
wjbI have read that `service reload` sends SIGHUP, causing the daemon to reread its configuration. If the configuration has changed, will the daemon die and be replaced by another process that has read the new configuration?14:01
hikikoI am trying to find out where the log_daemon_msg messages go to get the output of a startup script I have in /etc/init.d (the lightdm script) but I cant find it.. any ideas? (thanks)14:46
jodhwjb: 'reload' simply sends the main job process the appropriate signal. Use 'stop $job && start $job' to make the job restart with latest *upstart* configuration.15:20
jodhhikiko: /var/log/boot.log15:22
hikikojodh, it's not there and ideally I'd like to see the messages each time I restart lightdm15:24
hikikonot only at boot time15:24
wjbjodh: Thanks. Another question if you a moment: the upstart script I'm working on has a script stanza that contains "exec sudo -u www-data my-server-script". So I see that process runningĀ as root, and I also see a process running my-server-script as www-data. Which of these does upstart see as the main job, and therefore send signals to?15:25
jodhhikiko: hold on - on an ubuntu system, lightdm is an upstart job, not a SysV one. Any output from lightdm goes to /var/log/upstart/lightdm.log.15:25
wjbjodh: I want the signal to go to the www-data process, not the sudo. But I'm not sure that is happening.15:25
hikikojodh, ** (lightdm:2044): WARNING **: Session pid=2164: Error writing to session: Broken pipe15:26
hikikothat's the only type of messages I see there15:26
hikikoand also I added an echo "my message" >> /tmp/foo15:26
hikikoand there's no /tmp/foo created15:26
jodhwjb: if you have upstart >= 1.4 ("initctl version") use the 'setuid' and 'setgid' stanzas rather than sudo. See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#run-a-job-as-a-different-user, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setuid, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setgid15:27
jodhwjb: as for which pid it tracks, it will track the first by default. See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#expect (worth reading atleast twice! :-)15:27
wjbjodh: Thanks! I just read that for the first time a few minutes ago and am still digesting it. :)15:28

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