
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:47
PManning395Hello! I had a question about Xubuntu and LiveUSBs00:50
PManning395I have a laptop that I would like to set up as a netbook, as the previous harddrive is shot. That being said, I would like to use Xubuntu on a LiveUSB to act as the OS. Without a hard drive, would I be able to use the Xubuntu as the only OS?00:52
PManning395Ok. And is there a way to set it up that it just launches the OS, so it doesnt ask every time if I want toeither try it or install it?00:53
XRS1you can install xubuntu onto a USB flash drive or an SD card00:53
PManning395An SD card? I neer would have thought of that.00:53
XRS1be warned, it usually guesses wrong and installs the bootloader to the wrong USB drive by default, if that happens, boot from the live USB and run boot-repair00:53
XRS1when installing from USB to USB/SD00:54
GridCube^ listen to him00:54
PManning395I would only have the flash drive as the liveUSB to be plugged in, I wouldn't have any other storage devices installed. Would that still be an issue? I would try the SD, but I don't have one handy at the moment. Otherwise I think i would install the liveUSB to the SD Directly.00:55
PManning395That was another question that I just remmebered. If I use the Flash drive as a liveUSB, will I be able to save files to it?00:55
XRS1you would have to select "Something Else" at the disk setup part.00:55
GridCubePManning395, you will need to install from somewhere to the otherwhere00:56
XRS1no you cant install from the live to the live00:56
GridCubelike ask someone to loan you a pendrive for a few hours00:56
XRS1you can reconfigure grub's boot options so it just boots to desktop00:57
PManning395I mean, I would set up the live disk, and have the extra space (say 3gbs) Could I use the extra gb's for storage of files?00:57
PManning395And the Grub menu? Aight, ill have to look into that.00:58
XRS1but running as live instead of an actual install is much slower00:58
PManning395I don't have a spot to actually isntall it to00:58
PManning395Since my hard drive (or cable) is completely messed up00:58
GridCubePManning395, using two pendrives, or a pendrive and a sdcard, you can install from one to the other00:59
GridCubeno need for a "classic" hard drive00:59
XRS1what i do if im gonna run a live disk is delete the casper-rw file (using a diff computer that can boot on its own) and creat a new EXT2 partition labeled casper-rw    this partition is where everything will save to00:59
XRS1this way you can have more than the limit of 4GB of live persistence01:01
GridCubeusing unetbootin you can check an option called "reserve space for data"01:01
XRS1ah nice01:01
XRS1much easier01:01
GridCube!hi | xubuntu43801:07
ubottuxubuntu438: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:07
xubuntu438I am brand new to linux and to whatever kind of chat this is01:08
xubuntu438where do I start?01:08
PManning395Apologies, I am back.01:08
PManning395Ok, I will look into that. Thank you again for the help everyone!01:09
xubuntu438My install is complete and I need to restart, how do I return to this chat?01:13
PManning395Ok, so i'm using unetbootin01:18
PManning395And towards the bottom it says "Space reserved to preserve files across reboots (ubuntu only)" and then MB's01:18
PManning395Since im using xubuntu, do I need to worry about this?01:19
PManning395ok, thank you01:22
GridCubexubuntu is basically ubuntu at that level01:22
XRS1xubuntu, edubuntu, mythbuntu, Ubuntu Studio and lubuntu are all Canonical backed Ubuntu.01:24
XRS1oh yeah left out kubuntu01:26
PManning395ah, ok01:27
PManning395makes sense01:27
GridCubeXRS1, and gnome-ubuntu01:32
XRS1news to me01:40
xubuntu669hello. I have xubuntu version 13.04 and seem to be having trouble with the glEdgeFlag() function functioning properly under its openGL libraries. I am running my version of Xubuntu in a virtual machine on virtualbox.02:01
xubuntu669Any ideas on what I could do to fix this?02:02
PManning395how do I launch Xubuntu as Try it automatically?02:20
yeyemanfirefox scrolling is incredibly laggy05:09
yeyemananyway to fix?05:09
Unit193yeyeman: Disable smooth scrolling?05:15
yeyemanit didn't help05:21
yeyemanxubuntu seems to save my session between sessions07:37
yeyemaneven though I have not ticked the "save session" box on the logout splash screen07:37
