
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
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tsimpsondoes anyone know how to authenticate a session to launchpad, via launchpadlib, for a website? the instructions on https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Authenticated_access_for_website_integration don't seem to work12:14
wgranttsimpson: What's not working? The credential API may have changed a little since those docs were written.12:16
tsimpsonwgrant: when I try the line `launchpad = Launchpad(credentials, service_root="production")` I get a type error:  __init__() takes at least 4 arguments (3 given)12:18
wgrant    def __init__(self, credentials, authorization_engine,12:19
wgrant                 credential_store, service_root=uris.STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT,12:19
tsimpsonso the documentation seem outdated, and I don't know what I should be putting for the other parameters12:20
wgrantHave you checked how other callsites use it?12:20
tsimpsonnot really, this is an old script, probably written around the last time that page was edited12:21
tsimpsonI just noticed that it's not working (because we never really used it too much)12:22
tsimpsonI'm hoping not to have to make a whole rewrite to pull a list of teams from Launchapd for authentication for teams12:22
wgranttsimpson: Why are you not using Launchpad.login_with? Do you have a custom credentials file?12:24
tsimpsonwgrant: because the code existed before .login_with did12:24
wgrantRight, but can you just port it to login_with and be done?12:25
tsimpsonand because the guide in the wiki doesn't say one should12:25
wgrantThat's usually the easiest.12:25
wgranttsimpson: What about the section immediately before the one you linked?12:25
wgrantYou're not doing it for website integration, are you?12:25
wgrantlogin_with is fine for most scripts12:26
tsimpsonall I need to do is pull a list of team memberships12:27
tsimpsonit's just a python CGI script12:27
wgrantIt's not so much a question of what the script does, more of how it's used.12:27
tsimpsonbut it needs to know if someone is in certain lp teams12:27
wgrantHm, unless those teams are private it can probably do that anonymously.12:28
wgrantDoes it need auth at all? If not, login_anonymously is your friend.12:28
tsimpsonI'm not sure, I can't actually remember if this existed before anonymous login was supported12:29
tsimpsonteam memberships should be public information, right?12:29
tsimpsonbut I still need a way to know which person to look up team membership for, I need some kind of authentication from the launchpad side12:30
wgrantUnless the team is private, yes.12:31
wgrantHm, most sites do that by using SSO for authentication, then asking Launchpad for the user corresponding to the logged in OpenID identifier.12:33
wgranthttps://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg06239.html describes the changes to authentication12:33
wgrant4. Use login_with() instead of the Launchpad constructor.12:34
tsimpsonI was hoping not to need to rewrite the whole authentication stage12:34
wgrant5. If your script is not intended for interactive use, pass in a credentials_file argument to login_with() to avoid the keyring.12:34
wgrantAre probably the relevant bits12:34
tsimpsonif that's the way to do it, I guess I have no choice but to just rewrite it :)12:34
wgrantYou certainly have to rework how your authentication interfaces with the launchpadlib API.12:35
wgrantBecause that interface has changed.12:35
wgrantBut the same workflow should be possible with a little work.12:35
tsimpsonyeah, it's just some work I hoped I wouldn't have to do12:35
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ricotzwgrant, hello, are you around by any chance?14:28
ricotzwgrant, i am curious about the limitations of armhf ppa builds, it seems there are more and more daily-recipe building going on which obviously isnt going well with the amount of available armhf builders14:30
ricotzjust as an example for daily building with 9+ hours buildtime -- https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/cython-py2+3-daily -- https://launchpad.net/~cython-dev/+archive/master-ppa/+build/497234214:31
dobeyricotz: yeah, and they are emulated builders, not real hardware.14:33
cjwatsonFWIW the number of builders isn't fixed, but we've had to keep it low for the past day or so because the x86 queues have been scary14:35
cjwatsonSo most of the wanis have been on x86 duty14:36
ricotzi see, i am asking because e.g. the elementaryOS daily ppa got the armhf support revoked for way less intrusive buildtimes14:38
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ricotzbut yeah, if there are more builders again the situation would be better14:39
ricotzsince currently this ppa blocks all available armhf builds for 9+ hours now14:40
ricotzand it seems 14 hours are expected -- https://code.launchpad.net/~cython-dev/+archive/master-ppa/+build/494921614:41
cjwatsonI'll let wgrant reply as to the policy matter14:41
ricotzthanks for taking notice14:41
cjwatsonI've thrown one extra builder over to armhf for now14:42
cjwatsonReally, though, people need to stop building everything for precise/quantal/raring/saucy ...14:43
ricotz+ lucid (in this case)14:44
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me4oslavAnyone in here good with reading buildlogs and founding the issues in them?18:21
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dobeyme4oslav: what log?18:26
me4oslavdobey: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/150120363/buildlog.txt.gz18:34
me4oslavI've had a similar error, but it was caused by cyrillic icon in the source, which is gone18:35
me4oslavthan one build was success18:35
me4oslavand then this happened18:35
me4oslavI checked the entire source for cyrillic18:36
me4oslavnot a trace18:36
dobeyme4oslav: looks like there's a zero width no-break space in a filename18:41
dobeyme4oslav: don't ask me how it got committed to bzr though18:41
me4oslavdobey: so, what do I do? Here is the commit after which I got that error: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~numix/numix-utouch-style/trunk/revision/5118:45
dobeyme4oslav: i don't know. branch locally and try to find the offending file. then fix it?18:48
Soul-Singany staff here for a pm?18:55
me4oslavdobey: right. So I downloaded the .diff and branched the branch. Should I look in the diff file for sth?19:14
dobeyme4oslav: compare the file names by their bytes, and not by the visible string19:17
me4oslavdobey: right, did that and: http://pastebin.com/6CpzyBwZ (the file sizes are from Nautilus properties dialog)19:52
dobeyme4oslav: i don't mean bytes as in how much space they use on disk. i mean the actual bytes that make up the file name strings19:53
me4oslavdobey: and you confused me. How to I do that?19:54
dobeyfor instance "" <- that isn't an empty string, but a string that contains the \feff character (so it is 2 bytes instead of 0)19:54
dobeyme4oslav: find . -name "**" <- this should work the 0xfeff character is between the two * characters, there19:56
me4oslavdobey: aha, here is the bugger: me4oslav@laptop:/media/Data/Main/Visuals/Icons$ find . -name "**"20:02
dobeyme4oslav: great. rename it to the proper name without the non-breaking space and it should fix it then i guess20:04
dobeyit's probably failing on the builder because the builders are sadly still running 8.04 :(20:04
me4oslavdobey: I deleted it, cos it didn't do any good. Thank you so much.20:06
MoonMakerHi! I have a question about my daily receipt: https://code.launchpad.net/~moonmaker/+recipe/twonkyserver-daily20:45
MoonMakerI want to build 3 debs from one source. But it seems like that it isn't possible?20:46
MoonMakerwhen I test it locally, then its working. But on launchpad I have no success. My control file is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~moonmaker/+junk/twonkyserver/files/head:/debian/20:46
MoonMakerDoes anyone has an idea? Thanks for help!20:47
MoonMakerhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/235686 <- I'm waiting for your hints ;-)20:55

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