
darkxstWe will soon be having monthly meetings for Ubuntu GNOME06:58
darkxstHow do we go about getting a meeting bot?06:58
AlanBelldarkxst: what channel?07:19
AlanBellshould be there now07:20
AlanBellyou can also book the main #ubuntu-meeting room, which might be better for a project like that07:20
AlanBellso everyone can see easily07:20
darkxstAlanBell, oh right, how would we go about booking that?07:32
darkxstAlanBell, Thanks07:42
Unit193So, in light of https://launchpad.net/medibuntu/+announcement/11951 and http://blogs.kde.org/2013/09/11/medibuntu-disappear-libdvdcss-now-direct-videolan, would it be time to change the medibuntu factoid to point to http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html now?  (Read the blog, contains a repo {currently} maintained by the Kubuntu folks.)16:55
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