
jbicharobert_ancell: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/lightdm/have-lib-only-suggest-lightdm/+merge/184439 ?02:18
robert_ancelljbicha, makes sense to me02:19
robert_ancelljbicha, actually, can you do a quick merge with trunk and bump the version number?02:20
robert_ancellThen can land02:20
jbichaok, I did that earlier today but I can do it again if it will be accepted :)02:21
robert_ancelljbicha, sorry :)02:22
jbichadone, thanks :)02:23
didrocksrobert_ancell: please no more lightdm today02:25
robert_ancelldidrocks, why not? I hear you love LightDM!02:25
didrocksrobert_ancell: we already try to stabilize the ubuntu-touch image02:26
didrocksand having stuff changing is making it… hard ;)02:26
didrocksnot a question of love/hate ;)02:26
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cyphermoxdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/unity-system-compositor/0.0.1+13.10.20130903-0ubuntu2/+merge/18491703:38
Mirvwow, arm64 has cu2d in jenkins and apparently needs cu2d-skip for mir04:04
Mirvhow it has arrived there is beyond me, the PPA doesn't have it so obviously it's not finished "building"04:04
Mirvcu2d has arm64, not arm64 has cu2d, need to finish this coffee04:05
Mirvdidrocks: cyphermox: any idea where that arm64 has come from to cu2d, and maybe it shouldn't be there?04:10
Mirvoh, great, it does happen now with each stack, so each stack is halted because it waits for non-existend arm64 build eternally04:16
Mirvbut, I'm happy to see unity8 has landed, so we're on our way away from manual publishing04:17
didrocksMirv: I think the support in the ppa is coming04:23
didrocksMirv: I'm totally exhausted, can you try to ignore arm64 like we do for powerpc if there was no build before in cu2d?04:23
didrocksthe code should be straightfoward04:23
didrocksnow that unity8 landed, I'll EOD04:24
Mirvdidrocks: sure, sure, go sleep, I'll look or if nothing else I'll keep cu2d-skip:ing :)04:24
didrocksMirv: thanks! ;)04:25
didrocksMirv: just don't publish before asac or I ack on those, we need the current image04:25
Mirvyeah, I know04:25
didrocksoh, in fact I can push that quickly and run04:26
didrocksif things explodes, it's not me04:26
didrocksMirv: is it waiting on arm64 or armel64?04:27
didrocks(the exact string)04:27
Mirvdidrocks: arm64, I see it could be added to cupstream2distro/settings.py04:28
didrocksMirv: right, just pushing quickly, one sec04:28
didrocksand pulling on mangers04:28
didrocksMirv: as you probably figured out: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/revision/38604:29
didrocksdeployed on magners, so next tick should be fine04:30
Mirvgrep -r powerpc made it quite easy find04:30
Mirvcool, thanks04:30
didrocksheh, I didn't even remember I used an array04:30
didrocksFYI, we workarounded the DNS issue04:30
didrocksso we should be safer for that04:30
didrockseverything should be fine today04:31
didrocksor at least, "finer" if I would say so04:31
didrockstime to go to bed, good luck Mirv, have a nice day!04:31
Mirvthanks, g'night!04:31
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darkxsthi Laney08:06
Laneyhello darkxst08:06
Laneyhow do?08:06
hyperairlwl/w #bakabt08:08
Laneynice password08:08
hyperairthat's not a password. i was trying to switch windows08:08
Laneysuuuuuuuuuuuuure :P08:08
hyperairbut this happened enough times to make that assumption eh? =p08:08
Mirvso you even try to avoid the need to change the password by claiming it didn't leak ;)08:08
hyperairi think i typed my password into ##c++ once and #ck once08:08
hyperairMirv: eh well you're free to go try that password elsewhere :)08:09
hyperairmy username's hyperair everywhere except steam (it's hypera1r there because somebody took my nickname. *shakes fist*)08:09
Laneywhy do you have that kind of stuff in your email?!08:09
darkxstLaney, yeh good, nice spring weather here now ;)08:09
hyperairLaney: that was a honeypot account08:09
* hyperair whistles08:09
Laneyyou got me good08:11
Laneydarkxst: heading the opposite way for us now :(08:11
Laneystill managed to get out on the bike yesterday08:11
darkxstnice, I have to wait until the weekend for another ride08:11
darkxstLaney, my bike has been feeling its age of late, been spending as much time fixing as riding, although getting close to being a brand new bike again!08:15
Laneymine is new enough to not have those kind of problems yet08:16
Laneywhich is good because I don't really know much about fixing stuff :P08:16
darkxstand mine is too expensive to replace very often!08:24
Laneythey are skills that are good to have08:24
Laneyprobably need a new chain actually08:25
darkxstbikes are rather overpriced here, but either way I could buy a cheap car cheaper than my MTB!08:26
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mlankhorstyour *expensive* MTB :P08:43
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Mirvsil2100: can you approve the branch from status page before your next tick?09:03
darkxstmlankhorst, all good MTB's are expensive!09:08
xnoxdarkxst: mostly yes.09:08
Laneywoah channel switch09:08
sil2100Mirv: doing...09:15
Mirvsil2100: thanks!09:17
darkxstxnox, there is some bit you don't like?09:19
sil2100Mirv: feeling sicklish today, had only a few hours of sleep - how are the stacks today?09:19
Mirvsil2100: did you read my e-mail? the stacks status is getting better all the time now.09:20
sil2100Mirv: yes, I read the e-mail, but heard about some arm64 pop-ups there09:20
Mirvsil2100: take care, hopefully you'll feel better soon09:20
sil2100Do we have to cu2d-skip that every time, or is this arch ignored by cu2d automatically?09:20
Mirvsil2100: yeah so the fix fixed it09:20
Mirvthat was proven now during this 2nd tick of mine09:21
Mirvignored as was previously done with powerpc09:21
seb128sil2100, you might want to ask on #ubuntu-devel about the arm64 thing, cjwatson or the launchpad guys (wgrant/StevenK/infinity) might have a clue what's going on09:21
