
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
=== blahblah123 is now known as m113t
BluesKajhey folks12:12
EvilRoeyhello all16:01
EvilRoeyI want to hack on Konsole in the KDE 4.11 branch; what are the names of the KDE devel packages I need to install?16:02
EvilRoeyoh hey genii16:07
* genii sips his coffee and ponders where the less evil Roey went16:10
EvilRoeyI choked him back to full-on Evil16:11
EvilRoeylike at the end of Superman!16:11
EvilRoeybut the opposite16:11
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
unknown101how can i patch my gaming keyboard so its compatible with ubuntu?18:35
=== LinuxGol_ is now known as LinuxGold
=== sporkeee is now known as wilee-nilee
johnjohn1015 more weeks!!20:40
=== LinuxGol_ is now known as LinuxGold
dupondjeSomebody with Audacious installed ?21:30
pepeeso, if you find a bug in some driver, and there already is a patch for it, can it be applied to the current kernel, and how?21:48
geniipepee: Maybe look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DKMS21:53
pepeegenii, but also, should I report it?21:56
pepeethis is it btw:  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4382921:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 43829 in DRM/Radeon "Resuming my AMD A4-3300 based laptop leaves the screen black" [Normal,New]21:56
geniipepee: I'm pretty sure it's already been reported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/fglrx/+bug/95827922:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 958279 in fglrx "FGLRX DPMS support totally broken, fails to wake up the monitor after putting it to sleep." [High,Confirmed]22:01
pepeegenii, this is the FOSS driver22:02
pepeewhich, btw, has impoved a lot22:02
brainwashA LOT22:04
geniipepee: Looks like a similar bug filed against xserver-xorg-driver-ati ... is this radeon or ati driver?22:04
pepeebrainwash, alot22:05
brainwashit's finally usable22:05
pepeeand we have VDPAU22:05
brainwashyes, vdpau support22:06
brainwashjust awesome22:06
pepeeI wish 3.12 was out already...22:06
brainwashand it's only 201322:06
johnjohn101everything will get better with Mir, don't worry22:06
brainwashmore improvements in 3.12?22:07
pepeebetter hardware support, bugfixes22:09
DaekdroomDo we have vdpau support?22:11
DaekdroomI don't. Atleast not out of the box, and I can't find any package with it.22:11
johnjohn101is this the opensource driver or the closed source driver you're talking about?22:11
brainwashopen source one22:12
pepeeDaekdroom, you need kernel 3.11 + some other packages22:13
pepeeone package is missing...22:13
Daekdroompepee, I know. Those 'some other packages' aren't in saucy repos.22:13
pepeethis one is in oibaf's repo22:13
brainwashthe uvd firmaware should be included in linux-firmware, or?22:13
Daekdroombrainwash, we're lacking the VDPAU driver itself, I think.22:14
pepeealso, yeah, you need the firmware files22:14
brainwashdpkg -L linux-firmware | grep -i uvd22:14
Daekdroomthe linux-firmware should be in sync with Debian so I think that part is ok.22:14
dupondjeI wish my crappy cursor got fixed once :(22:17
dupondjeits like a hell really when playing music in audacious22:17
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee

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