
dholbachgood morning06:40
dholbachneed to go to the vet, text me if there's anything important06:41
dholbachlinkedin just told me that I've been working at Canonical for 8 years now :)10:52
dholbachholy cow - how time flies10:52
smartboyhwdholbach, wow10:52
jcastrohey mhall11913:28
jcastroI have an idea13:28
cjohnstonscarier words have never been said13:29
cjohnstonWhat's up jcastro ?13:29
nigelbcjohnston: exactly my thought :P13:29
jcastrowell for documenting the API part of developer.u.c13:29
nigelbcjohnston: where in the world are you?13:29
jcastromarcoceppi: are you around?13:29
nigelb(.. today)13:30
marcoceppijcastro: aye13:30
cjohnstonnigelb: Lexington right now13:30
jcastrowhat's up nigelb!!13:30
cjohnstonI think13:30
jcastromarcoceppi: ok check this out13:30
jcastroso I am documenting the "get-relation" and so on13:30
nigelbcjohnston: :)13:31
nigelbjcastro: just dropping by and saying hi :)13:31
mhall119cjohnston: lol13:31
marcoceppijcastro: cool13:31
mhall119jcastro: what's your idea?13:31
jcastromhall119: so what I was thinking13:31
jcastrowas get this skeleton up now13:32
jcastroso I can get people to fill in the blanks13:32
jcastrolet me file up a few things13:32
jcastrohold on13:32
mhall119jcastro: you can just give them your etherpad link and have them fill it in there13:33
jcastrobut I was thinkign if we can get a skeleton up on 91.whatever it'll help visualize to people what we are trying to do13:34
jcastro"hey guys go fill in this etherpad" ... marco will be like, what? Lame.13:34
jcastromhall119: or do like, one, I just need an example13:34
mhall119I gave you an example13:35
mhall119in the etherpad13:35
jcastrono I mean it rendered13:35
jcastroon the site13:35
mhall119oh. give me the pad link agian and I'll grab what's there13:35
jcastrotop one is fine13:36
jcastrothe rest I'll "flesh them out a little bit"13:36
jcastroheh, see what I did there?13:36
mhall119jcastro: wow, that sounded like management :)13:37
marcoceppijcastro: are these meant to be accurate?13:38
jcastrothat's a template13:38
jcastrowhat I am doing is making the template so you guys can fill it in13:38
jcastroor ... if you know how to find the flags and shit to each one13:38
jcastroI can do that too13:38
marcoceppijcastro: debug-hooks in to a unit, trip a hook, run the command with the --help flag13:39
mhall119wow that kind of ugly, actually13:39
marcoceppiya'll need some css13:39
mhall119marcoceppi: anthony dillon gave me some already, I need to integrate it with the current codebase13:39
mhall119I also need to refactor some data models to fit juju better13:40
jcastromhall119: oh, I stupidly forgot to close some H2s13:40
mhall119jcastro: ok, that looks better :)13:40
jcastromarcoceppi: so I need to figure out how to find the flags and arguments for each one, any idea how to do that?13:40
jcastrothumper gave me some pointers but it's all "first learn go, then go here", then 45 minutes of him talking to himself13:40
marcoceppijcastro: debug-hooks in to a unit, trip a hook, run the command with the --help flag13:41
mhall119jcastro: also I need to know how Juju tracks versioning, is it per-Ubuntu-release or do you have your own versioning that you refer to?13:41
jcastroown versioning13:41
mhall119so what's the current version/13:41
jcastro1.13 is unstable, 1.12 and 1.14 are stable13:41
marcoceppimhall119: we have our own versions, however internal tools that are being documented will not change13:41
jcastro1.12 currently, 1.14 will be in saucy13:41
jcastromarcoceppi: do I even need to trip a hook?13:42
marcoceppimhall119: atleast not drastically, at best we may add another tool.13:42
mhall119jcastro: marcoceppi: link is now
marcoceppijcastro: you need to be in a hook environment,the tools are not in path13:42
jcastromarcoceppi: excellent, so .. deploy like mysql or something, debug-hooks .... then ?13:42