Mirvseb128: I resolved it with didrocks in the morning already09:22
seb128ok, do you know where the arch was added? to launchpad?09:22
seb128do they plan to enable the port soon?09:22
Mirvseb128: not exactly, but yes apparently it's planned to be enabled now soon and coming to PPAs as well09:23
MirvI mean, I don't know exactly09:23
Mirvand that's why it hit cu2d as well, as it started waiting on arm64 builds that didn't happen09:23
sil2100Mirv: btw. do you know anything about the unity8/platform bits? Do you know if Ricardo was able to get a nice binary copy of the packages?09:23
seb128Mirv, how did you get it fixed?09:23
sil2100asac: ^ ?09:23
Mirvsil2100: it seems stuff landed yesterday, but we're still not touching anything until asac/didrocks say otherwise09:24
sil2100seb128: cu2d now automatically 'doesn't care' about arm64 it seems, we have that for powerpc as well09:24
Mirvseb128: we added arm64 to be in the same list as powerpc09:24
Mirvto 'ARCHS_TO_EVENTUALLY_IGNORE' in cupstream2distro settings.py09:25
seb128sil2100, Mirv: thanks09:37
seb128sil2100, Mirv: do you think we could publish indicators today or is that blocked on asac/didrocks' to approve as well?09:37
seb128qengho, hey, did you get a fixed chromium-browser ready for upload (do you need sponsoring)?09:38
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, ^ do you know?09:38
sil2100seb128: not sure what the status is today, but I guess it would be alright to publish that, as it has those important things right?09:39
sil2100The next tick should fix the Indicator stack09:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, i don't sorry (i've just had 2 days off, so still catching up)09:39
seb128sil2100, yes, that has important fixes for the messaging menu on the phone and for the hud09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, ah, welcome back ;-)09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, I hope you had a good mini-holiday! did you go anywhere?09:40
Mirvseb128: seems blocked if I understand this correctly '< didrocks> Mirv: just don't publish before asac or I ack on those, we need the current image'09:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, we went to legoland :)09:40
Mirvseb128: meanwhile that config commit I got sil2100 to approve might mean successful build & autopilots on indicators stack, which would then mean possibility to ask for permission to publish it09:40
seb128chrisccoulson, nice!09:41
sil2100Mirv: ok, good to know09:41
seb128Mirv, great!09:41
sil2100Just hope didrocks or asac will be up in the next few hours09:42
Mirvwell didrocks went to sleep 5h ago, so depending on how much sleep he needs :)09:42
Laneyseb128: don't you want the buildClickView branch reviewed then?09:42
Laneyoh, it misses the new files, that makes a bit more sense09:43
seb128Laney, I welcome input/comments on it09:44
ochosihi Laney09:45
seb128Laney, doh, I forgot to bzr add those? fixing09:45
Laneyseb128: yeah, see the bot's angry message09:46
Laneyhi ochosi09:46
ochosiLaney: sorry for pinging you out of the blue, i'm part of the xubuntu team (mostly dealing with artwork) and maintaining lightdm-gtk-greeter09:46
ochosiLaney: you submitted a patch a while back for xfce4-session and logind (if i'm not mistaken)09:47
LaneyI kind of remember that09:47
ochosiLaney: which fixed reboot and shutdown, but at the moment logout still seems broken09:47
ochosiand we noticed because the greeter was misbehaving09:47
ochosiso i tried to fix the greeter (robert gave me a few pointers)09:47
ochosibut that didn't work, and then i realized that it takes me 8+ seconds to logout (when it used to take me 1sec on raring with the same machine)09:48
ochosiso i drew a connection and started to read xfce4-session's source, but i'm just not familiar enough with sessions and logind to be able to fix this09:48
ochosiso i cowardly come to you for help09:48
seb128Laney, did you find a good tutorial for QAbstractListModel? that api seems complex (at least compared to using a List<QObject*>), I'm not sure if it's overdoing it for the simple model we have there (no filtering needed, though we need sorting ...)09:49
Laneyochosi: not sure that I'm going to be able to help there :-/09:50
Laneywe have some problems like that in ubuntu too that we haven't debugged yet09:50
ochosiLaney: oh, you do? could you ping me when you start the debugging? (or is there a bugreport yet?)09:51
Laneyyeah logout taking a while, seems like it hits some timeout09:51
ochosihere it also seems to crash the session or something09:52
ochosibut tbh i'm not a debugging master and now that xsession-errors seems kinda gone and half-empty i'm not sure where to look anymore09:52
Laneyare you on upstart user sessions?09:52
Laneyif so: ~/.cache/upstart/<service>.log.*09:52
Laneyseb128: hmm, don't remember a tutorial09:53
Laneyseb128: anyway, that's something I've done before so I could look at that for storage if you want09:53
Laneyit does make things nice from the qml side if you do it using models in cpp09:53
ochosiLaney: startxfce is there, so far i haven't found anything useful there09:53
seb128Laney, after spending 1 day on that code I start really liking my few lines of js better :p09:57
Laneywell, leave it to me if you like09:59
Laneyotherwise I'm a bit unsure of what setting to work on next09:59
seb128Laney, well, I'm done with that, as said I'm on vac tonight for 1.5 week, I don't want to spend my day on that, need to put things in order for the week I'm not there10:03
seb128Laney, so if you want to pick it up and turn it to a qabstractmodel please do10:03
Laneywill do some of that then10:03
seb128Laney, I mostly put it up because it has the json parsing done, so it's a base10:03
Laneyso yeah kind of stuck for what settings to do otherwise10:03
Laneygot any ideas?10:03
sil2100hm, is LP down for you guys as well?10:04
Laneyyes, maintenance10:04
seb128sil2100, yes10:04
seb128sil2100, usually a few minutes I think10:04
sil2100ACK, thanks10:04
