
cyphermoxMirv: in case you wonder and don't see my email, disk is full on jenkins, so it's not starting jobs for now. I tried to ping the required people and sent emails.02:53
Mirvcyphermox: wow. I wonder if there anything we could clean up.03:49
Mirvnot much, it seems04:17
=== alf|xmir-devel is now known as alf_
slomotjaalton: i meant a bug at bugzilla.gnome.org :) anyway, i can't test that stream... i only get "can't connect to destination" immediately05:54
tjaaltonslomo: ah, well I can find another one06:11
tjaaltonslomo: http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r1.asx06:12
slomotjaalton: ah, mms. thanks06:15
sil2100Mirv: do we still have the problem you mentioned in the e-mail?07:21
sil2100Mirv: I'll re-run QA just in case to see what's the status07:24
sil2100Mirv: right... it seems broken now ;/07:25
Mirvsil2100: yes, there are the disconnections still07:25
sil2100Mirv: I'll try launching the daily-release-executor07:26
sil2100Mirv: since it seems to be down and we can't do more than 2 things at once07:26
* sil2100 sighs07:27
Mirvsil2100: yeah. how do you launch that, I didn't know and waited for plars to possibly restore that too?07:28
sil2100Mirv: wanted to do that myself but it doesn't seem in my powers, so I'll poke someone in #qa as well07:29
sil2100Mirv: it saddens me that all those problems appear now that we need to have the process working top-notch07:30
Mirvsil2100: try pinging plars in case he's still there07:30
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slomotjaalton: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70801008:24
ubot2`Gnome bug 708010 in gst-plugins-ugly "asfdemux: add support dvr-ms files" [Blocker,New]08:24
tjaaltonslomo: ooh, thanks08:29
tjaaltonlinked to it from the lp bug08:31
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slomotjaalton: did it work in 1.0.x?10:19
slomotjaalton: oh nevermind, of course it did10:20
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pittiGood morning12:50
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sil2100cyphermox: hi!14:27
cyphermoxsil2100: hey14:28
sil2100cyphermox: did you poke jibel about the view on jenkins?14:29
sil2100cyphermox: since I still don't see Saucy on jenkins14:29
jibelsil2100, yes he did but didn't have time to do it at the moment14:29
jibelcyphermox, is there someone on the ci team that could help with this, I'll explain how to do it, it is not rocket science14:30
cyphermoxjibel: do you have time to look at tis now?14:30
cyphermoxjibel: I will come see you14:30
jibelcyphermox, I'm in a meeting14:30
cyphermoxjibel: then in a half-hour?14:31
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sil2100fginther: hi!14:55
sil2100fginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_new_click_projects/+merge/185521 <- could you take a look and setup a merger for those?14:55
didrockssil2100: hey, please don't run anything btw14:56
sil2100kenvandine: hi! How is your workload today? Could you take a look and check if all is ok? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/clickmanager-plugin/first_packaging/+merge/18547614:56
sil2100didrocks: ACK14:56
didrockssil2100: we are trying to run manually indicators as well as webapps14:56
sil2100didrocks: you guys taking care of indicators?14:56
didrockshope everything's find14:56
didrocksand process them14:56
sil2100Aye aye14:56
sil2100cyphermox, jibel: yay, the saucy view on jenkins starts appearing \o/ Thanks guys14:57
fginthersil2100, approved, should have them deployed in the next 15 minutes14:58
sil2100fginther: thanks!14:59
sil2100didrocks, fginther: btw. I would need a PPA with armhf enabled to push a test package build - do you know what PPA I could use now?14:59
fginthersil2100, ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/testing?15:00
sil2100Thanks :)15:01
jibelsil2100, done, sending an RT to do the same on puclib instance15:09
kenvandinesil2100, sure, in just a few minutes15:16
* kenvandine is about to push a branch of content-hub that mostly works with confined apps :)15:17
sil2100kenvandine: \o/ Awesooomeee15:19
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kenvandinesil2100, don't get too excited... i still need to implement the store part, which actually gives the requesting app the content in a location it has access too :)15:28
kenvandinebut it's getting damn close to being "1.0" ready :)15:28
jbichachrisccoulson: could you review the patch at bug 1195367?15:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1195367 in ubufox (Ubuntu) "Firefox about:home doesn't work right when set with ubuntu-defaults-builder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119536715:33
sil2100kenvandine: I updated that branch in the meantime, fixing some qmake things15:34
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mterryrobru, poke about tests for qt*15:50
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sil2100kenvandine: will you have a moment to sponsor a new package version for meh?17:17
sil2100kenvandine: thanks for the review btw.!17:17
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu/saucy/grilo/saucy-cherry-pick/+merge/185554 <- ;)17:28
kenvandinesil2100, sure17:32
sil2100kenvandine: big thank you! I guess the merge is unnecessary, but oh well17:33
kenvandinesil2100, no worries, it makes it easy :)17:33
kenvandinesil2100, uploaded17:37
sil2100kenvandine: yay :D17:38
sil2100Thank you!17:38
kenvandinesil2100, np17:39
kenvandinesil2100, what's the status of the touch image?  are we in a state where we can look at publishing content-hub?17:39
sil2100kenvandine: didrocks didn't update me on anything, so I guess it's still 'do-not-touch' ;p17:40
cyphermoxsil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro-config/add-indicators-test-packages/+merge/185555 ?17:41
