
Noldorinhey jelmer00:04
jelmerhi Noldorin00:05
Noldorinjelmer, got a little question on dulwich if you don't mind00:06
jelmerNoldorin: sure00:06
jelmer(note that there's also #dulwich)00:06
jelmerNoldorin: what are you hacking on?00:18
Noldorinjelmer, hg-git00:18
zodiakhey everyone, stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer :( I have a branch that I bzr pull'd down, but now I want to cherry pick changes. I am on bzr revision 14, but I want to pull down 15 and 17 only (skipping 16) .. how do I do this "nicely" ?03:44
zodiakand yes, each changeset is unique and self contained :)03:45
zodiakaahhh.. bzr merge -r takes a number of revisions .. hopefully that's the ticket :)03:48
=== SamB_ is now known as SamB

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