
=== jono is now known as Guest64072
dholbachgood morning06:45
nigelbHello dholbach, Happy Friday the Thirteenth ;)06:45
dholbachhi nigelb06:46
AskUbuntuWhere can I submit or read reviews for hardware components? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34500807:37
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
smartboyhwhttp://hk.digitalfreedomfoundation.org/sfd2013/schedule \o/10:13
dakermhall119: ping13:41
mhall119daker: pong13:47
dakermhall119: can you point me to someone who can me fix the packaging for my app13:48
dakeri can't build it for armhf13:48
dakermhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~rad.io-devs/+recipe/rad.io-daily13:50
mhall119daker: see #ubuntu-touch, I'll try and get you some help13:58
dakerok thanks13:59
dakersmartboyhw: congrats!!!!!16:06
smartboyhwdaker, if you are meaning for the SFD, thank you16:06
smartboyhwOh, not that-.-16:07
dholbachall right my friends16:48
dholbachhave a great weekend!16:48
dholbachhugs hugs hugs16:48
josemarcoceppi: yeah, can update it for sure, can you give me the details, please?23:34

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