
Hydr0p0nXso uh, i had to replace my drive holding / , ended up upgrading to 500GB (from 160), now have 340GB unpartitioned and trying to decide best use00:17
Hydr0p0nXI have 3x2tb for storage, so this disk is just / /boot and /swap00:17
Hydr0p0nXwould I do better to extend the root partition to take up the remaining room or add a mountpoint for /var/lib/myth and/or /home ?00:18
* sabhain is having some storage envy.00:25
Hydr0p0nXif it makes you feel better ... i'm sure my powersupply is hurting00:32
* Patrickdk just uses 8gigs for /00:42
sabhainabout 6 years ago, I thought that 2TB total storage, including for movies & ISOs would be way more than enough.00:50
Korny``/me is running 24 TB total right now :/00:51
* Korny test00:52
Hydr0p0nXold board, had to mod firmware to support 2tb disks00:53
Hydr0p0nXbut, i'm planning on upgrading it next year01:00
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=== dahlSTROM|sleep is now known as dahlSTROM
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
=== dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep
=== dahlSTROM|sleep is now known as dahlSTROM
=== dahlSTROM is now known as dahlSTROM|sleep

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