"19:29
BluesKajhave you updated / upgraded lately , Inquisitive ?19:30
InquisitiveI downloades Batman 1989 and that is when it started19:30
theverantthanks for your help Bekk.  The archive is alive again19:30
BluesKajbatman has nothing to do with it :)19:30
theverant12TB of student films saved! :D19:30
Inquisitivewell there is my update manager but I take care of it regularly19:31
BluesKajok , Inquisitive run aplay -l in the terminal and pastebin the output19:31
morfeo_81I have this error Playback failure:DVDRead could not read block 70.19:31
theverantthanks for your help Bekks.  The archive is alive again19:31
BluesKaj!pastebin | Inquisitive19:31
ubottuInquisitive: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:31
MondayBluesKaj so basically i have to make a partition in ubuntu then install windows on that partition, then to get grub i need to use a liveCD or something?19:32
bekkstheverant: you're welcome :)19:32
kalibis there a way to search for a package on apt-get but filter only to installed packages?19:32
kalibfor example..19:32
imMutedouble interesting: a recently added user has a space in his display name.  removing the space = hunky dory.19:32
theverantthat was a harrowing couple of days19:32
kalibapt-cache gimp (but show me only gimp packages installed?19:32
BluesKajMonday, basically , yes19:32
Mondayi hate grub, i always have problems with it19:33
Inquisitivehere is the pastebin url: http://pastebin.com/f6GpJbMs19:35
BluesKajMonday, once on the live cd , run sudo os-prober , then sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , X being the windows  partition assigned letter , most likely sda19:35
Inquisitivedid I do it right19:35
BluesKajInquisitive, ok , in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , if it loads properly there will be no out put from that command , you'll probly need to reboot to make it stick19:37
morfeo_81Hi!! I have buy sme dvd and are not enabled to play with ubuntu12.04 vlc. Ihave installed allpackege19:37
morfeo_81someone have ana udea how to resolve?19:37
Stritmorfeo_81, including dvdlibread4?19:37
bleutylerwhere do I go for help with ubuntuforums.org?  my account seems to be disabled, and I am not able to use the "contact us" page19:38
wilee-nileeMonday, Many use the bootrepair app it has a auto generate of the bootinfo summary be sure to keep the generated url to post if you have troubles. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  One can doo all this from a cli on alive cd, or use supergrub to boot in and do the grub bootloader reload from the desktop.19:38
morfeo_81Strit, Ihave just included19:38
BluesKajMonday,, another alternative is grub-repair19:38
wilee-nileebleutyler, Try the #ubuntu-forums channel19:38
Stritmorfeo_81, and restricted-extras?19:38
BluesKaj!grub-repair | Monday19:38
bleutylerwilee-nilee thank you19:38
brundybsr, channel en français please ?19:39
BluesKaj!info grub-repair19:39
ubottuPackage grub-repair does not exist in raring19:39
wilee-nileebleutyler, No problem they can direct you generally19:39
BluesKajbrundy, /join #ubuntu-fr19:39
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InquisitiveBluesKaj just did it so now shut down and restart?19:39
BluesKajjust reboot , Inquisitive19:40
lorddunehi, can someone please help me with a "missing final newline" error while trying to do updates?19:40
brundymerci, bye19:40
morfeo_81Strit, I did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089496/19:40
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, There is a bot thankg I never remember it for the bot repair its in the grub info though19:40
Inquisitiveok i'll be back19:40
Stritmorfeo_81, try the restricted-extras aswell. That worked for me.19:41
lorddunehi, can someone please help me with a "missing final newline" error while trying to do updates? I have tried every method I found online but cannot seem to make the problem go away.19:41
BluesKajMonday, sorry it's called boot-repair doh!19:41
BluesKajwhat's happened to the factoids19:42
morfeo_81Strit, sudo apt-get install restricted-extras19:42
morfeo_81Strit, ?19:42
ilivalrighty, signig off19:42
ilivhave fun guys19:42
ilivBluesKaj: and cowbacon especially you two :P19:42
ilivpeace out19:42
morfeo_81Strit, It is the new one.. any other idea19:43
Stritmorfeo_81, No idea why it won't play DVD's then. Sorry19:44
agresteriliv, codethink, I need an alternative tester because it's passing every single time, even with all the dimms in, it only gave a negative result once...19:45
InquisitiveI'm back19:45
Inquisitivewatching the new Riddick19:45
morfeo_81Someone else have any idea ..how to resolve?19:46
InquisitiveSo what was the CMD I just entered and where should I start learning all of the sudo and terminal commands...19:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:48
BluesKajInquisitive, you loaded the kernel driver for your soundcard , witht hat command19:48
InquisitiveOh driver so my little bro was right 5 min no glitches so far so thank you19:49
BluesKajsometimes after updates to the system , especially media , the drivers are disabled to let the  updates/upgrades install properly, Inquisitive19:50
BluesKajnot after but during , rather19:51
Inquisitiveso I have to tell them to turn back on...19:51
BluesKajyes , sometimes :)19:51
Inquisitivewell this time it was a bug hidden a torrent file19:51
lorddunehi, can someone please help me with a "missing final newline" error while trying to do updates? I have tried every method I found online but cannot seem to make the problem go away.19:52
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Inquisitivethere was a comment that was bitching about the same problem I was having they called him a noob because it took him over 24 hours to fix19:52
BluesKajno , if you've been doing updates regularly with the update manager , which is the same as doing them in the terminal then the drivers cab become disabled19:53
Inquisitiveso It is not going to upset people if I come here with easy to answer Ubuntu questions19:54
Inquisitiveand my linux using friends recommend switching to Kali is it good or better than mu Ubuntu19:54
SonikkuAmericaInquisitive: I doubt we'll yell at you, ask up! :)19:55
BluesKajInquisitive in a word , yes , even difficult question19:55
Inquisitivethey said it is not that hard to back up or even carry over my data with a new OS install since they are both linux19:55
SonikkuAmericaInquisitive: Just ask your question and we'll help. This isn't the mafia.19:56
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Inquisitivewell before I changed my nick I did irritate some with non Ubuntu specific questions19:56
bonescan some one help me19:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:57
SonikkuAmericaInquisitive: Correct. Those are offtopic, we use #ubuntu-offtopic for them.19:57
LarsNInquisitive: most of the Ubuntu community has pledged NOT to be jerks. (simplified) http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct19:57
SonikkuAmericaInquisitive: And for guessing who'll win the next football game.19:57
Inquisitivelike hey thats not what this forum is for and 1337 speaking experts are kinda intimidating19:57
garheadeoops... sorry19:57
boneshow you make netflix work19:57
auronandace!netflix | bones19:58
ubottubones: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop19:58
LarsNInquisitive: also, regarding Kali linux vs Ubuntu.  they are both linux.  they are both based on Debian.  However they are designed to fill very very different roles.19:58
blazemoreInquisitive: Let's talk about Kali, Ubuntu etc in #ubuntu-offtopic19:58
LarsNInquisitive: Kali is something I use as a tool while at work performing certain tasks.  Ubuntu is what I use to do 99.95% of my day to day computing and work.19:58
lorddunehi, can someone please help me with a "missing final newline" error while trying to do updates? I have tried every method I found online but cannot seem to make the problem go away.19:58
blazemorelorddune: Can you please put the full exact error message, and the command you ran to produce it, on http://paste.ubuntu.com19:59
SonikkuAmericalorddune: I assume this is while running [ sudo apt-get update ]? (Follow blazemore's instructions)19:59
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: Yes, and I have tried to install using synaptic, update manager, and the old school terminal methods. All fail.20:00
micah_chattI"m running 12.04 on an EC2 machine, kernel 3.2, and when I apt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-30-generic linux-headers-3.8.0-30-generic and reboot.... my kernel version is still at 3.2, any ideas?20:00
InquisitiveSo any recommendations on self teaching myself the in's and outs of terminal and the sudo and other commands plz do not say check out youtube20:00
SonikkuAmerica!pastebin | lorddune: So go ahead and pastebin the output of [ sudo apt-get update ]20:01
auronandace!terminal | Inquisitive20:01
ubottulorddune: So go ahead and pastebin the output of [ sudo apt-get update ]: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:01
ubottuInquisitive: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:01
kostkonbones, also there is pipelight http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/pipelight-use-silverlight-in-your-linux.html20:01
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I've tried every method other than deleting the corrupt files themself and reinstalling them. Am looking for someone to help me through that process.20:01
