[01:45] Howdy DO [01:50] Hey anyone paying attention right now ? [01:51] no [01:51] :P [01:52] I have just upgraded to 13.04 and it added "disabled on upgrade to raring" in front of several update http sites. See: http://imagebin.org/270628 [01:53] InHisName, yeah, it always does that for non-Ubuntu repositories [01:54] PPAs, VBox, Opera, etc. [01:54] And should I fix it back somewhere ? [01:54] see, I don't use the GUI to manage my repos, i still do it command-line format [01:54] check all your sources.list stuff, including sources.list.d/* and remove commented out deb lines? [01:55] Ok, going off to hunt for those thingys. [01:56] InHisName, terminal. cd /etc/apt/ [01:56] sources.list is in there [01:56] and the subfolder is sources.list.d/* [02:13] apparently there are different downloads for updating vbox and bootrepair depening on precise, quantal, raring, etc. ---> possibly vbox is identical copies due to no differences. I had precise installed in a quantal system, now updating with raring all same version #s [02:15] Never had any issues that I noticed with vbox being the older 'precise' version in place of the newer quantal one. Now raring installed so going with that one. No errors so far. [02:32] InHisName, yeah, between precise -> raring i don't think there'd be any major issues [02:32] only if there were major build-dep or dependency requirements [02:33] or a library completely changed (like, from version 2 to version 3 of a required library, the library has super major substantial changes that required a huge codebase modification in the program that depends on it, or something) [02:33] at least I am now more correct with how updates are done. [02:33] InHisName, yeah, the upgrades automatically disable the PPAs, I think it's because it doesn't know exactly how to handle it, but as I tend to use the LTS, it's not something i have to hassle with all the time [02:34] * TheLordOfTime prefers stability over cutting edge, and backports the software he needs from a later release [02:34] at least, until the next LTS comes out, then I upgrade to that :P [02:36] InHisName, good thing i was sorta here otherwise i'd have missed your question [02:36] ... damn, this system is FAST. [02:37] this new laptop has a radeon card and intel hd graphics, and the i7 processor in here either has 4 cores or 8... (Windows sees 8 CPU cores) [02:37] Well I uncommented and fixed them. Now GUI shows same text, but check box IS now checked. It is like they DO know what to do but leave it unused with UNCHECKED box that can be checked to turn it on. The sources.list has text "disabled in upgrade be raring" and there i s file: sources.list.distUpgrade that contains the fix enabled by check mark. [02:37] (I haven't installed Ubuntu yet) [02:37] InHisName, i think i know why they disable it [02:37] InHisName, and i run into this occasion on my systems... [02:38] So both the old AND new are both in the sources.list and sources.list.distUpgrade all accessable by the checking or UNchecking the box [02:38] PPAs, during upgrades, can sometimes break if a dependency went and disappeared in the later version [02:38] because then it fails the upgrade and then you end up with a partially upgraded system [02:38] * TheLordOfTime shrugs [02:38] that's my guess though, I could ask around if you want [02:40] Sounds plausable. Don't bother on this one. Wait til I have an important issue to wrestle with. This one seems sufficiently solved. [02:40] cool. [02:40] InHisName, i'm curious about it, though, so I might ask around [02:41] but that'd be for my benefit, really... [02:41] does TheLordOfTime posses a Tardis ? or an electronic screwdriver ? [02:41] the TARDIS went missing... but I do have a sonic screwdriver. And a normal screwdriver, but I save that for my laptops. [09:45] Morning [10:03] Morning. [12:03] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else [12:03] morning [12:04] o/ [12:06] \o [12:23] morning, guess this is a must read: Philly.com: Dining In & . [12:23] Dining In & Out: Meet the 'rock star' of bacon [13:35] h/249 === scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby [13:52] square-r00t: go to build a bear, name him teddy-ubearntu. Do it all and don't leave a thing out. [13:55] Morning, InHisName1 and the rest of you all. [13:58] Hmmm, a walking talking teddy-ubearntu. Give him an Aussie accent. Maybe he could take over the Gekko's job ? At least he's better'n just a cartoon generated by computer. === InHisName1 is now known as HowdyDoody