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micahgLoganCloud: did you file an FFe for all the packaging changes related to the timblserver and ticcutils syncs?00:38
LoganCloudI didn't figure that it required an FFe because there were no features added (just a package rename for ticcutils) and no transition invoked (I checked all build dependencies first). It is all to fix an RC bug.00:41
micahgLoganCloud: new binary packages require an FFe, it also started a transition (which I think is worthwhile, but now needs to be completed)00:41
LoganCloudBut I checked all of the packages, and all of them already has libticcutils2-dev as at least an alternate build dependency. I do admit my mistake in not filing an FFe, though. Sorry about that.00:43
LoganCloudOne sec, let me hop on IRC on my machine.00:43
jbichasee the build wait on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/timblserver/1.7-400:44
Logan_Shoot. Should I sync timbl 6.4.4-4 as well?00:45
Logan_Probably requires an FFe.00:45
micahgLogan_: see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html under libticcutils-dev00:45
micahgI'd file an FFe for all of them00:46
micahgor at least the ones with binarypackage changes00:46
micahgwhich seems to be quite a few00:46
Logan_Alright. I'm working on a problem set right now, but I'll do that tonight. My bad.00:47
porthoseWould a kind Release Team Member please accept the ampache upload, it is a bug fix only upload https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/ampache/3.6-rzb2752+dfsg-0ubuntu402:21
micahgporthose: shouldn't be needed02:26
ESphynxmicahg: Good evening :)02:28
porthosemicahg, not sure if this matters, but these bugs where not reported on launchpad but the BTS instead02:28
ESphynxmicahg: Any chance you could help us save the faith of the Ecere fixes to be included in Saucy? :)02:29
micahgporthose: the archive isn't frozen, stuff can float through as needed (uploaders are expected to request FFes when appropriate)03:12
micahgESphynx: how?03:13
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ESphynxmicahg: i don't really know :\  still awaiting review @ http://mentors.debian.net/package/ecere-sdk ... I'm guessing xnox is away and/or busy =)03:44
ESphynxbesides I got some extra fixes which finally solves the issues with Unity which will be available in 0.44.1 which I'm hoping will be ready this weekend =)03:44
micahgESphynx: sorry, not a DD yet03:45
ESphynxare you a UD? :)03:46
ESphynxI'm just hoping a FFe will still be available once it's in Debian :)03:46
ESphynxalthough there's not really new feature so not sure if a FFe is required?03:47
micahgESphynx: yeah, I can upload to Ubuntu03:49
micahgESphynx: FFe is required for new binary, significant packaging changes, or new features03:50
ESphynxyeah none of that applies03:53
Noskcaj_cjwatson: sorry about the quality of the fonts-liberation merges, i was rushing to try and have them all ready before i went to school03:57
cjwatsonThat's OK, I'll fix them up.  Though I need to have another attempt at sleeping soon.03:59
Noskcaj_thanks, and sleep is good, although not many people i see in ubuntu realise that03:59
cjwatsonI'm perfectly aware that sleep is good.  That doesn't mean my body agrees.04:00
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dholbachgood morning06:45
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Adri2000Noskcaj: #1224337 it's not closed yet, I think you need some sleep ;)08:42
NoskcajAdri2000, sorry, i was going to sleep when you told me and leaving for school when jeremy reminded me, i'll fix now08:43
Adri2000no problem08:43
Noskcajbug 122433708:44
ubottubug 1224337 in filezilla (Ubuntu) "Sync filezilla 3.7.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122433708:44
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ockhamhi, i've been told it'll still be possible to upload gourmet 0.16.1 after FF as it's largely a bug fix release19:03
ockhamand i've been asked to sync back from debian19:03
ockhamdebian now has 0.16.1-119:03
jtaylorockham: I'll have a look19:05
ockhamjtaylor: cool, thx!19:05
jtaylorthe ubuntu changes can be dropped?19:05
ockhamjtaylor: i need to look into that19:05
jtaylorplease do, there seem to be a lot19:06
ockhamdebian maintainer did adopt some of my changes, but probably not all of them19:06
ockhami'm both upstream and author of 0.16.0-0ubuntu119:06
ockhamwant me to list them here, or in a pastebin, or in a sync request proper?19:08
jtaylorI can sponsor a merge19:08
ockhammeaning i'd need to prepare 0.16.1-1ubuntu1 ?19:09
jtaylorif the changes from debian are minor we could drop them19:11
ockhamjtaylor: yeah, that's what i'm thinking, too19:12
ockhame.g. debian maintainer is reluctant to use versioned depends/build-depends when unstable satisfies them anyway19:13
jtaylorwhat about stable?19:13
ockhami think stable does, too19:13
jtaylorprecise is younger than debian oldstable19:14
jtaylorare there versioned depends required in ubuntu?19:14
ockhami guess not. but i'll give it a quick try -- running precise anyway19:15
jtaylorthe debian maintainer should not be relucatant if its not satisfied in oldstable19:15
ockhamjtaylor: well. squeeze has sqlalchemy 0.6-something, but we need >=0.719:16
jtaylorhm precise has 0.719:17
jtaylorso we can drop it19:17
ockhamyeah, it should be fine. installing the debian package now (but i've tested mine here before anyway)19:18
ockhamlooks good19:19
jtaylorall the patches in ubuntu are applied in debian and ubuntu?19:20
ockhami'm afraid license-location isn't in debian19:21
ockhamscratch that19:22
ockhamit's just named differently19:22
jtaylorok good, the rest of the changes seem more cosmetic so we can drop them19:24
ockhamjtaylor: cool!19:25
jtaylork syncing19:25
ockhamjtaylor: great, thx!19:25
ockhamcool, that was quick!19:26
jtayloryes syncing is easy, thus we always try to avoid differences to debian :)19:28
ockhamjtaylor: i know. tried to talk debian maintainer into adopting my changes for 0.16.0 already, but he didn't react in time for raring FF19:28
ockham...and after that, also only kinda reluctantly19:28
ockhambtw, on another subject: is SRUing as easy as syncing ? ;-) talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/beautifulsoup/+bug/972466 and precise...19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 972466 in Beautiful Soup "lxml HTML parser mangles documents whose <meta> tags define the charset as other than UTF-8" [Undecided,Fix released]19:29
ockhamoh, sry, need to go afk for a bit...19:30
jtaylorockham: SRUS are more work, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:36
jtaylorbut if the fix is reasonable and can easily be tested its ok19:36
ockhamok, i'll look into that later. bye for now, and thx again for syncing!20:10
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mikeitcolor test23:45
mikeitcolor test23:46
mikeitcolor test23:48

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