LarsNmicah_chatt: does the grub bootloader display the new 3.8 kernel in addition to the 3.2 kernel?20:01
LarsNmicah_chatt: it could be as simple as changing which kernel grub boots by default.20:02
SonikkuAmericalorddune: We won't know what the issue is until you follow my instructions above. Run [ sudo apt-get update ], select what displays, then hit Ctrl+Shift+C and paste it into the text window at http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:03
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: no need to paste the entire thing, it's always the same error: (Reading database ... 45%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:  files list file for package 'compiz-plugins' is missing final newline E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)20:03
SonikkuAmericalorddune: OK.20:03
SonikkuAmericaOne second.20:03
BluesKajInquisitive, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:03
micah_chattLarsN where might I find that? I'll pastebin part of my syslog20:03
Inquisitivewell for all intents and purposes it seems to have worked so thanks guys20:03
agresterQuestion:  If I a power supply PSU is underpowered for the total wattage of the machine it's in could this cause hardware issues like errors and memory errors?20:04
BluesKajInquisitive, there is one more thing20:04
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Any additional information directly above the "E:" line that would be helpful?20:04
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I don't get the error message until it actually tries to install. Fetching the files isn't the problem.20:04
=== Venomen`off is now known as Venomen
micah_chattLarsN: http://pastebin.com/EX1ycfwX20:04
SonikkuAmericalorddune: What does [ sudo dpkg --configure -a ] do for you?20:05
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: nothing at all20:05
Inquisitivefuck it just died again but it went longer than usual [Expletive Deleted]20:05
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: -f doesnt do anything either20:05
IdleOneno it wasn't and please don't curse in here20:05
SonikkuAmericalorddune: OK, one moment20:06
Inquisitivemy head phones will still work it just kills the speakers for EVERYTHING20:06
LarsNmicah_chatt: do you see the 3.8 kernel and bits in /boot ?20:06
Inquisitivethe comments on TPB made it seem like it would be a simple fix20:07
micah_chattLarsN: yes http://pastebin.com/wyKnFFaQ20:07
BluesKajInquisitive, alt+F2 , then , gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , then copy and paste this line to the bottom of the file , options snd-hda-intel index=0 ,   and save the file .20:07
Inquisitiveand I saved that page20:07
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Try running the commands in succession: [ cd /var/lib/dpkg/info ], [ mv -f compiz-plugins* /tmp/ ], [ dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-plugins*.deb ]20:07
=== Maple__ is now known as fu
LarsNmicah_chatt: chances are you will need to change /etc/defaults/grub (specifically the GRUB_DEFAULT= ) line but I don't know how to quickly determine which one you want.20:08
=== fu is now known as Maple__
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I even tried to use the script I found at this bug report http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131979120:08
BluesKajyup , it still works20:08
LarsNmicah_chatt: I "THINK" you are going to want to replace 0 with 1 or 2 in /etc/defaults/grub.20:08
micah_chattLarsN: hmm no file at /etc/defaults/grub20:08
SonikkuAmericalorddune: In the 3rd command, substitute compiz-plugins with the file you're actually trying to install.20:09
LarsNmicah_chatt: this is what I get for being on 13.04.  it's not the same. :/20:09
LarsNmicah_chatt: hmmm...20:09
micah_chattahh etc/default20:09
micah_chattnot defaults20:09
LarsNmy bad.20:09
BluesKajInquisitive, gksudo is used when opening a gui with permissions20:09
LarsNchalk it up to LarsN is almost completely stupid.20:09
Inquisitiveso enter the cmd not in terminal but with alt f220:10
BluesKajyes Inquisitive that's called the run command20:10
micah_chattLarsn: not at all, you've gotten me in at least the right direction20:10
BluesKajyou can also cll it with a right click on the desktop and dialog will give the option there20:11
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089622/20:11
micah_chattLarsn: in my  /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:11
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I've no idea what file I am trying to replace.20:11
LarsNmicah_chatt: I'm not certain, but I believe with grub2 large parts of those files are dynamically generated.20:11
SonikkuAmericalorddune: What are you trying to install?20:12
LarsNwhich is to say when you update, or replace a kernel, manual changes are likely to be overwritten.  hence the /etc/default/grub config.20:12
LarsNmicah_chatt: but again I'm not entirely sure.20:12
micah_chattLarsN: that makes sense, my grub is at 1.9920:12
kostkonlorddune, apt-cache policy compiz-plugins-main20:13
LarsNmicah_chatt: iirc, that's considered grub220:13
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: i don't know, i ran the programs you told me to.20:13
micah_chattAh thanks20:13
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Oh, right, we're trying to apt-get update. Wow. Swing and a miss, strike 1.20:13
micah_chattLarsN: but in that dynamically configured file, I do see 3.8 and 3.2 below it20:13
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Run [ sudo apt-get clean && cd /var/lib/apt && sudo mv lists lists.old && sudo mkdir -p lists/partial && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update ]20:14
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: yeah, I would delete the corrupted file myself but I cannot figure out how to do that20:14
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I've run all those previuously actually20:15
LarsNmicah_chatt: what's the GRUB_DEFAULT= in /etc/default/grub?20:15
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: but running again for kicks & giggles20:15
micah_chattLarsN: its 020:15
LarsNmicah_chatt: hmmm.  if the 3.8 kernel is first in the list it should be booting then.20:16
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: hmm it's still running.......a light at the end of the tunnel perhaps20:16
LarsNif it's second in the list, change the default to 1.20:16
LarsNand so on.20:16
Aque0sHello, can I use $PATH in /etc/environment?20:16
micah_chatthmm, 3.8 is first20:16
micah_chattbut i'll try changin that to 1 and see what happens20:16
Aque0sI'd like to do something like this: $ echo 'PATH=$PATH:/home/meteor/.nvm/v0.8.24/bin' >> /etc/environment20:16
tutakif i need to install software for 11.10 and i have a choice between 10.04 and 12.04 which one should i choose?20:17
tutakwould they work?20:17
tutaksoftware meant for 10.04 or 12.0420:17
Luyintutak: use 12.04, it's up to date and longer supported.20:17
SonikkuAmericatutak: You'll need 12.04 LTS now, unless you're running a server (and why you use 10.04 on a server these days anyway?)20:18
tutakLuyin, i have 11.10. i need to install some software which is only available for 11.04 and 12.04 versions would they work on my machine?20:18
LarsNSonikkuAmerica: I'm not defending running old software, but there are many examples of why someone might still be running older versions.20:19
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: to give you a bit of background, i've had real bad problems with I/O so had only been doing updates manually20:19
LarsNtop of mind would be older versions of large, complex, packages that aren't easily updated without downtime for $Lots of customers.20:20
tutakI know i need to upgrade, but am kinda at the wrong place and wrong time for having to start the whole process and take care of any bugs i might encounter20:20
SonikkuAmericaLarsN: True enough (10.04 server is still supported) but security issues are the main concern.20:21
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: OK it finally finished, now what?20:21
SonikkuAmericalorddune: No errors?20:21
SonikkuAmericalorddune: If not, run [ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ], run Synaptic and upgrade, or run the Update Manager again.20:22
tutaklet me rephrase, can software designed for 11.04 or 12.04 be used on 11.10?20:23
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:23
ThePendulumWho helped me with the school network wifi problem earlier?20:23
Benkinoobytutak: depends. some programs require specififc versions of other programs to work20:24
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Do you know which ones? (Can you pastebin the [ sudo apt-get update ] output again?)20:24
Benkinoobytutak: but since the versions you mentioned are similar, your chances are good20:24
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: Can't say, but what's up?20:25
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6089682/20:25
tutakBenkinooby, i need to install mysql server's benchwork and they are available in only these two flavours :( which one would be a better choice? 12.04 or 10.04?20:25
tutakworkbench sorry :D20:25
Fuduswhichever version you are on?20:26
SonikkuAmericalorddune: What flavor and release is this again?20:26
Benkinoobytutak: hm - i have no real experience with that. but better go with the one for 11.0420:26
