
quackgyverHi. I just installed Lubuntu and already I'm having problems. :-/01:56
quackgyverHow do I scan for nearby WIFI networks?01:56
rosemballdon't you have an wifi icon near the clock?01:57
rosemballotherwise, post a screenshot of your desktop into an image site and post the link here01:57
ianorlin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Networking01:58
quackgyverI do, but it doens't show a list of networks. It only gives me the following options: Ethernet Network (grayed), disconnected (grayed), VPN Connections (submenu), Enable Networking (checked checkbox), linebreak, Information (grayed), Edit (brings up a manual connection creation wizard)01:58
quackgyverFrankly, the menu makes no sense.01:58
quackgyverrosemball: Can't post a screenshot since it doesn't have any networking, unfortunately. :-/ But I think the list of options should suffice.01:59
ianorlinwhat kind of card?01:59
quackgyverBuilt-in wifi laptop card. Haven't had any problems getting it to work on Ubuntu.01:59
rosemballlspci and post the output in some pastebin01:59
rosemballalso, which ubuntu version was it working01:59
quackgyverIn fact, it worked just fine in Ubuntu before I installed Lubuntu.01:59
rosemballand which lubuntu version are you trying01:59
quackgyver12.04 (I think?). Now I'm using 13.-something. Can't remember which version is the latest one.02:00
quackgyverDownloaded it today. 32-bit.02:00
quackgyver12.04 = Ubuntu. 13.XX = Lubuntu.02:00
quackgyverWill try lspci, one sec.02:00
quackgyverrosemball: lspci outputs Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)02:02
quackgyveras network controller02:02
quackgyverSo I take it that my experience isn't typical for lubuntu?02:02
quackgyveror is lubuntu just bad at UX and network management?02:03
phillwquackgyver: broadcom WiFi is never a lot of fun with linux.02:04
quackgyverWell, it worked perfectly fine with Ubuntu :-/02:04
quackgyverSo I figured it would in Lubuntu02:04
quackgyverLooking at this, I can def. say that my popup menu looks messed u02:05
quackgyvermy menu doesn't make any sense02:05
quackgyverEthernet Network / disconnected / VPN Connections > / Enable Networking / Information / Exit02:05
quackgyverAnd the first two options are grayed, as well as "Information".02:05
quackgyverNot very clear. :-/02:05
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:06
quackgyverUgh :-/02:08
quackgyverAight, well, really appreciate all of you taking the time but I think imma drop Lubuntu.02:08
Unit193I've not had a lot of problem with mine.02:08
quackgyverBut thanks a lot anyway. Appreciate it.02:08
rosemballtry xubuntu if you want something lighter than ubuntu02:09
rosemballand a little more robust than lubuntu02:09
rosemballand lastly, try running 'jockey' from the command line02:09
phillwquackgyver: If you find ubuntu 13.04 (and 13.10) work, and lubuntu does not, please do let us know. WiFi should be the same across all flavours, but there is always a chance that a file needed is missing from the manifest.02:10
phillwquackgyver: http://askubuntu.com/questions/315245/broadcom-bcm4311-wireless-not-recognized-in-usb-live-install-of-13-10-on-dell-64 shows that ubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu are still not getting along. This is down to the fact broadcom do not hav ean open source driver for their wifi chips... Of that decision, we can do nothing.02:11
qingluohi all, i have build a mini root file system with busybox. i have a problem with starting a shell for serial port.my uboot args is:bootargs console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 init=/linuxrc rootwait the linuxrc file call init(exec /sbin/init), which will parser /etc/init.d/inittab,in inittab. i added mxc0:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttys0 115200 vt100. but i still cannot serial port shell.03:06
=== rosemball is now known as rosemball_
qingluo hi all, how to enable a shell for serial port06:01
speckmadeist it still true that my lubuntu (13.04) doesn't use PulseAudio?10:46
bioterroris it running?10:46
speckmadeha - could have thought of that myself... :-)10:46
speckmadeseems like.10:47
speckmadeso the wiki is wrong.10:47
speckmade"[tested with ... Ubuntu 12.04]" - could've seen that already.10:50
speckmadeI'm not yet fully awake, it seems.10:50
jellowHi there dialogues keep popping up telling me pcmanfm has crashed at startup , does it log to any files ? I want to find out why it is crashing.11:53
Wednesdaywhat is the terminal command to execute the logout menu14:25
Wednesdaynvm, found it14:28
Mondayplease add a keyboard shortcuts GUI in the next version, that is like a basic app16:53
leszekMonday: I am afraid that is not possible for 13.1017:00
leszekalso there seems to be no gui yet for openbox shortcuts17:02
bobobobohey guys....how do I boost the headphones?  I have green speaker line going to monitor for speakers....but can barely hear.  I read something about pulseaudio, but that doesn't seem to even be installed.19:38
boboboboall sounds are at max that I can set  :)19:39
bobobobois it alsa?19:39
bioterroryes, alsa19:40
Unit193You could always install pulseaudio (and pavucontrol), just they aren't by default.19:42
Unit193alsamixer is what we use for levels, but seems you already found it?19:42
boboboboI am on alsamixer and they are all at 100...not sure what to do next19:42
boboboboI've had this monitor on windows and mac laptop and sound was fine.....hrmmmmm19:43
Unit193So try pavucontrol.19:43
bioterrorwith VLC you can go beyond 100% :D19:44
Unit193200% in the UI, and 400% with scroll wheel! :D19:44
bobobobok, will try....told I need to restart....fun ;)19:44
bobobobobok, restart didn't help, pavucontrol still says Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: Ok19:48
boboboboboof course it can't connect pulseaudio is not even installed19:50
Unit193...Yeah, stupid depends with pavucontrol, should have them in there...19:51
boboboboboshould I install or will that dork alsa up good too :)19:51
Unit193If it screws with stuff, purge it again.19:52
Csabi33669hi,i want to set up my default file browser back to pc man,so my problem is example when i click on dropxbux submenu "open dropbox location" it will open in the firefox. so can anybody tell me what should i change in /usr/share/application=defaults.list?21:35

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