marcoceppijcastro: one sec, going to make this even easier for you13:43
mhall119jcastro: marcoceppi: I need something to distinguish different hooks available in different releases, that's all13:43
jcastrothat would be <313:43
jcastromhall119: you probably won't need that from us for a long time.13:43
mhall119so if you add a new hook next year, it would have it's own URL space separate from the ones now13:43
jcastrobut by then we'll sort out how to generate this stuff from juju itself from the versioned docs themselves13:43
mhall119jcastro: well I need it for the other APIs, so I need to map Juju to it somehow13:43
jcastroI get that13:43
marcoceppibahhh, tools are too smart for now13:43
jcastromhall119: I am giving talks in OLF all day tomorrow, so today is all about just getting the stuff up there.13:44
jcastrothen on monday I can get yelled at by the core guys.13:44
jcastrobut that's like, a whole 4 days away13:44
mhall119OLF starts tomorrow, not Saturday?13:44
jcastroubucon is tomorrow13:44
mhall119ah, ok13:45
balloonsgl jcastro13:45
jcastrogotta hit the road at 6am13:45
jcastroOLF is awesome, I need to get around users for a while13:45
balloonsoh > mi :-p13:45
jcastrobeen in this little bubble too long13:45
mhall119up in the clouds13:46
jcastromarcoceppi: man, the local provider is so fast now13:47
jcastroit's like, I have this half-finished openstack deployment in like 15 containers ...13:47
marcoceppijcastro: you on 1.13.3?13:47
marcoceppior 1.15?13:48
jcastromarcoceppi: I can do whatever unholy thing you need if it helps13:49
marcoceppijcastro: you're going to have to use debug hooks, it's just a fact of life13:49
marcoceppijcastro: just want to make sure I give you the right information13:50
jcastroyeah that's fine, I don't mind doing the legwork13:50
jcastrojust as long as the output is correct13:51
jcastromarcoceppi: ok I am in debug hooks13:52
marcoceppijcastro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6097098/13:52
jcastrodude ... !13:53
jcastromhall119: dude, thumper was wrong13:53
jcastrothey _DO_ document it right there13:53
jcastrook ... that's good to know for long term13:53
marcoceppijcastro: for future reference, get in to debug hooks, run juju set mysql/0 tuning-level='fast', inthe config change hook, run the commands with --help13:53
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, they have help output for all of their commands, but you can't run those 8 commands without being in a hook environment13:54
jcastroGOT IT.13:54
mhall119jcastro: it's only because thumper hates you and is anti-community :)13:55
jcastroit's because canonical hates the community13:55
marcoceppijcastro: http://i.imgur.com/YSVmR32.gif13:55
mhall119marcoceppi: lol13:55
jcastromarcoceppi: oh, I need to be in not 0 in tmux13:55
mhall119I *heard* that jingle too, in my head13:55
jcastroargh, how do you move to the next tab in raw tmux?13:55
marcoceppijcastro: Ctrl + A, Space13:56
smartboyhwjcastro, let me paste that everywhere, and see how people treat you:)13:56
jcastrohmm, still not in the path, I am in myaql/0:config-changed13:56
marcoceppijcastro: they are definitely there, try running unit-get --help13:56
jcastrooh duh13:57
jcastroI don't need the ./13:57
jcastromarcoceppi: AWESOME, I am all set. thanks!13:57
jcastromhall119: I should have this done in an hour or so13:57
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, I was in /var/lib/juju/tools/1.13.*/, just so I knew all the commands13:57
jcastroyeah so this is way better than reading the source code13:58
marcoceppijcastro: duh ;)13:58
jcastromhall119: how flexible am I with the headers13:59
jcastrolike if I want to change "arguments" to "options"13:59
jcastroI mean flags to options13:59