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Well, simply said, my laptop, when running Ubuntu, can't connect to the WAPs at our school. Windows? No issue. Home WAP? No issues.20:26
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: It keeps asking me for authentication20:27
SonikkuAmericaI've heard of this... What encryption does it use?20:27
Benkinoobytutak: well - i get several hits on google your questionn20:27
tutakok.. thanks20:27
ThePendulumSomeone send me a script while I was on the laptop in an SSH session20:27
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: 12.04 LTS, but I am ready to do a clean install soon. I've had I/O issues ever since I updated to 12.04 from 1120:27
Benkinoobytutak: seems like others had the same question - read what they are writing. let me skim through it for a secx20:28
SonikkuAmericalorddune: I would recommend a reinstall of 12.04 at this point; things can get messy.20:28
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I am doing as instructed by the command output and running apt-get -f install, it's still running20:28
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Unless you want to work to repair the current install.20:28
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Ubuntu 12.04 btw20:28
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Good.20:28
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: (Ubuntu 13.04 having the same issue)20:28
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: You never answered my question: What encryption (WEP, WPA/WPA2) is the network using?20:29
FudusThePendulum: sounds like licensing fun with encrypted drivers20:29
Benkinoobytutak: did you check if workbench is in your repos?20:29
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Oh, I completely missed that question20:29
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: I think WPA/WPA2, let me check if my laptop remembered it20:30
tutaklemme recheck20:30
Fudussome default firmware has encrypted wireless disabled because of patents/licensing blah, so you need to go to the hardware provider's site and compile it yourself with it enabled20:30
Benkinoobytutak: hm, maybe it got introduced with 12.X20:30
ThePendulumFudus: I have no idea what the hardware is :/20:30
Fudusapple and microsoft pay up for you which is why it is enabled, same with avc/dvd playback20:31
Benkinoobytutak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MySqlWorkBench20:31
jamiejacksonhi folks. i'm trying to move /usr to another partition. i went into a livecd, copied files from /usr to the partition (cp -rv), changed fstab, rebooted. now i get the following when trying to sudo: "sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?"20:31
Fudus(and why canonical doesn't have it enabled by default in ubuntu)20:31
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: WPA & WPA2 Enterprise20:31
Benkinoobytutak: take care - there seems to be a bug!20:32
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: And you know the login and password?20:32
jamiejacksonis there a simple fix? is this even possible to move /usr?20:32
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Well, yes, it works on Windows20:32
Ben64jamestunnicliffe: you didn't keep all the permissions on the files20:32
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: You do have the latest version of wpa-supplicant?20:32
SonikkuAmerica!info wpa-supplicant20:33
ubottuPackage wpa-supplicant does not exist in raring20:33
Benkinoobytutak: on that site they show you also the patch for the bug - in case you encounter it20:33
SonikkuAmericaOr whatever it's called20:33
jamiejacksonBen64: i think you meant me. what's the best way to keep the permissions?20:33
Fudusforgot the command to see the brand of 802.11 card20:33
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ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: In doesn't work in either U12.04 or 13.04, and I assume 13.04 has the latest version?20:33
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: My home network also has WPA & WPA2 (Personal)20:33
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: Well I got pwned - it doesn't exist anymore... one second20:33
jamiejacksonwait, sorry, i did use "cp -rv cp -rv --preserve=all", Benkinooby20:34
Benkinoobytutak: you can also go for the PPA20:34
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: Not sure what it did, going to run Update Manager first and see what happens next.20:34
jamiejackson(ignore one of those "cp -rv")20:34
tutakBenkinooby, great find! i'm on it... thanks20:34
Fuduslspci|grep "Network controller:"20:34
lmatI created a user that uses the rssh shell. I turned on scp and sftp. He's using cyber duck and can see all the files on the system. What should I do to ensure that he can only see the correct files ?20:34
Benkinoobytutak: may the google-foo be with you ;) http://askubuntu.com/questions/45115/how-to-install-mysql-workbench20:34
Fudusone will be the 802.11 and the other ethernet20:34
Benkinoobytutak: but also be a bit careful - PPAs can be a pain in the a** to remove20:35
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: Realtek chip by any chance?20:35
Ben64jamiejackson: well check permissions on /usr/bin/sudo on both locations20:35
wizard_Ahow do i enable intranet settings for my /opt/lampp, so that local network nodes can access my webpages.20:35
lmatFor instance, there are files that I own that are   rw------- that he is seeing.20:35
SonikkuAmerica!ppa-purge | Benkinooby , tutak20:35
ubottuBenkinooby , tutak: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:35
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Well, COULD be, but it also could not be. Is there a way to check?20:35
tutakok :D20:35
Benkinoobytutak: there is a package or PPAs, don't know anymore, that is made to make removal of PPAs easier20:35
Benkinoobytutak: oh, SonikkuAmerica got it ;)20:35
FudusThePendulum: lspci|grep "Network controller:" what brand is it?20:36
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jamiejacksonBen64: both yeild the same: "-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root"20:36
AcidRain2012can i scan a network without being on it?20:36
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: [ sudo lshw -C ]20:36
Benkinoobytutak: if your system is important and you don't want to mess with it - use a virtual machine20:36
Benkinoobyfor testing20:36
AcidRain2012like for example: to find out how many machines are on a network20:36
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I was having problems with constant journaling and wrote a small script to stop from doing that nonstop. Was 6 months ago. Any way that could have caused my problems?20:36
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: Fudus has it20:36
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Ben64jamiejackson: then i'm not sure what the problem would be20:37
SonikkuAmericalorddune: That's what ext4 does, journal. :) I would doubt it.20:37
ThePendulumFudus, SonikkuAmerica: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 135 (rev c4)20:37
tutakit is all good for experimenting :D20:37
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: it got to the point where md checksum was going so out of control it was almost frying my boards the journaling was so incessant.20:38
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Wow.20:38
jamiejacksonBen64: this might be a dumb question, but the livecd root user that i copied with. is it possible that it's a *different* root than on my real system, or that the sticky bit is associated with the livecd root, or some junk like that? (I'm just making this up.)20:38
Benkinoobytutak: well then, ... good luck!20:38
Ben64jamiejackson: nah, root is always uid 020:38
jamiejacksonarg, oh well, thanks Ben6420:39
pinkman_How can I open udev.conf located in /etc/udev as root to edit de file?20:39
Ben64jamiejackson: but if i were you, i'd use rsync to copy it20:39
pinkman_I tried trought terminal but it didn't work20:39
jamiejacksonBen64: that was the first way i tried it. :-/20:40
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: I saw many other instances of the same problem online, but never found a true solution to the problem. It seems maybe the cause was possibly a chipset conflict with the Linux kernal software20:40
iirelu2so today has been "mess ubuntu up" day apparently: first i tried to install nvidia 325.xx drivers and messed up xorg, then i managed to fix that but then i was left with a completely messed up unity. at first unity itself with the dash etc was missing, and then once i fixed that everything else sort of fell apart20:40
Fudushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpasupplicant/+bug/969343 looks like known bug?20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969343 in wpa_supplicant "Unable to connect to WPA enterprise wireless" [Medium,In progress]20:40
ThePendulumSonikkuAmerica: Does that information mean anything to you?20:40
iirelu2on my main account, none of the windows have borders and many things arent working at all, but on other accounts its completely fine20:41
SonikkuAmericaThePendulum: I can't say... never had to troubleshoot a Centrino WiFi card20:41
Fudusand ubottu proves the bug is still alive :P20:41
SonikkuAmericalorddune: You might try 13.04 (or 13.10 next month) as well, if you don't mind the six-month release upgrading20:41
iirelu2ive tried searching around askubuntu and everything else for half an hour, nothing20:41