yeyemanHow can I disable it?07:37
baizonyeyeman: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2339107:38
nerdtronyeyeman, close all your windows, shutdown and CHECK the "save sessions"... on your future shutdowns, UNCHECK the "save sessions"08:50
MoL0ToVi have a problem with xscreensaver, don't authenticate even with correct password08:51
MoL0ToValso gnome-screensaver08:53
pipe84hi all, just installed xubuntu 13.04 on my HP laptop with ATI HD6320, I managed to put the brightness to maximum, but the keys (F2-F3) to increase or decrease brightness does not work, either with Fn. In graphics mode I can not increase / decrease brightness because I find the option. I appreciate the help09:43
* USAtrucker slaps USAtrucker around a bit with a large trout09:54
drcI just noticed that http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ has no listing (nor mention) of md5 (or any other hash function).  Q's: 1) How are folks supposed to check their copy of the ISO before use, and 2) Was this by design or an "opps" ?15:56
Sysione thin is that you don't need that with torrent download15:57
drcOK...but there are direct DL's links there also.15:58
Unit193MD5sums are on the locations page, mirror downloads.15:59
drcUnit193: You are correct :)15:59
rosemballsup guys16:48
rosemballwhat is the latest kernel version for xubuntu?16:48
elfy3.11.0-7-generic here16:49
Sysi!info linux-generic16:49
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB16:49
rosemball!info linux-generic16:49
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:49
rosemballelfy did you update it from source or from main repositories?16:50
elfyno - I'm using the dev version of xubuntu - that's the current kernel for that16:50
* Unit193 has 3.11.0-u193, but compiled it.16:51
rosemballokay, I think I'll wait for 13.10 then16:51
rosemballthanks for the answes guys16:52
GridCube!info linux-generic saucy17:02
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB17:02
c2tarunhi friends, anyone using chromium here, I am having problem with magnetic links17:08
rosemballc2tarun, what problem?17:09
c2tarunwhen I click on any magnet link I get a message to launch application, when I launch application I get an error message.17:10
c2tarunlet me share a screenshot with you17:10
c2tarunrosemball, I get this msg when I click on magnet link icon: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09112013-104059pm.php17:11
c2tarunrosemball, when I click on launch application I get this msg: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-09112013-104147pm.php17:12
rosemballwhich program do you use for bit torrent protocol?17:12
c2tarunrosemball, deluge17:16
rosemballsee if this help17:16
xubuntu668Using xub 12.04.3 after nvidia update it boots into the prompt. it's a dual boot Win XP and grub is fine18:51
xubuntu668can someone please help?18:52
xubuntu668I can provide all tech info necessary from the prompt I am using another machine side by side18:57
GridCubexubuntu668, from the grub stage choose a previous linux version to boot from18:59
GridCubetry to see if that works18:59
xubuntu668no previous kernel. was removed after all worked. current version is .5319:00
xubuntu668i know it was stupid19:01
GridCubeif that fails xubuntu668, try to go to /etc/X11 and rename xorg.conf using mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.old and reboot, system should reboot to default grafic drivers19:01
xubuntu668ok. brb19:01
xubuntu668no xorg.conf19:03
GridCubethen you are not using nvidia drivers19:04
GridCubexubuntu668, try this, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --reinstall19:04
serraphynhow do I stop the xubuntu desktop from auto starting?  Like I want it to start with the login/password prompt only in the non-GUI setup19:05
Sysiserraphyn: remove lightdm19:05
xubuntu668unable to write to /var/cache/apt/19:05
GridCubeSysi, aint that a bit overkilling?19:06
Sysiserraphyn: or look into upstart guides about disabling it19:06
GridCubexubuntu668, did you sudo it19:06
SysiGridCube: it's the easiest way, though Iäm not sure if you can get authentication in xfce session to work without a DM19:07
xubuntu668yes, also it says not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock19:07
serraphynSysi, I thought the startup was gdm and I did sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove when I needed to use lightdm :D19:07
