
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
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kennSo I had an instance running on AWS which I started simply to test the constraints and make sure it was starting the right instance type. Once I had verified that it was, I immediately used destroy-machine and left it. A few hours later I noticed the machine was still running, and after repeated destroy-machine commands it didn't go away. I eventually terminated it from the AWS console, but it still shows up in juju stat. Is there a way I ca02:46
kennn tell juju to forget about the machine?02:46
davecheneykenn: nope, sorry02:52
davecheneynot of the delete failed02:52
davecheneydestroy failued02:52
davecheneycan you give some more information02:52
davecheneyliek the output of juju status02:52
kennhang on02:52
davecheneywhen you were trying to destroy the machine02:52
kenncurrent output of juju status: http://pastebin.com/rj0g0UAi02:53
kennbefore I terminated the machine on AWS, instance-state on machine 1 said something other than missing. Sorry I didn't note down any of the information, but if it happens again I'll pick up the logs and such as well02:54
davecheneykenn: was a machine created ?02:54
davecheneyhmm, i see dying, it probably was created02:55
davecheneyyeah, it has an instance02:55
kennI created machine 1 and requested it be destroyed very soon after that. The instance was created in Amazon, and I could also SSH to it02:55
kennit said dying when I realised it hadn't shut down 2.5 hours later02:55
kennthat's when I killed it in AWS02:56
davecheneyok, there is currently no way to remove the record from juju02:56
kennok, cool. I'll leave it around for when I remake the environment02:56
kennthanks for your help. Next time I will grab more info02:56
davecheneynp, sorry i wasn't able to do more02:58
kennoh actually, just noticed one of my terminals still has the output of a tail -f on machine 1 for /var/log/juju/machine-1.log: http://pastebin.com/wuW91Eur02:58
davecheney2013-09-13 02:34:33 ERROR juju runner.go:211 worker: exited "api": websocket.Dial wss://ec2-23-23-45-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com:17070/: lookup ec2-23-23-45-19.compute-1.amazonaws.com.: no such host02:59
kennbest diagnostic ;)03:00
davecheneythat machine failed to boot properly03:00
davecheneyno idea what happened to it03:00
davecheneyec2 plays the law of large numbers03:00
kennoh wow it's actually failing to connect to itself?03:01
davecheneya certain % of macines spawned are duds03:01
kennyeah, strange things happen occasionally03:02
kennthanks for the help davecheney, I'll leave the entry in juju alone until I rebootstrap, which I will at some point anyway03:02
kennlol I missed the "no such host bit" that's funny, yeah, law of large numbers03:03
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kurt_Hi guys - I put this request already to ask ubuntu yesterday, but is there any way to track progress with add-relation in debug-hooks? Or is it just as easy to look straight at the debug-log?17:55
marcoceppikurt_: Okay18:16
marcoceppikurt_: I've seen you ask this a few times, but I've been too busy to respond18:16
marcoceppikurt_: I'm making time to get you resolved, because the answer is yes18:16
kurt_marcoceppi: thanks!18:16
marcoceppikurt_: debug-hooks will stop at every hook, so yes, you should be able to just trap the hook when you add relation. But I feel like you're experiencing an issue stopping that from happening18:17
kurt_marcoceppi: I'm not seeing any output in the debug-hook window18:18
marcoceppikurt_: you should see a byobu/tmux window with numbers at the bottom18:18
marcoceppikurt_: right?18:18
kurt_marcoceppi: yup, got that18:18
marcoceppikurt_: have you already run juju add-relation from your machine?18:19
kurt_marcoceppi: yes, which gives the error  agent-state-info: 'hook failed: "relation-changed"'18:19
kurt_which I believe is something to do with ssh keys18:19
marcoceppikurt_: so right now you have the relation-changed error and debug hooks open?18:19
kurt_marcoceppi: no just general window18:20
marcoceppikurt_: Right, but the unit is currently in an error state, right?18:20
marcoceppiif you run juju status in another terminal window from your machine it shows hook failed.. right?18:21
marcoceppikurt_: PERFECT! You're just one step away from making this rock18:22
kurt_I do "watch juju status" which gives me the error above18:22
marcoceppikurt_: in a terminal window other than the debug-hooks window, run `juju resolved --retry <unit>`18:22
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kurt_should I have the debug-hooks window open yet?18:23
marcoceppikurt_: yes, you should18:23
kurt_k, hang on18:23
marcoceppikurt_: cool18:23