marcoceppijcastro: mhall119 due to compatibility issues, these will almost always be the same, so it's the same options as it's been since like 0.3 of juju.  There have been a few enhancments, but there will never be a compatibility break13:59
jcastromhall119: ok so I think I can trim down my sections to just14:03
jcastroUsage and Examples, and Options14:03
mhall119jcastro: you can do whatever you want in that chunk of HTML14:05
mhall119but if you use an iframe I will find you, and I will kill you14:05
jcastromarcoceppi: my examples will be badass too14:08
marcoceppijcastro: they better be.14:08
jcastromarcoceppi: I am just searching for each one in the store and stealing from real hooks14:10
mhall119marcoceppi: surely you will add more hooks at some point in the future14:10
marcoceppimhall119: these aren't hooks, they're tools used in hooks. I don't forsee new ones being add in the near future14:11
marcoceppimhall119: but it's fiesable. Though it'll always be additions, never subtractions14:11
jcastrothese are more like busybox than bash14:13
jcastrothat's how I think about it14:13
jcastromarcoceppi: check out my open-port examples son14:19
jcastrolines 57-6914:19
jcastroexamples with other commands.14:20
jcastrothat's like a new thing in unix tools. COMMON SENSE.14:20
marcoceppijcastro: you should link those other commands to their help pages14:20
marcoceppijcastro: for total pwnage14:20
jcastrooooh, where are their help pages?14:21
marcoceppijcastro: arent' you making them right now?14:21
jcastrooh, you mean cross-links?14:21
jcastromhall119: oooh, I can do that right?14:21
jcastroor will each page show on the sidebar anyway?14:21
jcastromarcoceppi: ok after I get them all done and deployed, then I'll get fancy14:21
mhall119jcastro: which pages are you talking about?14:23
jcastrothe ones I am writing14:24
jcastrowhen they are split into individual pages14:24
mhall119for wordpress or the API site?14:24
mhall119you can cross link, but the full URL path isn't final yet14:24
mhall119you should be able to link to peer-level pages though14:24
mhall119using relative paths14:25
jcastroafter I get the initial cut done I'll do that next14:25
mhall119so ./open-port/ from juju-log would work14:25
jcastromarcoceppi: lol: pub_addr=`unit-get private-address`14:25
mhall119though you can't use hyphens currently, I need to fix that14:25
marcoceppijcastro: ha, perfect example14:30
jonohey dpm14:32
dpmhi jono14:32
jonowhat is the current status of the d.u.c Landing/Overview pages?14:32
jonothat I mailed about yesterday14:32
dpmjono, I'm still on it. I'm updating the get started sections to be overview and now I'm working on the Apps landing page14:34
mhall119jcastro: marcoceppi: hyphens are allowed now:
jcastroonly 4 commands left!14:36
jcastrothen my API section is D O N E.14:36
jcastromhall119: when this goes live, we can give ubuntu teams write access right?14:37
jcastroso if I do like "ok I've got basic examples of most of the commands, but I need you guys to fill in some brutal advanced examples" they can do so?14:38
jonodpm, cool14:38
jonothanks dpm14:38
mhall119jcastro: no, these parts should be statis and auto-generated going forward14:38
* jcastro nods14:39
jcastrook, so we'll just make them commit the examples to the --help sections then14:39
mhall119jcastro: *but*, the new site will allow community additions, such as extra advanced examples14:39
mhall119snippets, tutorials, etc14:39
jcastroactually, it's stupid of me to even bring it up the first time, nm.14:39
* jcastro nods14:39
dpmjono, you should see more visible updates in a couple of hours. I've also been coordinating with the Scopes, Cloud (and later on today) Web/HTML team around the requirements to get their docs on d.u.c. You should see the status on the document I shared.14:40
jcastromarcoceppi: hah kill me14:56
jcastromarcoceppi: I wrote up a bunch of examples14:56