seb128Laney, things that you can help on if you are looking for idea:10:04
sil2100Bad timing, as the next tick just started...10:04
seb128- the click model10:04
* sil2100 sighs10:04
sil2100We're all red again10:05
seb128- Laney: backporting https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=6ec2bb17c393c411a2182e865aa0979165dfbac5 and using it to get the size of the xdg directories in storage10:05
seb128e.g video, music10:05
seb128Laney, libgdata handing tests10:05
seb128Laney, building e-d-s without goa on armhf10:05
Laneyhanding tests?10:05
Laneyyeah saw that10:06
seb128Laney, do you have access to https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1Anaxk4gaIjAJYdgpKICwxRpEinCVprIHl01sOGDaCFs/edit ?10:06
Laneyseems so10:07
seb128Laney, ok, I'm going to add comments on that, but that's the current list of things we think need to be done/postponed10:07
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Laneychanging OSK options is what attente has a branch up for atm10:09
Laneyor is it not hooked up in maliit yet?10:09
seb128they have an ini style config10:09
seb128we had a meeting about that 10 days ago10:09
seb128they plan to port ubuntu-keyboard's config to gsettings10:09
seb128I don't think that happened yet though10:09
Laneyyeah it uses QSettings10:10
Laneyseems alright though if it works10:10
seb128Laney, anyway, the click model and the xdg disk space are good ones to work on next, then power maybe (the wifi on/off might be better off using the dbus status/get dynamic update, bluetooth should be easy to do using dbus methods as well I think, and the screen brightness slider should copy what indicator-power does)10:11
Laneythose last ones in the battery panel you mean?10:13
seb128Laney, yes10:13
Laneyseems like a decent list, thanks10:13
Laneyi'll be off friday and monday anyway10:13
sil2100seb128, Laney: related to the settings, is it normal that I can't change the background wallpaper? How can I do that? Since when I access 'Background', I get the two 'Welcome screen' and 'Home screen' images but clicking on them doesn't work - am I doing anything wrong?10:13
Laneysil2100: I haven't been tracking that since Ken started working on the content hub stuff10:14
Laneybut I thought someone made it work10:14
sil2100I could try working on that as a first thing for familiarization, just wanted to make sure it's not just broken on my device10:14
Laneymaybe it was blocked by the delayed releases10:15
seb128sil2100, the fix for the gallery activation is pending landing since thursday or something :/10:16
Laneysil2100: Getting rid of the snail and cogs would be good10:16
Laneyi.e. use the default unity8 does10:16
sil2100Maybe, I built and installed the latest u-s-s on the device, so it should be the latest one I guess...10:16
seb128sil2100, that's using the file picker which is supposed to spawn the gallery app, but the spawning was not done10:16
seb128sil2100, the fix is in content-hub10:16
sil2100Ah, ACK10:16
Laneyif you want somethingn to work on10:16
sil2100Good to know ;)10:17
seb128sil2100, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/content-hub/trunk/revision/3510:17
sil2100Laney: hm, ok, is there a bug for that already?10:17
seb128sil2100, we need that to land10:17
sil2100seb128: noted!10:17
Laneyjust look at the fallback logic10:17
Laneyit's for what happens if you pick an invalid image10:17
Laneyi.e. in gnome you can have these .xml files10:17
Laneyor some corrupt file or so10:17
Laneyyou need to fall back to something - see what unity does there and copy that10:18
sil2100Laney: ACK ;)10:18
seb128Laney, can you open a bug for tracking maybe?10:18
LaneyIt shouldn't be that much work as there's already logic in there for trying to load an image and doing something if that fails10:19
Laneyit's making the "something" not be "set my background to a picture of a snail"10:19
seb128sil2100, Laney: I'm going to file some bugs today, for the things I know that are missing/buggy/todo10:20
seb128that should help having a list of things to pick up10:20
Laneyas much as I do like seeing that thing around the place :-)10:20
sil2100Laney: ;D10:20
Laneyhmm, actually, I guess you want to fall back to the default wallpaper10:24
Laneyfiled anyhow10:25
seb128chrisccoulson, is there a place where qengho usually puts chromium updates when they need sponsoring?10:26
seb128sil2100, you might want to look at bug #122117910:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1221179 in ubuntu-system-settings "[background] image previews should include shell components" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122117910:32
seb128sil2100, we don't have the asset but it should be possible to get the code ready with a faked image/local hack10:33
seb128sil2100, it's basically stacking asset from unity/greeter ui on top of the image10:33
sil2100Ah, sounds fairly simple indeed!10:33
LaneyI decided the fallback case was more complex and added some of my annoying thoughts to the bug10:34
sil2100seb128: I'll assign this to myself for starters maybe, then look at Laney's proposition inbetween stack and appmenu-qt5 actions :)10:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1223798 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[background] Remove initial fallback images" [Undecided,New]10:34
Laneythere's some thinking to be done there unless I've gone nuts10:35
seb128sil2100, great, thanks10:35
Laneyyes, welcome to the u-s-s team10:35
* sil2100 is scared10:36
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sil2100seb128: btw. is it 'safe' to install the touch ubuntu-system-settings on my desktop system?11:02
seb128sil2100, sure11:11
Laneythat's how we develop it11:11
seb128sil2100, I do 95% of my work/testing on the desktop, I just run it once every now and then on the device to check that everything is ok and see how it behaves with touch11:11
seb128dpm, hey11:23
dpmhi seb12811:23
