
xequenceGood morning04:42
xequencesmartboyhw: I was just about to create a LP project for  linux-rt and saw you already created one. Could you please transfer ownership to ubuntustudio-core. I would like to integrate that project into ubuntustudio-project05:23
xequenceWe don't really require a special linux-rt team. And the source will not be kept in a bzr branch anyway. 05:26
xequenceI'll give you access to the hit trees once that becomes relevant05:26
xequencecurrently I'm the only one who can sign the packages05:27
xequenceAnd I will do that for linux-rt as well. 05:28
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
xequencesmartboyhw I have a message for you in the backlog :)08:19
smartboyhwxequence, what?08:19
* smartboyhw hasn't checked the backlog yet08:19
xequenceEvidently not08:20
smartboyhwxequence, sure, transferring08:21
xequencesmartboyhw: Thanks. There's no absolute reason for linux-rt to be apart of the Ubuntu Studio project, but for now it serves a purpose08:23
smartboyhwxequence, you now have control over the project08:24
xequencesmartboyhw Thanks again08:25
smartboyhwxequence, tell me when you can review my problem in the -rt branch08:25
smartboyhwI currently am busy packaging in Kubuntu-.-08:25
xequenceSomeone soon. Doing planning and reorganization right now. Going to get more serious at getting more developers involved. 08:28
smartboyhwxequence, sure08:28
knomesmartboyhw, re: yesterday, where did your sense of humour disappear?09:01
smartboyhwknome, what?09:02
knomesmartboyhw, "breaking launchpad" ?09:05
smartboyhwknome, in here.09:05
knometry to show it more..09:05
xequenceLP fun using Android09:06
xequenceMy train was one hour late. Made me miss my connection. Swedish accuracy...09:07
smartboyhwxequence, when I went to Britain, I saw a schedule train never arrived:P09:07
xequenceOne hour is just a minor delay here09:08
knomecome to finland in the winter and scheduled trains not arriving is the norm :P09:08
xequencesmartboyhw: must have been the one Harry Potter tales to school09:08
smartboyhwxequence, not that09:09
knome(not really, but somehow the snow surprises the train company *every* winter)09:09
xequenceIt disappeared in the middle somewhere09:09
smartboyhwWe went to Windsor Castle the final day. At the Windsor and Eton Central Station I saw a train supposed to arrive then depart at 14:00. It never arrived. The next scheduled train, 14:20, arrived punctually. The train board status just showed it as "delayed".09:10
xequenceknome: that is surprising. Since you at least have snow*every*year09:10
smartboyhwAnd one day when we went into Central London using train, ours was 6 minutes late (only), and the train decided to skip stations-.-09:10
knomexequence, exactly...09:10
smartboyhwFortunately for us, we alight at the destination (so not a problem for us)09:10
knomesmartboyhw, do you imagine how it would affect the whole system in london if trains decided to keep stopping even if they are late? :)09:11
smartboyhwknome, I do:P09:11
knomeyou know the geography of finland makes all the long-distance trains be linear, A->B routes?09:12
knome(helsinki is in the south, every train wants to go there)09:12
knomeso the train usually leave helsinki in time...09:13
knomebut oh my, when i traveled a lot more with trains in 2005, they were mostly late at (my) destination because they had problems shutting the doors09:13
smartboyhwknome, heh heh 09:13
knomethat almost diminished the speed difference of the trains09:14
knomei mean, i took faster trains, because... you get to your destination faster09:14
knomebut nope, the regular trains didn't have door problems...09:14
smartboyhwknome, so great of Western engineering;p09:15
smartboyhwknome, heh09:17
xequence.We have Italian trams ; )09:24
smartboyhwxequence, heh heh09:25
xequenceThe company went bankrupt before delivering all if the trams09:25
smartboyhwxequence, -.-09:26
xequence They are not bad during summer time. Italians know the value of air conditioning09:29
xequenceWe have a few warm days, yearly. One or two. 09:30
smartboyhwWelcome cub 10:15
cubthank you thank you10:24
cubhow's everything going along?10:25
* cub has read the logs though10:25
smartboyhwcub, great. 10:25
cubhow's the schedule for the next beta?10:26
smartboyhwcub, 26/Sep I think10:27
smartboyhwOvenWerks, has the updates for ubuntustudio-default-settings upgrade bugs (13.04 -> 13.10) landed in the archive?10:28
cubsmartboyhw, while testing Orca I have discovered an issue with the dependencies. It needs to have speech-dispather installed to work but that is not listed as a dependency when installing Orca.10:28
