
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
=== ahs3 is now known as ahs3_afk
smagounogra_: Hey, when you have a chance....which specific libraries did you copy from the manta.zip to the chromebook? I'm looking at vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so. It's linked against a number of other libraries like libbinder.so. Is libGLES_mali.so the right file or do I need a different one from the nexus10?15:54
ogra_x 1 root root 1366448 Nov 10  2012 /usr/lib/libmali.so.015:56
ogra_-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1366448 Nov 10  2012 /usr/lib/libmali.so.0.0.3515:56
ogra_thats all i have in user here15:56
smagounogra_: hmm, ok. That's not in the manta.zip. Would you mind sending me that file? I have a newer version (0.0.45) that is not working16:00
hrwsmagoun: you have android binaries16:02
hrwsmagoun: while ogra_ has very old version of gnu/linux one16:02
hrw0.0.45 is old too ;D16:02
smagounhrw: yep, ogra_ told me the android binaries would work on a chromebook so I was trying that16:02
hrwogra_: no one bother with upgrading kernel for chromebook? still 3.4.0-5 I made?16:03
smagounhrw: I'm trying to get eGL working. I only have access to 0.0.45 right now; whenever I tried to run a program like es2_info, eglInitialize() fails16:03
smagounhrw: I think that is true, yes. I have 3.4.0-5 on raring16:04
hrwsmagoun: http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2013/04/15/hardware-acceleration-on-chromebook/16:04
hrwsmagoun: you do not want to know how often I get email with 'how to get opengl working on chromebook' question...16:05
smagounhrw: that is why I did not mail you...I figured you would not want more mail. :) I pulled the chromebook-mali-driver tree from github and built that. It does not work for me16:06
hrwsmagoun: because github uses 4516:07
smagounhrw: I need 0.0.35, correct?16:07
hrwdig deeper in 'fetch recovery image' script and you may get url to old enough image16:10
smagounhrw: thanks. I will try to get a copy from ogra16:10
hrwyou need R23 or older image16:10
smagounhrw: I looked at the recovery image script but did not find an older link that still works16:10
hrwsmagoun: I probably have a copy somewhere but my read of license did not show 'you are allowed to redistribute' part16:11
smagounhrw: I haven't seen the license for 0.0.35, but that is good to know - thank you16:12
hrwsmagoun: the only licence like file you can find is generic 'Google Terms of Service'16:12
hrwubuntu archive mastahs already rejected using it as a license16:15
smagounthat is probably a good choice...16:17
=== ahs3_afk is now known as ahs3
sauerbratenI just downloaded ubuntu server 13.04 armhf, is there a method to boot it on my pandaboard without it using the serial terminal as output, but the HDMI screen?20:20
=== heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid

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