
ali1234fez is gooooood00:45
ali1234completely crazy though00:46
moodoomorning all07:00
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moodoogreat podcast/hangout last night popey :)07:40
MartijnVdS(hangcast sounds too macabre)07:42
popeythanks MartijnVdS07:46
MartijnVdSpopey: I'm old-school, I wait for the mp3 ;)07:47
popeyhaving problems with that!07:47
popeyIt's on my iHP-140 which just locked up07:47
MartijnVdSthat's not good07:48
popeyits annoying07:48
popeyi wanted to merge the audio from that with the MP4 from youtube07:48
popeynow I need to wait for the battery to die07:48
popeyor take it apart and disconnect battery07:48
MartijnVdSpopey: you're not alone with "un-cooperative hardware": http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1309.1/01669.html07:49
popeyyay, got it apart07:52
popey balls07:57
popeycan't power down without removing drive07:57
jussipopey: does that thing not have a hard reset button?07:57
jussilong press something perhaps?07:58
MartijnVdSpopey: is it this one? http://ec1.images-amazon.com/media/i3d/01/A/man-migrate/MANUAL000043279.pdf07:59
MartijnVdSpopey: because that has a "reset" hole next to the USB port07:59
popeyso it does07:59
MartijnVdSbut that might be factory reset07:59
popeythat was easy07:59
popeythanks chaps08:00
popeythe problem I had previously was it wouldn't show up as a usb device08:00
popeywon't mount08:03
popeywonder if I can remove the disk and read it in a pc08:04
MartijnVdSpopey: if not, you could at least run photorec against it to recover any files with known headers on there08:05
MartijnVdSpopey: (image it first!)08:05
popeydunno what the on-disk format is though08:06
popeyneed an adapter08:09
MartijnVdSpopey: do you have a picture of the connector? (or do you already know what it is)08:18
popeyit's a 1.8" IDE08:21
MartijnVdSlooks a bit like CompactFlash08:21
popeyoh, looks like it is08:23
popeyi forsee a trip to maplin08:23
popeybah, they dont sell them08:24
=== schwuk_away is now known as schwuk
TheOpenSourcererYou've really gotto love X. I'm in the office and I needed to see some emails from an old pop account that is only configured on my home desktop.08:35
TheOpenSourcererSo I ssh'd -X to my home server, sent a wakeonlan to my desktop, ssh -X to my desktop, start Thunderbird. It then magically appears on my display in the office :-)08:35
TheOpenSourcererI hope all the Wayland/Mir stuff doesn't break this functionality.08:35
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Video Games Day! :-D08:35
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:42
bigcalmJamesTait: oooh, good time to re-play FEZ then :D08:43
JamesTaitbigcalm, I'd say it'd be a good day to play minetest with the boys, but that happens most days in some form or another anyway. ;)08:45
bigcalmWhat's minetest?08:45
JamesTaitbigcalm, like Minecraft, but FLOSS.08:46
moodoominetest?   oooo /me goes looking08:46
JamesTaitIt's in the archive, but IIRC it's quite an old version before saucy - it's getting some pretty serious development at the moment, so it's worth installing it from the PPA.08:47
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:54
bigcalmpopey: mele f10 is in my hands09:20
bigcalmDelivery estimate was 4th -> 22nd October09:20
MartijnVdSpopey: when the drive is in the iHP, is it detected (does /dev/sdX show up) and does mounting fail?09:26
MartijnVdSpopey: or doesn't it show up at all?09:26
popeynothing in dmesg09:26
MartijnVdSdoes the device work at all?09:27
popeypowers up, and if attached goes into USB mode09:27
MartijnVdShave you tried wiggling the USB cable/port? Might be a loose contact in there09:27
MartijnVdScan it play the file? (you could get it out the old-fashioned way, with analog cables etc.)09:28
popeycould do09:29
jussiTheOpenSourcerer: nice. I should learn how to do this at some point... :D ( I assume certain things need "turning on"09:54
TheOpenSourcererjussi: Nope.09:55
TheOpenSourcererjust run ssh -X user@host09:55
jussiTheOpenSourcerer: it just works out of the box ?09:55
TheOpenSourcererAbsolutely brilliant09:55
TheOpenSourcererAnd you can chain09:55
* jussi tests09:55
TheOpenSourcererssh -X me@host1, ssh -X me@host 209:56
TheOpenSourcererThen run a GTK type app on the remote host09:56
TheOpenSourcererAnd watch the magic ;-)09:56
funkyHatWell presumably as Wayland/Mir need to act as X servers for legacy apps anyway, that *should* keep working09:57
TheOpenSourcererWeel, as I said earlier I bloody well hope so.09:57
funkyHatI would be pretty annoyed if it stopped working too09:58
jussihey, wait... its a funky funky funkyHat!!!10:02
jussiHiya Matt :D10:02
jussiit does appear to work10:03
jussialthough, gtk apps, I not sure if I have those installed...10:03
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: http://wayland.freedesktop.org/faq.html "Is Wayland network transparent / does it support remote rendering?"10:07
popeydunno if that answers your question10:07
funkyHatHi jussi ⢁)10:07
jussi"This doesn't mean that remote rendering won't be possible with Wayland, it just means that you will have to put a remote rendering server on top of Wayland. One such server could be the X.org server, but other options include an RDP server, a VNC server or somebody could even invent their own new remote rendering model."10:09
jussiso basically, the feature wont disappear, but I guess it will be still provided with X10:09
popeyif you have x10:11
ali1234due to the way wayland works, it won't matter what client you use for remote rendering: since they'll all have to do screen scraping, they'll all be as awful as VNC, even if the protocol happens to be X1110:13
funkyHatali1234: unless you run an X server locally on top of wayland and can forward that through ssh, I presume10:15