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: this is one of those goofy HP machines that forces the hardrive to comply with the hardrive they try to sell you for a fortune. I ended up migrating to Linux when that happened I was so ticked off.20:41
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Then stick with 14.0420:41
jamiejacksonBen64: would "sudo rsync -aXS" be correct?20:42
FudusThePendulum:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpasupplicant/+bug/969343/comments/21 might help20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969343 in wpa_supplicant "Unable to connect to WPA enterprise wireless" [Medium,In progress]20:42
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Blah. Sounds like fun.20:42
lorddunei'm not afraid to try something new, i like fiddling around with Linux20:42
micah_chattLarsN: retried with GRUB_DEFAULT=1 and still no dice20:43
micah_chattLarsN: I should just rebuild my AMI with the 3.8 kernel20:43
micah_chattit would be less work20:43
Ben64jamiejackson: should work20:43
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: yeah, it was fun as heck, but frustrating. HP uses some sort of proprietery software on their root to reinstall the OS after a hardrive failure. They want you to buy the HD from them for like 800 dollars20:43
pinkman_how do I open /etc/udev/udev.conf as root in terminal to edit the file in gedit?20:44
ThePendulumFudus: I'll try that, thanks20:44
Ben64pinkman_: gksudo gedit /etc/udev/udev.conf20:44
SonikkuAmericalorddune: Sounds like hell on earth. HP is becoming the new Dell anyways. But give 13.04 a try: ubottu.com/y/dl20:44
jamesd_any python developers around, i'm looking for a link to get snmp working with the modules that are being shipped with ubuntu20:44
lordduneSonikkuAmerica: if you don't buy their hardrive, they have a piece of software that supposedly stamps the HD you want to use with their root software. But the only thing true about that piece of software was that it was a piece.20:45
updjamesd_ try #python ?20:45
jamesd_upd: i am there... but since its related to software the distro is shipping they love sending me to the distros channel20:45
pinkman_Ben64: thanks it work... what does this gksudo means?20:46
SonikkuAmericalorddune: We're getting a little !ot here. I need to switch to Windows, hang on.20:46
updjamesd_ then tell what your problem is20:46
Ben64!gksudo | pinkman_20:46
ubottupinkman_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:46
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lordduneSonikkuAmerica: yeah this is a dell/HP machine, it's not that old. I got it for next to nothing (125 bucks) for a real fast machine and upgraded it myself.20:46
MKCoinHow can I restart the unity bar on the side? It's lagging for me.20:47
micah_chattLarsN: if you're interested, I think it's because my ubuntu dist doesn't have a linux-image-3.8.0-*-virtual , just generic20:47
jamesd_upd: every example i find on the web for using python modules fail, and all the comments say upgrade to the latest version of the modules, but that is a lot of work if i just want to fetch a snmp value for a web page.20:47
lorddunegood old MicroCenter, I love that store.20:48
pinkman_Ben64 Thanks brow20:48
FudusThePendulum: that ppa is only for 12.04 though, it apparently was implemented in 12.10 already20:48
updMKCoin, try killall unity-2d-launcher20:48
updjamesd_ can you give some log how it failes20:51
ThePendulumFudus: I happen to be running 12.04. I don't think it will work, then.20:51
ThePendulumFudus: (as I encountered the same issue run a 13.04 LiveUSB)20:51
jamesd_ from pysnmp.carrier.twisted import dispatch20:51
jamesd_Traceback (most recent call last):20:51
jamesd_  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>20:51
jamesd_ImportError: No module named twisted20:51
jamesd_ from pysnmp.carrier.twisted import dispatch20:51
FloodBot1jamesd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
jamesd_Traceback (most recent call last):20:51
Fudus5 lines is a flood?20:52
FudusFloodBot1 the overly sensitive20:52
Ben64no, this channel has 1763 people, use a pastebin if its more than one line20:52
FudusThePendulum: if you're using 12.04 it is worth a try anyhow20:54
Fudusat worse you'll just remove the ppa20:54
LinuxGoldsomething just tried to hack into my system20:54
LinuxGoldblocked that IP20:54
Basil1xGrrr... su isn't working.  says password not recognised.20:54
Ben64!sudo | Basil1x20:54
ubottuBasil1x: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:54
Ben64LinuxGold: is this relevant to ubuntu support somehow?20:55
updLinuxGold, dont post ip20:55
LinuxGoldhelping with security?20:55
Ben64LinuxGold: not really20:55
LinuxGoldok, I'll be unhelpful then.20:55
LinuxGoldstrictly restricted to ubuntu only20:56
ThePendulumBut being unhelpful is helpful in this particular case.20:56
Ben64i dont see how posting a random ip that was "trying to hack you" is helping anyone20:56
LinuxGoldnever mind everyone.20:56
ThePendulumBen64: You don't see how, or you don't find it helpful?20:56
LinuxGolddrop it then.20:56
Basil1xThat's sudo, not su.20:57
Ben64!root | Basil1x20:57
ubottuBasil1x: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:57
Fudusroot user was disabled in ubuntu, you can get around it with sudo bash20:58
Ben64do not do 'sudo bash'20:58
Basil1xSo, no persistent root access.20:58
Ben64sudo -i20:58
Ben64if you really need it20:58
ThePendulumWhat does sudo su doe?20:58
Ben64ThePendulum: thats bad, don't do that either20:59
Basil1xMake temporary permanent access?20:59
Ben64i've already given you the answer... 'sudo -i' if you need a root shell for whatever reason (although theres almost no circumstance where its necessary)20:59
Fuduslast i remember unity/gnome dies if you log in as root if you enable the account20:59
Fudusno launcher appears on root log in. i mean21:00
Basil1xGot it.  This is not like my Sabayon machine.  Thanks.21:01
Fudusoh, you can log in as root in unity now, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/login-as-root-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/21:02
Ben64don't do any of that ^21:02
bekksFudus: You should never do that.21:02
Fudusbut it is possible :P21:02
Ben64Fudus: please don't post or suggest that in here21:02
bekksIt always was.21:02
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LinuxGoldsorry if I freaked out here .. I shouldn't have done that21:08
agresterFinally I got a negative result for my ram test via mprime, does that mean the RAM is no good?21:16
Benkinoobyagrester: how long did you run the ramtest?21:16
agresterBekinooby, for like a few seconds21:17
Benkinoobyagrester: then i'd get rid of it21:17
Benkinoobyagrester: usually you run ramtest several hours21:17
agresterBekinooby, memtest86+ passed, but mprime failed immediately21:17
updagrester, before that i would put it our, check for dust and clean ram and motherboard, and also test another slot in motherboard if you have any21:18
Benkinoobyagrester: just wanted to ask for the results with memtest21:18
agresterupd, I checked that and cleaned it, also heat isn't an issue21:19
Benkinoobyagrester: how long did memtest86 run?21:19
agresterBekinooby, for a few hours21:19
Benkinoobyagrester: hm... why are you doing the mem-tests? just for fun or do you have a problem you want to solve?21:21
Benkinoobylike weired behaviour21:21
agresterBekinnooby, having strange issues, packages get corrupted all the time, I get random errors and files always get messed up21:22
Benkinoobyagrester: maybe the hard drive then?21:22
agresterBenkinooby, I checked it multiple times with FSCK and Smart and it's not the issue21:23
Benkinoobyagrester: hm, do you have spare RAM? best thing you can do is to exchange it and see hwo things will go on. i find it quite interesting, that memtest86+ and mprime bring different results21:24
agresterBenkinooby, yes I do too, ordered a whole new 4GB of ram and will test that out21:24
Benkinoobyagrester: take care of ESD21:25
Benkinoobyagrester: electro static discharge21:25
tekkhey guys, trying to install ubuntu... tried live install and normal install... different hard drives.. always hangs near the very end, when doing packages... on Fetching 26/26 packages... any tips?21:25
agresterBenkinooby, I'm always careful of that, I always touch multiple metal items prior to doing anything21:26
cartusiahow can I change the permissions of a directory21:26
cartusiaI am trying to put read and write21:26
cartusiaso for example the directory is named /dinosaur21:27
cartusiain the terminal do I type chmod 110 /dinosaur21:27
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:27
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Benkinoobyagrester: well, they have to be grounded too - but i think you know. so best thing is to see if things get better with the new RAM21:28
phantomcircuiti have a GT60 from MSI (laptop)  which uses the nvidia optimus graphics stuff21:28
agresterBenkinooby, seems like all of the RAM I currently have is corrupted21:28
Benkinoobyagrester: how do you come to that conclusion?21:29
phantomcircuitif boot mode is set to UEFI i get the boot menu screen but when selecting "Try Ubuntu" the screen just goes black21:29
phantomcircuit(the backlight is on)21:29
phantomcircuitbooting in LEGACY mode i dont even get to the boot options menu21:29
agresterBenkinooby, because the tests are so inconsistent21:29
Fudusmodify command line to acpi_os=Linux21:30