xequencecub: I want referring to you at all before. I was getting to the person nobody.  Like the user nobody10:29
smartboyhwcub, huh10:29
cubhehe ok xequence 10:29
smartboyhwcub, fix it?10:29
smartboyhwShould be simple enough10:29
cubsmartboyhw, that's the thing. Since it's FF can we add another package? Or do we tweak the orca package? Or should I chase upstream?10:29
smartboyhwcub, is speech-dispather in Ubuntu (or Debian)?10:30
xequenceSorry for the creative spelling. That's my Android trying to have AI10:30
smartboyhwcub, that's no need an FF10:30
cub I just did a apt-get install speech-dispather and it worked.10:30
smartboyhwIt's fixing bugs10:30
smartboyhwcub, can you report a bug on that?10:31
smartboyhwSo either you or me or OvenWerks or zequence can fix that10:31
cubweird though that orca doesn't list speech-dispatcher as a dependency in the first place10:31
cubsmartboyhw yup will do.10:31
smartboyhwcub, I would rather want you to learn the process of fixing it:)10:32
cubsure, I was just uncertain if we should fix it for us or the right way to go was to get the Orca devel team to fix it upstream. The mostly build for gnome though so it could be a xfce issue10:33
smartboyhwcub, tell Orca to document it as a dep. But we need to fix it in Ubuntu.10:33
xequenceFix it for us first.10:34
xequenceThen file a big to Debian10:34
smartboyhwbig lol10:35
xequenceOr find who P10:35
xequencePackages it and complain on their mail list10:35
smartboyhwMost likely it will be the Debian GNOME maintainers10:35
cubIt doesn't work that well after installation though. But as long as it will get the people through the installation process they can tweak everything after they are up and running.10:35
smartboyhwIf otherwise, jsut directly ping the packager.10:35
cubI'll try the orca mailing list10:36
smartboyhwcub, may us fix it in Ubuntu (and maybe Debian) first10:36
cubcoudl be that the recommendation will be that one should run gnome instead of xfce once installed to get better accessibility.10:38
smartboyhwcub, technically, yes10:38
cubor no X at all10:38
smartboyhwxequential, how many xequen- accounts have you registered?! :P10:38
xequentialAccidentally shut off the client10:39
smartboyhwxequential, OK10:40
xequentialcub: the orca mail list is just for the application itself. This is a packaging problem. If the package is done in Debian, and them imported, you need to turn to a Debian mail list10:40
xequentialcub: check the source for info. Get it with: pull-lp-source orca10:41
xequentialcub: look through the files in the Debian folder. 10:42
smartboyhwxequential, it's packaged in Ubuntu directly it seems10:42
xequentialYeah? 10:42
smartboyhwMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>10:42
smartboyhwxequential, so not imported from Debian10:42
smartboyhwGood time for cub to fix:P10:42
xequentialThen it's a Ubuntu bug - or it may be intentional to10:42
* smartboyhw looks at the code10:42
xequentialDiscuss it on a proper mail list. Either ubuntu-devel-discuss our something more specific10:43
smartboyhw(Why should people run the command first when they don't read the file?)10:43
cubI will follow up on the packaging10:48
smartboyhwcub, awesome10:51
madeinkobaiattoine: Hi13:17
ttoinehey madeinkobaia. What would you like to tell me last time ?13:18
madeinkobaiattoine: I would like to know if its possible to customize our spreadshirt gallery, by adding a banner, play with colors, etc.13:21
ttoinenot really13:24
ttoineI used a dark background theme because of our logo, that is not visible on white background13:25
ttoinethat's all13:25
madeinkobaiattoine: Ok, nevermind.13:25
ttoinezequence already asked me, and we can change only a few things, and a few themes are available. on ly one dark13:25
madeinkobaiattoine: ok13:35
madeinkobaiattoine: Otherwise, how are the sales and feedbacks about our webshop ?13:36
ttoinelow ;-)13:40
smartboyhwI contacted OMG! Ubuntu to promote about our shop, but they never replied13:42
madeinkobaiasmartboyhw: Was a good idea.13:42
smartboyhwmadeinkobaia, never replied is not a good idea13:42
madeinkobaiasmartboyhw: I mean it was a good idea to contact them anyway ;) 13:43
smartboyhwmadeinkobaia, ;)13:43
ttoineif we want them to speak about us, we should send us one13:43
ttoinesmartboyhw, you should ping libregraphicworld13:44
smartboyhwttoine, maybe you can ping them?13:44
ttoineI will13:44
ttoinenot today, however13:45
madeinkobaiaAlso I will make new models when I have the time. Maybe some stuffs more "funky" or...artistic :P13:45
ttoinemadeinkobaia, could you create a sticker ?13:51
ttoineI would like us to be here13:51
knomebasically they only need the ubuntu studio logo13:51
knomethey'll turn that into a sticker, as they did with xubuntu13:51