GridCubeserraphyn,  ^^^19:07
xubuntu668Gridcube yes I did use sudo.19:08
GridCubexubuntu668, mmm so you have some problem somewhere19:08
GridCubesorry i cant be of more help now19:08
GridCubegotta go19:09
xubuntu668thanks very much. I really appreciate it. I suspect that I've done something in Windows.19:09
jvm_hi. i setup a new xubuntu and compiz; i tried to overwrite the default keyboard shortcut for window closing, which worked fine on another xubuntu system using the compiz settings. on this system however, the compiz shortcut would not work. even alt+f4 stopped working. now i am lost...19:42
rawrmonstermaybe im just having an off day but if i have a file called 'ex01.py' and i executed the command 'chmod 700 ex01.py' that would make the file rwx correct?19:43
rawrmonsterbut just for the current user19:43
rawrmonsterhmmm im so lost then19:44
jvm_no rights for group and others, rawrmonster19:44
jvm_however, it only makes sense if the file begins with "#!/usr/bin/env python" or similar.19:44
rawrmonsteri have a usb stick in "/media/New Volume" and when i run the command it executes correctly but it still is not rwx just rw19:45
knomerawrmonster, chmod +x file19:45
rawrmonsteri have tried that as well19:45
rawrmonsteri have also tried to use the gui and it just unchecks it's self19:45
knomewhat exactly are you trying to make executable?19:46
rawrmonstera python script i just made that is some print statements19:46
jvm_rawrmonster, if the file system is fat or ntfs you will run into trouble, too.19:46
rawrmonsterjvm_: ahh that very well may be it19:46
rawrmonsterjvm_: let me check that because this is normally used for a windows machine19:47
=== Hund_ is now known as Hund
jvm_speaks against a proper file system ;)19:47
rawrmonsteryea its fat so that is what is causing the trouble most likely?19:48
jvm_that means you shouldn't bother with your posix right settings...19:49
jvm_i don't see the necessity, though.19:49
jvm_you can still run your python program.19:49
rawrmonsteri thought linux had to have the x set for it to execute i guess i should have tried to run it before i complained i just knew it was out of the ordinary when the program did not show green in the terminal19:50
knomerawrmonster, you should always be able to run it with 'python script.py'19:51
knomeif it had +x, you could have ran it with "./script.py" (or "script.py" if the dir was in PATH)19:52
knomeultimately, the result would have been always the same,19:52
rawrmonsterwell sorry for the false alarm lol i feel kinda like an idiot for not trying it before i came here19:52
rawrmonsterty for you all help in the matter tho :D19:53
jvm_don't worry.19:53
jvm_i am wondering too just now19:53
jvm_i mounted a fat partition to try, and while i can't change the rights, some files are displayed as executable, while others aren't.19:54
jvm_i don't know what makes some files different there. while mounting windows partitions you can specify that all files should be treated as executables, however: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217305219:57
xubuntu812How can I get rid of the login manager, so that I have a tty login, but still startx automatically?19:59
rawrmonsteryou can just uninstall the login manager and give me one second i know there is a way to execute a command on login give me two seconds to find it20:01
Unit193Change /etc/default/grub  and change out quiet splash   for  text20:02
jvm_xubuntu812, there must be a premade solution, because i know many systems that do this, but you could just write an init script that runs startx (through sudo as your user) and add it to the right runlevel using update-rc.d20:03
bekksdont use startx anymore.20:05
bekksUse lightdm.20:05
jvm_xubuntu812, there is also nodm.20:06
xubuntu812nodm? is that just another login manager?20:06
jvm_and if you google you find other -- i think, worse -- solutions such as http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-auto-login-and-startx-without-a-display-manager-in-debian.html20:08
xubuntu812what if I just add startx to my .profile?20:09
jvm_then go read the "worse solution" link, they do that :p20:09
bekksxubuntu812: Then fix permission issues afterwards.20:10
xubuntu812and if I add lightdm instead of startx? would that do the same thing?20:10
