
=== medberry is now known as med_
keesthis time with bugs! :)02:51
infinityIt's sendmail, does it ever not have bugs?02:52
keesinfinity: har har, I menat this time I'm uploading a -proposed package with actual LP bugs linked :)02:53
keesI actually worked with upstream to fix one of them. they were extremely helpful, actually.02:53
infinityNot my fault you meant the wrong thing.  I interpreted correctly.02:54
didrocksstgraber: still alive? :)03:55
stgraberdidrocks: yep03:56
didrocksstgraber: infinity is wondering which image is the real touch image03:56
didrocksmeaning the unflipped one03:56
didrocksor flipped03:57
didrockstoo tired to think03:57
didrocksthe one we care about :)03:57
stgraberthe only one listed in the crontab? :)04:01
stgraber02 8,20 * * *   for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live04:01
stgraberthe other touch entry clearly says system-image and that's the hourly importer script, so if you want a new image, just run what I pasted above and it'll automatically get imported to system-image next time that cron hits (every :01)04:02
stgraberah, well, looks like infinity figured it out before I said that on IRC (looking at the timestamp on nusakan), so I guess I'm done for tonight04:12
smartboyhwLaney, see latest comment on the bug. But now I'm wondering if I need a FFe, the commits look more like bugfixes-.-09:06
Laneyalways good to check what the changes are first09:06
smartboyhwLaney, so, you going to approve my FFe, or it shouldn't have been a FFe at all?09:07
Laneydon't know, haven't looked again09:07
Laneywill do in a bit unless somebody else does first09:07
smartboyhwLaney, OK09:07
=== doko_ is now known as doko
didrockscjwatson: hey, are you still around?19:05
seb128didrocks, not sure what you need but you might be able to grab infinity in lexington19:13
didrocksseb128: already asked, he doesn't have access to those logs19:13
didrocksthe binary copy doesn't work19:13
didrockswe are screwed19:13
didrocksasac will kill all of us19:13
slangasekwhat are you binary copying?  (not that I have any access)19:14
seb128didrocks, it's surprising that infinity doesn't have access ... is that a launchpad thing?19:17
seb128would wgrant or StevenK have access?19:17
infinityIt's a log host I've just never asked for access to.  I should get some.19:18
infinityI'd also need to sort out which log I'd need to look at. :P19:18
infinityBut the first step is to actually try to do some copies manually and see if they break.19:19
infinityCause if not, I blame cup2whateverthingee19:19
=== rtg is now known as rtg-afk
cjwatsoninfinity: You really should get carob access.  It's very handy.23:16
cjwatsonunity-mir 0.1+13.10.20130911.1-0ubuntu1 in saucy (Cannot copy DDEBs to a primary archive)23:21
cjwatsonappears to have been the problem, FWIW23:21
cjwatsoninfinity: (Plus, if you had carob duty, we'd have coverage in all timezones, when you're on NA time.)23:39
cjwatsons/carob duty/carob access/  # not sure where that came from23:50

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