Benkinoobyphantomcircuit: oooohhhh - optimus is pain, from what i heard :( - try alternate install21:30
phantomcircuitfastboot and secure boot are disabled21:30
Fudusor Windows21:30
phantomcircuitFudus, are you talking to me?21:30
phantomcircuitBenkinooby, i'll give it a shot21:30
Fudusacpi_osi=Linux or =Windows, how i fixed backlight issues last time i had problems21:31
Benkinoobyphantomcircuit: i know that people get it to work though - but i don't know how well it will work. i just saw some people haveing trouble with optimus in recent time21:31
Fudusor unplug the cable before trying :P21:31
agresterBenkinooby, seems like one of the sticks was clearly bad based on MPRIME21:31
Benkinoobyagrester: do you also have an other OS on that computer - do you observe the same trouble?21:32
Benkinoobyagrester: also if you think ALL your ram is corrupted. how many different RAM sticks did you try?21:32
agresterBenkinooby, previously Vista a long time ago, that too had issues on that system and so did Windows XP, so I guess I can trace it all back to bad RAM21:33
betakillerWhat is the most efficient protocol to use for connecting Ubuntua nd Mac OS X?21:33
Fudusagrester: you said it passed memtest though?21:33
agresterBenkinooby: I tried all four, two 1GB and the other 2 512MB21:33
Benkinoobyagrester: ok, if other OS had the same trouble it is surely hardware related. but then it should not pass memtest...21:34
Benkinoobyagrester: did the other RAM sticks fail too?21:34
agresterFudus: it failed once but then it continued to pass when tested again, the problem is that is memtest86+ just wasn't really seeing anything21:35
walterwojDoes anyone here use afraid.org for  dynamic DNS?21:35
Benkinoobywalterwoj: me21:35
walterwojBenkinooby: how you you keep your IP updated?21:35
Benkinoobywalterwoj: run the program called inadyn21:36
Benkinoobywalterwoj: it is in the repositories21:36
agresterBenkinooby: Testing MPRIME I only tested the 1GB sticks so far, and it seems one of them didn't even proceed with the test so I'll check that one again21:36
Alcasrxhi guys21:37
Alcasrxhow are you21:38
Benkinoobywalterwoj: if you installed it all you need to do is to edit /etc/inadyn.conf - straight forward21:38
multi_ioI've added a ppa (ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa), run apt-get update, but it seems apt doesn't see any of the packages from that ppa. How can I check that?21:38
multi_iohow do I see all packages apt knows from that ppa?21:38
agresterBenkinooby: this 1GB stick seems okay, it's proceeding with the blend test21:38
wilee-nileemulti_io, what release you running?21:39
multi_iowilee-nilee: 12.0421:39
agresterBenkinooby, Fudu: I'll test this stick in memtest86+ afterwards again21:39
Benkinoobyagrester: ok21:39
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Apachezis microsoft attempting to break some sort of a record now? :P   https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Microsoft+September+2013+Black+Tuesday+Overview/1653821:41
wilee-nileemulti_io, generally ppa's are not supported here, have you run sud apt-get dist-upgrade besides the update?21:41
multi_iowilee-nilee: no, but that really shouldn't be necessary. My question is about apt really, not about that ppa.21:42
rostamHi in what time frame 12.04 LTS updates are released? currently we are at update 3, when would update 4 will be released?  I am asking this because I need kernel version 3.9 which supports Intel Haswell chipset. Thx21:43
Carlos_Safteywhat's a good partition size to install ubuntu on for JUST coding and programs like wine and terminator eclipse and such?  like 40 GB?  how much does ubuntu on its' own take up and how much does it need to "function well"?21:43
Carlos_SafteyI store all my videos and music on an external21:43
wilee-nileemulti_io, look at the ppa and the name of the package.21:44
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: hm, i'd say core system something from 10-15 GB - lemme check what i have21:45
Carlos_SafteyBenkinooby: yeah  like i only use ubuntu for daily computing, browsing, emails, vim and coding nothing large...21:46
worrowdo you know when rhythmbox will add support for ipod touch 5th gen?21:47
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: well, my whole system uses 21 GB and my home directory is 13 GB21:47
daftykinsCarlos_Saftey: a clean install would only be say <4GB so i think for your use, assuming there'd be a separate /home for data, a 15GB / would be plenty21:47
Dr_Willis;) just my wallpaper directory is 8gb here. ;P21:48
BenkinoobyDr_Willis: oh, "wallpapers" you call it ;)21:48
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Carlos_Safteylol cool, so i think i'll do 25GB to be safe, then.  so ubuntu needs 4GB to install and probably some buffer for swap, like i'm wondering21:48
Dr_WillisBenkinooby:  'That'  directory.. is on another encrypted hd..21:48
Carlos_Safteywhat the performance threshhold is21:48
BenkinoobyDr_Willis: my wallpaper folder is the one that came by default in /usr/share/backgrounds :S21:48
Nothing_MuchAnybody know what happened to libpng15?21:49
Carlos_Safteyis there a certain diskspace low enough that'll affect ubuntu's performance?21:49
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: well, the main problem will be the filesystem21:49
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: go with 10 GB and you're good21:49
phantomcircuitsadly setting acpi_osi=Linux21:49
phantomcircuitdid not work21:49
Carlos_SafteyBenkinooby:  alright i think i will21:50
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: on my computer i have a minimal setup though21:50
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: also mainliny conding21:50
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: i use fluxbox, so i don't have "big" stuff liek KDE or so21:50
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  when it gets 100% full - things tend to break. ;)21:50
Carlos_Saftey2nd question. so i'm looking  at gPArted and i'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu.  the windows 7 is  ~300GB and the ubuntu ~200GB...21:51
Nothing_MuchAnybody know what happened to libpng15?21:51
Carlos_Safteyhow do i ...  hmm...   the end result i want is to have ubuntu 12.04 running on a 40GB partition per Dr_Willis's last remark21:51
agresterBenkinooby: I have a theory as to why this is happening, there's a strange TV-tuner card in the computer that I don't use and Ubuntu never uses, perhaps the Power Supply was overwhelmed and there were voltage issues to the RAM chips under stress21:51
Ari-Yanghmmm... if I install mesa from git here http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/ I don't have to uninstall ubuntu's current mesa, right?21:52
Benkinoobyagrester: interesting point! remove the cards?21:52
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  so yoyu want to resize the ubuntu partion down to 40gb?21:52
Carlos_Safteyright now it's ubuntu 13.04 on the 200GB....   so how do i...   do i format the21:52
agresterBenkinooby: just did, that card was hot so it was drawing power and doing nothing21:52
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Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:   right exactly... so resize it...  to 40 then format it to install 12.04 because 13.04 was a mistake for  a newb like me..21:52
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: you can resizie, without formating, if you want to keep the 13.04 ubuntu21:52
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  you are doing 2 differnt ubuntu installs on that box? shrink one partion down. make a new ext4 of the size you want. start the installer and tell it to put / on that 4021:53
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  oh? ive had no issues with 13.04 or 13.10 for that matter.21:53
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  no i only need one ubuntu install.  just 12.04 partitioned to 40Gb on my 500GB drive.21:54
Benkinoobyagrester: hm, what slot was the tv card on? pci?21:54
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  the installer can delete/repartion as you want.  and remove the old install21:54
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis: eh it's hard to explain, idk what i'm doing and i;ve heard dells are buggy,21:54
agresterBenkinooby: yes it was21:54
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  or you do it beforhand. if you want to delete the esisting install. use gparted.21:54
BenkinoobyDr_Willis: is gparted the thing behind the installer partition-magic?21:55
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  its a seperate program you can install from the liv e cd to use.21:55
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  or you can do it from within the instgaller.21:55
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  ok so from the bootable usb i make for 12.04 be able to totally format my current 13.04 and give me true 12.04 via formatting?21:55
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  of course. ;)21:55
Dr_Willisit might even ask to replace it.21:56
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis: eeeeexxxxcellent.  *tents fingers*21:56
Dr_Willisbut really i have to wonder what issues you had with 13.04   , 13.10 is due out next month also. ;)21:56
hplchaving trouble with a compile, "configure: error: OpenSSL support explicitly requested but OpenSSL could not be found"       but openssl is installed, whats wrong?21:57