kurt_oh actually I do,it was hidden18:24
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marcoceppiWhat happens, you've got debug-hooks open, then you run `resolved --retry` it will attempt to run that hook again, however debug-hooks will catch it and put you in window 1 on the bottom, which should be X-relation-changed18:24
marcoceppikurt_: at that point you can run hooks/X-relation-changed or any hook and watch the output live18:25
marcoceppikurt_: you can even edit the hooks on the machine and run them over and over again18:25
marcoceppiuntil you resolve the issue, just make sure you copy your changes to your local repo :)18:25
kurt_it doesn't do anything18:25
kurt_all I see is a root prompt18:25
marcoceppikurt_: are you debug-hooks in to the right unit?18:25
kurt_ juju debug-hooks nova-cloud-controller/018:26
marcoceppihave you run `juju resolved --retry nova-cloud-controller/0`18:26
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marcoceppikurt_: Okay, debug-hooks was added in 1.13.118:40
marcoceppikurt_: which is why it's not working on you 1.12.0 deployed nodes18:41
marcoceppikurt_: if you're willing to give it a shot, there's a juju upgrade-tools command, which will upgrade the version of juju on all your nodes. I don't know if there's an upgrade path between 1.12 -> 1.13; I know they try to do them between stable versions, IE 1.10 -> 1.12 -> 1.1418:42
marcoceppikurt_: At worse, you'll have to destroy and try again18:42
marcoceppikurt_: the command I think you'll want to use is `juju upgrade-juju --dev --upload-tools`18:42
marcoceppiwhich will upload to your maas bucket the latest tools and will select the latest dev, 1.13.318:43
marcoceppikurt_: I've not used the command before, so I'm not sure how long this will take or what success looks like (other than agent-version being updated)18:43
kurt_I'll try that....18:44
marcoceppikurt_: I'd watch juju status like you are until the agent-versions are > 1.13.3 (could be, not sure the exact version)18:44
kurt_ok, give me a few minutes...18:44
marcoceppionce that's done, do the same steps. Launch debug hooks, run resolved --retry, wait for it to trap the hook18:44
marcoceppikurt_: sure, np18:44
marcoceppikurt_: feel free to ping me if something unexpected pops up18:47
kurt_thanks marcoceppi18:47
kurt_marcoceppi: juju status is now dead18:51
kurt_well, returns nothing18:52
kurt_just spinning18:52
marcoceppikurt_: it might be in the process of restarting the state-server18:52
kurt_ok, same thing with debug-log18:52
marcoceppikurt_: once juju status is broken, most other juju commands will be18:52
kurt_ah, here we go.. unfortunately, still at 1.1218:53
marcoceppikurt_: almost all of them rely on connecting to the state server18:53
marcoceppikurt_: are any of the other nodes updated, or are all of them 1.12 still ?18:53
kurt_all still at 1.1218:53
marcoceppikurt_ :\ well it was worth a shot18:54
kurt_but I see stuff going on in debug-log18:54
kurt_lots of stuff18:54
marcoceppikurt_: oh, maybe it's still in the process of updating then18:54
marcoceppikurt_: there is still hope18:54
kurt_let's give it a few minutes, I will report back18:54
marcoceppikurt_: awesome!18:54
kurt_marcoceppi: WOOT! WOOT!    agent-version:
marcoceppikurt_: AWESOME!18:57
marcoceppikurt_: You should be able to play with debug-hooks now18:58
kurt_on it18:58
kurt_stuck here...18:58
kurt_nova-cloud-controller/0:cloud-compute-relation-changed %18:58
marcoceppikurt_: that's not stuck18:58
marcoceppithat's the hook18:58
marcoceppiif you look at the bottom18:58
marcoceppiyou'll see you're in tab 118:59
marcoceppiso if you do an `ls`, you'll see you're in your root charm18:59
marcoceppikurt_: you should be able to run `hooks/cloud-compute-relation-changed` and watch the output and change stuff18:59
marcoceppikurt_: this is also an environment in which you can run the special juju commands, like relation-get, config-get, open-port, etc18:59
marcoceppiJust like with tab 0, when you're done playing with the hook just type `exit`19:00
marcoceppiand it'll proceed on with the rest of the queued events19:00
marcoceppitrapping each one in succesion19:00
kurt_ok, I saw some of that in the documentation. this is helpful.  what is tmux command for opening new win?  guess its time to RTFM19:01
marcoceppikurt_: Ctrl + A, c19:01
kurt_right - been a while since I've worked with tmux19:01
marcoceppiCtrl + A is the escape sequence, type it, thenthe command which is 'c'19:01
kurt_ok, back to the core problem which I saw before19:01
marcoceppikurt_: cool, yeah, c creates space moves between19:01
kurt_its doing a getaddrinfo - but it should know the address already since it should be querying the name server which should be the root node19:02