jcastroand just stumbled on mims' way awesomer than mine examples I could have just ripped off14:56
marcoceppijcastro: that's what you get for trying too hard14:56
jcastrohey mhall11915:02
mhall119hey jcastro15:02
jcastrodpm: ok, what page is next?15:02
jcastrofor Cloud?15:02
marcoceppijcastro: your htmlneeds a little more love15:09
jcastroI see that15:09
marcoceppiuse <pre> instead of <code>15:09
mhall119use both, actually15:10
marcoceppijcastro: pre is preformatted and will display as a block element, code is inline-block15:10
jcastromhall119's template had <code>15:10
jcastrooh dude!!15:10
jcastrogot it15:10
marcoceppimhall119: not semantic15:10
marcoceppimhall119: and not recommended15:10
marcoceppilast I checked15:10
mhall119marcoceppi: probably not, no15:10
jcastromhall119: I can just fix it in WP15:10
mhall119it's not in WP jcastro15:10
jcastrook, so you want me to fix it in etherpad?15:10
jcastroalso, would it be easier to push this to lp or something?15:11
marcoceppiI guess <pre><code> is okay, the internet is still divided on this15:11
marcoceppijcastro: do whatever mhall119 says to15:11
jcastromarcoceppi: that debug-hooks thing saved me so much time you have no idea!15:11
mhall119marcoceppi: I think the CSS for the main developer portal makes <code> display: block anyway15:12
mhall119but it doesn't preserve whitespace15:12
marcoceppimhall119: that's not the case in the page you linked15:13
jcastrohe hasn't added the CSS yet15:13
marcoceppijcastro: ah15:13
mhall119yeah, working on functionality first15:13
jcastromarcoceppi: don't ask too many questions, you might end up assigned to fix everything you point out15:14
jcastroWelcome to Ubuntu!15:14
* marcoceppi slinks back to working on packaging15:14
jcastromhall119: ok so <pre><code></code></pre> for each code block?15:15
smartboyhwmarcoceppi, same as me here (packaging)15:15
mhall119jcastro: that works for now, yes15:16
jcastromhall119: ok all set15:18
jcastroah, I need some <p>'s in there15:18
mhall119jcastro: are you editing the django entry or the etherpad?15:19
jcastroman, it's so hilarious how horribly spoiled Markdown makes you15:21
jcastromhall119: ok so I've <p>'ed up the stuff, but there's a lack of whitespace after the codeblocks, is that a CSS fixable thing?15:22
mhall119jcastro: you mean spacing below the code block?15:24
mhall119yeah, I can fix that in CSS later15:25
jcastroso how's that look?15:26
mhall119jcastro: looks great!  thanks man15:27
jcastrohey dpm I kind of have 2 Landing pages15:30
jcastronot sure which one should be the real landing page15:30
mhall119/cloud/ is your landing page15:30
dpmjcastro, as Mike says: the landing page is /cloud15:34
dpmjcastro, get-started I'm going to rename to overview to be consistent with the rest of the site15:34
dpmand we can merge what-is-a-juju-charm into overview15:35
dpmlet me do this real quick to give you something to start on15:35
popeydoes anyone else on saucy get double notifications?15:42
jcastrodpm: yeah but it's important to remember that overview isn't just for charms15:43
jcastroit'll be for simplestreams, MAAS, and charms, and whatever else we're working on15:43
dpmjcastro, ah, I thought we were just doing charms on d.u.c. In any case, could you sync with evilnick? After our call this morning he told me he didn't know we were moving those docs to d.u.c15:46
jcastroI am syncing with him now15:46
jcastro<-- lunching16:02
dpmjcastro, sorry, I got sidetracked and never answered your question on landing page. Can we have a call once you're done with lunch?16:54
dpmand I can't write either. I meant on the /cloud/ landing page16:54
jcastrodpm: fire it up! I'm ready16:54
dpmok, cool, setting up the hangout16:56
dpm_jcastro, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cb747b5837d16513c965faf0cbdf2dfa0ce87e0116:58

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