
jjfrv8ochosi, re the logout time - 12 seconds here, on a pretty fast machine :(00:18
ochosijjfrv8: ok, thanks for the confirmation00:19
ochosinow we have to debug it somehow00:19
ochosi(find pointers in the logs)00:19
ochosibut i really assume it's a logind related issue00:19
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knomeochosi, Unit193: cc always has by (attribution)09:59
ochosiknome: there was an old generic cc-sa, but it's retired now (googled it)13:47
knomeochosi, yeah sure, but it would've been kind of stupid to have sa without by (that's why cc dropped it)14:06
ochosiyup, basically what i said yesterday14:09
ali1234ochosi: "Windows Network" in thunar has no icon - bug?17:28
ochosiali1234: screenshot?17:29
knomewas there some obvious reason why some thunar custom actions do not work?17:29
knomethe script i'm trying to run doesn't even launch17:29
ochosiali1234: ah i see17:29
ochosiknome: you have to use absolute paths i think for executing the script if it's e.g. in your ~/.bin17:30
knomei am, no luck17:30
knomeok, fixed17:33
ochosiali1234: ok, will see whether i can fix that, thanks for the hint17:33
ochosiali1234: can't seem to find an icon-theme where that gets a real icon (that's with gnome: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09102013-073954pm.php )17:40
ali1234yeah, same17:40
ochosiso as long as we don't find a theme that works, fixing is hard17:40
ochosiunless you wanna read the GIO/GVFS source code17:40
ali1234it gets an icon in nautilus...17:41
ali1234well, it did in raring anyway17:41
ali1234btw do i need to register to use zimagez?17:41
ali1234also i tracked down the gedit icon bug... it's because it used to use smclient to read the icon from the .desktop file, but smclient was removed. i sent it to gnome bugzilla17:42
ochosii think you might have to17:42
ochosii think gedit would simply have to use the gtk function to set the window-icon17:43
ali1234yes, basically that call got deleted when smclient was removed17:43
ochosiwell they don't need it anymore in gnome-shell, but it blows for all other DEs17:43
ali1234yeah. ironically, windows and mac still gets the icon, because they never used smclient17:44
ochosiwell it's a one-liner17:45
OvenWerksJust an extra bit of info on the long logout/shutdown time bug. It is not only xfce, kde (kubuntu) is the same. It is definitely longer than raring. I have been thinking it was broken and doing an sudo reboot... impatience on my part... and always having a terminal sitting open too.19:16
ochosiOvenWerks: very weird19:45
OvenWerksochosi: It seems to me the big change has has been the change to upstart for starting sessions.19:55
ochosiOvenWerks: well that sounds annoying, i thought it was "only" the switch to logind?21:18
jjfrv8knome, I'm back21:42
ochosiali1234: can you show me a screenshot of what icon nautilus uses for browse windows network?21:43
ali1234ochosi: sure, i'll have to boot up another machine though21:44
ochosiok, that would be helpful21:44
ochosithen at least i can narrow down the options21:44
ochosichecking the gvfs source didn't shed too much light...21:45
ali1234ochosi: http://imagebin.org/27050921:58
ochosiali1234: any chance you can try to use elementary-xfce there?21:59
ali1234the machine freezes when i try to open the dash, and there's no other way to open a terminal22:01
ali1234it might unfreeze in a minute or two22:01
ochosion the first look i can't see any icons that look like that in Humanity that could be used22:01
ochosiso it might be a bug in thunar22:02
ochosinot sure22:02
ali1234well i'm using ubuntu-mono-light and thunar still shows no icon22:02
ochosiok, that at least points into a direction (where it's not my fault anymore)22:02
ali1234what's the xfce-elementary icon package called?22:03
ochosibut you can also use the daily of it22:04
ochosimakes more sense22:04
ali1234i can't install it on a livecd22:05
ochosiah 22:05
ochosihm :/22:05
ochosiwell those symlinks shouldn't be missing either way22:05
ali1234adding the ppa22:06
ali1234er... how do i change the icon theme in unity?22:07
ochosiali1234: ask me something i know... :)22:10
ali1234ok it's a folder with a wifi icon on it22:13
ali1234gtk-network.png, but there are several that look like that22:16
ali1234also it's the same icon thunar uses on the places bar at the side for "browse network" and network shortcuts and also it is correctly displayed when you go into a computer and see the shares - each one has this icon22:17
ochosiali1234: yeah, i know it's that icon (or it should be), so it's working with nautilus?22:21
ochosiif yes i'd presume it's thunar's fault22:22
knomejjfrv8, if you're interested in a bit different docs stuff, parole could do with documentation upstream; ochosi and bluesabre have been working on it lately, and they will soon need interested people to build up the parole docs from scratch :)22:28
ali1234ochosi: yes, it works in nautilus22:33
ali1234with xfce-elementary22:33
ochosiali1234: ok, i guess reporting a bug against thunar would be good22:35
ochosi(on bugs.xfce.org)22:35
knomebbl, nighty ->22:43
jjfrv8ochosi, bluesabre, if you want to fill me in on the parole documentation thing knome mentioned, I'd be glad to look into it.22:45

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