seb128dpm, replying there to your launchpad question, that bug means the pot of all sources under daily landing are not updated11:24
seb128dpm, daily landing includes all unity, indicators, touch components, settings, sdk, etc11:25
* seb128 kicks firefox, you piece of c***11:26
seb128it's downloading stuff when it said download failed, without telling me what nor letting me a way to stop the downloads11:27
dpmseb128, ah, thanks, I wasn't sure I could follow it. But it is not the builders task to update the templates according to the package rules when the packages are uploaded? I thought that happened automatically. Or is it just about those updated .pot files from the tarballs not getting updated in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu ?11:30
seb128dpm, it's about the .pot/.mo files not being imported from the build dir to launchpad11:30
seb128dpm, e.g the translations tarball generated on the builders is not used11:31
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seb128dpm, basically we should manually update all those pots before saucy I guess :/11:48
* dpm otp, bbiab11:48
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seb128chrisccoulson, help, how do I stop firefox to keep downloading stuff that he claims failed to download?12:04
* seb128 kicks firefox in the nuts12:05
Mirvsil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/platform_additions/+merge/18503212:21
sil2100Mirv: finishing lunch and approving ;)12:24
qenghoseb128: On Chromium, I have the two known bugs fixed, but there's one additional webapps-related bug I want to squash also.12:24
seb128qengho, hey ... ok, do you have an eta on that? we need to get the other ones fixed12:25
sil2100Mirv: things are building a long time today...12:25
qenghoseb128: Want these now and another package in a day?  It's hard to estmate the unknown.12:26
Mirvsil2100: yes, there are clearly some performance problems now12:26
seb128qengho, well, I don't want to end up like the previous time, where "it's going to be fixed in the next update, just one thing to sort out" took weeks12:27
seb128qengho, what's the webapp issue and its impact?12:27
pittihey hey12:28
qenghoOpen a webapps page first from a docked icon. Then open normal window. Normal window doesn't respond to Ctrl-T tab opening.12:28
seb128pitti, good morning!12:28
pittiseb128: ça va ?12:28
qenghoseb128: ^12:28
seb128qengho, ok, that doesn't seem worth delaying the other fixes, can be in another upload next week imho ... what do you think?12:28
seb128pitti, très bien, et toi ?12:28
Mirvsil2100: how about this one https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/mirslave_allow_both_libmirclient2_and_3/+merge/185034 - it seems that it was not a good idea to replace 2 with 3 in the previous commit, since it tries to actually install both at the moment12:28
seb128qengho, currently we have upgrades that hit package conflicts and some users who can't use their browser because they are missing the UI elements ... let's get those fixed12:29
sil2100Checking the diff12:29
seb128qengho, there is going to be another upload soon enough which can fix the webapp issue12:29
pittiseb128: mon aussi, didn't get ubuflu so far (although overcooled rooms are eeeverywhere :/), and jetlag wasn't too bad12:30
seb128pitti, you seem up very early ... but I guess that's usual for you12:30
seb128pitti, are people at the sprint starting to get ubuflu? be careful, it often hits at the end of the week12:30
sil2100Mirv: *sigh* ok, let's do it like that, I usually tend to workaround this not to introduce noise into the repo (i.e. just changing the packages list in the jenkins job temporarily) as this will be gone once mir is released12:31
seb128pitti, is the sprint productive? do you guys do hacking or more discussions?12:31
sil2100Mirv: but I guess now it makes sense12:31
Mirv sil2100 temporary is fine for me as well, ie just deploying12:31
pittiseb128: I looked into IRC around 7, but now it's 8:30, we just arrived at the office12:31
pittiseb128: there's two buses, so not that much choice12:31
sil2100Mirv: especially that we're not releasing stuff, so better have it in the branch12:31
pittiseb128: we actually do have quite some discussions, but we get to do hacking in the afternoons12:34
seb128pitti, k, shame that we don't a joined sprint, I miss you guys!12:34
pittiseb128: likewise! didrocks and jibel are here at least, so I have at least some of my favourite French here :)12:35
Mirvsil2100: there's some random stuff going on, once again. doesn't seem like progressing.12:35
MirvI'm going to just abort that12:36
sil2100hm, too bad it's from platform, that's a base package that I'd like released with anything else12:39
sil2100Mirv: nvidia seems awfully strange today12:40
sil2100Mirv: not moving really on the mirslave job...12:40
sil2100Mirv: I think we'll have to reset the nvidia machine12:44
Mirvsil2100: argh12:44
sil2100Mirv: <- it's not moving, and when I ssh to the nvidia machine and try to do lxc-ls --fancy, it's just hanging12:44
sil2100b0rken :<12:44
Mirvthat's b0rken indeed12:44
sil2100Should I sudo reboot it?12:45
Mirvsil2100: will you powerswitch or will I?12:45
Mirvsil2100: yes, by all means12:45
Mirvof course that's softer way :)12:45
sil2100Mirv: I'll try by ssh, if it doesn't work we'll powerswitch it ;p12:45
sil2100heh, ok, reboot doesn't seem to work ;p12:46
Mirvseb128: at least some good news anyway. as I predicted indicators would be now happy to publish itself if we'd just allow it.12:46
seb128Mirv, \o/12:47
seb128just need to get asac to +1 that then12:47
sil2100Mirv: I powerswitched it12:49
sil2100Reboot just made things worse ;p12:50
qenghoseb128: Cr updates in  chinstrap:~cmiller/packages/ , if you care to sponsor.12:50
seb128qengho, thanks, I can do that ;-)12:51
qenghoseb128: merci bien.12:51
seb128de rien ;-)12:51
seb128didrocks, oh a didrocks, can we get the hud and indicators published today? there are important fixes for touch and desktop in there12:52