rawrmonsterwhy is plymouth such a core file of all the ubuntu family distro's?20:11
xubuntu812so how would adding startx to .profile give me permission issues?20:12
bekksxubuntu812: It will break permissions. Dont do it.20:12
bekksUse lightdm if you want to start X automatically.20:13
bekksAnd you dont need to add it to .profile20:13
xubuntu812Im using lightdm now20:16
xubuntu812it works fine, except for the resolution, or rather, the offset (half my screen is black and my monitor gives error)20:17
xubuntu812same thing happened in Mint, I fixed it eventually, but it was a pain, and when I change monitors I gotta retrace all my steps, which sucks20:18
jvm_is autologin set and working?20:21
xubuntu812I dont want autologin, but yes it is working20:22
bekksInstall the correct drivers and configure them.20:22
xubuntu812I have correct drivers, they are configured. As soon as I login the screen pops back in place, thats the thing20:23
Psil0Cybinhey guys quick question trying to burn a AVI File onto a DVD so i play it on my dvd player, which plays burned cds21:40
Psil0Cybinhow can i do that on Xubuntu21:40
Psil0Cybinwhat program do i use to convert the .avi to the format i need to burn the dvd.21:41
bekksk3b can do all that IIRC.21:41
XRS1ffmpeg, openshot are the first things that come to ming21:41
XRS1oo k3b. even easier21:41
Psil0Cybini have openshot video editor21:41
Psil0Cybinso how would i go about taking the .AVI to burn to a DVD21:42
Psil0Cybini did it once and forgot21:42
XRS1convert it to mpeg21:42
XRS1DVD's are encoded in mpeg21:42
Psil0Cybinokay so what program do i use for that21:42
Psil0Cybinto encode in mpeg21:42
XRS1use AC3, PCM or mp3 for sound21:42
Psil0Cybinthere was a program that i used on my xubuntu that was as impel GUI21:43
Psil0Cybinthat encoded it forme and did everything\21:43
XRS1openshot can do that. i suggest you give k3b a shot as that will figure out the settings and do the work for you (it seems)21:43
Psil0CybinXRS1, so i would open up the avi in openshot21:44
Psil0Cybinexport it as mpeg21:44
Psil0Cybinand just burn that? file21:44
Psil0Cybinwhat did you mean about the mp321:44
XRS1when you export, there are tons of options you can mess with. most important being the video and audio codecs21:44
XRS1i still say give k3b a shot. youll save some frustration21:45
Psil0Cybinis it avalaible in the software centre?21:45
Psil0Cybinokay perfect will get it now21:45
Psil0Cybinwhat would i do with k3b?21:46
Psil0Cybincould it encode the file for me ?21:46
XRS1k3b is a burning app like Nero or Roxio21:46
Psil0Cybinoh wow21:46
Psil0Cybinso its very user friendlty21:46
Psil0CybinXRS1, how would i go about using K3b22:19
Psil0Cybinto burn an AVI to DVD Readable Format22:19
Psil0CybinI open up the avi? file or where would i go22:19
XRS1give me a few22:20
Psil0Cybinwhen ever you have time i made a new video dvd > opened the avi to the folder22:21
Psil0Cybinso im stuck after there.22:21
Psil0Cybinbut i see VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS22:21
XRS1ah not cool man. okay, k3b doesnt do encoding, you gotta have the vobs already made.   so i tried Brasero and it seems to work the way i want, open Brasero, click Video DVD, drag and drop the video you want as a DVD, click burn and done.   but every file i drag and drop it says its not a valid format22:30
XRS1so back to openshot  >_<22:30
Psil0Cybina minute22:30
Psil0Cybini can just drag a .avi file into Brasero with the Video DVD area22:31
Psil0Cybinbut what if i used DeVuVa or what ever its called, could I burn the ISO and it would work as a DVD as well?22:31
Psil0Cybinbecause DeVeDe22:31
Psil0Cybinapparently puts it into an ISO format that is read by DVDS when burned22:31
XRS1might give it a try. Im also seeing DVDStyler looks like an awesome DVD authoring app (also in the repos)22:33
XRS1just tried it out. it accepted my .AVI file and was having me set up DVD menus and chapters, like a real DVD22:34
Psil0Cybini guess i remember there being an app i used once i dunno why its missing off my computer maybe i uninstalled it it actually let you pick the AVI and show you that it was encoding it etc22:36
Psil0Cybini am just scared im going to waste dvd slmao22:36
Psil0Cybinbut ill try Brasero22:36
Psil0Cybinwith just bringing in an .AVI22:36