marcoceppinatefinch: seems upgrade-juju works as advertised19:02
marcoceppikurt_: getaddrinfo for itself or for the other unit it's connected to?19:03
* marcoceppi reads the hook19:03
kurt_are you still in my screenshare?19:03
marcoceppikurt_: oh, doh19:03
marcoceppikurt_: let me join again19:03
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natefinchmarcoceppi: great :)19:12
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marcoceppikurt_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nova-cloud-controller/+bug/122516019:47
_mup_Bug #1225160: cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>19:47
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1225160 in nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection) "cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error" [Critical,Confirmed]19:47
_mup_Bug #1225160: cloud-compute-relation-changed fails, getaddrinfo error <nova-cloud-controller (Juju Charms Collection):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225160>19:47
marcoceppiholy cow, we don't need that many bots19:47
natefinchmarcoceppi: haha... I bet they could easily get into an infinite loop....19:48
marcoceppinatefinch: I was really worried that ubot5` was going to start up again.19:49
marcoceppinatefinch: I wonder if you pasted a URL to another but in the title of a bug if it would set them off19:49
natefinchnatefinch: I was thinking about trolling them that way.... but i'd feel bad if they just spammed the channel for forever19:51
fraktHi, I'm trying Juju with DevStack and I'm getting this when I run juju bootstrap:20:08
frakterror: cannot query old bootstrap state: failed to GET object provider-state from container juju-674f89e24929d54fb4376c9bfad71193 caused by: cannot create service URLs caused by: the configured region "RegionOne" does not allow access to all required services, namely: compute, object-store access to these services is missing: object-store20:08
fraktDo I need to run an other type than "openstack" for devstack?20:09
marcoceppifrakt: I've not tried devstack and juju yet20:09
marcoceppifrakt: what does `juju version` say? just for reference20:09
marcoceppifrakt: okay, cool20:09
marcoceppifrakt: if you're just looking to play with juju, and you have an Ubuntu machine already, you could use the local provider. It uses LXC to create a cloud environment on your machine. Since charms work on all the different providers you'll get the same "juju" experience without having a cloud available to you yet20:10
fraktOk I'll try20:11
kurt_marcoceppi: thanks20:13
marcoceppifrakt: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-local.html20:14
marcoceppifrakt: you'll just need to install the `juju-local` package iirc20:15
nosleep77hi there. i'm trying to read up on deploying openstack on ubuntu and trying to wrap my head around juju and maas etc. is there a guide that explains the relationships and the process better? thanks20:15
marcoceppinosleep77: we're in the process of getting our docs super stellar to explain the whole juju, openstack, maas relationship. But they're still a bit behind. There are a few blog posts out there but I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you had20:17
nosleep77marcoceppi: thanks i'm still doing some initial reading so if you can tell me about those blogs that would be awesome. i basically wanted to do a simple one or two node openstack deployment to get a taste of things20:18
marcoceppinosleep77: well, there's no real "simple" openstack deployment. At least not with one to two nodes. Juju's default mode of operation is one unit of service per machine. So following that and the openstack services we have "charmed" you'll need a min of 7 pieces of hardware to standup openstack at this time. There's things like containerization and stuch that will allow you to co-locate services on one physical machine but they're not20:20
marcoceppifully implemented yet.20:20
marcoceppinosleep77: let me find you some further reading20:20
nosleep77marcoceppi: thank you; however RDO has packstack which can be done on a single node then there's also devstack and stackops and i'm sure others that I can use as well... I thought maybe something like that existed for ubuntu server since I generally like ubuntu20:22
marcoceppinosleep77: so, with juju you /can/ do openstack all on one machine, it's just not really tested or recommended at the moment20:22
marcoceppinosleep77: here's a video of deploying openstack with the Juju GUI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mspwQfoYQks20:23
nosleep77marcoceppi: that's not a problem at all.. i can still try to do it and see how it goes... i do have resources to bring up 3-4 VMs and my hypervisor passes the virt cpu flags so i should be good.. not real hardware but it should work i think20:24