sil2100didrocks: morning! Less jet-lagged now? ;)12:52
didrockssil2100: seb128: hey! well. First asac wants a touch image with unity8 + mir running12:52
Mirvsil2100: oh..12:53
didrocksso gating on the tests to turn green before releasing the rest of locks12:53
kenvandineLaney, seb128: should setting timezone with the datetime plugin in system-settings work?12:53
didrockssil2100: no jetlag, but slept 4 hours because of the above (finished at 1am yesterday) ^12:53
seb128kenvandine, hey, on desktop yes12:53
sil2100didrocks: I noticed there was a publish of unity8 last night, was that ACKed by you and done by Ken?12:53
seb128kenvandine, touch still has the logind issue12:53
kenvandineseb128, ah, ok12:53
didrocksseb128: acked and done by me12:54
didrocksasac was next to me to testify12:54
seb128sil2100, ^12:54
Mirvsil2100: so does the nvidia machine look like kaboom now?12:54
didrockswe had beers and pizzas12:54
didrocksand worked :p12:54
didrocks(I guess that was the deal)12:54
sil2100Mirv: it looks better, at least lxc-ls doesn't die ;)12:54
Mirvsil2100: hmmkay12:54
sil2100Mirv: is it visible on jenkins?12:54
pittiseb128: darn, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+language-packs didn't get a new delta tarball for a week, so no new langpacks today :/12:55
pittiseb128: but it did copy ubuntuone-client into the local source packages now12:55
pittiso the next actual export will have it12:55
Mirvsil2100: not sure yet, but guess what intel seems stuck
seb128pitti, so next update should have it? do you know why previous one didn't?12:56
sil2100Come oon...12:56
pittiseb128: yes, it was considered to be KDEish12:56
sil2100Mirv: the machine seems responsive, checking the container12:56
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: just as one more data point there was some apparently daily otto autopilot job, which stuck at "starting lxc" or such on both intel and nvidia machine and didn't continue from there12:56
Mirvaround 09:45 UTC12:57
seb128pitti, oh ok, good if it's fixed in the next update then ... do you know what's the issue with the "no tarball for a week"?12:57
pittino, I don't12:57
pittiI just noticed myself12:57
didrocksMirv: interesting, let jibel knows when connected, he said he will look at those kinds of issues today12:57
sil2100Mirv: the container seems responsive, not sure on what process it's hanged, let me try moving that12:57
Mirvsil2100: can you let jibel know about when he arrives?13:00
Mirvso it just stuck there, and same for nvidia13:00
Mirvuntil aborted13:00
Mirvthe logs stated that yesterday at the same time it worked fine13:00
sil2100Mirv: ok, will do13:01
Mirvsil2100: now nvidia seems offline..13:01
sil2100Mirv: ah, you aborted the intel job? I was in the container when you did that ;13:01
sil2100And it was like 'huh, what happened?!'13:02
sil2100Mirv: ok, so the jenkins slave didn't start again probably...13:02
Mirvsil2100: haha, right....13:02
Mirvsil2100: yes, I just started the slave again13:02
Mirvsil2100: jibel is probably already aware that it doesn't automatically seem to start?13:02
sil2100Mirv: yes, I'll re-inform him since I though he mentioned having a workaround13:03
Mirvsil2100: ok, I'll let you have the full control so that I won't come to your turf, the queue and hangs just look so sad :)13:03
sil2100Mirv: I always appreciate help ;) Especially when I'm doing something else as well13:04
sil2100Mirv: but I opt for even missing the next tick just to get the stacks into shape - what do you think?13:05
sil2100I wonder what's happening with the test machines recently, since in the past we never had so many issues like these13:05
Mirvsil2100: well, depending on how it goes. if it's just unity 55mins from now, it might be easier to abort its job and allow normal "restart all"13:06
Mirvsil2100: but on the other hand hand-guiding this tick to an actual end would be nice as well13:06
seb128sil2100, they send didrocks and jibel in the US to drink beers and eat pizzas, that's where it all started going down ;-)à13:06
sil2100Mirv: ok, now the machines seem to work correctly (so far)13:13
sil2100didrocks: could you do a final review of https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/cupstream2distro-config/new_saucy_series/+merge/184641 ? Francis already ACKed it - if it's ok, I'll maybe top-approve once we get something released from the current arch13:15
Mirvseb128: sure..13:15
sil2100didrocks: and move on with redeploying and filling RT's13:15
Mirvsil2100: sure.. (meant for you)13:15
Mirvbut well I agree also with seb's analysis of the situation13:16
seb128(I was wondering/reading backlog for context :p)13:16
sil2100Mirv: intel again hanged up...13:32
sil2100jibel, didrocks: we have a problem with the intel machine it seems13:32
sil2100jibel, didrocks: it's the second time this happens - otto hangs after hook 10-autopilot and doesn't move a muscle13:33
sil2100jibel, didrocks: last time, I couldn't even reboot the machine by SSH, had to powerswitch it13:33
sil2100jibel, didrocks:
sil2100Mirv, didrocks, jibel: daily-release is pointless in this state, as it implies someone from the maintainance team to look at every test job every 5 minutes and abort13:34
jibelsil2100, given the place it stopped it'd means the session fails to start13:34
jibelsil2100, did you look at any error message from lightdm or X or kernel?13:35
sil2100I'll try attaching to the container, as it's still running13:35
sil2100jibel: kernel seems fine, at least nothing obvious - you would know better, but checking other logs13:37
jibelsil2100, check lightdm logs13:38
sil2100Ok, I see a crash in X13:38
jibelsil2100, it doesn't look good13:39
jibel[+2.22s] DEBUG: Launching process 3699: /usr/bin/X -core :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -mir 0 -mirSocket /tmp/mir_socket -nolisten tcp13:39
jibel[+2.22s] DEBUG: DisplayServer x-0: Waiting for ready signal from X server :013:39
jibel[+2.56s] DEBUG: Process 3699 terminated with signal 613:39