cyphermoxkenvandine: indeed, we don't publish anything -- just stuff that is strictly asked for by asac, basically17:42
cyphermoxthe automatic builds are disabled, too17:43
sil2100cyphermox: approved!17:43
cyphermoxsil2100: thanks17:43
kenvandineasac, what's the status?  Are we in a state where we could publish content-hub?17:43
didrocksyeah, DNT17:48
didrocksDo No Touch ;)17:48
kenvandineok... the code is stacking up there :)17:49
* kenvandine is working on the content store now so confined apps can access the data :)17:49
cyphermoxdidrocks: shortly we should be able to restart indicators just for the check part17:50
cyphermoxstuff is still building though :(17:50
didrockscyphermox: you can kill the build jenkins job17:50
didrockscyphermox: and just restart, it will monitor again17:51
cyphermoxah, ok then17:51
didrocksit's stateful ;)17:51
cyphermoxwe're just waiting for amd6417:51
cyphermoxkill webapps too?17:52
asackenvandine: content-hub was landed yesterday17:54
asacso... not sure what you want :)17:55
asackenvandine: can you tell me which apps are using content hub?17:55
kenvandinehumm... version in the archive is a bit old17:55
kenvandineubuntu-system-settings and gallery-app17:55
asackenvandine: unity8 doesnt use this?17:55
kenvandinegallery-app has a MP failing CI too because it doesn't have the latest17:56
kenvandineasac, ah, the seed for it landed17:57
kenvandinei still need the package published17:57
asackenvandine: so can we run the current gallery-app autopilot on top of it and it will succeed?17:57
kenvandinewell, afaik :)17:58
kenvandinegusch has handled the gallery-app part17:58
kenvandinebut he has a branch pending that is failing CI because content-hub is too old17:58
kenvandineasac, i also have several branches pending review... so quite a bit of stuff will be ready to land next week17:59
kenvandineincluding persistent peer registry, confined apps work and sdk component18:00
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
asackenvandine: so good news is that we believe we can parallelie everything that has proper autopilot tests and goes through CI starting mid next week18:01
kenvandineasac, should i list all the content-hub features that are landing soon on your spread's ask worksheet?18:02
asackenvandine: can you ensure that your content-hub thing is in the landing doc18:02
kenvandinespreadsheet rather18:02
kenvandinewill do18:02
robrumterry, did you get the tests running?18:05
kenvandineasac, i don't have edit perms on that18:06
asackenvandine: check with your lead18:10
asaci think that was in the email, no?18:10
fginthercyphermox, or kenvandine, can you review? https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/update-autopilot-ppas/+merge/18556918:50
kenvandinefginther, are you sure about landing for saucy with raring?18:55
fgintherkenvandine, right the saucy source trunk gets pushed into the ppa for raring and the t-series gets pushed into the ppa for saucy. This provides a cheap way to get the latest autopilot bits from the prior series18:59
didrocksrobru: FYI, that won't work:
didrockslook at other packages, you need in debian/rules with --migrations19:48
robrudidrocks, yes, we added that in webapps-applications19:48
robrudidrocks, remember, because rules.mk is centralised19:48
didrocks(and same on others)19:49
didrockshum, I doubt that the file is shipped in the binary then19:49
didrocksgot you19:49
didrocksI hope it was done in 2 stages19:49
didrockswith bumped build-dep19:49
robrudidrocks, yeah, minor bootstrapping issue there, webapps-applications needs to be released first19:49
didrocksI think it's a little bit too late ;)19:49
didrocksthe build-dep needed to be bumped19:49
robrualex-abreu, ^^ looks like you forgot to bump the build dep for that migrations trick19:50
robrualex-abreu, or rather, *we* forgot, since I reviewed it ;-)19:50
robrudidrocks, so will this sort itself out? or are the webapps going to block on this until we bump the versions19:51
didrocksrobru: no, please bump the build-dep19:51
didrocksI won't release that one19:51
didrocksand you lost your slot for today19:51
robrudidrocks, crap19:51
robrudidrocks, so no matter what this is blocked until monday19:51
alex-abreurobru, argh,19:51
didrocksrobru: 5 hours to build?19:51
didrocksso too late for today19:52
alex-abreurobru, ok le's schedule that for monday19:52
robrudidrocks, don't look at me, it does not take 5 hours. webapps stack usually builds in 20 mins or so. something is seriously broken if it takes 5 hours19:52
didrocksalex-abreu: it needs to be in trunk for Monday19:52
didrocksrobru: launchpad took 5h today19:52
didrocksI spent my whole time on it19:52
robrualex-abreu, ok, I am on my way to lunch, will handle the build deps when i get back19:52
alex-abreudidrocks, why in trunk for monday?19:53
didrocksalex-abreu: otherwise, I won't release on Monday19:53
didrocksand it will probably be in a later slot19:53
alex-abreurobru, ok19:54
didrocksalex-abreu: ask your manager to edit https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=0 once it's fixed19:57
didrocksadding a comment that the build-dep is fixed19:57
robrualex-abreu, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/webapps-applications/migrations-version-bump/+merge/185599 step one ;-)21:01
alex-abreuI should have thought about bumping the ver :/21:02
robrualex-abreu, it's ok, i forgot too.21:02
robrualex-abreu, next I will change all the debian/controls to require 2.4.1721:03
robrualex-abreu, didn't bother with MP for such a trivial change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~webapps/unity-webapps-bbcnews/trunk/revision/52 (identical diff for all other webapps too)21:22
robrualex-abreu, so what was that about informing your manager? who even is your manager these days? pat?21:25
alex-abreurobru, david barth21:45
alex-abreurobru, +1 for the change21:45

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