ali1234yes, that should work okay10:15
ali1234the problem is what happens when you try to forward an app that only supports wayland10:16
ali1234anything that supports X11 will continue to work fine10:16
DJonesSheesh, people had to vote on this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24040130 wonder what it looks like in the water10:24
bigcalmI wonder what it tastes like10:30
ali1234monkfish is both ugly and delicious10:30
ali1234so maybe similar to that10:31
bigcalmO M G http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1924/baconwrapped-monkfish10:31
bigcalmBacon really is magical food10:32
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
mgdmneuro: who is it that owns Scolocate? I'm sure it's either iomart or Pulsant, and suspect Pulsant, but can you remember?12:14
neuroyes, the company who got booted out of scolocate 8 years ago now owns scolocate12:15
mgdmheh, I didn't know they got booted out12:15
mgdmwhy was that?12:16
neurocos they built their own dc ;)12:17
mgdmI thought it was going to be an interesting reason12:17
neuromgdm: there may have been more interesting reasons that i wasn't privy to, but that was the main gist12:27
neurolumison turned from a customer to a competitor12:27
popeyhappy birthday JamesTait12:56
JamesTaitOh no, it's escaped!12:57
JamesTaitThank you popey. It's a vicious rumour though. I don't think I have a birthday.12:58
bigcalmJamesTait: you kept that one quiet by informing us of play games day13:02
bigcalmJamesTait: and happy birthday13:02
JamesTaitIt's also Cycle to Work day!13:02
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
MartijnVdSJamesTait: but that's 2.5 hours each way!13:02
bigcalmI would, if I didn't work from home13:02
JamesTaitbigcalm, me too. :)13:02
MartijnVdSI might cycle to work a few days a week for my new job13:03
MartijnVdSnext month13:03
davmor2Morning all13:03
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, better get on yer bike then! :-P13:03
dwatkinsI cycle as much as I can, it's about 5 miles each way.13:03
* JamesTait looks at davmor2, then at his clock, then back at davmor2.13:03
JamesTaitdavmor2, you're just trying to confuse me, aren't you?13:04
bigcalmHi davmor213:04
MartijnVdSJamesTait: he's on Boston time, or something13:04
JamesTaitBostin' time? ;)13:04
davmor2JamesTait: the qa team are in a sprint at lexington so I'm on there timezone this week incase I'm needed for anything13:04
MartijnVdSthere or their?13:05
MartijnVdS 13:05
JamesTaitdavmor2, a simple "yes" would have sufficed. ;)13:05
MartijnVdS"Thank you for your information, citizen"13:05
davmor2MartijnVdS: their13:06
davmor2JamesTait: Yes I do it deliberately to confuse you really :D13:06
JamesTaitI knew it!13:06
JamesTaitSo when am I having my elevenses today?13:07
dwatkinseleventy o'clock13:08
* JamesTait sets his alarm, just in case.13:11
bigcalmA bit late for 11es now13:33
davmor2JamesTait: when I knock off at 11pm?13:33
davmor2JamesTait: you might want to change it's name to supper though :D13:34
JamesTaitdavmor2, I'll be thinking of you. ;)13:34
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks we should change teen numbers to match the rest, i.e. tenty, tentyone, tentytwo etc...13:48
MartijnVdSThat's numberwang!13:48
MartijnVdSmoodoo: Have you read the Reddit thread explaining the rules?13:51
MartijnVdSmoodoo: http://www.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/comments/1jvgn6/i_said_numberwang_to_the_pet_shop_cashier_when_my/cbioq8613:51
dwatkinsI think /r/britishproblems/ is my favourite subreddit at the moment.13:52
MartijnVdSdwatkins: there's also /r/britishsuccess13:52
MartijnVdSdwatkins: and /r/cgpgrey :P13:52
moodooMartijnVdS: that's awesome13:55
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
davmor2moodoo: MartijnVdS: man you guys talking about rules just made me Lose the game14:37
moodoowell that's numberwang14:40
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
* SuperEngineer hopes he has twotenty twotenty vision if he lives to tentytenty15:18
SuperEngineerdwatkins: not even Bender would try to make people believe that was possible!15:23
SuperEngineer[time to add an entry to lubotto!]15:25
inadream /msg nickserv dispense15:39
andylockranLadies and Gents - good afternonn15:40
=== SavageWolf_ is now known as SavageWolf
BigRedSAnyone know where MySQL startup messages go now that it's apparently not to stdout or daemon.log?16:07
BigRedSaha! /var/log/mysql/error.log16:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== GentileBen is now known as RaycisCharles
=== RaycisCharles is now known as CrispinOnTheCan
diddledanthankyou scrollback for making me lose the game18:22
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
mgdmpeople still go on about that? Oh dear.18:35
diddledanmgdm: the game has no finish18:49
daftykinsyeah i never got that game bs, ridiculous idea imo18:49
diddledandaftykins: yet you still lose it18:49
daftykinsseeing friends pretending to care... *shakes head*18:49
daftykinsthat's just an attempt for said losers to try and draw others into their bs :)18:50
daftykinssorry, got a bit rude there18:50
daftykinsbut i feel very strongly about that one :P18:50
diddledanyou're just annoyed that you lost :-p18:50
daftykinsdon't make me come over there!18:51
diddledandidn't zimbra used to belong to vmware? when did that change?18:57
daftykinsmaybe it passed you by whilst you were playing the game :(18:58
* daftykins ducks18:58
daftykinsnah i thought that18:58
=== CrispinOnTheCan is now known as GentileBen
BigRedSdiddledan: a couple of weeks ago20:23
mgdmdirecthex: that indiegogo thing is priceless21:57
mgdm(well, not quite, about $7600 it seems, but I didn't pay it)21:57

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