sil2100jibel: ok... the last stack that ran before this was unity8 I think ;/13:39
mterryseb128, didrocks, pitti:  you guys are members of the lightdm dev team I see...  Do you ever review branches for landing?13:39
pittimterry: not really, I'm not involved in day-to-day development; Robert added me when I added some apparmor/guest session fixes13:40
pittiI can certainly review/merge some easy fixes when someone asks me to13:41
pittibut I don't feel qualified to review bigger changes (design, behaviour, etc.)13:41
sil2100jibel: I guess we'll have to terminate this run, right? But I wonder why mirslave AGAIN causes problems, this time on intel13:42
sil2100jibel: should I inform upstream about it? You think it's a real mir problem?13:42
mterrypitti, well, this might be too nuanced, but it's just a bug fix, not a feature: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/lightdm/keep-vt-around/+merge/18488713:43
seb128mterry, not often, I don't know the codebase enough to be comfortable reviewing most of the changes ... I can have a look to something easy/that doesn't need to know in detail how lightdm works though13:45
pittimterry: (will look in a bit, in meeting here)13:45
jibelsil2100, there has been an upload of intel driver on the 9th and mir yesterday, file a bug, ping the mir guys and they'll have to handle it from here, didrocks ^^ what do you think?13:45
mterryseb128, just trying to land that bugfix branch ^13:45
pittimterry: in fact, perhaps I'm sitting on your old chair :)13:45
mterrypitti, you're in lex now?13:46
jibelsil2100, it is not a problem with the test system anyway13:46
pittimterry: yes, QA team sprint13:46
pittimterry: my first time in Lex13:46
mterrypitti, awesome  :)  I was in on Monday, didn't notice ya13:46
pittiah, too bad13:46
sil2100jibel: thanks! After checkign that with you, filling out the bug13:46
Laneywhere can I get a test click package from?13:51
LaneyI just want one to install on my desktop for this s-s stuff13:51
seb128Laney, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/13:54
seb128Laney, install them with "sudo click install --force-missing-framework --user=Laney ...click"13:54
Laneyok, ta13:56
Laneycool, seemed to work13:58
seb128Laney, great ;-)13:58
seb128Laney, some of the infos are going to be missing from some clicks btw, that's normal13:59
seb128Laney, installed-size is only available for clicks built with > 0.4.something13:59
LaneyI noticed that13:59
seb128some didn't get rebuilt since13:59
Laneywhat are you doing then?13:59
seb128the icon is a new field also, they don't all provide it13:59
seb128Laney, atm I display a N/A for the size when it's missing, and the icon has a fallback14:00
Laneysounds fair14:00
seb128Laney, but the size isn't going to be missing over time, we have only a few old packages leftover, any new package isn't going to have that issue14:00
* Laney runs this for the first time ...14:01
seb128Laney, working?14:11
Laneygets the data14:12
Laneyno sorting yet14:12
jbichaseb128: what do you think of bug 1092719?14:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1092719 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "FFe: Update gnome-disk-utility to 3.8" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109271914:13
seb128jbicha, that you should stop being new versions addict ;-)14:13
seb128jbicha, how did you resolve the libdvdread depends?14:14
jbichaI've got a big patch to revert the dependency/feature because I didn't want to be blocked by the mir14:16
seb128"big patch" :/14:16
jbichayeah :( it'll be fine for 3.8 but it'll probably be a headache for any newer version14:17
seb128jbicha, well, in any case I've no objection to the update, under the condition that whoever does the update deals with issues/fallouts14:17
pittimterry: what is the use_vt_switching flag?14:17
mterrypitti, that's when we can't start the compositor, we fall back to using VTs14:18
mterrypitti, (if we are using the compositor, everything happens on the same VT)14:18
pittimterry: ah, so true -> lightdm running on system mir, false -> old way?14:18
mterrypitti, yeah.  And my branch tries to add a fallback for the old way, when we don't have mir yet and don't have VTs either14:19
mterrypitti, by just faking it on VT 1, where we are stuck because we can't switch VTs14:19
pittimterry: so in that case when we don't have mir yet, wouldn't use_vt_switching be false?14:20
mterrypitti, (my understanding is that XDG_VTNR is an override to logind's normal VT detection, so we force it to assume a VT.  That's what we do in the Mir case, and what I want to do in this fallback case14:20
pittimterry: so your fallback code wouldn't even run?14:20
pitti if (!SEAT_UNITY (seat)->priv->use_vt_switching)14:20
pitti18+ vt = SEAT_UNITY (seat)->priv->vt;14:20
mterrypitti, if (have_mir) use_vt_switching = false14:20
pittiso without mir (old way) this would run?14:20
mterrypitti, with Mir, we don't need VT switching.  Everything happens on same VT14:21
mterrypitti, without Mir (old way), we fallback to switching between VTs, as if it were the 2000s14:21
pittimterry: ah sorry, I was wrong above14:22
pittiit's true -> old way, false -> mir14:22
ochosisorry to interfer, but would VT switching also not be needed with XMir?14:23
pittiochosi: (why sorry? :) )14:24
mterrypitti, so without Mir, we set use_vt_switching to true14:24
mterryBut sometimes (like on phone), we don't have Mir, and our VT subsystem doesn't work.  So we're stuck on VT114:24
mterrypitti, right14:25
pittimterry: right, so I got it the wrong way around above; it makes much more sensenow14:25
ochosipitti: heh, because i'm not really technically on top of Mir etc so it could be a really silly question (and you seemed to talk about something important)14:25
mterryochosi, I believe in that case, the system compositor is still running in one VT, and XMir sessions just talk to it14:25
pittimterry: approved, merging now14:26
