
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
DanChapmanGood Morning all05:57
elfyhi DanChapman05:58
Noskcajhey DanChapman06:01
DanChapmanhey elfy, Noskcaj06:07
maclinmorning DanChapman, It is afternoon in China now:)06:10
Noskcajmaclin, it's afternoon where i am too06:12
elfyDanChapman: it's the right time here :p06:13
=== mzanetti is now known as mzanetti|lunch
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== _salem is now known as salem_
balloonsmorning morning12:56
DanChapmanHowdy balloons o/12:56
smartboyhwballoons, howdy12:57
smartboyhwballoons, how many people did you manage to get on yesterday?12:58
balloonssmartboyhw, doesn13:04
smartboyhwballoons, dozen or doesn't?13:04
balloonssmartboyhw, doesn't it seem more crowded in here?13:04
smartboyhwballoons, no.13:05
balloonsDanChapman, howdy13:06
DanChapmanballoons: Something cool to start your day. I figured out how to select an item in a combobox today. So all GtkComboBox now has a select_item function :-)13:07
balloonsDanChapman, o really?13:07
balloonsDanChapman, I have a surprise for you as well13:07
DanChapmanOh whats that? tell me tell me13:08
balloonsDanChapman, I can't ruin the surprise: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/122209313:08
DanChapmanYeah it works really well, it even has a testcase :-)13:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1222093 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Header hides file list content" [Critical,Triaged]13:08
balloonsoopps, lol not that13:08
balloonsla_juyis, meet DanChapman and smartboyhw13:08
balloonsthere you are Howard, one more :-)13:09
* DanChapman waves to la_juyis 13:09
balloonsDanChapman, https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/autopilot/autopilot-sandbox-run/+merge/18538813:09
* la_juyis waves13:09
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
* rvr waves la_juyis13:10
DanChapmanballoons: thats awesome!13:12
=== mzanetti|lunch is now known as mzanetti
balloonsDanChapman, I thought you might be pleased to see that.. pretty sweet eh?13:14
balloonsit lets us finally test and review things without giving up our desktop. It's quite nice13:15
DanChapmanYeah its awesome, It can really slow you down at times waiting for a run to finish13:17
elopiogood morning team.13:19
balloonsbuenos dias elopio13:21
DanChapmanMorning elopio o/13:21
balloonselopio, is your merge for the emulator ready? today is the day my friend13:30
elopioballoons, not ready, I'm missing a self-test.14:01
elopioballoons, but please, review it. My test needs a fix on unity to land and I'm with a little hangover.14:02
elopioso today might not be the day :)14:02
balloonselopio, hoted I'll go through it. I sent the mail to thomi and you with the buglist affecting the emulator, I'd like to try and fix some of them if we can :-)14:09
elopioballoons, I'll write the emulators after lunch. Lets sit together at a desk.14:13
balloonsSergioMeneses, morning to you my friend14:21
SergioMenesesballoons, jam is coming :D14:21
balloonsSergioMeneses, it's so funny I am always traveling during the jams14:23
balloonsSergioMeneses, glad to see you are meeting.. have a blast!14:23
SergioMenesesballoons, this weekend will be great! a lot of things to do... but fun things :)14:25
la_juyiselopio, can i join you?14:42
elopiola_juyis, of course, you don't need to ask.14:45
veebersthomi: If you have a moment today could you cast your eyes over this please: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/adding-app-lifecycle-tests/+merge/18551415:06
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
elfyafternoon all16:47
knomehai elfy16:48
elfyhi knome16:48
elopiothomi, https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/base_autopilot_class/+merge/18517017:49
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
DanChapmanballoons, hey I sent you a review request for the gtk emulator, could you take a look when you get some time please :-)18:12
balloonsDanChapman, ohh excellent. Add pitti as well as a reviewer18:42
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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