nosleep77marcoceppi: thank you20:24
marcoceppinosleep77: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure20:24
marcoceppinosleep77: feel free to ask any questions you may have here, on askubuntu.com with the "juju" tag, or to our mailing list juju@lists.ubuntu.com20:25
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nosleep77oh fantastic... thanks! for some reason this link wasn't coming up in the google search.. thank you20:25
marcoceppinosleep77: finally, if you haven't already, here are our user docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs20:26
marcoceppiThere's also a whole host of videos in our video section of the site, nosleep77, https://juju.ubuntu.com/resources/videos/20:27
nosleep77thanks that gives me enough for a couple days :)20:27
marcoceppinosleep77: cheers!20:28
nosleep77marcoceppi: cheers!20:28
fraktfrakt@ubuntu:~$ sudo juju bootstrap error: no reachable servers20:33
fraktk? :)20:33
marcoceppifrakt: run `sudo juju destroy-environment` then `sudo juju bootstrap -v --debug` and pate the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com20:38
marcoceppifrakt: what version of ubuntu are you on? 12.04?20:40
marcoceppifrakt: did you add the ppa:juju/stable ppa?20:40
fraktgonna try on my other machine, sec20:41
marcoceppifrakt: run sudo juju destroy-environment again, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mongodb-server20:41
marcoceppifrakt: You just need a more recent version of mongodb; the precise version isn't compiled with ssl support. The mongodb in the stable ppa will fix that20:41
fraktok yeah I did things the wrong order I guess :)20:42
fraktso there's supposed to be a web ui for juju? https://juju.ubuntu.com/resources/the-juju-gui/20:47
marcoceppifrakt: yup, it's actually packaged as a charm, so it's optional.20:47
fraktah I see!20:47
marcoceppifrakt: if you've got juju status saying that there's a machine 0 ready to go20:47
marcoceppifrakt: you can add it with `juju deploy juju-gui` and once that's in a started state, you can navigate to the address and use that from there on out20:47
fraktcool, I'll give it a try20:48
marcoceppifrakt: the GUI's great and does almost everything the command line does, it does tend to lag a little behind new features, but they're always working to close the gap20:49
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fraktI guess it's a success! :)21:05
marcoceppifrakt: Yup! nice!21:06
marcoceppifrakt: just need to fill out the last bit of stuff on that setup page you'll have a running WordPress install21:06
marcoceppifrakt: local provider doesn't have a firewaller, so in the future you'll need to expose the wordpress service before being able to access it21:06
marcoceppifrakt: there are a few minor caveats between the local provider and the other cloud providers, but they're minor in nature21:07
fraktI did juju expose wordpress but uts still on a different LAN than my desktop computer so I use a http tunnel to access it21:07
fraktis there an easy way to expose it to my 'real' lan?21:07
marcoceppifrakt: not without tweaking lxc configuration, it's only available to the host machine running the juju commands21:08
marcoceppifrakt: let me see if there's a blog post on it, if not I'll look in to it this weekend21:08
marcoceppifrakt: here's a bug report and a very brief answer on askubuntu21:09
_mup_Bug #1064263: Allow local containers to be exposed on the network <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064263>21:09
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1064263 in juju-core "Allow local containers to be exposed on the network" [Undecided,New]21:09
_mup_Bug #1064263: Allow local containers to be exposed on the network <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064263>21:09
marcoceppicalm down ubuntu bots!21:10
marcoceppikurt_: I'm about to head out for the night, it's a Friday here in the US so most of us have left for the weekend. If you have questions and no ones around to answer http://askubuntu.com is a great place to stick them or you can mail the juju mailing list: juju@lists.ubuntu.com21:11
marcoceppias well as leave them here, I'll be back in a few hours21:11
kurt_marcoceppi: cool.  Thanks again for your help.21:23
zradmindoes anyone have an idea on how to force the juju provisioner to start in 1.13.3? Im running into the bug where the api starts first and i cant frovision new machines21:24
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zradmindoes anyone have a fix for the 17070 provision errors?22:42
zradminin the bug report it states that it should eventually resolve itself, but it still hasn't come online22:42
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