mterrypitti, awesome, thanks!  :)14:26
pittimterry: ah no, it gets auto-merged I assume14:26
mterrypitti, yeah, but not auto-released...  :(14:26
ochosimterry: so when switching to the greeter (which would usually spawn a new VT), would there still be the blackout and flickering with XMir?14:27
mterryochosi, I believe the idea is "no"14:27
ochosimterry: that sounds like a nice feature. so no-one has tested this yet?14:28
mterryochosi, I'm not sure.  I've been so phone focused these days, I don't know where we are with the desktop and XMir14:29
ochosimterry: okies, thanks though!14:29
didrocksmterry: we need it for deploying the branches14:45
didrocksseb128: I'll look at it in the incoming hours14:46
seb128didrocks, that's re what? sorry so much going on during the day, I forgot what that specific ping was aobut14:47
didrocksjibel: sil2100: ack with pinging Mir team14:48
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sil2100didrocks: they're ping, aware and hopefully will fix this soon, for now I skipped mirslave so that we're not blocked on a broken intel machine14:48
didrocksseb128: that's re: failing s<tab>14:49
didrockssil2100: I'll look at it in the incoming hours14:49
didrocksit being your branch14:49
seb128didrocks, I see :p14:49
sil2100didrocks: thank you, no rush, I think top-priority for now is to get things released14:49
didrocksseb128: I know you pinged me, will be your turn soon :p14:49
seb128didrocks, btw I need you input on why it would be hard to list click updates in the system update panel ... it feels like it's just another list widget/model/delegate if they have a working backend14:50
seb128didrocks, right14:50
sil2100Poor seb128 is pinged in my stead so many many times ;p14:50
didrocksseb128: because the design UI totally changed?14:52
didrocksand we need to have one daemon to talk to I guess14:52
didrocksand rick told that we need to "finish what we have"14:52
didrocksand they already have a separate app for that14:52
didrocksso let's have V1 doing that14:52
didrocksdesign changed late14:53
seb128didrocks, ok, we just don't have a design for the solution you guys suggest :/14:53
seb128didrocks, I guess it's up to design to update back the design then14:53
didrocksseb128: yeah, and we can say, for us, too late, let's focus on make V1 rock solid first14:54
didrocks(and use the apps already written by the team for click packages)14:54
seb128didrocks, sure, we don't have a design anymore for our current UI though, since the wiki got updated14:55
seb128didrocks, so it's a bit flacky14:55
didrocksseb128: we can go back in history, it's versionned14:55
seb128didrocks, and we don't have guidance for handling of the error/some of the cases14:55
seb128didrocks, right, but we were lacking details by then14:55
seb128oh, well14:55
didrocksyeah, on the error handling14:55
didrocksanyway, I won't have time to implement the new design, and I asked the management about it and they agree to finish what we have14:55
seb128didrocks, ok, btw I already modified some of the UI bits while you were on holidays14:56
didrocksseb128: ah great! Sure, feel free14:56
seb128didrocks, but it's minor, moving the never/on wifi/always selector to a new screen14:56
didrocksthere is this qdbus stuff with the array of dict14:56
didrockswhich worries me14:57
seb128didrocks, which was part of the design changes (ported it to the new optionselector as well)14:57
didrocksbut I'll have a look at it next week14:57
didrocksseb128: perfect, thanks a lot!14:57
didrockssil2100: +  dest: ubuntu-unity/next-next15:09
kenvandinedidrocks, can i publish services?  we really need content-hub published15:09
sil2100didrocks: oh, ok ;p next-next it will be...;p15:09
didrocks-      target_branch: lp:autopilot/1.315:10
didrocks347+      target_branch: lp:autopilot15:10
didrocks-> not needed15:10
didrocksjust remove target_branch15:10
didrocksto target trunk15:10
didrockskenvandine: not as long as I didn't talk to alexander15:10
sil2100Right, slipped through, fixing too! Thanks15:10
didrockskenvandine: we need to publish an image15:10
didrocks-      target_branch: lp:autopilot-gtk/1.315:10
didrocks363+      target_branch: lp:autopilot-gtk15:10
didrockssil2100: same ^15:10
didrocks-      target_branch: lp:autopilot-qa/1.315:11
didrocks375+      target_branch: lp:autopilot-qa15:11
didrockssame ^15:11
sil2100didrocks: indeed, all those I just removed the 1.3 it seems15:11
sil2100kenvandine: let's wait for this tick to finish, maybe the stacks will be in much better state15:11
sil2100kenvandine: and then we talk to asac about publishing smaller stacks15:11
kenvandinesil2100, ok, the only package that'll publish in services is content-hub15:12
didrockssil2100: shouldn't we remove    manualpublish: True # XXX: as requested by asac, we're in manual mode!15:13
kenvandinewhich is being added to the seed15:13
didrockson all head's?15:13
sil2100kenvandine: ACK, let's have a chat with asac then15:13
didrockskenvandine: don't change anything on the touch image before we are sure we are in a good state15:14
kenvandinedidrocks, understood15:14
didrockslet me gather the state in ~50 minutes15:14
sil2100didrocks: understood as well, but I agree that new content-hub is needed, since otherwise settings background-changing is b0rken ;)15:14
didrockssil2100: kenvandine: when did that change?15:14
kenvandineit's a little broken right now :)15:14
didrocksthe previous settings is already broken?15:15
kenvandinekind of15:15
kenvandinemissing depends on content-hub15:15
kenvandinegallery-app and uss depend on the lib15:15
kenvandinewhich doesn't depend on the service15:15
didrocksah, so the red on the dashboard is because of this?15:15
kenvandinenot sure actually... maybe15:16
didrocksfor gallery-app?15:16
didrockscan you check please?15:16
didrockskeep me posted15:16
kenvandinedidrocks, actually, no15:17
kenvandineit wouldn't cause a failure in gallery-app15:17
didrocksso let's get the baseline green15:17
didrocksand then, move15:18