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  i think i'll just wait for the next LTS, lot of issues with certain libs and programs...  it comes down to 12.04 being more idiot proof21:57
Dr_Willishplc:  you did install the openssl dev packages?21:57
tekkis it possible to VNC to a live ubuntu whilst its installing?21:57
hplcgonna check again21:57
lonewulf85Hello quick question slightly off topic, Is there an easyphp for Ubuntu21:57
tekki'm away from home now21:57
Ari-Yanghmmm... if I install mesa from git here http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/ I don't have to uninstall ubuntu's current mesa, is that correct? I'm attempting to follow these instructions for UVD http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jUPNWzK921:57
tekkhave ssh access but nothing else21:57
Dr_Willistekk:  unity/gnome has that remotedesktop feature. but it is not for use over the internet i belive.21:58
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Dr_Willistekk:  teamviewer perhaps. but  that would take work done beforhand ;)21:58
tekki can ssh forward from another machine on that lan21:58
tekkthe installer was hanging (for the 3rd time) on "Fetching 26/26 Packages..."21:59
tekkso i just left it21:59
Dr_Willistekk:  of course you need to enable the remote desktop on the pc. befor you do any of this.21:59
daftykinstekk: heh the install will finish before you get it working surely ;)21:59
=== GiGaHuR is now known as TsarObomba
Benkinoobytekk: are you using the "normal" install - try the alternate install CD21:59
tekkyes i am21:59
tekkgood idea21:59
Benkinoobytekk: from my experience it is more "robust" - the normal install hung up on me somethimes too - alternate always solved that22:00
cartusiawhats the command in the terminal to open the ubuntu software center22:00
Benkinoobytekk: or, last resort, minimal install22:00
tekkthanks, gonna try it.. unfortunately i won't be home for another week now... d'oh22:00
cartusiaI am trying to open it with sudo since with the GUI it wotn do it22:01
cartusiathat is why I am asking22:01
Dr_Williscartusia:  'software-center' or 'software-center-gtk3' perhaps22:01
Carlos_Safteycinnamon works with 12.04 right?!22:01
Dr_Willisand use gksudo , not sudo   for gui apps22:01
tekkminimal might be nice actually22:02
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  you are worried about things breaking and being idiot proof.. and you want to mess with cinimon? :)22:02
Benkinoobytekk: yes, but you need a bit of a clue, otherwise you will start to load stuff on it to get things working22:02
tekkthats fine22:02
tekki'm usually quite confident =)22:02
* tekk old timer22:02
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tekki think the lack of control is why i'm stuck :D22:03
Benkinoobytekk: i got tired of always "stripping down" my ubuntu, so i go with minimal installs and "build up" - but i had some "AHA!" times :P22:03
cartusiaDr_Willis, is there any reason for gk ?22:03
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  well, i liked it so much i actually was able to get it working perfectly. for me lol22:03
Dr_Williscartusia:  no idea if the 2 differ. i just noticed both on my system22:03
cartusialet me read the man page for that actually :)22:03
hplcDr_Willis, no, dev aint installed, not in repo and cant find it on sourceforge22:03
lonewulf85Please anyone I need an ubuntu equivalent to easyphp22:03
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  id suggest trying xubuntu, or lubuntu if you want a more old skool type desktop22:03
cartusiahow is it that I can be able to figure out what is the command to type so in the future I can be able to figure out that for myself22:03
Dr_Williscartusia:  i just typed in 'soft<tab>' and saw the names. ;)22:04
Dr_Williscartusia:  you can look at the launcher's .desktop files to see exactly what the icons run also.22:04
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis: lubuntu supposedly works the fastest right? super minimal?  how big is it on HDD?22:04
Dr_Willisbut i just guessed22:04
eden_What determines the responsiveness of moving-opening-closing windows?22:04
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  no idea exactly. ive ran it from 8gb usb flash drives22:04
Benkinoobytekk: well, age isn't a warrant for knowledge/wisdom - i wish it was so ;)22:05
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis: haha nice, googling it22:05
Benkinoobytekk: no offense though :)22:05
tekki'm not old22:05
Benkinoobyold timer22:05
tekkbut i've lived in Linux since i was about 11 years old :)22:05
tekkwhich makes me an old timer ;)22:05
benjudahcan anyone tell me whare I can get a source tree package that commpiles on ubuntu 10.10 mavric22:05
tekkas i'm 25 now22:05
BenkinoobyOo - since 11?22:06
bpromptcartusia:    difference for some commands run from the terminal, is that they maintain a link to the session as the parent process, so if you close the terminal it may take the GUI app started there with it, sometimes IIRC even if you run the app in the background, using "gksudo" leaves no dependency on the terminal as the parent process22:06
Benkinoobyi was happy when i got my games started on the compter at that age XD22:06
Dr_Willisbenjudah:  once the release goes EOL, the servers get moved to some archive/legacy servers.  you can change the sources.list to point to that server and use apt to get source and so forth as you normally would.22:06
Dr_Willis!eol | benjudah22:06
ubottubenjudah: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:06
Benkinoobytekk: anyway, hope the alternate or minimal install will do the trick22:06
hplcoh....its libssl-dev :S22:07
wilee-nileebenjudah, any valid reason you are running a end of life?22:07
benjudahit work on the computer that I have now22:08
cartusiabprompt, ohh wow nice22:08
Dr_Willishplc:  the apt-get build-deps  packagename     command is handy for pulling in needed deps. If whatever you are compiling is  in the repos. ;)22:08
benjudahI have limmited dis space 40 gigs22:08
cartusiaDr_Willis, ohh nice it does work, thanks a lot.22:09
hplcDr_Willis, thanks :)22:09
neopsychehi all.22:11
wilee-nileebenjudah, I would not expect much help from the channel is all.22:11
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: i had a better experience with ubuntu and installing lxde on it than using the pre-done lubunut - your experience may vary22:11
neopsycheI have a bit of a conundrum for all of you.. networking challenge.. want to connect Ubuntu machine .. through netgear router.. with internet shared to netgear.. and in turn to ubuntu machine (which has no wireless card only lan)22:12
Carlos_Safteyyeah i've actually tried that too, but didnt like it it wasnt very customizeable22:12
neopsycheBut.. netgear needs to get internet from windows machine.. which is wirelessly connected to another AP which has the ADSL connection22:12
Carlos_Safteyor is every distro/flavour 100% customizeable and i just dont know?    is this statement true?22:13
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: hm, lubuntu won't be much more customizeable22:13
gordonjcpneopsyche: you need to sort out your weirdass networking22:13
Carlos_Safteylike down to the pixel22:13
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: everything is 100% customisable22:13
neopsychegood observation gordonjcp22:13
bpromptbenjudah:    how about getting puppy linux?   you can still find ubuntun 10.10 iso btw22:13
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: everything you ever encounter, not just Linux distros22:13
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: it depends how much effort you want to put in22:13
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: you can trun ubuntu to lubuntu to kubuntu and what to - without reinstalling22:13
gordonjcplubuntu is horrible22:14
gordonjcpLXDE is buggy as all hell22:14
Benkinoobygordonjcp: i agree lubunut is bad - but lxde is ok22:14
Carlos_Safteygordonjcp: right right like i edited the opacity of the alt tab switcher and icon size in cinnamon via the share/ui/ .js files22:14
gordonjcpBenkinooby: it's fine if you've got a lot of RAM, but I wouldn't use it on less than 4GB22:14
gordonjcpBenkinooby: and ideally 8GB22:14
Benkinoobygordonjcp: i run lxde on 1 GB ram22:15
gordonjcpBenkinooby: doesn't it crash all the time?22:15
Benkinoobyif i don't use fluxbox22:15
Carlos_Safteyyeah isnt it supposed to be minimal?22:15
gordonjcpBenkinooby: it runs out of memory and crashes all the time on 2GB here22:15
Dr_Williscant say ive really noticed any issues with lubuntu on my 1gb ram netbook.22:15
Dr_Williscant recall ever seeing it crash22:15
Carlos_Safteyarrrgh  now im confused22:15
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  try it out and see if you like it.22:15
wilee-nileeCarlos_Saftey, don't believe opinions22:16
Dr_WillisLubuntu is about as low end/minimal as it gets.22:16
gordonjcpDr_Willis: perhaps it's something else, that's triggering the OOM killer22:16
Dr_Willisxubuntu is a step or 2 above. and is very well done.22:16
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: well, waht wilee-nilee said... is jsut an opinion too ;)22:16
gordonjcpDr_Willis: possibly some weird bug in LXDE22:16
Dr_Willisor roll your own. ;)22:16
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:   so lubuntu is the pre packaged cereal linux? aand lxde is the DE?22:16
wilee-nileeusers here should know better than to spread fud opinions anyway22:16