XRS1Brasero looked like it was gonna work but wouldn't accept my video files.  DVDStyler did accept my videos22:39
XRS1DVDStyler is the DVD Authoring app used by Ubuntu Studio for DVD production22:40
argoneusI am thinking about installing Xubuntu on my laptop23:15
argoneusMy laptop is meant for school, so I need as much battery life as I can get23:16
argoneusBut my laptop uses Intel/AMD hybrid graphics, is there a way to permanently turn the AMD card off in Xubuntu?23:16
argoneusSince what I've read implies that Linux is bad at handling AMD hybrid graphics23:16
argoneusYes I know, but Ubuntu != Xubuntu, no?23:20
XRS1if its got ubuntu in the name, its ubuntu23:21
argoneusIt's more than just the desktop manager, afaik?23:21
knomeargoneus, hardware support is the same in ubuntu and xubuntu23:21
argoneusI've read that Mir is Ubuntu specific and won't work with Xubuntu, is that correct?23:21
argoneusFor example23:21
knomexubuntu does not run mir in 13.1023:21
rosemballargoneus, I think that by kernel 3.12 amd+intel hybrid will be all right, but obviously you don't want to wait till there23:21
argoneusI am actually running Ubuntu 13.04 right now, and I am turning off the discrete GPU with vgaswitcheroo, but that tends to freeze up the system randomly and always after restoring from suspend23:22
knomeargoneus, you can install mir to xubuntu 13.10 though, and it'll run.23:22
argoneusAnd I don't know whether that'll be the same with current Xubuntu 13.0423:22
argoneusIt might just be my kernel being old23:23
knomenothing different regarding that in xubuntu23:23
argoneusSo everything I can do with Ubuntu is possible with Xubuntu as well?23:24
XRS1might pull in a bunch of extra apps when you install, but yes23:24
argoneusOne more thing23:24
argoneusIs it favorable to install the latest Linux kernel?23:24
rosemballXRS1, AFAIK vga_switcheroo is in the kernel now23:25
knomethe suggested thing to do is to us the kernel in the release23:25
rosemballargoneus, if you want a distribution with newer/faster kernel support, you want to look at something else out there23:25
argoneusSo if I use Xubuntu 13.04 with stock everything, then I should be able to disable the discrete card with vgaswitcheroo and suspend/restore without freezing?23:25
rosemball"without freezing?" not sure about that23:26
rosemballdid you read the link XRS1 posted?23:26
knomeif that doesn't work for you, there are ways to install other kernels, but at that point, we're unable to promise you any support with your system23:26
knomejust a note that newer kernel versions are available as updates, and it's completely fine to install those23:26
argoneusYes, I've read that a long time ago23:26
knomethey might or might not fix problems you might have23:27
argoneusThing is23:27
argoneuswhen I disable my discrete GPU23:27
argoneusThen switch to another tty, and then try to switch back or to any other tty, it just hardlocks23:27
argoneusI can't do anything, but apparently it's not frozen, since I am still online in IRC etc.23:27
argoneusSo I don't know what's up with that23:28
knomesounds like a bug23:28
knomeanyway, off to bed23:28
knomegood luck23:28
argoneusThanks, good night23:28
argoneusI guess my best bet is to just TIAS w/ Xubuntu right now23:28
argoneusIf it doesn't fit my needs, I can just use something else23:29
Oskr220hi I have a question23:34
Oskr220how can i make vim change the cursor in xfce terminal when changing to insert mode23:34
XRS1you might try that question in channel: #vim23:42
XRS1i dont know23:42
theixleWhy does thunar open automatically when I come back from suspend mode?23:43
Oskr220ok thanks23:44
theixlefwiw I do have an sd card plugged in23:44
XRS1you can go into settings -> session and startup -> application auto-start -> remove check-box in Mount Helper23:47
XRS1that should stop the SD card from popping up when you resume23:48
theixleAh, thanks XRS123:48
XRS1might require a restart to apply23:49
theixlehrm, it wasn't checked23:50
XRS1must have something to do with USB then23:50
* XRS1 is looking into possible causes23:54
XRS1does this sound familiar at all?:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/112913723:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1129137 in Ubuntu "xubuntu automatic right clicks when resume from suspend" [Undecided,New]23:57

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