kenvandinebut if there were tests in settings for background, then it would fail15:18
didrocksit's difficult enough already15:18
kenvandineplease ping me :)15:18
didrockskenvandine: will surely do15:18
didrocksI need to get my hand on the German first15:18
* didrocks will look near the fridge, beers are here, we should find him :)15:18
kenvandineasac, fyi we need to add content-hub to the touch seed, i have that ubuntu-touch-meta ready to upload... but i'll wait until you have images :)15:19
sil2100didrocks: fixed those issues that you pointed out, I'll create the next-next PPA now15:20
didrockskenvandine: yeah, don't upload it15:21
didrockslet's get green first15:21
didrockssil2100: create the next-next?15:21
kenvandinedon't worry, i won't :)15:21
didrockssil2100: wait, what's this?15:21
sil2100didrocks: ...scratch that, don't look at that branch15:21
sil2100didrocks: wait, going for some coffee and then repushing the branch ;p15:22
sil2100didrocks: anyway, now it should be good15:24
* didrocks refreshessssss15:24
didrockssil2100: approved15:27
didrocksI'll let you redeploy once ready :)15:27
sil2100ACK, thanks!15:28
sil2100jibel: oh my god, again the DNS problem on the otto machines :P!15:42
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tkamppeterlarsu, hi16:02
larsutkamppeter: hi16:05
asackenvandine: yeah. we want to land indicators and the unity8 fix now16:07
SweetsharkOMG another heroic effort finished at libreoffice: runnable instdir -- this build LibreOffice in a work directory, out of which it can then directly run without additional copying foo ...16:09
didrockssil2100: around at all?16:10
tkamppeterlarsu, we have the conference call16:10
sil2100didrocks: yes16:11
didrockssil2100: hangout ready?16:11
sil2100didrocks: coding something16:11
sil2100What hangout?!16:11
didrocksneed to talk to you for 10 minutes16:11
didrocksright NOW16:11
sil2100: O16:11
sil2100Ok, ready if anything, I guess16:11
larsutkamppeter: please do it without me today, I don't have anything printing-related to report. I'll look at the notes later16:15
attenteseb128, is it better to have the maliit schema in gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas or in ubuntu-keyboard?16:40
qenghoseb128: I haven't seen anything about Cr package acceptance. Should I be worried?16:41
LaneyQT :|16:45
Laneyattente: I'd say in the keyboard itself17:06
* Laney leaves, irritated at qt17:06
attenteLaney, yeah, that made the most sense to me initially17:06
Laneymaybe I'll have an evening brainwave17:06
Laneysee you17:06
seb128qengho, sorry, pings didn't stop and I forgot about it, uploaded now17:28
qenghoseb128: my french obviously dazzled you, n'est pas?17:29
seb128qengho, on dirait que oui ;-)17:29
attenteseb128, do you have time to help me with a build issue?17:30
seb128attente, sure17:42
attenteseb128, when building http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ubuntu-keyboard/trunk/, i get dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source17:44
seb128attente, update the version number in debian/changelog17:46
seb128attente, it tries to use the tarball from the archive for that version and add the changes in a diff on top17:46
seb128attente, and you probably have a binary file or something that can't be diffed17:46
seb128attente, if you bump the changelog it's going to create a new tarball rather than reusing the archive one, that should work17:46
seb128attente, version = the part before "-0ubuntu1"17:47
attenteseb128, thanks, i'll give it a try17:47
seb128attente, yw17:47
qenghoseb128: Can we revert the chromium back to 28 and take a few days to test 29 more?17:48
attenteseb128, thanks, that fixed it completely17:48
seb128attente, great17:48
seb128qengho, we could, what's the issue with 29?17:49
seb128qengho, are the user profiles compatible (e.g can you run 28 again after running 29, or is 29 writing configs that 28 can't understand?)17:50
qenghoseb128: I haven't had any trouble going back to 28, but I have no formal knowledge about no change.17:52
seb128qengho, what's the rational for going back?17:52
qenghoseb128: #webapps is scared of it and wants to test thoroughly. One bug means there could be other bugs.17:53
seb128qengho, that doesn't seem a strong rational for a revert, that needs better coordination next time/them keeping more on top of the beta channel17:54
qenghoseb128: reverting the index of released wouldn't help people who have aready installed anyway, right?17:55
seb128qengho, you can't revert in versions, you would have to use an epoch or reupload 28 as 29.is.really.2817:55
seb128qengho, e.g fake the version to be > 2917:55
qenghoseb128: right.17:56
seb128qengho, but we don't have enough proved issues to justify going through a revert, especially when we are unsure it's not going to create issues with user configs (not to mention file conflicts with l10n)17:56
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dbarthseb128: quick note, we're sorry about the regression on chromium; we're re-testing the new build right now to ensure this doesn't snowball18:16
seb128dbarth, thanks18:16
qenghoseb128, dbarth: Thank you for your help, too.18:19
seb128qengho, thanks for getting those fixes out!18:20
seb128qengho, that, and for considering the webapps issues as well ;-)18:20
qenghoseb128: Next chromium will have UI autopkgtests covering everything we saw today!  I'm excited.18:22
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didrockspitti: around? mind bumping some stuff?19:50
pittididrocks: bring'em on19:50
pittididrocks: fait19:50
didrockspitti: et ce sera tout ;)19:51
pittididrocks: de rien19:51
didrockspitti: it's back to 10 minutes? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build-next/+build/495639719:54
didrocksdid you bump for the last 2 the priority?19:54
pittididrocks: oh, sorry19:55
pittididrocks: done all 4 now19:56
didrockspitti: merci beaucoup19:56
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