benjudahthen what really nee is a dvd source tree for my commputer tha I can used to commpile the os I dont allwas have access to the internet for setup AND i CAN NOT UNDERSTEND WHAY THERE IS THIS ASSUMPION THAT THE INTERNET IS ALLWAYS AVAILABLE IT IS VERY ASNOYING22:17
gordonjcpneopsyche: so yeah, why such a crazy netowrk setup?22:17
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: in the end, ubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, fluxbunt - they all share the same system under the hood. then onyl difference is the GUI they present you. and that GUI is 100% interchangeable22:17
Carlos_Safteyi've heard KDE is 100% customisable.  I only tweak a few things.  mostly app switcher and icon sizes nothing fancy22:17
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey: ubuntu+lxde = Lubuntu22:17
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  ubuntu wuth the lxde desktop.22:18
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: I can't be bothered with KDE22:18
Carlos_Safteyanyone here ever use Arch linux?22:18
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: yes22:18
gordonjcpI gave up on it, and switched to Ubuntu22:18
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: KDE is a big user interface - its not minimal22:18
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey: best thing about arch linux - is its wiki pages. ;)22:18
gordonjcpDr_Willis: yes.22:18
Carlos_Safteyhow's that? lol22:18
Carlos_Safteyah i see22:18
Benkinoobyarch indeed has awesome wiki22:19
Carlos_Safteyhmmm i may just 50GB partition for Arch...22:19
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  its trivial to have lubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu, gnome-shell and kde all installed on the same pc and you just switch desktops at the login screen.22:19
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: arch is *great* if you like trying to figure out why other people's packages don't work properly, and if you love pretending that watching compiler output scroll past means you're "learning about Linux"22:19
Carlos_Safteyi am afraid ...22:19
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: I wouldn't recommend it for beginners, and I wouldn't recommend it for experienced users22:19
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: it's good fun though22:19
agresterBenkinooby: last thing I'm doing, considering I'm receiving 4GB tomorrow is to run the 2 x 1 GB sticks overnight using memtest86+ and see if I can use them, I didn't see any errors in the mprime tests anymore22:19
Benkinoobyagrester: maybe it is realted to the tv card? run the test - it won't hurt either way22:20
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: we all are... :D22:20
bpromptbenjudah:    well, you're online right now :), downloading the .iso for 10.10  which is 700mbs maybe depending on your connection a matter or minutes or a couple of hours22:21
agresterBenkinooby: I'm starting to think it is because I recall switching out a lower-powered card for a more powerful one that was in another machine and perhaps this caused low voltage and it was mucking up the RAM for some reason, because I put it through it's paces22:21
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: the important thing you have to know is that the GUI (grapical user interface) is just an other programm running on your computer. you can install it use it and remove it, as you like. it is not an essential part of the operating system22:22
bpromptbenjudah:    you only have to dl it once you know, you may also have an option for snail-mail delivery, I know some sites used to provide that too22:22
Dr_Willisbenjudah:  why ecactly do you need 10.10 ?22:22
Carlos_Safteythanks for all the input guys, probably just gonna install 12.04 and use cinnamon an lxde.    i see Benkinooby .. thanks22:22
Benkinoobyagrester: well, if the TV card is the culprit you saved yourself some RAM ;)22:22
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  i honestly suggest dumping cinnamon and sticking to one of the other desktops22:23
gordonjcpCarlos_Saftey: oh yeah, don't use Cinnamon, it's crap22:24
gordonjcp!caps | benjudah22:24
ubottubenjudah: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:24
bpromptheheh, tap on the caps-lock key :P22:24
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis: o.o   oh?  i just  hate hate hate unity is all...  i have a 4GB ram dell inspiron laptop and i commute to college.  i'm  a CS major and am learning C, what would you reccomend?22:24
bpromptbenjudah:     tried other os'es, like ?   and they didn't work? how old is your hardware?22:25
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  a CS major should be able to use any desktop or none at all.22:25
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  in the end  the desktpop really dosent matter a lot.22:25
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  i just caan't have unity's fatass launcher in my window all the time lol22:25
Dr_Willislearning C - then use JWM and play with its code. ;) them move up22:26
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  the left side panel can auto hide.22:26
benjudahamd64 commpaq22:26
Dr_WillisCarlos_Saftey:  and you can shrink its sizes down.22:26
Dr_Willisor roll your own desktop you are a 'cs' major. :)22:26
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Dr_Willisstart with jwm and rox-filer and start building up ;)22:26
bpromptbenjudah:     ... 2004, so is a single-core likely around 1.3ghz cpu I gather and .... 1gb ddr2 ram, well, I have run 11.04 on that, and surely could have run 12.04 on that too22:27
Dr_Willisbbl - work time for me22:27
gordonjcpbprompt: 12.04 will run just fine on that22:27
Carlos_SafteyDr_Willis:  ehh, only to like 24ish or something..      and argh sounds intimidating, maybe this summer,   how?22:27
AcidRain2012what type of programs do we have in linux to create flash applications?22:27
benjudahI tried 12 and it did not connect to the internet22:27
homehi. everytime i boot my computer i get a notice saying "low disk space on boot" how would i fix this?22:28
AcidRain2012home, find out what is using all of your disk space ;p22:28
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: what is important for you on your desktop? you want it to look nce and fancy with much functions, or fast?22:28
AcidRain2012and delete it22:28
bpromptbenjudah:   as far as space, 40gbs is more than plenty to run the OS, ubuntu only takes about 3.5gbs once installed22:28
daftykinshome: delete older kernels you no longer use22:28
AcidRain2012home, what version of ubuntu are you using?22:28
bpromptgordonjcp:    yeap, it surely would22:28
homeAcidRain2012, i am using 13.0422:28
AcidRain2012home, i know i had a big issue with the gnome log file being bombarded with errors. took up almost 70GiG22:29
Carlos_SafteyBenkinooby:  i like GNOME put it that way lol...  nothing flashy only functionality.22:29
benjudahyeah but I like too runn my set up from the hard drive  with other os windows and it is reall a tight tfit22:29
AcidRain2012home, but  you can create a quick one line search in terminal to list off files that are bigger than... lets say 3Gig22:29
Carlos_SafteyBenkinooby: cinnamon seemed like a good inbetween on GNOMEness and new stuff22:29
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: well, ther is GNOME 3. LXDE is the closest thing to gnome 2 (the "old" gnome) that you can get without mayor pain on ubunut22:30
wilee-nileeCarlos_Saftey, To minty for me. ;)22:30
Carlos_Safteywilee-nilee: what do you use?  o.o22:30
bpromptbenjudah:    windowsXP install is only about 3.5gbs including swap file or virtual memory file, windows7 install is about 10gbs with the virtual memory file22:30
wilee-nileeCarlos_Saftey, gnome shell22:30
homeAcidRain2012, can i make the boot folder bigger?22:31
Carlos_Safteywilee-nilee: like the default gnome,  ubuntu comes with?22:31
AcidRain2012im wanting to create a flash application to play music. ive looked everywhere online for some (so i didnt have to do it myself), but none are what i need (or look like what i want them to).22:31
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: no - gnome shell is not unity22:31
gordonjcpbenjudah: can you stick more RAM in your machine?22:31
AcidRain2012home, there are ways to make the partition containing the home folder bigger.22:31
gordonjcpbenjudah: 2GB would make a huge difference22:31
wilee-nileeCarlos_Saftey, no its the gnome 3 desktop, I use cairo-dock, I never access the app portion really22:31
BenkinoobyCarlos_Saftey: some ideas are similar - but i'd say it's superior to unity. but that's personal tast. look youtube videos to get an impression22:32
benjudahbut the boot concepts ar diff and on the ommputer I can not dual vey hhard I am nopt sure why22:32
benjudah2 giigs of ram is niot enough22:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
Antisober552hi i want to partition my hard drive but lost my thumb drive can i do it within the os22:33
AcidRain20122gig of ram is more than enough to run linux ;)22:33
Antisober552and allow it to partition while the pc is booting22:33
OerHeksAntisober552, no22:34
bpromptbenjudah:    well, on an amd64 compaq, likely a dual-core machine, it ain't the space for one that's bogging it down22:34
rostamHI when Ubuntu 13.10 will be release?22:34
wilee-nileeAntisober552, You can only partition unmounted partitions.22:34
OerHeksrostam, in month 1022:34
benjudahI think it is bios matter22:34