madeinkobaiaYep, I used to plan that too :) Thanks for the link I didn't knew that site.13:52
madeinkobaiaTheir stickers are really basic indeed.13:58
cubI'd love some stickers.14:00
cubknome, have you ordered some xubuntu sticker? And did you get any hassle with customs since it's outside of the EU?14:01
knomedidn't order any yet14:01
madeinkobaiaFor put it on a laptop could be great :)14:01
smartboyhwttoine, the Xubuntu team are discussing of how to use their money, and they are talking about T-shirts. Why didn't we use the vendor providing the T-shirt service for Canonical? It seems like Xubuntu thinks it might be a good idea (over Spreadshirt)15:25
smartboyhwttoine, you should join in in #xubuntu-devel to have a look15:25
knomewe don't know if that's doable. it might be their vendor doesn't take individual orders.15:29
ttoineif xubuntu has money, i am happy for them15:34
ttoinewe don't15:34
ttoineknome, for what I know, they buy bulk orders15:34
knomeyep, that's what we thought15:35
ttoinethat is why they have sales on odl stock15:35
ttoineand that's why I choosed spreadshirt15:35
ttoinesmartboyhw, we don't have money15:35
* smartboyhw seriously thinks if we can accept donations15:36
ttoinemaybe we will have some sponsorhip in the future, but I don't have time for that15:36
smartboyhwKubuntu can, Ubuntu can15:36
ttoinesmartboyhw, for that, we have to be a legal organisation15:36
ttoinewe don't15:36
smartboyhwttoine, garrumph15:36
smartboyhwknome, how did you get the money?15:36
knomesmartboyhw, we wrote articles for a magazine, and they paid us per page.15:37
smartboyhwknome, I know about the magazine, I don't know about the paid-per-page part.15:37
knomesmartboyhw, so literally speaking it's not "project money", it's money that people got from writing, but since they didn't want it, i took it all and we consider it "project money"15:37
knomewe didn't sell xubuntu, or xubuntu-related stuff, we sold our time and expertise (the articles)15:38
knomethey just happened to cover xubuntu-related issues.15:38
ttoineknome, of course15:38
ttoinemaybe we should try to do like crossover do for wine15:38
ttoineor rhe with centos/fedora15:39
ttoinekeep Ubuntu Studio, and create a supported commercial version without Ubuntu in the name15:39
ttoinebut that's a business15:39
ttoineand I don't know who could have time for that15:39
knomesounds like a lot of work, more than a legal organization15:39
ttoineand if there is enough business to pay someone15:39
ttoineknome, I was thinking about something like that in the past. One of my dream would be to run a multimedia open source lab15:40
ttoinewho would sponsor projects like ubuntu studio15:40
ttoinebut how this project earn money, that is the question without answer at the moment15:41
ttoineat least, we could try to make some partnership with Harrison Mixbus, Lightworks and LinuxDSP to sell pre-installed Ubuntu Studio with their software15:42
ttoinecould be a possible start...15:42
knomegot to go15:43
knomegood luck with your ideas and dreams :)15:43
knomeit's been done before, so why not...15:43
knomesee you later!15:43
OvenWerksNoskcaj: We have a bug with our -settings package found while testing beta1. The bug is fixed and committed. What is my next step? The fix is only in the postinst script.20:42
OvenWerksDo I need to call it FFe?20:42
NoskcajOvenWerks, Request a merge, then wait for the sponsorship team. FFe is for upstream changes mostly20:43
OvenWerksMerge? Even if it is already committed?20:43
OvenWerksNoskcaj: ^^20:44
OvenWerksWe just need it uploaded.20:44
NoskcajOvenWerks, Into the lp:ubuntu/PACKAGE branch (i.e. uploading it)20:44
OvenWerksNoskcaj: So on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-default-settings/ubuntustudio-default-settings I select Propose for merging... then lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-default-settiings? I get no items matching.20:49
NoskcajThen you need to release it as version 0.48, like xnox did last time20:50
Noskcajthen you can upload20:51
OvenWerksI don't have permition to do that20:52
Noskcaj Then find xnox, because i have no power, anywhere20:52
OvenWerksThank you20:54
knomere: FFe, you basically need to file one if it's anything apart an UI/Doc change or a bugfix.20:57
OvenWerksknome: This is just a straight bugfix. It only seems to affect a distro upgrade if the user doesn't choose the cleanup option to remove unneeded packages. Other wise it is hidden :)21:05
knomebugfixes are always fine without paperwork even after FF21:06
knome(until final freeze)21:06
OvenWerksok, so just keep bugging in ubuntu-devel then21:07

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