bpromptbenjudah:   40gbs is plenty, give 10gbs to linux and 20gbs or more to windows, and that'll do... 10gbs will do just fine for 12.04 or even 13, though I run 12.0422:35
rostamOerHeks, Is there a beta version I can download?22:35
benjudahthen I have to figure out why it is not connecting to the net22:35
OerHeksrostam, yes, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ and  join #ubuntu+1 for support22:36
Benkinoobybenjudah: i run on 1 GB of ram all the time22:36
Benkinoobybenjudah: not connecting to the internet is not a matter of ram22:37
rostamOerHeks, thanks22:37
benjudahyewy no kidding realy22:37
benjudahI dont understand the fuss 10.1o works fine cant I just get the source tree and migrate22:38
homehow do i get rid up my unused kernels?22:38
home--preferably safely and graphically (not from the command line)22:39
bekkshome: uninstall them.22:39
wilee-nileehome, take a look in askubuntu for info good help there.22:39
green_geeky_dudehome - install ubuntu-tweak great app that has a janitor prog that will remove all that for you22:40
homegreen_geeky_dude, cool thanks22:40
green_geeky_dudehome - yw :)22:40
AcidRain2012i found Flex. it seems to be able to handle what i need22:41
benjudahwell I think I am guessing that I will have to some how build my own sorry to hafe bothered u22:42
neopsycheFirst, how to get the notebook and the PC ubuntu talking to eachother?22:44
sarthorhow to install ubuntuone on 13.0422:45
OerHekssarthor, should be default installed, open dash and typ "one"22:46
neopsycheHOLY CRAP! my ubuntu notebook already see's the pc on the network!?22:48
neopsycheHOLY CRAP! my ubuntu notebook already see's the pc on the network!?22:49
green_geeky_dudeok calm down22:50
gordonjcpneopsyche: pretty good, eh22:50
neopsychegordonjcp: no wait.. false alarm22:51
neopsycheWierd.. on the windows machine. it shows two ethernet connections...22:51
neopsycheone 10 meg and one 100 meg22:51
neopsychein da geeeethooooo22:52
CIDRMy fsck on a ext4 file system is stuck at this: clone_file_block: internal error: can't find dup_blk for 457797225  any ideas?22:52
energizer4How do I change my username on ubuntuforums22:53
neopsycheI got access through the lan22:54
neopsycheto the router22:54
neopsycheand the internet is running through the wireless!22:54
neopsycheconfuzing as shit though22:55
neopsychethe lan1 disappeared on connections page22:56
neopsychebut now i have access to the router22:56
wilee-nileeenergizer4, Ask in resolution.22:56
wilee-nileeenergizer4,Tell them the one you want and accounts do not transfer in general IE posts..etc22:57
energizer4wilee-nilee: thanks22:58
wilee-nileeno problem22:58
agresterSeems the MPRIME test went well, and proceeding as usual, interesting, it was a voltage issue then...23:06
agresterThanks for the help, have a good week...23:07
neopsycheguys.. if i am connection through router netgear from pc.. then will default gateway from ubuntu box be the one its connected to .. or the other router ADSL?23:07
bekksneopsyche: Depends on your setup.23:08
neopsycheon Local area connection i have an option to BRIDGE CONNECTIONS>..23:11
neopsychebekks see above23:11
sargonssqst qudwg gyfeh :23:11
girI32131efzvy iocvg aaufe :23:11
bogac44dkdjw sexes upfdh :23:11
womanUSawvxdh xxowm furmp :23:11
neopsycheshould I bridge?23:11
Barby_sleeping_dscza kbrec txdjb :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
niyaz345izzihr umvte lwgrj :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
poIyana565dzspq oecxr tdzqn :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
bIuelaqem qmyoz ksomb :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
girI32131mfadu iqswb nxoji :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
ismethemet zvaqs xwdqo :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
deesert4564wwjwa rpvua zrvpn :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
webHgirlbkrjh hcoiw ephmr :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
womanUSamibnx qbolf trjyb :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
neopsycheoh .. no that wont make nay difference23:11
neopsychethats for speed23:11
gullu513412vbser vjvof sesmu :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
iIk4nurwnjnu xfdsw orzkn :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
musawiwfp lkzkr duceb :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
asgfasgahdmkjh hjnha zxdma :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
pelinrrnhb nqasn yyeed :Fuck Off All Channel :)23:11
Plasmastar!ops Spam23:11
bekksneopsyche: Still depends on your setup.23:12
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tgm4883neopsyche, generally, you don't want to bridge, but I'm not sure what you are trying to do23:12
neopsychebekks: im trying to ghetto my wireless from Windows pc, then lan cable to router.. to old linux box which does not have wireless.23:13
neopsychebekks: ie.. two lan cables, an old adsl router and a prayer.. and wifi from neighbor lol ;-)23:14
dr_willispc to pc via  cat 5 - may require a crossocver cable23:14
dr_willisunless one of the network cards is a gigabit23:15
bekksI am out - too much of an unclear setup.23:15
tgm4883neopsyche, you are in the wrong channel23:16
tgm4883This isn't windows support23:16
neopsychetgm... network issue ;-)23:16
neopsychetgm.. involving two linux machines too ;-)23:17
neopsychetgm.. and two routers ;-)23:17
neopsycheso, statistically.. not a windows issue23:17
tgm4883neopsyche, yea, but your issue sounds like your router doesn't have internet, which you are trying to share from your windows machine23:17
bekksneopsyche: And involving a setup for bridging on windows. Windows issue.23:17
gordonjcpneopsyche: why is your network layout so ass-backwards anyway?23:17
tgm4883neopsyche, and since you don't know how to set this up, please don't try to tell me that "statistically" this is a linux issue23:18
tgm4883!tab | neopsyche23:18
ubottuneopsyche: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:18
tgm4883gordonjcp, he's trying to steal wifi from his neighbor23:18
DrahKeN_window close 323:18
dr_willisisent there some tool that you can use to draw up the network layout? ;)   i seem to recall seeing one that could even scan the network and draw it out for you23:18
bekksAh, wifi stealer. No support.23:18
bekksdr_willis: zenmap23:19
dr_willisunless the neighbor said it was ok ;)23:19
dr_willis!info zenmap23:19
ubottuzenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 6.00-0.3 (raring), package size 316 kB, installed size 2131 kB23:19
dr_willisI get so many devices on my network these days - i dont know whats the roku, or the grandkids tablet.23:19
tgm4883nice, i'll have to test that out23:20
bekkstgm4883: working pretty well, when having full access to the network.23:20
ubottualessandrosal: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:21
tgm4883bekks, I'll test it at home, but I'd like to use that at work if I can23:21
neopsychetgm.. you are king of douche. :-) Congratulations.23:21
tgm4883bekks, does that give a graphical layout? something I might be able to print23:22
tgm4883neopsyche, thanks, I try ;)23:22
bekksneopsyche: You are out of support now. Gratz, bro23:22
bekkstgm4883: It does.23:22
neopsychekicks tgm in the nintendo punch out catridge.23:22
* tgm4883 rolls eyes23:22
dr_willisdosent it make a 'dia' compatiable diagram? vector image file?23:22
bekksneopsyche: did you ever speak to my kick file bot? Now you do.23:22
neopsychelol i spelled it wrong.23:23
tgm4883neopsyche, ah, I just thought you were from boston23:23
neopsycheim from africa. help me im an african with a crap network23:24
tgm4883neopsyche, i'm from the USA, we only "help" people from the middle east23:24
meh_Hello fine people. I downloaded a program that was designed to run in java. I forget it's exact name. The problem is that I do not have java, and extracted all the files to the desktop. Which filled it up. so I deleted all those files, and erased them from the recycle bin. Each time I log in or restart more of these files keep appearing. What do I need to get rid of23:25
neopsychenice. jew baby killer jew23:26
neopsychetgm: *you baby killer you23:27
dr_willismeh_:  filled up the desktop? how big is your hard drive?23:27
dr_willismeh_:  use the command like.. see whats in your ~/Desktop directory23:27
dr_williscommand line.23:27
meh_dr_willis okay23:28
dr_willisand as for java...23:28
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:28
cockatielhello everyone23:29
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meh_dr_willis : it worked. I could delete them from there. Thank you.23:33
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=== Dean is now known as Guest99867
Brisperecould someone help me with an efi path error?23:44
wilee-nileeBrispere, describe for help to the channel.23:48
BrispereI finally got grub to launch in UEFI, but the windows 7 option will return an error stating windows has an invalid efi path when I attempt to boot into windows23:48
=== lex is now known as Guest33983
wilee-nileeBrispere, Probably worth looking at, this mod is a great help and will stop by any uefi threads posted. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729523:56
darkangelHey just woundering i found ALL the Generics (Kernals) from the Past since 3.2.0 kernel would it be bad to Install them all?23:56
darkangelon Ubuntu 12.04.323:56
=== ThalinVien` is now known as ThalinVien

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